That was my reaction after posting my last video. That was my reaction after
seeing your reaction after I posted my last video. Guys
you are awesome, look at this, 1.4 thousand views. I was racking up
thousands of views every day. You guys were commenting and messaging
like crazy. It wasn't just exG.Os, it was current G.Os, it was people who weren't
G.O's at all even people who've been on all-inclusive vacations were saying
well we kind of go through that too when we come back from a vacation. After
seeing all of those messages and comments I took to Facebook and
Instagram and I asked you, would you be interested if I shared some of the
stories that you sent in and you all said yes so this video is about that. So
today we're going to share some other things that happen when you stop being a
G.O, submitted by you. At the end of the video, I'll share the top three things
that you all mentioned, the most common things that happen to everyon, it was
almost unanimous. By the way there's going to be a little bit of French in
there so you can switch on the English
captions. For those who speak French, know that you can add -
I'm too excited.
For those who speak French, know that you can add subtitles on Youtube
to understand the whole video if you aren't too comfortable in English.
And we also have...
subtitles. I have to look that up.
in Spanish. With Youtube, it's possible.
ahh... man, my Spanish is doing so well!
Alright, so, here are
some other things that happen when you stop being a G.O.
Number 10.
You won't be able to buy clothes without thinking
of the dress code.
Shopping without a dress code now is awesome,
but it can be a little overwhelming at time.
Like Marie-Hélène wrote,
Sometimes it feels like it would be much simpler with a dress code.
For those of you who are not aware, every
night at Club Med there is a special dress code. It's super simple
blue and white, or all black. Guests don't have to participate in that dress code,
but the G.O's do. So when you're packing for your G.O mandate, you have to pack or
in some cases buy the clothes that correspond to each dress code. As Nati
Marques wrote, every time you go to a store you find yourself choosing clothes
according to the colors of the dress codes. If it doesn't fit with a dress
code, you're not gonna buy it because when will you wear it. I mean you could
wear it on your day off, but you tend to wear more loung-y
clothes on your day off. Anyway but that's for another video. Nick von
Holstein wrote what about going out on a Friday night and you're the only one
dressed in white. That hasn't happened to me yet Nick but that might be because
our white nights were on Thursdays when I left. Alright number nine.
You'll miss taking naps every day. yeah Jojo wrote in that one. She says she
misses napping. I know what you're thinking. What?? G.O's have time to nap?
I know we tend to hear about how busy G.O's are and how crazy their schedule
is and it is but they also have breaks. It is customary to take a nap
during that break time. As Jojo says, real jobs don't allow that unless you crawl
into your parked car at lunchtime. yeah and here she is now.
This is Jojo, sneaking in a lunchtime nap. Go Jojo! Number eight. People told me they
actually left restaurants without paying. Roxanne told me that she left without
paying and had to come back, and she had to explain to the owner that she's just
not used to paying at restaurants anymore. Try explaining to the guy
that you're just not used to paying in a restaurant anymore.
It doesn't go over so well.
Number seven. You're constantly looking for your badge.
Katrien, I hope I'm saying this right, Katrien Van Thalen wrote she would always
think oops I lost my badge and she would look at other people's badges too. When
you're a G.O, you wear a badge all the time and the worst thing that can happen
is losing that badge. No, wait, the worst thing that can happen is walking to work
and realizing you forgot your badge in your room. Yeah... Anyway luckily no need to
worry about that anymore. Number six, you'll notice the details.
Matthew Fearnley wrote in with this one. He says you notice details at public events
like the tag showing on a tablecloth on stage. I agree. Club Med trained us well. I
personally picked up trash the other day without thinking about it. It was in the
street and my friends were kind of like what are you doing?I was like, I don't know.
Number five. You'll have to get used to the cold again. John Pearson wrote it
took a month for him to get accustomed to the cold. He went from Club Med
Huatulco. There's no longer a Club Med there but there used to be in Mexico, so
he went from there to North Carolina.
We're waiting for you, Jess!
