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For more infomation >> Latest Android TV For Rs.4999/- | Samy Informatics Private Limited Android TV Launch - Duration: 1:48.-------------------------------------------
Messerbau Folge 44 - Nussbaum stabilisieren (Teil 2) - Duration: 14:57.
Welcome to the 44th episode of my knife making channel.
In the last episode I stabilized walnut.
I have a 2-component casting resin for it is used.
I had already suspected at the time that I had the wood in the vacuum not long enough.
There was still too much air in the wood, that it couldn't suck itself completely with resin,
as we shall see in a moment.
Here I take the container with the resin and the wood from the chamber.
Although the label shows a shorter processing time is standing,
the resin is still liquid after 12 hours.
So I could have used the vacuum much longer than 60 minutes.
This is what the piece looks like after it has been dyed in pink resin.
I compare the weight with a second sample,
that I haven't stabilized yet.
Before it had weighed 13 g, now it weighs 22 g.
Resinpal 1717 hardens within a few days,
or you put it in the oven for a few hours at 50 degrees.
I put the bowl in there so you could I can be sure,
that also the resin in the wood is hardened.
The resin in the measuring cup has become much firmer,
but not yet cured.
The resin in the shell is cured.
I'm gonna saw the piece to make sure.
Then I'll be curious to see how the specimen will look from the inside.
I'll saw it open diagonally for that.
As feared, the venting phase was too short.
Because not all the air out of the wood was removed,
it couldn't completely soak up the resin afterwards.
It's easy to see with the naked eye.
It becomes even clearer when you use linseed oil on the wood.
The linseed oil is immediately absorbed in the middle, where no resin has gone.
In the outer layers the wood is stabilised and the linseed oil absorbs worse.
These areas remain wet.
I'm convinced that the next time will be more successful,
if I start the vacuum at the beginning for 4 hours (instead of 60 minutes).
I just have to have so much patience and wait and see,
until no more air bubbles rise from the wood.
I'm going to try a 1-component resin.
There are various alternatives here as well.
I had already tried Skresin 1500, but was not enthusiastic because of the terrible smell.
So I'm all the more excited about Stabi 17 B.
Here the resin is indeed also present in solvents and hardens,
when they've evaporated, but it doesn't stink that bad.
As in the last episode. suck the air out of the wood first,
before I dump the resin.
I use again my construction from Fischer Technik with the magnets and the thread,
who's gonna pour out the measuring cup.
The second specimen is placed in a bowl and fixed with a screw and a rubber band,
so it can't float up.
Then I fill in enough Stabi fluid.
As in the last episode everything in the vacuum chamber.
The liquid should only be dumped when most of the air has already escaped from the wood,
so it doesn't foam up too much.
Then we're ready to go.
The lid is closed.
And the pump can create a vacuum inside.
Air escapes from the Stabi liquid, that had gotten in there when I spill it.
I'll wait 90 minutes and pour the liquid now in the bowl with the piece of wood,
by moving the magnet down.
This causes the thread to pull at the bottom of the measuring cup.
The liquid is dumped.
Even after 90 minutes it still foams strongly because air still escapes from the wood.
Proof that the first time you try the vacuum phase was too short.
Even after three hours, bubbles still rise.
It takes four hours for that to become less.
I decide to put the vacuum in of the chamber now.
In wood, however, there is still the same vacuum,
so now it's soaking up the surrounding fluid.
It's actually the pressure of our atmosphere, that presses the liquid into the wood.
I'll put the bowl in a bag, so it'll be in my workshop doesn't stink of solvents.
I also have the impression that headaches to get away with it.
I'm running the process for 12 hours now and then take the wood out of the liquid.
As I had expected, the second piece is a little heavier than the first.
Cause I'm assuming it's gonna this time completely soaked.
The liquid can be reused, if you don't let the solvents evaporate.
Either you fill them in the original packaging or store them in a glass with a screw cap.
The next day, you can see that the sample is already dry on the outside.
Since solvents are still evaporating the process is not accelerated by heat,
except in the sun or on the radiator.
There is indeed a risk of explosion in an oven, because the fumes are very flammable.
So now you have to wait up to 4 weeks.
I put the wood on a radiator, because, of course, I don't have that much patience.
Five days later, I'd like to see the specimen I'm going to saw it open,
because I'm curious to see what it looks like inside.
And in fact, it's even this time stabilized.
I'm doing the linseed oil test again,
which is poorly absorbed evenly by the wood and still shines over the entire surface.
Nevertheless the wood does not make the impression to contain quite as much resin.
It's not as hard as Resinpal 1717, either.
Actually, that's clear, because the fluid apparently insists on a whole lot of solvent,
which evaporate and produce a smaller amount of leave resin in the wood,
than the 2-component resin,
where nothing evaporates, but completely cures.
In my conclusion, I would like to compare the resins, that I had already used to stabilize.
That's three products from left to right.
The first is the resin, which I use to produce of my mosaic pins, Epox 200G.
Beside the Resinpal 1717 and finally the Stabi 17 B.
I'll briefly summarize what happened in stabilizing actually happened.
There are only two phases.
In the first one, a vacuum is built up and for so long,
until no more air bubbles rise from the wood.
In the second phase, the normal air pressure of our atmosphere presses the resin into the wood.
