This video includes lyrics on the screen
For more infomation >> Nightcore - Girl named stacy (fabian secon) - Lyrics - Duration: 2:34.-------------------------------------------
Christian Quesada félicite Bilal Hassani… maladroitement - Duration: 1:51.
Laurent Gerra se moque de Brigitte Macron, accro à Phildar et aux chauffe-pieds - Duration: 1:57.
À votre santé – Les larmes - Duration: 6:27.
Battlefield 5 multiplayer Gameplay | P For Play - Duration: 1:20:13.
HEllo Guys
am kodi best build
am back with you again with another video
wish you all doing well
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am kodi best build and I post daily kodi builds
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thanks a lot for your time and love
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join my social media links guys see you tomorrow for another kodi video
Vélos, bombes et morsures = temps occupé⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Duration: 8:08.
Hello there, ladies and gentlemen! Another beyblade got destroyed in today's episode
Achilles, then Hades, and now Fafnir joins the list of beys that got broken
So lets see how that episode went! Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe! Here we go!
Free is training but he notices somebody else is around
It is Phi, using his new Dead Phoenix attire. He challenges him, "you are next"
The challenge is made and the battle will be broadcast as usual
Phi, atop Dead Gran, warns everyone he is the god of destruction and wants to battle Free and everyone else
Aiga cant stand his selfishness, and Valt goes to check how Free is doing
He is already training, and possessed just the way you people like. This episode is full of that, as you love it
He talks to Valt and tells him not to worry, as Phi never fought someone like him
And he is right, Phi never fought a bey that spins to the left and steals spinning
Free says he is ready to battle, and so it begins
The episode still shows dead phoenix using its old combo, 10+friction, not 0+atomic
It will take a while until the cartoon reflects the parts from the actual toy. Kitt explains how the armor works
The battle begins, Fafnir uses absorb break and knocks Phoenix armor easily
However, Phi uses its armor for a follow-up attack, Aiga remembers this is the same attack that broke his bey
Fafnir is smashed with a lot of power but survives thanks to the Absorb tip
It activates Geist Claw to attack and knocks Phoenix away. 1-0!
The crew gets confident but grandpa reminds them that Phoenix is just getting started
Free activates his possession, but Phi doesnt care as he can do the same
The second round begins and Fafnir removes Phoenix armor quickly, to everyone's rejoice
But now that the armor is on the ground, Dead Phoenix uses a new skill, rebounding the armor to the walls
This new attack is so powerful it knocks Fafnir from the stadium. 1-1
And then Free gets angry and increases his possession to higher levels, just look how determined he is!
The 3rd round begins, Free activates his avatar and removes the armor again,and it is kicked again
Dead Phoenix does this attack twice, damaging Fafnir a lot
Phi gets possessed and unleashes multiple attacks to Geist Fafnir
Both of them activate their avatars and possessions again,
Geist Fafnir starts absorbing energy from Phoenix and uses Absorb Break, while Phoenix uses the armor again
Once again Phi gets ready to do his evil tricks
Because the armor is spinning on one side and Phoenix in the other, Fafnir gets overloaded with spin stealing
They make him spin so fast it that it breaks and explodes
The bey is completely destroyed and Free is speechless
Valt,upon seeing how Free feels, takes it to Phi
You broke Leopard, Achilles,Hades,Fafnir, and now what? Is Valkyrie next?
And Phi is like, "Why not?"
"You could be next!"
And he goes away.
Shu is aware and also training, because he knows one day he will have to fight Phi and he better be ready
Aiga also knows this and says he will travel for training, but where is he going? Next episode has it!
He lands on Xhean's house to train with him, and you can see even a Slingshock Stadium!
Fafnir is NOT getting an evolution: Either Free gets his beyblade fixed, or he doesnt battle anymore.
Geist Fafnir IS Cho-Z Fafnir. Remember when we wanted to see Drain Fafnir evolving in Burst Cho-Z? It is that!
His beyblade got destroyed and the only toy release we have is Driger F
Somebody will probably fix Fafnir. In the intro Kitt challenges Free and it needs to happen
Otherwise he wont join battles anymore, like Leopard L4. We dont have a "Cho-Z Leopard"
If you were facing Dead Phoenix, what would you do? What would be your combo and special move?
Comment below how would you do it! See you in the next videos, thank you!
TOP 5 MINIJUEGOS (Códigos en la descripción) Modo Creativo #Fortnite #2 - Duration: 2:02.
Codes minigames Fortnite creative mode
How Kamikaze Revived Eminem's Popularity - Duration: 10:07.
Before we get into things, I should mention that this video is part of a collaboration
with Medium D Speaks, so I recommend going and checking out his video after this one
as it provides a lot of context for the premise of this video.
That said, let's talk Eminem.
Em is regarded by some as the greatest rapper of all time in terms of technical skill.
But despite his reputation and the respect for his craft that's pretty much global, for
years his music has been received, well….
Not well.
Since The Marshall Mathers LP 2, all of Eminem's albums and projects have failed to hold the
same positive reception his early and middle career albums achieved, despite him arguably
improving at the actual art of rhyming words together in clever ways.
Even some lifelong fans were losing interest.
I'll let Medium D Speaks give you the details on that, but what I'd like to talk about is
the absolute firestorm that was Kamikaze.
Kamikaze dropped out of nowhere, and all at once, Eminem became relevant again.
YouTube blew up with videos about him, hell I even made some, every hip hop radio show
and podcast was talking about him, and Genius and XXL couldn't stop writing articles about
The biggest talking point that probably came from it was the beef that came out between
himself and MGK.
Everyone made videos on this subject, whether it was me, BlackySpeakz, or this slug in a
Everyone was talking about it.
So why, after flops like Revival, was Kamikaze so successful and impactful?
Well, there are a bunch of different reasons but I think that the biggest one is that this
album is a RETURN TO FORM for Eminem.
As has been stated, Eminem was popular not just for his lyrical ability, but for the
content of his music and the drama of his life which he never shied away from showing
in his lyrics, giving us an incredibly raw inside look at his failures, his successes,
his insecurities, traumas and triumphs.
Even something as personal the lengthy hiatus brought on by his drug addiction was a topic
of discussion in his music for a long time.Kamikaze fed into the underlying narrative of his life,
whereas after Relapse and Recovery, and arguably Rap God, he cleaned himself up and let go
of a lot of the resentments and anger that fuelled a good amount of his music.
It felt like we'd heard everything at that point.
His lyrics were still clever of course, but at that point the weight of what he was saying
was just diminishing.
Kamikaze showed that the spark and passion found in his earlier work still existed, it
just needed to be provoked for it to reach its full potential.
Of course the second reason and likely a larger part of how Kamikaze made Eminem relevant
again is the ridiculous amount of disses it included.
According to this graph someone over on Reddit decided was worth their time making, over
150 bars out of a total thousand were dedicated to disses, with a sizeable percentage of them
being directed at the man we mentioned previously, MGK, who had thrown some jabs at Eminem a
couple times before.
He provoked Em, and Em fired back hard on Kamikaze.
And there was a reason why this was so effective at creating discussions.
