Absolutely Stunning RH4523C Park Model has 3 Bed 2 Bath by Champion Homes
For more infomation >> Absolutely Stunning RH4523C Park Model has 3 Bed 2 Bath by Champion Homes - Duration: 1:50.-------------------------------------------
EP22-宿霧學英語要注意什麼?orientation guide - Duration: 2:30.
Cycle Race | Around The World | Om Nom Cartoons | Kids Shows - Kids Tv - Duration: 2:39.
Cycle Race Around The World Om Nom
Hello guys, welcome again
the lock I have for you today is this cool ERA lever lock
a five lever lock
that my friend AndyMac sends me,
thank you very much Andy
It's very good, it's very funny and I had a hard time pick it
even though I have the key and I could see the biting
I am a beginner in this kind of locks
and an biting as extreme as this
it generates problems
has three levers that go very high, third, fourth and fifth
and two levers that are very down, the first and the second
despite not being mixed highs and the short ones,
it's a very radical biting
and that give me problems
The first is directly supported on the curtain
the second, does not support on the curtain, but is very close,
here you see that the difference it is minimal
If I try to put the pick under
and do any trial and error,
and I fall in the false gate
They are very complicated to set,
without knowing the biting would be very complicated for me to pick this lock
and the rest, third, fourth and fifth, does not give problems
let's take it apart to see those first two levers
I think it's worth it
because then you can better understand what happens during the picking
Let's do it
it takes us nothing
and I think it's a much more instructive video
well, here you have it
this is the first lever
let's turn the curtain
there you can see it
supports on the curtain
there is no room left, to circulate the pick
and the distance you have to move the lever to set it is minimal, just 1mm
in the second we have something similar
here it is
the distance available here does not allow the pick below
if we put it in and check it, we overset the lever
because the distance to set it is just 1mm or 1.5mm.
when trying to feel this lever was constantly overseting it,
and ended up falling in the false gate
I'm going to take it out so you can see it in more detail
here it is
this is the distance that you have to move the the lever to set it
in fact, it happens that many times that when trying to set the second one
with the pick turned, touching it with the tip,
I touch both of them Once and I put them both at the same time
and it gives the opening directly
They are very beautiful and for me very difficult to set
the rest are like the ones we usually see
they have no problem
here it is
the route that must be done to arrive to the true door is very broad
and the false gate is in that path and you can fall in it
but working with low tesion does not give any kind of problem
the problem is the two gorges that support the curtain
well, let me assemble the lock again
and we try to pick it, Let's do it
Well, I have the lock mounted again, here you have it
it works perfectly
is closed
we're going to use Andy's tensor, it's fantastic
It fits perfectly and gives a lot of control over the curtain, and consequently over the tension
in this case, what I'm going to do is going to be
place first the fourth fifth and third,
they are gorjas that go very high, they do not give any problem
if we put them well the curtain gives a slight advance and they will start asking for the first and second,
that we will place them coming out of the tensioner and touching them with the tip of the pick
Let's try
very slight tension, the tension is critical
fifth nothing,
the fourth gives an advance
they give light advances
fourth, there has advanced the curtain
it seems that third fourth and fifth are set
we go outside...
and there it is, touching the first one,
it gives us the opening
let's try it again
we'll see...
very slight tension...
fifth nothing
fourth gives an advance
third is set, fourth again
Fourth, let's see...
third, quarter
there, when touching the fifth, the curtain has given a slight advance
let's check, it seems that they are set
we go out, second
and there, when playing the second one, the first one is also touched with the tip of the pick
and it is open
let's take it apart
so you can see that everything is in and working
It is a very beautiful lock, lovely
without knowing the biting
It would have been very difficult, because it is very easy to get under the second, and touching it to check it
before time, and you left it behind,
so it always falls on the false gate of the second or third
Let's try
we remove the screws
I love how easy it is to disassemble these locks and this allows us to see the interior
we go there, here you have the levers
the first one that rests directly on the curtain, with its false gate
the spacer
the second, here you have it,
practically the same,
It's also hard to get under it, if you put the pick under it, you overset it,
the third, this is normal
has the false gate along the way before the true gate
the spacer
the fourth
the spacer
and the fifth
the fifth does not give problems either
the spacer
and the curtain
the closing bolt, with a pillar stump
here you can see the stump, it has nothing special
and Andy's note, very important...
well done, AndyMac
thank you very much Andy
for sending me this lock,
and these fantastic tools, it's a blast work with them
I will try to make something similar although it will not be the same
and for all of you, this has been the picking
of this ERA lock of five levers, with false gates
and levers resting on the curtain
I hope you liked it, that it will be useful
and thank you very much for your time, bye ;o))
Skoda Fabia - Duration: 1:23.
