And we are back with new Combat MRE of Ukrainian military. On the front side you can see the content list.
You can also see there are seven menus, I have menu number 6 here.
On the top of the bag you can see emblem of Ukrainian Armed Forces (this is frontline combat ration).
Content list is in the first row on the left.
And on the top row you have 7 DPNP-P listed with number so you can see contents of each below.
On the lower part of the bag you have production information.
And on this sticker you see what exact menu you got, in this case it's number 6.
Made 12.12.2017.
Best before 01.10.2018.
This is probably biggest and most heavy ration I got so far.
On the back the bag is clear with no prints.
Let's open it and see what's inside
This is what you can see inside of it
Inside of the bag there is also this content list
And (same on the bag) printed contents for each meal, BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER
Meals are divided in this three bags.
Bag for breakfast, you can also see printed contents on the bag, but for this bag alone
Also have this sticker with production and best before date
Smallest and thinnest bag of three is breakfast bag
Let's open it
Meal that contains peas and beef. You can see the sticker that says when this meal was made, best before date and ingredients.
Four hard crackers
Wet napkin
Instant coffee
Chewing gum
Two packs of sugar
Spoon and napkin accessories bag
Chocolate, it looks as if she committed suicide... deformed, bloomed and it even erased it's label
Dried apricots
And first test of Ukrainian flameless heater, we have 4 heating bags and one reusable heating bag.
Instructions are very simple
After placing meal and heating bag you need to add 100-120ml of water
Heater is working really well, I don't know can you hear it right now, but Ukrops did awesome job with this.
Coffee and sugar
Even the spoon is modernized compared to old one
Wet napkin
Not really wet, but you can clean the spoon with it
Napkin it is, but wet it is not.
I will not be trying the chocolate since it looks like... it looks...
Dried apricots are really nice
And coffee isn't bad either
If you like lighter coffee you will enjoy this
Classic hardtack reminds me of our old Croatian MRE crackers "Rambo Keks"
The main meal, meat with peas
Opens like this
it smells good
but as for taste we need to try it
looks like soup with some vegetables and beef meat
not bad as I thought it will be, it's like some kind of slow overcooked goulash
everything is a bit overcooked and soft
so I'm calling it soup with potato, beef and without peas
looks like that weird British food you sometimes get in their ORP's
The bag that contains lunch
A bit more food then in previous one
something like soup croutons
chewing gum
two sugars
vitaminized cherry jam
spoon and napkin
wet napkin
soup with pork meat
pork meat kasha
meals are heated up
the way you open this...
pork meat kasha
doesn't look bad to be honest considering it's food from a bag, I have seen a lot worse
smell is OK, the food looks like a brick that you need to mix a bit
it's fatty and oily, probably because pork meat
but it's nicely seasoned
so barley kasha with pork looks like this
I think this is just pork not chicken and pork
it looks like pork, I didn't really checked the ingredient list that well
one of rare kasha meals that I find good from Eastern Europe
I don't consider Poland to be part of Eastern Europe, so their kasha is overall the best one I have tried so far
the soup has this gusseted bag
it looks like this
it looks like a real soup, not like a fake advertisement
lot's of meat, potato, carrots
looks like vegetable soup with pork meat
interesting smell, more like vegetables
so everything containing the barley and I think this is barley has this specific taste like it's something fermented
lightly sour and like it's fermented
you can never know... but it's nicely done
this is light years away from old Ukrainian ration with cans, in better direction of course... modernization at it's best
in old one you got survival food while this one is almost luxury food, imagine having this in the field in minus 20
and it's not just soup with meat flavor, you have real meat inside
big pieces of vegetables and meat, really complete meal
excellent for cold conditions while still part of MRE world (will it freeze I don't know, but when you heat this you will be very happy soldier)
I am pleasantly surprised
I think SmaCom company from Ukraine makes these
croutons are still very crunchy
they have honey aftertaste for some reason
so you can add it to soup, let's try it
crackers and jam
jam is a bit bitter, not surprising for sour cherry
not that sweet, but taste very natural and homemade
croutons with soup = excellent
let's add pepper and salt to kasha
this is really really good although it does not look like that... I have tried lot's of kasha meals from Russia and Ukraine
civilian and military production both
so I can say this is by far the best kasha I've eaten so far
After Polish kasha of course, but that one is a bit different meal, much better then classic EE kasha
but this is classic kasha and it's really the best I had
5/5 stars
soup is 4.5/5 I'm not that pleased with taste
but I am amazed by the size of it, ingredients in it and just idea to have this in combat ration amazes me
especially considering it's product aimed for the army that's often in cold conditions
products like this can boost moral to guys in the field so kudos for SmaCom
chewing gum is normal, but it has some medicine taste to it that I probably just imagined
so this is all for the lunch, I really liked it so far... let's continue to dinner part
Third and last bag is containing dinner
three sugars
spoon and napkin
chewing gum...tea...
