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4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
:0246: Grafting Time / پیوند کاری کا وقت - Duration: 11:17.
Talking About MONEY in English Better Than Your Banker - Money Vocabulary - Learn English - Duration: 12:16.
Entrevista de emprego: 3 dicas para ser um candidato irresistível (dicas da Pixar) - Duration: 9:15.
АМПУЛЫ В УПАКОВКЕ - Duration: 1:21.
4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
赴大陸交換生申請心得與流程分享 - Duration: 9:29.
4 tips to overcome news anxiety - Duration: 7:47.
I can't read this stuff anymore it just makes me too anxious.
Regardless of who you are where you live your politics we're all struggling to deal with
the news.
And for many of us it produces a lot of stress and anxiety.
The American Psychological Association does this yearly report on stress in America and
what they found in their most recent report is Gen Z Young people growing up right now
they are having an even more difficult time dealing with the news and the big conflicts
and problems that are happening in the world it's impacting them much more than it's impacted
previous then it is impacting other generations.
So why is this happening?
Well one of the things you have to remember is anxiety is fueled by uncertainty when we
don't know what's happened or what is going to happen.
It's often going to lead to anxiety and the news is full of uncertainty.
We've so rarely know the full story and we never know how a story is going to play out
in the future.
And so many of us when we have uncertainty a drive might be to try to get more certainty
so we might try to read more.
Even though all the stories are full of uncertainty there's we we we don't know how things are
going to play out with with the gun debate in the United States or with the Robert Mueller
probe or with our changing climate.
These are big complicated issues you can't get more certainty by reading more articles.
It's not going to happen.
We kind of need to wait for time to play itself out to see how these stories are going to
play out.
One of the changes that's happened is we're surrounded by these stories everywhere.
You go back a few decades and it used to be that you'd only get news from the evening
news on TV or in more recent times from CNN Fox News stuff like that cable news and now
or newspaper or news magazines.
Now it's not just TV and more traditional media but it's your phone you can get news
stories all the time and you can get alerts sent and news organizations have really optimized
for clicks.
So they're really good at writing headlines that get you to feel an emotion and make you
want to click.
So I wanted to talk to you about four things you can do right now to reduce your news anxiety
and I can start with the most important one which is to turn off your notifications turn
off your notifications for the news apps that you follow unsubscribe to those news alerts
on your e-mail.
Get rid of all the ways that news gets pushed to you outside of your control.
Breaking news happens at all hours of the day and usually when it's breaking news.
That's when we have the least idea of what's happening.
So most uncertainty when you have notifications turned on you are turning over control of
your emotions to these apps and to the journalistic institutions behind them.
And again remember they're optimize to get you to click so maybe it's 12 30 there's 12:30
in the morning you're trying to fall asleep it's past midnight and you get a news alert.
And then you see it and you're like wait what is happening.
Oh my gosh.
And then you click on it and then now it's like 20 minutes later and you're all worried
about this crisis that's playing out when you're trying to fall asleep.
Turn off those alerts.
You're not missing anything.
You're not.
You're going to find out if there is a real urgent thing that you need to know of.
You'll find out you don't need the alerts to turn to inform you of that stuff.
So turn off all those alerts.
Turn off all those notifications number two only check news at certain points in the day.
So you want to set up some kind of routine where you are giving yourself time and space
and emotional energy to read the news.
I myself read news I don't really read news I listen to the news more.
I listen to certain podcasts as well as I listen to NPR one and I listen to their newscasts
and I listen at two points in a day.
One is in the morning when I'm kind of getting ready to get to know what are the big things
that are happening both in the world as well as my local community here in New York.
And then number two I listen to it after I'm done at work and when I start my commute home
that's about it every now and then I'll do a deeper dive into a story if it's something
I feel like I should really know much more about.
But those are the only times I really keep up with the news.
I don't check much during my workday because to be able to focus on work and I don't check
much when I'm with my family and kids because I don't want all that anxiety sidetracking
me of being able to spend time with my family.
Number three go to trusted news sources and don't rely on social media.
So is social media the feed pushes forward stuff that's really shareable that's getting
a lot of likes and getting a lot of shares.
And what we know in research is the stuff that gets a lot of likes and shares is really
emotional content.
So if you're relying on your social media feed for your news which many of us do you're
going to see the most emotionally activating stories they're going to be the ones that
are most difficult for you to see and read and hear and they're going to be the ones
that get your blood boiling.
So related to my previous comment about only checking your check in the news at certain
hours of the day.
Try not to get your news from social media.
And if you are exploring your social media feed only do it at certain times in the day
when you're ready to deal with whatever you see in the feed.