Skoda Octavia - Duration: 1:23.
Gorgeous Stunning 2019 Kropf 4664A Park Model From RV Trader - Duration: 5:36.
Gorgeous Stunning 2019 Kropf 4664A Park Model From RV Trader
Mesajul controversat al "Plușicăi" de la Puterea Dragostei! Ce s-a întâmplat cu ea? "O etapă a vieți - Duration: 6:43.
Cum arată acum Angela Similea și adevăratul motiv pentru care nu mai cântă! A revenit în țară - Duration: 5:08.
Estefania Wollny: Drama um Vater Dieter , Ging da was? Andrej Mangold turtelte heftig mit Sarah - Duration: 10:56.
Do I have separation anxiety? - Duration: 6:51.
I think I might have separation anxiety.
Last year I made a video about becoming a parent and the anxiety I had about about that.
And that decision I want to make a follow up since it's been a year and let you know
where where we've been the past year has been full yes sweetie the past year has been full
of lots of awesome moments of discovery.
There's so many more things that my daughter could do now like walk and seeing her walk
for the first time was pretty amazing.
She loves books are so many things that she's learned how to do and I love all those moments.
But what has been really hard for me is how much my experience of anxiety has changed
specifically how much I worry like right now where is she going.
Was she doing when people talk about separation anxiety they often focus on the child side.
It's hard for kids to separate from their caregivers.
It's hard for them to be away from them.
They start to worry about what's happening to their parent if everything is going to
be OK.
They want to check in.
They can't do sleepovers.
Yeah it's a tribble
You got the tribble sweetie they have a hard time with sleep overs with going to camp with
anything that's overnight in a way stuff like that or starting school.
But what no one talks about is the parent side of separation anxiety.
It's something I've learned so much about this year.
It's not so much that it's hard for me to be away from her as much it is that when I
think of something new of going someplace yeah Lion sweetie and you have Ya Ya.
Ya Ya is her octopus I don't know why she calls it Ya Ya.
When we think about OK let's just walk the camera but not not not mess it up.
When when I think about going someone somewhere new doing something we haven't done before.
My head gets full of everything that could possibly go wrong.
And I get this gut urge to not go there.
Like just a few weeks ago we were going to a holiday party that my friend was throwing
and we hadn't done that done that trip before.
We hadn't been in her home with my daughter before.
And I started to think like how are we going to get there.
We're gonna have to use this new car seat because she's outgrown the old car seat.
What if something goes bad.
Now she's pointing to the screen saying dada's there.
Yes sweetie hi.
Hi dada is making a video.
And you I was thinking like we're going to be at her home.
There's going to be like a glass coffee table.
What if she runs into that and then she gets hurt and something bad happens.
You got the tribble.
And I immediately had this urge to not go.
And that's what happens to me all the time now.
Anything we're doing for the first time.
I don't want to do it.
The other things sweetie you want to come here you want to come here sweetie.
No you want to sit on your spot.
You can sit in your spot.
Can dada come with you and sit on your spot.
The other thing that happens is not only does she like being closer to me when she's struggling
but when she is sad and crying it feels so good to me to be able to soothe her to hold
her to calm her.
And that's the other part of separation anxiety people don't talk about is how good it feels
to comfort your child and how much better that is than the anxiety of letting them go
and do something where there is uncertainty and danger and uncertainty is just what fuels
And I've been feeling so much of that this past year as we do so many new things.
This is the thing about anxiety.
People always talk about anxiety as if you have it and you don't.
And that is completely false.
Anxiety is an emotion we all have.
It's a constant.
It's a it's always going to be there.
And for me this past year has been about learning to stay vigilant in the face of anxiety.
When when I feel that urge to avoid come up to push back against it and I don't want to
make a series of decisions that not only make my world smaller but make her world smaller.
And that's what I've had to learn this year is to push back against that and it's really
hard and it's stressful and I get tense and I am full of worries.
