Thursday, January 31, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 31 2019

Welcome all! Papa G here. Today I present a beef enchilada casserole. This easy, 8

serving recipe brings all the flavors of Mexico into one low carbohydrate package and is

perfect for meal prep Sunday's The flavor also reminds me a little of the old Taco

Bell beef Enchirito recipe. Let's get started. We'll begin by putting

together our Mexican spice blend. To a small bowl, add 1 tablespoon of chili

powder; some cumin; paprika; some salt; a little garlic powder; onion powder; dried

oregano; ground black pepper; and just a touch of cayenne pepper. Give a mix to

blend and set aside. For our beef mixture we'll use two pounds of 80/20 ground

beef; about 1/2 a cup of pickled jalapenos; some sliced black olives; 3

stalks of green onions; and our Mexican spice blend. Roughly chop the onions,

peppers and olives. Separate the whites and the Greens of the onion. We'll be

using the green tops later on. Add the ground beef to a skillet on medium-high

heat. Break up the beef into small pieces. Add the spice blend and cook until the

meat is browned. Drain the excess fat and return the beef to the skillet. Add the

onion whites, jalapenos and the chopped black olives.

Stir to cook for about a minute or two more. Add 1/2 a cup of my enchilada sauce

and stir to combine. Turn the heat off and set aside. Now I'm still working on

my low carbohydrate tortilla recipe, so in the mean time, we'll be using my favorite low

carbohydrate tortilla as a replacement. Feel free to use your own. Just be sure that

they're low carbohydrate and are about eight inches in diameter. Stack five tortillas

on a cutting surface and cut into quarters.

Add the meat mixture to a large mixing bowl. Add one cup of sour cream; a quarter cup or

one ounce of Mexican blend cheese; a tablespoon of dried chives; and a

tablespoon of freshly chopped cilantro. Add a quarter cup of my enchilada sauce.

Mix well to combine. Using a 9 by 13 inch baking dish, spray just a little bit of

oil to the bottom. place the quartered tortillas on the bottom of the dish so

that the entire bottom is covered. Pour about 1/2 a cup of my enchilada sauce

over the tortillas and add about a quarter cup of cheese. Add the meat

mixture and spread evenly. Spread a quarter cup of cheese over the top of

the meat. Place the remaining tortillas on top, similar to what we did on the

bottom. Pour one cup of my enchilada sauce on top of the tortillas. Add the

remaining cheese to the top of the casserole. Scatter some sliced black

olives over the top. Cover with some aluminum foil and place in a preheated

350°F oven for 20 minutes. Remove from the oven; uncover and bake an

additional 5 to 7 minutes. Remove and let cool for five to 10 minutes to set and

add some green onions to the top. After its cooled, run a knife around the sides

and pre-cut into 8 equal servings. Serve warm; drizzle on a little extra enchilada

sauce; a little extra sour cream; a few more green onions and enjoy all the

flavors of Mexico wrapped up into one low carbohydrate casserole.

There you have it folks! My low carbohydrate beef enchilada casserole recipe. I hope you

enjoyed this video. If you did, please like and consider subscribing. Thanks for

watching and I'll see you next time!

For more infomation >> Beef Enchilada Casserole – Low Carb Keto Mexican Recipe - Duration: 4:46.


Dante Gabriel Rossetti: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Dante Gabriel Rossetti: vita e opere in 10 punti - Duration: 5:00.


Shankara - kanavugal - Duration: 2:40.

For more infomation >> Shankara - kanavugal - Duration: 2:40.


HUNTING FISHING ADVENTURE TOURS - Nature Tours Green Tourism - SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #hunting - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> HUNTING FISHING ADVENTURE TOURS - Nature Tours Green Tourism - SMS Frankfurt Group Travel #hunting - Duration: 1:06.


Botez SECRET, cu 15 persoane, în familia lui Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon! Sora sportivului şi-a cr - Duration: 5:45.

Botez SECRET, cu 15 persoane, în familia lui Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon! Sora sportivului şi-a creştinat fetiţa, iar "faimosul" a fost la eveniment! Avem poze exclusive!

Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon, botez SECRET în familia lui. Sora lui, Ana, şi-a creştinat fetiţa

Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon este unul dintre cei mai îndrăgiţi, mediatizaţi şi puternici concurenţi ai competiţiei fenomen din Republica Dominicană

Viteza, ambiţia şi tenacitatea sportivului au ieşit în evidenţă, fotbalistul declarând în faţa lui Cosmin Cernat, în urmă cu două săptămâni, că nu are de gând să se întoarcă acasă până în luna iunie, adică la finalul emisiunii

Ei bine, Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon are stofă de învingător şi în viziunea Marianei Nenu, o "războinică" populară în primul sezon

"Costin Gheorghe este foarte bun. E determinat, are viteză, spirit de lider şi forţă fizică, dar şi psihică

Îl văd finalist şi chiar câştigător. Mi-au mai plăcut Gabi, fratele lui Alex Nedelcu şi jandarmul de la "Războinicii"

Fetele de la "Războinicii" nu m-au convins, n-aş vrea să spun că sunt "praf", dar nici departe", a declarat maratonista

Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon, botez SECRET în familia lui! Vezi cine sunt părinţii spirituali ai nepoţelei "faimosului" de la Exatlon

Un aport mare la psihicul rezistent şi dorinţa de a câştiga ale lui Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon îl au şi rudele lui apropiate

Chiar înainte de plecarea din ţară a sportivului, familia Gheorghe s-a reunit la un eveniment special, botezul Aniei, fiica Anei şi a lui Paul Pîrvulescu

Părinţii spirituali ai fetiţei, un îngeraş adorabil, sunt cunoscutul designer Ana Radu şi soţul ei, iar de la ceremonia oficiată chiar de bunicul Aniei nu au lipsit nici ceilalţi îngeraşi poznaşi, Lucas, Nicholas, Amelie şi Ema, fiica lui Costin Gheorghe

Se pare că petrecerea de botez va avea loc, cel mai probabil, la începutul primăverii

Pe lângă creştinarea Aniei, reuniunea secretă (n.r la botez nu au fost mai mult de 15 persoane) a mai avut un scop: o adevărată şedinţă de încurajare a "faimosului" Costin

Şi, din câte vedem în evoluţia lui din primele săptămâni de Exatlon, discuţiile cu apropiaţii au avut un efect incredibil

Vezi care este ultimul mesaj trimis de Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon familiei lui, înainte să i se ia telefonul!

"Te pup, draga mea familie. Acum urmează să mergem în camere, să ne facem bagajele şi să ne ia telefoanele

O să mă gândesc numai la voi. Nu vă faceţi griji, mă întorc în iunie, asta vă garantez

Să ţineţi legătura cu Ema, că ştiţi că ăsta este "of-ul" meu. O să mă gândesc numai la voi

Vă pup şi vă iubesc mult", este mesajul lui Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon, din Republica Dominicană, pentru familia lui

For more infomation >> Botez SECRET, cu 15 persoane, în familia lui Costin Gheorghe de la Exatlon! Sora sportivului şi-a cr - Duration: 5:45.


Gorgeous Beautiful Sustainable Creative Animal Tiny House on Wheels - Duration: 3:12.

Gorgeous Beautiful Sustainable Creative Animal Tiny House on Wheels

For more infomation >> Gorgeous Beautiful Sustainable Creative Animal Tiny House on Wheels - Duration: 3:12.



For more infomation >> CÂU CÁ TRA SÔNG THẦN THÁNH DÍNH CON CÁ TRA LÂU NĂM KHÔN RA MẶT | Dân Miền Tây - Duration: 24:02.


Millefoglie di patate con soia gialla e rucola - EcomarketBio - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> Millefoglie di patate con soia gialla e rucola - EcomarketBio - Duration: 3:35.