This results in some requirements for me to the resin.
First of all it must have a long processing time, so it doesn't cure prematurely.
Secondly, the curing time must not be too long.
At least I don't want to wait weeks, until my wood is ready.
Third, the resin must be thin, so it can even be pressed into the wood.
Fourth, in my opinion, the product should be harmless and, of course, non-toxic.
When I look at my first criterion,
then a long processing time for the Epox 200G is not fulfilled.
But it is even fulfilled for Resinpal 1717, even though it wasn't on the label.
The second criterion, short curing time, can be met by heat for the two 2-component resins.
With Stabi 17 B you have to be patient for up to 4 weeks.
The third criterion, that the resin should be as should be thin,
is only fulfilled with Resinpal 1717 and Stabi 17 B, the Epox 200 G is rather to be described as viscous.
The fourth criterion, safe and non-toxic, is not fulfilled by Stabi 17 B.
It is also not allowed to use a vacuum chamber with a plexiglass lid,
because it's attacked by the solvents.
On the picture on the left you can see how the Plaxiglas dissolves superficially.
That the fumes stink and are flammable, I had already mentioned.
The second criterion, that the curing time must not be long,
was important for me personally, but since with a little planning you can also master four weeks of patience,
I will not include this point in the evaluation.
Therefore the following ranking results:
On third place, unfortunately not suitable, comes the Epox 200G.
On second place comes the Stabi 17 B, which conditionally is suitable.
You have to have a glass vacuum chamber and patience for the curing time.
Therefore Resinpal 1717 comes up for me the first place.
Even though I made a mistake in my attempt
to finish Phase 1 too early, the product seems to work very well.
I have often heard of another product from the USA that has even better properties.
It's called Cactus Juice.
The resin is very thin and cures in the oven without toxic fumes.
It's very expensive, but it can be used many times.
I ordered it and then I will test it the same way later.
If you don't want to miss this, please subscribe to my channel.
I'd be very happy if you'd give me a little thumbs up
or if you write something in the comments.
Thanks for watching, take care and see you next time!
김경수 징역 2 년.법정구속 여론 훼손 심각.한 범.죄 - Duration: 6:03.
Purple dress 【Photoshop 3 TIPS!!】 - Duration: 23:56.
もやもやトーク「友達って何だろう?The talk of What is a friend?#期間限定公開予定 - Duration: 34:18.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
S. Korea's retail sales up 6.8% in 2018: Trade Ministry - Duration: 1:40.
South Korea's economy has been struggling in investment and employment.
There were some bright sparks from retail sales.
The numbers went up last year...mainly thanks to the E-commerce industry.
Ko Roon-hee explains further.
The latest report released by Korea's trade ministry shows that the nation's retail sales
increased by 6-point-8 percent in 2018... up from the previous year's growth of 6-point-2
This data is based on the total sales of 26 major offline and online retailers.
The increase was mainly due to the rise in online sales... which were up 15-point-9 percent.
However, in-store retail sales only saw an increase of 1-point-9 percent.
The ministry attributed the hike in online sales to improvements in the delivery service.
More online retailers adopted overnight delivery services last year... to improve customer
Consumers were mainly interested in using this service when ordering fresh food.
Another reason is the development of technologies aimed at boosting the shopping experience.
Many online retailers have adopted AI-powered chatbots... to instantly provide information
or even recommend products to consumers based on big data.
Other technologies include e-commerce firms' own simple payment systems... shortening the
time needed to purchase items.
However, in the in-store retail sales category, sales at large supermarkets decreased by 2-point-3
percent due to the growth of the online market.
Sales at convenience stores and department stores increased by 8-point-5 percent and
1-point-3 percent respectively.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
S. Korea opens peace-themed DMZ tourist attraction - Duration: 1:36.
The Korea Tourism Organization and the culture ministry held the opening ceremony for the
"New Lane towards Peace".
This is part of their global campaign promoting the DMZ as a tourist spot.
Hong Yoo provides a glimpse of the big event.
The railroad on Dokgae Bridge was the only rail link over the Imjingang River, connecting
the South and North.
It was bombarded during the Korean War and it remains destroyed to this day.
But what would it look like if the railroad was reconnected?
On Wednesday, media art was used to show how people would travel along the railway which
goes not just to North Korea, but beyond to the entire Eurasian continent, becoming the
"New Lane towards Peace".
Pictures of finger hearts and messages wishing for peace from more than 57 thousand people
from 190 countries decorated the interior of the train.
"Through the #LoveForDMZ campaign we hope to position the DMZ as the place where peace
starts instead of a place that symbolizes war and separation."
Descendants of Korean War veterans from the U.S. and Thailand were present at the ceremony
and received a plaque of appreciation.
"My dream is to be able to go to Heungnam and to Hamheung because Heungnam was where
my grandfather was, where they rescued 100,000 refugees during the Korean war."
"The virtual railway that can be seen inside the media train will continue to show the
messages of peace and hope for the Korean Peninsula written by tourists that visit the
demilitarized zone.
Hong Yoo, Arirang News, Paju."
Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTi EcoFlex S/S Design Edition 1e EIGENAAR_AIRCO_CRUIS_PDC_LMV. - Duration: 1:22.
