拡大写真 1 26日、フランス 作曲家でピアニス のミシェル・ルグ ンさんが死去した
86歳だった。マ ジメント会社がF cebookで明 かにした。写真は 017年5月、カ ヌ映画祭で撮影 2019年 ロイ ー/Jean-P ul Pelis ier) パリ 26日 ロ ター] - ミュ ジカル映画『シェ ブールの雨傘』の 題歌で知られるフ ンスの作曲家でピ ニスト、ミシェル ルグランさんが、 6日に死去した
86歳だった。マ ジメント会社がF cebookで明 かにした。 ル ランさんは、3度 米アカデミー賞受 でも知られる
フランスのリ テール文化相はT itterで「今 、われわれはみな ミシェル・ルグラ の歌を口ずさんで る」と投稿した
ルグランさん 1932年、指揮 で作曲家の父レイ ン・ルグランさん 息子としてパリに まれ、パリ国立高 音楽院で学んだ
その後、演奏家・ 曲家として活動し モーリス・シュバ エさんらの歌を手 けた。1960年 に『シェルブール 雨傘』(64年に ンヌ映画祭で最高 「パルムドール」 賞)など映画の音 を手がけて有名と った
また米国では イルス・デイヴィ さんなどジャズの ターと共演すると もに、ハリウッド 画の音楽を作曲し 米国でも知られる ころとなった
近年も演奏家 して活動を続け、 年はフランスでの アーが予定されて た。 【関連情報 ・【写真】カトリ ヌ・ドヌーヴ主演 シェルブールの雨 』ギャラリー・【 画プレイバック】 シェルブールの雨 』(1964年) マーベル巨匠、ス ン・リーさん死去 95歳・アンドリ ー・G・ヴァイナ ん死去 『ランボ 』などヒット作手 ける・前衛映画の 匠ジョナス・メカ さん死去 96歳 是枝裕和、新作は 仏合作!カトリー ・ドヌーヴ、イー ン・ホークら集結
For more infomation >> ミシェル・ルグランさん死去 『シェルブールの雨傘』主題歌作曲家 - Duration: 4:06.-------------------------------------------
Máy đánh bài - Chuyên tráo bài bịp - Máy iphone đổi bài Lh 0988618888 - Duration: 9:11.
Диски ATS R15 - Duration: 0:49.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline 5-drs | AIRCO | CRUISE - Duration: 1:13.
Volkswagen Polo 1.2 TDI BlueMotion Comfortline 5-drs | AIRCO | CRUISE - Duration: 1:22.
[ENGSUB] BTS Live HOPE WORLD!😳Jhope VLIVE - Duration: 11:20.
Hello everyone.
I don't know what to say. It's been quite a while.
It kind of feels like
little nervous.
Okay so everyone
this is my studio.
This sofa is a great choice.
I was told it's really comfortable. And I really like it.
Okay. It's been a long time since my last live.
It's kind of like
nervous. I mean really.
Isn't it right around dinner time?
Or is it after dinner time?
It is around dinner time.
So many of you are watching the live.
I'm your hope. You are my hope. J-hope.
Did you have dinner?
Compared to the past so many of people
are watching the live.
There are more comments than before.
And I can see many different languages here.
I get surprised whenever I do this live.
"Why did it take so long for you to do another live?" I know.
I should try to do it often.
When was my last time
I did V LIVE?
I think it was in Paris, the one I did with V.
And then this one. Right?
"You are the best". You too!
Is it winter break?
Is it?
Oh it is.
It's January. And February soon.
My favorite month February is coming.
"BTS is the best". ARMY is the best.
It was your graduation? Congratulations!
It's a new beginning.
You are unemployed?
It's only a beginning.
"What's your plan for New Year's Day Holidays?"
On Lunar New Year's Day,
when is it? I think it's on February 5th.
I'll stay with my family.
Holidays are meant to be spent with family.
As you well know, we moved our office.
So I freshly decorated this studio.
I think I have never introduced my studio properly.
So today's live is for that.
have had their own studios since a long time ago.
My first studio was a very small one.
Compared to others.
It was initially a BTS room.