The other thing about trusted news sources is there a little bit less likely to create
really emotionally compelling stories that get you mad or get you angry.
So as much as you can go to only trusted news sources and I know that brings up a whole
debate about liberal versus conservative media.
But even then there are things that are more in the middle that are a bit less biased towards
one end or the other and that write a bit less emotional content.
Last tip number four is to have a news free sleep routine.
So in that last hour before you're going to sleep don't look at the news.
The news should not be a part of your sleep routine.
Because that's when you really need to start winding down.
That's when people need to start doing soothing activities things that calm their bodies down.
And while it's very different for people what the soothing activities might be if you struggle
with news anxiety looking at the news listening to news watching it on YouTube reading it
on your app that's not going to help is probably going to make it a lot harder for you to fall
asleep and be full of more worries about what's going on.
Have you ever dealt with news anxiety and what's helped you to cope with it.
Let me know in the comments below if you like this video give it a thumbs up if you want
more videos about psychology and mental health subscribe to the psych show and if you want
to help me make more videos.
Check out my Patreon where you can get behind the scenes footage of how I make the stuff
and also support me in making more content.
Mild temps but bad air quality tomorrow _ 012919 - Duration: 1:57.
The Korean government plans to exempt companies involved in selected projects from preliminary
economic assessments.
There are 23 such projects, focused on improving traffic and logistics networks as well as
nurturing region specific industries.
Another survivor of Japan's wartime sexual enslavement passed away.
Kim Bok-dong devoted her life to increasing awareness of Tokyo's crimes and became the
first wartime sex slavery victim to share her testimony at the World Conference on Human
40 Korean companies that were part of the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas
launch their own version of the tech fair for local spectators.
Visitors can check out the amazing products at Seoul's Dongdaemun Design Plaza.
Gov't waives viability tests for big projects to promote balanced development - Duration: 1:53.
Latest data released by the Korea Economic Research Institute shows local companies are
pessimistic about overall business conditions for next month.
The report pointed out low domestic demand and uncertainties in exports as the key contributing
Ko Roon-hee provides a closer look.
According to the Korea Economic Research Institute on Tuesday, local firms have a grim outlook
for the nation's economy in February.
Based on a survey of the top 6-hundred companies in terms of sales, the business sentiment
forecast for next month hit 81-point-1... the lowest forecast since the aftermath of
the global financial crisis in 2009.
A reading below 100 means there are more pessimists about the local economy than optimists.
The institute pointed to reasons at home and abroad for the bleak outlook.
Businesses were worried over weak domestic demand... meaning many aren't willing to invest
in facilities or construction.
This comes after a rise in labor costs... stemming from the more than 10-percent increase
in the minimum wage in 2019.
Another big reason came from concerns over export conditions.
Last week, Chinese officials announced that China's economy expanded by 6-point-6-percent
in 2018... the lowest figure since 1990.
This has negatively affected Korean companies' sentiment... with many firms relying heavily
on exports to China.
The institute added that reports about the decrease in exports also played a role.
According to the Korea Customs Service, exports were down almost 15-percent on-year in the
first 20 days of January.
This is mainly due to a fall in chip shipments... which declined almost 30 percent.
The situation for small and medium-sized businesses isn't looking great either.
According to a separate report by the Korea Federation of SMEs, the business sentiment
outlook among these firms for February was at its lowest since 2015.
The report also pointed to the rise in labor costs and concerns over exports.
To improve the current situation, researchers point to the importance of the government
producing tangible results in its deregulation and innovative growth policies.
Ko Roon-hee, Arirang News.
S. Korea's business sentiment turns pessimistic for February: KERI - Duration: 2:09.
On Monday, South Korea's agriculture ministry confirmed an outbreak of foot and mouth disease
in Anseong.
There's another report coming in of a suspected outbreak of that virus.
The government is taking preventive measure to try and halt the spread.
Seo Bo-bin gets us up to speed with the developments.
Another suspected outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease was reported at a cow farm in Anseong,
Gyeonggi-do Province on Tuesday, just a day after the government had confirmed the outbreak
of the disease in the area.
The owner of the cow farm reported a suspected outbreak after seeing three or four of the
97 cows on the farm showing symptoms of the disease.
Local authorities have been putting quarantine measures in place in Anseong after the Ministry
of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs confirmed the first outbreak at a dairy farm on Monday.
The ministry has culled 120 cows at the farm where the disease broke out.
There is also a 24-hour lockdown in place on all farm animals within three kilometers
of the affected farm, which will continue until 8:30 PM Tuesday.
The lockdown applies to 89 farms and affects about 5,000 animals in total.
The ministry says at least 1.4 million cows and pigs in the neighboring areas will be
vaccinated as well.