Eminem was famous for his disses and calling out anyone and everyone who had an issue with
him, in or out of the rap game, and in the early 2000s this sort of thing made a huge
splash given Em's status so pop culture reporters and talk shows ate it up and loved
By dropping so many disses in this album which were largely fueled by a similar anger and
a well earned pride, Eminem caught that kind of attention again.
Another part of this is his approach to mumble rap and the state of the rap game.
As a sort of living legend of rap, comparable to Jay Z or Snoop Dogg at this point, what
Eminem has to say about the game is taken seriously, unlike some other people, and Em
actually addresses this in the album.
15 separate times apparently.
So, Em makes it clear that he understands the appeal of rappers like Lil Yachty and
such, but that he is disappointed that this is the legacy of the genre of music he grew
up with and was so inspired by and later partially molded.
Yachty wasn't even offended by this, on the contrary as a kid who grew up on Eminem he
had a pretty positive reaction, as did Hopsin, who Eminem nodded to as one of the artists
he is happy to have inspired.
Em's passion mixed with his platform led not just fans, but the rap community to take
this album seriously.
He not only made explicitly clear what and who he was not happy with in the rap game,
but who he was happy with through certain features on the album which of course included
Joyner Lucas, who has sometimes been compared to Eminem and is obviously hugely inspired
by him.
By promoting artists like this who haven't fully broke through to mainstream audiences
yet, he was also creating a platform for who he would like to see become his eventual successors
to carry his specific legacy going forward.
Then, the media circus was for once embraced and handled expertly by Em, who has often
admitted that he is terrible at all things technology, internet and social media related.
He did a 4 part interview with Sway that garnered millions of views and gave us that intimate
inside look into his mind and thought process that was missing from his more recent projects,
and the album itself was dropped with no warning which of course caused the internet to absolutely
break as no media outlet was prepared for it and had to race to create reviews and content
surrounding it.
Really , this is a brilliant play on Em's part, as these days everything from movies
to TV shows to albums and video games have trailers for their trailers and crazy amounts
of hype built around them that costs millions of advertising and marketing dollars, but
that gives media outlets a chance to be ready and have content made that they basically
just need to fill in the blanks for after they've heard, played or watched the product
the second it comes out.
By giving no warning, Eminem forced everyone and anyone who reports on music or pop culture
to have to listen to the album to be able to be the first to have the most appealing
title and thumbnail on the fly for when people Google "Kamikaze".
So, basically by returning to stylistic form in being vulnerable and passionate, as well
as having anger and pride as fuel for raw, modern, and relevant disses mixed with the
forced media frenzy nobody was ready for created the perfect storm for endless buzz which was
exactly the "Revival" Eminem needed.
And this project's impact wasn't fleeting.
The feud that followed with MGK and him making diss tracks back and forth had the world on
the edge of their seats, as people fantasized about how hard Eminem would tear this kid
apart, and lead to even more media coverage which was all free advertising and publicity
for the album.
Of course, if the album hadn't have been good in and of it's own merit, I don't think any
of this would have happened, but truly Eminem made the stars align for him, and now we have
Em's name back in our discussions about the rap game.
Kamikaze would go on to have significantly better first week numbers than Revival, and
higher first week consumption than artists like Cardi B, Kanye West, Migos & J. Cole
did with their 2018 albums, and that is all we really need to see that Kamikaze was what
Eminem needed to place himself directly back
the spotlight.
Brigitte Macron collée à son homme, ces gestes d'affection qui ne trompent pas - Duration: 1:30.
Miguel Ángel Silvestre: del éxito al coste de su crimen. - Duration: 4:42.
If You Think Aim Assist Is OP Watch This Video... (Controller Fortnite Aim Assist Abuse) - Duration: 10:18.
Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be diving into what is probably
the most debated topic throughout the entire Fortnite community, aim assist.
Wanna start the equivalent of a virtual war between controller fortnite players and mouse
and keyboard fortnite players?
Just bring up aim assist, it's really that easy.
And to understand how heated these aim assist arguments can get from both sides, let me
share with you 2 tweets from pro players which pretty much highlights the extremes of both
view points.
Representing one side you have Ghost Kayuun saying "I really don't understand this debate
between controller players with aim assist vs PC players.
Like dude, they're playing the game using two plastic sticks.
If you're a good PC Player, you're going to hit your shots anyways.
And if you're not, go play some csgo, please."
And now the opposite from razzero, this tweet was in response to someone saying that since
mouse players aim with their entire arm, aim assist for controller players is fair game:
"I hate this excuse so much, literally whenever someone says that I gave up on his IQ already.
Imagine u make the decision to use a worse setup ( as they say, stick instead of mouse)
and justify use of an aimbot with that...."
So, that kinda showcases the very contentious nature of the aim assist debate as a whole.
And, at the end of the day, I don't really think you can truly summarize everything to
do with aim assist in just a 140 character tweet.
My hope is that this video will be a very open and fair discussion covering all things
aim assist, and it'll take a look at the arguments from both the PC and the console side of things.
So, without further ado let's get right into it.
Alright, so I want to make it very clear at the beginning here, that this video will not
be debating whether or not controller players should have aim assist.
As I say every time this is brought up, aim assist is 100% a necessity for all players
that play Fortnite with any kind of a controller.
Without aim assist it would almost be impossible to consistently hit shots no matter how great
your aim is.
And in the past when I've said that in my videos, I'll see some people bring up PUBG
or other games without aim assist and say things like "How are you gonna say nobody
will be able to hit shots on Fortnite without aim assist when plenty of controller players
do just fine on PUBG?"
What you need to realize is that the combat system in Fortnite is way different than all
of those other games.
With how good players have become at building, the majority of chances you get to deal damage
now comes and goes in a matter of split seconds.
Missing 1 or 2 AR shots is a huge deal, because as soon as you miss those shots, any half
decent enemy will throw a wall up immediately, and now they're safe.
In PUBG for example, there is no building.
If you get behind a guy it isn't a huge deal if you miss 1 or 2 shots because there's nothing
he can really do to protect himself.
And those split second damage opportunities are even more prevalent in close range shotgun
fights, which are basically the bread and butter of Fortnite engagements.
And also, if you take away aim assist there goes ANY chance whatsoever, that controller
players would ever be able to truly compete against mouse and keyboard players.
Even now, WITH aim assist, there's probably about 20 mouse and keyboard pro players for
every 1 controller pro player.
That's in large part due to the fact that there are so many advantages of playing with
a mouse and keyboard compared to playing with a controller.
Even in a world where controller players are totally separated from mouse and keyboard
players, I still wouldn't want aim assist removed.
And now, with Epic making it clear that every one will competing together in competitive
events no matter what equipment you play with, simply removing aim assist isn't even an option.
So, now that that's established, let's get into what the real aim assist debate should
be, is Fortnite aim assist for controller players too strong?
Now, I'll admit right off the bat here, that there are definitely certain very specific
situations where aim assist can be a little too strong.
I know most of you guys watching this are gonna be controller players, so you may think
that I'm kinda betraying you by saying that, but seriously, I think I can change your mind
with this one 8 second clip.
