秋葉原と渋谷のカル ャーの融合を目指して 動する10人組アイド グループ「アキシブp oject」が26日 東京・Zepp To yoでワンマンライブ みなさーーん、準備は いですかー?一夜限り ゃ足りないかもよ▽』 ▽=ハート、以下同) 開催し、リーダー・宮 優恵、計良日向子の1 生2人がグループから 卒業を発表した
宮谷は卒業と同時に芸 界も引退する。 2年半ぶりのワンマン イブではサプライズ発 を連発し、グループ発 以来、約6年にわたっ 活動をけん引してきた ーダーの宮谷と、同期 計良が卒業を発表
ともに時期は未定だが 新たに募集を開始する アキシブprojec 第4期生募集オーディ ョン』を経て「新生・ キシブproject が誕生するのを見届け からになるとした
このほか、今回 ライブの"続編公演" なる7thワンマンラ ブ『おいでよこのまま のなる方へ▽忘れられ い冬にしよう!!』を 月15日に自身最大規 の会場となる東京・中 サンプラザで行うこと 発表
既に卒業を発表してい 2期生の小此木流花、 代美月、星乃まひろの 人はラストステージと り、現行10人体制の 後のライブともなる。 宮谷は「この2月 5日のワンマンLIV は私の卒業に合わせて 年の夏頃から決まって たことでした
おこがましいですが、 野サンプラザというス ージは歌が大好きな私 とってずっと憧れの存 で、『どうしてもアキ ブprojectとし ここでワンマンLIV がしたいんです』とい 相談を持ちかけたとこ 、うれしいことに2月 5日という日程を決め いただきました」と説
その後、2期生3人の 業が決定したため、宮 は卒業時期を4期生募 オーディション後に延 した。 卒業と同 に芸能界を引退する宮 は「自分の芸能人生で 後に、約6年間活動さ ていただいてきたアキ ブprojectの次 の道筋をしっかり残す めに、自分ができるこ を全力でこれまで以上 精一杯がんばっていき す!」と意気込み、「 年の夏前に新しいアキ ブprojectに生 れ変わると共に私たち 名の卒業がやってきま 」とコメントした
■アキシブpro ectのリーダー・宮 優恵コメント アキ ブprojectより 計良日向子ちゃんと私 谷優恵の2名の卒業が 定致しました。 な で私たちが初期の1t ワンマンLIVEから っとたどってきたワン ンLIVEも、私たち 人にとって来月2月1 日(金)の7thワン ンLIVEがワンマン IVEとしては最後の 加となります
実を言いますと、 の2月15日のワンマ LIVEは私の卒業に わせて去年の夏頃から まっていたことでした おこがましいですが、 野サンプラザというス ージは歌が大好きな私 とってずっと憧れの存 で、「どうしてもアキ ブprojectとし ここでワンマンLIV がしたいんです」とい 相談を持ちかけたとこ 、嬉しいことに2月1 日という日程を決めて ただきました
そしてその日に、憧れ ステージでこのアキシ projectを旅立 たいと話し合いをし計 を進めていました。 しかしその後2期生3 の卒業が決定し、その とを受け、わがままで が計画中であった2月 5日の私の卒業のタイ ングの延期を願い出ま た
それは私がこの2月1 日に卒業をするという 択をせず次のアキシブ つながる道筋を立てる 割を果たさなければな ないと思ったからです 私が全てを捧げて大切 してきたアキシブのた に、そして何よりまだ 入して間もない3期生 ために、私にはまだで ることがやるべきこと あるのではないかと思 ました
この卒業と同時に 宮谷優恵は芸能界も引 します。 自分の芸能 生で最後に、約6年間 動させていただいてき アキシブprojec の次への道筋をしっか 残すために、自分がで ることを全力でこれま 以上に精一杯がんばっ いきます! 3回目と る新メンバー募集オー ィションを経て、今年 夏前に新しいアキシブ rojectに生まれ わると共に私たち2名 卒業がやってきます
どうかこれからもア シブprojectを ろしくお願い致します
For more infomation >> 最新ニュース ! アキシブproject、1期生・宮谷&計良が卒業発表 中野サンプラザ公演も決定 - Duration: 7:21.-------------------------------------------
Scuola di Preghiera online 7 - Duration: 4:28.
