Okay, this is GrandEmperorKurts
I'm loading up... the map.
*stumbles* I can't think of the map name.
For more infomation >> Battlefield 2: Singleplayer Shenanigans - Duration: 30:11.-------------------------------------------
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Momos box#Small kiosk design in India# Sai Structurers India// food kiosk makers in Delhi#FOOD STALL - Duration: 2:09.
Disparition d'Sala, des détails effrayants contre le pilote britannique David Ibbotson! - Duration: 2:39.
Disparition d'Emiliano Sala : des détails accablants sur les conditions du vol - Duration: 2:41.
Ice Dragon: Legend of the Blue Daisies - Movie - Duration: 1:10:23.
Emiliano Sala porté disparu : le dernier message sidérant du pilote de l'avion, Dave Ibbotson - Duration: 4:14.
Elizabeth Warren's Karl Marx impression will have the worst impact on the economy: Kennedy - Duration: 2:32.
(여자)아이들의 프라이빗 파뤼에 초대합니다! | [To NEVERLAND] Ep.3 Welcome to (G)I-DLE's Private Party! (ENG SUB) - Duration: 13:22.
We're at the hotel room
At the hotel room
Let's cook dinner!
It was perfect
(G)I-DLE, go!
(G)I-DLE, go!
((G)I-DLE's party in San Francisco will be revealed for the first time)
(Sponsored by Kaja)
(Where are they?) (They're in a supermarket)
Now we're in a supermarket
(Yuqi) Let me introduce the members
Here are Soojin and Miyeon
(Team 2) (Soyeon, Minnie and Shuhua)
(Soyeon) We don't have to buy vegetables
Let's skip the vegetables
Each team should cook one dish
Only one dish per each team?
It's no problem, we have you
(Yuqi) Do you know how to cook pasta?
What's this?
Is this made from corn?
This is for taco
I think I know
Let's skip it, because it'll need vegetables
Oh? What's this?
- So cute! - I need to buy this
We'll buy something like this instead of cooking
(Minnie) How about preparing some dessert?
This looks too oily
What kind of pasta is that?
Cream pasta
Then we need to buy sauce
Do we need cream?
I think it's here
(Miyeon) Is this cream?
(Yuqi) No
(Yuqi) That's milk, isn't it?
(Miyeon) Well,
we're in trouble
I'll get some some fruits
Are there tangerines in here?
How about 2?
- Where is our 'car'? - Here
(Shuhua's 'car')
Here is our 'car'
Can we buy apples just like this?
Where is Soyeon?
I'm here
Shall we buy Ramen?
How about making pancakes?
All right, pan cakes
Something easy, something doesn't need the oven
I'll buy Ramen, then
(Miyeon) I'm having a problem on finding salt
Having no salt doesn't make sense
It doesn't make sense at all
Only thing I can find is garlic salt
Why is everything written in English?
(Because you're in the U.S...)
Soojin is looking for cream
I don't know which on is which
What are you looking for?
Whipped cream
- Got it - Whipped cream
How about this?
(They didn't know what will happen to this mysterious cream)
I don't know what it is, though
Did we get the wrong one?
(Soyeon) You wanted to buy whipped cream, right?
(Will we be able to eat this pasta?)
No, we don't have salt
We haven't found it yet
Could you help us?
(I'll help you)
She'll find it for us, I'll be right back
(Miyeon) Shuhua
is going to help us
Where is salt?
Where is salt?
You said you would help us
I thought it would be here
What did I do wrong?
You said you would find it and took me here
But you're the oldest
You said you would help us...
I can't find onions
(Yuqi) Let me help you
Let's have a look
(I should find onions)
(Shuhua is doing grocery shopping)
I'm always lost in a supermarket
Because I don't know what to buy
and I think I'm still too young to know what I need
Shuhua, how about getting some strawberries?
(I have no clue but) Let's do it
Sorry, but I want some strawberries
(Minnie, 23/ can't read the youngest's mind)
Let's have some
I'll be watching you
(Shuhua, 20/ Grocery shopping is too difficult)
Is there a chair or something?
I need it
(Grocery shopping is totally new to Shuhua)
(When will she be able to enjoy grocery shopping?)
I think I'm stupid
Let's get it
Grocery shopping is done
We finished
(Soyeon) Who bought these apples?