Smallest Post Office, Urgent Care, & River Camping - Duration: 9:37.

okay the rain has let up here for a second it's still drizzling a little bit

this ladies and gentlemen is the smallest post office in the country

these smallest this is a seven foot by eight foot post office manned by one

lady that works here in occupy Florida this sign does say that this is a former

irrigation pipe shed belonging to the JT company tomato farm hurriedly pressed

into service after the 1953 fire of the general store at the post office and now

it's still the city's post office it's closed today though but it is legit I

don't think you can rent a post office box from this location right here the

rain I get it though you know the Everglades probably needs the rain

for all the wildlife that's around here I keep seeing signs that say Panther

Crossing and seeing lots of wildlife like birds but have not seen a panther

yet I'll keep an eye out and we'll keep heading west well we have you're back

you're back in your seat yeah okay till gets too bumpy for ya all the

campgrounds so far are closed along this route I could have took in like I think

it's called 75 acrost yeah 75 the more popular route I just wanted to pick 40

40 or 41 instead there's just not much out here and all the campgrounds are

closed for the season so we just keep going I make it all the way to Fort

Myers tonight I don't know I won't actually be heartbroken if I don't see

any wild Gators that won't bother me they can stay

hibernating for all I care hey wait I'm gonna put the Yui hang on

technically I guess I'm clipping to you ease it's just fine I think it might be

worth it though see where was it right here

see picnic tables let's try this out Oh clearance we're gonna be okay I think

we're gonna rub the side of the RV with some nice palm tree leaves the area

State Forest no this is a little campground good work

yeah it's a tack muddy through here and still raining but if I can fuckin camp

next to these palm trees well a picnic table and water

I think that's fresh water though better watch out for Gators right okay figured

I did figure that and let's get a price here two dollars to get in ten dollars

to camp yeah yeah this is worth it I think and I found Jack's a feather he's

gonna be happy boy tonight but it is it Jax what is it out there you see see

some fish when go fishing Jax I'll catch makes me dinner well you know

I'm bad at it you're probably better than I am yeah this

oh did did you want that did you want to smell that let's start what you think it

is it could it could it be smelly did you want to test it is that strange

thing yeah I brought you a treat you don't want it Oh what if I make it move

I'm gonna tack it yeah now do you want it I have it

it took me a minute to warm up to it but you like it now huh yeah give me another

feather give me another one dad okay so we'll call this primitive

camping there is a port-a-potty there but no power and you got to deal with

Gators possible Gators well I wish I knew how to fly fish right there you'd

catch something I bet I bet you would so here in the Everglades

we're gonna go up to Fort Myers from here and then go up the Gulf Coast of

Florida for a little bit just to see Oh weird there's a couple gravesite markers

here did they die right here on the bank oh no there's three of them please tell

me it was not a gator issue that's kind of creepy actually this whole area is

now creeping me out stay out of there creepy I always always

prefer boondocking to resort plugins always you can see I got the whole place

to myself and I like it that way I definitely prefer it that way on the

road it's just much more peaceful you know and by the way this is a new jacket

this new leather jacket it matches my Daytona jacket but I won this one on

eBay for 80 bucks same exact manufacturer same size

different design so now I have to NASCAR leather jackets maybe I'll give one away

at some point I like it better because it's got the blue and black yeah alright

I got no other plans I still got the motorcycle covered there it's gonna be

rainy and dark so I'll cut back in and the moanin guys we'll head on west all

right good morning guys as you can see it's still a little wet this morning and

it's gonna rain today just not rain hard right now I am going to utilize the days

