Too big! Too small!
Author – Lavanya Karthik
"I can't lift you up, Shanu!"
says Ammi.
"You are too big!"
"You can't walk to school alone, Shanu!"
says Abbu.
"You are too small!"
"You can't sleep in the baby's cot, Shanu!"
"You can't sleep in the baby's cot, Shanu!"
says Dadu.
"You are too big!"
"You can't carry the baby to the park, Shanu!"
"You can't carry the baby to the park, Shanu!"
says Dadi.
"You are too small!"
Shanu is puzzled.
Too big! Too small!
How can she be too big and
How can she be too big and
too small all at once?"
Too big to wear her old pink frock.
Too big to wear her old pink frock.
Too small to make dosas at the stove.
Too small to make dosas at the stove.
Too big to climb up on Dadu's back?
Too big to climb up on Dadu's back?
Too small to carry the baby on hers?
Too small to carry the baby on hers?
"What am I the right size for?"
"What am I the right size for?"
Shanu wonders.
Ammi smiles and says,
"Why, you are just big enough
to go to big school."
"And you are just small enough
for me to carry you on my shoulders,"
says Abbu.
"You are just big enough
to take me for my morning walks,"
says Dadu.
"And you are just small enough
for me to tell stories to,"
says Dadi.
"And you will always, always
be the perfect size… for this!"
be the perfect size… for this!"
all say,
and give her a warm,
wonderful hug.
For more infomation >> बहुत बड़ी! बहुत छोटी! : Learn Hindi with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults "" - Duration: 2:58.-------------------------------------------
FPro Lock Airspray: The Professional Painter at NISSAN (UK) | SAMES KREMLIN - Duration: 0:45.
It's the first time I've used it today. I thought it was a lot better than the other one
A lot better than
the guns we have been using.
It atomizes very well.
You don't need to put as much paint on
It seems to be a lot lighter.
lighter in your hand,
so far, very good !
Seems to be a lot lighter
You're not feeling as much pressure on your arm
as you're using it
Кто отдал приказ на ликвидацию Бергея Рыскалиева ? the murder of Bergey Ryskaliev - Duration: 14:21.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Blumenthal Questions Truthfulness Of President Trump Jr.'s Senate Testimony | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC - Duration: 7:49.
美軍協助40名I*S*I*S頭目越獄 美「支控」鐵證如山 - Duration: 4:42.
बहुत बड़ी! बहुत छोटी! : Learn Hindi with subtitles - Story for Children and Adults "" - Duration: 2:58.
Too big! Too small!
Author – Lavanya Karthik
"I can't lift you up, Shanu!"
says Ammi.
"You are too big!"
"You can't walk to school alone, Shanu!"
says Abbu.
"You are too small!"
"You can't sleep in the baby's cot, Shanu!"
"You can't sleep in the baby's cot, Shanu!"
says Dadu.
"You are too big!"
"You can't carry the baby to the park, Shanu!"
"You can't carry the baby to the park, Shanu!"
says Dadi.
"You are too small!"
Shanu is puzzled.
Too big! Too small!
How can she be too big and
How can she be too big and
too small all at once?"
Too big to wear her old pink frock.
Too big to wear her old pink frock.
Too small to make dosas at the stove.
Too small to make dosas at the stove.
Too big to climb up on Dadu's back?
Too big to climb up on Dadu's back?
Too small to carry the baby on hers?
Too small to carry the baby on hers?
"What am I the right size for?"
"What am I the right size for?"
Shanu wonders.
Ammi smiles and says,
"Why, you are just big enough
to go to big school."
"And you are just small enough
for me to carry you on my shoulders,"
says Abbu.
"You are just big enough
to take me for my morning walks,"
says Dadu.
"And you are just small enough
for me to tell stories to,"
says Dadi.
"And you will always, always
be the perfect size… for this!"
be the perfect size… for this!"
all say,
and give her a warm,
wonderful hug.
Comment avoir des collaborateurs engagés - Duration: 7:52.
M.Sala :'C'était suicidaire'.. .les dernières révélations affligeantes sur la préparation du vol - Duration: 4:38.
Gilets jaunes. Priscillia Ludosky sera reçue par la ministre des Outre-mer Annick Girardin - Duration: 3:08.
