New 2019 Cavco Sedona Park Model In Hemet for sale $47.810
For more infomation >> New 2019 Cavco Sedona Park Model In Hemet for sale $47 810 - Duration: 2:00.-------------------------------------------
Gorgeous Luxury Kay Piti 20' THOW Fully furnished, High Ceilings - Duration: 2:24.
Gorgeous Luxury Kay Piti 20' THOW Fully furnished, High Ceilings
【マツダ新型CX-3最新情報】2019年3月マイナーチェンジ!1.8Lディーゼルや2Lガソリンの価格、燃費は? - Duration: 23:29.
FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.
Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD)
✅ Sérgio Moro rebate Jean Wyllys e nega omissão de autoridades sobre ameaças. O Ministério da Justiç - Duration: 2:02.
Em nota emitida no sábado (26), o Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública, chefiado por Sérgio Moro, informou que Marcelo Valle Siqueira Mello, membro do grupo autointitulado "Homens Sanctos", foi preso em 2018 por fazer ameaças contra o deputado federal Jean Wyllys (PSOL)
A nota lamenta a decisão do parlamentar de sair do Brasil, mas diz que a acusação sobre sobre omissão das autoridades constituídas "não correspondem à realidade"
As informações do jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Em uma carta para seus companheiros de partido, Wyllys afirmou que as ameaças à sua vida e à de sua família se intensificaram no último ano
O documento diz que a PF (Polícia Federal) e o Estado brasileiro se calaram frente às denúncias
Investigações De acordo com a pasta de Moro, a PF instaurou diversos inquéritos para apurar ofensas e ameaças contra Wyllys entre 2017 e 2018
As investigações, que ainda estão em andamento, permitiram a identificação de Marcelo Valle Siqueira Mello
O suspeito, membro do grupo "Homens Sanctos", usaria a identidade de Emerson Setim para ofender o parlamentar
Mello foi preso em maio do ano passado, no âmbito da Operação Bravata
A nota ainda repudia a conduta dos que se valem do anonimato da internet para ameaçar qualquer pessoa, "em especial por preconceitos odiosos"
Wyllys foi o primeiro parlamentar assumidamente gay a defender a causa LGBT no Congresso Nacional
O deputado anunciou na última quinta-feira, 24, que abriria mão de seu terceiro mandato e deixaria o País em razão de ameaças e por temer por sua própria vida
Um dos principais opositores do presidente Jair Bolsonaro na última legislatura, ele deverá se refugiar na Espanha
AmeaçasJean Wyllysmoroomissão
VLOG หาของกินในBorough market ll food Market - Duration: 4:49.
Darvanalee Designs Studio - Quilting Basics - Patchwork Quilting Tools Part 1 - Duration: 10:28.
hi and welcome to Darvanalee Designs Studio my name's Nicole Reed and welcome
to our new series of quilting basics so today I thought I would go through some
of the quilting tools that I have on hand in my quilting studio so first and
foremost we need something to cut our fabric and while there are you should
have some dressmaking scissors and everything on hand the most used item in
my sewing room is our 45 millimeter rotary cutter and also a 28 millimeter
rotary cutter they are what I use all the time for my cutting I rarely use
scissors and if I do use scissors then I would be using my pinking shears so
moving on from that I always have a set of paper scissors in my room because you
need to have them for foundation paper piecing and you don't want to wreck your
good scissors the next must-have item are your thread snips now while my
sewing machines come with little snips on the side or a little blade where you
can cut your thread thread snips are invaluable next you would want to have
four so you can do your cutting you want to have a good quality cutting mat
cutting mat that you can see under my tools the Aqua there is a Lori Holt
cutting mat and she is from being in my bonnet so if you want to go and have a
look at some of her beautiful things that you can head over to her website
just search Larry Holt and she'll come up I'll also leave a link down below
where you can find her website we do stock these cutting mats in our store so
for local pickup only because they are huge this particular one that you're
looking at in view now is 36 by 22 I think or 24 24 inches so you can imagine
they a little bit big to send in the post the next thing that I cannot live
without are all my rulers now I have a variety of different rulers
and I have everything from 2-inch right up to 16 and a half inch so that's an
omni grid to two-inch one that's really good for I use for a little too when
I've got to cut two and a half inch squares I'll just go around it and it's
perfect and then I go up from there up to 16 and a half but the ones that I use
the most are six and a half to 12 and a half inches twelve and a half inches
square nine and a half inches square and a six and a half inches Sweatt square
and then to cut the width of the fabric I just have this particular ruler here
it is 24 inches long which it doesn't fit on camera and it's only three and a
half inches wide now I'm not very particular on what
brand I use if it feels good to use I always try to test it out in the store
or I get a sample in if I'm going to stock it in my shop because I don't
stock all brands so I do stock these less sumit ones and I find them to be
very easy to read they've got good markings on them good solid lines on
them they're non-slip which is really good and that's what I go for for a
ruler so that's the rulers and I'll just move them out of the way now and I do
have like I said I do have a variety of different sizes I even have a one inch
by six inch little raw that I use for my foundation paper piecing so that may be
another one another size that you want to get in okay next we move on to pins
what we need to pin our work with and I use a variety of different pins it
depends on the application but for most of my work I use these little glass head
pins now I've had many different brands over the years I find these little house
