Welcome to Klunatik`s official COMPILATIONS channel!
Here we will upload compilations and give more background information of these videos.
Check our MAIN channel for our latest videos: YOUTUBE.COM/KLUNATIK
For the coloring of the chicken we used an airbrush with blue paint
After every fake bite we had to color the chicken again
We create almost all the sound effects ourselves
For the more difficult sound effects we use an open source sound effect library
Also charlie the flytrap was painted blue for the video..
He had to take a really long bath after filming!!
we also used an blue airbrush but the original green color was still coming through
It took about 7 layers of blue paint before the green color was fading
It took 5 days for this film to create
The original video was uploaded on December 7th and was inspired by Black Friday
It was a nice idea to have black hand in the film but is was really hard to get them cleane after filming :S
Did you know there is a real edible black egg called a century egg?
I really like the sound of fake eating the egg shell, we made it ourselves
The black butter was difficult to make, the paint and butter (oil) didn't mix well together
This idea (eating an invisible meal) came from one of our subscribers!
We thought it was such a creative idea we had to make this video!
We didn't explain in the video title or description what we pretended to eat
We wanted our subscribers to guess what our invisible meal was!!
Can you guess whats on the menu?
Wait a minute, is that hot steam I see?
The sound effects are extra important in this video
This sounds a bit meaty, dont you think?
Wel this is a sound that everyone will recognize!
Let us know in the comments if you know what our meal was!!
(excuse me)
For more infomation >> EATING COLORED FOOD | KLUNATIK COMPILATION ASMR eating sounds no talk COMIENDO COMIDA COLOREADA - Duration: 10:04.-------------------------------------------
Philippe : comment il a piégé Macron - Duration: 5:44.
Leto Atreide II & Ghanima Atreide [...the golden path] - Duration: 1:56.
Peinture acrylique - Démonstration peinture abstraite au couteau | Brut - Duration: 7:20.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Manželská krize Růžičkových: Marie chtěla Vladimíra vyškolit, teď zůstala na všechno! - Duration: 3:03.
Comment repeindre soi-même les meubles de sa cuisine - Duration: 7:10.
Comment connecter une imprimante USB HP à l'aide d'un pilote complet sous Windows - Duration: 2:13.
Як-40 а/к Северсталь | Череповец - Великий Устюг - Duration: 16:14.
RA-88180 Yak-40
This winter is a very beautiful
There are direct flights from Cherepovets to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Veliky Ustyug
Seasonal flights to Minvody, Sochi, Simferopol, Anapa, Burgas, Batumi, Gelendzhik, Rostov-on-Don ...
During the winter holidays there were flights to Vienna!
Not many regional airports can boast of such a wide geography of flights
You can see 3 brand new SSJ100
They will start flights in February - March
In the meantime, Severstal has 5 CRJ-200 and 1 Yak-40
RA-88188 is preparing for the flight to Veliky Ustyug
There is a ver short runway in Ustyug and CRJ200 cannot fly there.
But this year runway will be extend to 1800 meters!
After reconstruction, the Yak-40 will no longer be needed
Cabin for 36 passengers
Firs flight in June 1976
Water or soda
On February 1, the airport will be closed and this flight will be transferred to neighboring Kotlas (70 km)
There is also a short runway there, so the Yak-40 is still flying ...
Interview Zouheir Guedri – Data&Data, membre de la Microsoft AI Factory - Duration: 1:44.
DVD - CAMINAMOS VICTORIOSOS [COMPLETO] | Grupo Santa Ley - Duration: 50:26.
Comprendre sa mission d'âme - Duration: 10:24.
#LastYearGame #Discord #Gaming #chat - Duration: 1:48:48.
Audio Asesoramiento Técnico Colocación Tutores - IberoPistacho - Duration: 2:30.
最新ニュース ! 先輩DA PUMPに続けるか? Lead「モザダン」のフェロモン度 - Duration: 3:32.
