Hi I'm Donna Wolfe from naztazia.com Today I'll show how to make a simple origami rose. You'll
need small amounts of Red Heart yarn and a size G hook. To begin make a magic ring
or an adjustable ring which is just a loose slip knot. Chain 3. In this ring
make 11 double crochet stitches. One...
Three... and eleven. Pull the ring closed then slip stitch to the initial chain
Chain 3. Make a double crochet in the same space. You'll place two double crochet
stitches in each stitch around. One, two. One
and two.
Once that is completed slip stitch to the chain three. And chain three again. On
this round the pattern will be two double crochet stitches followed by one
double crochet stitch all the way around. So two double crochet
followed by one double crochet.
At the end slip stitch to the chain.
Chain 3 and make one more round. This time the pattern will be two double
crochet followed by one double crochet followed by one double crochet all the
way around. This time we're not going to slip stitch we're just going to fasten
off after the last stitch and leave the little knot at the top like this. Begin
rolling the circle like this. Find the little notch then place your fingers
like this and fold it over.
Tuck the right side in a bit then bring the left side over like this. The flowers
should stay just like this without any sewing. However if you prefer place a few
stitches here to hold everything in place. If you make wreaths like I do you
might have some craft stems leftover from the flowers. Just place the rose on
the stem like this and hot glue it in place. And that's how I make my simple
origami roses from a crocheted circle.
For more infomation >> How to Crochet Simple Origami Rose Flower - Easy Trick by Naztazia - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
VW T6 California - Duration: 1:13.
Absolutely Cozy Alabama Model 2019 Comes Standard with All Solar Power - Duration: 2:34.
Absolutely Cozy Alabama Model 2019 Comes Standard with All Solar Power
Anil Gupta at Davos 2019 - on Globalization 4.0 - Duration: 6:36.
the central theme of the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos this year
in 2019 is globalization 4.0 so what is globalization 4.0 you know for me it's a
very interesting subject because I've been studying and writing about
globalization for about 30 years so you know if you look at the march of
globalization the globalization 1.0 was actually the globalization of you know
in search of markets which is in looking for new markets like the British East
India Company or looking for resources the second era we can say globalization
2.0 is what started around 1980 which is really outsourcing of manufacturing to
Asia to China so that's we can say globalization of manufacturing added on
as a second layer on the cake of globalization above globalization of
markets the third layer on that cake was the globalization of R&D that took place
starting from around 1990 which is really companies like Microsoft and
others IBM building R&D centers GE not just you know in their home countries at
the headquarters but in other places around the world
the fourth layer now that's globalization 4.0 the layer on the cake is really actually the era of digital technologies and how these digital
technologies are actually affecting permeating and transforming all of the
first three layers so that's the new era of globalization now how is this new era
of globalization affecting actually inter-linkages among countries the you
know many analysts including in fact The Economist
just the latest issue miss interpret what's happening on the in terms of
globalization and call it really the transformation of globalization as
economists puts it into 'slow-balization' I think that's absolute and total
baloney what has happened is that global connectedness is actually not only
strong it's becoming but global connectedness by trading
goods is the one that's slowing down but the increasing connectedness is by
investment by capital by movement of know-how by movement of data so it's
really connectedness by data rather than connectedness by goods by trade in goods
in fact McKinsey estimates that the economic value added to worldwide GDP by
global traded goods already up by M data is global flows of data already exceeds
the economic value added by trade and goods so actually the last thing we
should do is to bemoan the decline of trade and goods and we should say
globalization is dead but that's the old globalization long live globalization and
that is the new globalization examples of the new globalization look at Tesla
for example the building of big factories in China so now you have not
the export of Tesla's from the u.s. to China even if in fact China were to
eliminate all tariffs on the import of cars into China it would not make sense
for Tesla to be exporting cars from China that would be trade in goods
rather it would be to build a Giga Factory in China and to export data
export know-how export technology and then manufacture in China for China
because why would you want to incur a thousand dollars in shipping costs when
it's completely unnecessary and makes you uncompetitive. Another example of
the new era of globalization think about you know Netflix or Amazon video you
know and Game of Thrones so when somebody in India or China downloads
Game of Thrones that's digital globalization then of course if we look
at other developments other examples of globalization is for instance global
platforms whether it's in the form of Facebook or Android or whatsapp or
Instagram and of course the new era of digital globalization is
so the traditional you know trade in goods and trade in services that becomes
a whole lot more efficient because customs clearance or coordination now
can take place through you know paperless mechanisms through blockchain
it's globalization 4.0 good I think the answer for that depends very much on
what countries we are talking about because you know if we take the rich
economies in the rich economies you're talking about slow growth and then what
happens is that in the new era of globalization 4.0 the returns to
knowledge and the returns to people who create that knowledge become very high
so you have superstar firms with superstar employees who are paid like
crazy but the returns to labor go down and so that's of course in the rich
economies it leads to creating increasing inequality and we all know
why that is pretty nasty in many ways on the other hand if you look at emerging
markets developing economies they're the vast chunk of the population has
historically been actually unconnected to the financial sector to education to
health care and so on and has that you know bottom of the pyramid or even the
middle of the pyramid gets connected now to the rest of the world get connected
to the online education gets connected to telemedicine and health care apps
gets connected to FinTech apps then suddenly actually the world opens up for
those hundreds of millions of people in emerging markets and again the labor
costs they're up there low so therefore it will be quite some time before AI can
begin to substitute in a big way now for what labor can do so I think on the
whole the globalization 4.0 it's a net plus for the global economy because hey
80% of the world population lives in emerging markets and 40% of the world's
GDP emerging markets but at the same time
globalization 4.0 is not necessarily good for all countries and it's
particularly you know let's say important in in with pluses and minuses
but different segments of society to the rich economies that every one of us has
to watch out for and try to do something to counter the nasty effects
Start of Something New + Try Everything | High School Musical + Zootopia | A Cappella DISNEY Mashup - Duration: 6:06.