仮想通貨取引所HuobiがXRP先物取引を...機関投資家に向けた仮想通貨デリバティブ構想!今後のリップル,ビットコインの価格の動きは!?2019年1月28日最前線暗号通貨情報最新ニュース - Duration: 5:49.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Julie Gayet : Fillette malicieuse sur une photo d'enfance avec sa famille - Duration: 2:33.
"Oui, on est ensemble" : Julie Gayet s'exprime sur sa relation avec François Hollande - NT - Duration: 2:19.
Vi overraskede vores kunde nr. 100 på Lolland-Falster - Duration: 3:00.
Nærvarme breder sig på Lolland-Falster - Duration: 1:10.
Qui est Benoît Hamon? - Duration: 4:56.
Benoît Hamon : qui est sa femme qu'il veut cacher ? - Duration: 4:06.
Julie Gayet lève le voile sur sa relation avec l'ancien président François Hollande - Duration: 5:24.
নামাজে আমিন বড় করে নাকি ছোট করে বলবে? মুফতি আব্দুল আজিজ রজভী। মিম টিভি অনলাইন - Duration: 2:45.
Julie Gayet : Fillette malicieuse sur une photo d'enfance avec sa famille - Duration: 2:33.
Alexandre Benalla a "plein de petits secrets sur la vie de président Emmanuel Macron" - Duration: 2:12.
Julie Gayet lève le voile sur sa relation avec l'ancien président François Hollande - Duration: 5:24.
Cara Atasi Lag PUBG ! Setting Config Pubg Mobile Versi 0.10.5 | Grafik Classic - Duration: 6:22.
Qui est Benoît Hamon? - Duration: 4:56.
Benoît Hamon : qui est sa femme qu'il veut cacher ? - Duration: 4:06.
"Oui, on est ensemble" : Julie Gayet s'exprime sur sa relation avec François Hollande - NT - Duration: 2:19.
[ENG SUB] NCT 127 live - 뭐라구요? 오늘이 네오시티 디데이라구요?! | NCT 127's first concert spoiler - Duration: 4:04.
Finally, it's tomorrow.
[Neo City D-1] we're going to have NCT127's first solo concert.
I am so sure that
this must be the most amazing thing in the past several years.
[The best thing I ever did, going to Neo City] For the several years,
[You have to believe that] it's the biggest event that makes my heart race.
Yesterday, DOYOUNG said he would cry.
- Well... - I became emotional while practicing.
- I cried when we started. - Emotional when the first song was played.
- YUTA did, too. - I'm going to cry from the intro part.
[Rabbit who quickly reacted to a spoiler] When we practiced "Welcome To My Playground,"
[Reacted belatedly] [Oh, he said] even when we practiced for recording...
[Can't handle now] - Even when we practiced "Welcome To My Playground"... - Amazing.
[Argh!] Sorry.
[Frustrated] What should I do...
- Please edit this part. - Please.
I was a bit excited.
- MARK, you will not leave our fans alone. - Sure, I won't.
[Lee MARK is smiling by thinking about it] I am gathering all my strength now.
He's been cheerful
while we were practicing.
[I wish tomorrow comes quickly]
- Tomorrow. - Really.
I want to talk about it.
- I want to say. - Me, too.
We want to talk about what we're going to do tomorrow.
But we can't say...
We've talked about something already.
[Looking at MARK Lee] We already spilled out something...
Everyone, it's a secret.
[Oh, I know, I know] [Closing their mouths up]
Fans would not notice, if you don't say that!
[The one who has no idea] That's why you did it previously!
[Now he understands] - Now you found it out? - Yes.
[Transparent watch] That's too late!
Shall we sing it now?
[Boom boom]
[TAEIL realized it belatedly and now he's revealing a big spoiler!]
[TAEIL won't stop]
- Let's say a spoiler. - Okay.
That's fun.
[Serious] Tomorrow...
- Don't do that, like NCT127 will perform. - Okay.
- I won't stand it. - Okay.