I got to use that room as my studio.
I think it was around that time
that I had my own studio.
From then on
I used the room as a studio.
And when our office moved again, I had a new studio.
And we moved our office again and made this studio
which is here, the Hope World.
It's not been completed yet.
It's underway.
This studio is a space
that expresses myself.
There are some figurines the I have been collecting.
As RM has so many of them.
My figurines are relatively small in number.
So figurines that I've been collecting
are placed one by one.
Some of them are from our member.
There are many different kinds.
There are a lot of presents from our fans.
That's how the Hope World was made.
My songs,
tracks on our albums,
my parts or the melodies of our tracks
will be made here.
I work here a lot here for a new album.
I'm trying my best.
I felt attached to my previous studio
because it's where "Hope World" was made.
Let's read some comments.
I can't speak properly. I'm so nervous.
Oh no. My face looks...
In fact
I wanted look cool
so I wore a hip outfit. Check it out!
Do I have a cold? Nope.
I'm healthy.
Did I see the movie? Oh, our recent movie?
How is it everyone? Do you like it?
How is it?
"Pretty colors on your arms". It is, right?
I'm again into clothes.
Is the movie good? "It's so fun".
I'll watch it for sure.
Can I watch it at the theatre?
Watching our face is fun. My face looks funny.
"I purple you (love you)".
"Songs you are into now".
Okay. The perfect question to ask when in studio.
What songs am I into now?
Recently I'm really into
Lee SoRa's
"Song request".
It has a perfect vibe for the season.
SUGA's rap is so good. I love the song.
How can I turn it on?
I think I'm a fool.
This song is really good.
SUGA is really talented.
He is full of passion.
I really like the fact that
we can see our members' works.
Recently JIMIN's song was out.
JUNGKOOK released a cover song.
SUGA collaborated with
the artist that we really look up to.
And they are seeing good results. So I'm really happy about it.
"Song request".
I listen to this song when I want to stay calm.
Do I have a plan to collaborate with other artists?
Me? Well...
It's something
that I think about. Collaboration.
But you know what?
How should I explain this?
It feels like I'm still not a proven one.
I thought my mixtape will serve as my business card.
But it wasn't everything.
So if there's an opportunity, I'm up for it.
I want to work on many different projects.
I also want to work with great artists.
At the same time, anxiety certainly plays some role.
Initially my focus was on dance performance.
And then I started working on making songs.
I have some thoughts on that.
The depth of understanding about music.
I still lack skills on that front.
So I tend to avoid those works.
I still believe that I'm not fully prepared.
When it comes to collaborative works, I think I can do it well.
But still I feel like I'm not ready yet.
So there's that fear.
But it's interesting in that
these amazing works by our members really inspire me.
It makes me want to produce a great song.
And I would like to collaborate with great artists.
Whenever our members release their works.
They inspire me a lot.
In interviews
I often get questions like who is your rival.
I would say that
I'm in good competition
with our members.
Great inspiration. JIMIN's song is really good.
I was inspired to make good songs like JIMIN did.
True. I'm so lucky to have these talented members.
I think I'm really lucky when it comes to people.
I'm so lucky to have a lot of good people around.
From our company staff
to managers to members
to my lovely family.
I think I'm so happy to have these people in my life.
These great people
care a lot about me.
So I want to do something good for them.
Most importantly, I have you.
The most important and the best.
I'm going to listen to Lee Hyun's new song.
"Not yet".
Please listen to "Not yet" a lot.
I look super pretty these days?
I know. My birthday is coming.
It's in February.
I think it's the day after our Fukuoka concert.
It's interesting.
My birthday is soon. Time flies.
What did I do on my last birthday?
I think I did the live.
I think I did the live in my previous studio.
"I really support you". Me too.
Love you ARMY.
"Hope World 2"?
If there are good works
I'll try to work on them as soon as possible
and present them to you.
After releasing "Hope World"
I didn't work as much.
It was because
, there's one thing I worked on, but I didn't finish it.
I thought I would take some time out.
After releasing my mixtape, I was on tour and the promotions of the album.
