G-Shock 35th anniversary is already over and we are looking up next for
g-shock 40th anniversary but while waiting like five years from now
why not lets revisit back for previous releases and today we'll have a look at
G-shock 25th anniversary G-9025A-1DR, operates on 3031, this is for
the international release and release year was 2007, so if you are an old-timer
you probably have a rough idea of what's inside the box because it is a G-9000
which means the master of G mudman models, well casio release 2
version of this one for JDM one who.. one for a non-JDM, the JDM version
will came with a trunk case box and non-JDM will look like this, people
always after in the JDM and I hope you guys knows where this JDM and non-JDM
things originated from, because way back casio used to differentiate within these
2 and people love JDM version more. Anyway this box was designed by the same
person that designed our to 35th anniversary. ERIC HAZE obviously you can
see the stars and arrow over here and what else we have similar thing over
here G shock 2-5 over here, four stars I'm not sure why 4. he should add 5,
but you have sixth over here and sorta like a tag pretty cool so the watch itself is
just a mudman model, I really don't have to talk a lot about the watch that's why
I'm focusing most of the time talking about the box because what makes this
watch special is the packaging and also a little bit about a watch bit more on the
packaging you know because it looks very very rare, so this should be the manual
book, alright this is the tin case a lot of stars and arrows pointing to this tag
over here 25th anniversary and yeah nothing else this is also the first time
I review a non JDM 25th anniversary g-shock watch by the way I review a
similar one before like a couple years ago in 2016
6900 model but yeah that's pretty much it I didn't review a lot of 25th
anniversary, but this one though, I... you know what, since we are still in this
spirit of 35th anniversary, why not you know, grab this thing and just share to
all of you guys what things were looking like back in the old days like 20.. yeah
10 years ago right?, I believe this one is from G-Shock DAWN BLACK series, Casio
released five color variations similar way they're released five variations on the
Big Bang Black G Shock watches so that's why you're looking at a basic black with
a little bit of gold accents so in a way it does kind of like the Origin Gold
Series as well except this is five variations five different models
actually and each five came in JDM and non JDM so you guys already knows that. Okay
this is how the watch looks like, that's it, nothing else, no special function that
is all, so.. anyway let's have a look up close, probably there's something
different and this is the first time review this thing anyway as far as the
texture I would say the Big Bang Black feels better, they have a different
texture, the one over here feels normal but it does come in all black unlike
usual generic mudman releases that came in dark grey this one came in full black so
that's good. Fully matte-finish with dual illuminator
should I say..decal over here, the one over here has mudresist, the band keeper is basic
it came in this double buckle over here in gold it looks like a rose gold from this
camera but it is actually yellow gold with Casio Japan signed at the bottom
of it so that's good right and you'll see this uhm, a trademark of a
mudman, this texture a tire traction texture similar on this side as well
and you'll have a code down here, PUR; polyurethane material, Shock resist
over here and g-shock over there, so the back plates obviously came in two five
stamp in the center for 25th anniversary you'll have Casio, 3031
G-9025A, stainless steel back made in Thailand and water resistant to
twenty bar and a lot of this texture to be similar to every mudman 9000
series out there, looking on the side it came in this three screws to to lock the
watch band and one for this bezel I mean look this one to lock everything anyway
so it came in gold which is nice different but for today's standard,
obviously this is nothing, I mean we receive a lot more more rare more weird
colored mudman, but at that time in 2007 this whole thing is a big deal the
colorway itself just different it makes the watch looks much better so at the
front you'll see G shock and shock resistant over here, it came in dark gray
over here, so it blends very well it didn't look as cluttered I like that a
lot very minimalist and a lot of gold accents on the watch face plate obviously
to show you all the features the function that this watch have, which is
quite a lot. The Mudman I believe to be one of the most favourite entry-level master
of G among every collectors out there because of how tough it is, and it is
also small size, it provided great fitting, and the price is extremely low,
and it is super super tough, but I rarely review this because nothing I mentioned
is many times because the button is hard to use for me I mean you're gonna need
to exert a lot of force just to press a single button it's kind of annoying
sometimes, so let's have a look at the backlighting though. Alright do we have
any logo at all? mmm seems like yeah there are no
backlighting logo, quite sad, I'm hoping to see 25th anniversary logo of some
sort but keep in mind this watch has dual illuminator yeah the engine somehow is a
similar to basic mudman model. Okay we're back the buttons came in black for both sides,
in this side goes in round, this side goes in square. I bought the watch
in mint condition, not used condition the price for this is already expensive to be
double than original retail which starts at 14,000 Japanese yen so if
you're looking to get this one today expect to pay more than retail price
especially in mint condition in used condition however probably you should go
lower than that and you can see more gold accents around
the bezel for the metal plates to guard it
oh wait, my pet is coming on here, anyway just ignore him alright we'll
see more gold accent on the watch face, it came in positive display with gold
accents well, I didn't see any one of those mesh metal textures, so I have
assumed is just basic sheets of gold plate and what else we have, first
function you'll have your 1st stopwatch let's run this thing
2nd stopwatch, lets run this thing as well, you can see it move
upwards and move downwards, and next you'll have your countdown timer it runs
this to 24-hour range press this mode button will go to alarm you'll have one
two three four five including snooze and then you'll have your signal, next you
will run into our world time mode there it is, and go back to home
timekeeping. That's.. that's all, yeah obviously could swap to 24 hours time if
you wanted to. So my thoughts or opinion I will say again you guys could guess
already right it is incredibly simple. Hold on..
