Let me ask you a question: "Is your LinkedIn profile optimized?" If the first
thing that comes to your mind is that your profile is completed, there is
a good chance it is not optimized. Hello, my name is David
Gaudreault, I talk about personal branding. I just wrote an articleabout
on my blog, a new article that gives you
tips and advice on how to Pimp your LinkedIn, how to optimize your
profile to better stand out and distinguish yourself on the platform.
If you're interested, I invite you to click on the link in the
comments. For today, I'm giving you a tip
that only takes two minutes to implement, but that will help you
optimize your profile. It's to optimize your headline, your header,
the title that appears right under your name. By default, this title is composed
of the title of your job followed by the name of the company
you work for. However, the majority of companies
assign titles that are very general and not really original. So you better
change this title and replace it with a title that will include
three essential elements. The first element is that your title will be
representative of your main skills.
The second element is that your title will be composed of long-ail keywords
that is to say composed of three words or more. This will
help you a lot to rank in the search results. For example, if you are
a biologist, rather than just use biologist as a title. you should
add your specialty in your title. E.g. biologists in microbiology molecular
because it's going to be a lot easier to rank in the search results
for this title compare to the term biologist alone. The third
element is that, we all have different specializations,
and we are often tempted to build our title using all our specializations.
For example, marketing specialist, sales representative, entrepreneurs and speaker.
The problem is that each of the additional titles tends to decrease
the importance of the previous titles in the search results.
So it's going to be a lot easier to rank in the search results
if you just write content marketing specialists than if you add
to that title several other subsequent titles.
Donc voila! It was the three essential elements to optimize your
headlines in LinkedIn. This little tip help yyou to optimize your LinkedIn profile,
Again, if you're interested in
reading my article, I invite you to click on the link in comment.
Thank you very much for your attention, Talk to you soon
in my next video about personal branding
Tanks again, Bye Bye!
For more infomation >> Conseil Linkedin - Comment optimiser votre gros titre (header) dans Linkedin pour vous démarquer - Duration: 2:52.-------------------------------------------
¿Qué ocurriría si una FUERZA IMPARABLE se enfrentase con un CUERPO INAMOVIBLE? - Duration: 5:44.
Hi curious and curious, I'm JJ Priego, welcome to Science Science, that little place,
where we see that the known finite and infinite is unknown.
Have you ever wondered, ever, what if, an unstoppable object, ie an object,
to move or destroy any other body in the universe, which is to make him along the way,
is found, an immovable object, ie an object that can not be moved by
nothing in the universe?
What would happen in this clash?
Who ganaría¿ Does unstoppable or inamobible?
Interesting, right?
Want to know more?
Well, let's look around.
INTRO What if an unstoppable force enfrentase an immovable body?
based on the book "100 basic questions about science" by Isaac Asimov
You will be with me, that this question is very curious.
Y es que, se trata, de un rompecabezas clásico, sobre el que se han vertido millones y millones
de argumentos.
Pero, antes de dar una posible solución al misterio, debemos dejar algunas cosas claras.
Porque, el juego de explorar el universo, mediante técnicas racionales, hay que jugarlo,
como todos los juegos, de acuerdo con ciertas reglas.
Estaréis conmigo en que, si dos personas quieren conversar inteligentemente, tienen
que ponerse de acuerdo, acerca del significado, de los símbolos que utilizan.
Sean palabras o cualquier otro símbolo…
Y que, sus comentarios, han de tener sentido, en función de ese significado.
Nos debemos basar en reglas...
Y así, de esta manera, todas las preguntas, que no tengan sentido, en función de las
definiciones convenidas se las echa fuera de casa.
Ya que, no habrá respuesta, porque la pregunta no ha debido ser formulada.
Pongamos un ejemplo.
Supongamos que pregunto: ¿Cuánto pesa la justicia?
Quizás, estéis pensando, en la estatua de la justicia, con la balanza en la mano.
Eso no vale.
Me refiero, a lo justicia como algo inmaterial.
Pues bien, todos sabemos, que el peso, es una propiedad de la masa, y que sólo tienen
masa las cosas materiales.
De hecho, la definición más simple de materia, es "aquello que tiene masa".
Y claro, la justicia no es una cosa material, sino una abstracción.
Por lo tanto, por definición, la masa, no es una de sus propiedades, y preguntar, por
el peso de la justicia, es formular una pregunta sin sentido.
No existe respuesta.
Por otro lado, mediante una serie de manipulaciones algebraicas muy simples, es posible demostrar
que 1 = 2.
Lo malo es que, en el curso de la demostración, hay que dividir por cero.
Así que, a fin de evitar, una igualdad tan inconveniente, por no hablar, de otras muchas
demostraciones, que destruirían, la utilidad de las matemáticas.
Los matemáticos, han decidido excluir, la división por cero, en cualquier operación
Así pues, la pregunta, "¿cuánto vale la fracción 2/0?", viola las reglas del
juego y carece de sentido.
Por lo tanto, no precisa de respuesta.
Pues bien, sabiendo todo esto, ahora ya estamos listos, para trabajar, con esa fuerza imparable
y ese cuerpo inamovible.
Primero, vamos a definirlos…
Una "fuerza imparable" es, por definición, si queremos que las palabras tengan significado,
una fuerza que no puede ser resistida; una fuerza, que moverá o destruirá, cualquier
cuerpo que encuentre, por grande que sea, sin debilitarse, ni desviarse perceptiblemente.
En un universo, que contiene una fuerza imparable, no puede haber, ningún cuerpo inamovible,
pues acabamos de definir, esa fuerza imparable, como una fuerza capaz de mover cualquier cosa.
Y claro, un "cuerpo inamovible" es, por definición, si queremos que las palabras
tengan algún significado, un cuerpo que no puede ser movido; un cuerpo, que absorberá
,cualquier fuerza que encuentre, por muy grande que sea, sin cambiar, ni sufrir daños perceptibles
en el encuentro.
Por lo tanto, en un universo que contiene un cuerpo inamovible, no puede haber ninguna
fuerza imparable, porque acabamos de definir, ese cuerpo inamovible, como un cuerpo capaz
de resistir cualquier fuerza.
Y de esta manera, si formulamos una pregunta, que implique, la existencia simultánea, de
una fuerza imparable y de un cuerpo inamovible, estamos violando, las definiciones implicadas
por las frases mismas.
Las reglas, del juego de la razón no lo permiten.
Así pues, la pregunta, "¿Qué ocurriría si una fuerza imparable se enfrentase con
un cuerpo inamovible" carece de sentido, y no precisa de respuesta.
Y si, alguno de vosotros, os preguntáis, si es posible construir las definiciones,
de modo, que no quepa formular preguntas incontestables.
La respuesta la tenéis en este vídeo, donde os hablo del Teoremas de Godel…
¿Cómo os habéis quedado curiosas y curiosos?
Bueno hasta aquí el vídeo de hoy.
¿Qué os ha parecido?
Ponédmelo en los comentarios.
Y ya sabéis, si te ha gustado este vídeo dale al Me gusta.
Y si es tu primera vez en Ciencias de la Ciencia dale a este botón y Suscríbete al canal,
también a la campanita para estar al día de las novedades.
Para acabar os recomiendo seguir mis otros 2 canales, Historias de la Historia y Easypromos
Te gustarán.
Y recuerda, el conocimiento es un requisito esencial para la supervivencia.
Muchísimas gracias.
Mama Marinei de la Puterea Dragostei, prima reacție după refuzul categoric al lui Daniel: „Dacă el s - Duration: 4:25.