wet napkin
one more sugar
bag with meat - simple as that
potato, vegetables and pork meat
one more croutons bag
that's it, let's heat the meals
smaller bag is pork meat in it's own juice, at least I think
doesn't look bad, it's just meat inside
just meat and meat...
not bad... also you have the croutons you can drop inside to soak in this soup
looking like nice quality meat pieces without any fat etc. much better then previous canned meat they had
looks like vegetarian's nightmare
kartoffel... strange they don't have their own word for potato
looks like potato pork stew
flameless heater is insane I can barely hold this how hot it is... also the food does not look great
but the taste is all right
surprisingly good considering the looks of this
real countryside meal for peasants, for field work and such
the oldschool style eat now and you will get nothing for next few days
so this is all, sorry for the long video, there's too much food here to keep it short
if you aren't already subscriber you can do it now :)
there will be similar videos in the future if you are interested in this kind of reviews
but if you are not interested, youtube is big enough for everyone
this is all, Слава Україні and kind regards until next video
For more infomation >> Ukrajinski MRE Ukraine Combat ration ДПНП-П-6 - Duration: 17:02.-------------------------------------------
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Black Panther truinfa en los SAG - Duration: 0:43.
MULITFANDOM MEP OPEN! zero by imagine drgaons mep 0/14 parts taken! - Duration: 2:54.
I find it hard to say the things I want to say the most
Find a little bit of steady as I get close
Find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me low, send me high, send me never demigod
I remember walking in the cold of November
Hoping that I make it to the end of December
27 years and the end of my mind
But holding to the thought of another time
But looking to the ways at the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
I find it hard to tell you how I want to run away
I understand it always makes you feel a certain way
I find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me up, send me down, send me never demigod
I remember walkin' in the heat of the summer
Wide-eyed one with a mind full of wonder
27 years and I've nothing to show
Falling from the doves to the dark of the crow
Looking to the ways of the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do, no
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
Maybe you're the same as me
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
They say the truth will set you free
GOD OF WAR - The End (Final Mission) | PART - 27 | PS4 SLIM | | P FOR PLAY - Duration: 2:15:56.
Dotzauer lesson etude no. 6 from 113 etudes for cello, book 1 - Duration: 5:35.
The etude number six requires to use very advanced bow stroke Martelé at the tip of the bow.
It is very hard to play at the tip.
After a while you will feel that this part of your bow arm is sore
so try to relax, try to keep a little bit lower elbow
and turn the wrist this way
that will help you to give more energy to the bow
therefore it will make the process of using this bow stroke much easier
there is very little flexibility in this part of the bow
compared to the middle part of the bow
where the bow is very flexible and it's much easier to get warmer quality of the sound
the tip of the bow delivers very clear yet light bow stroke
we can play at the frog and this is also very strong part of the bow
however, the sound quality will be different
Let's compare. I will play first few measures at the frog,
then in the middle part of the bow and then at the tip.
You could hear that the sound is much more rough, strong
and articulation sometimes goes over the board.
Now, the middle part of the bow
you can hear the sound is much warmer, very smooth quality
so, sometimes we could use this part of the bow to achieve this result
However, we will get very special sound quality at the tip
And now lets listen to entire etude
UNITED STATES vs RUSSIA, CHINA, INDIA | Military Power Comparison (2019) - Duration: 3:39.
Volvo V50 2.0D Edition II Sport - Duration: 1:03.
Toyota Land Cruiser 3.0 D-4D VX HR Blind Van Navig., Climate, Park. sens., Trekhaak 3500kg., - Duration: 1:11.
⚖️ JUICIO A UNA MUJER EN SUMERIA ⚖️ - Duration: 5:51.
Hi curious and curious, I'm JJ Priego, welcome to "Stories of History" that little place,
where it has the story differently.
Sumerian culture is exciting ... It's been 4,000 years, but still, today, is
great interest to history buffs.
And that, despite not having too many documents ...
Well, in today's video, we're going to do us this question: how were the judgments
in Sumeria?
Do you believe that resemble today?
If you want to know more ...
Join us.
INTRO collaboration with Joshua Bedwyr author of In a Dark Blue World
The Sumerians legal process took place, before an assembly of elders.
The assembly, it was directed by one of them, which, as a rule, be appointed as
"Judge", although we have no news, it was a trade as such.
It is believed that a judge in Sumeria, was to be an old man who had demonstrated great knowledge
the laws of the city.
These legal assemblies, were reminiscent of archaic times, in which the cities
primitive Sumerian, they were governed by the same assemblies, before someone very
witted, and possibly with the support of a few soldiers, discovered the meaning,
the word "boss" and its relationship to "ruler".
Well, among the thousands of tablets found in excavations in Mesopotamia, few
Sometimes they have appeared, complete minutes of judgments.
Three tablets discovered in the city of Larsa, could be obtained, the resolution
court, statements of defense, and even reflections of judges.
A great example of how the legal system worked Sumerian, and more interesting, when,
In addition, the legal process was against a woman.