With the Lunar New Year coming up, the ministry claimed it needs to take strong preventive
measures to stop the disease from getting out of control.
Seo Bo-bin, Arirang News.
"MeToo" movement in S. Korea discussed on one year anniversary of start of movement - Duration: 2:32.
Now we turn to Michelle Park for the latest weather updates.
Michelle, the air was decent in Seoul today,... but I hear it's expected to turn bad again
Daniel, there's always a chance it'll get dusty when the weather is mild.
The capital and surrounding areas will be under high levels of fine dust the whole day
tomorrow, but for the southern regions only in the morning.
Wednesday afternoon will be as warm as today, but it's going to get very cloudy,... even
for other nearby countries.
Meanwhile, there's also a chance of rain in Jeju in the late afternoon.
This rain is expected to expand across the nation on Thursday though,... except in the
capital area.
The east coast will get up to 8 centimeters of snow while most of the southern regions
will get between 1 and 5 centimeters.
The morning temperature will be 2 to 3 degrees
higher than the seasonal average,...
Seoul starting the day at minus 3 degrees Celsius.
As the mercury rises into the day,...
Seoul will rise up to 7 degrees, while many parts of the southeast will even make it into
the teens.
Looking at the rest of this week,... there's another cold spell on Friday and nationwide
rain on Sunday.
I'll leave you with the weather conditions around the world.
Korea ranks 45th on Corruption Perceptions Index: Transparency International - Duration: 0:40.
We have less than a month before South Korea's main opposition party holds its national convention.
One high profile figure, a former Prime Minister, grabbed attention by throwing his hat in the
Kim Mok-yeon zooms in on how things are shaping up for the big event on February 27th.
"No matter what difficulties we might face, I will always work with my fellow members
to defend the party.
I will devote my life to saving the country and its people, and to open a new era in Korean
That's what the former Prime Minister said as he declared his candidacy Tuesday at Liberty
Korea Party headquarters.
He promised to revive the nation's economy and lead the party to victory in next year's
parliamentary elections.
He also also stressed that he wants to scrap the current government's income-led growth
policy and its nuclear-free energy policy, which he said are destroying the country.
Hwang was Prime Minister from 2015 to 2017, and he served as acting president when former
President Park Geun-hye was impeached in late 2016 for corruption and abuse of power.
But he was never a member of a party until this month.
Because of his experience in public service, some welcome him as party leader, but others
think he was involved in political scandals under the previous administration.
With Hwang's announcement, the leadership race starts in earnest.
Other strong candidates are set to announce this week, starting with former LKP Party
chairman Hong Joon-pyo on Wednesday and former Seoul city mayor Oh Se-hoon the following
The main opposition party's national convention takes on extra significance this time around...
in the wake of crushing defeats in the most recent presidential and local elections.
The party's new chairman will be tasked with healing the party's factional divide and restoring
the conservative parties, which had ruled the country for nearly a decade before President
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang News.
2019.01.29 NEWS CENTER Headlines - Duration: 0:43.
The South Korean government normally checks to see whether... and how... big projects
will impact the economy.
23 large-scale projects... will be exempt from such a process, a move that's looked
to help achieve balanced regional development and revitalize regional economies.
Choi Si-young has our top story.
Economic viability tests are conducted on projects that get more than about 26 million
U.S. dollars in government funds, but for these, the government will waive the assessments...
in the interest of helping less developed regions of the country catch up.
The projects are focused on two things: improving traffic and logistics networks across the
AND nurturing regional industries.
All 23 of them together... will cost about 21 billion U.S. dollars.
Nearly half of the spending is for high-speed railway and highway construction to improve
traffic and logistics networks across the country.
That includes building new railways between the Seoul metropolitan area and the southeastern
Gyeongsang-do provinces.
Another high-speed railway will bridge northeastern Gangwon-do Province and the southwestern Jeolla-do
There'll also be a railway built along the east coast connecting Gangwon-do Province
and Gyeongsangbuk-do Province.
Another chunk of expenses will go to projects specific to industries in each region.
The city of Gwangju will host complexes for the AI industry; the surrounding Jeolla-do
provinces will get a new fish farm dedicated to exports.
To the east, the city of Ulsan will have a new public hospital for serious illnesses,
and Jeju-do will modernize its sewage facilities.
Announcing these plans, the government admitted that achieving balanced regional development
and revitalizing regional economies will require cooperation.
"It's highly important that we have not only the efforts of regional municipalities but
also the interest of the people."
The 23 projects will be carried out though 2029.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.
Vani Oils stays ahead in the game with Zoho Books - Duration: 4:00.