*intro music*
Living in my own world
Didn't understand
That anything can happen
When you take a chance
I never believed in what I couldn't see
I didn't open my eyes to all the possibilities
I know that something has changed
Never felt this way
And right here tonight
This could be the start of something new
It feels so right to be here with you, oh
And now, looking in your eyes
I feel in my heart
The start of something new
*intro to "Try Everything" plays*
I messed up tonight, I lost another fight
Lost to myself but I'll just start again
I keep falling down, I keep on hitting the ground, but I always get up now to see what's next
Birds don't just fly, they fall down and get up
Nobody learns without getting it wrong
I won't give up, no I won't give in, til I reach the end and then I'll start again
No I won't leave, I wanna try everything, I wanna try even though I could fail
Now who'd've ever thought that we'd both be here tonight?
And the world looks so much brighter with you by my side
I know that something has changed, never felt this way, I know it for real
This could be the start of something new (I won't give up no I won't give in)
It feels so right to be here with you ('til I reach the end and then I'll start again)
And now, looking in your eyes (No I won't leave, I wanna try everything)
I feel in my heart (I wanna try even though I could fail)
The start of something new
I didn't know that it could happen til it happened to me, oh no
I didn't know it before, but now it's easy to see, oh
It's the start of something new, it feels so right to be here with you, oh
And now, looking in your eyes, I feel in my heart, yeah, the start of something new
I won't give up, no I won't give in, til I reach the end and then I'll start again
No I won't leave, I wanna try everything, I wanna try even though I could fail
I'll keep on making them everyday
Those new mistakes
*Zootopia intro plays again*
The start of something new.
rEdvElVet bAaD bOoy - Duration: 3:28.
Volimo Vrdnik Kamp - Majkl - Duration: 3:02.
Many greetings to all of you
my name is Majkl
And I would like to share with you my testimony
about one very important moment in my life
that actually happened at the camp in Vrdnik
It is about my spiritual life
and my personal relationship with God
All my life I go to camps
and all those years i learned many things
through different examples
and I was very touched by the preachings and testimony
and the preachings were really great
But one year on youth camp something happened
that turned my view towards the real goal and purpose of our lives
I committed most of my life on
not making mistakes, to not have sin in my life
and to try to pushed sin as far from me as I can
To try as hard as I can to be pure and without sin
and to separate myself from bad thing
And of course we need to do that, to stay away from sin and to pray for that
But one year on youth camp
I experienced God so strong during worship
His presence was so strong
that I was so filled in the Spirit
That really broke me and brought me on my knees
And that's when I realized that our relationship with the Lord, our creator and heavenly father
is much more important and far beyond all our other thoughts, acts and desires
It is beyond all of that and our priority should really be our personal relationship with Him
Through that we will grow spiritually and get stronger
He will teach us
When you really experience God
in His true nature
You will realize that you simply can't live without the desire of having that closeness
and the desire to have Him lead you every day with His hand.
Then you will really feel that He is in the center of your heart
and that He is the one making decisions in your life
and that you really gave your life to Him every day over and over again
I really never experienced a deeper fulfillment in my life
and I truly thank God for the great worship
where the Holy Spirit really filled us
I speak from my experience but I know I was not the only one that God touched
After the service I was talking with others and could see that the worship was really blessed
I encourage all of you to come to camp
I'm sure it will be great again this year
My name is Majk Kovac
and I LOVE Vrdnik Camp alot
and I hope to see you this year! See you!
[ENG] DTNA 무대 뒤 힘들어하는 트와이스 Tired TWICE, after Dance The Night Away : Edit fancam 190123 - Duration: 4:26.
Who has the most difficult time doing DTNA choreography?
Everyone is having a hard time doing this dance.
We all fall down after dancing.
MOMO, who specializes in dance, is also tired.
When I dance to the end, I fall down because it's so hard.
Ah.. hook part.
I heard you're knocked down by a hook punch.
Do you feel exhausted when you finish DTNA?
Why did the choreographer make DTNA dance so hard?
We did a lot of cute dances.
We wanted to do a different dance this time.
I think the exciting dance was made because the song was exciting.
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