I don't want to film out to go check into the urgent care again

I'm going to be using my new insurance for 2019 for the first time too and I

will talk about that more in the future I want to test it a little bit first

before I advertise and promote it basically but this cough three weeks now

and a sore back want to get my I looked at again as well well I want to get my I

I might get some more antibiotics because it's this that's three rounds of

it and it's not going away so yeah that's what I will do to close up this

video and hopefully I can get a diagnosis I got a flu shot so I don't

have the flu it could be like something different like like pneumonia or

bronchitis or strep throat or something I hope not but I got a go find out and

get some meds for it cuz three weeks is too long and my back is really hurting

so I'm here in Fort Myers this is a great activity for the day and like I

said I'll give you some more information after I've tested out my mobile nomadic

health insurance on the road for a couple months maybe in February or March

I'll give you guys some information okay alright I am back I just want to share

some of this although I'll go into more detail later like I said but in and out

of the urgent care here in fort myers and have four prescriptions in my hand

all in under one hour and all four of my prescriptions were a hundred percent

covered by my new insurance and i only paid a $30 copay here at urgent care so

I'm actually thinking this is really good I've generally been a pretty

healthy person on the road but things happened and I'm getting to that age now

where it's gonna you know going into these places and paying $250

out-of-pocket and then paying for all your prescriptions out-of-pocket

it just it's not practical anymore for me and for a lot of people on the road

so if you'd be interested in me making a video talking about my Nomad insurance

let me know in the comments below and I'll try to put that together here

pretty soon but I got a third type of antibiotics this one's for my sinus

infection yeah I don't have strep throat bronchitis or

pneumonia don't have any of those it's just a sinus infection that causes that

mucus so a third type of antibiotics and I got some back pain to my back which is

not related to this these are the muscles are not the muscles that you

cough with are not where my back pain is so I just strenuous yeah I just pulled a

muscle and it needs so I got that and I got my eye cream and more eye drops

stuff that also has antibiotics so Jax is still hanging underneath my seat

so I'll try to get better hopefully the rain will stop in my next video and Jax

and I will see you somewhere as we are now officially on the gulf side of the

state of florida head north my my favored side of Florida alright

guys have a good day Jackson I will see you soon


For more infomation >> Smallest Post Office, Urgent Care, & River Camping - Duration: 9:37.


10 ADET Nokia 3310 ÇEKİLİŞİ 100 BİN ABONEYE Özel HEDİYE ! 🇹🇷 - Duration: 2:56.

Hello friends.

In GSM Communication

We've reached 100,000 subscribers.

From here

all our subscribers

I thank you very much very much.

As a GSM Communication family

all our subscribers

We thank you very much.

The result of joint consultation

we said what we give gifts to our subscribers.

And the end of the joint consultation


Nokia 3310

We'll give you a gift.

Here total

There are 10 Nokia 3310.

These are all tested.

All intact.

From here


most favorite

10 subscribers


We'll give them to our 10 subscribers.

Their chargers are also available.

We're gonna send him with you.

At the same time as free shipping

We will gift it.

As you see. Nokia 3310.

Let me show you this.

That's all this way

tested (dilililidililili dililili diiii)

It's all been tried.

They're all solid.

Same time


6 months GSM Communication guarantee.

We kept two in tow.

It happens to one of these

when something happens

your subscribers again as free shipping

We will ship to us.




do it again for free

We will send.

Yeah. As you see

all this way.


As I said


most favorite

10 subscribers to do so

them, this 10 phone

We'll give you a gift.

Already, again

you are our subscriber

To all of you

very very very very very

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Good thing you are.

We wish all our successes together.

All together.

Have a good day.

Let's just say good.

God willing


goes to real people.

I mean real people.

We want to give people who want very very very

really these.

I hope they are very appreciated.


This Nokia 3310 phone

They won.

As I said


all our subscribers

thank you.

Right now

We're looking for the Nokia 3310.

With tongue

Yes, as you can see

The Nokia 3310 is playing.


GSM Communication.

Yes friends.

Thanks for watching.

I wish you all success.

Same time

this will be the continuation of our gifts.


our gift to all our subscribers

our gift.

Dililili (SON).

For more infomation >> 10 ADET Nokia 3310 ÇEKİLİŞİ 100 BİN ABONEYE Özel HEDİYE ! 🇹🇷 - Duration: 2:56.


NIGHT RIDE / VTT / CAPTAIN BUGEY - Duration: 17:44.

For more infomation >> NIGHT RIDE / VTT / CAPTAIN BUGEY - Duration: 17:44.


Alo chore te airport 2 very funny video clip new 2019 Airport aur Kirlo type comedy by utv pk - Duration: 3:22.