Hey, this is...
The last, puddings
I'll pay for it, just go
Soyeon is such a cool leader
(Let's go and have a party night!)
(Soyeon) Minnie
Where are we?
We're at the hotel room
At the hotel room
(Soyeon) Come here, everybody
The legs came off from the unicorn
What did you do?
Well, it was...
'A murder of unicorn'
(Soojin) I'll show you the kitchen
Yes, please
It's a little embarrassing, but I'll show you
All right
You'd like me to open the fridge?
Yes, please
I'm going to make carbonara
Here, you can see cream
(Who are you?)
(This is...)
(what they bought a while ago not knowing what it is)
This is coffee
We have beverages
And beverages
And beverages
Some fruits, too
We decorated here nicely, (G)I-DLE
Come over here
Isn't this pretty?
It looks pretty, even with pretty balloons
Here is a camera
Say hi to the camera
Pretty Shuhua
Not here
Look at here
Pretty Shuhua
- I'll go to the kitchen - Let's go
Onions, garlic
(Soyeon) Are you here already?
- It's too early - We're in the kitchen
(G)I-DLE's kitchen
It was very quiet, but not anymore
Me and Yuqi will cook today
(What about me?)
Not you, you're in a different team
Now, the 'pancake team'
Let's start cooking
(Yuqi) I'll cook the best pasta in the world with my partner
Please cheer me
(We'll look forward to tasty pasta)
(Miyeon) I just got a Polaroid photo
From Yuqi
(Miyeon looks so pretty nowadays)
(Miyeon) What are you doing?
(Soyeon) I'm about to make pancakes
(Miyeon) What kind of?
Simply, pancakes
Where is the garbage bin?
Shuhua, come here
Lie down here
I've found a hidden space
Try to act you eat eat an apple and fall asleep
(The light is on)
(Miyeon) Fall down, you should act
1, 2, 3, action
Shuhua: Is this an apple?
Shuhua: (She takes one bite)
Shuhua: (Gasps)
(It's a poisoned apple)
Shuhua: (She's in pain because of the poison)
Just die
Shuhua: I'm dying
It was perfect, good job
(Miyeon) Soyeon, it's good to see you
Stir the batter with a cute look
1, 2, 3, action
(She looks refreshing like a lemon)
(Miyeon) Let's try again
You looked too flippant
(Soyeon) Should I look serious?
Okay, then I'll try
1, 2, 3, action
It was perfect
- Thank you - That's what I wanted
(Miyeon) I think I did a good job as a director
I'll go and help others cook
See you later
(It's time to cook)
(But what are the other members doing?)
(Director Miyeon & Actress) (Busy taking photos)
(Shuhua is taking selfies)
(Yuqi) What are you cooking now?
I'm stir-frying the minced garlic
and the chopped onion
You look very relaxed
Do you use that much?
(Trust Soojin)
(Soojin) Please shake it
(Shake it, shake it)
Yuqi, please add it here
Say when
It looks very...watery
- You shook it, right? - Yes
It looks like milk, doesn't it?
Anyway, milk works, right?
You can cook carbonara with milk
But you wanted to buy whipped cream, right?
(Will she be able to cook carbonara?)
How about using the mixer?
It tastes like chocolate
(Party food is finished)
((G)-IDLE's party, let's get it)
This is so pretty
(The first trip's first night) ((G)I-DLE's meaningful party night)
Okay, 1, 2, 3
The candles are melted
(G)I-DLE, go
(G)I-DLE, go
I love you
I love you all
Wow, it looks good
- Enjoy! - It looks tasty
I'll eat pasta first
(I'd rather close my eyes)
No, it tastes good
(Minnie) I'll understand even if it doesn't taste good
I like it!
It tastes good
(Soojin's milk pasta was actually great- The staff admitted it)
(Soyeon) You should enjoy the looking of pancakes, not the taste
Got it
It tastes good, though
- Do you like it? - Yes
- Soyeon, you're a good cook - She is
I got better, right?
She's been always good
She's been always good, she just didn't do it
She just didn't do it
(Soyeon) We would bring lunch to the studio, right?
Yes, I remember it
Every Saturday
(Soyeon) Today's is the first day in San Francisco
(Soyeon) What was the best part?
