Looking at me, everyone said it was cool.
But that's not it.
Only beacause is occupational disease of previous life
But with women,
I'm very gentle and good.
So don't worry.
Just need you love me...
And the whole world out there i will take care of all.
Hihi. I love you.
See more at: muahoabachhop.com
For more infomation >> Nam thần địa phủ ( No.38) Đừng tưởng anh ngầu lắm nha em - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
190131 SEVENTEEN WOOZI Twitter/Ins Video (세븐틴 우지) - Duration: 1:52.
ПРОИЗВОДСТВО СТЕКЛЯННЫХ АМПУЛ Minipress.ru - Duration: 1:22.
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Savings Bank Account v/s Liquid Funds - Duration: 4:30.
Hi everyone so let's take a look at an interesting comparison between two
products one the conventional and one the smarter one so savings bank accounts
versus liquid funds so let's do a like to like comparison between these two
products today so the number one parameter that we can look at is
obviously returns so the returns in a savings bank account would be around
3.5% for all major banks and for the liquid fund would range between you know
7.25 to 7.5% as of December 2018 so now the
interesting fact is while the percentage might not seem much to you, you would
notice that it is almost double of what you are earning right now and over a
longer period in time liquid funds can generate you more than double returns on
your liquid money that you usually park into a savings bank account so in fact
here is an illustration just take a look at how in a liquid find out performs a
savings account over a longer period in time and just notice the difference
between the corpus that is generated over a longer period in time point
number two let's talk about taxation in a savings bank account every interest
that is accrued on your savings account is subject to tax is subject to tax at
the rate of your personal tax rate irrespective of whether you redeem that
interest or not alternatively in a liquid fund there is no tax on accrued
income you are liable to pay tax only and only when you redeem the money and
you book a gain on your liquid funds again if you happen to by chance
keep your money into liquid funds for over three years the tax incidence is
much lower given the indexation benefit next a very important parameter that
would be liquidity so obviously your savings bank account offers the highest
amount of liquidity given you can withdraw your cash whenever required but
at the same time along with higher returns and a higher
post tax return specifically liquid funds is relatively lower liquid in
nature you would perhaps have to wait for a day before that amount comes back
into your savings bank account so a days lag is what it is in a liquid fund the
last obviously not a very prominent point but ala be it a very important one a
savings bank account can be hacked into and the funds in that can be
siphoned off by a cyber criminal but in a liquid fund what happens is all your
money is stored in the form of mutual fund units let's say even if someone
were to get a login access into your mutual fund account he or she cannot
redeem the money into any other account except you're registered bank account
that makes it hack safe for a to a certain degree which is pretty
comfortable so all in all these are the four prime reasons why one would choose
a liquid fund over a savings bank account obviously for liquidity it is
always suggestible to have some ready cash in your savings bank account
something that you will need on a day to day basis anything that you wouldn't
need for at least two days should be parked into a liquid fund and this is
the best way to optimize each and every penny of what you earn and what you save
so guys as I always say the best way to invest is through MyWay and the easiest
way to do it is just open up your MyWay app click on the top mutual fund
recommendations select liquid files and they will have a list of liquid funds to
select from and don't worry MyWay helps in advising and you choosing the best
liquid funds available so the best time to invest and save smartly is right now
and the best way to do it is through MyWay,
so guys learning and learning is a daily thing with my way but do not forget the more you know the more you'll
grow so guys don't forget to Like share and subscribe for more videos that will
help you take a step closer to financial well-being and being wealthy
People Like Us S02E03 Signs & Omens - Duration: 11:21.
FC Wichita Falls tryouts - Duration: 2:05.
Caer bien meaning - Duration: 1:26.
When we say that we like someone,
What we want to say is that we feel sympathy for that person. When someone likes you, it's good.
Normally this is translated into English as "to like someone".
But I think it's more difficult to understand this translation.
The literal translation would be "to fall well to someone".
And I know it does not make any sense but I think if I tell you,
You can learn this expression much more easily.
I'll give you two examples. I really like Ed Sheeran.
Or: Everyone likes James Corden.
If you want to practice, use an example below and if you want more Spanish resource
or help me with this page, take a look at YOURSPANISHGUIDE.COM
See you in the next lesson
that will be tomorrow, until then you have a good day, goodbye.
Gross Profit Margin Formula | Calculation (with Examples) - Duration: 9:39.