I own a company named Vani Agencies
We purchase imported palm oil in wholesale and sell it in retail.
We were using ordinary accounting software earlier for maintaining of our accounts.
But after the introduction of GST, the old software became obsolete.
In the old accounting software,
if we were to raise an invoice it will take 2 to 3 days
for the invoice to reach the customer as we were sending it by courier.
But in Zoho Books we are able to send the bill immediately through mail,
because of which, we are getting payments immediately.
When we were using conventional software,
we had to keep a separate accountant for maintaining GST accounts
and there were chances of wrong entries in the book of GST accounts.
Whereas in Zoho Books the 'Push' option helps us to file GST without any clerical error.
Earlier we had to ask our auditor to adjust the entries in the accounts, because we never had any clarity.
With the introduction of GST, by using Zoho Books, we are able to see even
the P&L and Balance Sheet anytime, anywhere with ease.
Other accounting software are restricted to a fixed location whereas Zoho Books is not like that.
With the help of a laptop, I can access my account from anywhere.
The facilities are immense.
I have never seen a software like Zoho Books before.
We had a Tally trial version also.
But were not able to use, because it was cumbersome.
For my educational background, it was difficult.
Now it is not like that in Zoho Books.
Everything is taken care by the software.
We enter only purchase and sales
Zoho Books calculates everything and we are getting all the data.
Earlier banking was very difficult
especially cheque dishonors
and cheque returns
as it was not possible to monitor earlier.
It was very difficult.
Now all the banking transaction comes to Zoho Books.
When it comes to Zoho Books, we match the transactions.
and finding it easy to reconcile on daily basis.
Whatever transactions happen today, we are able to have a clear picture the next day morning.
And can easily find out who is cheating on the payment.
Every transaction is clear and transparent.
That is the greatness of Zoho Books.
Even at this age of 70, I feel very young.
I am very busy with my business.
I have done a turnover of 66 crore rupees in 9 months,
and will exceed 100 crores for this year.
Even with so much to manage and take care of , I am able to remain calm, happy and peaceful.
With Zoho Books, accounting is no tension!
[ENG CC] 트와이스 Twice concert + 아스트로 Astro concert [หลายด้อม] - Duration: 6:05.
Let's talk about ASTRO who make announcement to concert tour
and they are also having a concert in Thailand as well.
On 21 Jan via the official fan page, fantagio music.
They posted the poster under the name "ASTRO The 2nd ASTROAD TOUR [STAR LIGHT]"
It is the concert tour announcement of ASTRO including the city tour.
ASTRO poster will be started in Taipei on 16 Mar.
Before having concerts in New York, Dallas, Los Angeles
and San Francisco on 19, 21, 24, 26 Mar 2019 respectively.
And coming back to Asia again in 30 Mar 2019 for the concert in Hong Kong.
The concert in Bangkok will be held on 27 April 2019
Now, the boys ASTRO is promoting the first full coming back album under the name 'All Light'
With the promoted song 'All Night' which just released on 16 Jan 2019
TWICE girls are successful continuously to work in Japan.
Latest, they already have Dome Tour in Japan.
It the first K-POP girl group who hold the concert Dome Tour in Japan.
They are the first foreigner band who spend little time to work in Japan.
Then, they had their own concert.
This concert will be held under the name TWICE "Dreamday"
At Kyocera Dome on 20-21 Mar.
At Tokyo Dome on 29-30 Mar.
And at Nagoya Dome on 6 Apr.
There are going to be 210,000 visitors in the concert.
The boys, SEVENTEEN has just come back with the new mini album
On 21 Jan, as soon as the mini album released, it raised to iTunes album chart in 19 countries
and become top 10 in 22 countries.
The trailer like, "Home" is becoming the top of iTunes singles charts in Singapore,
Vietnam, and being top 10 in another 16 countries.
In Korea, it is also becoming the first of Bugs and Naver Music.
Baekho from NU'EST becomes the latest boy idol on Men's Health magazine.
It's the health magazine for men that talks about men's daily life, such as exercising, dieting and men fashion.
8th Gaon Chart Music Awards
Artist of the Year (Digital Music – Month)
JAN : iKON "Love Scenario"
FEB : Roy Kim "Only Then"
MAR : BIGBANG "Flower Road"
APR : TWICE "What Is Love?"
MAY : Bolbbalgan4 "Travel"
JUN : BLACKPINK "DDU-DU DDU-DU" / "Forever Young"
JUL : TWICE "Dance the Night Away"
AUG : Red Velvet "Power Up"
SEP : Im Chang Jung "There Has Never Been a Day I Haven't Loved You"
NOV : Jennie "SOLO"
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