For more infomation >> Alo chore te airport 2 very funny video clip new 2019 Airport aur Kirlo type comedy by utv pk - Duration: 3:22.


Benitez was right all along about Liverpool's title challenge - Duration: 3:25.

 What will it take for Liverpool to win the Premier League title?  Back when he was Reds manager involved in regular tussles with Manchester United and Chelsea, Rafael Benitez readily admitted there was only one way the championship was coming back to Anfield for the first time since 1990

 "We need everything to be perfect, we need to have a perfect season," was the mantra from the Spaniard, particularly during the 2008-09 campaign when they ran United so, so close

 Liverpool only lost twice that season in the top flight and still finished second, further underlining Benitez's point

 But while Manchester City are now the dominant force in England, little has changed in terms of what's required

 Liverpool need to be perfect, or as near to it as possible. They knew that back in August

And they still know that now.  Even City's shock 2-1 defeat at the hands of Benitez's Newcastle United on Tuesday night has not altered that outlook

See how we rated the players in Liverpool's draw with Leicester - HERE  Win a game

Win another game. Then another. That relentless, ruthless, single-minded approach is why City have fallen behind and are starting to lose points where seemed unlikely mere weeks ago

 Liverpool have corrupted their minds, giving Pep Guardiola's side a psychological problem that just wasn't there when they strolled to the title last season

 But that only works if Jurgen Klopp's side continue winning, the visit of Leicester City at a snowy Anfield giving them a chance to open up a sizeable gap at the top going into February

 The opportunity was lost as a ragged, unrecognisable Reds – at least for this season – produced arguably their worst home league performance of the campaign

 Drawing 1-1 hasn't handed the initiative back to City, though. Liverpool still have breathing space, and this result was as much a surprise as what happened up at St James' Park 24 hours earlier

 Indeed, the Reds have emerged in a stronger position having moved another game nearer the Holy Grail

 However, it was another reminder that Benitez was – and still is – correct. The Reds need to be as close to perfection as possible in the 14 Premier League games that remain

 Helmets on, folks. Nobody said this was going to be easy.

For more infomation >> Benitez was right all along about Liverpool's title challenge - Duration: 3:25.


10-Foot Wide California Tiny House with 2 Lofts and Amazing Bathroom - Duration: 3:23.

10-Foot Wide California Tiny House with 2 Lofts and Amazing Bathroom

For more infomation >> 10-Foot Wide California Tiny House with 2 Lofts and Amazing Bathroom - Duration: 3:23.


Smallest Post Office, Urgent Care, & River Camping - Duration: 9:37.