Number four. You get out of your comfort zone. Kim wrote that Club Med
taught her how to get out of her comfort zone and to go for it, Crazy Signs and
all. Manolo Franco says that he is now more than he was as a person before the
experience I guess. There's a lot of things that you're like,
okay this is weird I'm going on stage and I'm dressed as... What was the weirdest
thing I dressed up as on stage...
yeah, there's been some weird costumes that
I've like not been a hundred percent sure about but you just go out there and you
have fun and you just sort of learn to not care. Okay number three, learning new
languages. I got this message from 3homersimpson. I'm guessing that's not
his real name. It's cool though. He wrote he was a G.O in Italy for one year and a
half, it was the best experience of his life and he improved his English there. I
know personally a lot of people who walked out of Club Med just knowing all
these brand new languages that they couldn't even speak a little bit of
before they started. Personally I developed my Spanish. My Spanish no es muy
bueno. I mean I can get by and understand it which is way more than when I started
Number two: following your passion. Alfonso Naterali wrote life in Club Med
is so easy and so good because he was able to do what he had a passion for.
I agree with that 100%. I mean I developed a passion for making videos
like this and now I just I love it. I don't know if I would have gotten into
this as much if it hadn't been for Club Med. And number one, you keep coming back.
Jenner Jensen wrote you forgot to mention how many times you will return
to Club Med after you stop. I was in Club Med from 1989 to 1995 but came back to
work a month or two each year for the next 12 years and he's getting ready to
do it again in a few weeks hopefully. That's a good one Jenner because I
actually know a lot of people who have done that.
G.Os will quit and say you know what I'm done with this and then you'll see
them a season or two later being like yeah I'm just gonna come back for one
season. So there you go those are the new things that you told me about. I don't
know about you watching but I can relate to all of those as well so those were
all really really good examples. And now here are the
top three things that so many of you told me. It kept coming back over and
over again. Before we get to into that though just don't forget to subscribe to my
channel please. Tap the notification Bell so you get notified when new G.Os
- when new videos come out. If you're not a G.O or an ex G.O but you made it
this far in the video - yaaaay! I promise there won't only be G.O videos on this
channel. I hope you're thoroughly entertained though. So here it is, the top
three things that you guys mentioned. Saying hello to everybody on the streets.
Lynne Elizabeth Reamy says the saying hello never goes away.
Gerandy, who is still a G.E. I keep mentioning G.O's but G.Es also go through
a lot of things too. Gerandy still works at Club Med as a G.E and he says he still
says hi to random people on the street when he's outside the resort.
I can totally see that happening. Number two, Crazy Signs have indeed changed your
lives. So many of you are dancing to Crazy Signs like like even years later.
Apparently it really does stay stuck in your head. I don't know if that's good or
bad. Kim said her husband and son say they
are used to her Crazy Signs. Katrien says Crazy Signs after dinner is a thing in
her home and she says she now cannot dance without an example in front of her.
Because when you're dancing Crazy Signs at Club Med you normally have a G.O in
front of you or on a stage so you're sort of following along it's pretty
funny. And Clemence Lou says, in French, she has an anecdote in the car with her
boyfriend, who is not a G.O. She sais when a Crazy Signs comes on the radio, she explodes crazy sign pasta like a gol explos -
with joy and she dances, and he doesn't understand what's going on.
I guess we could add to that, if you've never been a G.O, sometime it's hard to understand our behaviour,
or why we talk about it so much. Finally the number one thing - I am absolutely blown away I know
I mentioned this in my last video but now I have the proof. You really never
stop remembering your G.O experience. I have people, I'm gonna try to go through
this quickly, but you all commented on my last video telling me how much you
related to everything I was saying even if it had been years since you stopped.