round at the back, alright, and it's just black and gold I would say although they
named this DAWN BLACK but basically it just uhm, sorta like one of those gold
and black series G Shock watches so yeah, except it came in black, from the
camera it looks darker than it is, but in personally look the less darker then you're seeing
right now so expect to see something lighter in tone, but it is different tone
from this gravitymaster I believe, yeah it looks different so side-to-side, there it
this very very gorgeous things to see both of these, I mean a lot of change
over time right
okay now I'm gonna wear to watch and let's see how it will fit, the last time
I review a 9000 mudman was like two years a go, so it has been a while.
alright so why not take this and review this I bought the watch on December of
last year obviously, but it takes too long to arrive and it's already 2019 so
that's why you're seeing this today, I should have made this video last year
but yeah I don't know man, it's just the delivery is taking too much time, with the
the whole holiday season you know and also I'm getting quite busy at that time so
this is it, alright, fits very well regular mudman
fitting, really comfortable to be worn, I believe I already disassembled this
watch to show you guys how the construction is from the inside I'll
probably gonna do that again except I'm gonna go even deeper in there
just to have a look at whats its look like underneath that display panel you know
so for now that is it, I hope you guys found this video a little bit useful
informative and entertaining thank you very much for watching guys this is GHF and I'm...
For more infomation >> Master of G 25th Anniversary DAWN BLACK G-9025A Dual Illuminator Mudman watch unboxing and review - Duration: 10:01.-------------------------------------------
Crema di liquore al pistacchio bimby per TM5 e TM31 - Duration: 4:02.
[龍虎門] - RAP N' ROLL Vol.7 | SOWUT & 三小湯 & 莫宰羊XGANNNNN STUDIOO【RAP N' ROLL】 - Duration: 4:59.
bầu cua 2019 - hướng dẫn cách chơi bầu cua trên điện thoại luôn thắng - Duration: 6:19.
Simina de la Puterea Dragostei, primele declarații despre relația cu Jador! "L-am văzut 3 ore în tot - Duration: 4:11.
Simina de la Puterea Dragostei, primele declarații despre relația cu Jador! "L-am văzut 3 ore în total"
Simina a rămas în casa de la Puterea Dragostei în timp ce Jador a fost eliminat. Înainte de a părăsi emisiunea, cei doi formau un cuplu
Simina abia venise la Puterea Dragostei, când Jador a fost eliminat din casă. În puținul timp petrecut împreună, cei doi s-au apropiat și erau la începutul unei relații
Atunci când a fost votat de colegi pentru a părăsi casa, Jador a fost dezamăgit pentru că o lăsa acolo pe Simina, dar i-a promis acesteia că va încerca să se întoarcă și pentru acest lucru i-a rugat pe telespectatori să-l voteze
.La scurt timp după plecarea lui Jador din casă, în emisiune a fost adus un alt băiat, Bogdan
Acesta a declarat că este atras de Simina, iar afară, Jador a fost. cam gelos."Eu am încredere în Simina
Vorbesc mereu cu ea și îmi confirmă că nu e nimic între ea și un alt băiat din casă", ne spunea însă Jador
Simina și Jador de la Puterea Dragostei au vorbit despre sentimentele lor!.În urmă cu câteva zile, Jador și Simina au făcut un live în comun pentru a le explica fanilor care este relația lor și cât de mult doresc să fie împreună
"Am vorbit cu Jador să așteptăm, să vedem dacă intră în casă. O să aștept două săptămâni
Dacă până atunci nu intră el în casă, vin eu acasă. Nu o să fac un cuplu cu un alt băiat, însă nu pot să stau singură, să fiu sălbatică", a spus Simina în live-ul cu Jador
Cei doi au mărturisit că nu au cum să știe încotro merge relația lor, pentru că au stat foarte puțin împreună și nu se cunosc suficient
"Nu pot să spun că-l iubesc pe Jador, l-am văzut 3 ore în total. Nici noi nu știm ce sentimente avem acum
Ceva puternic simțim că ne leagă", a mărturisit Simina.Gestul făcut de Simina chiar din casa de la Puterea Dragostei pentru Jador
Și pentru a încerca să-i oprească pe toți cei care cred că ea se află în casa de la Puterea Dragostei pentru a face un cuplu cu un alt băiat, Simina a făcut un gest emoționant pentru Jador: și-a trecut pe pagina de socializare "într-o relație cu Jador"
Welcome to Tampa Carry | Concealed Weapons Permit Florida - Duration: 1:20.