Brigitte Macron: Petite robe rouge pour une visite au Caire - Duration: 3:39.
Kate et William de retour là où leur histoire a commencé - Duration: 3:17.
Le point sur la tempête Gabriel - Duration: 4:44.
Meghan Markle malmenée sur les réseaux sociaux - Duration: 4:00.
dr. Karin Širec - Zanimivi podatki o podjetništvu - Duration: 1:35.
Dites adieu au ventre gonflé, aux ballonnements grâce cette astuce de ma grand-mère - Duration: 5:51.
もやもやトーク「友達って何だろう?The talk of What is a friend?#期間限定公開予定 - Duration: 34:18.
Nissan NV300 1.6 dCi 125 L2H1 Acenta S&S 31% KORTING (Airco Pack 1 - Navi - Trekhaak ) - Duration: 1:08.
Organisation de travail #1 dans l'immobilier - Duration: 2:07.
Things NO ONE Tells You About Subject-To | Wholesaling Real Estate - Duration: 7:53.
This video will cover three things that you need to know about subject-to that no one's telling you.
Hey, welcome to my channel if you're new. Welcome back if you're true
I'm Dara, real estate investor, entrepreneur, and consultant out of
Atlanta, Georgia and I'm going to jump right into this video because it's very
important that I get the word out about this topic here. So, before we get started
make sure you subscribe to my channel, and also be aware that I am not a
tax attorney, tax professional, accountant, CPA, or anything or anyone that claims to be.
I am just
Dara, a real estate investor, entrepreneur, and consultant out of
Atlanta, Georgia. Alright but yeah, so this is me talking from experience
And I just want to share, because subject-to is one of those subjects-- I'm just playing
It's one of those topics that a lot of investors, when they're new, hear about it
and they're like, "Oh my gosh, great let's do it!" Because it's no money down
It's sexy, it's cool. And then a lot of homeowners hear about it and think, "Scam!"
So, I'm here to tell you three things you need to know about subject-to
Whether you're a homeowner or an investor interested in pursuing this strategy.
First thing is that it's not a scam. It's not a scam; it's a real, actual way to
sell a property or to acquire property or get rid of a property. So yes, you can
sell a property subject to the existing financing. I'm in Georgia, that's the only
state I'm gonna speak of, but I think a little birdie told me that a lot of the
50 states in the United States of America, you can do this strategy too.
But speaking only from what I know, what I've done in Georgia, subject-to is an
actual, legitimate way to acquire property. Now, are there people who are
scammers out there? Of course. Are there people who take advantage of others or
homeowners who are in vulnerable situations such as pre foreclosure?
Does America start with an A?
Right. But just so everybody knows, subject-to is not
a scam in its own right; it is a very legal way to acquire property. Again, I'm
not an attorney, don't claim to be one, and you should seek the advice of a
legal counsel. Now that that's out the way, it's not a scam that was rule number--
tip number one, secret number one: it's not a scam and can actually be done,
let's get into the real nitty gritty of this video. So first things first
something that nobody ever talks about when it comes to subject-to is insurance!
Now I got a question on one of my videos about subject-to and the specific deal
that I acquired this way, and I was like "Wait that's a great question, and you
don't have the answer because nobody talks about it." So here I am talking about it.
Insurance: who, what, when, where, why, and how?
So as you may know, a mortgage is your
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance. So P-I-T-I.
So this last "I" is your insurance. So if you're taking over somebody's mortgage, you're taking over
their mortgage payments, you're paying their PITI, you're also paying insurance.
So, the question I got was, "When you take over subject-to, do you have to get your
own insurance policy?" And that's a great question my friend, cuz I thought the
same thing. I actually went out to some insurance agents that I know and I'm
like, "Hey can you insure this property for me?" No need, because you're already
paying it, so instead of getting your own insurance policy, what you should do is
have the mortgage holder--the previous homeowner--add you on to their insurance
policy as an additional insured. When it comes to subject-to, a lot of times you
get a lot of backlash, a lot of negativity, and it's probably from
hearsay or maybe horror stories of experiences that have gone wrong and
the first objection that I think most people hear, besides being a scam, when it comes
to subject-to is, "Oh no, you're gonna get caught with the due on sale clause."
Right, now I'm no expert in subject-to so won't claim to be, but I do know
investors whose sole business model is on subject-to. So they've acquired over 50
properties this way and out of their 50, zero have been called due on sale.
A lot of people lose sleep at night about this three-word phrase, and the
truth of the matter is it's very unlikely to be called. Now, I'm not gonna say what
causes it or what triggers it; you can definitely do your own research on that
but as far as the payments being made to the bank, they really just want their
payments on time. That's all. So make sure you get those payments into them on time
it doesn't matter if it's coming from John Doe, the mortgage holder or
My Pretty LLC, you know? So just make sure you pay on time and you really don't
have to worry about the due on sale issue at all. So this leads me to my next tip
being: it doesn't matter what account is making those payments as long as those
payments are being made. So the bank isn't gonna say, "Hmm. John Doe used to pay me
every single month, now My Pretty LLC is paying me. Well who's My Pretty LLC?
Let me go investigate and make sure they don't keep paying me on time." I mean what?