Electric Box Modular Box Junction Box Making Machine +919584776611 RK Shori - Duration: 1:19.
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Early morning six in the morning
we ordered a taxi trip cost 104 baht
we go to the railway station Samsen
buy tickets and go to Ayuttayu
nice woman driving traffic jams start
schedule and now we we will buy at the box office
tickets and so we are at the station
bought tickets tickets are sold on a specific
a train tickets bought in Bangpain
and we almost did not sell On the other side
the sound is the same demanded passports and
wanted to sell more expensive tickets
he understood that we were going to another the side
pronunciation is slightly different city names
and Sergei and I almost drove off well sorted out on time
understood by the cost of tickets forty baht tickets for two
and he would pay 400 baht in the trailers go
we wait to show you the station almost everything like us
here we bought tickets ticket office
we are on the rail stations
Bangkok Sunset and we are going to Ayutthaya
first we go to the summer residence Bangpin
then to Ayuttayu us there hotel
ticket price in the third classroom
40 baht there is a dining room at the station
cheap 35 baht
cook soup add chicken
here you can eat for 35 baht
35 baht cheap is 70 rubles press
ad wanted cat
reward 10,000 baht hanging bell
which call when train leaves
this is a long distance train high class
cars are divided into classes and the peasant opens the gate
tell me how you are didn't go the other way
why in the other we are in this went to the side for 450 baht
because I was without glasses boarded the train and the train
set off to ride us 1 hour 10 minutes
local air conditioner is working just like we carry food
pies buy buy
Uncle saw him take pictures and jumped up
probably this is an office
Exatlon-ul le aduce o schimbare de carieră? Propunere uluitoare a lui Cătălin Botezatu pentru jandar - Duration: 4:38.
Dàmaris Gelabert & Convidats - La festa de la pau (Videoclip Oficial) - Duration: 6:38.
If I had the magic of wizards
Flowers I would make from all bullets
From the rifles, trombones and bassoons (We demand to live in peace)
And from thunder I'd make love songs.
If I had the magic of wizards
From hunger I would make wheat
Giant binoculars from cannons (Enough hate, enough fighting)
And tanks would be ice cream van.
If I had the magic of wizards
From soldiers I would make clowns
Paper birds from lieutenants (Peace starts with a smile)
ballerinas or "castellers".
(We don't like weapons)
(Peace is not negotiable)
If I had the magic of wizards
I'd make dice from all landmines
bombs would be used for juggling (Enough violence against women)
And crows would be doves of peace.
If I had the magic of wizards
From soldiers I would make clowns
Paper birds from lieutenants (Enough deception, work for peace)
ballerinas or "castellers".
(Let's work for justice)
(We believe in peace)
If I had the magic of wizards
From hunger I would make wheat
Giant binoculars from cannons (We are and will be peaceful)
And tanks would be ice cream van.
If I had the magic of wizards
From soldiers I would make clowns
Paper birds from lieutenants (Enough wars)
ballerinas or "castellers".
If I had the magic of wizards
From soldiers I would make clowns
Paper birds from lieutenants (Peace will not be achieved through force)
ballerinas or "castellers". (Peace is possible)
If I had the magic of wizards
I'd make dice from all landmines
bombs would be used for juggling
And crows would be doves of peace
Gilets jaunes. Priscillia Ludosky sera reçue par la ministre des Outre-mer Annick Girardin - Duration: 3:08.
A New Model of Neonatal Intensive Care - Duration: 1:20.
Engaging closely with infants and their families
enables us to know them personally.
Sometimes an infant takes a turn for the worse, or suddenly passes away.
During these times, the relationship that
we have with the family helps us to be their support.
To reach out to them, listen to them,
assess how they are coping, and know when something is not alright.
This gives us opportunities to step in,
and provide tailored care to this group of patients
and link them appropriately to the support groups,
such as carer support, bereavement support,
palliative care and advanced care planning.
Despite all the technological advancements in the world,
there is no substitute for the human touch –
trained professionals being there for you,
to guide you through exploring end-of-life options,
to support you through the grieving process, and to help you find closure.
Witnessing the immense courage and determination of the infants and parents –
many of whom face difficulties in other areas as well –
really heightens my spirit.
It makes me say to myself,
"In life I cannot give up so fast.
Whatever difficulty you have, there is a way you can overcome it."
