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You are watching the video "BETTY BOOP Custom Painting With Jelly Lipstick ★ DIY Disney Doll Collection"
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For more infomation >> BETTY BOOP Custom Painting With Jelly Lipstick ★ DIY Disney Doll Collection - Duration: 6:29.-------------------------------------------
SAHABAT - H. RHOMA IRAMA (cover by YEZ Grup) - Duration: 4:46.
Bara Asah Workshop【Zipper Purse | CH49】 - Duration: 0:46.
(Eng sub)Spring Turns to Spring ep 6 preview korean drama - Duration: 2:38.
大谷級の天才野球少年発見!?スピードガンで驚きの記録が! - Duration: 6:34.
Learn French - La ch'tite capsule FLE : Qu'est-ce que tu aimes ? - Duration: 1:21.
And you ? What do you like ?
What kind of sport do you like ?
I like handball and soccer
I like soccer and judo
I don't like sports
What kind of food do you like ?
I like Japanese food
I love all the cuisines of the world ! Uhhm yummy !
I love Italian food,
but I hate Thai food
What kind of music do you like ?
I like English pop music
I like techno music
I like jazz
We say "le jazz" or "le sport" because they are masculine nouns
And we say "la cuisine" because it's a feminine noun
When we like something, we say : "J'aime bien"
or "J'adore !"
And when we don't like something, we say : "Je n'aime pas",
or "Je déteste !"
중국 젠-16기, 공대지 무기 탑재능력 크게 늘려…스텔스 코팅도 - Duration: 14:21.
오오츠키 아이 플라네타리움【19/01/31】JPOP 大塚愛 プラネタリウム Otsuka Ai Planetarium (Cover By Monkeydlyu & Yukinyann) - Duration: 1:31.
Trump Says One Thing, U.S. Intel Says Another - Duration: 6:07.
[ENG Sub] 라이브무대리액션 K/DA - POP/STARS ( Opening Ceremony Presented by Mastercard ) - Duration: 4:41.
Hello everyone!
Enter Chubby Land full of happiness.
In my K/DA video reaction video,
There's a comment saying, Please react to the live video.
So I'm going to watch this video!
Actually, I'm a K/DA fan, so I watched this video about 20 times.
I'm going to look at this video again~!
Oh, really, I didn't see this stage there. So I'm so sad.
Ah~~~ Kai'Sa~~~
OMG !!
Ah... so cool!!
Ah... Evelynn...!!
Wow... Really...She body figure good !!
Wow! My favorite Ahri!
Look at the tail~~~!!
Here we go!!!
Wow...... they made their characters into holograms! That's awesome.
Wow! Jeon So Yeon!
Look at her eyes.... When you do this
I heard Jeon So-yeon is short
But she has Force.
Ah, look at Evelyn walking from the stage! The gesture is too natural.
It's so amazing
Wow, singers are so pretty.
She is ari singer
She sings very well even though it's a live song
She adjusts the pitch of the song well
Wow, this stage is a real heartfelt production.
Good lighting and good drum performance
I think they really practiced a lot. I can feel it.
It's a stage with a lot of effort.
I like the feeling of that dance.
They made good choreography.
It's a simple move, but it's a good choreography.
Wow ... she's really good at rapping
Wow! The character raps !!
Oh! Look at me throwing a microphone!!!awesome!!!
Ah, so pretty. Really... So pretty...
I have this skin.
Ah, I love K/DA~~!!
If I do another live concert, I will definitely go there
The character's dancing looks so natural.
That's too well done.
Wow, she's sexy. Wow, wave!
Oh skill!
Ah, her blue hair is so pretty.
I've been listening to this song. You're really good at singing live!
Oh, they made a really good dance. Wow...
And firecrackers!
Oh really live concert Please add one more ~~ !!
I am a huge fan of K/da!
K/DA K/DA K/DA !!Make me a next song. I'm begging you!! K/DA K/DA
【MUKBANG】 100 Sausages!!! Frying, Boiling And Decorating in Various Ways!! [9000kcal][Use CC] - Duration: 8:55.
hello it's kinoshita yuka
jaan !
i'll eat 100 sausages
sausage is so delicious, isn't that !
and i'm going to cook it in different ways
so, let's do it !
i'll use SCHAU ESSEN sausage
and this thin-type sausage
in each bag there are 50 pieces, so 100 pieces in total
and it's all in this plate
let's make the octopus shaped sausage now
like this
and after that this here
it's a solid a little bit
like this !
and after that crab
and penguin
and i'm going to fry it now
let's do it
the sausage started to open up immediately
is it the octopus one ? yes, it is
and the crab too
it looks nice
look at the crab
oooh, this is beautiful
jaaan! i made a lot
and now let's boil it
i boiled the sausages here
and now let's make the face
let's start with this sausage
hay, by using the sesame for the eyes we done
and here a worm, that i shaped it
and this is a penguin
i'll use this for the mouth
i shouldn't do any mistake
but this sausage don't looks like a penguin at all
but i don't want to give up
whatever i did, it still looks like a monter
ah, now it's a penguin
jaaan! we did it
i have from this side the boiled sausages
and from this side, sausage with decoration
frying and decorating it was so much fun
and here is the boiled one
boiling the sausage makes is so delicious, isn't that !