In the present case, Ninkanda, such was the barmaid, was accused,
of complicity in the murder of her husband.
And here begins the bizarre history.
Apparently, two men had killed the husband of a couple of blows to the head
at the door of your home.
According to the minutes, the two murderers, had been tried, convicted and executed,
in a public square in front of the bed of his victim.
This placing an everyday object of the deceased, before the murderer, who was to be executed,
It was a Sumerian custom, which perhaps indicated that Blackheads thought of that
forms the dead was present, and attended the World execution from the Other Side.
The problem is that the forked tongues, gossips, neighbors and unemployed ...
people that coat, murmuring that good of Ninkanda, had something to do with
the death of her soulmate.
Alexandre Dumas already said: "Cherchez la femme".
Well, before the assembly of elders, called defender (we have no idea what
He was a defender in Sumeria or how it worked) argued that, Ninkanda not know these men
nothing, and he presented two witnesses who corroborated.
The point, most dangerous of the charge against him, was that, neighbors,
they had not seen saddened by the death of her husband.
The defense claimed that it was a very circumspect, very solemn and formal woman ... and also,
He presented witnesses to his character.
Finally, as a sort of Cicero of the two rivers, he welcomed the fact that,
she did not win anything with her husband's death, because the tavern was Ninkanda, and the "rich"
the couple she was.
This we find very modern, and reminds us, the current legal principle of "cui bono"
(Who benefits?)
taken from Roman law.
Finally, the judge, on behalf of the Assembly, decided to declare it innocent.
Thanks to this, he escaped being taken to a public square and that the rasurasen
pubis, while a crier read the sentence, later to be impaled.
And in Sumeria, of course, murder her husband were paid with life, while,
You sweep away the woman, managed, with only a heavy fine ...
However, reviewing the records, the matter is not entirely clear.
Because nowhere is said why he was murdered.
The testimonies of witnesses, are we, now a little childish, they do not prove
anything you say, about Ninkanda did not know that the murderers.
His testimony is accepted, after a single sacred oath.
Nor is it clear why she was so little grief, the death of her husband, and we have the
aggravating that in the Sumerian cities, refusing to have sex with her husband, could
be a defense for the murder of his wife.
The minutes, despite being complete, we fall short and awaken our morbosa
curiosity 3,700 years later.
Was it an abusive husband?
Look for the woman?
¿Ignored and tasty bedroom secrets?
Who knows…!
But what no doubt is that, here, would a juicy novel.
How you have fallen curious and inquisitive?
What do you like this story?
You can put me in your comments.
If you liked this video I give the like.
And if it's your first time here in Stories of History, give this button Subscribe
channel, also the bell to keep abreast of developments.
Finally I recommend you follow my other 2 channels, "Easypromos TV" and "Science
You will like them.
And remember, knowledge is an essential requirement for survival.
Many thanks.
Sleep loss increases pain - Duration: 2:00.
"Je marche sur la glace", dit Macron - Duration: 3:41.
Ces 10 légumes qui contiennent plus de fer que la viande - Duration: 8:45.
Maserati GT Legal straight pipe exhaust. (pt2. Exhaust tips) - Duration: 17:21.
Welcome my friends.
In the first part of my story about the creation the mufflers for
Maserati gt. I showed you the internal structure of the factory
mufflers and to obtain more powerful sound I remade
it own way . Added vacuum the flap and have the opportunity
to switch the exhaust to quiet mode.
Link to this video story must will emerge where the
And of course she's downstairs. in the video description.
And now your attention propose a second part of.
In it I will talk about a difficult area in the production
custom exhaust system , on the visible part of the iceberg
all of the exhaust, ie about nozzles.
Well, for those who want to reduce viewing time to a minimum
, and who does not hypnotize observe the work of another
human, move on link above . There waiting for you
3 minute video clip about the result of done
And we Drove to the car...
Mmmm, I Think I'm in the wrong place got it!
but this ass can not be left without attention.
I'll go see what it is. such.
Cylinders more in and a half times, engine capacity 6
The right body, literate manifold, freaky motor
They know how to make cars.
And this is understandable, after all This legendary Asten Martin
I really hope that with him I have to work, too.
But Back to Maserati.
Oh! Here's the view for me more familiar, now it's her...
So, I made custom silencers in the case of the original
Maserati silencers.
Now we need to create the nozzle.
The owner of the car wanted that is a custom for the attachment of
And at first I even doubted in their forces, after all in sale
hundreds of nozzles on any taste.
But the first layout dispelled my doubt.
Two 76mm pipes were the most harmonious material
for the end of the exhaust systems of this machine.
I make nozzles all the time. , and most often I remake
what the purchased, ready to banks with nozzles or separate
nozzles. And most of all hate this process . That's all
mark , you will expose with correct clearances and
while the car is hanging on the lift all looks from below very
beautiful, but you lower it the ground level and everything changes
everything looks crooked and KOs . The shape of the rear
bumpers, angle, everything. it affects perception.