(Minnie) This moment
I agree
I love grocery shopping in a foreign country
It's fun!
(Minnie) We hadn't done it for a while
(Minnie) We haven't done it so often since we debuted
- We always did it separately - Right
When we're finished
Today is the party day
But we haven't taken many photos
We need to take more
(Soyeon) Let's take one more after we finish eating
(Soyeon's workmanship)
(The crazy party just started)
(They're ready to burn the calories)
(Wow! I'm so excited)
Come here, we'll shot the last photo
Decorate yourself first
((G)I-DLE is here in the party room)
(They're extremely excited)
(Thanks to the show, they're giving off their charms)
LATATA, let's get it!
((G)I-DLE- LATATA San Francisco ver.)
Written by Soyeon
Hey, everybody
(What are you afraid of?) (We're afraid of their excitement)
(Professional idol, Minnie)
(Cute Yuqi) (She's a real rabbit)
(The show must go on) ((G)I-IDLE - HANN (Alone))
(Warning: They're too excited)
(Shuhua and Yuqi are the directors on the next day?)
(Yuqi) They really look like fish
They really do!
(Minnie) Do you happen to know an idol group called '(G)I-DLE'?
(Please look forward to the next episode)
Disparition d'Emiliano Sala : des détails accablants sur les conditions du vol - Duration: 2:41.
"Il a dit ça ?" Kaaris apprend en direct que Booba a annulé leur combat de boxe - Duration: 1:43.
Booba annule son combat de boxe avec Kaaris - Duration: 1:25.
Bilal Hassani (Destination Eurovision) cruellement caricaturé dans la presse au - Duration: 2:09.
Bar chords are HARD! - Duration: 5:13.
Bar chords are HARD!
Hey there, I see a lot of challenges when people are first starting to play guitar but
there are a few to come back over and over and one of the big ones is Bar Chords Are
Hard! I've heard that so many times. I can relate. I can remember when I was first learning
to play guitar. I thought "Boy, I don�t know if I'll ever be able to actually play
it smooth. But you know, now I don�t give it a second thought. I have many videos that
I've created kinda on different aspects on how to play bar chords and prepare for them.
But in this video, I wanna talk about something that I think comes before all these exercises.
I think a lot of people have deep down inside the idea that maybe they'll never be able
to do it. Maybe they're somehow not talented enough for it. Somehow they'll never have
what it takes to get it to that place, that they see other people do.
I wanna start off by telling you that I know if you stick with it long enough you can do
it because I've seen it over and over and over. As a matter of fact, I don�t think
anyone I've seen that just started long enough couldn't do it including people who have had
lessons and even people who have not had lessons. Now the thing to do is to have an organized
approach but I've seen people who are not terribly organized still be able to play bar
chords. They are just were really persistent. If you are not that persistent personality,
I would suggest more of an organized systematic approach.
Now here's the thing, I also see over and over people kind of assuming they should be
able to pick a bar chords fairly quickly and then when they I find out they can't, they're
disappointed and then that�s when self-talk starts come into play. The thing is, you know,
if you just go to a bar chord and because its first time that you've needed it and start
trying to play it, you really had a disadvantage. It�s much harder than any of the other chords
that you've been playing up to that point all the open type chords and its more difficult
than even like this power chords.
A full bar chord takes a certain amount of strength and finesse. It�s not just strength
but it takes getting your finger in kinda just the right place. And then for most people,
it just doesn�t come all of a sudden. It comes through persistent practice.
Now what would I recommend for most people is to (2:23 ________) about it in a systematic
manner instead of going "I'm gonna learn this bar chord and then apply it to a song� Start
working on your bar chords before you actually need it for a song or for a specific technique.
Start practicing it in pieces. There are many ways to go about this and there's no absolute
one right way that I know of any way but here's to give you an example. Here's kinda how I
would go about with a student.
When they're just learning their first open chords. I'd start having practice an exercise
kinda like this - just going up the neck and playing a bar and hearing one of the sound
and pulsing down in the string. You strengthen your finger and getting used to what it takes
to press down all those strings.