モザイクダンスを披 するLead 3人組ダンスボーカル ニット「Lead」が 9日、都内で30日発 のシングル「Be t e NAKED」リリ スイベントを行った
「モザイクダンス」と うお色気たっぷりのキ ッチーな踊りが特徴的 、事務所の大先輩のよ に大ブレークできるか 全員が30代を えたLeadにとって 0枚目のシングル
会場には30メートル 巨大横断幕(メンバー 古屋敬多(30)いわ 「作成費用は30万円 )が飾られ、まさに「 0」尽くしのシングル なった。谷内伸也(3 )は「勢いをつけれる うに、ストロングスタ ルに仕上がりました」 胸を張った
シングルのタイ ルを直訳すると「裸に れ!」ということで、 屋は「さらけ出すとい ことで、アキラ100 をやろうと思ったけど (会場は)360度だ ら見えちゃうので、や ました」と笑いながら かした
サビの部分で股間のあ りを手で交差する「モ イクダンス」と呼ばれ 振り付けが特徴的だ。 本輝(30)は「フェ モンだだ漏れでいきた 。(下半身を)優しく でる感じですね」と意 込んだ
昨年は所属事務 の先輩グループ「DA PUMP」の「U.S A.」が大ブレーク。 本は「U.S.A.を えたいということがあ ますね」と偉大な先輩 えを目標に掲げていた
「U.S.A.が ットした要因の一つに いいねダンス』があり す。ちびっ子から大人 でみんながマネして盛 上がった。モザイクダ スは特に子供たちに人 となりそうな踊りで、 ットする要素は十分に る」とレコード会社関 者
くしくも「Be th NAKED」はアニ 「火ノ丸相撲」のオー ニングテーマ曲に起用 れた。今年はモザイク ンスの年にすることが きるか?
Ako vymeniť zadný ložisko kolesa na VW CADDY 3 (2KB) [NÁVOD AUTODOC] - Duration: 6:49.
Voici comment utiliser du cumin pour perdre du poids - Duration: 7:27.
Comment connecter une imprimante USB HP à l'aide d'un pilote complet sous Windows - Duration: 2:13.
Oxford Canal & Huge TV Mast Install - 64 - Duration: 8:42.
Hello, thank you very much for watching.
I'm sorry it feels like I've vanished off the face of the earth this past couple of
months, but I've been so, so busy.
I haven't sold Alice and moved to the Netherlands, like one viewer asked me!
I've still got her.
Traveling along the waterways and still loving every minute of it.
The last two months have been super, super busy.
In the middle of December, I flew over to Romania for a week.
That was for Victron to film the fit out of a VW van.
That was really, really good fun and you can see the first two episodes of that, I've included
links in the description below.
There's about another two episodes to go with that series.
Then obviously there was Christmas and then when I came back from Christmas and right
up to the sort of middle of January, I've been busy on another project but that's all
finished and completed and now I'm free to travel around the system again.
This is the lovely Oxford Canal and I'm travelling south.
I was up on the Coventry Canal.
Inside the boat is starting to look very different as well.
I've got some friends on board helping me.
The oak sheets of wood that I had horizontal above the gunnel - the more I put on of those,
unfortunately, the darker Alice got inside and to be completely honest, it looked a bit
like a sauna!
So that's all come off.
The sheets of wood have been cut and they are going vertical below the gunnel and I'm
much, much happy with it.
Also, another key change inside is the cable tray down the centre of the ceiling.
While sitting there and once you've put something in a place, and you sit and look at it for
a while you feel very different about it and I felt different about it so I've removed
It felt like the ceiling was too cluttered and it felt like the ceiling was a lot lower
thank it actually was.
So that was removed and I've gone for a more traditional style
of cable trays either side of the ceiling
and damp-proof MDF sheeting that almost a bit, looks a bit like fake tongue and groove,
that style will be bent over the ceiling throughout the entire boat and it looks a lot neater.
The foil came off and luckily, I had a number of rolls extra so I've just refoiled bits and
Another great thing that's gone into Alice that's been made during the month of December
and bit of January is a brand-new oak, solid oak TV cabinet.
The Carpenter has been busy making it from scratch.
That will be featured in another episode coming up because I've gone into quite some detail
of how he's done it and what he's done and why I wanted things in certain places.
So that's gone in under the gunnel.
I've got a brand new television and that works fantastically and obviously lots and lots
of content coming up.
Some of it will be the Oxford Canal some of it will be fitting out the boat inside but
in this episode I am starting the Oxford Canal up at Hawkesbury Junction and also preparing
a new mast for the new television.
Back in June last year, you may remember, I featured the type of mobile broadband I
was using.
It has worked really well since then but when Alice was in the tunnel in November I trod
on the cables and they pulled out of the aerial, oops!
So, along with new cables, it's time to install a new television aerial and a longer
and stronger mast.
The pole is a standard scaffolding pole but it's aluminium, which is far lighter.
The pole will be fitted into two brackets.
One hole bracket that will support the mast and the lower is a cup bracket.
Both have tightening hex key bolts, to stop it banging in the wind.
I used one of the holes already at the stern that was used for the previous mount and drilled
a 12mm hole.
The holes steel edges were painted with primer to avoid rust and when dry the brackets were
I stuck some window tape behind each bracket mount to avoid water sitting there and rusting the
Instead of having a directional tv aerial I purchased a new dome omni directional version.
This means I can just put the pole up when moored and not fuss about aligning it.
The aerial is fitted to the top of the pole using three screws and has an amplifier inside,
which is powered via the tv lead and f-connector.