And here begins the main headache.
Move left ,then right , then down, a little deeper
and so on ad infinitum.
But here are two pipes with a cut edges at an angle and centimeter
jumper between them . The the shape of the nozzle will be at
this machine.
Now you need to connect mufflers and tips.
The outputs of the cans and the situation nozzles are not symmetrical
, also different diameters outputs 63 and 50 mm, and nozzles
at all on 76mm and need to do transition.
Moreover, it will be quite sophisticated form .
With a press of 50mm the 63mm pipe is obtained , and
work from 63mm 76mm . Rather slightly less than 76 because
what pipes will be inside nozzles.
Means their need to crush up to 73mm, because the thickness
the walls pipes and a half millimeters.
Now we need to try on the layout by car, then grab
welding this design , then all cut and
back together for fitting.
The result is that such a landmark.
The bottom view is fine with me, side and top view too
But it was simple. make the first part not
difficult, but repeat the same is much more difficult.
And in this case a copy of need to to make the mirror with the preservation of
all corners and gaps.
And if both nozzles mirror connect with each other,
that means everything is smooth.
And you can build a highway on the second jar.
Same curved pipe with the extension on the end
and also put the nozzle.
It turned out beautiful, But....
Pull the silencers together the nozzles are not gonna work right now.
Nozzles need to be fixed in this position, and for
this need to put several tack welding.
And here begins ... A few broken bones
hand and a new limb in the form of tentacles crawls
to the welding spot.
Now one Bank is ready, nozzle fixed
and it can be removed from the car without fear of geometry change.
But banks the two.
And all it is necessary to repeat once time.
But this time, the nozzle should expose not just exactly
, and exactly so as is worth the first nozzle.
If the first nozzle has managed get in here without dancing.
with a tambourine not would cost.
So for the first time in the arena ... Down on one knee , the second
I press the welding pedal., left hand holding torch
, and the right filler wire, and all this blindly because
you can't see shit .... Not impressed???
All right ... but everything turned out smooth and beautiful... although until
the finale is still plowing and plowing.
The remaining pair of tacks already put easier, and
banks assy with nozzles removed on the table.
Now that all geometry set and nozzles are
in the desired position, you can start doing the other
highway to the quiet part the outlet of the muffler.
There are two transition diameter from 50 to 63 and further to 73 mm.
Happens and such...
I can already hear your anger. the cries about the lack of
protective housing on the grinder.
About sticking the disks in the turtle and severed fingers.
I know that.
I don't want to set an example. dangerous work with this tool.
So in the future I promise put a protective cover.
I hope I will be able to alter its for convenient and safe
I plan to dedicate this topic a separate video And
once it comes out in light, there will appear on it
For now, just need to change the disk and continue.
Safety Glasses that I have donned )
Silent nozzle pipe also makes a winding
But work with him much simpler, banks are now
on the table, not hang for bumper under the car.
Tetris of cones and corners the segments are assembled into
something whole.
Love when persists diameter of pipe in all its
bends, so in 99% of cases do not make cuts at an angle
and cutting sector of 90градусного Gib's.
Suppose that in this place is quite does not matter, but better
not to relax.
To stitch all the parts need to without gaps , to
you did not create voltage on the nozzle at the final
welding seams.
In other words to this everything is not taken aside when
So you have to share mm to change the angles
under which are joined specific.
Finally all the potholders delivered.
And the result is a design desired shape.
But there is still a second such as.
With her sequence of actions is known , and the deal is done
much faster.
And then welding.
I am not a professional welder and cooking without blowing is not
I can, so I always spend extra argon for purging
pipes from inside.
To protect the weld from the reverse sides.
And as experienced welders say on useless work, because
that OTC would still not accept my stucco.
But I'm not going to weld. submarines and cast iron
bridges, a smooth and beautiful the seam on the inner side
pipe me personally very pleases.
So long live blow!
It was sarcasm if that ...
Here you go...
You can have control the fitting on the machine.
And why only half of the case?
Yes because I boiled only hands-free connections
nozzles and making sure the flatness of the design, boldly
I can start the second one. I didn't fry both of them.
nozzles on the muffler, and first welded one, tried on
its on the car now and weld another. when there is access
to all sites, much it's easier to weld all the stitches.
Again useless gas backwater and miserable seams especially
inside the pipe.
Disgustingly smooth , without burnout, and why this
need inside ? Still. no one will ...
But while we are looking for an answer this issue, banks already
My Frankenstein twins. turned out pretty nice.
Of course I had to use them. the welding seams.
But everything turned out harmoniously.
And I think they are quite you can bet on Maserati
even though there may be any machine, from pelvis to
)))) vase.
Upgrade the realistically deshmansky turn out.
Looks all straight, all smooth, symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing.
I am satisfied with the work done , and most importantly happy with the owner
we have to win dead battery and check
how it sounds.
Particularly picky am asking put on your headphones or it'll ring.
this tin can will not very clearly audible.