Krutá bolest nemocné Jany Hlaváčové: Kvůli Munzarovi (†85) vyhodila maminku z domu! - Duration: 4:55.
בובספוג אימו - Duration: 0:22.
Arc North - Catch Me When I Fall (ft. Sarah De Warren) - Duration: 2:58.
Arc North - Catch Me When I Fall (ft. Sarah De Warren)
🏂 SHAPE YOUR LIFE - Celý film - Duration: 1:02:02.
My name is Jiri, I am 28, already?
I am from Zlin,
raised up in Vizovice,
town nearby.
He saw that his older sister reads and studies,
as a second child he picked up lot of it very early.
When he hit first grade, he got lucky with teacher.
He had an awesome teacher who didn't mind the fact he knew a lot already and was eager to let everybody know.
She said she was happy to have him there since he didn't mind any tasks and felt happy with not easy homeworks.
She proposed he could skip second grade but I didn't want to cut his childhood short,
I always felt happy about that decision,
a child needs to go through the whole path and meet every kind of character on his way to adulthood.
In sports, he wasn't extraordinary.
Normal boy who liked sports.
In our family, we were skiermen.
Everyone, including all his grandparents and cousins, he was always part of the family trip to the mountains too.
As a child I did a lot of skiing.
Never competitive level, but I loved it so much.
I loved being in the mountains and go downhill on my skis. As fast as possible.
In school age, he joined the soccer team, but didn't stick with too long.
He joined his friend in orienteering instead.
There, he was in nature, in the forest, lots of thinking what to do included, that was his thing, he learned all his abilities with the orienteering team - organization, communication and so on.
It probably brought me to what I do now, I It probably brought me to what I do now,
I love nature.
And I love snowboarding because of that.
I love most to go deep in forest and be there alone or with best friends and ride.
With the first snowfall, sometimes as early as mid-November, they left to the forest and went crazy on boards. That's how it started.
Because he likes to think deeply about stuff,
he started to mess with the idea that the thing that he loves might become a thing that he does for living.
So he found a part time in Austria and started a carreer in terrain parks.
My journey to this job, to this life, started when I was 20 or 21, when I bought my van.
I basically bought it initially for one reason,
to travel with my friends in summer to France, for glacier snowboarding in Les 2 Alpes.
So we did and spend a week and half.
By the end of the trip, we met two other czech guys who asked us if we shape every afternoon.
I was like "what does it even mean?"
and they said: "you shape the park and get a skipass for the next day".
And that idea, that you can ride snowboard lift, without paying, only for your work up there, was so astonishing to us,
that we did it till the end of the stay and came back the next summer for 3 weeks.
A year or two later, I was about to finish uni and started to think about doing that the whole winter.
I emailed to the austrian company Qparks, who manages parks for many resorts in Austria and other countries in the Alps.
I got placed in Warth, it is a village one mountain away from here.
I did a season there, very good season as it comes to snow conditions, we had at one point maybe 5 meters of snow.
It was amazing, not a lot of work, not a lot of money either, it was all about the isolated mountain life and snowboarding.
After that season there was no doubt that is what I want to do in life.
11 A year after I started working here. It is more serious here, more work, better rewarded, it is awesome here.
30 I was two seasons here and last year, I took off with my girlfriend to Canada on Working Holiday visa.
I made a winter in a terrain park too,
it was my longest one, lasting 6 and half months.
. It is bit better there with conditions, compared to Europe last four winters.
It was in Sunshine Village, Banff, Alberta.
Hi I am Zuzka
we are together with Jiri for 3 and half years now.
He is an awesome person and when he founds a job somewhere,
I basically face the fact I need to find one there as well.
I used to live a traveller's life before,
I was away for a long time,
but now when we do it together it is perfect,
you are never alone far from home.
Of course it is difficult too, you have no permanent job or income
no real home, we basically have a home on wheels for last few years.
But it is fulfilling for me,
I believe for both of us,
a neverending exploration, I feel alive living in new places, no stereotype.
Mountains are awesome, summer by the lake too.
Now it is snow all around
and I can't imagine anything better.
From other sports,
I do a lot of freebording,
not so much in last two years tho, and wakeboarding, where last season wasn't so intense either due to the travelling around North America instead.
. I skate and longboard too but not so intensely to talk about it more right now.
But with freebord, we managed with my crew to travel some awesome places, we were on 3 weeks long trip to Switzerland in 2013.
The same year we did a trip to Balkan.
We did most of the shooting in Romania and Greece.
We were to Norway to shoot a movie in 2015.
Last year in spring, Canary Islands.
So we got pretty deep into that for a longer while, we have made some videos that went pretty big in the freebord community around the world.
I first did wakeboarding long time ago in Croatia,
but then I had no money to really go for it for at least next for years.
But then I started making some money and got into it, not long after I found a job in Pasohlavky, Southern Moravia, on a cable park, back than it was brand new.
. I have spent there two seasons, got deeper into it and now it is the summer sport no. 1 for me,
something I want to pursue over the summers yet to come.
I would like to go deeper in the surfing, that I tried a few times and want more and more, since it feels great.
We are in Damüls, Vorarlberg, westernmost state in Austria, valley of Bregenzerwald.
It is usually very snowy area,
which wasn't really true this winter yet,
but with March everything seems to change!
After sunny February, we got March 5th today and March already brought 5 best powder days in the season :)
They are done
It is a park that in some form existed already 15 years ago,
when the first big boom of snowparks hit Austria.
We got four shapers here, it's me
it's me, Tom and Honza, friends from back home, and Daniel, local boy.
Aaaah, the german speaking is driving me crazy already.
My name is Honza,
I work here for fifth season now.
Some injuries and quitting happened here back then in the middle of the season
and manpower was needed, Jiri who worked on nearby mountain knew about it,
he called me and I didn't hesitate and went for the job,
called my boss to be and in 4 to 5 days I started.
Since then, I am here every winter
and I like it, still like it :)
I think in last 4 years this park made a big progress
it is roughly twice bigger now than when I started, too.
Our boss Thomas gives us a lot of space to do stuff how we like to do it.
He sets the groundrules, but we can get creative within the boundaries,
so we try to make it interesting and enjoyable for people.
The most common problem here, and it is a everyday thing,
are random skiers who enter the park not to actually ride the park
, but to hang around on the worst spots - takeoffs
landings, around and on features - and they make it difficult for park riders to have their run with the flow they need
they have to concentrate not only on "What am I going to do" but also "What is this guy in my way about to do".
They need to be more aware.
Hi I am Tomas.
We're in our park hut, in half an hour our shift starts.
We are going to shape some features
bit of cleanup
My first season here in Vorarlberg was a gig on nearby funslope.
I fell in love with local moutains and the powder
I work here in Snowpark Damüls, big up,
tomorrow is going to be awesome, we expect some more snow so we are going to do some freeriding
probably gonna close the park and go full send.
We have a park cat driver, Hannes,
and our manager, Thomas,
so in total it is 6 people working on this park.
We have 27 to 30 features,
we have the big air
it's about 18 meters long
we have to kickers around 8 meters long in the upper part
we are about to build some more even smaller ones for the kids
The rest of it is boxes and rails we try to get creative
we try to do combos that allow people many different ways to hit them.
You can hit 16 features in one run here, which is awesome, it is top to bottom park.
The initial park build-up time differs every season
, just like every day is different for us.
It is highly dependent on the weather
the sun, the snowfall, the temperature, the wind a lot
This year we started the build-up as late as early January
December was at first very warm, than it got cold but without snowfall.
By the beginning of the January
there was a massive snowfall followed by many consecutive sunny cold days
which created perfect conditions for the park build-up.
