[FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii)
For more infomation >> [FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii) - Duration: 2:50.-------------------------------------------
Como hacer anzuelos plomados con moldes de papel para jig - Duration: 16:33.
You start making a cone with cardboard paper
For the cone to be hard it sticks with synthetic glue
We have two cones, for two hooks
We bend a piece of galvanized wire, in a "U" shape
To make the jig ring
Fishhook of 6 cm. long
Again we doubled in "U" to embed in the hook
So prepared it will be embedded in the hook
It must be under pressure
The emptying height of the lead is marked
With copper wire we hold the hook in its central position
Cover and secure the hook with epoxy glue
In a container with sand we place the molds
Wear respiratory mask to avoid lead vapors
Wire is wrapped in the hook, which will serve to hold the lure
Apply instant glue
Assembly of the lure
And we have ready the lures
공부법 코디 토론수업 지구과학 생물 화학 물리 수능과탐 G1 디베이트 고2과탐 [건강한학습연구소] - Duration: 1:27.
Feel Something- AVM| - Duration: 2:53.
Como hacer anzuelos plomados con moldes de papel para jig - Duration: 16:33.
You start making a cone with cardboard paper
For the cone to be hard it sticks with synthetic glue
We have two cones, for two hooks
We bend a piece of galvanized wire, in a "U" shape
To make the jig ring
Fishhook of 6 cm. long
Again we doubled in "U" to embed in the hook
So prepared it will be embedded in the hook
It must be under pressure
The emptying height of the lead is marked
With copper wire we hold the hook in its central position
Cover and secure the hook with epoxy glue
In a container with sand we place the molds
Wear respiratory mask to avoid lead vapors
Wire is wrapped in the hook, which will serve to hold the lure
Apply instant glue
Assembly of the lure
And we have ready the lures
تحميل افضل 15 موجات صوتية ستحتاجها في المونتاج| مذهلة 😮👆 - Duration: 6:19.
Energy doesn't FLOW the way you THINK! (Electrodynamics) - Duration: 7:50.
How does alternating current even work if the charges never go anywhere?
The answer to this question rearranged all my intuitions about circuits.
Prepare for a mind blow.
This episode was made possible by generous supporters on Patreon.
Hey Crazies.
One thing you cannot do is confuse the motion of charge with the motion of energy.
They are not the same thing.
Let's define them both very carefully.
Electric current, or just current for short, is the flow of positive charge.
Wait wait, positive charge?
Yeah, you can thank Ben Franklin for that.
To the timeline!!
Back in 1748, Ben Franklin stated two things about electricity.
One: Amber becomes negative when rubbed.
And Two: Current is flow of positive charge.
Then, 150 years later, JJ Thomson discovered the electron and we realized we had a problem.
You'd think we'd have adjusted one of Franklin's definitions, but we didn't.
We doubled-down on them instead.
Even though we know negative charge is what moves in a current,
we pretend like it's positive charge moving in the opposite direction.
Human stubbornness will never cease to amaze me.
Anyway, we have to live with it now.
Electric current is the flow of positive charge
and we measure it in amperes, or amps for short.
The energy flow, on the other hand, is best described by something like power.
That's basically how fast the energy is being used
and it's measured in joules per second or watts.
Turn down for watt!
Anyway, current and power are related to each other.
Since current is charge over time and voltage is energy per charge
power is just current times voltage.
It's a relatively easy calculation.
But our original question isn't really about amounts.
It's about direction.
This equation tells us nothing about direction.
But isn't the energy carried along by charged particles?
Won't the current and power be the same direction?
Well, "yes" to the first question, but "no" to the second.
The charged particles do have energy because, well, everything has energy,
but that's not the energy that's powering whatever device you're using.
Let's say, for the sake of simplicity, it's just an incandescent light bulb.
What I'm about to explain will be true of everything,
but we don't want to get caught up in unimportant details.
On that same note, let's power that light bulb using a simple battery.
