Behind the scenes: Skateboard Diaries with the α6400 Revolutionary 4K autofocus performance
Commentary by Hiroo Takaoka, Director of Photography
Behind the scene Subject moving toward and away from the camera at high speed
AF Drive Speed : Fast AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone Director of Photography: "Even in cloudy weather, autofocus had no trouble distinguishing the subject."
AF Drive Speed : Fast AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone DP: "With the zone focus mode of this camera, even close up shots like this worked fantastically."
Behind the scene Two subjects moving toward and away from the camera, left and right
AF Drive Speed : Normal AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone DP: "I couldn't get this type of shot with previous autofocus systems. This time the job was done in just one take."
AF Drive Speed : Normal AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone DP: "The focus shift was subtle as it moved between the two skateboarders."
Behind the scene
Behind the scene Two subjects moving quickly in different ways
AF Drive Speed : Fast AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone DP: "Focus worked consistently even with this type of complex movement. Amazing!"
AF Drive Speed : Fast AF Tracking Sensitivity : Responsive AF Area : Zone DP: "Watch these skateboarders closely – it's amazing how the focus smoothly follows the skateboarders during this long take, allowing me to concentrate on the subjects."
Behind the scene Panning between two subjects
AF Drive Speed : Slow AF Tracking Sensitivity : Standard AF Area : Zone DP: "I could pan without losing focus. This is the best tool for shooting documentaries without assistance."
For more infomation >> Sony | α | α6400 - Behind the Scene of "Skateboard Diaries" - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
RTX 노트북은 GPU 코어클럭이 반토막이다? / RTX 모바일버전의 클럭 다운 이슈 정리 - Duration: 4:34.
hola! It is Ato. nice to meet you.
I have a little bitter story today. I'll see.
Already one of the manufacturers in Korea Released notebook with rtx chipset
I started to. Of course, overseas Now, one by one
I would have. Right about this rtx laptop
This is a story from techsopt.
When talking about rtx mounted notebook There is always a story to follow.
I'm not sure how to catch that fever How to use the laptop
Even if rtx chip died, it would be honey. etc.
Yes ... Honey Jam ... Um ... The parties are ...
techspot Some notebook manufacturers offer
Mounted for thermal management and design reasons Adjusts the clock speed of the rtx chipset
"He said. For the desktop version of rtx 2080
The core clock is 1515MHz. But rtx 2080 that is mounted on the laptop
Is mounted with max-q version Download this core clock from the manufacturer
The fact that it is released by clock It is.
In some cases, 735 mhz.
I will. Released at 1380MHz if not max-q version
But still 200MHz is down-clocked and released
It is becoming. Of course, other laptops
More difficult to manage heat There may be. Usually high-performance graphics
When mounted on a notebook, Some performance degradation compared to version
The I have been.
But this rtx graphics notebook For the version, see the techspot
In fact, if you are The story of performance loss
is. By the way,
The same clock down Depending on the manufacturer and model
Equipped with the same graphics in the same spec Even though gpu clock speed
There may be a difference in That's the story.
similar to msi notebook and asus notebook We have the same gpu in the spec.
Even if the manufacturer Because clock speeds can be different
There may be a difference in actual performance That's the story.
Equipped with rtx graphics I reviewed a notebook review.
For notebooks with an MSI rtx2070 The base clock is 1215MHz.
Once I've done my own reviews I'll tell you more accurately.
It is. That is next time you review again Let's take a look.
anyway. of the rtx2070 desktop model The core clock is 1410MHz. About 13%
The core clock is down is. Check that you are not in max-q version
It is 200mhz down It is.
If max-q version is more down It is a story that might have been.
Of course this could be 2080 It's a story.
The important thing is how much I do not know if I will come down
It is. The same If the clock is this way,
I will. This variation is different for each manufacturer
Because. There are some ambiguities. Maybe it will.
Reviewers are very important I think it will.
Perhaps forwards to rtx mounted laptops If you are going to purchase, be sure to purchase
The clock speed specification of the pre-installed gpu Maybe I should check.
Some products may not be released I have. In this case,
Please check through the review video Maybe.
Consumers' psychology uses 10 won Even if someone likes to lose money
I wonder if there is. Same 2080 or 20 70. My laptop is relatively
Graphics performance drops. Who would like to have good performance
Technology that makes you come out steadily I wonder if this is.
This video is here. If the video was good,
Please subscribe. Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
Поздравление для Инны.Прикольное поздравление от ВОЛКА #Мирпоздравлений - Duration: 1:18.