We opened around 20 features in about two and half weeks
, it was probably the fastest intial buildup since I started here.
Sometimes we are here all night, some previous years we did it 3 to 4 times a week for a month long period, to make it happen.
The everyday maintenance differs too.
In the morning it depends a lot on the snowfall overnight
our opening process can take from 20 minutes to pretty much whole day.
You wouldn't guess it
but there is a feature right here.
Let's dig it out!
The evening reshape takes 2-4 hours usually
depending on how many guys are on the shift and the snow conditions
If it is, for example, sunny and 15°C below zero, it is pretty fast.
My position, as the other 3 guys', is a shaper, a park ranger.
We are all equal.
Our job is everything the snow cat can't do.
So it is mostly the maintenance of areas unaccesible for the cat
like top of the kicker or close to the rails
snow cleaning, fences and so on.
It is not a job where you just take a shovel and dig
you need to think too
you need to know how a shape of a feature works for the rider,
plan how to do things effectively with upcoming weather.
How to build features to allow people to get creative is a big part
if you are not creative, it is hard to get people in your park
Alps are very competetive market.
Snowpark, even though not many german and dutch tourists realize that, is a place we build with everyone's safety on our mind
but of course, it is not the safest of places
you jump and ride on metal rails and it gets crowded
That's why we have rules
and the first and probably most important one is
''Look before you leap'' - check what are you about to hit.
We have this rail by the stairset and people tend to hit it's takeoff just to the side like a normal tiny jump.
Sometimes they land on those stairs,
it is usually without injury, but once in a while somebody gets unlucky.
Other big rule is that the feature is closed when we work on it - for our, but also your safety!
Most crazy situations are happening during the german springbreak,
in Canada it was the springbreak in Calgary, the big city nearby
Both Germany and Calgary are places stuffed with freat riders,
but 90% of the people got no idea how to behave in a terrain park and that's why lots of injuries happen that time of year.
When the crashes end up well it might get funny,
but it can get serious too.
Sometimes the parents here cheer their 8 year old kids to jump the 18 meter booter,
it is kind of sci-fi to actually make it to the landing for them,
so they land on the flat, end up crying...
We sometimes give hard time to the parents.
It is an interesting relationship between the park crew and the customers.
The other part of the customers, the actual riders, are always friendly and awesome people, our friends in many cases.
30 cm down here
up there probably more
White hell and we are about to ride a lot!
If the weather was about to change today
we probably have 6 hours of hard work ahead of us
but it is still snowing and not gonna stop soon
so we do it in the evening or tomorrow.
So we can head of soon.
To the forest!
This week we gonna rebuild 5 or 6 features completely
cuz the takeoffs are just sinking too much under the snow level around
or the whole features in some cases. Hard week ahead, lot of work.
We are on 5th anniversary ''Praseshred /Pig and shred/''
our traditional hometown event where we meet with friends before we head out to different mountains
we shred together, eat a pig, drink some beer.
This year first time on natural snow with pumptrack and tube.
We wanna ride, fuck we wanna ride!
My name is Pavel
I am 45
I am a snowboarding veteran
I come from Halenkov
village near Karolinka, where is snowpark
and Hrozenkov, where is the summer big air
so I had everything in my backyard, basically
I ride snowboard for 22 years
I was all about freestyle the whole time
only lately, with the injuries, I shifted to freeriding bit more
but I still hit a park once in a while.
First jump I have built myself was on local hill in Halenkov
I made a wooden frame and covered it with snow
it was there where I tried my first big tricks.
And it was my first park.
Later, in the era of ''Foshna'' (local brand supporting the scene) we had a park in Jasenka
2 kilometers from the city centre of Vsetin.
I believe we had pretty decent park considering the year.
At the same time
in 2004 and 5, there were 2 big events here in Zlin
called City Air Contest.
We had some top czech riders both ski and snowboard and I believe it was a great event
specially considering the snow conditions in Zlin.
It was always great get together and shred.
When the Foshna era ended
I worked one year in Karolinka
helped to transform it into significant park on czech scene.
The main builder there, Jose, is a great guy and does great job
park is always in mint condition there.
After that, I got an offer from Qparks to come to St. Anton am Arlberg, Austria.
It was a great experience
they require the highest standard of shaping
everything really crisp.
I stayed 3 seasons there and then I got an offer from Laax.
Now it will be my 4th season in Laax
the place well known for one of the best parks in Europe
possibly even the best one in world.
In Laax, I am in charge of the bag jump, that is designed for practicing the tricks before you take them to the park.
The one in Laax is more a beginner one
we call it ''tourist attraction''
the airtime simply isn't long enough to do doubles etc. on it.
It is good we don't work full days and can go for a ride too, which is always good.
I am a grandpa now
I have a granddaughter
I don't live with the mother of my daughter for many years now and the daughter is fully independent
so I have a chance to start a new life and I am now in the point of decision how to do it.
After the injuries I did a lot of thinking about my life and if it isn't the right time to change it and I found a way back to buddhism.
I spend summers now in buddhist temple in France
so I combine winter to make money for my studies there with summer in the temple.
That is what fulfills me lately.
I was riding next to the groomed run and suddenly I was falling off the cornice
I didn't see and landed on big rock.
I crushed my vertebrae and undercame a surgery in Switzerland.
I have screws in 3 of them now.
I was wondering if that wasn't a sign that my life should change
so I have found buddhism again.
Buddhism sees a world in a way where everything happens for a reason
and we create reality with our actions.
That is what affects our path through life.
All those actions you take are shaping your life.
I don't even realize if I have ever seen him riding a snowboard.
Only on a video.
As he started snowboarding, he shifted from going with parents to going with friends.
Don't forget my name in end credits!
I almost died in 4 avalanches!
My sister says it is a pity he studied a uni and now he works with a shovel
but I think life is not about the tool you hold
but more about if you treat people around you like a tool
or like a great person.
I am happy he turned his hobby in his source of income.
I am happy he travels. I am happy.
Translation : Jiří Hladík
АМАЗОНКИ СУЩЕСТВОВАЛИ НА САМОМ ДЕЛЕ? Кто и Зачем Придумал Амазонок? - Duration: 5:23.
Link to article in description
The traditions of Greek antiquity, brought to us by Homer
and Herodotus, narrate about a tribe of amazons — virgins,
once living on the shores Black Sea, "in the wilds
Scythia is distant. "
There was no place in their kingdom men
Brave and ruthless they fought at the walls of Troy
against the Greeks.
Is it a legend having real reasons, or
leisure tale?
Or the Greeks had a chance to meet with the tribe who lived by the laws
matriarchy and meeting so struck them that we
and now, three thousand years later, we repeat the ancient
profit that is in our mouth long ago turned into a fable?
Savage to me is incoherent and haughty
She said that she is Penthesilea, Amazon Queen, and will answer
We are the contents of his quiver.
G. von Kleist.
Three hundred maidens in search of the main the hero
Spring day.
Sea shore.
Behind lies half the world, conquered im a hero.
He is tired.
He has achieved all of what dreamed of.
A servant approaches him: "Some notable arrived
Nod of the head, gesture of the winner: "Let him enter!"
Well, he's used to honoring.
But the stranger arrived not alone.
The retinue dismounted before the house, there are three hundred young and brave
Hero Surprise Surrounds gaze this crowd.
What a look they are unusual!
Even more strange is what will happen. farther.
Presenting the hero, beautiful guest shamelessly merit
his gaze.
"How small and thin he is," - displeased she throws for all the barbarians
feel respect for impressive figure, thinking that only
special to be doing human "equal gods."