Now from there, I'd probably go to having them do some form of the bar chord without
the bar maybe with just one finger, kinda like that where I just put my right finger
on the base note and then maybe start adding the two together. I just started off with
bar chords by the way more up in the neck because unfortunately the F chord is the one
most we will need first but its hardest ones because its down here next to the knot and
pressing the strings right there takes more tension than a little more technique than
doing it up and here. So I can practice some bar chords up and here and then move back
down to the F chord. That�s just an idea.
Now I created a course that�s part of my Real Guitar Success membership program and
that�s a step by step doing just what I just described like video after video starting
with basic exercises and moving up. But I wanna tell you, you don�t need that to do
this. Really, you can do it on your own. You just have to be persistent and you have to
be willing to kinda sit in a place of � you know �I can�t do this at first.� Break
it down smaller. Hold yourself back from trying to get to the full bar chords and using it.
If you feel like you�re getting really frustrated go back a step, backing a little bit more.
And I want to reiterate, you really can do this. Just go about it in a more strategic
way, in a long-term. Think of it long term but be open to the possibility that one day,
you�ll just have a breakthrough and it seems to come together. Step by step and if you
start working just go with it. And most importantly, don�t just give up after trying it a few
times. Really, take your time. Keep coming back at it.
Im gonna put some links to some exercises in the description here. If I forget, please
remind me in the comments and leave me some comments. Let me know how do you like this
or if you like to see some other videos on similar topics. I look forward to seeing you
again. I�m Tomas Michaud from Real Guitar Success. Thanks for spending this time with
Disparition d'Sala, des détails effrayants contre le pilote britannique David Ibbotson! - Duration: 2:39.
Homeschool Mom Takes on Board of Commissioners - Duration: 6:43.
Good afternoon Homeschoolers! It's Kelly from the every day homeschool.
I'm here to tell you about an impromptu field trip that my family took to the Wake County Board of Commissioners where we participated in the meeting.
I was asked to go in and speak on a topic that is near and dear to my heart.
And it was a great opportunity for the kids to learn about local government in action. So stay tuned!
There is a park that was supposed to be going in near our home. It's been planned and approved for a long time now.
It's a big beautiful open piece of property that used to be a golf course. And it's the perfect site
for a park. We live in an area of the county that is sorely lacking in parks. There just aren't a lot of place for the kids
to get together and play outside, ride bikes, skateboard, what ever.
So we are super pumped for this park to come! Unfortunately, we have some
personality conflicts and power plays happening on the board of commissioners and they have retracted
their agreement to fund the park. I don't know all the ins and outs to be honest. All I know is that we
were going to have a park and now there's not going to be a park. SO, we have a great group here
locally that has reached out and tried to gather local support to go in and fight this. I happen to fill out a survey
that they sent to me and I was surprised when they responded to my survey and asked me to come in and speak at the meeting today
in front of the board of commissioners and represent the homeschool community. So that was
awesome! I took five of the kids with me, which was not totally awesome. But we managed.
And, yeah! We got it done. I went in there with teeth chattering, knees knocking- I got up there and spoke my piece.
It was really great. So I felt nervous, and my knees were literally wobbly walking down the stairs afterward. I was shaken up a little bit.
But, uh, I did it! So I'm going to show you the video and then talk to you a little be about it afterwards.
I'm here with five of my six children to offer you perhaps a different perspective on this park project.
And I'll just tell you right now I haven't had time to read the documentation. I don't know the insides of the politics of the personalities and the power plays,
All I know is that our family needs a park. Here's why: When we came here 2.5 years ago from seattle,
the Seattle area, uh we are one of the many transplants that are popping up here every day,
and we lived in a neighborhood there - OLD - it was a 1978, nothing special, but we could walk to three parks
from our home. My kids had that option of walking to three different parks. I could let them go and feel good about it.
Well, we were excited to move here. Very excited. Because I learned before coming here that North Carolina
is the homeschool capitol of the nation. Did you know that you have more homeschoolers here per capita than any state?
It was amazing! I was so excited! I could not wait to connect. I could not wait to plug in. I could not wait
to thrive here as a homeschooling family. When I got here I was SO deflated, SO disappointed, because
it took us over a year
to feel like we had some place to connect here.
And I'm not gonna try to make that case that it's because we didn't have a park nearby, but it's part
of it. It's a big part of it. Because we...Parks are a part of our family culture. They are part of our homeschooling culture.