ones are really cute they come in a cute little bottle as you can see to store
them and then I just put them in a little handmade pincushion their glass
head so they won't melt if your iron hits them and I try to use glass head
pins all the time but sometimes I do use my longer pins which are flat pin that
have a plastic flower head so I do use the glass head pins
lot more than the plastic ones then we move on to your marking devices so I
have two sorts of marking devices that I use I use friction pins for just about
everything on a customer's quilt though I actually use a choco pen and I try to
use I do a test on the choco pens before I use them to see if they're going to
come off okay but for the most part I for my own personal work I just use the
friction pins they own off and I use them in my diary as well because I can
rub them out if I need to rub them out the next thing I use a lot of and have
always got in my our sewing room is best press I love the stuff it's perfect for
my application of patchwork and all that sort of stuff so it gets all the creases
out and I very rarely haven't any issue gives it a little bit of structure to
the fabric as well so it makes it a lot easier to cut and work with my
suggestion with the best press and any other sizing or starch or anything that
you put into your onto your fabrics do it before you cut because you can change
the structure of the fabric if you do it after you cut just a little tip there
okay next we move on to threads now for my piecing I generally use a 50 weight
thread sometimes a 40 weight thread and I generally use a polyester
I just find it to be stronger and
depending on the quilt that I'm making whether I'll use cotton or not I get
less lint from a polyester the thread is stronger and I just use either aurifil
or Goodman and the four colors that I have in my kit and that I always have on
hand is black gray white and cream so if I can't match it with a white or a cream
and I've got a darker fabric and I don't actually have any black on hand I will
use the light gray because it will blend with most colors and I use that on navy
blue and everything so there the colors that I use for all my piecing next we've
got the most controversial tool I suppose the quick
unpick the ever reminding us that it's there becomes our best friend for some
projects at the quick and peek so my sewing machines come with a quick unpick
and I would recommend that you go and purchase yourself a really good quality
quick unpick because you are going to use it more often than not so you can
see this one here and if you've seen last week's video you would have seen me
do a review on this particular one this one I spent $24 on it and the ends
actually come out so you can put them away and they're not going to get
anybody and they've got a nice blunt end so that is the quick and pick side of it
and on the other side I have our tailors all on it but I actually use this
sometimes to help me get thick seams through or when I've done a lot of
points and my machine is just struggling a little bit to get over all that where
the points are all coming into on the patchwork block that I'm working on I'll
use this just under the edge and just help help it go through the machine so
it is in a valuable tool that one so that's the quick unpick the next thing
that you would possibly want to have and not everybody does have in their tools
is a hand presser so if your father if you'll be following
along with our foundation paper piecing block of the month this year you will
actually see me use this a quite a bit I use this mostly when I'm foundation
paper piecing because my iron is not near my sewing machine and when you've
got to so lots of little pieces together this is an invaluable tool for pressing
before the final press so I can move on to each step the next thing that I use a
lot of is actually these wonderful little clips and I use these for binding
these are wonder Clips clover I think we're the first to bring them out now
and many other companies have them and they're just wonderful they they clamp a
whole multitude of things together I've even used these for bag making and
things like that so they're not just a quilting tool these ones
and next we move on to our needles now I usually have a variety of different
needles in my stash I have sharps so you everyday sewing needles then I usually
have quilters need a quilting needles so they're a smaller needle and sometimes
for my binding I actually use a beading needle because it has a little bit of
flex in it especially if I'm doing a large quilt and it's just a little bit
finer and it just flexes a little bit easier to help me not go through to the
front of my quilt when I'm binding so they and also I have a tape measure
because sometimes you think that you've measured something and when I'm sitting
at the sewing machine rather than getting up and grabbing my rulers again
I have a little tape measure beside and I can just double-check those
measurements so they are the tools that I use on a regular basis these are
always near my sewing machine they're just at hands reach and I hope that this
really helps you if you're just starting out on your quilting journey or even
your sewing journey because you would use a lot of these in your sewing as
well if you like this video today give it a thumbs up down below leave us a
comment and tell us what you thought is there a product that you found on the
market that I haven't covered here today let me know about it I'd love to hear
about that if you're new to our Channel hit that subscribe button and the little
bell icon beside er and that way you won't miss out on any future posts my
name's Nicole Reed for Darvanalee Designs studio and these is quilting
basics bye for now
FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.
Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD)
Ce bunker ultra secret où première dame Macron pourrait se réfugier en cas d'alerte à l'Elysée - Duration: 2:29.
FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.
Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD)
Absolutely Stunning 2019 Kropf Island Series 4425 For Sale Off $16k - Duration: 3:29.
Absolutely Stunning 2019 Kropf Island Series 4425 For Sale Off $16k
Venezuela's Maduro rejects election call by European leaders - Duration: 2:01.
Venezuela's embattled President Nicolas Maduro has rejected a European ultimatum that gave
him eight days to call new elections.
For more on this and other news around the world we turn to our Ro Aram…
Aram… pressure keeps piling on Maduro, but he's not going out without a fight…
That's right Mark… the UK and four other European nations said they would formally
recognize the head of Venezuela's parliament, Juan Guaido, as the legitimate president.
If that happens, they would be joining the U.S. and a host of other nations that have
already done so.
In an interview with CNN Turk, Maduro accused Europe of "kneeling" before U.S. President
Donald Trump.
"……Europe has had a very insolent position, not sustainable, unpresentable, and must withdraw
its ultimatum…..
All of Europe is kneeling before Donald Trump, its that simple, especially in the Venezuelan
Maduro has accused Washington of leading an imperialist intervention in his country.
He has the backing of nations such as Russia, China and Iran who have all expressed similar
But, far more countries are backing Guaido, who has declared himself interim president.
The opposition leader is also stepping appeals for Venezuela's military to turn against the
socialist leader.
"Venezuelan soldiers, I'm speaking to you: it's the time to get on the side of the Constitution,
it's not the time to fear.
It's not the time to back out."
While small rebellions against Maduro have broken out in Venezuela's armed forces in
recent months, there has not yet been any large scale military uprising against him.
The Venezuelan political crisis has now become the stage for international tensions, with
heated exchanges at the UN Security Council over the weekend regarding the situation.
台媒惊曝梁朝伟将隐退?刘嘉玲心疼老公不好做| 娛樂新聞 CBiz News - Duration: 3:05.
Smutný oběd v Alcronu: Barbora Munzarová truchlí s manželem po otcově smrti - Duration: 3:26.
Fotografové Expresu v neděli v centru Prahy zachytili herce Martina Trnavského se svou ženou Barborou Munzarovou
Manželé pravděpodobně sezvali několik svých přátel a společně se sešli v pražském hotelu Alcron, kde poobědvali a uctili památku zesnulého Luďka Munzara
Trnavského a Munzarovou doplnila také sedmnáctiletá Anna, vnučka Luďka Munzara, kterou má Barbora ještě z prvního manželství s hercem Jiřím Dvořákem (51)
Anna Dvořáková, dcera Barbory Munzarové a vnučka zesnulého Luďka Munzara Ve slavném pražském hotelu pobyla Munzarová a spol
zhruba tři hodiny. Poté všichni nasedli do aut a odjeli pryč. Barbora Munzarová se známými a svou dcerou Annou před pražským hotelem Alcron Barbora přišla v doprovodu manžela Martina zahalená do černé od hlavy až k patě
I když je zdrcená ze smrti otce a drží smutek, tu a tam se jí na tváři objevil plachý úsměv
Na celé rodině bylo vidět, že drží pevně při sobě a že jsou si navzájem oporou. Martin Trnavský a Barbora Munzarová s přáteli v centru Prahy Z pochopitelných důvodů se rodinné sešlosti nezúčastnila vdova po Luďku Munzarovi Jana Hlaváčová (80)
Legendární herečka trpí od roku 2011 Parkinsonovou chorobou v nejtěžším stadiu a poslední dobou prý vůbec nevychází z domu
Barbora Munzarová zažívá těžké chvíle. I díky přátelům a skvělé rodině má ale stále důvod k úsměvu
Luděk Munzar umřel v sobotu nad ránem. Delší dobu ho trápily vážné zdravotní problémy
Několikrát se mu vrátila rakovina. Přišel o ledvinu, loni prodělal slabý infarkt a musel na operaci srdce
I přes toto všechno se ale stále staral o svou těžce nemocnou ženu Janu. V sobotu v ranních hodinách Luděk Munzar odešel do hereckého nebe
워너원 고별 콘서트…멤버도, 팬도 '눈물의 떼창' - Duration: 11:10.