Now closed dampers and this is a quiet mode of operation.
the exhaust gases prstat through the cavity
muffler and fly through external nozzle tubes . Sound
remained characteristic of this motor. By volume
same as he was from the factory.
But now the flaps open. and work both parts of nozzles
. A ragged Sound filled with low frequency. Flow
unhindered through large acoustic camera
and goes outside.
Sorry microphone and headphones not convey this in full
least, or I haven't learned yet to record this sound properly.
Anyway, I did everything wanted to do.
And told about everything that remembered.
And you ask what's interesting , write comments, put
huskies. and if you want me support and motivate
to create new views, then share my videos
with your friends.
And press the bell to don't miss another
That's all for today ... Good luck, everybody.
8 of the Biggest Lessons We've Learned Building Product Teams || Crema - Duration: 13:13.
Intro Music
Welcome back guys.
My name is George Brooks and I'm one of the founders here at Crema.
We are a digital product agency.
We're working with companies all over the country and world to build product teams.
We design, develop, and help product manage solutions from ideation all the way through to
Today what we're going to talk about is lessons that we've learned growing product teams here at
Crema and with our clients.
So there are a number of things that we've done accidentally right and some things that we
probably haven't done really well or that we've learned don't work as well.
And so I want you guys to avoid those pitfalls.
And so we're going to give you a few tips and tricks to figure out how to build your product
teams or work with people that are building product teams.
Stay tuned for sure all the way to the end because there is one piece of advice that I wish we would
have known sooner.
And that's one of the biggest reasons that I think a lot of product teams fail.
So stay tuned all the way through.
First off let's just put it in your head now,
You are in the business of people.
You just happen to be building apps.
We try to over, you know, amplify technology in the world that we live in either because we're
just assuming it's going to replace our jobs or we think it's gonna make our life easier and in some
ways some of those things might be true.
But really what we want to be focused in on is technology doesn't happen without people.
And so you really have to be focused on your teams.
So that's why we want to focus in and why we do focus into product teams.
So first off don't get too stuck on the technology.
Think about your people. You're in the business of people.
One of the first things that we're seeing is that across the industry as a whole there's a big
emphasis on diversity.
Diversity can be a lot of different things but for us it really
first and foremost comes down to cross discipline teams. Working with people that are in different
roles under one single unit or one vision of the product that they're working to build.
There is the diversity of cross discipline teams, but there's also the diversity of backgrounds and
perspectives and even cultural diversity as you're building out your product teams.
Avoid having a team that everyone looks the same.
Having males and females and having different color skin on your teams and having different
backgrounds even different ethnicities and languages really add to the value of people
bringing different perspectives into what is gonna make the product great.
Because you might have somebody that says. "That's a really great idea. If everyone is this and
But as soon as you introduce some diversity into the group you start looking at things through a
different angle and can really see things that maybe you wouldn't have been able to see on your
own if anybody looked the same.
Keep teams small and keep sprints small. Companies have grown massively in the last few years.
Startups or especially technology companies are just taking off and they're really starting to
build massive teams.
But the companies that we're seeing be most successful including crema here is when they
create focused teams that stay small.
So for us, most of our teams are no more than three to five people and usually it's more than
five person mark.
That doesn't mean that those all five people are 100 percent dedicated to one project.
You might have them floating between jobs but the reality is that you keep that team small so that
you don't get this large kind of "group think."
Instead you can make decisions, you can move quickly, and you don't have to get this cross buy
in that can that can really weigh down the velocity of your project.
And then keeping sprints small.
So instead of casting a vision for a roadmap for what you want to do over the next six months, a
year, two years, three years, that's fine if you want to project what you think it might be.
Focus more on what you're going to have to do in the next week or two so keep your team small and
keep your sprint small.
I think one other factor when you're building your product teams and especially when you start to
have diverse views is that you really have to be careful to make sure that their culture stays
healthy as you create each new team.
You may find that your first team, kind of the founding team or the the champion team inside your
organization is tight knit because you're all bought into the vision.
But as you start to build new teams and each of the many components are focused areas for your
your solution or of your business, it's easy to let that slip and just think, "Well you know, all
I need is to represent the different roles and culture will probably come because everybody's
gonna act like we did."
And it's just not true.
So you have to train people how to really be sure that they work well together. That comes with
diverse backgrounds and perspectives so that innately bring some tension.
So one of the things that we look for and we talk a lot about is a term we call "Humble Confidence."
And so we really suggest that if you're looking to build your teams, look for teams that can stay
confident that they know how to build the best solutions and that they have great ideas, but
they're humble enough to know that they can take input from other people and that the team can get
better over time.
If you have that one person that's not fitting or is causing strain in the team do something about
it quickly.
So that may mean you just have a conversation. They may not even realize they're acting like
So address that concern.
We have had situations and that's one of our lessons learned in the past where we had someone
on the team that wasn't a perfect fit.