I've been to good restaurants, experienced a lot of things,
visited many different countries.
I gained a lot of energy from our fans. That's how I spent my time.
So my new year's resolution was
to spend this year
I can't promise
but I might work on new songs
one or two.
It'll be an year of learning for me.
Comments are going up way too fast. How am I suppose to read them?
I have nothing to say about our new album even though you ask me a lot about it.
You'll be a high school student?
Okay. What should I give you as advice?
High school years should be well spent.
Don't rush.
Enjoy your school life with BTS songs.
It's not photos on the door.
They are stickers that I've put randomly.
I felt tired while doing it. So it's unfinished.
Do you want me to take off this mask?
My skin has been in bad condition recently.
What should I do to get better?
"Did you see SAVE ME webtoon?"
Yeah. It's out now.
Do you like it?
It's not that I didn't see it. I saw the first episode.
You know at first
the teaser is out.
I read the teaser and the first episode.
How far has the story progress? I should read it.
I don't read webtoon often.
I don't read webtoon.
I don't really play games either.
Sky Castle? Isn't it finished? Not yet?
You want me to do hobyhoby kkyu?
What was it?
Did I do that?
"Your skin is glowing".
SUGA should come.
Frames on the back?
I bought it in Japan a while ago.
And when I
seeing good art works
makes me feel comfortable.
I'm planning on going to exhibitions.
I don't know how I would manage to do so.
"I still listen to PIECE OF PEACE".
"Until you release the part 2".
"Studio tour".
I did it at the beginning of the live.
This is the best one.
It's so warm in here.
This studio.
Mine is...
It's up to RM.
But when you see his studio, you'll be very surprised.
It's almost like a museum.
It's very much upgraded.
I'm not giving spoilers about RM's studio.
It's a great one.
"Can you say something in English?"
I'm your hope. You are my hope.
Learning English.
"Class assignments". It matters.
Class assignments.
In school, class assignments
were exciting.
You want to be in the class with your closes friends.
These things...
Where are other members?
I don't know whether I could show you this.
Right opposite to my studio
is SUGA's studio.
And right next to it is RM's studio.
Do I have any concerns these days?
My concerns...
I think I don't have many.
I've been happy lately.
I'm doing what I want to do.
I work on music, take some rest.
I don't have any special concerns these days.
New Year refreshed me.
"Daydream" will soon hit 100 million views?
Really? Unbelievable.
I sometimes do monitoring.
I sometimes search my name.
Wow, I lot of people watched this.
for my next songs,
I want to feel more comfortable preparing them.
While producing "Hope World" last year, I went through tough times.
Because it was my first mix tape.
You should do your best, J-HOPE!
Isn't it time for dinner? I haven't had dinner yet.
I will have dinner after this live.
It's been already 30 minutes.
Any questions?
Every time I turn on a live,
I think "what should I talk about"?
I always have so many thoughts.
"You look so nice".
I turned on "Daydream" and I can see so many suns and moons.
"I love Producer Bang".
Yes, I agree.
I hope he stays healthy.
Ain't I tired? Not much.
I've been sleeping a lot. Wow, comments are coming up so fast.
Interesting things lately?
Oh, I saw JUNGKOOK practice.
I filmed a video.
I'll upload it.
JUNGKOOK, JK on the street.
I plan to practice dance this week.
We've been working on our new album recently,
so I spent a lot of time sitting in a chair at a workroom.
What should I say.
I should move my body.
so that it can stay flexible.
That would help me do better on the upcoming stage.
Performing on a stage after a long time,
and performing ever day are two really different things.
I felt the difference.
When I perform on a stage after a long while,
it's really tough, especially on the first day.
I have difficulty making a good look, focusing...
Rather a second day,
is less tough,
because I already got the momentum.
Gwangju? Do we go to Gwangju?
I'm not sure.
What's your favorite food lately?
There's no food that I don't eat.
Yes, I plan to practice dance this week.
I practiced really hard years ago.
I used to practice in the early morning,
Unlike these days, I really focused on dancing then.
I want to do better.
There are lots of things that I want to do,
and that I want to express.
Many things.
Many are talking about a fan meeting.