So yeah, that was a clip of aim assist literally being able to track and hit an enemy that
was totally covered by the in-game fog.
And, on top of that.
I'll be the first person to admit that a weapon like the deagle, is probably a tad bit overpowered
when used by a player who is really good at taking advantage of aim assist.
And yeah, it is true that Fortnite does have one of of the strongest levels of aim assist
of any shooter game out there.
However, I'm sure that a lot of you guys have probably seen other short 10-15 second clips
similar to the one I just showed, of people, and most of the time it's non-controller players,
trying to quote unquote expose the power of aim assist.
One example I remember specifically was a clip from a few weeks ago, of mongraal connecting
a controller and using it at the very end of a scrim game where he had high ground.
And he basically ended up lazering like 2-3 different enemies with it.
And a lot of people saw that and were like "oh yeah there you go, that's 100% proof that
aim assist is overpowered."
Like, really?
You're telling me that because maybe the most mechanically gifted gamer on the entire planet,
was able to get 2 kills with a controller, that settles it?
Like he doesn't do that same thing practically every single game with a mouse?
And, what a lot of non-controller players don't even realize is that taking advantage
of or "abusing" aim assist, is honestly a skill in itself.
If aim assist was as grossly overpowered as so many people think, then why is there such
a huge skill gap when it comes to aim on controller Fortnite.
Other than people asking me for my sensitivity/settings, the #1 most common video request I get, is
to make videos which contain tips on how to aim better.
I mean if you believe some of these people you see online, all I would have to do it
make a 10 second long video saying "spam LT while you're shooting", and then bam every
body who watched it would have nickmercs or aydan aim just like that.
No matter what aim assist haters say, you can't just press LT in the general direction
of a player and have your crosshair teleported onto them.
Aim assist will certainly help you when aiming down sights, but, for it to actually move
your crosshair onto an enemy, you need to be really close in the first place.
And a lot of PC players also don't realize that having aim assist does have a fair share
of negatives.
There are certain in-game situations where aim assist can do more harm than good.
Examples of this include aim assist locking on to vehicles, zombies, and items like the
mounted turret when you're instead trying to shoot enemy players.
Also, there are random places on the map, like certain windows inside of tilted, which
for whatever reason don't give you aim assist if you're shooting at someone through them.
And, another disadvantage of aim assist that I don't feel people give enough attention
to, is the fact that it makes it way harder for you to practice aim.
PC players have aim training programs like kovaaks, a wide variety of in-game aim training
courses, and even something as simple as just going into playground and practicing flick
shots on random objects will help.
Because of aim assist, pretty much none of those things are available to controller players.
To my knowledge there's no controller equivalent to Kovaaks, there are very few aim training
courses that are controller friendly because only 1 specific prop provides aim assist,
and because of the fact that no inanimate objects give off aim assist, flick shoting
trees or rocks will probably end up hurting you more than helping you.
Plus, the fact that every single shooter game on console has a different type/strength of
aim assist certainly doesn't help as well.
Now, I do want to make it clear that I understand where mouse and keyboard players that dislike
aim assist are coming from.
Some of those people go way too far and say some pretty stupid things, but, I've also
seen that happen from the controller side of things as well.
Does playing on Mouse and Keyboard undoubtedly give more of an advantage than playing on
controller, of course, but that's doesn't mean that it still doesn't take an unbelievable
amount of skill to use.
I've tried playing a game or 2 with a mouse and keyboard before and it made me look like
someone who was playing with my feet instead of my hands.
And, I'm sure that any mouse and keyboard player who tries to use a controller for the
first time in their life, would be the same way even if they had the most powerful aim
assist in the world.
This topic of aim assist isn't as simple as one side being totally right and one side
totally being wrong.
And, I'm interested to see how the whole aim assist debate continues to develop, because
aim assist abuse is still kinda a relatively new thing.
Although top controller players have been doing it for a while, it really became super
popular to the general public when Aydan showcased it at PAX West, and that was at the beginning
of September.
And the last thing I'll say is that if you're a mouse and keyboard player that thinks aim
assist is overpowered now, remember, it actually received a considerable a few months ago,
it used to be even stronger.
Snooki's BFF Reacts To Jersey Shore's WEIRDEST Moments | MTV Reacts - Duration: 6:36.
[Male Voice] -How can you stand in there?
- You put your hands on the wine glass with the gloves.
After you were just plunging (beep).
- This is like the dirtiest I've ever felt.
- I beg to differ.
(pop beat)
- Is that a Christmas tree?
- And I can't wait to break it out.
- He has a dead body.
- Meet Jezzy Junior
- That is so scary.
- Why, what is it?
- Why is one tit out, Jenny?
- I feel like that's a head.
- What the (beep) is that?
- [Pauly] Oh, hey Sam.
- You know those filthy pigs had sex with that thing.
Ron did it first.
Brush her hair.
I wonder where that is now?
Probably covered in (beep) at the bottom of the pool.
(coughing sound)
- I hate you all.
- Well that was lovely.
- Oh my god, how heavy are you?
- Oh!
- [Sex Doll] I can never go out without my hair extension.
- Does it really talk?
- [Nicole] She's like 200 pounds.
- Oh my god, that ugly thing.
- [Nicole] Oh, you're the worst, ew.
- Put her wig back on.
And why is Nicole dressed like she's Greased Lightning?
My god.
- [Nicole] Stop, stop.
- Her eyeball fell out.
- [Nicole] I killed her.
- That was funny but why does the eyeball come out?
Are you supposed to (beep) its eye socket?
No judgment.
(pop music beat)
- Um, I love pizza.
- Oh my god, we have a pizza.
- Are you fuckin' seven?
I've been here.
- [Male Voice] What is he doing?
- He's eating the cheese off the pizza
'cause he's a Keto guido, he can't have no bread.
- Vinny, stop it, eat the crust.
Vin, really, you're really gonna
disrespect that pie like that?
- That doesn't even satisfy you, just eat the pizza.
And just be good the next day.
- [Paul] How does this guy eat six slices
of straight pepperoni and cheese?
- I definitely gonna eat pizza today, uh-huh.
(pop music beat)
- Look at what he just did in the bathroom.
It's foul, it's foul.
- Oh, why does someone always have to (beep) in the toilet?
Look at all their hot little outfits.
- Are you gonna clean Ron's toilet?
- Yeah, I'll do it.
- Why are you wearing a choker in pajamas?
Yeah, Nicole's actually good at this
'cause she has kids so she has to clean up (beep)
and vomit all the time so she can handle it.
I don't deal with any of that.
- I just want to have like a hazmat suit.
- Look at her hair, she looks like she's in a school play.
Like little Ho Peep.
- Do your thing, baby.
- [Ronnie] I would down it.
- Is that red wine in the spray bottle?
- Let's do this.
- Where is that bathroom?
(eerie music)
(eerie music)
- My god, it's worse than I expected.
- So is that (beep) outfit.
I would make Ron clean his own (beep) up.
And then I'd hook up with him.
- He can try to snake it.
- He's going in there?
- Oh my god!
- I would never let, I wouldn't even call a plumber
if I'd clogged a toilet I'd be so mortified.