Amy Martinez wrote I have been out for one year and something and I still miss
it so much. Titi tageux- nice name - he was a G.O from 2011 to 2017.
and he says he sees himself in the video. Elise Piccin says everything is true,
even 10 years later. Ashley Ginay Maxwell She was a G.O 10 years ago, she used to tell people
it was like you went far far away in a strange land
just came back and you're not sure how to live in a normal world anymore. new
Nourheddin Abdullahfez - I'm sorry if I'm saying your name wrong -
He was a G.O at Club Med Sinai Bay. It's a Club Med in Egypt that doesn't exist anymore.
So it's been a few years. He says it was awesome. I am always talking about this experience to
the world. Geneviève Couet, she says it's been 17 years since she stopped Club Med.
She's says it's still true, especially the Crazy Signs. Diana Girardi she says I can so relate
to this even after 25 plus years. She was born and raised in Montreal and spent
the early 90s as a G.O and she still appreciates the memories and experiences
like no other. Pam Keller says it's so true, she's been out for 30 years and she
still talks about it. Isabelle Fisher same thing, she says she still talks
about it after 30 years as well. Louise Ann Lemyre, she says she was a G.O from
1987 to 1995. She still talks about it with
as much joy and nostalgia. BillBurkholder he says the video was spot-on.
You stopped being a G.O when I was born. That's not that long ago,
obviously. Tim Purcell I've been out for 37 years still in contact with G.O's and
GM's. Sal Monella yes, she left Club Med after 14 villages,
in 1980. He still has friends all over the world, and he even married one. We have G.O kids.
And finally, Inca Sochon Stucker, I still talk about it even after 41 years.
That's insane guys, thank you so much for sharing your stories with me. I kind of
knew this already but now I can confirm we all go through the same things. So I
think we need to embrace everything that happened and appreciate all these
memories that we have because clearly it's a one-of-a-kind experience. I'm so
grateful and from what I'm reading so are all of you. If you're a parent, a
sibling, a child, a grandchild, a friend of an exGO, I hope this explains a lot. I hope
you get it now. Thanks so much for listening all the way to the end. Oh my
gosh that was long.
For more infomation >> Top 10 (OTHER) things that happen... submitted by you! - Duration: 10:23.-------------------------------------------
Rarities 0.5ctw Black Diamond Sterling Silver Negative S... - Duration: 9:43.
Beach renourishment complete - Duration: 2:08.
Grand débat et petits secrets - Duration: 9:00.
Christophe Dettinger maintenu en détention provisoire - Duration: 3:22.
Syracuse District Attorney Wants to Reopen Traffic Violation Case Against Pete Davidson After He Sla - Duration: 3:09.
Is wanted in Upstate New York? Onondaga County District Attorney has called for the Manlius Police Department to reopen a case from last summer against the comedian after he bashed the city in an interview at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival
Davidson, 25, spoke about his disdain for the city — where he shot his new movie, Big Time Adolescence — during an interview with Variety on Monday, January 28
"It sucked … The whole town of Syracuse blows," Davidson bluntly told the publication, hinting that the police had targeted him while he was in town shooting the -directed comedy
"To be honest, they just found out I was there and tried to arrest me the entire time … There's nothing going on there so they were hunting me down the entire time
" Police captain confirmed to that the Saturday Night Live star was pulled over in August 2018 for violating vehicle and traffic laws
Though he wasn't charged at the time, his pal , was hit with "a violation for unlawful possession of marijuana and a fourth-degree felony for possession of concentrated cannabis
" Schafer noted to "When we stop a vehicle, we don't know who's in it
" Gay pleaded guilty earlier this month and paid $225 in fines to settle the case
Following Davidson's comments at Sundance, Fitzpatrick slammed him in an interview with CNY Central News on Tuesday, January 29, and explained his reasoning for wanting to reopen the case
"I just heard the comments of ," the district attorney said. "Not surprisingly, it was the first time I ever heard of , and apparently he doesn't like Syracuse
So I did a little background checking on him and, quite frankly, I'd be as likely to take tourism advice from him as I would marriage counseling from …" Fitzpatrick added: "However, I am going to ask Manlius police to look into the charges that were brought against Mr
Davidson and see if they can't be reopened. And then we'll see how much he really likes Syracuse
" He ten referenced 's Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, and said, "Stay classy, Syracuse
Paris :personne ne veut être candidat au nom des Républicains - Duration: 9:25.