And it's really difficult for me and when I'm able to do it and when I'm able to talk
to my wife and get her help it's not that it gets any easier that time.
But it does the next time.
And that's what I've learned and that's what I'm trying to do.
Have you ever experienced separation anxiety with your children with your pets with a friend
with your parents.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more mental health and psychology videos subscribe to his channel please don't touch the mic
Thank you.
Thank you so much for listening to Dad.
And what else should you do.
Oh if you want to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon.
And I want to welcome my newest patron Jennifer C.
Jennifer thank you for becoming a patron of The Psych Show.
You want to say bye bye.
Sweetie do you want to blow them a kiss?
bye bye You can say bye bye sweetie.
Do You want to blow them a kiss.
You're Kind of saying bye bye to me but the camera is over there.
bye bye bye.
We'll do a Backwards Bye Bye Bye everyone.
Đại dương xanh không phải của riêng ai - J「Lyric Video」 - Duration: 3:35.
邓伦最想删除的照片,只穿"秋裤"就出来?当时没想过会爆红吧! - Duration: 2:30.
Do I have separation anxiety? - Duration: 6:51.
I think I might have separation anxiety.
Last year I made a video about becoming a parent and the anxiety I had about about that.
And that decision I want to make a follow up since it's been a year and let you know
where where we've been the past year has been full yes sweetie the past year has been full
of lots of awesome moments of discovery.
There's so many more things that my daughter could do now like walk and seeing her walk
for the first time was pretty amazing.
She loves books are so many things that she's learned how to do and I love all those moments.
But what has been really hard for me is how much my experience of anxiety has changed
specifically how much I worry like right now where is she going.
Was she doing when people talk about separation anxiety they often focus on the child side.
It's hard for kids to separate from their caregivers.
It's hard for them to be away from them.
They start to worry about what's happening to their parent if everything is going to
be OK.
They want to check in.
They can't do sleepovers.
Yeah it's a tribble
You got the tribble sweetie they have a hard time with sleep overs with going to camp with
anything that's overnight in a way stuff like that or starting school.
But what no one talks about is the parent side of separation anxiety.
It's something I've learned so much about this year.
It's not so much that it's hard for me to be away from her as much it is that when I
think of something new of going someplace yeah Lion sweetie and you have Ya Ya.
Ya Ya is her octopus I don't know why she calls it Ya Ya.
When we think about OK let's just walk the camera but not not not mess it up.
When when I think about going someone somewhere new doing something we haven't done before.
My head gets full of everything that could possibly go wrong.
And I get this gut urge to not go there.
Like just a few weeks ago we were going to a holiday party that my friend was throwing
and we hadn't done that done that trip before.
We hadn't been in her home with my daughter before.
And I started to think like how are we going to get there.
We're gonna have to use this new car seat because she's outgrown the old car seat.
What if something goes bad.
Now she's pointing to the screen saying dada's there.
Yes sweetie hi.
Hi dada is making a video.
And you I was thinking like we're going to be at her home.
There's going to be like a glass coffee table.
What if she runs into that and then she gets hurt and something bad happens.
You got the tribble.
And I immediately had this urge to not go.
And that's what happens to me all the time now.
Anything we're doing for the first time.
I don't want to do it.
The other things sweetie you want to come here you want to come here sweetie.
No you want to sit on your spot.
You can sit in your spot.
Can dada come with you and sit on your spot.
The other thing that happens is not only does she like being closer to me when she's struggling
but when she is sad and crying it feels so good to me to be able to soothe her to hold
her to calm her.
And that's the other part of separation anxiety people don't talk about is how good it feels
to comfort your child and how much better that is than the anxiety of letting them go
and do something where there is uncertainty and danger and uncertainty is just what fuels
And I've been feeling so much of that this past year as we do so many new things.
This is the thing about anxiety.
People always talk about anxiety as if you have it and you don't.
And that is completely false.
Anxiety is an emotion we all have.
It's a constant.
It's a it's always going to be there.
And for me this past year has been about learning to stay vigilant in the face of anxiety.
When when I feel that urge to avoid come up to push back against it and I don't want to
make a series of decisions that not only make my world smaller but make her world smaller.
And that's what I've had to learn this year is to push back against that and it's really
hard and it's stressful and I get tense and I am full of worries.
And it's really difficult for me and when I'm able to do it and when I'm able to talk
to my wife and get her help it's not that it gets any easier that time.
