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For more infomation >> Tiny House on Wheels The Beast Bus Skoolie Conversion PRICE - Duration: 5:00.-------------------------------------------
January Favorites: inc Me Time Food Journal (cc) - Duration: 11:43.
*Silent* GAhhhh!
It's fine, I just dislocated my wrist.
Shall we try this again? Brace on, okay.
Hi guys I'm Shelly welcome back to my channel.
It's the end of January, apparently.
I mean, I've been pretty much comatose for most of January, with tonsillitis.
This is the first time I've properly filmed this side of the new year.
I'm a bit kind of, out of practice and I'm not really sure my voice is gonna hold out.
But we're gonna go for anyway, so yay!
These are all the things I have been enjoying in...... in January.
Starting with this beauty, who has been named Carmen Erect-ra.
Yes you heard me right. The best name ever!
So I was given a bulb for Christmas, from my landlords.
And I have been slowly documenting her journey of growing, rather a lot. Over on my Instagram.
She came out 2 days ago, she flowered and she's just she's a bit bonkers!
So at the last count she was, I think it is 2 foot 6.
Hopefully she won't grow any taller. It's been Day of the Triffids, she's been extremely scary.
I don't even think she's supposed to be flowering yet, and yet here she is an all her beautiful glory.
I feel like I should kind of, tuck her.... with the bald head that would just be epic.
So she's been pure entertainment for a month, though I was scared at one point that she just eat me.
She did just, kind of look like a ginormous phallus at one point.
Yes so that's been pure entertainment this month.
Next thing I've been loving, I've actually done that video all of this on its own.
My last Hormone Diaries video was about this. But it is the BeYou period pain strips.
This is one you put on your abdomen, on your back, and it's specific for a period pain.
As I said, i did a whole video on this and I'll link that here there and everywhere. if you want more information.
But Dear God do these work!
Literally about three days ago, I had mind numbing ovulation pain. Like ridiculous ovulation pain!
My whole back had cramped up. just frozen up from the muscles that spasmed and everything.
I've had these on like continual through those couple of days.
Just to take the edge off of it, and it has helped like a massive amount. I love them!
The 3rd thing that I have been loving this month. technically came out in December, but I just have finished listening to it.
It's a podcast done by BBC's 5 live. I will leave links to it down below.
It's called Surrogacy: a family frontier
It's a show presented by Dustin Lance Black, who is a activist and a screenwriter.
I did one of my 12 Gays of Christmas about him,
There's 5 episodes about becoming a father as a gay man.
About Surrogacy, about the law and the lack of it in England.
About the law in America, about the prejudice that comes with it.
The conversation about religion, and the conversation about people who..... who don't believe in it.
It was a really, really interesting podcast. I was so sucked in by the humanity of it.
Lots of different speakers, including people that I don't necessarily agree with.
But you can't argue with somebody, and you can't take somebody argument on board.
Unless you've heard it, and you listen to it, and you take it on board.
Then you go "I understand how you feel, but this is where I think you're wrong"
"Can we have a discussion about it?"
And it was just a really lovely discussion about things I didn't know.
Especially about the law, and the lack of it in England.
Surrogacy is sort of, all over the place. Because technically there aren't any laws written about it yet.
Lance has a extremely human way of talking about it, obviously he's been through the experience.
So it's a very kind of, hands-on thing and you just, you hear his little child in the background now and again.
Just gurgling away because he's recording it while he's at home, looking after the child.
It's just adorable, but at the same time extremely educational.
Sticking on the entertainment theme. I wanted to mention a Youtuber who I am addicted to right now.
That is the channel Glam & Gore, and the person who presents it is called Mykie.
She is an FX makeup artist, and usually... I mean, it's fascinating watching people do FX makeup.
Cause you just.... they completely change the shape at their face, and they do all these things, and I find it amazing.
But the way Mykie presents herself and does these videos, just ah they crack me up.
She's so personable, and so lovable and she has a little baby, little husky, called Ripley.
Who's just so cute, and at one point.
There is one video where she actually turns herself into Ripley, she turns herself into a dog.
I have found her extremely entertaining, I've have had, pretty much a month in bed watching TV, and watching YouTube.
She has just been, she just makes me makes me happy.
I can be an enormous amount of pain, and yet I'll put Mykie on,
I'm just like, 'Oh no, everything's alright because she's there'
She's funny, and she's talking to her a little Alexa, making it play Careless Whisper over and over again.
It's just, yeah I'm slightly obsessed with the woman and I just love her.
Last but not least favorite things this month is My Journal by Melanie Murphy.
Some of you may know that Melanie is a youtuber.
Normally I don't buy Youtubers merchandise, I try not to get sucked in. Because then I just lose all my money.
This one grabs me because Melanie talks about healthy lifestyles,
she has been through multiple different eating disorders in her life.
She talks about how, since she has recovered from her eating disorders. She has a food journal.
She doesn't track calories, she doesn't track, you know, her weight and things like that.
She literally just has a diary where she writes down what she eats.
She has IBS, so she likes to track her food to see if anything flares that up.
I am sort of in the same position, where I don't want to track my calories,
I don't want to you know. 'oh my god I must hate myself because I get over 2,000 calories today'
Like Whatever, screw it!
But I would love a way of tracking what I am eating, because of my Gastroparesis.
Sometimes, some foods will flare my stomach up, sometimes they won't.
Sometimes I have to go to the doctor with a food chart, and go.