Milo Ventimiglia named Hasty Pudding Man of the Year - Latest News - Duration: 2:48.
CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — Milo Ventimiglia, who stars as Jack Pearson in the award-winning hit television drama "This is Us," was named 2019 Man of the Year Wednesday by Harvard University's Hasty Pudding Theatricals
Ventimiglia was selected because he has made "significant impressions on television and film," the oldest theatrical organization in the US said in a statement
It also didn't hurt that he played heartthrob Jess Mariano on the television show "Gilmore Girls" from 2001 to 2006
"We've loved his performances in 'This is Us,' 'Heroes' and 'Gilmore Girls,' but more importantly, he is the childhood crush of our two esteemed producers, Elizabeth (Mann) and Mariana (Sanchez-Medina)," Hasty Pudding President Grace Ramsey said in a statement
The Emmy-nominated actor will receive his pudding pot at a celebratory roast at Harvard scheduled for Feb
8. Ventimiglia will then attend the opening night of Hasty Pudding's latest production, "France France Revolution," its first to feature women in the cast
Although women have involved with Hasty Pudding Theatricals since the 1930s, the onstage cast has traditionally been all male, even for female roles
The organization announced last year that women would be included in the cast. Ventimiglia has also been involved with the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, which supports veterans who need help when they return home from war
His character on "This Is Us" is a Vietnam War veteran, and Ventimiglia's real-life dad is also a veteran
Hasty Pudding, which dates back to the late 18th century, has honored a Man of the Year since 1967, and previous winners include Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks and Christopher Walken
Paul Rudd was honored last year. Bryce Dallas Howard was named Hasty Pudding's Woman of the Year on Tuesday
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Macha Méril en pleurs face à la mort de M. Legrand - Duration: 4:52.
Qui est Florence Lasserre, l'épouse de Nicolas Hulot? - Duration: 2:47.
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Nicolas Hulot : pourquoi tant d'amour ? - Duration: 4:38.
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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - #15: Haunted Blood - Duration: 34:09.
piritsgap: Hello!
Lrrose20: Hello
piritsgap: You should be playing Monster Hunter World instead
piritsgap: A stream of you just fast traveling to the wrong zone again and a gain
piritsgap: Backtracking is technically gameplay!
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Isn't hammerlock's sister like comedic super villain level evil?
mrthelazyone: Good quest
mrthelazyone: That was real good
piritsgap: Lab 19 holds the horrible secret of space
Lrrose20: Stairs are the most canon thing of all
BlueMagnusStormCrow: Timed quests are just the "best"
piritsgap: Daww, who's an adorable destroyer
Edmond_SA: o/
piritsgap: Kaubocks really charfed it there
HistorysGr8estMonster: That's what happens when you don't play claptrap!
HistorysGr8estMonster: Suck a big one, Science!
piritsgap: Wow, suffocation really is a complete nonissue in this game
Edmond_SA: Gotta respect Törb
Kasemoch: space time
Lrrose20: What if these are actually New Zealand references?
Kasemoch: mah huzzban
Galeboomer: Oh hey, just in time for the most Australian of quests
Squirrel_Token: Are we Athena yet?
Squirrel_Token: Peepo
DeliciousBees: the banjo patterson lover has logged on
Squirrel_Token: Moon Australio
Kasemoch: was just thinkin about how good the art style and coloring is
DeliciousBees: it's about a sheep rustler
mrthelazyone: Does charf mean anything?
DeliciousBees: it's a super famous australian poem
DeliciousBees: that almost became our national anthem
Kasemoch: what's the name of this poem so I may peruse it
DeliciousBees: please forward all charf questions to kaubocks
Squirrel_Token: Please refill the billabong
Lrrose20: In the same way that Born to Run almost became New Jersey's state anthem?