I don't-- I don't really know, but it doesn't matter who the money is coming from
as long as it's paid in full--you pay more, that's better--and on time. Period.
The last and final tip that I want to share with you guys that nobody else
talks about when it comes to subject-to is good old tax season. Now again, I made
that disclaimer in the beginning and I personally don't even know much about
taxes myself, but this one thing, you're gonna need to know. So like I
mentioned when you're paying a mortgage, you're paying PITI. That last "I" was
insurance, that first "I" is interest. And if you don't know, when you pay interest
on a mortgage, you can deduct that on your taxes. So when tax season rolls
around, you want to make sure that you have an agreement along with telling
your mortgage holder--the previous seller-- like, "Hey, could you add me to your
insurance policy as an additional insured?" You want to have an agreement
with them that "Hey, since I'm making these payments, which includes the
interest, will you allow me to write that off on my taxes? Will you allow me to add
that on my taxes, because you ain't getting the benefits of what I'm doing."
You know what I'm saying? I hope that makes sense, just trying to break it down
mano-a-mano so everybody can understand. But yeah so with [interest]
you want to have it arranged with the previous homeowner--the current mortgage holder--
that you will be the one to write off and deduct that interest that's being paid.
So, there it is guys. Now this is gonna be the one rare video where I
do not encourage you to ask me questions in the comments, because like I said, I'm
no way, shape, or form a professional-- a tax professional or an expert. So if you
have any further questions or need clarification, that's when you call your
tax expert, call your real estate attorney, call your tax attorney, call
your CPA or accountant, but don't call Dara. But I hope these three tips I
shared with you helped. If so, give me a thumbs up, share this video and
subscribe to my channel.
Wait! Before you go, read down below in the description box.
If you have any other questions pertaining to real estate wholesaling
getting started or getting to that first deal, go ahead and schedule a one-on-one
consultation with me. If you like this shirt that I'm wearing, let me know and I
might mass produce them for all the pretty little flippers out there. So
again, thanks for watching, I will see you in the next one.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Red Hulk! Marvel Thanos Escape - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 11:12.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Red Hulk! Marvel Thanos Escape - BAAM BAAM Toys
又一辆新能源将上市,对标特斯拉配面部识别,内饰堪比S级 - Duration: 2:51.
Kia cee'd Sportswagon 1.0 T-GDI GT-LINE | Clima | Cruise | Clima | 17" LM velgen | Camera | - Duration: 1:14.
Tutorial - Tarta de Queso Fría con arcilla polimérica – Miniaturas [ES – EN – FR – IT SUB] - Duration: 9:15.
Hi! Today's tutorial is perfect if you want to introduce you to the world of iniatures
This Strawberry Cheesecake is easy to make and will look great on you.
Even if you're already experts in this discipline.
you'll find some very useful tricks for your scenes and dollhouses creations.
Let's begin!
As usual, let's start by mixing our colors.
In this case I have used yellow,
and black
all of them from Cernit.
For the base of the cake, let's mix
four units of yellow,
three units of white,
three units of translucent,
a unit of purple
and an eighth in black.
Remember that we add the translucent because it brings a touch of reality to the mix.
If the color were completely opaque it would look too artificial.
Notice that to get a light brown tone,
we're mixing the yellow color with its complementary, purple.
When we add a small amount of the opposite color to a tone
what we do is desaturating it and neutralizing it. 25 00:01:28,540 --> 00:01:32,000 This is precisely the property we've used in this case.
We'll mix all the colors together and get this nice cookie shade.
For the cream cheese mix 8 units of white,
with 3 units of translucent
and a quarter of the cookie tone we've previously obtained.
What we want in this case is a dirty white,
but which is consistent with the tone of the cookie.
That's why we've mixed white color with base color.
We pass the cookie color through the thickness 3 of the pasta machine.
And with the cream cheese color we make a sheet in the thickness zero and another one in the number 3.
We stack all three leaving the cookie color underneath.
Because we're working on a scale of 1:12.
we're going to use a round cutter about 2 cm in diameter to cut the cake.
What would be a cake about 24cm in diameter in reality.
We'll start by giving texture to the base of the cake.
We'll help each other with a sharp-needle tool,
with which we will make small circular movements.
To work more comfortably you can place the clay on the blade,
Besides, this way you won't deform the piece.
Now we take a soft toothbrush
and we worked with it, all the edge of the cream cheese.
Once this is done we will use the needle tool again to make the texture more visible.
To make strawberry jam
we're going to mix liquid clay with red ink in two different colors.
Specifically, I've used Darwi Glass
because it has a very interesting characteristic.
This ink boils at temperatures higher than 130ºC.
So if we bake at about 145 degrees,
nothing will happen to the clay
but the ink will bubble and solidify
leaving an irregular film that will look very much like jam.
When we mix,
we won't do it uniformly, because we want to have different shades of red.
Pour a small amount on the cake and spread a little.
Now we put a couple of drops of the inks, directly.
and extend a little without getting the color all blended.
Pay attention to the effect that the inks made with liquid clay.
As you can see, they look like pieces of fruit in a jam.
The next thing we'll do is add gloss by using a glossy varnish.
We'll give a pretty generous coat,
but that allows you to continue seeing the texture of the jam.
We're gonna use a piece of cardboard from a real cake tray.
and a circular cutter, in which we will put the measure that we look for.