I'm not sure.
I think they're trying to make it better.
"J-HOPE, is there any pledge for 2,000 followers on Twitter"?
No, no pledge anymore.
It's too dangerous.
Too dangerous. You should be cautious.
Time really flies, I have goose bumps.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, it's been already seven years.
"Is there anything that you want to learn"?
I have a lot.
A lot.
I plan to make some more tracks this year.
Can't I turn it over?
Okay, more tracks.
It's a studio, but I've failed to master it.
It's difficult.
And a keyboard... JUNGKOOK often play the piano these days.
I play the keyboard, just relying on my sense.
I don't have much expertise, I just think that good sound is good.
I want to learn these things,
to make nice tracks.
I want to turn it over.
I want to do so.
My grandma...
"My grandma's choeae is J-HOPE".
Choeae is... super...
Choeae means favorite, right?
"You look really hot when you work".
"Why are your hands so pretty"?
When you take a close look at my fingers,
here's a bump.
At a concert, in the past,
choreography was really harsh then.
It also is now, but...
I crushed into another member and then my finger became... like this.
It hurts.
How long did I take to clean up my workroom? Not so long.
It took a longer time for that member.
"You look really nice in the movie".
I want to watch that.
"J-HOPE, are you gonna do chatting again"?
You mean... chatting on our official cafe, right?
Yes, I,
I think I was in Japan then.
Maybe Nagoya?
I couldn't sleep that night.
So I watched a movie featuring Ma Dongsuk, "Unstoppable".
I watched that,
I had difficulty falling asleep, so I went to our official cafe,
I had heard that,
there was something like chatting.
So I turned it on,
and talked with you.
It was like sending SMS to one another.
With you.
"Are you reading any books recently"?
try to.
There's someone who always recommend books to me.
I get many good recommendations,
I want to read good books.
What's the title of that book that I've been reading?
Do you know why am I looking at here?
I have books here.
Books are really difficult.
In this huge workroom,
there are few books here.
You see them?
This can,
be the answer.
It's been already 40 minutes.
We should finish.
It's at around 8 pm.
I should go work on our new album.
"Is that a clock, something moving behind you"?
Yes, a clock.
Tik tok tik tok.
Isn't it cute?
"It's not a normal clock". Isn't it scary?
I sometimes get scared.
Yes, sold out.
I was surprised.
I felt our influence.
When we like something,
so many...
fans pay attention to that,
buy that. I was really surprised.
I really want to do a live more often, I mean it.
I mean it.
No, I'll really do it more often.
Eye-catching lips.
I have trouble on my skin recently.
"Where is JUNGKOOK?" I think he's recording something.
I'll turn it off between 45 and 50.
Interesting questions please.
"Your favorite fashion style these days"?
I try not to wear things that are too much.
I like to try something.
Also when it comes to fashion.
I had many thoughts.
I decided to put on something that looks good on me.
I really like clothes.
I searched many F/W fashion trends...
I like all the styles that I've seen.
Styles that are hip.
V has been painting these days.
His drawings are really good.
I told you that I like to see paintings.
I think V has some sense of art.
So pretty.
He's also good at taking pictures.
I envy those who have that sense of art.
I don't have such thing.
So that really amazes me.
It's new to me.
SUGA has been suffering from cold.
I've been concerned.
Because of his cold.
When "Song Request" was out,
he was coughing.
I told him the song was really good.
And I felt a bit perplexed.
Take care!
Every member is doing well.
JIMIN has trouble with his hair recently.
His hair became stiffened.
You know, his hair became like this.
Like a roof.
he knows what makes him happy exactly.
He really enjoys playing games.
At our office,
there's a space for BTS,
and there are two computers.
Whenever I went there, I saw JIN playing games waiting for his recording turn.
I told him "wow you're playing it really hard".
I sometimes get surprised,
because his character is too cool.
I don't know much about the game though.
RM? RM has been really busy.
Because he has two times amount of work to do.
Or three times.
I've been thinking about this,
RM's lyrics are really nice.
He's great, someone that I should learn from.
How do I get rid of my stress?