I'd hide my face.
- [Male Voice] Oh my god.
(retching sounds)
- Stop gagging, Deena.
I miss the episode of pizza.
How are you ingesting things in the same room
as all that (beep) and the smell and stuff?
Like, I would not want to put anything in my mouth.
Or near my face.
Why aren't you wearing a mask?
- Oh my god, it looks like a brownie.
- And they have to blur it out, it's probably disgusting.
- I'm gonna try because I'm not a sore loser.
- Oh, oh!
- Oh my god, it stinks, I can't breathe through my mouth.
Breathe out of your mouth, breathe out of your mouth.
- What do you have Windex for?
No, try splashing it on your face.
- [Deena] What the...
- I didn't (beep) think it was gonna be that bad.
- I would just lock the door.
And rope off the area.
- [Male Voice] How can you stand in there?
- And you have the, you put your hands on the wine glass
with the gloves after you were just plunging (beep).
- This is like the dirtiest I've ever felt.
- I beg to differ.
- [Male Voice] Yeah, Ronnie, you're a disgust.
- Sick, oh that was vile.
- I'm a little scared, nervous about you cuttin' my hair.
- Yeah, that place looks shady anyway.
I wouldn't trust those barbers.
- Like a low fade, so not that high.
- He's so extra, it's like Pauly's
the one with the fancy hair do.
You just have like a fuckin' cue ball head.
- A bald head.
- Exactly, Jennifer.
- [Jennifer] You happy?
- I didn't look yet.
- I've been here before, it's very anxiety-ridden.
But I would never let myself get to a place like that.
- Every ounce of happiness just falls out of my body.
This guys just like, leaves lines in the fade.
Like, who does that?
I just got it cut somewhere else.
- Yeah, they look more trustworthy.
Yes, that man knows what he's doing.
You can just tell.
- So if you can just, like, if you wanna
texturize it a little bit.
- Texturize it?
- How long have you been cuttin' for?
- 'Bout 10 years.
- I can already tell, like, huge difference.
- You just want to hook up with him, Jenny, (beep) slut.
Jenny's horny today.
- This haircut was beyond my expectation.
I can show myself off again.
You might be better than my barber at home.
- Hey, I ain't gonna say anything.
- Wow, now they're all fresh to death.
- [Female Voice] Who farted?
- I swear I didn't fart.
- I didn't either.
- Did you fart?
- It was me.
I sharted in my pants.
- [Female Voice] I'm walkin' home.
- [Female Cast Member] You sharted?
- Same girl.
- Sorry, (beep) my pants.
- I (beep) myself in an Uber this year.
Listen to my podcast, find out the whole tea.
What is happening?
Is she (beep) in the back seat?
'Cause I need to know.
She wouldn't be laughing if she was (beep) herself.
- Will you put 'em in a bag so I can bring 'em home with me.
- When I (beep) myself in an Uber,
I threw my underwear on the street like a lady.
- You guys want me to be real, I'm being (beep) real.
- Go shower, you slob.
- Period, it's like period, period.
- Oh my god, why isn't she, if I just (beep)
my pants I wouldn't be wearing a maxie dress,
sittin' my feet up on a (beep) white easy chair.
Go shower, you slob.
Oh, she probably smells.
(pop music beat)
Receta de tortitas caseras jugosas y fáciles de hacer - Hot cakes japoneses - Duration: 8:11.
Hello Friend how are you?
I'm Svieta.
Today I'm going to show you how to prepare at home Japanese pancakes
Also known under the name hot cakes souffle or pancakes soufflé.
As indicated by its own name, the texture of these pancakes is like a soufflé,
super delicate and fluffy.
And they also have an exquisite flavor.
Many of you have asked me to tell you will teach how to prepare them because you have tried
do them at home and they have not left.
And the truth is that at the time of its preparation you have to take into account a few details.
And today I'm going to reveal all these details and tricks, so you can do at home some
Delicious hot cakes.
We take a large pan and put it to Heat over medium low heat.
The thermostat of me kitchen has 12 positions.
I'm going to heat the pan in position number 3.
We separate the yolks from the whites.
I recommend using large eggs.
In a sieve we put the wheat flour.
It is the normal flour, the all-purpose flour.
Add 1 teaspoon of powder to the flour Baking or yeast chemistry type Royal
and we reserve it.
Add 1 pinch of salt to the yolks.
We add milk.
You can use the milk both whole and skimmed, the one you have.
We add a little bit of vanilla essence or rum or almond ... use the flavoring
what do you like?
We remove very well.
We sift the flour.
If you do not have a sieve, pass it through a sieve.
We sift the flour so that the pancakes come out more fluffy.
We remove very well.
We beat the whites.
When the egg whites have become foamy, we add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.
And a little sugar.
We continue to beat them.
When the rods begin to leave the marks in the egg whites we add another bit of sugar
and we keep beating.
We add the remaining sugar.
In total I added 35 g of sugar, which It would be 3 tablespoons.
As soon as you see that the whites already maintain well the form, stop beating them.
If you beat them too much, when mixing them with the yolks they will form lumps.
And when trying to undo these lumps they go to lose all the air that you have put them.
I have been slow to beat the whites 1 - 1.30 min.
We are going to incorporate the whites to the yolks.
We add a little clear and mix.
From the bottom up.
We add another bit of whites and integrate them.
Notice how easily the clear with the yolks.
That's why it's important not to beat the whites more than necessary.
When you see that the dough has become a uniform tone, stop removing it.
Spread the skillet with a small amount of oil.
Put 2 - 3 tablespoons of dough for each pancake.
Cover the pan and cook for about 3 minutes.
I do not put more than 2 pancakes in the pan so that later it will be easier for me to give them the
We turn the pancakes.
Cover and cook another 3 minutes.
We take them out of the pan.
Remove the remains from the pan.
We return to anoint it with oil.
And in the same way we cook the pancakes remaining.
And here are our beautiful and delicious Pancakes.
I like to accompany them with a little cream mounted and candy.
Well, you can not imagine how I like to taste This kind of thing, I mean candy.
Everything that is sweet to me loses ... But I have to sacrifice myself for you ...;)
They are super tender and fluffy.
And very juicy.
They are not dry at all.
And it's because I have not cooked them more than necessary.
If you cook the pancakes much then they are left dry.
And even if you put the cream and syrup later, they will continue being dry.
But if you do them at your point, just as I have taught you, they will be so good that
they will be able to eat even alone.
No cream and no syrup.
If you really want to treat yourself one day or surprise someone, prepare these pancakes.
You will see how incredible they are and they go to brighten the day.
If you liked the video, share it in Social networks with your friends.
And subscribe to my channel, if you have not already done, because it's totally free.
See you in the next video.
It's Not As Bad As You Think - Knight's & Magic - Duration: 7:33.
À votre santé – Les larmes - Duration: 6:27.
Amanda Sthers, sans tabou, se confie sur la jalousie et l'infidélité - Duration: 2:03.
ELK - Mali (Official Audio) | Remix, XXXTENTACION - NUMB - Duration: 2:41.