It's not that they were not great at their job, they were very intelligent people, but they
weren't a good cultural fit to know how to work well with this diverse team. And what it ended up
doing is ended up dragging the team down and just created this weight, this oppression.
But it wasn't until that person was removed or was recognized as this being a problem and improved
and as soon as that happened it was amazing to see the weight that was lifted off the product team
and how much faster they moved and how much more efficient they became and how much better of a
product they created.
So this is something that maybe it doesn't have to be a rule but just something we found to be
helpful. Maybe consider changing up your teams every once in a while.
I think that over a period of time people get kind of stagnant.
I don't want to say bored, but they can get kind of tunnel visioned into really being comfortable
with the people they're around and the idea that they're working on.
So we don't have a process that's like fixed in place yet, but we have found that when our teams
were forced to change up for some reason whether that was because, you know, somebody left the
organization or a new team member came on or we had a capacity issue so we had to shuffle people
around for the most part, we actually found that there was more gain out of that change than there
was loss.
I think people are really scared that when you're going to change up the team there won't be this
knowledge background of what they've all been doing for the last year and six month or two years
whatever that is and that it's going to take them too much time and costs to get brought up to
What we actually found is it brought fresh perspective.
You start to see things that maybe you didn't see before because everybody was just kind of on the
same wavelength and things were happening in the same way over and over and over again.
Consider some type of rotation or some type of change out of resources that are working on one
particular problem or if you can bring something somebody new into the kind of mix up the kind of
daily grind of it so that you don't get stuck and not realize that you need to keep innovating you
need to keep keep pivoting or kind of refining the direction that you're going in your product your
solution or on your teams.
And then one of the last things I'll say is look at ways to give your team members and these cross
discipline roles a way to be better at their craft outside of this particular project.
So that may mean sending them to a conference or it might mean giving them time to continue to
train. Or for us at Crema, what we do is we have craft teams and then we have product teams or
project teams. And what that basically means is that on our project team you are working with
people that oftentimes are not the same role as you.
Because again, that diverse team is moving the product forward.
But what you lose is maybe the context of, "How are other people designing with Sketch today or
with Invision or Studio?"
"How are other people writing javascript right now?"
What are best practices in my trade or my craft as we call it.
What we do here at Crema ( and actually I think is something that kind of organically happened,
the teams just started to do it and now we're kind of naming it and seeing the value in doing it
more) is giving our craft teams or the trade teams a space and a time to meet and grow and be better
So for us that looks like we have Dev Chats that happens I think every two weeks. Designer Chats.
You have the product strategists have Strat Chats.
We have Product Management Improvement. (Their name is a little bit longer because product
managers like that long terms for things. That's where product management meetup).
Give space for the people that don't maybe day to day get to spend time together. Give them space
where they can go off and actually meet with other people that do the same thing they do and they can
learn and grow and get better at that craft together.
It's a way to make sure that your product team again doesn't become stagnant in the way that they
do things today.
So I said that I would give you the one kind of biggest lesson learned for us.
All these things that I've shared so far have been things that we've kind of either accidentally fell
into or we did it wrong in some way and so it was we realized that people had been stuck on the same
project for too long and while they were doing good work they just you could tell they were just
feeling a little stale.
So we had to kind of constantly ask like "How can we get them out and help them to do better?"
And I think that kind of leads to the One Point of Failure.
The single single point of failure in any team meaning "Siloed." Anybody that's completely siloed
kills a product team.
This naturally can happen because of personality.
It's just that a person might be a little bit more reserved or introverted I guess is one way to say
And so they pull back away from maybe being collaborative with the rest the team. It's not a
bad thing, but what it leads to is that this person starts making decisions on their own.
They start maybe running in a different direction and they miss alignment with the vision or the
purpose of the project or the solution or the company.
And so I think one of the big things is keep your eyes open.
Do the lean kind of methodology of watching for inefficiencies and look for anyone that might
start to become "siloed."
Someone who's just not getting up from their desk very often or someone who's not engaging in the
See what you can do to pull information out of that person, to invite them into the collaboration
of the team. Look for ways to do silent activities.
So whether that's when you do brainstorming instead of having it being a vocal challenge of
who speaks the most and so the loudest voice always wins.
Instead to exercises where you put sticky notes up on the wall, and think about how you can vote.
And so they give him a voice by allowing them to write things down and then everybody votes rather
than "who did the best pitch for an idea vocally."
If you have the budget and the capacity to do this on your teams, think about how you can pair up
programmers. Pair programming has been the thing that's been around for a long time, which is to
say you both sit down and look at the same set of code.
One person writes, one other person kind of like reviews and asks questions about why are they
writing the code that way, and then you switch places.
The final result of the code is a better quality product.
Even though you think, "Well that's going to double up on time", it actually creates more
efficiencies so that people aren't spinning their wheels.
They're not getting stuck and they can move forward faster.
Traditionally it was with programming but there's no reason to say it couldn't actually work with
other roles as well.
Same thing with product management and strategy.