I received a number of helpful comments in the previous video about how to make a water
tight connection with the cables.
This time I am using heat shrink that is lined with glue.
forming a watertight seal.
On the N-type connectors on the bottom of the WiFi aerial I fitted two N-Type to female
BNC adaptors.
I purchased two 5 metre leads with pre fitted BNC connectors on their ends and they simply
screwed onto the adaptors.
As the heat shrinks diameter needed to be big enough to go right around the aerials
N-connectors, whilst it was still hot I added a cable tie to the end of the heat shrink
which brought it together nicely against the cable.
It was then time to raise the mast. I'll detail the tv end of the install in a future
episode that also includes my new tv cabinet.
I'll also show you how the cabinet was made and where I plan to put it inside the narrowboat.
We are really cracking on with lining Alice out and I've been busy filming all of it.
I'd like to give a big shout out to the following Patreon supporters.
Tom Barber Benjamin Lembree
Andy Copsey Talenin
And a mega thank you to Charlie Balke.
Thank you to all of you for all your support.
If you've not already subscribed, please do, it doesn't cost you anything and by
clicking the bell icon you'll be notified about future releases.
Until next time, see ya later.
Comprendre sa mission d'âme - Duration: 10:24.
Peinture acrylique - Démonstration peinture abstraite au couteau | Brut - Duration: 7:20.
Thanks for watching this video.
If you loved it remember to like this video to encourage me
Think also to click subscribe and click on the bell to receive my new videos.
If you want to go further and become an abstract painter, I have created
a DVD called Abstract painting Secrets to help you.
And best off, you can get this DVD for free!
It's in the description below the video!
See you soon ;)
Wohnpark im Grünen sucht Wohnbereichsleitung (m/w/d) - Duration: 2:37.
Як-40 а/к Северсталь | Череповец - Великий Устюг - Duration: 16:14.
RA-88180 Yak-40
This winter is a very beautiful
There are direct flights from Cherepovets to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Veliky Ustyug
Seasonal flights to Minvody, Sochi, Simferopol, Anapa, Burgas, Batumi, Gelendzhik, Rostov-on-Don ...
During the winter holidays there were flights to Vienna!
Not many regional airports can boast of such a wide geography of flights
You can see 3 brand new SSJ100
They will start flights in February - March
In the meantime, Severstal has 5 CRJ-200 and 1 Yak-40
RA-88188 is preparing for the flight to Veliky Ustyug
There is a ver short runway in Ustyug and CRJ200 cannot fly there.
But this year runway will be extend to 1800 meters!
After reconstruction, the Yak-40 will no longer be needed
Cabin for 36 passengers
Firs flight in June 1976
Water or soda
On February 1, the airport will be closed and this flight will be transferred to neighboring Kotlas (70 km)
There is also a short runway there, so the Yak-40 is still flying ...
Interview Zouheir Guedri – Data&Data, membre de la Microsoft AI Factory - Duration: 1:44.
What Alvaro Morata told Chelsea boss Maurizio Sarri before transfer deal was agreed move to Atletico - Duration: 3:12.
Denis Suarez to Arsenal: Barcelona manager confirms transfer is IMMINENT - Duration: 2:49.
Arsenal have been chasing the 25-year-old midfielder's signature since the transfer window opened
Manager Unai Emery convinced the Barca outcast - who he managed during his time in charge of Sevilla - to swap Catalunya for north London earlier this month
The loan deal appeared to be dead in the water last week after a dispute over the terms of the agreement
Arsenal were playing hardball over the fee they'd have to pay to permanently acquire Suarez's services in the summer, with Barcelona demanding £20million and the Gunners only willing to fork out £15million
An agreement has been reached, though, and according to Valverde, Suarez will complete his move to the Emirates before the transfer window closes on Thursday night
"I know Denis was in this situation. It's not official yet and we have to wait a little," Valverde said
"It was a possibility that everyone valued, and we hope that things go well." Emery remained coy on the transfer after Arsenal's 2-1 victory over Cardiff on Tuesday night, insisting he's not aware of the status of the deal
"There's no change in my idea, I think the same," the Spaniard said. "If some players can come here to help us, they will come
"The latest news? I don't know. Today all my focus has been on this match. "I've not spoken with anyone at the club who is working on that
"Maybe tonight or tomorrow, I will speak about the latest news. "My idea is the same: if we can sign one player to help us, it's good for us
" Suarez's exit appeared to be confirmed by his namesake Luis on Instagram on Tuesday
The former Liverpool man uploaded a picture himself hugging Suarez to his story with the accompanying caption: "Good luck little Galician in this new challenge
" Should Suarez pass a medical, he could make his Arsenal debut on Sunday against Manchester City
Rampage 2 Theme (Bass Cover) - Duration: 2:19.
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