TOP 5 MINIJUEGOS (Códigos en la descripción) Modo Creativo #Fortnite #2 - Duration: 2:02.
Codes minigames Fortnite creative mode
Christian Quesada félicite Bilal Hassani… maladroitement - Duration: 1:51.
About Christmas Break // 💌 vlog .35 - Duration: 29:39.
Mrs. Zimmerman: "There's very few problems in the world that can't at least be helped by a good
chocolate chip cookie."
"two guys, chilling in a hot tub, five feet apart cuz-"
"Carlota Leopoldina da Cruz Francisca Xavier
de Paula Isidora Micaela Gabriela Rafaela *questioning everything* Gonzaga de.."
(in portuguese) "in there worked architects and engineers BUT ALSO
workers specialized in the most diverse artistries of construction: gardeners, bricklayers, carpenters"
*reads stone carvers wrong*
*podcast in the background*
podcast: "You're right, you know, I probably wasn't great when I started but uhm.. you don't have to be
the best to make a living, you just- mustn't be the worst. *giggle*"
*watching a stand up in the background*
*gasping for air out of laughter*
(I swear I've watched this so many times and it never gets old)
*barely containing myself*
*wheezing cuz I don't wanna wake up my family who's asleep by now*
(this song puts me in a happy mood instantly)
*singing along*
Today we're going to see Aquaman!
I wanted to see either Nutcracker
or the sequel to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them,
but there was only one session and it was at 21:50. :(
(in portuguese) "The bolo rei, which was amazing, I 100% recommend. (:D)
I ate those azevias... they're azevias right?.. *I nod yes* yah azevias.
I ate sonhos and filhós."
*mom gasps*
"Aaaah :3"
*laughter to dad's reaction to the gift*
dad (in portuguese): "Thank you"
ASMR Dog Eating Different Types of Fruits: Funny Dog Bailey - Duration: 3:59.
ASMR Golden Retriever Bailey Eating Fruits
iFootage Moco app Timeline Control for video use - Duration: 12:50.
Hi this is John Tisbury and in this video we're going to concentrate on the
iFootage Moco app, and when using video how to set up the Timeline Control
within that app. I've got a setup here which I'll show you and demonstrate
but mainly we'll be concentrating on the app and how to use the app and how to
set that up. So run the intro and we'll see you in a minute.
Welcome back. As I say we're gonna work our way through the iFootage Moco
app specifically for using video for shooting a video sequence using the
Timeline Control feature within the app. So this would be useful if you're like I
like doing an interview, and I've currently got this setup on a mannequin because
there's only me here so I want this camera to pan, as a bit of b-roll if you
like while I'm doing an interview and it can just record that motion. Then I can
cut in into my main footage if I need it to. This video came about from a viewer
request on my channel so just bring that up so I can just make sure I get the
person's name right. It's from someone called Postmodern Filmmaking their
channel. So thank you very much for that. Camera has just turned itself off. And he asked could you
please do a similar video but for shooting video with the Timeline Control
instead of time lapse. That'd be most helpful. He commented on
the the other video where I had gone through the Timeline Control feature app
when I was shooting time-lapse, and that's linked up here if you're
interested in that. So I'm just going to bring up the app. The iFootage Moco
app isn't particularly well documented I've found. I found very little about it
online, so everything I've found is through potential trial and error so
this is how I use it and it may not be exactly how you're supposed to use it but it works for me.
I've already connected the 2 devices here my Bluetooth Mini 2, or X2 Mini, is already connected as is the
little device for the carriage so they're connected by Bluetooth.
I say I've got the app open and I'll bring up
on screen so we can flick between looking at me, probably not very
interesting, and looking at the app. Probably more interesting.
I'm now in the Settings menu so from the main screen I've chosen Settings and
there's a really important option here which you need to select. I didn't
really understand the importance of this till I did a bit of testing before, with and
without. But also trying to find stuff on the internet about there was actually
very little available and it's a bit of trial and error from my behalf but I
believe I've understood the difference between these two options and and what
I'm referring to is the Shooting Mode. The Shooting Mode has got either SMS or
Continuous. The default is SMS and that's used for
stop-motion shooting or time-lapse so it's Shoot-Move-Shoot. SMS that's what it
means. If you keep it on that you're gonna get jerky footage with your video
you need to move it across and choose Continuous. Which is what I've gone here.
I've already chosen the number of tracks I've just done a very short two-track
setup here just to give you the idea. Once we've done that we can go back out
of that and go into the Timeline Control. The first option up in the top hand
corner here is a top left hand corner is Timelapse. Click on the drop-down menu
and choose Video. Once your selected video you'll see that a lot of the other
options disappear. Along the top there the only other two options you then have
is the duration of your track from your movement from A to B, side-to-side, and
then also the Frames Per Second and again you just click on those on the
drop down and it'll choose whatever you wanted to choose. Down on the bottom row
we've got the the S, P and T buttons. S refers to Speed and you press it it will
then become active is a red button. And you then got P which is Pan so that's
how the camera and some side-to-side so 90 degrees to 90 degrees.
And then Tilt is how the camera tilts up and down. Over on the far right
hand side you'll notice as you change each one of those options, axis options.
The vertical axis on the far right hand side will change as well. So for instance
I'm in Tilt at the moment and on that far right hand side we've got values of
35 and -35. And that sort of degrees and that's how far the maximum and
minimum if you like. the camera can actually tilt.
Similarly with Pan. You've got 90 degrees and minus 90 degrees so 90 degrees that
way, straight ahead 0 and minus 90 will be
facing the other way down the track. And Speed so I've got two tracks my figure
here on that vertical axis is a 587 which is equivalent distance of two
tracks. So to put in my speed let's work on that one so I've got S selected. It's
showing as red. I click on the little red... <laughter> I click with a little white dot at the
bottom left hand corner. And if I move it up it will then dictate its starting
position along the the frame. So I'm taking it all back to the beginning so
it starts at the end. It's just catching up for me because I just
twiddled it again. And then I'll go to the other side of the frame and click on
the little white dot at the other end I'm gonna slide it all the way to the
top indicating that it's gonna take the whole length of the track, both tracks.
The Pan, similar sort of settings. Now what I tend to do here is, and I'm going
to do this, is to turn on my camera so I could actually see how the preview what
it's doing. Again click on the little white dot, that's now coming into frame so my
starting position. There's a bit of lag on this you just adjust it a bit and then
wait for it to settle before adjusting it again. And I'm also going to change
the Tilt while I'm at it, because this is my initial position that I want the camera in.
So you can do all of them at the same time so I'm just bringing it up a little
bit higher. So that's my starting position I'm gonna go back to P and
going to change the position when it's up the other end of the track. I'm just
letting it tootle all its way along. I'll bring this little clip up on screen.
Perfect. I'll do the same with the tilt bring the tilt back up.
Super. And then when I'm happy with that I can press the little Eye symbol which
will then run me every quick preview of the motion. Covering the Speed, the Pan
and the Tilt. I'm just going to let that run. Recording at the same time so you
can see in this camera.
The preview is really quick, about 13 seconds, to run the whole preview.