Immediately guest announces Why come here.
For the baby!
The hero was Alexander of Macedon.
Conquering half the famous to him then the world, he stood
camp on the south bank Caspian Sea.
The stranger was called Falestris.
She was the queen who "ruled all living between the Caucasus
and the Phasis River, but the whole her appearance did not fit
her rank that surprised anyone: tied skirt
over the knees knot; in hand - light shield in the form of
crescent; "Left half Breast naked. "
She was the queen of the Amazons - tribe living on the banks
Black Sea, and wished to conceive from the hero's daughter, for that was due
be born the best royal bloods.
Alexandra was astonished with an unusual request, but he agreed.
The festival lasted for two weeks, to which all
three hundred amazons and the best Macedonian warriors.
It was in those days all that allows thinking: and
drinking, and dancing, and love, which indulged in the dark
barely finding each other.
Then Falestris set off in his kingdom, and Alexander
- to Parthia.
This amazing episode from the life of the great commander
cited the author of "The History of Alexander Macedonian ", Roman
writer Curtius Ruf, who lived four centuries later.
According to him, meeting with the queen of the Amazons held
in 330 BC
However, another, better known biographer of the Macedonian king
Arrian, so appreciates the legend about meeting Alexander with
Amazons: "About all this no word ... none
a writer whose story about such an exceptional
The event could be believed.
I do not think the tribe Amazons survived until
time preceding Alexandru. "
Obviously, the meeting really turned out to be a figment of fantasy
a jaded resident of Rome, lover of "bread and circuses."
Real Amazons, if they actually lived
then many centuries earlier.
In the era of Alexander the Great the story of them already seemed
a legend.
In their fairy kingdom believed no more than in
any king power Pea because it is long
disappeared from the face of the earth.
Their queens died in battles.
Their descendants hid in remote corners of Asia and North
Of Africa.
Only legends remained and myths, travel notes
and the war chronicles, really more monuments, coins and
even the names of cities.
Do you believe that the Amazons really existed?
Write in the comments.
[LIVE] Star Stable Online • Pandoria? - Duration: 1:46:04.
✅ Breaking News - Brighton manager Chris Hughton praises his departure for United at Solskjaer - Duration: 3:28.
Brighton boss Chris Hughton has praised Ole Gunnar Solskjaer's record-breaking impact at Manchester United in the wake of dismissive comments from Paul Ince
Solskjaer has won six successive games since being appointed, the first person to do so, but former United midfielder Ince has talked down the achievement and claimed 'anyone' could have produced the same results following the departure of Jose Mourinho
Hughton, who takes his Albion side to Old Trafford on Saturday, feels Ince's assessment of the situation is unfair
Share this article Share 'I don't think just anybody could have gone in and had the record that he has now,' said Hughton
'I think you have to give him credit for that. In whatever way he has done that - and I don't know what way that is - he's got results
'They haven't lost for six games. You have to give them a lot of praise for that. Any manager coming in after Mourinho, I don't think they could have expected any more because the results and the performances indicate that
We know how difficult every game is.'Solskjaer was eased into his interim role with four league fixtures against teams currently in the bottom half of the table and a routine FA Cup third-round tie at home to Championship strugglers Reading
The 45-year-old, who scored 126 goals for United between 1996 and 2007, recorded his most impressive victory to date by beating top-four rivals Tottenham 1-0 at Wembley last weekend
Hughton attended that game and has been impressed with United's improved performances and attacking intent
'Seeing their recent games, they are playing a way that allows the quality and pace in their side to show, and they look like they can score goals,' he said
'They're aggressive in the way they are pressing, so at this moment they are in really good form which makes it a more difficult task for us
'The results speak for themselves. They have been able to win games and score goals and play really well
'Brighton have beaten United twice in the Premier League since promotion in 2017. Both of those wins came at the Amex Stadium against teams managed by Mourinho
'The one this season kick-started our season after a poor performance at Watford. Both were very important results
It lifts you as a team,' said Hughton.'I think we're better away from home than we were last season, but it's about getting as many points as well
That's difficult, particularly against a club like United. But we're ready.'Hughton, who does not anticipate making any January signings, expects out-of-favour left-back Markus Suttner to complete an imminent loan move to an unnamed club
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แนะนำตู้เย็นพานาโซนิค 13.1 คิว - Duration: 3:40.
11 Façons de se débarrasser des gaz d'estomac|Nouvelles24h - Duration: 7:22.
Rendez-Vous in Tornado Alley [S03E05] - Duration: 21:51.
Kia pro_cee'd 1.0 T-GDI GT-Plusline Navi Clima Cruise Lmv - Duration: 0:54.
D-Day (Día de desastre) capitulo 13 subtitulos en español - Duration: 1:02:13.
Things I Can't Stand - Artist Edition - Duration: 10:42.
making art is fun, right?
It's basically a way for you to splooge all of your brain guts out into the world
for everyone to see.
But of course
like all things in life it comes with its fair share of downsides
which make us question why we even bothered to pick up a pencil in the first place.
In fact I've had so many instances
where I've reconsidered my chosen path of life
that I could make an entire video about it.
So let's get into it.
♫ Intro music that I commissioned from Lovprod please stop asking me what the name of it is thank youuuu ♫
"Your prices are too high, I will pay you in exposure :D"
Ah yes
because if you can't afford a thing
that means the person selling it is charging too much
and no one will ever buy it.
Which is why they're a successful artist??????
If you just woke up and are still having trouble getting your brain to start up
let me explain.
Just because you can't afford or wouldn't buy something…
doesn't mean no one else can or would buy that product
Different people see different values in different things
And sure it may be difficult to see why anyone would spend thousands of
Eur-ollands on
lets say
collectable socks or
potato chips that look like george washington
But at the same time other people may have trouble understanding why you pay so much
for your…
gaming PC
or football cards
or meals at Nando's
'Point is
you can't dictate what value something has to anyone other than yourself!
Especially when money is involved.
Like it or not, people can spend their hard-earned cash on whatever they want - so,
'think an artist's work is too expensive for the quality they're offering?
Good for you.
Now go find a different artist.
It's that simple
Not like THAT!
Oh my god…
it's true that exposure is helpful to artists who need to get their work out there a bit
when artists do commissions instead of requests
it's for a reason
if they wanted exposure they'd be out there drawing fanart or
offering to do work for people
so if an artist tosses you their commission sheet when you hit em up
you just gotta deal with it
hecc even
even most people with a large audience pay for artwork
AND credit the artist because
guess what
trying to pay an artist with exposure
kinda says to them that their work is not worth
the prices they're offering
and that's hella insulting.
And lemme ask you something
why would they waste their time working for you for free
when they've got ACTUAL customers willing to pay for it?
So get take your 2 subscribers and get outta here
The Spectator
Does anyone else get stressed out
and completely forget how to use your hands when someone's watching?
Most people are fine while watching you work
they keep a fair distance and respect that what you're doing takes a lot of concentration
Like to lean in real close so close that they're basically sitting on you
and you can feel their gross
oniony breath so deep in your earhole
that it's coming out the other end
".. its an original character
it's like a mythical creature"
"OH cuz…"
"This part kinda looks like a dog!!"
"..can you not touch the-"
Tablet drivers..
or just tablets in general
The graphics tablet is a big slab with a magic pen
that allows you to draw directly onto your computer screen and in turn
utilise powerful programs to take your illustrations to the next level.
Sounds great doesn't it?
Well, it would be
if they actually wORKED.