The positive end has a higher energy than the negative end
so, if you give the charges a path, they'll fall to the lower energy.
That's what an electric current is.
Over time, we know the energy in the battery goes down as we use our devices.
It can cause sheer panic when it's the battery in our phones,
but this same thing happens with the light bulb too.
The energy in the battery goes down as the light bulb emits heat and light.
The flow of that energy is described by something called the Poynting Vector.
No, that's not a typo.
It's named after John Henry Poynting, the guy who came up with it.
It is a pun though because it points in the direction of energy flow.
I love puns.
Anyway, here's the Poynting vector.
E is the electric field, B is the magnetic field,
and mu is just a constant to make the units come out right.
Don't worry too much about it.
That gives us the energy flowing through an area every second.
A common example of this vector is light.
Light is an electromagnetic wave,
a disturbance in electric and magnetic fields that results in a flow of energy.
From a bulb, that's looks something like this.
But the Poynting vector is true for any electric and magnetic fields,
not just the ones you find in light.
What's the deal with those fields again?
Hmm, I guess I can do a quickie review.
Charges affect the electric field and moving charges affect the magnetic field.
These fields are not attached to the charge.
They stay attached to space, while the charge moves.
If no charges are around, the fields are still there.
They're just zero.
A similar thing happens around a battery.
This battery can be thought of as two equal but opposite charges.
Those charges will affect the electric field.
But, according to the Poynting vector, we don't get an energy flow
without also having a magnetic field.
The battery isn't going to lose energy just sitting there.
It has to be connected to something.
Here's the electric field around the battery again, drawn a little simpler.
If we connect some wires and a light bulb, the field will distort a little.
Even though the charge in that extra stuff is balanced,
it still channels the field through itself.
The field in those materials is strong enough to push charge along.
Now that there's a closed loop, the electric field will cause a steady current
and, where there's moving charge, there's a magnetic field.
So now we have an electric field and a magnetic field.
According to the Poynting vector, we get an energy flow.
But this cross product means the flow has to be perpendicular to both fields.
The flow of charge is the same direction as the electric field,
which can't be the same as the flow of energy.
According to Poynting, the energy cannot flow in the same direction as the charge.
Wait, what?!
When I realized this, it broke all my intuitions about circuits,
but here's what everything looked like when I put it all back together.
If we zoom in one of the wires a little,
we've got a strong electric field inside moving the current along
and a little electric field outside.
We also have a magnetic field inside and outside.
Using the Poynting vector, we get an energy flow toward the center of the wire.
The energy comes from the field outside the wire!
Wait! Didn't you say earlier the energy comes from the battery?
Yeah, but it happens indirectly.
Inside the battery, the electric field points the opposite way,
but the magnetic field points the same way.
If we look at the battery the same way we did the wire,
the energy flows out of the battery and into the field.
So the energy the wires and the light bulb gain from the field
is the same amount of energy the battery loses to the field.
The energy flow in this circuit looks like this.
It's cray cray!
It doesn't even matter if it's AC or DC.
With alternating current, or AC, the current just moves back and forth
because the electric field keeps switching direction,
but so does the magnetic field.
If this changes direction and so does this, the two effects cancel.
The energy flow maintains its direction.
Even in an AC circuit, the energy flow is out of the source and into the devices.
How can that possibly be?
Aren't AC generators, like, miles away?
Yeah, but that's totally fine.
Remember these fields are everywhere and affected by all charges everywhere.
The energy coming out of a power source
doesn't have to be the same energy going into your devices.
Conservation of energy just says they have to be the same amount.
If you calculate the amount of energy flow across the surface of this wire.
You will get exactly what we'd expect for the power lost to heat and light.
So how does the energy actually flow in a circuit?
The energy that makes a circuit work comes from the fields around it.
A source of energy like a battery just replenishes what gets used
and all the electric current does is provide the mechanism we need to make the energy flow.
So, are you as mind blown as me right now?
Please share in the comments.
Thanks for liking and sharing this video.