Whereas I know when I've actually run it for real it'll take 1:40 MM:SS to get
from side-to-side. Something I haven't covered in the options when setting this
up I can add sort of smooth-in and smooth-out, or speed-up and slow-down.
And you do that by just clicking on the relevant, handle a little white dot
and then you can drag out the little bezier curve there. You can also put keyframes in as well if you want to
sort of change your motion throughout and I've covered that in a previous
video around the Timelapse. So go and have a look at that video. They are the
same, no difference. Again I'll put a link in this video so you can just click
through to it. And when you're happy with that you can save it there's a Save icon
so you can keep that path if you know you're gonna use it quite frequently if
it's a common setup for you. I'm not gonna keep it in this particular case.
I'm just gonna press play and it will then prepare and then start to run
the sequence. And it's now started it's gonna take 1:40 MM:SS to get from A to B.
You'll hear it's a lot quieter now than it was when I was doing the setting
up. So I'm gonna be quiet for a second
Bear in mind I've got a microphone pointing directly at me picking me up
but it's also going to be picking up the noise at the motor, so it's
probably going to be louder than it would be under normal circumstances because
you're probably gonna be microphones pointing at your talent and your subject
rather than appointing me. You've got the option on this screen as well for Repeating.
So if you want to repeat that motion there's a little icon down on the
bottom left-hand corner which appears when you start to run the sequence.
Rather than it just getting to the end and stopping it'll now it get the end of
then shoot back the other way. There you go. That's the Timeline Control
for when you're shooting video. I hope that was useful. I'll put the
clip up on the side as well so you can have a look at that.
Thanks for watching. If you found this useful then please comment or subscribe
and hopefully a thumbs-up thumbs-down and then hopefully we will see you again.
Interesting point just happen there is that it's returned at the quick speed.
<laughter> probably not what you want. Now it's gone back to doing the same thing and the previous speed.
Which is something I wasn't aware of. Yeah be aware of that. There's also the
other option in the app for A to B Targeting, which might be a better option
you set up your A here, and your B here, and it will end just run between
the two. So there is that option as well which is worth exploring. But if you're
particularly doing just one complicated run where you have lots of different camera
angle changes in there then A to B won't work for you. This is the Timeline
Control is the one to use. So it's horses for courses really I guess is really or
what I'm saying. Anyway I'm rambling on! I shall see you again hopefully.
Alright. Take Care.
Ça ne se demande pas… à des personnes de petite taille - Sexualité - Duration: 2:39.
Ça ne se demande pas… à des personnes de petite taille - Lancer du nain - Duration: 1:23.
Ça ne se demande pas sur AMI-télé - Duration: 11:19.
Renforcement des capacités des enseignants de sciences en immersion français : Les stratégies - Duration: 2:56.
Renforcement des capacités des enseignants de sciences en immersion français : Les défis - Duration: 2:01.
What's up guys Jason Wardrop here and in this video, I'm gonna break down exactly how to get real estate clients through facebook advertising
now the reason why I'm making this video is because a lot of you have been reaching out to me lately asking me about how
To go through and get clients how to run ads for clients. I'll do all that stuff
And so I figured I just make this video really quick showing you guys the two key funnels that I use it'll even show you
Several of the Facebook ads that I use I'm running currently that are performing extremely
Well now I know a lot of you guys have also reached out to me about
Mentorship and kind of going through and coaching you through this whole process and so I've been wanting to do this for a while
But I just kind of been procrastinating delaying and putting it off
But what I'm gonna do is I'm finally going to put together a course for you guys breaking down exactly what I do to acquire
how to run ads for clients how to get success for them and how to scale things up to six figures and then how I've
Even gone through and scale things up to over seven figures multiple seven figures in the last couple of years
So if you guys want that I'm going to add a link to a wait list
I'm still working on kind of like the outline of all that stuff
But hopefully in the next month or so I want to put together something really
Solid really good for you guys
so I don't wanted to surround some crap and
the nice thing is is this course will be something that's different than a lot of these other courses out there where
Most of these guys are making all their money
They're making all their money selling you the course, which I'm actually going in here. And as you guys have been following my channel
I'm doing it
I'm doing it day in and day out and this is my main source of revenue my main business and
So I want to go through and just be completely
Transparent and show you guys all of that
Right now with that said if you are brand new here the channel first of all
My name is Jason Wardrop and I launched new videos every single week on how to generate more leads
Make more money and grow your business
So if you're brand new here, make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell
So you'll be notified every single time a new video is launched
And also with that said before we dive into you know
my funnels and my ads and all this stuff just to show you guys that I have a tiny bit of an idea of what
I'm talking about this is inside of one of my Facebook Ads accounts right here
And this is just one campaign and you look right here. This is the last 30 days so December
26 2018 it's January 24th. So we'll refresh this just so you guys know that it's real and
This is how much money I've spent in the last 30 days. So we've got about seventy seven thousand dollars
And for those you guys wondering like well, that's just you running all the ads for all your clients
This is not including any of our clients. We've got separate as accounts for every single one of our clients. This is purely
client acquisition
Right here. So seventy seven thousand dollars which you know just a little bit over twenty five hundred dollars per day
and I actually just went through you can see I've got
Several ad sets that just created and so tons new ad sets going live on Sunday
so I just want to get that out of the way and for those you guys were like brand-new here and thinking oh I'm with
The sky even know what he's talking about
I've got a little bit experience and that's why I want to go through break down and share with you if you are new here
or if you've been around for some time now now guys keep in mind that running Facebook Ads is
After you go through if you're just starting out with your real estate digital marketing agency
This is after you've gone through and done all the organic methods and after you've already got some solid
clients because if you don't have that
Basic core process in place and you haven't done some of the free ways to go through and get phone calls
Set appointments to go and make the sales and you don't have that done
Then you're gonna be going through and investing money into something. That's not really proven
So you're gonna be wasting quite a bit of money when you're first getting started
So you want to go through make sure you are doing those organic free methods of posting Facebook groups and your Facebook page
LinkedIn all these different things that I talked about in other videos a lot of different free strategies going to networking
Events being in connecting with in person with different people
But then once you've kind of got to a point where like man, I'm doing all these organic things
I'm getting clients, but it's just not enough
I'm not growing as fast as I want to grow then that's where Facebook Ads
Really come into play and you know, I talked about Facebook Ads Instagram ads
It's really the same thing because obviously Facebook owns Instagram as well
So basically, I'll let me just show you really quick the two key funnels that I actually run ads to and then here second
I'll show you some actual ads that I'm currently running right now that are performing extremely well and I'll break down why they're performing well
and how you can kind of like
model not copy guys
because obviously
You'll see that these are very specific to me but model are kind of some of the results that I'm doing with these Facebook ads
So the first thing before you even run a Facebook ad guys it all is big-time where you're running the ad
Like what funnel you're running it to and I was just talking to
Zack Weiss who is one of you guys one of the viewers with the channel here and
He was talking about how he's wanting to help a realtor
Who's got some coaching programs all that stuff go through and you know make sales of his course and he had I think it was
like a fifty dollar course and
really at a fifty dollar course level like you're never gonna make money running Facebook Ads to like a fifty dollar course if you're gonna
Make money you have to have either like the logout sales funnel or sell a higher ticket item
and so what we do is we just go through and we sell a little bit higher ticket item to get people on our
Agency to actually go through and work with them. So this is the very first funnel that I go through and run
and you can see right here guys that the like
Landing page doesn't have to be something super pretty not to spend a lot of time on it
this is actually a very high performing high converting style right here where if you look at a lot of like the big
Marketers out there. This is a very similar style because look it's all white space
So it doesn't really take a long time for this page load
You've got a big clear head line up the top right here this buttons right there
So if they're pulling up on a mobile phone, it's going to be above the fold and an important thing to note
is that you want to make sure that you're pulling these up on your mobile phone to make sure that your landing page is
Optimized for mobile because 80 to 90% of your traffic's gonna be coming from mobile
So after they come here, what we're gonna do is have a value video, okay?