DeliciousBees: also waltzing matilda has a lot of verses, but like a real national anthem we don't really remember the later ones
Squirrel_Token: Kaubocks charfs constantly
Edmond_SA: All I know about Australia is that they think kiwis talk weird
Edmond_SA: They're right, mind.
Squirrel_Token: Kiwi
mrthelazyone: All I know about Australia is that Gold Coast is pretty sick
Squirrel_Token: :^
DeliciousBees: for more information:
DeliciousBees: hmmm
Squirrel_Token: Tell me about AUs
DeliciousBees: everyone who worked on this game is unemployed or in the US now probably? that's the australian game industry in modern times
Edmond_SA: well that's fucking depressing
Squirrel_Token: Too weak
DeliciousBees: we shrunk from 5,000 people doing AAA stuff to 500 doing mobile games in under a decade
Lrrose20: Captialism!
Squirrel_Token: Makes sense
DeliciousBees: a lot of reasons why, but the dollar went crazy, the talent moved to the US, and publishers did less WFH for big games
Jade et Joy Hallyday abandonnées, indigne coup bas de leur mère ! - Duration: 1:58.
Laeticia Hallyday a refait sa vie, enfin le bonheur retrouvé -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 1:44.
Laura Smet intransigeante, cette action judiciaire qui calme les ardeurs de Laeticia Hallyday - Duration: 1:56.
8 choses que vous ne savez probablement pas sur Nicolas Hulot - NT - Duration: 8:44.
Sweet Recipe | Around The World | Om Nom Cartoons For Children - Kids TV - Duration: 2:41.
Sweet Recipe Around The World Om Nom
Grand débat et petits secrets - Duration: 9:00.
Syracuse District Attorney Wants to Reopen Traffic Violation Case Against Pete Davidson After He Sla - Duration: 3:09.
Is wanted in Upstate New York? Onondaga County District Attorney has called for the Manlius Police Department to reopen a case from last summer against the comedian after he bashed the city in an interview at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival
Davidson, 25, spoke about his disdain for the city — where he shot his new movie, Big Time Adolescence — during an interview with Variety on Monday, January 28
"It sucked … The whole town of Syracuse blows," Davidson bluntly told the publication, hinting that the police had targeted him while he was in town shooting the -directed comedy
"To be honest, they just found out I was there and tried to arrest me the entire time … There's nothing going on there so they were hunting me down the entire time
" Police captain confirmed to that the Saturday Night Live star was pulled over in August 2018 for violating vehicle and traffic laws
Though he wasn't charged at the time, his pal , was hit with "a violation for unlawful possession of marijuana and a fourth-degree felony for possession of concentrated cannabis
" Schafer noted to "When we stop a vehicle, we don't know who's in it
" Gay pleaded guilty earlier this month and paid $225 in fines to settle the case
Following Davidson's comments at Sundance, Fitzpatrick slammed him in an interview with CNY Central News on Tuesday, January 29, and explained his reasoning for wanting to reopen the case
"I just heard the comments of ," the district attorney said. "Not surprisingly, it was the first time I ever heard of , and apparently he doesn't like Syracuse
So I did a little background checking on him and, quite frankly, I'd be as likely to take tourism advice from him as I would marriage counseling from …" Fitzpatrick added: "However, I am going to ask Manlius police to look into the charges that were brought against Mr
Davidson and see if they can't be reopened. And then we'll see how much he really likes Syracuse
" He ten referenced 's Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, and said, "Stay classy, Syracuse
Olivia Attwood cheekily covers breasts in NAKED bath snap after debuting new look - Duration: 2:51.