The infamous
"tablet driver stopped working"
plagues digital artists around the globe
among a plethora of other problems such as
buttons glitching out
the cable having a shaky contact *disconnect sound effect*
or pen pressure just not registering for seemingly no reason whatsoever
I know there are people out there lucky enough to have been blessed with the
1/4000 chance of receiving the elusive tablet that works perfectly with no issues at all
But the fact of the matter is
as soon as technology is involved in anything
it takes a miracle for at least one thing not to go wrong
People implying or attaching adult themes to characters that are safe for work
Okay, listen
Is a little bit T H I C C, okay?
I'm a little chubby irl so I was like hey
let's incorporate this aspect of myself into my character because
let's face it
there's not a whole lot of representation of different body types in the cartoon youtuber
Which is fine of course
but it meant that changing up my character's build
could make 'em a little more unique
Plus it's a chubby cat
and what's more cute than that?
So i made the change and immediately
Received comments with the implication
that Chip…
ATE somebody
you can be into whatever
as long as you're not..
actually eating people alive I couldn't care less
but when you force these interests of yours onto sweet
SAFE FOR WORK characters..
That is a
BIG yikes from me my friend
You can tell me that it's not an "adult" thing
And I'm sure there are plenty of people who enjoy
once in a while
characters swallowing each other whole in a "just friends" context
but i'm sorry if my judgement is a little blurred by the
OwOs and the PET NAMES
The useless critic
We've all heard the quote
"you don't have to be a chef to know your food is bad"
which is, of course, very true.
Someone who has no experience in illustration
and has never even picked up a pencil in their whole life can tell you
that the neck of that cute anime boy you drew looks a little too long
or that he actually looks more like a character from a creepy pasta from 2007
that's just about where it ends
Someone with no knowledge or experience in your area
can't go into detail about what exactly is wrong or how to improve it
they can't draw over what the anatomy SHOULD look like
or suggest a brush that would make lighting look more soft and realistic, for example
Not that this type of criticism is bad
when you've been staring at something for such a long time
sometimes you really can't see the problems with it
until you get a fresh pair of eyes to point them out for you
And of course you're probably not going to be able to find an expert in your field to
consult every time you want feedback
What gets under my fur is the people who act like they know what they're talking about
yet dish out advice more useless than a book on how to read
And don't get me started on people who criticize WIPs
Disclaimer of course they can be criticised
I'm talking about the dumb ones like
"hmm yeah its okaaay
but it needs colour"
That's like tasting someone's pancake batter
and saying
" hmm. Its tasty
but way too liquid
you should fry it"
i was GONNA.
It's called a work
This looks like…
You spend ages working on the perfect character design
you're all done and are really proud of it
its cool and unique and you're immediately attached to it
the time comes to share it with the world..
and your comments are filled with comparisons to this other more popular character
that you've never even heard of
You shrug it off at first since YOU know your design has nothing to do with that other one
but the comments just keep coming
you start getting called a ripoff…
eventually even you don't see your own character anymore
so to avoid being seen as an obsessed fan/rip off artist..
You burn it
Well, its not that dramatic every time
but boy does this rustle my jimmies
and its not fun on the other end either
let's be real for a sec
Chip is not a unique character design
all of these elements put together make Chip
but each individual part is not an original idea that no one's ever done before
so why does every two legged cat
every white furred animal with something red around its neck
and every one-different-coloured-eared mammal
constantly get compared to Chip?
Even my own drawings of other characters get compared to Chip??
I think the saddest part about it is
that I feel like people just don't realise that they're doing any harm.
I know there are people who are totally cool with it
but some artists find it really disheartening that their design they worked hard on
just makes people think of someone else's character.
Not being able to find a tutorial or reference cause you don't know what its called
There comes many situations
in which you need to draw something you've never drawn before
or don't have enough experience with
so you need to find a reference image of how it looks
in order to draw it accurately
some references are pretty easy to get, for example
if you're drawing a human you can do the pose yourself and photograph it
buuuuut in other situations it won't be so easy
Okay so now our main character's addiction to bread is so strong
that she's started having to go to extreme lengths to get it
In this scene she takes her trusty 8 month old baguette
and attempts to rob a bakery with it
how the hecc do I draw this?
I could use a reference
but I don't even know what I'd type in…
Let's just..i dunno..
"Woman robbing bakery with baguette"
pppft, no, why would that even exi-
Not having the motivation to create for seemingly no reason…
But what I hate the most is when this motivation magically re-appears…
when I'm trying to sleep
First of all I can't sleep because my brain is too excited
but then when I wake up in the morning…
where did it go???
Suddenly I can't be bothered anymore!
What the hecc?
And don't get me started on art block
getting to work one day and your brain suddenly decides
that you don't know how to art anymore
It's always great fun trying to figure out what the problem is so you can get back to
normal -
especially when you have a deadline!
Oh, yeah, professor..my assignment isn't done yet because..
I had art block..
I physically couldn't work on my project..
"Oh, art block!?
You poor thing, of course i'll give you an extension.
Go home at once and take the next 2 months off school to recover"
*Sigh* Wouldn't that be nice?
imagine how easy it would be to abuse a system like that..
Alright if you think I left anything out please do let me know in the comments
I'd love to hear your own artist horror stories.
If you enjoyed this video and want to hear me complain about more things
I did two other videos about general things I can't stand
or you can check out this playlist for more videos like this.
Thanks for watching and have a great day!
Charlotte Casiraghi « fébrile », une menace sournoise guette son fils - Duration: 1:25.
野球ニュース - 3月2、3日にナゴヤDで岩瀬仁紀と荒木雅博の引退試合を開催 中日が発表 - Duration: 2:18.
昨季限りで現 を引退した岩 仁紀氏(左) 荒木雅博氏【 真:荒川祐史 ■と に昨季限りで 役引退 中 は31日、3 2、3日にナ ヤドームで開 されるオープ 戦で、昨季限 で現役を引退 た岩瀬仁紀投 、荒木雅博内 手の引退試合 開催すると発 した
いずれもロッ 戦で、14時 合開始。詳細 後日発表され 。 両選手 ともに、プロ りから中日一 でプレー。岩 は前人未到の 000試合登 を果たした" 人左腕"
3度の最優秀 継ぎ投手、5 の最多セーブ 輝き、通算1 02試合登板 通算407セ ブは歴代最高 録。プロ20 間で通算10 2試合59勝 1敗407セ ブ82ホール 、防御率2. 1をマークし
荒木は巧 堅守の内野手 して中日の" 金期"を支え 。"アライバ ンビ"でチー を牽引し、2 17年には史 48人目の通 2000安打 達成。ベスト イン3回、ゴ ルデングラブ 6回、盗塁王 回
通算2220 合7639打 2045安打 4本塁打46 打点、打率. 68の成績を した。(Fu l-Coun 編集部)
George Clooney puni, comment Amal complique leur relation - Duration: 1:27.
Azoospermia - Male infertility due to no sperm - How to get pregnant - Duration: 4:08.
Azoospermia is the most severe form of male infertility.
Men who have azoospermia have no sperm seen on a semen analysis.
Without help, these men will not be able to help their partner conceive.
Learn about azoospermia on today's episode of InfertilityTV
There are two main categories of azoospermia: failure to produce sperm and complete blockage of sperm.
There are several reasons why a man might fail to produce sperm.
Some of the causes can be treated but others cannot.
For example, some men might have a genetic or chromosome
problem that prevents sperm production.
Since many of the genes responsible for sperm production are located
on the Y chromosome... if pieces of the Y chromosome
are missing, a problem known as a deletion, sperm production could fail.
Other times, men could have an extra chromosome which interferes with normal
sperm production.
Unfortunately, these problems can't be fixed.
