[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek)
For more infomation >> [FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek) - Duration: 2:48.-------------------------------------------
Andra a pus capăt speculațiilor. Declarația cântăreței despre sarcină! - Duration: 3:11.
NBA深度:浓眉哥交易藏三大玄机 湖人抢人只剩一条路 - Duration: 11:09.
Chris Lai Hipp - UH Alumni Profile - Duration: 4:57.
Sort of like those old school, you know, cartoons where like the wizard in the lab with the
cauldron adding this and that so It's sort of fun to make these things that
you're gonna give someone who's gonna they're gonna now take this and make them
better from it So, clinical pharmacists is basically one
of the two divisions of pharmacy.
The two main divisions are retail and clinical.
Clinical being the hospital based pharmacists.
So, we don't do a lot of dispensing like you'd see at like a retail pharmacy store
like Long's or Walgreens.
That's … everyone thinks like, well, how many pills do you count per day?
I don't count any pills per day.
I don't do that.
We more work as like consultants in the hospital helping the physicians to manage the patients.
So, if you come in to see me in the hospital you come to me normally in probably your worst
state, your sickest state.
You come in to the ER via ambulance.
Let's say you have a heart attack outside the hospital and your heart had unfortunately
stopped and they're doing CPR as you came in, when you come into the ER, I would be
helping the staff and the doctors decide which drugs to use, when to push your epinephrine
and which IV medications to give you to help you keep your heart going or start it up again
I make recommendations sort of on my own, whatever I think is the best treatment plan
for the patients The most interesting thing to me about pharmacy,
it would be, this is gonna be nerding out for a second, but it's the interaction with
the drug molecule with the body itself and how I can give you a chemical and cause a
drastic change in your body for the good or for the bad
So, you're working in the ER.
We'll see people that come in and overdose on illicit drugs, or even you know the medication
they were given by their doctors and they could have a negative outcome and how I can
sort of use other medications to correct that and to prevent them from having a negative
Every person alive basically is gonna have to have some interaction with medications
in their life at some point and you come into the hospital, you know,
every patient in the building is gonna be on something
At least, you know, as needed, or something so you sort of touch every single life, every
single patient that comes in through the medical center, so
I thought it was important to be knowledgeable and skillful in this aspect of healthcare
to try to help patients have the best outcome that they could have
So, I feel that UH gave me probably the best foundation possible starting off at KCC.
It was really good since I was going to the very heavily science based field.
I felt it was the best option with the faculty and the class sizes, the availability of classes
that really helped to build a strong foundation for me to go on into the upper level sciences
later on.
Actually, when I was doing a Masters program at UH Manoa, I had taken two graduate level
pharmacology classes I had heard of pharmacy, but I didn't know
that there was different fields of pharmacy before that
So, in this class I sort of learned about what is clinical pharmacy and sort of what
their role is in the hospital and I thought oh that's pretty interesting
It's doctor level work but not as a physician, so whenever the UH Hilo School of Pharmacy
opened, I thought hey that's a good chance to you know kind of go more into that
I try to stay as active as I can with UH especially with the School of Pharmacy
You know I try to help out as much as possible.
I do teach some classes for them Yeah, I mean I actually, I enjoy teaching
a lot.
I used to, I used to hate public speaking, but teaching has given me a lot of confidence
to do that, but also That old saying about you really learn the
most by teaching I found it to be a hundred percent correct
I do.
I feel like I learn so much more by working with students or teaching
Well, I think for students who aren't sure what they wanna do I think it's important
to keep a open mind and not be afraid to try different things
I did sort of bounce around between medical laboratory science, the research sciences,
like clinical, like medicine type things which I'm really now in pharmacy
But now when I'm done I still encompass all of those things in my daily job and I
wouldn't have had as good of a grasp on that if I didn't do what I did previously
Which was try different things learn different things and could have been familiar in different
aspects in the medical sciences You sort of have to understand the whole process,
the whole, every piece of the puzzle to be the best practitioner that you can be
I think the biggest thing I got out of my time at UH, at the various campuses, I sort
of learned how to learn, which I think is the most important thing
Cause not everyone knows how to do that and my time at UH has kind of taught me how to
learn, how I learned and how I can use that to go forward in life.
Como aprendi francês?? Comment j'ai appris le français? - Duration: 5:57.