- YUTA, please say first. - Tomorrow,
NCTzens will come.
[Clap clap clap] Wow.
- Wow. - I've got one. - What's that?
It's going to be super hot inside.
Please wear thin clothes inside your jacket.
[It's hot (Dress lightly) inside] - Wear a jacket you can take off. - Right.
I have one.
You're going to move your arms a lot.
- And your neck. - You'll move your arms a lot.
[Exercise for arms and neck] Over the few days,
I guess my right arm muscles got bigger.
A combination with high technology.
[Puzzled] - Like "Transformer?" - "Transformer?"
- What's that? - Optimus Prime will be coming. - I guess so.
[Reacting] - Bumble B will come, too. - That's surprising.
Please turn on the AirDrop at the concert.
[Turn on AirDrop!] AirDrop?
[Lonely Galaxy user] - I want to use that. - Do I have to turn it on?
The most frequently asked question was
"Will HAECHAN come tomorrow?"
You can see if he comes, when you look at our poster.
- Don't worry. - Don't worry.
- I guess everything sounds like a spoiler. - Some are not.
[Saying-whatever-party like spoiler time] - Don't expect too much. - You have to sort out.
- Sort out. - Some are not spoilers. - Please have your own filter.
[Sound of music] Everyone.
[Hurried] - A song is coming out. - Now it's being played...
[Rrrrrrr] We can't do this anymore.
Now, everyone, say louder.
Say louder.
[Desperate leader] [Rock star Moon TAEIL] - Let's shout louder. - We'll do a rehearsal tomorrow.
- It's D-1. - Perfectly.
[My heart is in front of the Olympic Park] For the perfect tomorrow..
Everyone, bye!
海賊王:人們最想吃下的惡魔果實 富可敵國或是人間透明 - Duration: 4:20.
2019年2月1日-2月7日 怎樣才能突破困境 #奧修塔羅 #盧恩符文石 #天使塔羅 #Tarot - Duration: 8:07.
Francesco Monte ha querelato Eva Henger: retroscena sul canna-gate - Duration: 4:31.
Fox Sport News - Espanyol 2-4 Real Madrid: Solari's 10-men hold off late fightback - Duration: 6:55.
Gareth Bale took four minutes to join the Real Madrid party as they beat Espanyol 4-2 and move back into third place in La Liga
After almost a month out with a calf strain he received a pass in the crowded area with apparently nowhere to go but with a double back heel he spun away from defender Lluis Lopez and into space before drilling his shot left footed past Diego Lopez
Madrid had Raphael Varane sent off shortly after for bringing down Pablo Piatti on the edge of the area and when Roberto Rosales scored to make it 4-2 with 10 minutes still remaining it was a nervous end to the game for Santiago Solari's side
But for so long they had dominated with their old swagger back and with Karim Benzema and Luka Modric unplayable
Gareth Bale celebrates after scoring on his return from a long injury layoff to give his side a three-goal cushion The Welshman showed off some neat footwork before scoring Real's fourth as he made his comeback from injury Karim Benzema opened the scoring after just four minutes as he followed up Luka Modric's saved shotMadrid took just three minutes to take the lead
Espanyol players looked on as Modric charged pass them with the ball at his feet into the penalty area
His shot was saved by Diego Lopez but the rebound ran straight to Benzema who scored
The goal belonged as much to Modric as Benzema. Solari seems to have told him to play more like a Balon d'Or winner, higher up the pitch and spending more time in the area he has become a more regular source of goals and assists
On the quarter hour he had another assist to his name crossing from the right for Sergio Ramos to head back into the far corner of Diego Lopez' goal
It was Ramos' 50th headed goal for the club.Espanyol – who were briefly top in November before their season collapsed – were creating very little but on 25 minutes Leo Baptistao came alive
First he forced Thibaut Courtois into a save at his near post and from the resulting corner the ball dropped to the Brazilian again and he rifled it into the roof of the Belgium keeper's net
Baptistao then galloped clear threatening to leave three Real Madrid defenders in his wake
He went down after the slightest of contact with Ramos and the defender was harshly booked
Sergio Ramos made it 2-0 11 minutes later when he lept highest to head home Real's second goal The Real Madrid captain celebrates with Lucas Vasquez after scoring his side's second goal against Espanyol The Frenchman doubled his tally before half-time to make it 3-1 as he restored Real's two-goal cushion Espanyol's Brazilian forward Leo Baptistao (right) celebrates scoring his side's first goal in the first halfBenzema put two goals between Madrid and Espanyol again just before the break with his 15th of the season