I am really privileged to work with this very special and inspiring group of people.
Old MacDonald Had a Farm | Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs | Kindergarten Cartoons by Little Treehouse - Duration: 1:01:21.
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a cow, E-I-E-I-O
With a "moo-moo" here and a "moo-moo" there
Here a "moo" there a "moo" Everywhere a "moo-moo"
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a pig, E-I-E-I-O
With a oink oink here and a oink oink there
Here a oink there a oink Everywhere a oink oink
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a horse, E-I-E-I-O
With a "neigh, neigh" here and a "neigh, neigh" there
Here a "neigh" there a "neigh" Everywhere a "neigh, neigh"
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a chicken, E-I-E-I-O
With a "cluck, cluck" here and a "cluck, cluck" there
Here a "quack" there a "quack"everywhere a "quack, quack"
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
And on his farm he had a duck, E-I-E-I-O
With a "quack, quack" here and a "quack, quack" there
Here a "quack" there a "quack"everywhere a "quack, quack"
Old Macdonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O
How to Pitch Yourself for a Podcast - Duration: 4:03.
Hi I'm Lucy Griffiths and I'm going to share a few ways to pitch yourself like
a pro for a podcast.
Hi, I'm Lucy Griffiths and I'm going to share how to pitch yourself as a podcast guest and be seen as an expert.
If you like this video, I would love you to subscribe. I share lots of tricks and tips about mindset,
about marketing and really standing out, so that your voice is seen and heard.
Being on a podcast is really about setting yourself up as an expert and
being a figure of authority and if you want to know more about being a figure
of authority, being an expert I have a video just on that just here. But for now,
let's talk podcasting. So, when you are on a podcast you want to really be seen
with credibility, so make sure that or your facebook posts or your social media
posts are seen as an authority figure, someone who has credibility and wants to
be seen. So, that's number one, be really key about that. Number two, to set
yourself up for success make sure that you are establishing relationships with
the people who run podcast, so you know like their post, like their social media,
so they remember you, so you stand out. Then, when you pitch yourself as a guest,
it's exactly the same way as you would be for a professional magazine or
newspaper. You want to share an idea that is in line with their audience. So, you
want to really focus in on who their podcast audience is, who are their
listeners and what do they need to hear and then make sure that your message and
what you say is in line with what they need to hear. So, if you are a marketing
expert and it's a marketing podcast make sure that you are sharing something that
is unique and different. So, it's really
about the synergy between you and what you talk about and once you're able to
do that, Then, it is so much better because you're much more effective
because you're in line with what the podcaster needs to hear. So, think about
the podcaster, what do they need to hear from you, what experiences, what lessons,
what learnings can you share and when you're able to express that in an email
but without going on and on, keep it short, keep it tight, that will really
help. When you send your email keep it short because people are busy
they don't have time to read masses. Also, one sentence or two about you. Don't talk
about yourself too much because actually they'll go and do some research on you
and so keep it tight because people are busy. And also make sure you say
that you've got some experience on podcasts, that you've got a microphone,
you've got the right kit. So, you will actually make their podcast sound good
because there's nothing worse than a podcast where the audio quality isn't
good. So really think about that and say I've bought this microphone, I hope
that's compatible with your system and be open to their tips and suggestions so
if they say oh that was no great microphone, be open to that and say oh,
I'm so sorry, I'll look at something different. So, think about that in the way
that you can really improve your audio quality and make sure it stands out.
I hope you found this video useful. If you are interested in marketing or video and
podcasting tips, please click the link below. Thank you so much for watching!
Bye bye bye!
Key change Reds must make against Leicester & threat Foxes possess - Duration: 3:49.