So this value video is basically to break down and talk about a story of you know
An agent that I worked with that, you know at the beginning stage
This is where before state they're after state and how we went through and it was it we're able to take them to that
After state where you know most agents want where most IDs are gonna want consistency. They're gonna want lead generation
They're well-proven lead follow-up all that stuff. But big thing really is consistency because you know as soon as you close one deal
You're only as good as your last deal and so that's a very important concept to hit with Realtors and honestly
Most business owners write a lot of business owners. They don't have that recurring revenue
They don't have that, you know monthly every single time if they make a sale. They've got it coming in
And so you got to make sure that you're focusing on
Consistency here, and this is really to build rapport because we're running Facebook Ads
Obviously you can go through and market your video right here this value video to your warm audience. People already know who you are
they like you they trust you and you're gonna get right out of the gate some really just easy sales just because
That's just how it goes. Right? Like they already know you they trust you they want you to help them out
And so you get some easy sales, but for all the other people who don't know who you are
Okay, the cold market they're gonna need to build some you're gonna need to build some rapport and Trust with them
And so that's why this value video
So you can see it's about 18 minutes and 46 seconds
It's about 20 minute video. And then once they're like watching it like ah, man, this is awesome
I'm ready to get started. They hit yes. I'm ready to jump in and then this takes them to an
Application where they're gonna go through and fill out some details cuz one thing you guys are gonna find out
It's very easy to go through and generate a li. That's really not the hard part
The hard part is going through and making sure you're spending your time with the most qualified prospects people that are you know
They're not brand new agents. They're not brand new to whatever business are doing
They're actually making some money so that they can invest some money into having you help them take their business to the next level
So you can see right here
We just kind of asked some basic information how many years you've been in real estate how many deals you're closing?
Monthly average Commission and then once they hit submit right here
We're taking them to an appointment scheduling app right here so you can see right here
What we do is we only have the next few days available
the reason being is because if someone sets an appointment a week or two weeks out most likely they're going to forget it and
honestly, what I would do here is
Friday the 25th day, which you guys are probably watching this video at a later date. I know that
But what I would probably do is only have the next three days where it's got the next four
But you know if it's Friday and they're not scheduled until next Thursday
Chances are they're probably going to forget even if you're gonna do relentless follow-up
So I'd even just have the next three days right there
And then they come in here click on this and you can see kind of the calendar. We've got 12 to 3 p.m
Kind of that afternoon time set up where they can go through and schedule appointments then once a scheduled appointment
Confirms it and then there's tax reminders email reminders all that. So they're gonna go and show up on the phone call, but
Key thing here, even if somebody scheduled an appointment
But if they haven't gone through and you know if they're not a good fit
We usually reach out to them and say hey
It looks like you're probably not at the level right now that that we're looking for
But what we can do is we've got these different trainings
So we kind of offer some lower ticket item the AUSA is going to work out a lot better for them
anyway in the long run because it's gonna be a lot more in their budget as well as
It's not going to go through and waste a lot of our time or their time on those phone calls
so that is the first one and that this is the first one that you want to start with because with this you're gonna get
a lot of
Applications depending on how much obviously you're spending on your advertising
But this is going to go through get the most amount of phone calls
So you can practice those sales skills get those people in
Kind of hear their pain points what you can do to go through and help them and then once you've kind of got a lot
of that nailed down, which honestly guys
You can easily go through and scale up your business to multiple six figures using this exact format right here
You don't really need in this next step
and so if I were you just start now, I would focus on 100% the organic strategies get your business up to a
$10,000 per month level then
once you're at that point start investing into Facebook Ads running it at a
I funnel just like this and inside of that agency course that coaching consulting course
I'm putting together for you all which the the link to the waitlist is right down below this video
I'm gonna have this exact funnel that you guys can just basically copy and paste and use in your business. Right because it's tested
It's proven to convert. I already know it works. We've been running it quite a bit
And so you guys will get access to this as well as this other one
now, this is an automated webinar where this is where this is selling more of light a
Monthly subscription or what? We do sometimes and say hey we pre sell the quarter and do a little bit of a discount
This one is selling a thousand dollar ticket item
and so this is just going through and
You're gonna get a lot of people going through and registering for this and this is where I'm running a majority of my advertising budget
So pretty much all this seventy seven thousand dollars is going towards that actually all of that because this is just this one campaign
right and so all this is going towards I'm actually this is a
Automated webinar where they can go through and sign up for some day and time, but that's all going to a live webinar
Which I do every single week because I like to jump on live with my clients and be able to answer questions right there
instead of just having this automated experience and if they're unable to attend live, obviously
You've got the automation in place where they can go through and attend it at a different time
But I like to get on with as many people as possible
Every single week live just because you're able to build that much deeper of rapport
Answer the questions really get them what they want and what they're looking for
So just really quick guys a quick recap before I show you guys these Facebook ads one
Use the organic methods that I've talked about right here on this channel and that inside of my agency course
We'll be talking about as well in detail
And use those to get to ten thousand dollars per month. Once you're at ten thousand dollars per month take a portion of that money
Invest into Facebook ads into this value video funnel right here or they're gonna be filling out the application
Going to scheduling a call with you and then confirming those calls and you're doing phone sales right there
and then honestly
I wouldn't even really move into this next phase until you're making probably a hundred grand a month with this simple strategy right here
Okay, and then at that point you can go and explore some of the automated of live webinars. It's just a lot more difficult
It's a little bit different concept different
Strategy and all that stuff. So that's exactly the the lay out the process
So if you're looking how to get your own real estate clients for your own real estate
digital marketing agency
Those are the first three steps that I would take one organic methods to ten thousand dollars per month to
Value video to 100 grand per month then that let's talk and we can talk about getting an automated or a live webinar
Ideally alive first up and running for your business. Okay, so now some of the
Facebook ads that work extremely. Well, okay
the thing is is one thing that you got to keep in mind if you're running a ad to a
Value video like this and you want clients that are gonna be able to invest a little bit more money in you
You don't want to be calling out the rookie agents right like look over here
I'm calling out the rookie agents right here because I'm trying to take someone from
Complete beginner to success to six figures per year in their their real estate business
But if you want somebody that's more of like that seven-figure mark