Once the circle has been cut, sand the edges a little with a soft sandpaper.
and we'll glue the cake over it.
That's all, I hope you've learned a lot.
If you liked the video, givea like.
You can also subscribe to the channel and share.
Any doubt or suggestion, please leave it to me in the comments.
See you in the next video.
Laeticia et David Hallyday voient rouge, cette propriété en vente qui les met en rogne - Duration: 1:19.
Is Butter Really Back? What the Science Says - Duration: 7:40.
Le point sur la tempête Gabriel - Duration: 4:44.
Evernote's 2019 Priorites: CEO statement - Duration: 7:14.
So today's video we'll explore the recent statement from Evernote CEO
This is going to give you a brief outline or what evident
We'll be working on over the next couple of months and I'll share my thoughts throughout this
So last week the Evernote CEO in small posted on their blog all about his priorities for Evernote over the next couple of months
Now I picked out a few key statements that I write to share with you guys
So Ian mentions I have spent the last two months learning about Evernote both from the inside
Out and the outside in and another panelist Eamonn also says and becoming really clear on Eva's own strengths and weaknesses
I've also been reviewing the company's financial health
Which I'm pleased to report is extremely sound from the outside in I've spent time listening to you our customers
Partners and community the people who know Evernote best and I've spent time looking at the overall competitive landscape
Understanding the category they're ever know created has continued to grow and is now shaped by many companies
But inventing the future requires being able to stand on a solid foundation now just a note
These are a few clippings from the piece. So it's not the full piece. I do recommend reading the full piece first things first
I do like the way that you started this it's really respectful
It does understand that there are flaws with Evernote and they definitely intend on changing them and I hundred percent agree
they need to work on the foundations and it's something that is definitely confident on doing so let's dive into the next little bit and
Honestly requires us to state straight out that we can do better with the product you have
Today that we are currently doing. In fact, we can do better than we have been doing for some years frankly
It's a bit disingenuous
for me to try and get most
Dedicated users all fired up about inventing the future of Evernote
When exactly those same people are the ones who know best that sync doesn't always work right or that Evernote on Windows is a bit
Tired and it is missing features that are found on the Mac version or that each version of Evernote seems to be work slightly
Different and exhibits its own unique collection of bugs and undesirable behaviors or that Evernote on mobile
Sometimes feels like a head down version of the powered desk
powerful desktop app instead of the mobile first view into a powerful cloud enable productivity environment because ultimately
by choosing to use Evernote each of you gives us the privilege of serving you of
Trying to make your life more focused more organized and more productive in return
It's our responsibility in an untreated to serve you well now actually when I read this
Actually felt that Evernote finally got it
they finally understood that they haven't quite hit a nail on the head and these I
particularly, like the ins highlighted some of the key features that have been annoying people because actually shows that he's aware of them because
sometimes when you know, for example the fact that there are so many features sort of off with Evernote is
Not good and actually highlighting them not just saying all of our bugs, you know, this is something that actually is
resonates with me especially
Over the years I've been with Evan. Ooh, so now moving slightly onto the goals area
Ian highlights a few goals and he says our goals are simple, but meaningful number one
We're going to create a more coherent more consistent Evernote experience for every version of the product. We ship an
experience that fixes the essential features on which all of us depend
number two
We're going to make a fundamental changes to how we develop and deliver
Software so that we can start to ship faster across all devices we support and that all of us can experience the same Evernote
regardless regardless
regardless of which device we use to experience it and number three and we're going to make
Improvements to the core infrastructure that sits behind the application you experience so that we can deliver an Evernote with speed
Reliability and scalability that all of us expect you also finally mentions despite this risk
I'm convinced that focusing on the basics is what we need to do first in order to best serve you not just now but
Years into the future now
One thing I want to say here is looking at the goal side of stuff number one
I think that that goal is or two awards
reconfiguring the plans
For example what's included in them what features are included in them and how they intend to monetize in the future?
I didn't think we're definitely going to see a change in the Evernote basic in the next couple of months and
How it is perceived by everyday users number two
The goal - I think focuses on launching across the board so actually shipping the same experience on all devices
So for example Evernote Mac isn't a look like Evernote
It is gonna look like Evernote for iPhone or Evernote for Android
It's all going to be consistent
which I definitely think is needed and
Finally the third thing that I think he focuses on is the bug security issues and the reliability of the service
I think people really want Evernote to be that reliable consistent experience
It has been in the past but in the last couple years not so much. I really struggled to open up my iPhone
There's always crashes bunks and it just really horrible experience to use
So the really good news is if you're an Evernote user
Ever new have become aware of all of their problems and when I actually chat with ian small
He honestly did have
He was all ears open and he's definitely wanted
everyone to be happy in terms of
Starting small and building out because I don't think is the sort of person that Russian and a new feature
I think he's someone that will change from the bottom upwards
So Evernote must work on their foundations first, and it's something that I definitely think they are working on hard
So it's going to be exciting 2019 for Evernote
Either way Evernote have put out this challenge that I didn't want to mention. That was at the bottom that blog post
It's good ever better challenge. I think it's a great little initiative if you're looking for a 30-day
Challenge for setting a goal in 2019. I can't recommend it enough
They've got a brilliant explaining video on it with Forrest the guy who runs their podcast
And it's definitely recommended to go and check it out
Also, I'm going to be putting or I probably already have put out a video on notions Web Clipper. I probably really stood today
It's well worth looking at it and we did a video on this to overview it
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Honestly, you'll be great to hear so guys
Thanks very much, and make sure if a great week keep it up as if I'll see you guys
Pretty very soon. Alright, Cheers
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2011-2014 F150 S&B Cold Air Intake w/ Dry Extendable Filter 3.5L EcoBoost Sound Clip & Install - Duration: 10:12.