Doing This Will Destroy Your Car's Transmission - Duration: 5:08.
rev up your engines, billy-bob says Scotty does shifting my car from reverse
to drive without fully stopping cause damage to the transmission, yes it can
especially if you do it at higher speeds and do it all the time, years ago you
could seriously damage the transmission, because they didn't have lock outs on
them, and I had quite a few customers over the years, they were either driving
something and their kid hit the shifter and went from Drive to reverse and
destroyed the transmission, or they had a big bump or something and they jarred
it and put it into reverse, a lot of modern transmissions are set up so you
can't actually do that they're locked out, but if yours can, you don't want to
do that, when you are going from Drive to reverse, or reverse to drive switching
the way the transmission is spinning one way versus the other, always come to a
complete stop before you do that and shift it from either drive to reverse or
reverse to drive, and also if you don't want to destroy your transmission, stay
the heck away from water, transmissions have little drains in them
their little vent holes, and if you go into deep water and that gets
underwater, you can get water in the transmission, and water destroys
automatic transmissions, and the same thing with a lot of cars their
transmission coolers are part of the car's radiator there in the bottom of
the radiator to cool the transmission fluid, if you find that that's leaking
and you're getting a mixture of transmission fluid and water in your coolant
and in your transmission, you want to fix that right away, don't let that go too
far and destroy the transmission from getting water inside it, seven eight nine
nine nine sas Scotty, if the first gear pops out constantly, would a clutch replacement
fix the issue, no if you have a transmission where it pops out of first
gear while you're driving, your transmission is shot, every one that I ever
worked on that you're driving down the road and it
pops out of gear, it was a problem inside the transmission, and the transmission
needed to be rebuilt, that's not a clutch problem, a clutch problem is you can't
get into the gear or it grinds when you're going into gear, but if it's in gear
and you take off and it pops out the only thing that can do that is internal
wear on the transmission and you're just gonna have to
have the thing rebuilt that's just the way that it goes, Kari says Scotty what
do you think of having a 2004 VW Jetta as a daily car, only if you don't drive
it much, my wife used to drive a mile and a half back forth to work when she
taught at a school and it was only a mile and half away,
okay maybe you could get away with it then, but if you're gonna be putting ten
to twenty thousand miles a year on that thing, it'll bankrupt you those things
are money pits as they age they're just, especially if they're an
automatic transmission and if you live in a place like me Houston where it's
hot, their air conditioning systems break and you can only use new compressors
because they're weak enough as they are I've had people try rebuilt compressors on
them and they always break really soon after, so I would not use that car as a
daily driver unless you're driving a couple miles a day, alex says
Scotty I'm planning to buy an old classic car, Range Rover manual classic
81, or Mercedes cl600, okay get the Range Rover if you must, those
classic wants were better made, the Mercedes cl600 is an endless money pit, I got
customers have bought those things, they threw endless money into them and when
they sold them they lost all the money they throw into them, their just endless
money pits at least the Range Rover is an 81 it's simpler, you can still get
parts for it because the English love those things, and that's what I'd go with
it, I personally would buy either one but I definitely would not buy the cl600
they're endless money, Berghoff says dear Scotty our Jeep Wrangler manual
transmission won't go into reverse when it's cold, do you know why does it need
new oil, well you can change the oil and stuff, but if it won't go into reverse
but it goes into all the other gears then you want to check your linkage
maybe the reverse linkage is not going in right and if it's adjustable, adjust it
but if there is no adjustment, and it only goes to all the other gears fine
but not reverse, it means reverse gear is starting to go out, and I see that on
those all the time as they age that's the weakest thing is generally reverse
gear is the first gear to go out on those things, martin says Scotty how do you
fix a 94 honda accord with the brake
light and the blinker lights that stay on even when the key is out, and the radio
doesn't work, well you got an electrical short somewhere
but first, your brake light stays on first thing you want to check is, your
brake light switch, those things have little plastic pieces that the brake light
switch sticks on and when that breaks, then the brake light switch goes
into the hole where the plastic was and that will stay onm so check that first but
if your blinker lights stay on, then you've
got some kind of a short to power or relay or something, you're gonna have to find
out where the power is shorting out to them just pull the fuses, see if they go out
when the fuses are out, and if they do then you know somewhere between the fuse
and the power there's a short, you got to figure out where the short is first, so
if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos, remember to
ring that Bell!
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek) - Duration: 2:48.
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek)
Deputies search for man involved in Circle K robbery in Morgantown - Duration: 0:40.
United Way of the Southern Tier receives $100k donation - Duration: 1:52.
✅ Obrat v účtování s „neposlušnými" firmami z D11: Ťok slíbil řešení a dodatek k smlouvě - Duration: 0:41.
Ministr dopravy Dan Ťok (za ANO) a Ředitelství silnic a dálnic (ŘSD) se dohodli se společností Eurovia CS na vytvoření dodatku ke smlouvě na stavbu úseku dálnice D11, který by měl zohlednit současný stav staveniště
Udělali tak v reakci na vývoj posledních hodin, kdy nejdříve firma podmínečně odstoupila od smlouvy a ŘSD ji následně zcela vypovědělo
Dodatek by měl být uzavřen do 15. února, obě strany sporu by pak měly své odstoupení od smlouvy vzít zpět
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek) - Duration: 2:48.
[FREE] Lil Uzi Vert x Pierre Bourne Type Beat 2019 "Eternal Atake" (Prod. Jaboii x hiitek)
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