So they oftentimes are going, "Well how are we going to run this next meeting?" Or, "How are we
going to put together this plan or this roadmap for this particular project so we can communicate
it with the stakeholders, so that we can communicate it with our bosses and then that we
can share with the team?"
I think that by nature of having two minds thinking about how that might be done really keeps
people from getting siloed into
"there's only one person has all the knowledge".
And that's what you want to avoid if somebody got hit by a bus, God forbid, on one of your projects,
that not all the knowledge would be lost and left with that one person.
You may not have that luxury.
It may be that your team is so early and so small that you don't have enough bodies to do that.
But I think as quickly as possible looking for those single points of failure, those single
points that if something were to go wrong it would all fall back into that one person and that
bottleneck, remove that. Start getting cross discipline collaboration so that you get a better
That's the number one thing I would say is remove "silos", look for ways that you can collaborate
with other people, and I think you're product teams are definitely going to be better for it.
So these are just a few tips and tricks, a few lessons learned from a company that builds product
teams. We have several product teams here inside of Crema.
We've been doing this for the last 10 years, building product teams, and we're helping our
clients build their own product teams.
And so if you're thinking about building a cross disciplined, small product team that can move fast
and build great solutions,
maybe these are few tips and tricks for you.
Thank you guys as always for watching us today, for subscribing to our channel.
Make sure to subscribe and then turn on the bell.
I think that allows you to get all the notifications. Like us if you can as well on
This year we're really going to be dialing up our content.
We're really going to be pushing out videos and podcast and blog posts and material that hopefully
is useful for you.
If there's a question that you have or there's something that you're kind of struggling with as
you're building your product teams as you're building your products let us know.
Drop us a comment below about maybe what are some of the lessons you've learned as you've been
trying to build your product team.
Until next time.
Thank you guys for watching.
See you later.
Vous ne me lâchez pas, hein ? » Quand Macron supplie Larcher - Duration: 3:01.
RV Renovation: Part 2-Prep & Paint - Duration: 11:15.
Welcome back to Lewis and Parks YouTube Channel
in this video you're going to see Step 2 in our RV Renovation
which is prep and paint
and it's a very busy video because we were very busy doing it
So if you missed step one, feel free to click on the link
to watch that video
or you can look at our blog
to get more details about our RV Renovation
and our trip to all 50 states in 500 days
to help feed a million Americans.
Thanks for watching!
[awesome music]
So, everybody this is my sister.
And she's here to help me tape down and get things ready to prime and paint
[more awesome rock music]
Alright, today's the day!
We've done lots of prep work
And I keep saying, "Today's the day we're going to paint...we're going to paint...we're going to paint"
Well, today's actually the day we're going to paint!
I'm spray painting
some of the different fixtures that have turned yellow...
from sun exposure
you can see the back of the speakers.
Hence the mask
So, I'm just gonna- WOOO!- Not fall!
...gonna spray
to turn this from this yucky yellow
to white.
So, I came outside because-Woohee-
it gets to stinking in there if I don't.
I don't have the electric hooked up, so
I can't the fan or anything
it's just windows open
It's still really smelly, so..
Gonna see if it got any better.
It looks a bit better than the yellow it was.
So, I'm gonna start up at the front
and just get- watch out for that-
and gonna get this all taken care of
gonna put some primer on it
This is the primer I'm using.
I read a review online that said that
that was a good primer, especially
for these RV walls
So, we're gonna see how it works.
[music again]
I just gone done with some priming, painting, taping
of everything...and I finally
had some sense brought to me
that I need to use a sprayer.
So, we taped off everything
with a friend of mine, Sarah.
Thank you, Sarah!
She came and helped me finish taping. And I'm gonna
de-gloss these drawer faces
and I got some trim pieces that I'm just gonna spray real quick
And then, I think I'll be finished with painting today!
I'm so excited!
Ok, so this is the awesome paint sprayer. Thank you
Bill and Cici!
[kids laughing]
Why are you guys laughing?
Because you have grey hair!
Awesome hair!
So first coat on the RV is done. And now it's raining
So, we may or may not get that second coat on today
So, I'm going to look like this tomorrow! Yay!
So, we've been sanding
lots of doors and you can see how many drawers are in there
there's a lot of storage, which is nice
And my sweet hubby is in here
working on building the bunks.
Hi there! [ding]
So, the bunk beds are done! You can see he did a really good job.
And then we have to put a piece over here to put the
mattress on
But, I'm loving it!
Now, my job, while Derek's on a field trip with our daughter
is to get the dinette booth all squared away.
We're trying to recycle a little bit
with some of the RV pieces that we have. So, wish me luck!
We worked on the dinette booth
It's not completely done yet.
But, it's just about ready.
That's where the bookshelf
is going to be.
Alright, next day and we are getting ready to paint all of our cabinet doors.
Got some more drawers in here
and we are using the sprayers. Going to do the backs first
and then the fronts.