Don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to keep up with us.
And until next time, remember, it's OK to be a little crazy.
The featured comment comes from "space is where we belong to!" who asked:
Is wind just a little nudge to get the coil spinning?
No no, we're not creating perpetual motion machines.
The induced current actually resists the motion of the coil.
Without the continued push from the wind, the coil almost immediately stops.
Anyway, thanks for watching.
Disparition d'Emiliano Sala: Son ex-copine poste un message étrange - Duration: 3:25.
[FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii) - Duration: 2:50.
[FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii)
SAISD Student Internship Program - Duration: 1:49.
The Twisted Fate Of Six Kittens | Animal in Crisis EP8 - Duration: 9:05.
These kittens were born recently
Informer: I searched for where the cries came from
and found out the kittens were born here
After taking a closer look...
The kittens bodies are stuck together
They try to move...
But they look intertwined
Informer: The back legs are intertwined and stuck together
Just like twisted bread sticks
The kittens are struggling
to separate themselves
What happened?
Vet: Their skin or part of their body could pressured together
or deformed like Siamese twins
A possibility that they were
born as deformed Siamese twins
Vet: Even if they are imperfectly separated
it's impossible for five kitten to be born at the same time
In addition, it would've been difficult for the mother
A low possibility for them to be Siamese twins
But how did this happen?
A late night, hard to take action
We decided to wait for the next day
Next morning
Hoping they are doing fine
But one kitten looks strange...
(Last night's situation)
One kitten is struggling
No more movement
The mother is grooming the cold kitten
The other kittens are also in danger!
It's an urgent situation
Vet: It's okay, let me see the kittens
Stay still
Emergency check up on the spot
The mother is feeling uneasy
Because of a stranger's touch
The treatment begins
Cries of pain
The mother takes the baby
Stray cats aren't used to kindness
We hope they understand us
Treatment continues
Vet: It's going to be difficult to treat one of the kittens
One of them has a leg that is dead
The other two kittens
are infected by a virus in the umbilical cord
so it's not good
They need surgery
The mother will move with the kittens
Because they feed from the mother
Vet: Take the kittens with care
The vet's movement become faster
Surgery starts right away
We hope they can stay strong
Vet: It ended up as a necrosis due to the lack of blood flow
The umbilical cord was not cleaned up properly
So a virus spread through the umbilical cord
A serious situation
We can't give up!
They are trying their best
to make the kitten survive
The surgery for the ripped stomach has ended
But the kitten isn't breathing
Vet: The heart can't overcome it
It's sad
The kitten dies
Before it even opened its eyes
How are the other kittens doing?
Vet: If we let the necrosis develop
not only are there issues with the cut parts
but problems gradually rise to the upper part
I think we have to cut
the lower femur on the thigh
An unavoidable surgery to let the kitten live
The kitten suffers pain as soon as it's born
The kitten are withholding well
Vet: They need treatment for blood poisoning the next 3-5 days
The surgery ends...
And the kitten are taken back to the mother
Vet: Mother, don't be surprised
Your baby is here
From six kitten last night
to the remaining three
The kitten were wrapped by the placenta
What was the problem?
Vet: When they were born
the kittens were born with the placenta around them
and the mother wasn't able to remove it properly
The placenta hardens over time
but like a thread of nylon,
it led them to be intertwined
The mother couldn't take care of them
It wasn't even her first time giving birth
Informer: She gave birth to one kitten the first time I saw her give birth
And the two kitten on the side was the second time I saw her give birth
The third time giving birth
Vet: When you become a stray cat,
the process of mating happen recklessly between different individuals
The mother is exhausted
from giving birth continuously
She wasn't able to take up basic roles
The exhausting life on the roads
and the tragedy that happened from there
A hospital visit a while later
Vet: Guys~
Someone's here for a visit
The cat family looks healthy
Their eyes are now wide open
And even have names
Mischievous Taeyang
Sassy Dal
Despite the big scar she has,
Byul is brave
Vet: Luckily, they are all healthy and able to see
They are active and can digests well
In a good mood, huh
The mother looks more comfortable
The cat family is living a new life
thanks to the people's interest and efforts
We hope this happiness lasts forever♥
Como hacer anzuelos plomados con moldes de papel para jig - Duration: 16:33.