#LastYearGame #Gaming #chat TO join our future Games Follow us - Duration: 2:15:15.
Doanh nghiệp liên doanh Sfone (cũ) - Quảng cáo SFone (trước 7/2003) - Duration: 0:30.
Byah Ke Leja | Sad Song | New Haryanvi Songs Haryanvi 2019 | Manju Aggarwal, Deepak Barota-PR Music - Duration: 4:37.
এটা জানলে সবকিছু করতে পারবে || The Lion Attitude || Best Motivational Video in Bangla - Duration: 3:31.
Kdo je kdo v Příběhu kmotra: Velký přehled aktérů vraždy mafiána Františka Mrázka - Duration: 6:05.
EDM Hay Nhất 2019, Nên Nghe Khi Cày Game - Duration: 10:02.
La nouvelle vie d'Alexandre Benalla - Duration: 3:27.
166- ✅10 loại đao kiếm vũ khí mini 30cm cuối cùng - ✅Kiếm Zoro - ✅Phần 1 - Duration: 8:39.
觀音賜福【前九名的生肖】新年有好運 - Duration: 13:16.
RTX 노트북은 GPU 코어클럭이 반토막이다? / RTX 모바일버전의 클럭 다운 이슈 정리 - Duration: 4:34.
hola! It is Ato. nice to meet you.
I have a little bitter story today. I'll see.
Already one of the manufacturers in Korea Released notebook with rtx chipset
I started to. Of course, overseas Now, one by one
I would have. Right about this rtx laptop
This is a story from techsopt.
When talking about rtx mounted notebook There is always a story to follow.
I'm not sure how to catch that fever How to use the laptop
Even if rtx chip died, it would be honey. etc.
Yes ... Honey Jam ... Um ... The parties are ...
techspot Some notebook manufacturers offer
Mounted for thermal management and design reasons Adjusts the clock speed of the rtx chipset
"He said. For the desktop version of rtx 2080
The core clock is 1515MHz. But rtx 2080 that is mounted on the laptop
Is mounted with max-q version Download this core clock from the manufacturer
The fact that it is released by clock It is.
In some cases, 735 mhz.
I will. Released at 1380MHz if not max-q version
But still 200MHz is down-clocked and released
It is becoming. Of course, other laptops
More difficult to manage heat There may be. Usually high-performance graphics
When mounted on a notebook, Some performance degradation compared to version
The I have been.
But this rtx graphics notebook For the version, see the techspot
In fact, if you are The story of performance loss
is. By the way,
The same clock down Depending on the manufacturer and model
Equipped with the same graphics in the same spec Even though gpu clock speed
There may be a difference in That's the story.
similar to msi notebook and asus notebook We have the same gpu in the spec.
Even if the manufacturer Because clock speeds can be different
There may be a difference in actual performance That's the story.
Equipped with rtx graphics I reviewed a notebook review.
For notebooks with an MSI rtx2070 The base clock is 1215MHz.
Once I've done my own reviews I'll tell you more accurately.
It is. That is next time you review again Let's take a look.
anyway. of the rtx2070 desktop model The core clock is 1410MHz. About 13%
The core clock is down is. Check that you are not in max-q version
It is 200mhz down It is.
If max-q version is more down It is a story that might have been.
Of course this could be 2080 It's a story.
The important thing is how much I do not know if I will come down
It is. The same If the clock is this way,
I will. This variation is different for each manufacturer
Because. There are some ambiguities. Maybe it will.
Reviewers are very important I think it will.
Perhaps forwards to rtx mounted laptops If you are going to purchase, be sure to purchase
The clock speed specification of the pre-installed gpu Maybe I should check.
Some products may not be released I have. In this case,
Please check through the review video Maybe.
Consumers' psychology uses 10 won Even if someone likes to lose money
I wonder if there is. Same 2080 or 20 70. My laptop is relatively
Graphics performance drops. Who would like to have good performance
Technology that makes you come out steadily I wonder if this is.
This video is here. If the video was good,
Please subscribe. Thank you for watching.
It was Ato until now. adios!
François Hollande crée une société pour ses conférences - Duration: 3:12.
Arsenal news: Denis Suarez reveals what makes Unai Emery a special coach - Duration: 2:11.