Love Island beauty Olivia Attwood smoldered at the camera in a risque bubble bath snap
The reality TV star, 27, cheekily covered her breasts with her arm as she posed naked in the tub, in a picture shared with her 1
6million Instagram followers. Opting for a more natural look, Olivia – who has recently moved into a new flat with her beau Bradley Dack – wore no make-up in the black-and-white snap, and her blonde tresses tumbled down her back in loose waves
As she shared the sexy picture, fans flocked to gush over how incredible she was looking, with one branding her a "blonde mermaid," while another told her she was "absolutely stunning"
Olivia's sultry shot comes as she told fans just a day earlier that she was temporarily changing up her look and dissolving her lip fillers
Informing her fans she'd just been on a visit to cosmetic surgeon Dr. Saleena to get some filler under her eye dissolved, she said: "I don't know if you can tell, I think it's not that obvious, because I'm really puffy this morning, but when she was there she convinced me to dissolve my top lip
"So this is my top lip with no filler at all and it feels really weird, not going to lie
" Revealing that she was happy Dr Saleena convinced her to get rid of her fillers, Olivia added: "I think she's so right, I've been having lip fillers for years, probably five or six years
Read More Olivia Attwood and Bradley Dack holed up in luxury hotel after fleeing burgled home Read More Olivia Attwood is moving house after being robbed while she was sleeping "That lip has started to come out of the lip line and started to look really puffy - something I never wanted, so I'm actually excited to start again fresh
It looks better than it did because it was over-filled." While Olivia is happy with the results, she added that her footballer boyfriend Bradley wasn't yet used to her make-under
"Brad was laughing at me this morning when I woke up because he was like 'Where's your lip gone?,'" she said
Despite Olivia's decision to go it natural, she claimed it was only a temporary measure, as she plans to get her lips re-injected next week
Do you have a story to sell? Get in touch with us at or call us direct 0207 29 33033 Read More Showbiz and TV editor's picks
Despite €9m bid being rejected, Cardiff given second chance to sign defender, as well as striker on - Duration: 1:57.
While everyone has been talking about Nicolas Pépé and Jonathan Bamba, another Lille player has been catching the eye of Ligue 1 viewers: Zeki Çelik
The Turkish full-back has been galavanting up and down the French club's right hand side all season long, picking up four assists in 20 league appearances, and has now attracted the attention of Cardiff City
According to Le10 Sport, the Bluebirds have gone as far as offering €9m for the 21-year-old, although Lille turned it down since they've set the price tag a little bit higher
During the talks, the Ligue 1 side offered Cardiff City the chance to sign Loïc Rémy on loan until the end of the season, keen to get his salary off their wage bill
Embed from Getty Images The idea here would be to sell Çelik for the price they want to get for him as well as offload the French striker on Cardiff City in a double move
The Premier League side are said to be currently 'studying' the opportunity, most likely aware they aren't exactly blessed with time with the transfer window shutting in just over 24 hours
We'd be surprised if Lille do part ways with their right-back midway through the season, but having signed him for just over £2m from Istanbulspor in the summer, getting over £10m for him six months later would be a great profit, and one they might not be able to ignore
Lançamentos: 30 de janeiro de 2019 - Duration: 3:27.
Qui est Florence Lasserre, l'épouse de Nicolas Hulot? - Duration: 2:47.
海贼王:路飞与卡塔库栗的战斗都得到了什么?蛇人形态只是次要的 - Duration: 4:55.
Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2 Tent Review | - Duration: 1:48.
Hey guys, welcome to
This is Sebastian, I'm here to tell you about the
Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2
Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL2 is perfect
for lightweight backpacking
It's great for two people with a lot of gear or one person
who just wants a little extra room
Got a free-standing architecture here made with DAC feather-light
aluminum poles
The HP in the name actually stands for high volume,
so to differentiate from other models
It's got a lot of volume, a lot of livable space up top
makes a little more comfortable for two
The two doors and two vestibules for great storage
It also makes it so that
When you're gonna get it out of the 10:00 at night,
you don't have to disturb your tent mate
This comes in at three pounds one ounce
so it strikes that really great balance between
Lightweight and livable space
those perfect or two or just one and a dog
And if you come inside with me here
I can show you a little bit about what makes the tent a lot more liveable inside
Looking inside the Copper Spur. We've got a lot of great
features that make it super livable
Big Agnes uses a ripstop nylon
that's super lightweight in the fly the walls and the
bathtub floor that keeps you protected from wet
even if you're sleeping in a puddle
Got a lot of great mesh up top for ventilation
storage pockets up the head
got a media pocket up here as well as loops for hanging
a gear loft and any of your unmentionables at night
if you're trying to dry stuff out
If you want to learn more about the Copper Spur HV UL2
log on to and read the full review there
Christophe Dettinger maintenu en détention provisoire - Duration: 3:22.