And park days for homeschoolers, are- That is a huge piece of our socialization. It's where we meet.
It's where we get together to plan. It's where we have our field days. It's where we do a lot. It's where we
do experiments and projects. It's where we do art. Parks are crucial for homeschoolers. And yeah, I can drive
20-25 minutes away to get to a greenway or a park. The problem is when I get there I'm never gonna see these people again.
They live over there. I don't! When I get to have a park, that hopefully will be near me someday, I'll get to know my neighbors and I'll get to know
my friends and my fellow homeschoolers. We live on a one-street neighborhood with no sidewalks.
My kids have no where to ride their bike or skateboard. If my son wants to skateboard Ihave to go all the way to Apex.
That's half an hour. A half-hour drive. It doesn't happen hardly ever. I'm a homeschooling mom with six kids. I don't have time do drive
half an hour to a skateboard park. It's really sad. So I think a piece of their childhood is missing.
And I'm so sad to find that you don't think it's worth it to go forward with the plan that you know we want and that you agreed to.
My baby is crying. I need to go. I'm sorry for the noise that we brought along and thank you for letting me speak last minute.
We waited a LONG time for this moment. Please take this to heart.
It means a lot to us and I am not a solo case. I haven't met a single family who doesn't want the park.
We all want the park. Thank you.
Ok so now you've seen it. I don't know what you think of what I had to say.
But it was totally off the cuff and from the heart. I noticed that when I got there a lot of people
there that were speaking were super prepared. They had their comments written down.
They had done a lot of hardcore research. They had numbers and statistics to share. I had NOTHING.
All I had was what was in my heart. My arm is getting tired holding the camera. Ow! Shoulder workout.
So, this is one great thing about homeschooling. This is one of the things I absolutely love.
The meeting was at two o'clock in the afternoon. If all my kids had been in public school there's no way
I could have gone because I would've had to stick home - stick around at home- for the bus routine. And also,
because I have younger children, I don't think I could have pulled off taking the younger kids with me If I didn't have the older kids along
to help out. But because I had my 8th grader, my 6th grader, and my 3rd grader along,
they were able to kind of take over and video for me. It was wonderful that we were together as a family
to take advantage of this popup opportunity. SO, Ijust love that homeschooling makes these opportunities available - not just to me- but to our family.
I'm just really grateful that our family gets to homeschool. I feel so blessed.
Thanks for watching, everybody. It's always good to chat with you.
I hop that you'll leave a comment and let me know what kind of field trips have you been on; Maybe last minute field trips where you felt like
your kids learned this awesome life lesson and it never would have happened
if you hadn't been there to take advantage of it as homeschoolers. Keep Learning! :)
A seulement 17 ans, le prodige Billie Eilish est déjà un phénomène ! - Duration: 7:10.
4 Cách kiểm tra tinh bột nghệ bạn đang dùng có nguyên chất hay không - Duration: 4:44.
quelles sont ses relations avec Omar Sy ? - Duration: 11:58.
NBA wrap: Nuggets recover from huge deficit to stun Grizzlies - Duration: 3:18.