"Right this is what I'm eating right now, and and this is where my health is"
I've been just putting it in NHS forms that they give me. Which are really depressing and really medical and they're just.......
They trigger me in so many ways.
So Melanie made this, and it is a food tracker but it's a healthy one.
So here you have food for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks and Desserts. Eat all the food.
Exercise time, Activity, Water Fruits & Vegetables, To-Do list.
If you have it To-Do this that day.
Vitamins & Supplements, and a Something you are grateful for that day.
Then you have hearts up here for digestion, so depending on how your stomach could manage to digest that day.
Or your mood, and then you can put the date and there's plenty of room to kind of add notes and things like that.
If some food is triggered my stomach to go crazy and then slow down and bloat up and stuff like that.
I can go back a couple of days and find out what it was. Because often I don't remember.
So this isn't telling me to exercise, it's not telling me to eat in certain things. It's not telling me to track my weight.
It is literally, completely honestly. What have you done that day?
What have you eaten that day?
And how did it go?
And some of these days are completely blank, because I haven't been able to eat.
And some of these days are quite full, because I've had a really good stomach day.
It's my way of tracking that.
As most of you will probably know if you've watched any of my previous videos.
Over the last couple years, I have severe stomach problems I have Gastroparesis.
Which means that often my stomach just shuts down, and doesn't digest food.
I'm currently going through a flare-up with that.
I haven't really talks about it much, I want to do a video about it.
I just haven't, I haven't been able to sit down and find the right words.
It hasn't been easy and some stuff is going down, and I haven't been talking about it. Because it's difficult for me to deal with.
But this has helped so much with that over the last.....
I think I got it, I actually got it 2 days before the New Year, and I started filling it out straight away.
I was so excited to get it, because I don't like being told what to do.
So when I'm given a sheet by the doctor, it's like.
"Please fill this out and we're going to judge you on what you've eaten, what you haven't eaten"
I don't....... why would anybody like that?
It's like being a five-year-old and you've been told what to do.
But if I just have this, which is a nice, lovely book.
And I'm doing it voluntarily, and they're like "Okay what have you eaten?" I'm just like, "Here you go".
I don't mind filling this in.
I enjoy filling this in. Where is the NHS forms. I get very, very upset filling it in.
Because I just feel like a failure. If I haven't ate the right food, or if I haven't eaten enough.
This just...... just I.... I think it's more of a personal thing for me.
I get really upset having to talk to the doctor about food. Because I feel judged all the time.
And this doesn't judge me!
This book just... just doesn't judge me. It's nice, it's shiny, it's lovely.
It feels like a treat to me. To fill this out.
Instead of, I'm gonna judge you on what you haven't managed to eat this week.
So I'm very, very grateful to Melanie for, for making this.
It's.... it's yeah....
It's..... just made my life that bit easier.
Okay that's...... That was emotional, I didn't know I was gonna get emotional about that.
But it's because my stomach is being an absolute idiot right now.
And there's a lot of kind of background emotion with that.
Having to deal with with going through all of this again.
I mean if you've been here a while, well you saw what it did to me last time.
So to know that, that might start again or is starting again......
It's not an easy thing to deal with.
But that is what's happening in my life right now.
But this has made so much of a damn difference in my life.
And I'm very, very grateful.
I will leave a link to it down below, though I think it is sold out. But there will be another run of them.
And I do believe Melanie is making a different version of this as well.
Without all the extra kind of bump in it.
So if you literally just wanted a journal version, and not with all the kind of....
Affirmations and 30-day challenges and everything else that's in there.
I think there's also um... there's a page in here I can color in as well.
Which I'm looking forward to doing at some point.
Okay...emotion. Wasn't expecting that.
Apprently I'm more triggered than I thought I was.
But yeah.... so that's all my favorite things in January.
Coming up in February.... big month for me.
I get a year older, this channel gets a year older...
I have a couple of gigs to go to.
That I don't even know if I can go to, but I have the tickets. So even not I can just hang the tickets up and make them look pretty.
I'm rambling.... I hope you guys are good and they've had a good January.
Ummm yeah, that was a mess of a video.
I'm sorry for the emotion... no I'm not. Emotions are real, but whatever...
Okay I'm gonna shut up now!
See you guys soon, Byeeee.
Oh blimey, if I do make a video of my health.
All I'm gonna be doing is sobbing the whole time.
When did I become such an emotional Nelly?
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[Kpop Unboxing] EXO OFFICIAL FIGURE UNBOXING + GIVEAWAY (eng sub) - Duration: 2:36.
Hello everyone, this is Kpop Unboxer. Today I brought EXO figures from MINISO store that i found on my way to home.
I could't afford all 9 figures so i bought Baekhyun and Chanyeol !!
It was about 9$ each. Let me start review, then giveaway.
I opened it. There is a SM sticker on the back It seems like genuine figures
Now, here's the figure. Exo lightstick, and microphone.
You can put it here
This is Baekhyun's
you cannot remove hair. No. 4
Quality is very good. Feels smooth and colors are clear.
You can move arms like this.
Here is Chanyeol
The quality is also very good The hair color looks pretty good, red wine.
You can take it out like this.
I can put them on the floor like this
There is a character card for each figures.
There is a picture on the back
Today's unboxing were EXO figures I wish I could buy all of them later.
I'll do the GIVEAWAY this time for two figures. So, choose one when you leave an comment below
I will pick two of you, send you figures. Thank you!!!
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