So, if you own an EcoBoost F-150 like the '11 to '14 sitting behind me, then you've
probably found out by now that a cold air intake is simply put one of the easiest ways
that you can make more power out of your truck, right?
And that's for a simple reason.
When you throw an intake on an EcoBoost powered truck, it'll actually tune itself, modifying
air and fuel, so you don't have to tune the truck with a device.
That normally excludes a lot of cold air intakes with other vehicles, but it allows you to
make some pretty good performance gains.
Now, which intake should you go with?
Well, if you're looking for one that's really affordable, you want something simple, you
want some of the looks relatively OEM, then you should be checking out the S&B cold air
intake sitting behind me with their dry extendable filter.
Again, at around the $299 price point, this is currently one of the least expensive options
and it's also one of the most affordable closed element design.
Now, when you're looking at all those intakes on the site, you really have two primary things
to from.
You got closed element designs like this one and you got open element designs and they
both have their pros and cons.
An open element design looks a little bit cooler because you can see that high flow
filter and it's exposed and you usually have some sort of cool heat shield, but it's not
gonna insulate that filter as well, it's not gonna make as much power as a closed element
The closed element design kind of looks a little bit more boring, it might not look
as aesthetic.
But what I like about this one, in particular, is that they decided to throw a really cool
little plexiglass window over top that dry extendable filter and that actually plays
a couple roles.
Number one, it obviously looks a lot better, you can see that filter underneath.
And this filter, in particular, is actually washable and reusable, that's why they call
it an extendable filter.
All you got to do is blow it out with compressed air.
And that's another purpose that the plexiglass window serves, you can keep an eye on the
filter without having to pull it out all the time.
And that's nice because it protects it especially if you take your truck off-road, you get any
water or mud up underneath the hood there.
You're not gonna worry about hydrolocking your engine.
Now, the other thing that's nice about this intake again besides the fact that it doesn't
require a tune, is it's CARB-certified.
It's legal in all 50 states.
So, if you live in somewhere like California, normally would not be able to pass emissions,
so you don't get to enjoy those performance benefits but S&B has you covered on that end.
And the install for this one is also very easy.
I'm actually gonna give this a one out of three wrenches on my difficulty meter.
And honestly guys, it shouldn't take you more than 30 minutes to an hour to get this installed.
I would recommend this as a great first mod if you haven't done anything to your truck
All right, guys, to install your intake you'll need a standard drive ratchet with an 8-millimeter
socket and depending on your model year, you might need a T20 Torx bit.
You'll also need a Phillips head screwdriver.
And optional but helpful tools include some extensions.
All right.
So, removing your factory intake is very straightforward.
All you're really gonna need is an 8-millimeter socket.
We have to loosen a couple of band clamps.
But before we do that, we're gonna tackle our intake temperature sensor, it's a little
red clip down here on the bottom.
Just go ahead and pull on that with your fingernail, give a little bit of a squeeze and it should
pop right out.
Once you've done that, go ahead and take your ratchet and your socket and tackle this first
clamp securing your intake tube to your airbox.
All right.
Now we're gonna remove the top of our airbox.
It's secured with a couple of clips right here.
Simply press on them with your thumb to release them, you can pull the top of the airbox free.
All right.
Next, we're gonna tackle both of our turbo side clamps here.
And once we remove both of these clamps, we can pull our intake tube out from the engine
All right.
Now, that second clamp is tucked down pretty far, so you'll probably need at least a 10-inch
extension to access it.
Now you may have some breather hoses connected to the intake tube, simply remove those as
you pull it out of the truck.
All right.
We have our factory intake removed.
Now, I can get a quick comparison here.
You guys can see some of those similarities and some of those differences that I was talking
about earlier.
And obviously, the big improvement here is the S&B's new dry extendable filter, which
again is washable and reusable.
Obviously, these factory paper elements look pretty bad after a short few miles and while
you can't clean them off, they're very restrictive even when they're new, right?
So, we're ditching all this stuff.
But before you get rid of your factory intake, you got to make sure you pull your intake
temperature sensor.
We're gonna swap that over to our new intake tube.
In the case of our 2011 truck, we're gonna need a T20 Torx bit to loosen this guy up.
All right.
Next, we're gonna install the adapter plate for our sensor.
You wanna make sure you orient it in the correct way and also want to make sure you have this
little foam gasket underneath it to help seal it so you don't have any air leaks or anything
like that.
And you'll be grabbing these Phillips head screws in order to tighten all this stuff
down, so you'll need a Phillips head screwdriver.
Now, when you go to put your sensor in place, you wanna make sure the little diode is facing
towards the inlet on the intake tube itself.
All right.