But it does the next time.
And that's what I've learned and that's what I'm trying to do.
Have you ever experienced separation anxiety with your children with your pets with a friend
with your parents.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more mental health and psychology videos subscribe to his channel please don't touch the mic
Thank you.
Thank you so much for listening to Dad.
And what else should you do.
Oh if you want to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon.
And I want to welcome my newest patron Jennifer C.
Jennifer thank you for becoming a patron of The Psych Show.
You want to say bye bye.
Sweetie do you want to blow them a kiss?
bye bye You can say bye bye sweetie.
Do You want to blow them a kiss.
You're Kind of saying bye bye to me but the camera is over there.
bye bye bye.
We'll do a Backwards Bye Bye Bye everyone.
安倍首相は韓国を無視?代わりに中朝にラブコール? - Duration: 6:02.
Prime Minister Abe ignored Korea? Instead of love call in the morning? (Translated by google.com)
Korean media is stirring as Prime Minister Abe of Japan neglected Korea intentionally in the administrative speech.
South Korea media reported that Korean relations had fallen out entirely in a speech of Abe's 12800 characters, 52 minutes.
Meanwhile, he said he would clarify the intention of normalizing diplomatic relations with North Korea and work closely with the international community including the United States and South Korea.
This is the only part where the word "Korea" came out in the speech. It did not appear at all in other parts.
He said that the relationship between Japan and China will come back to perfectly by the visit last year, raising Japan-China relations to a new stage.
Abe also mentioned active diplomacy with Middle Eastern countries and aid to African countries.
Until last year, Korea was regarded as "the most important neighbor for sharing strategic interests", but this year has not been touched this year.
Last year Korean media reported that they felt deliberately cold on Korea, but said that this year is not touched.
Also, the Korean media has analyzed that it is avoiding that Japan, the United States and Korea are in disorder in the pace of the US maintaining silence although Japan is requesting arbitration to the United States .
South Korea also tried to discuss the United States, but the United States has said that it did not respond.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2CLWO4t http://bit.ly/2CZeQ3x http://bit.ly/2CZeVUT http://bit.ly/2CZf3Un
Korean reaction
I am not interested in mentioning or not mentioning it.
Sense to comment while not interested.
Is the media crazy? Do I have to pay attention to not mentioning Abe to our country?
We also use anti-Japanese emotions to cover other issues and increase the approval rating.
Abe stopped mentioning to Korea but is it so important? Is not that we should not mention Japan either?
I can not become a true friend of Japan. Never give up on them trying to separate the same race and pursue only their own interests.
Japan is also a problem, but the guards of the domestic troops who are domestic are even more serious.
Abe is the leader who dislikes the unification of the Korean peninsula the most.
It seems that the United States and Japan have begun to raise Korea and to nurture North Korea ....
Abe does not seem to know that North Korea dislikes Japan even more than us.
Japan has never played a war with North Korea and can be friendly, but what?
It is bullshit. How poor are the North Koreans feel about Japan? Did only Korea experience the enlisted occupation period of the Japanese emperor?
Reason why the United States is indifferent to the deterioration of relations between Japan and Korea? Because I hate Mun Jayin's administration ...
Although North Korea is firmly united with Russia and China, Korea is in bullying in the United States and Japan.
If I knew the meaning of the Korea-US alliance, I would not have compelled South Korea's contribution of the USFK forces. Korea is a buyer who buys American power, not allies.
The United States is basically a friendly force.
Comment Source: http://bit.ly/2CQe2he http://bit.ly/2CNfmRY http://bit.ly/2CP2t9U http://bit.ly/2CQe6gY
The idea of Japanese editors
Prime Minister Abe is still cold to Korea. Frequently it is said that apathy is more serious than likes and dislikes in relation to human relations, but it seems to be in that stage.
In exchange, Kono foreign minister touched so much that it took a balance.
Then Korean media said that "Takeshima is a territory unique to Japan". Whether touching but not touching will make noise anyway.
As a comment, Korea had to touch Japan, but it would be unrealistic.
3.1 Can we make a speech without Japan on the Independence Movement anniversary? Rather, it will become conscious of Japan at full throttle anti-Japanese.
And if the US-North Korean summit was going smoothly, it would be condemning Japan by aligning footsteps in the north and south. Without Japan, Korea can not be established.