Now, if he's lucky, a man might have a really tiny amount of sperm being produced.
If these sperm can be found, they can be used to produce a pregnancy.
Other types of problems are treatable or reversible.
Men who take testosterone supplements will often suppress their testicles from creating sperm.
Stopping the testosterone can result in sperm being produced again
Check out this video for more details on this.
Other types of hormone problems can
be diagnosed with blood tests and treated with various medications.
One common problem is a man who fails to make enough testosterone on his own
Fertility medications, like Clomid, can be used to treat this problem and can be
very effective.
The most common type of blockage is from surgery.
During a vasectomy, doctors cut and block the tube called the vas deferens that carries
sperm out. A man with a vasectomy can have surgery to put the vas deferens
back together. The shorter the time between the vasectomy and the repair,
the greater the chance that this will work.
Now, some men can be born without their vas deferens.
This is most commonly seen in men with cystic fibrosis, or even men
who just carry one cystic fibrosis mutation but are otherwise healthy.
So, what can you do if you have a blockage that can't be fixed?
In these cases,
doctors can retrieve sperm directly from the testicle or from a nearby tube
called the epididymis by using a needle or microsurgery techniques.
These sperm can be used during IVF to fertilize eggs.
Watch this video for more information about IVF.
Microsurgical sperm recovery can also be used for men who have
trouble producing sperm provided there is some limited amount of sperm being
produced somewhere in the testicles that the surgeon can find.
This requires doing a testicular biopsy
Sometimes. more than once.
So these days, men with azoospermia
can be accurately diagnosed with blood testing and testicular biopsies.
Many times, we can get sperm production to start up; and in others, we can find sperm
to use with IVF.
If we can't find or make any sperm for a man then sperm donation
is the only option.
If you liked this video, remember to like this video!!!
Have a question? Leave it in the comments, we'll answer.
Click the link in the description
if you want to become a patient in the office or
become a subscriber for new
episodes weekly.
It's like having your own fertility specialist in your phone
Should You Invest In A House Or Flats... Which Make The Best Buy To Let Investment Property? - Duration: 6:54.
Law Of Attraction ONE MINUTE MANIFESTATION Tips! #2 (Your Youniverse Series) - Duration: 1:11.
Royal Az - Fans reckon Queen was 'hacked' after official account posts bizarre questions - Duration: 2:27.
Royal fans were left puzzled yesterday after the Royal Family's official Twitter account posted a series of bizarre questions
Odd posts about alphabet letters, fungi and toilet cisterns had fans wondering whether the Queen had been "hacked" or even if someone had been "at the gin"
One post, shared with the account's 3.8million followers, read: "By what physiological peculiarities do Fungi differ from other plants?" Next, Royal Family followers were hit with a maths question: "A cistern is fitted with three pipes, one of which will fill it in 48 minutes, the other in an hour, and the third in half an hour
How long will it take to fill the cistern when all three pipes are open together?" Another questions read: "How many redundant letters are there in the English Alphabet? What would be the ideal of a perfect alphabet, and how far does the English Alphabet fall short of that ideal?" Fans were perplexed by the series of unusual brain teasers, with one writing: "Have you been hacked?!" as someone else agreed "My immediate thought! Either that, or someone's been at the gin!"
Another said: "Who let Prince Phillip handle the Twitter account?" A third user wrote: "Has someone hacked this site???" "Is this a joke?" a fourth questioned
Others commented that the posts were "bizarre", asking if "u ok hun". The account hadn't been hacked as it turned out, some people just saw the tweets out of context
If users read the tweets in chronological order, they'd see that the tweets were actually questions from the 1869 exam sat by nine pioneering women, who were the first to join the University of London
The questions were being shared because Princess Anne was hosting an event at the university last night to mark 150 years of women in higher education
How Much Money Do I Have to Spend On Hearthstone? The Evolution of the Game Economy: How much cost? - Duration: 13:07.
Hello my friends.
My name is Bot Mathematician, and this is Holomancer.
Since the release of Hearthstone, players have been arguing about the cost of the game.
These debates still occur today.
We don't want to teach developers how to sell their free to play game.
We decided to recreate the entire financial situation
and show you the evolution of the economy of the game.
In this video you will learn how many packs are needed
to collect the complete collection of cards, how much gold each player can earn,
and most importantly, is the game becomes more expensive
or less expensive from year to year?
To answer these questions, we conducted a large-scale study.
We tried to determine the most important factors
that have an impact on the cost of the game for each player,
then we did the calculations.
The results surprised us a lot.
We worked very hard on this, and think we did a great job,
so we would be very grateful if you could click the like button,
share this video and subscribe to the channel.
The most important components of the game economy are packs, gold, dust,
and of course, real money.
1 pack contains 5 cards; one card is guaranteed to be rare or better.
The cost of one pack in the store is $ 1 and 50 cents,
if you buy 60 packs for $ 70, then a pack costs $ 1 and 17 cents.
You can buy a pack for 100 gold.
On average, if you disenchant all cards from a pack, you get 100 units of Arcane Dust.
Yes, I know your packs seem to always contain only 40 dust,
but you can't argue with statistics :)
The main goal of the game is to collect as many cards as possible,
and for this you need to buy packs or craft the most necessary cards using dust.
Now let's move on to our research.
For this we must go back to March 11, 2014, the day of the game's release.
At the time of launch, only the Сlassic set was available for purchase.
Let's try to calculate the resources that players
could earn in the game.
For visualization on the chart, let's use the icons of two players.
This is Squire and Tirion.
They are the same skill level and play the same amount of time,
but one of them is a Free 2 play player,
and the second invests regularly into the game,
because his main goal is to obtain the full collection.
The main game resource for all players is gold.
You can get gold by completing daily quests, winning against an opponent in battle mode,
and playing Arena.
Every day, the player received one daily quest.
The reward for finishing this quest was from 40 to 100 gold,
and very rarely, one classic pack.
Quests with a small reward were received more often than quests with a big reward.
For convenience, we first converted all the awards into gold.
On average, in 2014, each player earned 48 gold coins per day.
Also, for three victories in battle mode, a player received 10 gold coins.
Let's imagine that each of our players achieved 6 victories every day.
This means that they earned 20 gold each.
Players also received one-time rewards for completing the training mode, a
nd rewards for completing hidden quests.
Converting it all into gold, we get 1200 gold.
And so, two months after the release, they earned 2,880 gold for quests,
1,200 gold for victories, plus 1,200 for tasks for beginners.
For this amount of resources they could get 53 packs.
Is this enough?
Let's see.
We do not want to bore you with information about the rarity of cards
and the chance of their falling out of the packs.
In order to collect a complete classic set,
it was necessary to purchase approximately 470 packs,
provided that you disenchanted all the extra copies and gold cards,
then craft missing cards from dust.
Thus, Tirion had to pay $ 470 for 420 packs in order to have a complete collection.
In the next 4 months, the first adventure, Curse of Naxxramas, was added to the game.
It is a five-wing adventure, and for completing each wing the player received new cards.
There are a total of 30 collectible cards.
Access to this adventure amounted to 3500 gold.
During this period, Squire bought this adventure for gold
and was able to collect resources for 47 additional packs.
Tirion bought himself this adventure for real money, so he got an exclusive card back
and saved resources for the future.
At the end of 2014, the first expansion, Goblins vs Gnomes, was released.
It brought 123 collectible cards, 20 of which were legendary.
To collect the full collection, it was necessary to buy 310 packs.
Squire was able to buy 82 packs for gold,
and Tirion bought an additional 117 packs for $ 190.