海贼王:路飞5大绝招爆出5种颜色,白色最弱,黑色最硬,金色最强 - Duration: 4:39.
Macha Méril en pleurs face à la mort de M. Legrand - Duration: 4:52.
Fukusada No Oicho Ginkgo Tree - Wakayama - 福定の大銀杏 - 4K Ultra HD - Duration: 3:39.
Fukusada No Oicho or in English: The Great Ginkgo tree of Fukusada,
is a beautiful 400-year-old lonesome tree located in the Tanabe district of Wakayama.
With a circumference of about 5.5m and a height of 22m,
Fukusada No Oicho is also the "protector" of the Hosenji temple located just beneath it.
Both a local and national treasure, Fukusada No Oicho is at its best in autumn around mid to late November.
This video was made in Cooperation with Wakayama Tourism Federation.
Learn more about Wakayama Prefecture at
Royal Netherlands Air Force New Owners Of F-35 Fighter Jet - Duration: 1:42.
FFA board member takes indefinite leave to undergo chemotherapy - Blog News - Duration: 4:21.
The crisis surrounding Australian football has deepened with a key member of the sport's governing body stepping aside
Football Federation Australia (FFA) today announced director Heather Reid would take indefinite leave from the board to undergo chemotherapy
"Our thoughts are with Heather and her family and we wish her a full and speedy recovery," FFA chairman Chris Nikou said
Ms Reid, along with the entire FFA board, has been under pressure since the sacking of Matildas coach Alen Stajcic
It is believed Ms Reid will take no further part in the board's search for a new coach, with that decision expected to be made ahead of the Matildas next big tournament, the Cup of Nations, in late February
Two of the game's stakeholders — the Association of Australian Football Clubs and Football Supporters Australia — are calling for greater transparency over the sacking of the popular coach
Stajcic had his contract terminated after a confidential wellness audit and a gender equality culture survey highlighted what has been described as a toxic environment
Numerous media reports have described Ms Reid as one of a number of women who were campaigning to replace Stajcic with a female coach — a claim she has denied
In recent days the ABC asked Mr Nikou whether there had been an 'anti-Stajcic' lobby group of former players and others, to which he replied: "No, certainly not
" Privately, there was a significant number who feared the power of what is referred to as 'the lesbian mafia', yet no-one would go public or provide evidence
Others believe this might be a watershed moment that enables all women in the future — irrespective of their sexual preferences — to feel they are equally valued as part of the football community
They, too, decline to have their names published, fearing reprisals. The Matildas controversy has put the spotlight on women's sport at a time when sport in general is under greater scrutiny
In 2017, the Australian Olympic Committee was forced into a full review after claims of bullying inside the organisation
Cricket Australia conducted an investigation into the sports culture and ethics after the ball tampering scandal last year
Now, Australian football has carried out two separate reviews, which highlighted a culture of fear and anxiety, with some players complaining of being psychologically distressed and afraid to seek help
The ABC understands there have been allegations of body shaming and homophobic slurs
There is no suggestion Stajcic was the subject of the accusations. Most players complained of a team culture that did not make them better athletes or people
The FFA decided a cultural change was needed and the head coach had to go. Stajcic's supporters said he was the victim of a campaign by some women inside soccer who wanted to remove him
The ABC has sought comment from Stajcic but he has declined for legal reasons. Now the governing body finds itself under fire, accused of secrecy, with demands from some fans and media to release the full findings of the investigations that led to Stajcic's dismissal
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