If we can talk about improvement of relations between Japan and North Korea at the US-North Korea summit meeting, we will lose that momentum. It means that there is a possibility that Korea will be in great trouble.
I was not originally aware of what bad Japan-Korea relationship would be. Relations that had been hidden without media reporting were only exposed through several incidents.
If Korea is quiet, there will be no winds as if nothing happens.
I feel that the Japanese government's response to Korea is cool and cold. The Korean government deplores emotion and makes a big fuss. Korean media is also responsible.
If there is something in Japanese media, suddenly beating out Korea. Well it's for numbers. Magazines and TVs and so on will also start to feature special features.
South Korea may be dealing with Japan - South Korea relations by regime more concerned about numbers than the media. Moon · Jayin's regime has recovered somewhat of the support rate and it is said that it went as intended.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
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Ford Focus 1.8-16V Ambiente Flexifuel 5 DRS AIRCO - Duration: 1:22.
【相場に嵐は起こるのか!?】2019/1/28(月)FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く! 生放送263回目🎤★☆★現在収支+3,859,751円★☆★ - Duration: 7:09:03.
Call Collett: Woman claims $30K of items ruined at drycleaners - Duration: 2:27.
먹방 창배tv 창배표 디진다 순대볶음 매운맛이 강하게 땡기는 날 그냥 말고 디진다 순대볶음 mukbang asmr copy eating show - Duration: 12:47.
Hello. Guys. I'm a Changbae, messenger of Korean food. Today's menu is Dijinda sundae-bokkeum(So spicy stir-fried Korean sausage).
I bought all the ingredients for this menu and cooked it. I added Songju very spicy sauce again.
Side dish are Sangchu-muchim (Letuce with soy sauce dressing), radish kimchi.
I'm Changbae. Please, remember me. Let's enjoy it.
I got more food.
(That's Dijinda sundae-bokkeum.)
(Please see Changbae again.)
Critically injured 'mystery man' identified - Duration: 1:58.
Do I have separation anxiety? - Duration: 6:51.
I think I might have separation anxiety.
Last year I made a video about becoming a parent and the anxiety I had about about that.
And that decision I want to make a follow up since it's been a year and let you know
where where we've been the past year has been full yes sweetie the past year has been full
of lots of awesome moments of discovery.
There's so many more things that my daughter could do now like walk and seeing her walk
for the first time was pretty amazing.
She loves books are so many things that she's learned how to do and I love all those moments.
But what has been really hard for me is how much my experience of anxiety has changed
specifically how much I worry like right now where is she going.
Was she doing when people talk about separation anxiety they often focus on the child side.
It's hard for kids to separate from their caregivers.
It's hard for them to be away from them.
They start to worry about what's happening to their parent if everything is going to
be OK.
They want to check in.
They can't do sleepovers.
Yeah it's a tribble
You got the tribble sweetie they have a hard time with sleep overs with going to camp with
anything that's overnight in a way stuff like that or starting school.
But what no one talks about is the parent side of separation anxiety.
It's something I've learned so much about this year.
It's not so much that it's hard for me to be away from her as much it is that when I
think of something new of going someplace yeah Lion sweetie and you have Ya Ya.
Ya Ya is her octopus I don't know why she calls it Ya Ya.
When we think about OK let's just walk the camera but not not not mess it up.
When when I think about going someone somewhere new doing something we haven't done before.
My head gets full of everything that could possibly go wrong.
And I get this gut urge to not go there.
Like just a few weeks ago we were going to a holiday party that my friend was throwing
and we hadn't done that done that trip before.
We hadn't been in her home with my daughter before.
And I started to think like how are we going to get there.
We're gonna have to use this new car seat because she's outgrown the old car seat.
What if something goes bad.
Now she's pointing to the screen saying dada's there.
Yes sweetie hi.
Hi dada is making a video.
And you I was thinking like we're going to be at her home.
There's going to be like a glass coffee table.
What if she runs into that and then she gets hurt and something bad happens.
You got the tribble.
And I immediately had this urge to not go.
And that's what happens to me all the time now.
Anything we're doing for the first time.
I don't want to do it.
The other things sweetie you want to come here you want to come here sweetie.
No you want to sit on your spot.
You can sit in your spot.
Can dada come with you and sit on your spot.
The other thing that happens is not only does she like being closer to me when she's struggling
but when she is sad and crying it feels so good to me to be able to soothe her to hold
her to calm her.