100 in total
and i made a porridge and some rice too
let's start with the boiled sausage
mmm, crispy and juicy and this is so delicious
eating sausage with porridge and rice is so amazing
i'll bring more
i brought more rice, because i know that i need that
and here the shaped sausages
oily, crispy and really tasty
but the boiled one is much more juicy
the porridge is delicious too
and here the penguin
and this one is a worm
and here, crab
SCHAU ESSEN sausage is so crispy and juicy
the flavors exploads in your mouth when you bite it
but the other type of sausage, is thin, and soft
children will enjoy the penguin sausages
and here when i started getting better
i need more rice, i'll bring more
ah !
this goes so well with the rice
but this one is so ugly
it looks like a monter after using the mustard
but this one is so cute
the last penguin
the last piece
100 pieces of sausage, that was so delicious
and decorating it was so much fun
i'm used to make the octopus and the crab one, but it's my first time making penguin
and it goes so well with the rice
and because it was so delicious and tasty, why you don't try this as well ?
And as always thank you for watching !
if you like this video please hit the like And subscribe buttons
and i wish for everyone, happy and tasty day
bye bye !
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
[REACTION] Lizzo - Juice + Ellen Performance - Duration: 11:11.
Falešná Severka v Praze láká za peníze na Most!: Jsem naštvaný, říká majitel „pravé" Severky - Duration: 5:02.
Ze seriálu Most! se během čtyř týdnů stal takový kult, že se na něm snaží přiživit i lidé, kteří se seriálem nemají zhola nic společného
Mezi ně patří i provozovatelé pražského studia Severka, což je soukromý klub, kde členství stojí padesát korun měsíčně a jeho členové smí v klubu beztrestně k pití i kouřit
Ti se totiž rozhodli využít situace a přiživit se na svém slavném názvu. „Každé město má svoji Severku
Most, ale i Praha. Sledujte kultovní seriál přímo v jedné z nich, potkejte se s dalšími fanoušky a užijte si afterparty
Dycky Severka," píše se v pozvánce na akci, o niž je opravdu velký zájem. „Minule jste to po nás chtěli, tak jsme na pondělí pozvali přes Facebook pár kamarádů, řekli si to mezi sebou a nakonec je to asi 2900 lidí
Hustý! Tak aby v tom nebyl hokej, tak prodáváme vstupenky za symbolický kilo," píší pořadatelé s tím, že první jdou dovnitř diváci se vstupenkami, pak štamgasti, herci a zbytek světa
Na náš dotaz, co mají společného se seriálovou Severkou z Mostu, nám bylo odpovězeno, že výpravu a název
Na naše další dotazy, zda si nemyslí, že jde o podvod na diváky a jen se chtějí přiživit na jiných, nám ale již nikdo neodpověděl
Alespoň nám ale vysvětlili, co mají společného s mosteckou Severkou. „U nás se netočil seriál Most!, ale Národní třída
Bude v kinech v létě. Společný je architekt Novotný a naše Severka je tou z Mostu inspirovaná
Nicméně téma je to podobné. Sídlištní knajpa, kterou jsme udělali jako živé muzeum normalizace," bylo nám řečeno
Zeptali jsme se i v „pravé" Severce v Mostě, kde se scény natáčely. Majitel Severky Lukáš Cingel byl v šoku
„Cítím z toho podvod a jsem naštvaný," sdělil nám muž, který provozuje jedinou pravou Severku ze seriálu Most! a která se opravdu nachází v Mostě a nikde jinde
Když jsme mu sdělili, že jinde se za promítání vybírají peníze, byl překvapený. „Minulý týden jsem se tady byl podívat a na promítání přišlo celkem deset lidí
Snažím se je naopak nalákat na pivo zdarma nebo na jinou akci. Kdybych po lidech z Mostu ještě chtěl sto korun za vstupné, byl bych tady sám," popsal nám místní poměry
„Fungujeme, máme na provoz, výplaty, ale není to tak, že bych si za provozování Severky postavil dům a koupil mercedes
Ani po proslavení díky seriálu Most! jsem nezaznamenal, že by sem začalo chodit víc lidí
Přijdou čas od času zvědavci, ale jenom si dají pivo a odejdou," prozradil nám muž, jenž vlastní pravou seriálovou Severku, ale nesnaží se na ní vydělávat, zatímco jiní těží jenom z názvu
„V Praze si to asi můžou dovolit, my v Mostě ne," uzavřel.
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