As I told you, I see good things, feel good things,
That's healing.
There's a shocking question.
Shocking one.
"When are you going to start your military service?" I couldn't expect such question.
My face blushed.
It was not a spoiler.
"How was it being on 'Under 19'"?
"Under 19"?
Really new.
Before I made a decision to appear on that show, I was not sure whether I'm someone that can be on that show.
Because I thought that I'm not someone who deserve teaching others.
But I felt really new.
I saw them practice really hard,
and that reminded me of my past.
The time when I practiced hard to achieve my dream,
I thought that I wanted to become a singer like them...
My past.
I recalled those times.
I saw them try hard,
I wanted to wish a good luck to them.
there are so many rookies these days.
Also at our company,
there're so many.
I really want to wish them a good luck.
And I want to be a good example.
I always think about this.
What time do I go to bed?
Today, perhaps after midnight.
I should go.
"I'm a mom of a girl. My daughter and I are your big fans.
But my daughter doesn't study hard due to BTS." Oh my god.
But you're also a fan of ours...
You're a fan...
My favorite dance lately? Hope on the street?
This week...
I plan to dance poppin, that I used to dance a lot.
I'm really leaving.
"Did you get a medical checkup"?
We regularly get a checkup, every one year.
We got a checkup last year around this season.
Maybe in March?
It's time to get a checkup this year.
We got endoscope last year.
Colonoscope and gastroscope.
It was really tough.
It had a hard time drinking that...
We were working on "Fake Love" at that time,
we had so much schedules then.
We really had a hard time having that drink every morning.
Take care, everyone.
I told you,
this year,
I wish you stay healthy both physically and mentally.
Including our members.
And including you.
Including many artists,
and all or their fans.
It's 8:06 pm.
I was planning to turn this on 9 pm.
But I started it earlier that planned.
It took shorter time to clean up my first workroom than expected.
That's why I started earlier.
It's good,
to have conversations with you,
through a live.
Really meaningful.
I try to do it more often.
And I'll definitely watch that movie.
I want to.
Okay, I'll say good bye.
Last song.
What should be the last song?
J-HOPE's mix tape.
I'll turn this live off when this song ends.
Take care,
Thank you Army!
Take care!
Thank you for wishing me a good luck.
It's all thanks to you.
I love you.
Time really flies when I do a live.
Bye bye!
Thank you!
See you next time.
How do I turn it off?
I don't know how to turn it off.
I wanted to finish in a cool manner.
This button?
Okay, bye!
Bye bye!
Two victims of forced sexual slavery of Japanese army pass away, one of them Kim Bok-dong,.. - Duration: 2:25.
Two Korean women, who during World War Two were sexually enslaved by the Japanese military,...
died on Monday.
Both of them very elderly, one was an extremely well-known activist who directed global attention
to Japan's past atrocities against women and girls.
Lee Ji-won has more.
Kim Bok-dong, a 93-year old victim of Japan's sexual enslavement during World War II, passed
away late Monday night.
At the age of 14, Kim was taken to (quote) "work in a factory" according to Japanese
But instead, she was forced to serve as a sex slave for Japanese troops in China, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia and other places.
It was only after eight years that she could return to her homeland.
In 1992, Kim started sharing her painful stories, and worked as a women's human rights activist.
In 1993, Kim became the first victim of Japan's sexual enslavement to stand at the World Conference
on Human Rights to share her testimony.
She continued her brave and bold protest against Japan's war crimes... by meeting people and
international groups, participating in protests and creating funds to help girls who have
been sexually abused in wars just as she was.
After all these years, she was still waiting for a sincere apology from Japan.
"We will continue protesting until Japan apologizes and compensates with sincerity"
Her protest against Japan will continue even after her death,... as after her funeral on
Friday, her coffin will be carried around Seoul, including along the streets in front
of the Japanese embassy.
This comes after another 93-year-old woman, known to the media only by her surname Lee,
died Monday morning after suffering from poor health.
Lee was kidnapped on her way home from work in 1942... at the age of 17.
There are now only 23 South Korean victims still alive.
But their wishes for legal compensation and a sincere apology from Japan are yet to come.