And that's the other part of separation anxiety people don't talk about is how good it feels
to comfort your child and how much better that is than the anxiety of letting them go
and do something where there is uncertainty and danger and uncertainty is just what fuels
And I've been feeling so much of that this past year as we do so many new things.
This is the thing about anxiety.
People always talk about anxiety as if you have it and you don't.
And that is completely false.
Anxiety is an emotion we all have.
It's a constant.
It's a it's always going to be there.
And for me this past year has been about learning to stay vigilant in the face of anxiety.
When when I feel that urge to avoid come up to push back against it and I don't want to
make a series of decisions that not only make my world smaller but make her world smaller.
And that's what I've had to learn this year is to push back against that and it's really
hard and it's stressful and I get tense and I am full of worries.
And it's really difficult for me and when I'm able to do it and when I'm able to talk
to my wife and get her help it's not that it gets any easier that time.
But it does the next time.
And that's what I've learned and that's what I'm trying to do.
Have you ever experienced separation anxiety with your children with your pets with a friend
with your parents.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more mental health and psychology videos subscribe to his channel please don't touch the mic
Thank you.
Thank you so much for listening to Dad.
And what else should you do.
Oh if you want to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon.
And I want to welcome my newest patron Jennifer C.
Jennifer thank you for becoming a patron of The Psych Show.
You want to say bye bye.
Sweetie do you want to blow them a kiss?
bye bye You can say bye bye sweetie.
Do You want to blow them a kiss.
You're Kind of saying bye bye to me but the camera is over there.
bye bye bye.
We'll do a Backwards Bye Bye Bye everyone.
Mother, Please Come To Collect Your Baby (Part 1) | Kritter Klub - Duration: 2:56.
Welcome to the clothing store!
Featuring doggo and...
A newborn kitten?
Owner: At first, I had look at what it was
Owner: I was surprised
Owner: The kittens came this way
Owner: The cat is somewhere around here
Owner: I am sure about this
Traces of the cat are seen around the shop
Who is guilty of this mess?
Owner: My wife was the first one to find out about the cat
Owner: But what she asked was...
Owner: If I pooped here...
Owner: Why would I?
On the hunt for the cat!
The most important trap...
The mother's kitten!
So cute....TT
The owners now wait for the cat to appear..
After a while...
A cat make an appearance
Owner: Where has she been?
Mother... everyone is watching your steps..!
First stop is to see her baby
She's just wandering in front of her kitten
Owner: Why isn't she going in?
Ugh... no one is letting me see my child...
... and coolly walks off...
She heads off to eat instead.
Seems like she digested the food fast..@@
Camera! You did not see that happen! Erase the evidence!
"I want to keep you in my pocket"
Owner: I'm raising a late-born child
Owner: This is the only way to feed her
The cat mother has been stripped off her job;;
Owner: I have to be hospitalized for 2 months due to a car crash that happened 1 year ago
Owner: I'm concerned about who will take care of the cat
Mother cat, it's your time to take the role!
Did someone just call me?
Wait... but before that...
Is the mother ready to take up her old role?
Owner: Oh my!
Owner: There's another cat
What did the mother prepare?
Owner: She has another baby and it's big
Crew: It's big?
Owner: This kitten is big...
Both kittens are so different in size...
The mother brought in a big surprise!
What's happening to the care plan now;;;
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do this once tonight and seewhat happen to yours |mardana kamzori ka ilaj urdu mein| kamzori ka ilaj - Duration: 4:28.
According to Pakistan, there are more than nine percent of people
inside Pakistan that dominate the cold blood of the body
hich is usually our diet today,
, because of its natural power within our body
Can not be born Pharmacial poultry is used.
Drinking is more and more
we are not eating desi foods
due to which the body does not get the body due to which the person gets vulnerable due to weakness.
You should be evaluated and as we also see people and talk to them,
usually if you make a pattern It is a science that is generally considered dominant in the human being
if conditions are considered to be dominant
In this video, I am sharing a document with you, which is hidden and heat
Use it to be sure it will be very beneficial for you,
It increases the death and also solves human problem
watch this video complete and see the end. This video is going to be very beneficial for you.
As you said earlier, that our video today is going to be very intriguing of your mood
ghizai nuskha It must be tested and your feet will be strong.
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