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Welcome to RS&H.
Finding the right company to work for
is almost as important as finding the right career,
in my experience.
And I know that RS&H really values
the person behind the qualifications that you put on paper.
The advice I could offer to new associates
that are coming here to RS&H is really welcome to RS&H
and really embrace the culture, enjoy the people.
It's really great place too work.
Just try to soak up as much as you can.
You're probably not going to remember everything but try.
And if there's something that you need, just ask.
Everybody is very helpful.
Recognize the resources around you.
Reach out, get to know the people who are there,
get to know what they know.
Ask them many questions.
Don't be afraid to ask.
There are no dumb questions.
You find that people are very giving,
they're very forthright in the way that they help people.
The first day at RS&H, I was nervous
but there's nothing to be nervous about.
Working at RS&H, just enjoy what you do,
take every opportunity RS&H has to offer,
and love what you do.
If you love what you do, you're not working.
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For more infomation >> The RS&H Difference - Duration: 1:44.-------------------------------------------
★Itskikiworld★ Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram | Stunning Summer curvy Fashion Style - Duration: 2:43.
★Itskikiworld★ Gorgeous Fashion Model instagram | Stunning Summer curvy Fashion Style
Model plus Fashion tips Plus size model Plus size fashion plus size Curvy model value fashion Street fashion Fashion model Fashion Bbw instatop fashion Blog Celeb Celebs Celebs fashion Celebs style Curve Curves Fashion blogger Fashion designer fashion nova Fashion plus
Miss Atlanta Georgia Gets NO DENTIST Dental Veneers Smile Makeover by Brighter Image Lab - Duration: 19:30.
I can tell from talking to you that your spirit's every bit as big as you
know some people's Instagram is a lot bigger than they are but I can tell you
your instagram's not bigger than you like you're a real person I try to be
sincerely I hope you can see the look on my face I'm incredibly impressed and I
hope you do good things with these you did what I asked and then some it would
be a crime for me not to.. hey guys world you remember this I can't wait..
Now look!
I'm Paradise Rodriguez and I'm here in Fort Worth, Texas to meet with brighter image lab to get some new teeth
a new smile for me personally would mean the self confidence that I exude outside I'll
feel on the inside finally
my story is a bit complicated actually I my family is from France and Spain but I
was born in Detroit Michigan east of four-mile Detroit I come from a very
low-income background I ended up raising my siblings and after my 13th birthday
we moved to Georgia we got on the Greyhound bus and we just went I ended up
not finishing high school so I could take care of my siblings and I got my
GED I said okay now you have to be a real time grown-up what do you want to
do with your life what are you good at right after my 18th birthday I launched
my marketing brand and it's been some time growing but now I am officially a
professional marketing specialist I'm the current Miss Atlanta USA and I
traveled nationally internationally doing modeling dancing and philanthropy
I'm the owner and founder of the Catch A Falling Star Foundation the first
thing I noticed about other people is I see their teeth or smile so when I
looked in a mirror I said I don't like my smile I'm a spokesperson I'm I'm an
actress I do pageantry I'm always cameras right
in on my face and I know that what I see when I see it played back I don't like
it and it's not necessarily what society likes or feels but when I look in the
mirror and I'm not okay with something it shows I've learned I've mastered the
art of kind of I'll slowly to start turning away from the camera or I will
not smile if someone is on this side something that stops me it becomes an
obstacle and it's something I had to overcome I want to do more roles in
movies and plays but I stopped doing movie roles because the camera was
always right there and it may not be a big deal to others but it was personally
a huge deal to me and it made me feel it made me feel a bit insecure just
within myself so I said okay I got to do something about it I don't want to
complain and just let it be I've got to do something about it but upon the
research I started seeing okay what most people at my age from our 20s we have to
get treated for periodontist that's fifteen thousand dollars right off the
bat just for basic cleaning and periodontal treatment and then I have
every tooth in my mouth I have I need eight teeth removed you know there's
another $10,000 and removal you know the money adds up quickly said you know I
can't afford this I just got into my dream school I'm going to Harvard there
goes all my money so the way I see it is you know ten fifteen twenty thousand
dollars just on my teeth really isn't realistic right now and it wasn't
realistic while I was raising my siblings most time when people get just
one tooth for their face swells up and they're down for a week they can't speak
ninety-eight percent of my job is speaking to other people if I don't work
I'm freelance if I don't work I don't eat if I don't work I can't provide for
those who are in my foundation system I was interested in getting veneers but
you know if you mention something in real life it somehow comes through your
Facebook feed and I saw things like Snap on Smile Instasmile things
that were supposed to be easier than traditional veneers I'm a research person
so I decided okay let me go and research these but a lot of the reviews were very
yes and no and some of the positive reviews you can kind of tell they were
a bot or someone that perhaps works for the company so naturally that was my
first red flag on some of the companies and I would start Google image searching the
images on their page to ensure that they were legitimately their images and many
times they were not and that's how I stumbled across you guys because one of
your images is on another company's website and I started I'm one of those
people or like if I see something wrong I'm gonna flag it for a Google so then I
sent a message I said okay let's see how they respond to a message am I going to
get an automatic email or is a human going to respond and I was very
impressed that someone responded you know was that Oh we'll get back to you
in three to six days it was an actual response to my request you guys our
customer service was impeccable so I said okay this is a company I need to do
business with