What's up! My name is Ryan
and welcome to Tampa Carry here we talk about
everything that has to do with concealed carry
and keeping your family safe, you know,
Love guns.
I love them
and I love the ability to conceal carry my firearm
to keep my family safe
and my goal is to provide you with the tools,
and skills
necessary to avoid and stop a violent attack.
If you're new to this channel,
consider subscribing and make sure you hit that little bell icon,
so you'd be notified of any new videos.
Damn it.
Tiny House on Wheels 20 Foot Modern Tiny House For $36k - Duration: 2:00.
Tiny House on Wheels 20 Foot Modern Tiny House For $36k
Flutter Tutorial - 08 Introduction to Widgets - Duration: 5:25.
Hi friends how are you today this video is section eight about Flutter tutorial series
and today we are going to talk about Creating a Custom Application.
Which is Hello World as the very first flutter application.
I'm Abdul Aziz Ahwan from Indonesia and let's get started with my video.
In the previous section, we have disscussed about understanding project structure of flutter.
Now the main screen would look something like this.
So let us go through the library folder.
Inside the library folder we have one file here called the main dot dart.
Which is kind of like an entry point for the flutter application.
Further when we do start creating multiple screen application following a certain design
pattern we will have to create more files and folders inside this particular folder.
So to do that, we need to delete all code inside this main dot dart file here.
First we need to import a package, which is material dot dart package.
So this package consist all material classes that we need to create a flutter application.
It mean that we need always to import this package.
After this, we need to provide void main method.
This method is the main method that will be executed by program when we were running the
And inside this method we need to provide runApp().
So, runApp is a Widget.
So what is a Widget?
In Flutter, almost everything is a widget.
Yes, everything.
I define Widgets as the components or blocks that define the user interface.
The AppBar is a widget, the text on it is a widget, the style you apply to the text
is a widget, even the alignment of the text could be called as a widget.
In Flutter, anything that is a view or contributes to a property of the view is a widget.
We will discuss the widgets in detail in the next section.
So right now, we are going to create a text widget.
So we need to provide new Text.
So we need to provide a String here.
And don't forget to add a semicolon here.
And we need to provide text direction: And then,TextDirection.ltr.
Ltr it's mean left to right.
Ok, Let's start our app.
As we can see on the screen mirroring application.
Our text is on the left top corner.
There is a text "Hello World".
But how do we make it on the center?
To do that, we need to provide a Center widget here.
And inside the center widget, we need to provide a widget that we want to make it on center.
So, we cut text widget and paste inside a center widget.
But, this text is a child of a center widget.
So we need to provide child properties here.
Let's start our application again.
And now our text is on the center.
So I think enough for this section.
Our further videos we will discuss the widgets in detail.
If you have any questions or comments, write it down on the comment field.
Thank you so much and see you again on the next video.
Painter's Tape in the Kitchen - Duration: 1:56.
Painter's tape in the kitchen?
[ music ]
Come on in, welcome to my home.
Today is such an easy idea,
and I don't know why I didn't think about this before,
but if you have all sorts of jars and containers and you reuse them
and you wanted to do something like you know label them,
but you didn't want to stick on a sticky
label then it all gets stuck there forever
I have an easy solution
this is so simple you're gonna be just amazed...
Painter's tape
Yes I took painter's tape and all I did was write whatever I had
on it stuck it to the jar, the bowl, whatever and then when I was
done using it I could easily peel off the painter's tape
and wash the container
That's it. That's all there is to it. It was that simple
I cannot believe how I did not think of this before.