In general, in 2014, players earned resources that are equivalent to about 181 packs,
and the players' expenses for the full collection amounted to 750 dollars.
We understand that this framework is very sketchy,
and it does not take into account a lot of factors.
For example, Arena rewards, additional game bonuses and promotions,
as well as discounts on packs during events.
But in spite of this, we did our best to look at the past as well as we could.
Let's continue, and move on to 2015.
Initially, the developers planned to alternate between adventures and expansions.
Unlike expansions, expansions adventures cost very little gold,
and they give players the opportunity to earn additional resources
before an expensive expansion.
We are convinced that according to the financial results of 2015,
developers had to revise their approach.
In 2015, we got 2 adventures and one expansion.
Not all of them required a large investment of resources from the players.
Additionally, a weekly Tavern Brawl was presented;
The reward was 1 pack of cards for the first win each week.
One card pack per week really has an impact on the economy,
and on top of this, we got rewards for ranks.
If you had a great collection and experience, then you could reach the 5th rank.
Even with only 6 victories per day.
The reward for this achievement is equivalent to about five packs.
In addition, new quests for 50 gold were presented,
although they did not significantly affect the players' income,
since players received them quite rarely.
According to statistics from Reddit in 2015, after the release of new quests,
quests for 60 gold have become less common for players.
At the end of the year, Squire was able to get resources for 209 packs
and two adventures for free.
This is an excellent result.
Tirion spent only $ 200 for the full card collection that year.
The problem is, if you were a new player and you started playing in 2015,
you needed to pay about $ 1138 to collect all cards.
Now for 2016.
This year there were two expansions and one adventure.
To collect all the cards, it was necessary to purchase 640 packs,
and spend 3,500 gold on an adventure.
We also got the division of the game into two formats: Wild and Standard.
Also this year, players were given the opportunity to invite friends to the game,
and new quests were added to battle with friend.
If you battled a friend while you had this quest,
both you and your friend would earn 80 gold,
which significantly influenced the game economy.
After all, it was possible to get benefits from friends.
Without much effort, everyone could receive 3 invitations from friends per month
and earn an additional 240 gold.
Let's look at the results of the year.
Squire was able to earn resources that are equivalent to 339 packs.
Tirion had to pay $ 355 for the full collection.
If you came into the game from the beginning of 2016,
by the end of the year you would need to pay 1,333 dollars
to have all of the available cards from Standard mode.
As you can see, the cost of a complete collection for new players continues to grow
from year to year, even though the division into Wild and Standard modes occurred.
Now let's look at the results of 2017.
According to the original plans of the developers,
we were supposed to get two adventures and one expansion again,
but the sad experiences of the past did not allow it.
The developers came up with something better.
From this moment onwards,
we were told we would receive three expansions per year.
This means that we need to spend more resources,
but there were also many positive things to come about after this decision.
Since the year of Mammoth, we no longer receive copies of legendary cards.
But on the other hand, now the number of legendary cards has changed in new sets
from 20 to 23.
In any case, to collect a full set, you need to purchase about 270 packs.
We also received a large amount of dust for the cards that were sent to the Hall of Fame.
Thus, players were able to collect the amount of resources equivalent to about 426 packs.
However, in order to collect the complete collection,
it was necessary to spend an additional $ 480.
A new player who began to play from the beginning of 2017 needed to spend about $ 1,545.
Well, finally, we will move to 2018.
This year, the developers have maintained their economic course.
There were changes in the quest system.
And we stopped receiving 40 gold quests.
The new ranks were finally created for new players,
and for successfully passing to rank 25, they now receive 25 packs.
But despite these innovations, for a new player,
the game has become even more expensive once again.
According to the results of the year, the players received a quantity of resources
which is equivalent to 418 packs.
This figure is slightly lower than in 2017
because we received much less dust for the cards that were sent to the Hall of Fame.
A complete collection of cards in 2018 costs $ 480.
So finally, we can come to several conclusions.
The first conclusion: Hearthstone is a very expensive card game.
You can play it absolutely free, but you must be stubborn, and use your resources correctly.
Without investing real money, you will hardly be able to collect the entire collection
of cards, but this is not necessary for a successful duels.
The second conclusion: Hearthstone was the most expensive in 2014.
Conclusion three: Hearthstone was the cheapest in 2015.
The fourth conclusion: Hearthstone is becoming more loyal to the players
who have been playing for a long time.
We get more resources,
even more than we give in these statistics, as we have large and small events,
bonus rewards, promotions, and gifts before the release of new expansions
that aren't taken into consideration here.
Conclusion five: Hearthstone is very unfriendly to new players.
Since the launch of the game, for new players, the game has only become more expensive.
This needs to be changed more radically.
New players should receive many more bonuses and many more free packs.
Conclusion six: Developers have experimented with the economic system of the game,
but it seems they have found the perfect solution for themselves.
If you play and you want the entire collection of cards of the current year,
you have to pay $ 480.
Conclusion seven: For all this time, in order to have a complete collection of cards,
it would be necessary to spend $ 2,300.
So the main question that does not leave my head: what awaits us in 2019?
Will we see changes in the economy of the game?
What do you think about this?
We created a Youtube poll.
Find the button on the screen,
please vote and share your opinions in the comments.
In my opinion, this year was not the most financially successful for Hearthstone.
In support of this, by the end of the year,
some players received a link to a large Survey from developers.
In this survey, there were many questions concerning the financial aspects of the game.
You can still vote in the unofficial version of this poll on Google Forms.
Life is Strange EPISODE 1 [FAN-MADE] - Duration: 8:52.
max I would prefer it if you didn't sleep in my class. Sorry Mr.Jefferson
i expect it you have your photos ready for the competition. uh I, I need time
well the due dates coming up soon I don't want you to wait till the last
minute Max. Whatever it's not like she's gonna win or anything.. I don't know that
for sure everyone has a chance Victoria
see you Mr.Jefferson. Have a good day all
Hi Kate. Hi max.
Nathan and Victoria suck right? What's happening?
I am used to it I don't really want to talk about it. That's okay uh, If you want go out
for a cup of tea just text me. Thanks Max you're my only friend here
take care see you at the dorms
''Whatever it's not like she's gonna win or anything..'
Fuck it
no worries man.
it's all good, you're the boss
are we alone? I don't fucking know
let's talk buisness. What do you want?
you know what I want, I need my money. I have nothing for you.
you? You're the richest kid in this school don't even try to give me that bullshit
that's my dad money not mine. Oh poor little rich kid, stop doing drug then.
give me my money or I'll tell everyone what you've been doing. Shut up don't
talk to me like that. I'll tell everyone what you've been doing to those girls..
you don't know who the fuck I am. What are you doing put that down
don't tell me what to do I am so sick of people trying to control me you're gonna
you're gonna have so much more problems than just drugs Nathan
nobody would even miss your punk ass would they
are you okay? ah yes.
she's weird. Well if you say so
see you Mr.Jefferson
Oh max a minute please
are you okay? Yeah sure I'm, I'm just tired
well remember what I said yesterday I mean it you have a gift
I know you can use it. Thank you Jefferson
okay.. I just..
no worries man.
it's all good, you're the boss
are we alone? I don't fucking know
let's talk buisness. What do you want?
you know what I want, I need my money.
I have nothing for you.
you? you're the richest kid in the school don't even try to give me that bullshit
that's my dad's money not mine. Oh poor little rich kids stop doing drugs then
give me my money or I'll tell everyone we've been doing. Shut up don't talk to
me like that. I'll tell everyone what you've been doing to those girls..
you don't know who the fuck I am. What are you put that down
don't tell me what to do I am so sick of people trying to control me
you're gonna have so much more problems than just drugs Nathan
nobody would even miss your punk ass would they
don't ever touch me again freak
did I really change that?
hey Max! Here your flash
Thank you did you get my message?