how are you doing - hi pleased to meet you - Bil Watson it's a pleasure thank you more than you know
how was your flight it was fantastic they always ask we've
never met no I met you just now Yes we've talked normally like I'll have a
conversation with some people like I'll have a question or something but most
of what you've done his work with people from our company and today we didn't we
didn't do anything we just I met you when I walked in just now I will tell you
though I have learned a little bit about you in different phases of the last six
months or something maybe more than that and incredibly impressive thank you like incredibly
impressive the majority of the people that we work with have really bad smiles
unlike what you have your smile would be considered acceptable in every social
arena but people like they say if it's just a little bit and it's your a little
bit then it means a lot to you yes and I'm hoping that you can be a voice for
people who say you know do your investigation and accept some things
it's not ten or fifteen or twenty thousand dollars Yes and the most important
deal is that if I can get you a smile that you're proud of that looks perfect
and you don't have to grind or drill your existing teeth I'm real anti-grinding
I wish even if it wasn't for me I would still want someone to send the
message or think that the responsibility would be on dentistry for you guys to
come up with something that's less invasive that if I would have said
Paradise let me give you this first set six months ago there's been three other
changes today I wouldn't give them if they were permanent today I wouldn't be
able to talk to you about new changes because oh we already gave her the old
ones Right like they're already on but you see what you
just said you could have offered when I first reached out to you you guys could
have sent me something said okay here you go
yeah do this You're rig ht but you guys have similar to what I've done I've done my research
you guys have steps you said okay if I'm going to take on a client I'm going to
give them the best that we can offer and then when you realize that your best
could be improved on you said okay so hold on it might take longer but I'm
still going to improve even though my best and I'm going to continue to do my
research to improve a lot of companies including unfortunately some dentistry
companies they don't do that unfortunately
in life especially my industry we settle for what we can get right now the quick
fast.. what's available immediately without any real patience or research but you guys have
taken the time to communicate what is it that you're wanting from this what this
is what we can do and you've taken what you can do and you've expanded to your
best and your still and as I'm sure the years ago you're still gonna continue to
do your research and expand to the best of your abilities without accepting well
this is good enough let me tell you if you're if you're in pageants there's
10,000 dentists in the state of.. in the south that would love do your.. to to bring you
in and drill your teeth so you must have had some form of resistance I actually
a friend and he showed me where his veneer came off it broke and so he's I was like Where's your tooth? and he goes they take it
away they said so now what so now you'd have gone through this whole invasive
procedure you spent all this money you spent all this time to heal and now what
he says I gotta do it again and I said oh no that doesn't work for me
problem solution move forward if I have I problem I need to find the best
solution the best realistic solution for me as well and well you guys are it if I
don't say it enough I'm incredibly appreciative.. incredibly appreciative
I've seen your models I've seen your work I can't wait to see what these look
like on I'm excited You ready too? Let me put some gloves on.. I have some different
changes but my math tells me that these will work perfect OK if they don't like I
say it always comes down to the impression so I'm gonna ask you to try these in yourself and
let me put this here well hand you this and
Oh they are really light.. Oh!
They are really light.. so I just yeah let's see what you think just put them in
I can actually smile on both sides without..
that look so incredibly amazing in the way we rounded him it gives you that
youth bouncy high-energy look I look like I've had braces! You look like you've had
perfect teeth forever yes they look surreal perfect I put my tongue at the back like you when you think of things like anything are you
press on you you picture your grandmother's dentures it doesn't feel
like that like when I put my teeth my tongue to the back of my mouth I can't
feel like we're something I can but I can't push it out you got perfectly
rounded teeth that look amazing That's incredible you don't even feel them No like I said I
can feel something but it doesn't feel like because I wear vampire teeth
for Halloween it doesn't feel like that like of course you're going to feel a
material but it doesn't feel like there's something coming out
they're a sleeve they're almost not there yeah they're really thin and that's after
just putting them in
They look amazing I'm excited it feels I was explaining that I'm very confident in
myself there's not I when I went through chemo I
walked out bald bedazzles in my head it's nothing someone else will tell me
about me that I don't already know people say oh your teeth are fine just
you know it's a quirk I don't like it so inside I will smile and do my job but
realistically on the inside I'm like turn your head don't smile you don't
realize something I promise you please believe me on this they look perfectly
polished well.. they match like I was looking at the back teeth they just a fit not even
just the color the fit goes perfectly in line I'm telling you you're gonna be so
shocked at how bright white and beautiful your teeth are and then you
can really see the color change like and my bottom versus my top that's next
that's incredible look how much whiter they look they look perfect straight you've never
seen yourself with a perfectly white teeth before other than in pictures
that you Photoshop No I've had to make this happen in Photoshop and it's it's
disheartening like it's a part of my industry so part of my work but to see
this now I don't have to sit there and post and you know copy
I then light correct and try to fix the shading and get a lining like this is
this is everything that I was hoping for when I first reached out to you guys I
will tell you I've never seen a more impressive smile light up it's almost
like they plug the light in looks perfect it looks perfect I can't imagine I'm..