Right now we need to focus and get back to normality. The players have been refreshed and it's time to get their heads back on the job that needs doing by getting back to what we are good at and making sure there are no slip-ups
That starts on Wednesday against Leicester City who we know from earlier in the season can be a handful, and don't forget they also beat Manchester City
Their manager - Claude Puel - is under a little bit of pressure and whenever we play the Foxes Jamie Vardy always seems to score
The striker will be back for the game against Liverpool and the defenders will definitely have to be aware of him
Even when he's not got the ball you have to make sure you know where he is because on his day he can get a goal and make life very difficult for you
Vardy floats about from one side to the other and I used to do the same, he ghosts into positions and finds the space so it will be up to the whole defence to marshall him and not get caught ball watching if he sneaks round the back
We saw against Crystal Palace what can happen when we let our guard down but now we have just get back to keeping clean sheets again
We had defended superbly well up until that last game but then we conceded three goals at home - it's time for the defence to get back to doing what they are good at
If we are going to go on and keep vying with Manchester City at the top of the Premier League we have to start getting clean sheets again
Clean sheets are the reason we are in the position we are in right now because we haven't been scoring three or four in the majority of games
It's been the lads at the back who have done their jobs superbly well but they seemed to take their eye off the ball and this game we have to stay switched on and make sure we don't concede and make it difficult for ourselves
Team selection issues I really hope Fabinho is ready to play in right-back against Leicester because if not I think I would be choosing Gini Wijnaldum as a more experienced player than the young Rafael Camacho - it's not ideal but an option I'd think would be better
There aren't many other changes to be made really but I'd be playing Jordan Henderson and Xherdan Shaqiri in the midfield with Wijnaldum if Fabinho can come into the defence
Listen to ECHO reporters discuss Rafa Camacho question on latest Blood Red podcast Naby Keita just doesn't make the starting XI at this point because he's struggling for confidence and desperately needs a goal
He needs to play better than he is to stay in the team, if you aren't playing well and your form isn't right then you don't get in the team it's as easy as that
That's why Shaqiri gets in the team because he's giving the manager thought by scoring goals and getting assists and it's up to Keita to take that on board and prove how good he can be
[FREE] NBA YoungBoy Type Beat 2019 - "Bagg" | Smooth Trap Instrumental - Duration: 4:04.
[FREE] NBA YoungBoy Type Beat 2019 - "Bagg" | Smooth Trap Instrumental
Comment avoir des collaborateurs engagés - Duration: 7:52.
海贼王870集:卡塔库栗在路飞金色大招下败北,倒下过程依然帅气 - Duration: 6:04.
海贼王931话:卡普出手制止,财神镇其实是明哥的缩影! - Duration: 5:05.
Bob Sinclar - LoVe Generation NBS - Duration: 2:54.
Why must our children play in the sreets
Broken hearts and faded dreams
Listen up to everyone that you meet
Don't you worry, it could be so sweet
Just look to the rainbow you will see
Sun will shine till eternity
I've done for much love in my heart
No-one can tear it apart, yeah
Feel the love generation (yeah,yeah,yeah,yeah)
Feel the love generation (C'mon, c'mon,c'mon, yeah)
Feel the love generation (C'mon, c'mon,c'mon, yeah)
Early morning six in the morning
we ordered a taxi trip cost 104 baht
we go to the railway station Samsen
buy tickets and go to Ayuttayu
nice woman driving traffic jams start
schedule and now we we will buy at the box office
tickets and so we are at the station
bought tickets tickets are sold on a specific
a train tickets bought in Bangpain
and we almost did not sell On the other side
the sound is the same demanded passports and
wanted to sell more expensive tickets
he understood that we were going to another the side
pronunciation is slightly different city names
and Sergei and I almost drove off well sorted out on time
understood by the cost of tickets forty baht tickets for two
and he would pay 400 baht in the trailers go
we wait to show you the station almost everything like us
here we bought tickets ticket office
we are on the rail stations
Bangkok Sunset and we are going to Ayutthaya
first we go to the summer residence Bangpin
then to Ayuttayu us there hotel
ticket price in the third classroom
40 baht there is a dining room at the station
cheap 35 baht
cook soup add chicken
here you can eat for 35 baht
35 baht cheap is 70 rubles press
ad wanted cat
reward 10,000 baht hanging bell
which call when train leaves
this is a long distance train high class
cars are divided into classes and the peasant opens the gate
tell me how you are didn't go the other way
why in the other we are in this went to the side for 450 baht
because I was without glasses boarded the train and the train
set off to ride us 1 hour 10 minutes
local air conditioner is working just like we carry food
pies buy buy
Uncle saw him take pictures and jumped up
probably this is an office
M.Sala :'C'était suicidaire'.. .les dernières révélations affligeantes sur la préparation du vol - Duration: 4:38.
good looking everyone
subscribing to my channel
and don't forget to like my videos
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