Seoul and Tokyo agreed in 2015 to set up a foundation to help the victims.
But the two sides are now working to disband it... because the 2015 deal did not reflect
the victim's wishes.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Gov't unveils deregulation measures and exempts megaprojects from economic assessment - Duration: 2:16.
Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon is looking to speed up deregulation to stimulate economic growth.
For one thing, the government wants to allow certain companies to go about their business
without worrying about regulations... as long as they don't threaten people's lives, their
security or the environment.
Our Choi Si-young has this report.
At a weekly cabinet meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Lee reaffirmed the government's commitment
to deregulation.
Two things particularly stood out at the meeting.
First, companies engaged in new industries like hydrogen energy or solar panels will
now be able to operate without being hindered by existing regulations... as long as their
activities do not threaten citizens' "life, security or environment."
The hope is that the firms will be able to take bold decisions without the burden of
The government will expand this "allow-first-regulate-later approach" to other industries as it sees fit.
Second, when companies question regulations they see as unfit or are in need of revision,
the government will have to prove the regulations in question are needed.
If the government fails to deliver a powerful defense, the regulations are likely to be
revised or revoked altogether.
This change comes amid criticism that companies had to follow regulations even if they don't
reflect the reality of the industry they are regulating.
Now that companies are able to be more vocal, they will be less burdened by outdated regulations.
Prime Minister Lee and the government ministers also gave out exemptions from their preliminary
government economic assessment to 23 large scale projects.
The government usually reviews the economic validity of large scale projects receiving
over 26-million U.S. dollars in government funding.
17 cities and provinces had requested a government exemption for a total of 33 projects such
as building inter-provincial railways and highways, of which 23 were granted the exemptions.
In giving out the exemptions, the government said it aims to promote "balanced regional
development" and "revitalize the regional economy."
The 23 projects will cost about 21-billion U.S. dollars.
Nearly half of the spending is on high-speed railway and highway construction to improve
traffic and logistics networks across the country.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.
Pres. Moon vows to fulfill his duty to 23 last survivors of Japan's sexual slavery - Duration: 0:44.
President Moon Jae-in has paid tribute to the late Kim Bok-dong, writing on his Facebook
page that her testimony at the UN Human Rights Committee had (quote-unquote) "brought to
light a hidden history" and gave others the "courage to face the truth."
Kim was considered the most prominent Korean survivor of sexual enslavement by Japan.
President Moon promised he will "never forget to set history right" and will fulfill his
duty to the 23 survivors still living.
He also praised the late Kim for not wanting to be portrayed as a victim -- and instead
"pushing for an apology for imperial Japan's atrocities and for legal compensation."
Earlier this month, President Moon had visited Kim at the hospital where she was battling
S. Korean Foreign Ministry urges Japanese foreign minister to withdraw his claim that Dokdo.. - Duration: 0:34.
South Korea's Foreign Ministry has urged Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono to immediately
withdraw his claim that Dokdo Island belongs to Japan.
The Japanese foreign minister said the islets are Japanese territory in a speech to Japan's
parliament on Monday.
The South Korean government issued a statement the same day,... saying Dokdo belongs to Korea
according to history, geography and international law.
Seoul again stressed that the future of Korea-Japan relations needs to be based on a humble attitude
of facing up to history.
[sub] 스페셜함을 가지고 돌아온 앤씨아! - Duration: 0:28.
Hello, it's NC.A!
Everyone, it's been a while!
I am here with a new project.
I've been spending a good time with you
through Makestar project so far
This time, with special project,
I will have more and more
special time with you!
Please look forward to it!
Please participate a lot in the project
so that it can be completed successfully!
한화 인도 수출 K9, '인도 공화국의 날' 군사퍼레이드에 참가 - Duration: 9:44.
Sumec 100+ kg chycený Milanem Filipem - Duration: 1:17.
Say hello to the camera :-)
What is the weight?
100 kg!
The lenght is exactly 241 cm.
1, 2, 3 lift it up!
100+ kg
What a beautiful fish
He is huge
Nice, strong fish.
We will release him.
Author: Radek Filip
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