He played a one-two with Vinicius and driving low into the far corner. No one has performed more consistently in the post-Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid than the man who used to play him the ball at every opportunity
There was a change at half time with Ramos was taken off as a precaution after a knock on the knee sustained in the first period
Bale was soon warming back from that calf muscle strain suffered on January 4.The team looks a lot better now than when he picked up his injury and much of that has been down to the form of Benzema and Modric who continued to combine brilliantly
Benzema put Modric through and Diego Lopez saved his shot. Then Modric returned the favour but Benzema shot wide
Real Madrid defender Raphael Varane (right) is shown a straight red card for denying a goalscoring opportunity The French defender walks off the pitch as Santiago Solari watches on as his team try and hold on to their leadBale finally came on on 63 minutes to add the fourth goal on 67 minutes with practically his first touch
Varane brought down Piatti and with a man less Madrid saw out the remaining minutes with more nerves than they had envisaged
It was still an impressive display.The Champions League is on the horizon again and they are back in Champions League form with Bale fit and firing again
《海賊王》身體的變化可以使能力變強,但也要付出慘痛代價 - Duration: 4:23.
FOX TV - Coronation Street's Catherine Tyldesley lands role in crime - Duration: 3:05.
She quit the cobbles after seven years playing of playing her character Eva Price
And just five months after leaving Coronation Street, Catherine Tyldesley has landed a role in a Channel 5 crime drama after wowing the show's bosses, reports the Sun
The 35-year-old actress has signed up for thriller 15 Days, which begins with a brutal murder scene before rewinding to 15 days before the horrific act to reveal the truth behind the killing
Catherine is starring in the four part drama alongside Tom Rhys Harries and filming has been taking place in Cardiff for the past three weeks
Share this article Share It has been reported that Catherine was offered large cash sums to appear in reality shows, however she was determined to pursue acting further
The source told the paper: 'Cath was offered big money to do reality TV shows, but she was determined to stick with acting
' Catherine's representatives have been contacted for further comment. Meanwhile, the actress has been focusing on herself and her family since she decided to leave Coronation Street last year, presumably once filming wraps for 15 Days
While she admitted she may make a return to the cobbles, the star recently laid out her plans to travel as a family with her husband and her three-year-old son
She told Manchester Evening News: 'The timing seemed right. My son Alfie doesn't start at school for another two years so as a family we wanted the chance to travel
'I have relatives in Australia, but we didn't want to go for just a couple of weeks, we'd like to go over there and spend six weeks or more over there and then visit as many countries as possible
'Tom and I had always talked about travelling and we are keen for Alfie to visit different cultures
'She added: 'In between there will hopefully be some exciting projects for me as well
1/f Fluctuation Auto-tremolo Machine - Duration: 1:33.
This is 1/f fluctuation generator connected to a solenoid
It vibrates the solenoid at frequencies including 1/f fluctuation
The outstanding LED ring illuminates blue when the frequency fluctuates lower and bright red when higher
A pick is connected to the tip of the solenoid
Let's play the guitar with this
It is tough to figure out the position to get a nice sound
Demonstration J. S. Bach "Air on the G String"
You see the tremolo is fluctuating like a natural wind along with the LED illumination
Gently sometimes
Furiously some other times
I bet you've got an alpha wave in your brain by now
Solenoid CBS07300140 made by Takaha Kiko is used
Fluctuation is emulated by so-called intermittent chaos method implemented on Arduino
This project originally started as a silly challenge to play the guitar with a solenoid
Now it has become an art maybe too subtle to see the point
(Don't say "You should use a normal motor, that would be less noisy")
Special Thanks to Takaha Kiko for giving me the solenoids See you again in SF Bay Area
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