The Nuggets beat the odds Monday. Denver didn't take control against the Grizzlies until there was less than a minute left in the fourth quarter
They trailed by as many as 25, but a late game surge helped the Nuggets claim a 95-92 victory
Nikola Jokic has continued to be Denver's go-to scorer, leading the way with 24 points
The elite playmaker only tallied three assists on the night, though. Mike Conley led all scorers with 28 points on 11-of-19 shooting
Marc Gasol totaled 14 points in the first quarter and finished with 23. The Grizzlies' stars came to play, but the team blew its biggest lead in franchise history in the loss
Memphis has lost nine of its last 10 games while the Nuggets extended their winning streak to three
Studs of the Night Stephen Curry scored 26 points on 10-of-13 shooting to lead the Warriors to a 132-100 win over the Pacers
D'Angelo Russell scored a game-high 25 points for the Nets, but Brooklyn fell short to the Celtics 112-104
Duds of the Night Marvin Williams made one of his eight 3-point attempts, scoring seven points on 3-of-12 shooting in the Hornets' 101-92 victory against the Knicks
Kevin Durant scored 16 points on 21 shots in Golden State's win. Highlights Garry Harris didn't see the rim on this shot, but it still went in
Gary Harris flips it up and gets it to fall! #MileHighBasketball pic.twitter.com/R6Hfy0NsCi— NBA (@NBA) January 29, 2019 Marcus Smart found Terry Rozier under the basket with this behind-the-back pass
Marcus Smart dishin' in style to Rozier!#CUsRise 89#WeGoHard 88WATCH the 4th: https://t
co/Bq24jKOTFm pic.twitter.com/lndRULaBec— NBA (@NBA) January 29, 2019 Read This http://images
jpg?t=1160632198&w=178 NBA trade rumors: Lakers offer for Anthony Davis must 'start' with Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma, draft pick E
Jay Zarett http://images.performgroup.com/di/library/omnisport/39/1c/gasol-marc-usnews-012819-ftr-getty_11afz8mh5y59914qls633209vi
jpg?t=-1766224576&w=178 NBA trade rumors: Kings interested in dealing for Grizzlies center Marc Gasol E
Jay Zarett What's Next? 76ers (32-18) at Lakers (26-24) 10:30 p.m. ET — Philadelphia recruited Lakers star LeBron James in the offseason, but failed to land him
Regardless, the 76ers have made other moves to remain competitive. James has been out with a groin injury since Dec
25, but could return soon.
Le curcuma est un médicament naturel qui soigne les problèmes digestifs, lutte contre l'inflammation - Duration: 7:18.
[Airsoft] M4 CCR Amoeba. Petit M4, grande réplique ? - Duration: 6:38.
Hello friends, today I'm talking about an M4 rifle
Who fits in there
So here is the M4 CCR from Amoeba
This is a very compact replica
A compact M4 replica
It can be compared in size to an MP5 H&K
It's an entirely plastic replica
But beware, not the shiny plastic cheap
From the Marui Famas
Here we are on ABS or nylon fiber
But, it's dense, it breathes the solidity
It's always better than zamac
So very compact in this configuration
It is equipped with a folding buttstock
On the shoulder, it does not move
Nothing squeaks
It's just maintained by a spring
2 side rails
1 lower rail 1 upper rail
which is about 11 inches
What to put a reddot and a viewfinder
It is equipped with a rudimentary mechanical sight
But who can replace a failed reddot
The weight is very correct
Very picked up on itself
We do not have an important leverage
The particularity of this M4 and the Amoeba range
It is equipped with a mosfet and a microswitch
We have a replica prepared lipo 3s
Very reactive
There are no mechanical parts
It's a joypad trigger
As usual on the M4 there is
Full auto
Optional for $ 50
Amoeba sells a mosfet programming box
Who can adjust the replica mosfet
For $ 50, it's better to have other Amoeba replicas
As usual
The setting of the hop up is...
in the ejection port
The mag eject button is much wider
And it's more practical with folded stock
Push and eject
Push and eject
It don't move
Where is the battery ?
Simply here
Lipo 3S AK type
I put T-plugs Dean
More safety, Mini Tamya is too hot
The replica comes with a silencer
With an internal barrel
This is for theory, but for practice...
Silencer increases power
275 fps -> 300 fps
But bad precision
Without silencer
With the silencer
It's a colander
Best, remove the inner barrel from the silencer
It will hit harder, but it will be less accurate
Beautiful replica, I'm very happy
Very solid, good precision, reactive
Very compact for CQB
And forest
Very satisfied
I think to keep it very long
Thanks a lot. At next time
海賊王870集:卡塔庫栗在路飛金色大招下敗北,倒下模樣依然帥氣 - Duration: 6:30.
Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu - Duration: 4:29.
Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu
海賊王870集:超預算被批評 大蛇只是第二個形態之後還有三個 - Duration: 3:31.
Don't F@#k in the Woods - Movie - Duration: 1:12:37.
29號過後,這幾個生肖大筆偏財入賬,做夢都能笑醒!一路順旺發到大年初一 - 知識命理 - Duration: 7:20.
Momos box#Small kiosk design in India# Sai Structurers India// food kiosk makers in Delhi#FOOD STALL - Duration: 2:09.
Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu - Duration: 4:29.
Rangoli Designs: 13x1 Rangoli Kolam Designs with dots | Muggulu
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