Make sure you're calling out the right person. Okay
So if you're gonna be going and running these rookie realtor clothes 11 deals in four months
This is gonna be the most broad market. It's gonna bring in the most amount of real estate agents
The only thing is is when you get them on the phone call, they're gonna be rookies
Right, so they're not gonna have money to go through and invest 1500 to 2000 dollars per month with you
But basically you can see right here
I recently started doing this and this has actually been working extremely well, so if you guys do have past real estate clients
And they've had success
Jump on a call right here video it record it. It just works amazingly
Well this ad right here I think is getting like leads for four to five dollars per lead and it's absolutely crushing it. So
anyway, guys
I would highly recommend kind of like doing this strategy of interviewing your clients
Getting that success story on video that you can post on YouTube Facebook runs the Facebook Ads Instagram, whatever it is
And then here's another one. This one is calling out real estate agents and brokers
So this is kind of this could be for a higher
ticket item right where you're going through and work with more experienced people and if you want to go through and say hey all
7-figure real estate agents or if you're closing ten deals per month. This is for you or something like that
and so then I go through break down a couple paragraphs of
Basically, what is working well for Debbie right here and then a link out to the page
And this is one where Debbie was she was actually kind enough to go through and do the video on her own
Most agents have a hard
or most people just in general have a hard time doing the own video right then and there and so this isn't very common and
Then here's another one going through and if somebody posts in your Facebook group on your Facebook page
Or they tell you something go and highlight that right
So I go through this is an exact quote from Jamie right here that she posted in our Facebook group
And so I looked I said, you know look Jamie is so exciting. My first post was published. So some 48 hours ago
So I tell their experience and I say look guys Jamie and once again, I'm going after more of the beginner agents
Right, so just keep that in mind when you're running towards a higher ticket item
So look, Jamie literally knew nothing about Facebook ads when she started
There's no reason you can't do this to like look at the success she got and she didn't know anything when she first got started
Okay, you can do this
You want to empower them you want to tell people like if you're training them let them know that you can do this
Okay, if you're gonna be doing it for them
Empower them and let them know that hey look I can take all this off your plate and let you know how to go through
And do this and then I have the call to action
Hey, if you'd like to attend a free training boom boom boom, or if you're doing the value video, you know, hey
I've got this this free
Video, I've got this food training for you go through and show you how to you know?
Add an extra 30 or 35 new qualified prospects each week to your database. Okay?
So anyway guys that is exactly those are the two funnels and I kind of broke that down
Organic to $10,000 per month this value beauty - 100 grand a month webinar as past 100 grand a month
Here are some of the Facebook ads right and then here is proof that I'm going through
I'm spending quite a bit of money on this. So I've got a good sense of how this all works for you guys
So also if you guys do want some my consulting mentorship any of that stuff, honestly
like wasn't really gonna jump in and do this stuff until a lot of people are asking and
It's now at that point where I'm getting a lot of you ask me, which is great
I want to help out as many as few as possible
And honestly, that's where I like I get a lot of my enjoyment is like you digital marketers. I'm a digital marketer
We're kind of the same person
And so I want to be able to help you guys out as well because I know where I was at
When I was first getting started I didn't really know where to turn
And like, you know the path go through and get success kind of learn
It's really the hard way of going through and just like trial and error experimenting
So if I could shortcut any of that for you guys
That would be my goal. So with that said thanks so much for watching and jump into that weightless
And I'll let you guys know when we launched that course
And then also if you're brand new here
Make sure you subscribe hit that notification bell if you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up
I would greatly appreciate that because it helps other people just like you find this content and
Be able to learn from it and grow their business as well
So thanks so much for watching guys, and I will see you in the next video
Hello there, ladies and gentlemen! Another beyblade got destroyed in today's episode
Achilles, then Hades, and now Fafnir joins the list of beys that got broken
So lets see how that episode went! Dont forget to like, comment and subscribe! Here we go!
Free is training but he notices somebody else is around
It is Phi, using his new Dead Phoenix attire. He challenges him, "you are next"
The challenge is made and the battle will be broadcast as usual
Phi, atop Dead Gran, warns everyone he is the god of destruction and wants to battle Free and everyone else
Aiga cant stand his selfishness, and Valt goes to check how Free is doing
He is already training, and possessed just the way you people like. This episode is full of that, as you love it
He talks to Valt and tells him not to worry, as Phi never fought someone like him
And he is right, Phi never fought a bey that spins to the left and steals spinning
Free says he is ready to battle, and so it begins
The episode still shows dead phoenix using its old combo, 10+friction, not 0+atomic
It will take a while until the cartoon reflects the parts from the actual toy. Kitt explains how the armor works
The battle begins, Fafnir uses absorb break and knocks Phoenix armor easily
However, Phi uses its armor for a follow-up attack, Aiga remembers this is the same attack that broke his bey
Fafnir is smashed with a lot of power but survives thanks to the Absorb tip
It activates Geist Claw to attack and knocks Phoenix away. 1-0!
The crew gets confident but grandpa reminds them that Phoenix is just getting started
Free activates his possession, but Phi doesnt care as he can do the same
The second round begins and Fafnir removes Phoenix armor quickly, to everyone's rejoice
But now that the armor is on the ground, Dead Phoenix uses a new skill, rebounding the armor to the walls
This new attack is so powerful it knocks Fafnir from the stadium. 1-1
And then Free gets angry and increases his possession to higher levels, just look how determined he is!
The 3rd round begins, Free activates his avatar and removes the armor again,and it is kicked again
Dead Phoenix does this attack twice, damaging Fafnir a lot
Phi gets possessed and unleashes multiple attacks to Geist Fafnir
Both of them activate their avatars and possessions again,
Geist Fafnir starts absorbing energy from Phoenix and uses Absorb Break, while Phoenix uses the armor again
Once again Phi gets ready to do his evil tricks
Because the armor is spinning on one side and Phoenix in the other, Fafnir gets overloaded with spin stealing
They make him spin so fast it that it breaks and explodes
The bey is completely destroyed and Free is speechless
Valt,upon seeing how Free feels, takes it to Phi
You broke Leopard, Achilles,Hades,Fafnir, and now what? Is Valkyrie next?
And Phi is like, "Why not?"
"You could be next!"
And he goes away.
Shu is aware and also training, because he knows one day he will have to fight Phi and he better be ready
Aiga also knows this and says he will travel for training, but where is he going? Next episode has it!
He lands on Xhean's house to train with him, and you can see even a Slingshock Stadium!
Fafnir is NOT getting an evolution: Either Free gets his beyblade fixed, or he doesnt battle anymore.
Geist Fafnir IS Cho-Z Fafnir. Remember when we wanted to see Drain Fafnir evolving in Burst Cho-Z? It is that!
His beyblade got destroyed and the only toy release we have is Driger F
Somebody will probably fix Fafnir. In the intro Kitt challenges Free and it needs to happen
Otherwise he wont join battles anymore, like Leopard L4. We dont have a "Cho-Z Leopard"
If you were facing Dead Phoenix, what would you do? What would be your combo and special move?
Comment below how would you do it! See you in the next videos, thank you!
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