okay the rain has let up here for a second it's still drizzling a little bit

this ladies and gentlemen is the smallest post office in the country

these smallest this is a seven foot by eight foot post office manned by one

lady that works here in occupy Florida this sign does say that this is a former

irrigation pipe shed belonging to the JT company tomato farm hurriedly pressed

into service after the 1953 fire of the general store at the post office and now

it's still the city's post office it's closed today though but it is legit I

don't think you can rent a post office box from this location right here the

rain I get it though you know the Everglades probably needs the rain

for all the wildlife that's around here I keep seeing signs that say Panther

Crossing and seeing lots of wildlife like birds but have not seen a panther

yet I'll keep an eye out and we'll keep heading west well we have you're back

you're back in your seat yeah okay till gets too bumpy for ya all the

campgrounds so far are closed along this route I could have took in like I think

it's called 75 acrost yeah 75 the more popular route I just wanted to pick 40

40 or 41 instead there's just not much out here and all the campgrounds are

closed for the season so we just keep going I make it all the way to Fort

Myers tonight I don't know I won't actually be heartbroken if I don't see

any wild Gators that won't bother me they can stay

hibernating for all I care hey wait I'm gonna put the Yui hang on

technically I guess I'm clipping to you ease it's just fine I think it might be

worth it though see where was it right here

see picnic tables let's try this out Oh clearance we're gonna be okay I think

we're gonna rub the side of the RV with some nice palm tree leaves the area

State Forest no this is a little campground good work

yeah it's a tack muddy through here and still raining but if I can fuckin camp

next to these palm trees well a picnic table and water

I think that's fresh water though better watch out for Gators right okay figured

I did figure that and let's get a price here two dollars to get in ten dollars

to camp yeah yeah this is worth it I think and I found Jack's a feather he's

gonna be happy boy tonight but it is it Jax what is it out there you see see

some fish when go fishing Jax I'll catch makes me dinner well you know

I'm bad at it you're probably better than I am yeah this

oh did did you want that did you want to smell that let's start what you think it

is it could it could it be smelly did you want to test it is that strange

thing yeah I brought you a treat you don't want it Oh what if I make it move

I'm gonna tack it yeah now do you want it I have it

it took me a minute to warm up to it but you like it now huh yeah give me another

feather give me another one dad okay so we'll call this primitive

camping there is a port-a-potty there but no power and you got to deal with

Gators possible Gators well I wish I knew how to fly fish right there you'd

catch something I bet I bet you would so here in the Everglades

we're gonna go up to Fort Myers from here and then go up the Gulf Coast of

Florida for a little bit just to see Oh weird there's a couple gravesite markers

here did they die right here on the bank oh no there's three of them please tell

me it was not a gator issue that's kind of creepy actually this whole area is

now creeping me out stay out of there creepy I always always

prefer boondocking to resort plugins always you can see I got the whole place

to myself and I like it that way I definitely prefer it that way on the

road it's just much more peaceful you know and by the way this is a new jacket

this new leather jacket it matches my Daytona jacket but I won this one on

eBay for 80 bucks same exact manufacturer same size

different design so now I have to NASCAR leather jackets maybe I'll give one away

at some point I like it better because it's got the blue and black yeah alright

I got no other plans I still got the motorcycle covered there it's gonna be

rainy and dark so I'll cut back in and the moanin guys we'll head on west all

right good morning guys as you can see it's still a little wet this morning and

it's gonna rain today just not rain hard right now I am going to utilize the days

I don't want to film out to go check into the urgent care again

I'm going to be using my new insurance for 2019 for the first time too and I

will talk about that more in the future I want to test it a little bit first

before I advertise and promote it basically but this cough three weeks now

and a sore back want to get my I looked at again as well well I want to get my I

I might get some more antibiotics because it's this that's three rounds of

it and it's not going away so yeah that's what I will do to close up this

video and hopefully I can get a diagnosis I got a flu shot so I don't

have the flu it could be like something different like like pneumonia or

bronchitis or strep throat or something I hope not but I got a go find out and

get some meds for it cuz three weeks is too long and my back is really hurting

so I'm here in Fort Myers this is a great activity for the day and like I

said I'll give you some more information after I've tested out my mobile nomadic

health insurance on the road for a couple months maybe in February or March

I'll give you guys some information okay alright I am back I just want to share

some of this although I'll go into more detail later like I said but in and out

of the urgent care here in fort myers and have four prescriptions in my hand

all in under one hour and all four of my prescriptions were a hundred percent

covered by my new insurance and i only paid a $30 copay here at urgent care so

I'm actually thinking this is really good I've generally been a pretty

healthy person on the road but things happened and I'm getting to that age now

where it's gonna you know going into these places and paying $250

out-of-pocket and then paying for all your prescriptions out-of-pocket

it just it's not practical anymore for me and for a lot of people on the road

so if you'd be interested in me making a video talking about my Nomad insurance

let me know in the comments below and I'll try to put that together here

pretty soon but I got a third type of antibiotics this one's for my sinus

infection yeah I don't have strep throat bronchitis or

pneumonia don't have any of those it's just a sinus infection that causes that

mucus so a third type of antibiotics and I got some back pain to my back which is

not related to this these are the muscles are not the muscles that you

cough with are not where my back pain is so I just strenuous yeah I just pulled a

muscle and it needs so I got that and I got my eye cream and more eye drops

stuff that also has antibiotics so Jax is still hanging underneath my seat

so I'll try to get better hopefully the rain will stop in my next video and Jax

and I will see you somewhere as we are now officially on the gulf side of the

state of florida head north my my favored side of Florida alright

guys have a good day Jackson I will see you soon


For more infomation >> Smallest Post Office, Urgent Care, & River Camping - Duration: 9:37.