Oh no, sorry, I was very busy. Okay did you heard the alarm? I did.
Are you okay Max? Yeah.. um Warren I have something to tell you-
-Max Caufield right?
I saw you leave the bathroom what the fuck are you doing?
I saw everything Nathan. Have you told anyone?
not yet you need to help me Nathan. get away from her
Warren! Don't touch him
don't tell me what to do
Get in!
what the fuck
Paris 3D : Visite touristique par vue aerienne - Duration: 5:03.
The Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile is one of the most famous monuments in Paris, standing at the western end of the Champs-Élysées at the center of Place Charles de Gaulle, formerly named Place de l'Étoile — the étoile or "star" of the juncture formed by its twelve radiating avenues. The location of the arc and the plaza is shared between three arrondissements, 16th (south and west), 17th (north), and 8th (east).
The Eiffel Tower is a 324-meter-high, walled iron tower (with antennas) located in Paris, at the northwestern end of the Champ-de-Mars park on the banks of the Seine in the 7th arrondissement. Its official address is 5, avenue Anatole-France2. Built by Gustave Eiffel and his collaborators for the 1889 Paris World Fair
The Champ-de-Mars is a vast public garden, fully open and located in Paris in the 7th arrondissement, between the Eiffel Tower in the northwest and the military school in the southeast. With its 24.5 ha, the Champ-de-Mars garden is one of the largest green spaces in Paris. Rich in a bicentennial history, the Champ-de-Mars welcomes Parisians and tourists all year around a vast set of activities.
The Hotel des Invalides is a Parisian monument whose construction was ordered by Louis XIV by the royal edict of February 24, 1670, to house the invalids of his armies. Today, it still welcomes invalids, but also the Cathedral Saint-Louis des Invalides, several museums and a military necropolis including the tomb of Napoleon I.
The Musée Rodin is a museum which since 1919 has been responsible for the preservation and dissemination of the work of Auguste Rodin (1840-1917). Through its two sites, the Biron Hotel in the Rue de Varenne in the 7th arrondissement in Paris and the Brillant villa in Meudon (Hauts-de-Seine), the establishment maintains a collection of nearly 6,800 sculptures. 8,000 drawings, 10,000 old photographs and 8,000 other works of art
The Musée d'Orsay is a national museum inaugurated in 1986, located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris along the left bank of the Seine. It is located in the former Orsay train station, built by Victor Laloux from 1898 to 1900 and refitted as a museum by the President of the Republic Valéry Giscard d'Estaing
The Grand Palais is a Parisian monument located on the edge of the Champs-Elysées, opposite the Petit Palais, from which it is separated by Winston-Churchill Avenue in the 8th arrondissement. Its 77,000 m2 regularly house prestigious exhibitions and exhibitions.
Place de la Concorde, with 8.64 hectares, is the largest square in Paris. The name would have been chosen by the Directory to mark the reconciliation of the French after the excesses of the Terror.
The Tuileries Garden, sometimes called the Tuileries Gardens in the plural, is a Parisian park of the 1st arrondissement created in the sixteenth century, on the site of ancient tileries that gave it its name.It is the largest and oldest garden French style of the capital which, formerly, was the palace of the Tuileries, former royal and imperial residence, today disappeared.
The Louvre Museum, inaugurated in 1793 under the name Central Museum of the Arts of the Republic in the Louvre Palace, former royal residence located in the center of Paris, is today the largest museum of art and antiques at the world. Its exhibition area is 72,735 m2
The Château de Versailles is a castle and a French historical monument located in Versailles, Yvelines, France. It was the residence of the kings of France Louis XIV, Louis XV and Louis XVI. The king and the court permanently resided from May 6, 1682 to October 6, 1789, with the exception of the years of the Regency from 1715 to 1723. Located south-west of Paris, this castle and its domain were intended to glorify the French monarchy.
Ça me regarde - 2 février 2018 - Duration: 0:16.
『ワイルド・スピード』第9弾、ドウェイン・ジョンソンは出演予定なし - Duration: 4:35.
拡大写真 『 イルド・スピード 第9弾に出演予定 ないことを語った ウェイン・ジョン ン(C)AFLO 人気カーア ション『ワイルド スピード』シリー のスピンオフ『F st & Fur ous pres nts:Hobb & Shaw( 題)』に出演する 優のドウェイン・ ョンソンが、本家 リーズ第9弾に出 予定がないことを MTVとのインタ ューで明かしたと う
米外交保安部の 査官ルーク・ホブ 役で、5作目の『 イルド・スピード MEGA MAX からシリーズに出 するドウェイン
スピンオフでは、 ッカード・ショウ 演じる俳優のジェ ソン・ステイサム タッグを組む
ドウェインは一 、1作目からシリ ズを率いるドム役 俳優ヴィン・ディ ゼルや、ローマン の俳優タイリース ギブソンとの確執 報じられていたが MTVとのインタ ューで、ホブスと ョウのコンビがス ンオフ第2弾に続 のか、または9作 に登場するのかと う質問に対し、「 画はいつだって、 ワイルド・スピー 』の世界を成長・ 大させていくこと
9作目の撮影準備 もう進んでいるか 、現時点で僕たち 出演する予定はな 」と回答している
「僕たち」と言っ いるので、ジェイ ンも出演予定がな そうだ。 「でも 0作目やその先で どうなるかは分か ないよ」とドウェ ン
「結局のところ、 ブスとドムの間に 、決着していない とがある。片がつ ていない」と、思 せぶりにコメント ている
『Fast & Furious resents: obbs & S aw(原題)』は 年8月2日(現地 間)より、『ワイ ド・スピード』第 弾は2020年4 10日より全米公 予定
[外部サイト] 写真】ワイルドな 体をもつ「ドウェ ン・ジョンソン」 ォトギャラリー【 真】ドウェイン・ ョンソンの姿も! セレブの笑えるフ ト」特集【写真】 肉映画クイズ:こ マッチョは誰でし う?<フォト特集 『ワイルド・スピ ド』スピンオフ撮 開始! D・ジョ ソンが写真披露『 イルド・スピード 、T・ギブソンが D・ジョンソンが 演するなら降板」 断言
Mimie Mathy, le coeur brisé, encore des ennuis de santé ? - Duration: 1:33.
Brigitte Macron, odieuse menace, des proches du président rêvent de sa mort - Duration: 1:17.
Vanessa Paradis, des sueurs froides, Johnny Depp menace leur relation avec un projet discutable - Duration: 1:45.
Watch 3D printed objects appear in the middle of a gel - Duration: 1:38.
researchers have come up with a new 3D printing
technology that makes objects appear all at
once, seemingly from nowhere.
The new approach is built on a technology
for pinpoint delivery of radiation in cancer patients.
The researchers use a computer-controlled
digital light projector to cast images through
a rotating clear container holding a photosensitive gel.
The projected images are based on a
scan of a 3d object.
As the container rotates, photons entering
from different angles meet at select spots in the gel.
Where they meet, their combined energy
solidifies the gel.
Where photons don't combine with enough
energy, they pass on through without altering
the material.
The approach is fast, able to create complex
objects, such as a centimeter-sized copy of
"The Thinker" in just minutes
It can also create 3D plastic parts around
existing objects, such as a plastic handle
around a metal screwdriver shaft.
So while this device may not print
Earl Grey Tea (hot) on demand,
it does induce some of the same sense of wonder.
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