Last we're gonna install the barb fitting here for that little hose that we popped off.
If your truck does not have one of those hoses going into the factory intake tube, then you'll
need to grab that little Allen head plug provided in the kit.
Now, keep in mind, these are plastic threads, so you only want to hand tighten these in
All right.
Our sensor is in place.
Now, we're gonna throw the intake tube into the top of our new airbox and we're going
to secure our filter.
In order to do that, you'll need that same 8-millimeter socket that we were using earlier.
And before you do that, make sure you got one of these clamps here on the air filter
Now because we're fitting this plastic through this giant rubber O-ring here, it can be a
bit of a squeeze.
So, it's helpful actually spray on the inside of this using some WD-40 or some PB B'laster
or some other type of spray lubricant, make it a lot easier.
All right.
And again, once the tube has cleared the box itself, go ahead and throw that filter in
All right.
We're all finally ready to throw our new intake into our truck.
So, go ahead and grab that 8-millimeter socket and ratchet.
Make sure you got all those rubber couplers here on the intake tube itself with the appropriate
band clamps.
I'll meet you over the truck and I'll show you how to get this bolted down.
All right.
So, when you go to throw this guy in place, the first thing you want to do is line up
the top of your new heat shield with the bottom of the factory airbox.
And once you've done that, go ahead and clip down all those metal clips that we removed
There is three of them total again.
And with the new plastic heat shield, it might be a little bit of a squeeze.
All right.
Once you got the new heat shield cinched down to the bottom of the factory airbox, you're
gonna come over to your intake tube portion here, go ahead and wiggle both of those in
place so both of those rubber couplers line up with the turbo side of the factory tubing.
All right now that our intake tubes are secured, we can tighten down those band clamps.
And again, you might need an extension for this bottom one just because it's tucked down
there pretty far.
All right.
Now we're gonna throw our plexiglass window on top of our new heat shield here.
You'll need these four Phillips head screws in the kit and you want to make sure you put
those little rubber grommets underneath them.
Separate the heads of the screws from the plexiglass itself, that way it doesn't crack
when you go to tighten them down.
All right, guys, we're just about done.
All we have to do is plug in our sensor again, make sure you push down that little red tab
to lock it in place.
And you're gonna reattach that breather hose that we removed earlier to that barb fitting
that we just installed a minute ago.
All right.
So, once you got your sensor and that breather tube back in place that will wrap up this
very easy install.
And that also wraps up my review of the S&B cold air intake with their dry extendable
filter fitting your '11 to '14 EcoBoost powered F-150.
I'm Travis.
Thanks for watching.
And for all things F-150, keep it right here at
Top 5 Flavour Wins | Ravnica Allegiance - Duration: 9:09.
Hello spicy people of the internet, my name is @StandUpPoet aka. "See that girl,
watch that scene, he is Dick Dastardly" and welcome to The Spice 8 Rack.
With Ravnica allegiance now fully released, it's time to get into the nitty
and the gritty of how this set holds up flavour-wise. To me
an instance of successful flavour is when a cards mechanics line up with the story the
card is trying to tell, or the feeling the card is trying to convey.
I could be a moment of particularly excellent flavour text writing, or even a satisfying
beat in a story of a set. As a note, I'm recording this a week before my local pre-release,
so here's a quick message from future Connor,
who just completed his first pre release since Shadows over Innistrad.
How did you do future Connor?
"I accidentally drafted Golgari." - Big Loser
That's great! Well done! Now, without further ado,
let's break down the Top 5 Flavour Wins from Ravnica Allegiance.
Number five: Humongulus
Now, I hate puns. I hate puns with a passion rivaled only by my burning
I hate puns with a passion rivalled only by my burning desire for the flamenco.
And, as much as I loved his first appearance, I've grown deeply numb
to the charm of all of the Fblthp memes, and appearances on cards.
So why is this card even on my list if it's both a pun and a Fblthp reference?
Well, it's because of its interaction, or lack thereof, with the card where Fblthp first appeared.
God, that is a frustrating name to say.
This "humongous homunculus" stands head and shoulder over the crowd he's
searching through as we can see in the art meaning that, unlike his... Sibling?
He cannot get "totally lost". This is exemplified with his sole piece of rules text, the fact he has Hexproof
meaning that he also cannot be targeted by the spell "Totally Lost".
This is an inconsequential, but ultimately charming
reference. Although the corny flavour text and the fact that "Totally Lost" doesn't
actually appear in this set to enhance the reference, pushes the card down to my number 5 slot.
Number 4: Gruul Gate number 250.
Why 250 specifically? Well throughout Guilds of Ravnica block so far,
each guild has gotten two separate printings of their guildgates
with alternative art and flavour text. each big gate has flavor
Each big gate has flavour text from the Guildmaster
and each small door has flavour text from the guild champion,
who is pretty much the second most important or renowned person in the guild.
Gruul breaks this nine card cycle by featuring Ruric Thar on its small door flavour text,
while showcasing Nikya of the old ways as its guild champion.
Whilst I imagine this has deeply frustrated every player who cares
about symmetry, it's actually kind of a genius move for wizards to do this:
The one guild who despises Ravnica's cities for all their structure and order is the
one guild that revolts against a multiset cycle. Does this affect gameplay and the story?