10 ADET Nokia 3310 ÇEKİLİŞİ 100 BİN ABONEYE Özel HEDİYE ! 🇹🇷 - Duration: 2:56.

Hello friends.

In GSM Communication

We've reached 100,000 subscribers.

From here

all our subscribers

I thank you very much very much.

As a GSM Communication family

all our subscribers

We thank you very much.

The result of joint consultation

we said what we give gifts to our subscribers.

And the end of the joint consultation


Nokia 3310

We'll give you a gift.

Here total

There are 10 Nokia 3310.

These are all tested.

All intact.

From here


most favorite

10 subscribers


We'll give them to our 10 subscribers.

Their chargers are also available.

We're gonna send him with you.

At the same time as free shipping

We will gift it.

As you see. Nokia 3310.

Let me show you this.

That's all this way

tested (dilililidililili dililili diiii)

It's all been tried.

They're all solid.

Same time


6 months GSM Communication guarantee.

We kept two in tow.

It happens to one of these

when something happens

your subscribers again as free shipping

We will ship to us.




do it again for free

We will send.

Yeah. As you see

all this way.


As I said


most favorite

10 subscribers to do so

them, this 10 phone

We'll give you a gift.

Already, again

you are our subscriber

To all of you

very very very very very

Thank you.

Thank you so much.

Good thing you are.

We wish all our successes together.

All together.

Have a good day.

Let's just say good.

God willing


goes to real people.

I mean real people.

We want to give people who want very very very

really these.

I hope they are very appreciated.


This Nokia 3310 phone

They won.

As I said


all our subscribers

thank you.

Right now

We're looking for the Nokia 3310.

With tongue

Yes, as you can see

The Nokia 3310 is playing.


GSM Communication.

Yes friends.

Thanks for watching.

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For more infomation >> 10 ADET Nokia 3310 ÇEKİLİŞİ 100 BİN ABONEYE Özel HEDİYE ! 🇹🇷 - Duration: 2:56.


Ajo, Why to Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation on AZ-86 East from AZ-85 South, 29 Jan 2019, GOPR0587 - Duration: 26:05.

29 January 2019

Ajo, Arizona

Jefferson Avenue

2nd St

Washington Ave

1st St

Lemon-Brite Laundromat

Table Top Telephone Co Inc, 600 N 2nd Ave, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7676

Circle K, 560 N 2nd Ave, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7095

Ajo Ambulance

Drive In

Utility Rate Hike Bad 4 Ajo

Ruben's Barber Shop

Ajo Realty

Stop Rate Hike

Stop Utility Rate Hike

Desert Senita Healthcare Clinic, 410 N Malacate St, Ajo, Arizona 85321

Elks Lodge, 350 N Yermo Ave, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7891

Ajo Copper News, 10 W Pajaro St, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7688

Ajo Flower Shop, 31 W Pajaro St, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7276



Ajo Resale, 40 w Plaza, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-5960

Dial a Ride

Arizona Realty in Ajo, 195 Plaza #195, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-8787

Ajo Plaza

Ajo Ambulance

Ajo High School, 111 N Well Rd, Ajo, AZ 85321 (520) 387-7601

Entering Ajo

South Dam Tailings Pond

Pima County Sheriff Speed Trap

Ajo Station, Border Patrol, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, 850 AZ-85, Ajo, AZ 85321 Why, Arizona (520) 387-7002



Desert Diamond Casinos & Entertainment, Arizona 86, Highway Milepost 55, Ajo, AZ 85321 Why, Arizona (866) 332-9467

Hickiwan Trails RV Park, Ajo, AZ 85321 Why, Arizona (520) 362-3267

Tohono O'odham Nation Reservation

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