I'm literally less than 36 inches away from you and I can't tell that they aren't
one thousand percent permanent when I bite it doesn't like there's no shift
there's you're just it's amazing well then we're going to have to see the bottoms
now you always say first ones are perfect but you never can tell we may
have to make adjustments or whatever we have this one boom now the bottom is what
I was really worried about because this whole side comes in We have it you tell me
oh wow that's snug
Oh wow!
it's going to take a little bit because that book it's a lot thicker than what the
top one was because we had to change the appearance of the crowded and
the recision that was in the back of those teeth so we had to bring everything
forward so it's a much.. but see? Now you see why Yeah You see that? That's incredible!
let me tell you they look perfect they literally if a doctor had grinded
your teeth the only reason they grind them is to bring out a smile that'll
fill up that'll be a perfect fit for your face and now I don't want to close
because usually when I smile I'm either.. or I'm very good about hiding this side and
nobody has seen you at the perfect smile this is the first time you have to be
seeing what I'm seeing and I don't know if it's possible because you're pretty
young but you take a lady that's in her 20s or like you just propped her up like you
couldn't have done it better they're a perfect fit for you and I like the snap
that I heard that let's me know that they're in place you they don't feel like
they're coming out do they No know like you want to take them out it's going to take two
hands I'm pushing with my tongue but here's the thing imagine what your life
would have been if I could have given those to you at 17
imagine all the challenges all the nights like you know you're gonna
realize to us it's nothing you know you're just now coming up but to you
it's been.. It's been a journey nine ten years minimum of where you've been a young adult every
every time you've had to consider I wish I wish I wish these could have been
available you don't like the dentistry has been available people been getting
dental veneers for more than you are old like you you got relief after a
few years there are people that are watching this they're just as put
together or would have made a bunch of choices that took different career
choices or gave up or.. and they're ten years or fifteen years older than
you and they still had that same issue for twice as long there should have been
an option that was available to you at seventeen that first day you go I want
them perfect because you have the right as a person to present yourself the best you
can you should have choices don't you agree I agree so you don't I
don't know I always tell them I don't know if I want to celebrate that we
fixed it today or be upset that it wasn't available ten years ago cause I do
know that your life would be a lot I think you would have exerted and
accelerated in a lot of other places on your personality if it wasn't for things
that weren't available to you that wasn't really a choice things that I said no to
there were films you know public speaking engagements where I saw the
sudden like you you can't nobody can be on that side that I said no to
because this was a problem I no longer have to say no to and that's a big thing
to me magazine publications where you can't always like some photographers I'm
a bit of a control freak they don't like for me to tell them no you can't shoot
me on that side and so I've had to say no to big projects cause I'm like oh you
can't work with my parameters cause I'm not gonna let that me out there I no
longer have that with the wall that's in front of me saying uh sorry remember this
problem this I had a problem you have a solution and now I can move forward with
the confidence that everyone believes I have I'm now gonna have one the inside too - I
want you to know that it's been a privilege doing this job Thank you thank you I'm going to shake your hand it's been
amazing before I let you go I'd like you to use the last bit of our vlog to tell
people about your foundation oh the Catch a Falling Star is it is my
purpose there's no other word to describe it it is absolutely my drive in
everything I do I want people to know that what you're going through you're not
alone and that even if there's only one person in this world someone cares someone's
there for you and I take the things that I've gone through and I say okay I'm not
the only one feeling this way so how can i what can I give back to society so
they know I don't have to feel this way it's imperative for me to put them in a
place mentally of I don't have to feel this low I can do something about what
I'm going through Who do we say Google me who do we tell
them to google? Paradise Rodriguez plus I now have a website for the catch
a falling star foundation so if you are on any of my social media the catch a
falling star is right there next to it we'll link it all at the bottom people are
gonna have questions for you hopefully you'll be able to answer some of those
questions for them and then they know how to find you Paradise Rodriguez yes
and we'll link your stuff it's been a pleasure Thank you Thank you more than you know!
I had a great experience with brighter image lab I would absolutely recommend
brighter image left to others for me it was impeccable that I could have a now
solution but I didn't want the drilling and didn't want the downtime and
I wanted to something that was it'll be crazy expensive I'm a college student so - finances were
very big into this so this was a less expensive, non-invasive solution to my problem
there is no reason now for you to go through all that pain and the extra expenses and the downtime
my heels make me taller and my Brighter Image Lab veneers make my teeth perfect my wigs
make my hair longer there's literally nothing to stand in my way
if you made it this far it's because you probably liked the video do me a favor
hit the like button and hit the subscribe button help us grow this
channel our subscribers mean the world to us I think you'll like what's coming
this year amazing smile makeovers for people all over the world thank you for
watching the video and hit the subscribe button
talk to you later bye
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