Is it cute? Yes and it's number four.
Number three: Kaya's Wrath.
The ghost council of Orzhova, or The Obzedat are famously difficult to kill.
Partly because they're already dead and have been for a hot minute now,
but mostly because of their vast wealth and power. They are able to
protect themselves against any threat before it even happens as we saw in the
"Family Values" story where Teysa Karlov tried and failed to reveal the true extent of the ghost council's corruption,
only to get caught and imprisoned by her ancestor, and head of the Ghost Council itself: Grandfather Karlov. ancestor and head of the observe at itself grandfather Carla the obser that
The Obzedat seemed untouchable... that was until a certain planeswalker who was first introduced to the game as a:
who had already killed one incredibly powerful spirit in the form of Brago, King Eternal, turned up on Ravnica.
Kaya is the one character I would have readily believed could end the
Obzedat's unlife and the art depicts this happening in a very Yondu from the Guardian's of the Galaxy way.
The flavour text as well is perfectly succinct
and tells you everything you need to know about the build-up to this
event and what transpired during it: In an act of revenge Teysa set up the meeting
and Kaya ended it: *MWA*
Number two: Guardian Project.
This four mana enchantment is a wonderful example of how a card's mechanics
and effects can almost perfectly match the cards flavour and the broader flavour of
the organisation this card is representing. The Simic's greatest strength
comes from its diversity, says the flavour text, reflecting the Simic Combine's
attitude towards melding creatures of different tribes together
for tactical and financial gain. Both this process and this gain is perfectly
represented in the mechanics of this card, which encourages you to diversify
your creature base in your deck in order to ensure more consistent card draw.
As bonus flavour points,- which I shall be referring to as "morsels" from that on.
It is my channel I can do what I like- The Guardian in this artwork is actually a
combination of the three creatures who are surrounding him. In the high-res
artwork we can see a very human face, several merfolk fins and elf ears which
match the shape of those seen on the third Simic scientist whose back is to
the camera. The only small way that this card stumbles flavour-wise is that it
still works in tribal singleton decks such as EDH elves and snakes whose
entire strategy is built on single creature types. To be fully flavourful,
this card would have had to check creature types rather than card names
but that would have made this card virtually unplayable and so I understand
why Wizards stopped at this level of flavour.
Now, before I reveal my top flavour win from the entire of Ravnica Allegiance
it's time for some honourable mentions.
Rakdos, the Showstopper.
This card has a lovely bit of flavour text which showcases Rakdos's character in the set
in two simple words which match very well with his name, imposing art, and
toying ability. However, mr. Dos only gets an honourable mention here because
this same kind of flavor taste has already appeared on another recent card
to similar effect. Padeem, Consul of Innovation asked
players to "Impress [him]" which perfectly encapsulated this hitherto unknown
character in two simple words. Had Rakdos been printed before Padeem,
he probably would have ended up on this list.
However this very much feels like a writer trying to bottle lightning twice
Elite arrestor and Ragefire.
These two cards can only be found in the
planeswalker decks that featured Dovin, Architect of Law and Domri, City Smasher.
They have no interesting applications flavour-wise within the
larger set as a whole. However, you may notice that Elite Arrestor has three toughness
and is exactly killed by Ragefire. You may also notice that Ragefire's
art is a point of view piece and judging from the gauntlets and shape of the
helmet opening it is in fact from the perspective of the Elite *Arrestor.
The flavour text also reflects the spell specifically targeting a law enforcer.
This is a cute little representation of how these cards may interact with one
another and, if you're a newer player to the game, it gives you a hint as to how
you ought to play these cards. It is a very cute little reference in the art
and I very much appreciated it.
Saruli Caretaker.
[Romantic and wistful acoustic guitar builds]
[Singing] Gonna Bust a Nut
Concordia Pegasus
This is just a regular old blue-white flyer limited all-star, but that favor text is just so wonderfully Simic.
"What makes a frog lizard worse than a bird horse?"
"It's prejudice against the Simic, that's what. It's unfair!"
And finally, at number one we have...
[Drum roll]
The spectacle mechanic!
Yes, okay this is a bit of a cop-out,
but the flavour of spectacle is just so strong that I couldn't pick out
a single card out of all of them as my top flavour win within Ravnica Allegiance.
The cult of Rakdos relishes carnage and spectacle perfectly encapsulates the fervor
that violence brings them provided your opponent has lost like this turn
Rakdos cards with spectacle suddenly become a lot better; either by making
extraordinary actions and characters easier to call upon with a cheaper mana
cost or by giving them additional powerful effects. This ability fits
perfectly into the cult of Rakdos identity and the mechanic perfectly
conveys the bloodlust that drives the guild. Rakdos has always had some of
the most flavourful mechanics throughout their appearance in Ravnica and I
believe spectacle to be an absolute flavour slam dunk.
And that's it for my top 5 flavour winds of Ravnica Allegiance what
would you have had on your list? Have I missed any examples of excellent
flavour? Let me know in the comments! Also let me know what you'd like to see me
cover next, either in the comments or by hitting me up on social media @StandUpPoet
I'm always looking for new video ideas and I may as well suck all
the good concepts out of you lovely viewers whilst I still can.
Thanks for watching guys, and stay spicy!
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