And my lovely husband
is sanding down the bookshelf that goes in our room.
And we're also doing the back there
we have too much to do! This is crazy.
And we are exactly one week away from closing
So, we're done painting
the second coat. We got all
the doors painted
and now I'm just trying to figure out where they go because...
I had taped and written down where everything went
and then we had it outside on a big
ol' sheet of paper
um, and then all the tape and paper got swept away
and thrown away because
it was raining.
So, we quickly had to grab all
the doors and put them inside
and we did not stop to think, "Oh yeah. We need those
tags to remember what goes where." And so now
it's going to be a game of trying to figure out
What goes where. Yeah.
Yay! But we're done painting!
Now it's just touch up paint on some of the sides
and stuff. And I'm gonna get that done tonight.
Derek's feeding the kiddos. And tomorrow
we should be putting in the flooring! Celebration!!!
Work in progress...Woohoo!
And this is what I look like.
Kind of a mess.
My shoes.
Are all white. They were not white before
So, we're trying to bust a move.
-Bust, bust, bust a move.
Alright, thanks for hanging in til the end of
that video! That was a lot
of work painting the rig.
So, here are three helpful tips that we want to share with you.
-Tip 1
-Prime, prime at least twice.
Okay. So you're gonna need to prime
a thick coat or at least two coats of primer
Cuz it will help you in the long run.
-Step 2
Tip number 2 it to give yourself plenty of time
because painting your rig will take longer than you expect.
-Step 3
Alright, tip number 3 is to rent, borrow, or beg a paint sprayer
Because you're gonna need it my friend.
It will take hours off of your job!
And you're going to want that precious time to do
everything else that you want to do with your RV Renovation.
So, we hope that helps you with
painting and getting your rig ready
to be your home sweet home.
And watch for our next video.
Don't forget to subscribe
and to check out our website.
-Step 1-Ahhh!
-Step 1...sorry.
It's alright.
-Step 1
Carmen - Et la garde descendante (Streetboys chorus, part 2) - Backing track - Duration: 1:14.
And the off-duty guard is leaving and goes home.
Blow the blaring trumpet! Ta ratatata ratata.
We march with our heads held high, like little soldiers.
Keeping time without mistake, one, two, marking our steps.
COREA DEL NORD vs NATO ✪ Confronto Militare [2019] - Duration: 3:31.
Military Power Comparison
North Korea vs NATO
Total Population
Land Area (km²)
Defense Budget
Active Military Personnel
Nuclear Weapon
Armored Fighting Vehicles
Multiple Rocket Launchers
Self-Propelled Artillery
Towed Artillery
Attack Aircraft
Transport Aircraft
Trainer Aircraft
Attack Helicopters
Air force
Aircraft Carriers
Patrol Boats
Une épice excellente pour BRÛLER LES KILOS en trop À GRANDE VITESSE - Duration: 3:51.
MULITFANDOM MEP OPEN! zero by imagine drgaons mep 0/14 parts taken! - Duration: 2:54.
I find it hard to say the things I want to say the most
Find a little bit of steady as I get close
Find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me low, send me high, send me never demigod
I remember walking in the cold of November
Hoping that I make it to the end of December
27 years and the end of my mind
But holding to the thought of another time
But looking to the ways at the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
I find it hard to tell you how I want to run away
I understand it always makes you feel a certain way
I find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me up, send me down, send me never demigod
I remember walkin' in the heat of the summer
Wide-eyed one with a mind full of wonder
27 years and I've nothing to show
Falling from the doves to the dark of the crow
Looking to the ways of the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do, no
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
Maybe you're the same as me
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
They say the truth will set you free
FREE | Lil Uzi Vert x Juice WRLD Type Beat - "Dreamland" Free Trap/Melodic Rap Beat - Duration: 2:05.
MULITFANDOM MEP OPEN! zero by imagine drgaons mep 0/14 parts taken! - Duration: 2:54.
I find it hard to say the things I want to say the most
Find a little bit of steady as I get close
Find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me low, send me high, send me never demigod
I remember walking in the cold of November
Hoping that I make it to the end of December
27 years and the end of my mind
But holding to the thought of another time
But looking to the ways at the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
I find it hard to tell you how I want to run away
I understand it always makes you feel a certain way
I find a balance in the middle of the chaos
Send me up, send me down, send me never demigod
I remember walkin' in the heat of the summer
Wide-eyed one with a mind full of wonder
27 years and I've nothing to show
Falling from the doves to the dark of the crow
Looking to the ways of the ones before me
Looking for the path of the young and lonely
I don't want to hear about what to do, no
I don't want to do it just to do it for you
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to always feel, feel
Like I'm empty and there's nothing really real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Hello, hello
Let me tell you what it's like to be a zero, zero
Let me show you what it's like to never feel, feel
Like I'm good enough for anything that's real, real
I'm looking for a way out
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
Maybe you're the same as me
Let me tell you 'bout it, well let me tell you 'bout it
They say the truth will set you free
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