This is one of those quick, easy tips that can save you so much time.
Painter,s tape in your kitchen can be a lifesaver so you can label everything
You can use painter's tape just about everywhere.
You can write whatever the item is put it on there and then peel it off it doesn't leave
residue it stays on as long as you need it to stay on it is so great I don't
know why I didn't think of this before
I am so happy to be able to use this and
it's just so easy
Now if you like these short little videos with tips let me
know down in the comments I think this is so much fun to do doing it more of a
vlog kind of style and I hope we get to see you again next time
If you like this video give it a thumbs up
you can share it don't forget to subscribe and check
out the other videos on this channel I love making these videos for you and I
hope I get to see you again next time
[ music ]
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:05.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys
Tiny House on Wheels 20 Foot Modern Tiny House For $36k - Duration: 2:00.
Tiny House on Wheels 20 Foot Modern Tiny House For $36k
K/DA - "POP/STARS" (by łatka&Alice/English Cover) - Duration: 3:11.
Political wrangling intensifies over governor's prison sentence - Duration: 2:10.
The divide between political parties widens, following the sentencing of governor Kim Kyoung-soo.
The democratic party launched a committee that will look into the ruling to see if there
are any contradictions,... while the main opposition carried out a protest infront of
the presidential office.
Kim Min-ji has the latest.
Wrangling between the parties has intensified after the sentencing of Gyeongsangnam-do Province
Governor Kim Kyoung-soo.
The ruling Democratic Party, with which Kim is affiliated, launched a special committee
on Thursday to deal with the aftermath.
The party said the ruling was retaliation... for efforts by the ruling party and the government
to reform a judiciary plagued by influence peddling.
"We will work with lawyers to thoroughly analyze the ruling and see if there are any contradictions,...
and will also continue to push to reform the judicial branch to curb the abuse of power."
Kim was sentenced on Wednesday to two years in prison for allegedly colluding with a blogger
to manipulate the number of likes on online comments to benefit the Democratic Party ahead
of the 2017 presidential election.
Kim had been considered a strong possible candidate for the presidency -- and was a
close aide to President Moon Jae-in, having served as his spokesperson during his presidential
As widely expected, the conservative opposition is stepping up its offensive.
The Liberty Korea Party held a protest in front of the presidential office,... claiming
that someone higher up must have known about the online influence campaign, and asking
whether the presidential office was aware of it.
"This was a serious instance of illegal election campaigning that badly damaged our democracy.
We cannot help but question the legitimacy of the last presidential election."
The divide among the parties is expected to deepen... as Kim filed for an appeal on Thursday
-- paving way for another long legal battle.
The Blue House has remained pretty much tight-lipped on the situation,... but warned of stern action
if there is any attempt to make an issue out of the presidential election's outcome.
Although Kim Kyoung-soo could still be exonerated,... if the higher courts uphold the ruling, Kim
will lose his seat as governor.
Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.
Korean civic group and Polish research institute unveil 'North Korean Archives Project' - Duration: 1:57.
A local civic group and a Polish research institute publicized new data... and a website
to provide information on North Korean society during and after the Korean War.
It gives an inside look at the country's history... with a focus on the human rights situation
in Pyeongyang.
Yoon Jung-min gets us better acquainted with the 'North Korean Archives Project'
A South Korean civic group held a briefing on Thursday in Seoul and unveiled the 'North
Korean Archives Project'... as well as a new website where people can access information
on North Korea from the 1950s to the 1990s.
The data was collected by secret services of the former communist countries in Central
and Eastern Europe,... and the Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) in Poland has decided
to publicize them,... for better awareness of the situation in the North during the Korean
War -- from 1950 to 1953 -- and beyond.
"Both me and co-author of this project who is at the IPN, Rafal Leskiewicz, dedicated
this project to the young generations of North and South Koreans interested in processes
of truth-telling, truth-seeking, memorialization and justice, which we think are irreplaceable
components of peace-building measure in society."
The data includes documents and rare photos of post-war North Korea, Poland's reconstruction
aid projects in the country and historical records on the socio-political situation on
the Peninsula.
Also included are records of Korean orphans who were sent to Poland during the war and
files related to U.S. and British prisoners of war detained in the North.
Last year, the story about the orphans was also unveiled through a documentary film,
"The Children Gone to Poland" by South Korean actress and director Chu Sang-mi.
The civic group hopes that their information can aid victims of human rights violations
in the North and seek out historical truth.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.
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