You start making a cone with cardboard paper
For the cone to be hard it sticks with synthetic glue
We have two cones, for two hooks
We bend a piece of galvanized wire, in a "U" shape
To make the jig ring
Fishhook of 6 cm. long
Again we doubled in "U" to embed in the hook
So prepared it will be embedded in the hook
It must be under pressure
The emptying height of the lead is marked
With copper wire we hold the hook in its central position
Cover and secure the hook with epoxy glue
In a container with sand we place the molds
Wear respiratory mask to avoid lead vapors
Wire is wrapped in the hook, which will serve to hold the lure
Apply instant glue
Assembly of the lure
And we have ready the lures
Predicciones Horóscopo Chino 2019 Año del Cerdo ☯☯ en Español - Duration: 3:28.
there is a detail that is not less than most of those on the list are leaders of groups
this February 5 is the new year Chinese and this 2019 is the year of the pig
with Señora Vaca we investigate which are the pig idols and which are
your predictions for this 2019
Jimin from BTS
V of BTS
Twice Nayeon
Cosmic Girls Bona
Exy of Cosmic Girls
Jisoo from BlackPink
EXID Jeonghwa
Pentagon shin-won
Siyeon from DreamCatcher
SoWon by Gfriend
Hwasa and Wheein's Mamamoo
obviously there are a lot of other pig idols we are only you
naming some examples
and these are the predictions
love the atmosphere can
get to annoy the pig
so the functionality of the couple will depend
much of your partner and if you can tolerate or not the impulses that the pig will have
and if the pig starts the single year it goes to finish single
EIVAN:but the idols can not have a partner
that's why I left it
fortune the pigs will have new partnerships or contracts that are going to do
professional and monetary stability
and will go through many moments of recognition
health he pig has to be very attentive to your way of life if
wants to stay healthy
The conclusion of the year is that it will be a
very happy year for the pig but also will have to go through their sacrifices
to be able to have rewards
although every year they have sacrifices and rewards
good but that said the pages
what I understand with that is that
the pigs are going to have more sacrifices than the others
but they will have better rewards
there is a detail that is less than most of those on the list are the leaders of groups
good because SoWon is the leader
SiYeon is not the leader of Dreamcatcher, or is it? COW: Siyeon is just perfect
Coups is the leader of Seventeen
Jisoo is the leader of Blackpink COW: Blackpink has no leader
EIVAN:it's a generational issue of idols
about half of the list are group leaders COW: Exy is the leader of WJSN
I do not know if something changes but apparently it's important
EIVAN:Just look what Blackpink is going to be in Coachella. COW: When Blink looks for excuses to talk about Coachella
as a detail let's say that the most of the idols that we name are
also the leaders of your group
I hit the cow
so let's say it's going to be a year with a lot of happiness for the pig
but there will also be sacrifices and efforts COW: Now P-Chan is going to talk all year about his lovebirds
that they will be able to have their reward
so we wish you much luck to all the leaders pig and you
if you were born in the year 95 you are a pig like that We wish you good luck for this year
I'm Lola and this is Señora Vaca
Chinese horoscopes fortune teller so do not forget subscribe to the red button below
and activate the bell do not forget leave us below the comments what is your
Chinese horoscope
and if you are a pig you will have a special greeting
I just invented that but it does not matter
so do not forget to share it and give it a thumbs up to the video if you liked it
See you and next time, bye!
Tell me what your blood type and sign is
[FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii) - Duration: 2:50.
[FREE] Playboi Carti x Pierre Bourne x Lil Uzi Vert Type Beat 2019 "Microsoft" (Prod. Jaboii)
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