FREE Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD) || NEW 2019 Prod Zombiie x Nick Mira - Duration: 3:14.
Lil Skies x Yung Pinch Type Beat - Stolen (ft. Juice WRLD)
野球ニュース - ベテランの主力退団で注目を浴びるオリックス 1軍キャンプから漏れたのは? - Duration: 5:54.
オリックス・ 崎祐樹【写真 荒川祐史】 ■相次い 主力退団のオ ックス 迎え チームの転換 1月も終 に入り、いよ よ2月1日の ャンプインが ってきた
各球団が続々 監督・コーチ 議などを実施 、キャンプイ に向けた組分 を行い、発表 ていっている ルーキーでキ ンプを1軍( 団によっては 組とも言うが …)で迎える は誰か?新戦 で1軍に抜擢 れた選手は? ういったとこ にファンは注 しているだろ
ただ、1 キャンプに抜 される者がい ば、そこから れ2軍(球団 よってはB組 でキャンプを える者もいる そこでここで 視点を変え、 球団で1軍キ ンプから漏れ 2軍や3軍の ャンプから巻 返しを図る主 選手をピック ップしていこ
今回はオ ックスだ。投 では西勇輝、 子弌大の2枚 板、野手では 谷野栄一、中 宏之らベテラ の主力が去り チームは転換 を迎えている 宮崎市清武総 運動公園(S KKENスタ アム)での1 キャンプメン ーは以下の通
○投手(2 名)松葉貴大 山岡泰輔、吉 一将、荒西祐 、増井浩俊、 田護、近藤大 、竹安大知、 明大貴、アル ース、富山凌 、K-鈴木、 ィクソン、比 幹貴、小林慶 、エップラー 山本由伸、沢 圭佑、黒木優 、山田修義、 原翼、山崎颯 郎 捕手(3 )高城俊人、 見寅威、若月 矢 内野手( 名)白崎浩之 安達了一、福 周平、西野真 、大城滉二、 レーロ、メネ ス、山足達也 外野手(8名 西浦颯大、宗 磨、後藤駿太 ロメロ、吉田 尚、小田裕也 T-岡田、武 健吾 新人 はドラフト3 の荒西、4位 富山の2人が 軍キャンプに 出
吉田正、増井 いった主力に え、阪神から 的補償で加入 た竹安、新外 人のメセネス が順当に選ば た。一方で1 キャンプから れ、宮崎市清 総合運動公園 清武第二野球 )でキャンプ 迎えることに った主な選手 以下のように る
・田嶋大樹 手 2017 のドラ1左腕 、1年目から 2試合に登板 6勝3敗、防 率4.06と 即戦力との期 にたがわぬ活 を見せた。し し、6月下旬 左肘痛を発症 リハビリに専
開幕に合わせ 2軍で調整を ける。 ・海 智行投手 2 17年に受け 左肘の手術か の復帰シーズ となった昨季 わずか4試合 板、防御率1 .50と苦し シーズンに
中継ぎ左腕と て2015年 は48試合、 016年には 0試合登板と 績十分なだけ 復活が望まれ 。 ・宮崎祐 外野手 昨季 自己最多とな 3本塁打をマ クしたが33 合出場、打率 238、8打 は前年を下回 た
チームのムー メーカー的な 在でパンチ力 意外性のある 撃は魅力。今 でプロ9年、 負所は分かっ いるだけに実 でアピールし いところ。 太田椋内野手 今ドラフト1 で入団した将 の大型遊撃手
31歳とベテ ンの域に向か ている安達の 継者候補筆頭 して、2軍で 験を積みたい ・頓宮祐真 野手 今ドラ ト2位で入団 た期待の若手 距離砲。亜大 には東都大学 ーグで歴代8 の14本塁打 侍ジャパンで 4番を打った 砲候補は、ま は2軍で状態 見ながら1軍 格を目指す
(Full- ount編集 )
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