The Spaniard joined the Gunners on loan for the remainder of the season. Suarez has already played under Unai Emery at Sevilla and was keen to reunite with his former boss
And the attacking midfielder will be pleased to have finally joined up with his new club, after the transfer saga run right the way through January
In his first interview as an Arsenal player, Suarez revealed what makes Emery a special coach
"I think the main thing is that he dedicates a great deal of time to his work," he told their official website
"He spends many hours and days watching videos of other teams and his own side. "His training sessions are really demanding and he ensures that the team is completely prepared
"But as I say, the biggest thing is the time he dedicates to his work. "As we'd say in Spanish, he's 'un enfermo del futbol' - football mad
" Emery also expressed his pleasure in the arrival of Suarez. "We are very happy that Denis Suarez is joining us," he said
"He is a player we know well and I have worked with him at Sevilla. "He brings us quality and options in many different attacking positions, so he'll be able to help the team
" There was hope Suarez would not be the only addition on deadline day at the north London club
A deal for Christopher Nkunku remains alive however very unlikely. There was hope of signing either Ivan Perisic or Yannick Carrasco but both deals never materialised
quand Benalla se vante du soutien de Macron - Duration: 2:25.
Benalla, Macron, Élysée, les liaisons dangereuses dévoilées par Mediapart - Duration: 2:59.
Una compagnia portoghese ha fatto da battistrada ma anche le altre big dei cieli progettano come las - Duration: 4:30.
LA PROSSIMA volta che salite su un aereo provate a fare un esperimento. Contate, soprattutto su un volo internazionale, quanti bicchieri di plastica consumate, quante posate o vaschette per il cibo gettate e il numero di singole confezioni che aprite
Adesso immaginate che quella plastica il più delle volte non verrà mai riciclata: finirà in una discarica o un inceneritore
Lassù, a 10.000 metri d'altezza, ogni giorno va infatti in scena il festival degli sprechi
La Iata, associazione internazionale del trasporto aereo, ha calcolato che nel solo 2017 sono state prodotte negli aerei quasi 6 milioni di tonnellate di rifiuti: con il numero di passeggeri in costante aumento, entro il 2030 si stimano oltre 10 milioni di tonnellate di scarti
Solo il 20% di questi è fatto di materiale riciclabile e, il più delle volte, non sarà mai recuperato: mancano controlli, politiche di riciclo condivise e le norme sanitarie internazionali che classificano molti rifiuti prodotti in volo come di "categoria 1" (ad alto rischio e con l'obbligo di distruggerli) non aiutano ad implementare la differenziata
In una Terra sempre più soffocata dalla plastica, in un'Europa dove dal 2021 saranno vietati gli usa e getta, anche nei cieli il nodo dei rifiuti non è più ignorabile
La rotta del cambiamento, per prima, l'ha percorsa la compagnia portoghese Hi Fly: il 26 dicembre è decollato da Lisbona e diretto in Brasile il primo volo plastic-free
Tutti i monouso in plastica presenti in cabina sono stati sostituiti: posate di legno, bicchieri e piatti di cartone, contenitori bio
Così facendo in sedici tratte hanno risparmiato 1500 kg di plastica. "È un primo passo, ma servono leggi internazionali e nazionali per omologare le compagnie e fornire direttive che obblighino a differenziare e recuperare i materiali" spiega Fabio Bollo, un'assistente di volo Alitalia che fa parte di un gruppo impegnato a migliorare la sostenibilità sugli aerei
Ad oggi nel mondo diverse compagnie, dall'australiana Qantas passando per Sas, Virgin e British, hanno annunciato la graduale sostituzione di alcuni prodotti usa e getta
Air New Zeland ha già tolto le cannucce, così come Delta, mentre Ryanair e Easyjet promettono in pochi anni di cancellare gli usa e getta
E in Italia? "Da noi" continuano i due assistenti Alitalia - anche se con molte difficoltà strutturali stiamo cercando di fare qualcosa
Purtroppo molti dei rifiuti ancora oggi non vengono differenziati e anche quando lo si fa non siamo certi che una volta giù dall'aereo si riciclino"
Bollo spiega di aver proposto in passato alla azienda di sostituire i bicchieri di plastica con quelli in cartone, ma al tempo "era troppo dispendioso"
Ora però c'è un nuovo dialogo nel nome dell'ambiente e fa ben sperare. Gli stessi vertici Alitalia confermano a Repubblica che "per ridurre l'impatto ambientale abbiamo lanciato il progetto Fly Green: un training in aula per gli assistenti di volo sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale
Vogliamo ottimizzare la gestione dei materiali a bordo e ridurre il più possibile, diminuendo la produzione di rifiuti e evitando gli sprechi con nuove procedure ecosostenibili
Anche dettate dai suggerimenti di chi lavora a bordo".
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