hello everyone hi welcome to the channel of WallStreetmojo friends today we
are going to learn a topic that is called gross profit margin formula this
particular ratio is a part of ratio analysis now let's try and understand
the formula the gross profit margin formula goes something like this it is
basically your gross profit which can be lowered high divided by your total
revenue which is your seats now let's start understanding this formula
in a more detailed fashion at every level okay
the investor needs to do what he needs to investigate he or she needs to know
how and read first what what is the first thing he need to do
the investor needs to do investigation second he or she needs to know every
aspect of the business is doing so when an investor looks at the income
statement that is what we are talking about the P&L statement profit and loss
statement it's it isn't enough to check the profitability ratio like net profit
margin you know it's equally important to look
for the other profitability ratio also so what are the most significant of all
is the gross profit margin gross profit margin ratio
right no gross profit margin ratio it dictates
that how much of how much profit a firm makes just by deducting cost of goods
sold which is your COGS now the gross profit margin
takes any other expenses into account except the COGS so let's understand
the formula the formula goes something like this the gross profit margin the
ratio is equal to your gross profit
/ revenue this whole thing in 200 okay so next let's understand few examples on
gross profit margin ratio
the example will go something like this there's this company called honey
chocolate limited and it has been provided with few data let's say the net
sales is the first data that we have the net sales is let's say $400,000 the
cost of goods sold which is known as your COGS let's say is $280,000
so based on this find out the gross margin or the gross profit of the year
so net sales divided by COGS is going to be our gross profit exactly that's
what we were trying to find so first of all what we need to find out you know is
the gross profit of honey chocolate limited the gross profit is going to be
your net sales minus COGS which will give you your GP okay using this gross
profit margin formula we get gross margin
is equal to your gross profit divided by your net sales right and 200 or make it
percentage you get 30% as your gross margin so from the above calculation or
for gross profit margin ratio we can say that the gross profit margin of honey
chocolate limited is 30% of the year to interpret the percentage we need to look
at the other similar companies in the same industry which is known as
comparable companies right now I will show you the gross margin of a
real-life company that's called Colgate let's have a look now this is the gross
margin of Colgate company as you can see the net sales data is here that is for
December 15 and December 14 so for December 14 its 17 277 and for 16034
that means the sales has been reduced sales has got
reduced and your gross profit has also been reduced okay based on this gross
profit you divide by the net sales you get your gross profit margin ratio
that's what which has been deducted which has been indicated over here so
this is how it has been found out the net sales minus cost of goods cost of
sales because this all has been converted into percentages so
once you convert that into percentages you can find the gross profit as you can
see below is the graph which is given so the cost of operations okay
it includes the depreciation related to manufacturing operations and that is
given in the Colgate's 10k filing shipping and handling cost may be
reported in the cost of sales or selling or general 8 admin expense Colgate
reported this as a part of the general selling general and administrative cost
of sales then the gross margin I'm talking about the gross profit at the
gross margin of the Colgate would have decrease 770 base point from around
58.62 you can say it to 50.9 so 58.62 ,50.9 but that is a reduction now
let's get into the explanation part of the gross profit margin formula in gross
profit margin for there are basically two components the
first component is the gross profit okay to calculate the gross profit we need to
start with the gross sales that is the inception level gross sales
are the first item in the income statement so we deduct these sales
returns if any the sales returns needs to be deducted or you can say any
serious discount if any from the gross sales okay and we get thee finally we
get the net net sales based on this
now the next item in the income statement is the cost of goods sold
which is known as COGS when we deduct the cost of goods sold from the net
sales what exactly happens is that we get the gross profit from further
company so we just need to deduct this to the gross profit minus the COGS is
going to be our GP or the gross margin the second component of the gross margin
ratio is the revenue part the revenues here the revenue means D total sales
it means the total sales value of the goods sold so when we multiply the sale
price into or for each of the number of the good soul we get the total revenue
since you know sales return or sales discount if any cannot be included in
the total sales value we need to deduct that or decide these items from the
total sales value and by deducting this we get the net sales okay now we get the net
sales and and here we will consider the net sales as the second component okay
of the gross profit margin ratio what is exactly the use of the gross
profit margin formula the first we'll start with the use the first you see
profitability is is an important factor to consider for investors so investors
look mainly at the net profit margin ratio that is the NPM the ratio
along with the GPM so the gross profit margin calculator is useful to investors
because by calculating the percentage debt they can easily compare it with the
other similar companies comparing the gross profit percentage of
all the similar companies in the same industry what exactly happens is that it
provides investor with the knowledge of whether the gross profit of the target
company is healthy or not so higher remember this thing higher the GP
percentage better it is better the company's overall health and
profitability however every investor should look at at all the financial
ratios before coming into conclusion now lower the GP that means worst the
condition or worse the financial health of the company so this is good and this
is bad for the company so GP ratio should always if it is high then it is
good for the company now this is basically the calculator for calculating
your gross profit margin ratio which is available
let's see if your gross profit is 250,000 and your revenue is
$1,000,000 let's say your revenues $1,000,000 of that you are earning
250,000 so your answer should be very easy it's just 25 deducted all
the numbers you get zeroes you get 25% as your answer
right now as the gross profit increases
keeping the sales is same that means your gross profit margin formula will
increase and as the gross profit will reduce
your margin will reduce so accordingly you can put your numbers and try and
make your own analysis right thank you everyone
韓国造船再編!大宇造船海洋売却でビッグ3からビッグ2へ! - Duration: 6:21.
Korea Shipbuilding Reorganization! Daisu Shipbuilding On the sale of the ocean, from Big 3 to Big 2! (Translated by google.com)
When selling the Daewoo shipbuilding ocean, which is a corner of Korean shipbuilding big 3, to Hyundai Heavy Industries
Industry Bank, the major shareholder, announced.
With this, the size of Hyundai Heavy Industries is the largest in the Korean shipbuilding industry,
Samsung Heavy Industries will be the next two strength regime.
Hyundai Heavy Industries launched a shipbuilding integrated corporation that oversees a group of shipbuilders,
It will receive investment of shares held by industrial banks.
Currently the Industrial Bank is the largest shareholder holding 55.7% of the shares of Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean.
The negotiation has already reached the final stage.
As a result, Hyundai Heavy Industries has a share of orders of 21.2%
Becoming the world's largest shipbuilding company overwhelming.
As long as Korean shipbuilders are good at LNG carriers,
We have secured more than half of the order volume worldwide.
Competition for deficits in deficit, which has been spread among domestic companies by the merger, has also been relaxed,
There is also a view that profitability will improve.
In addition, we will focus on special ship fields that Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean has been proud of
It is thought that Hyundai Heavy Industries Group will obtain further improvement of management by getting it.
Although industrial banks declare that personnel restructuring associated with this merger is unnecessary,
Anxiety voices are rising from employees and affiliated companies.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2S1FeE0 http://bit.ly/2RXqVjQ http://bit.ly/2S11MF2 http://bit.ly/2RYcXhv
Korean reaction
Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean, Industrial Bank and Hyundai Heavy Industries are going to make use of China's hands in combination.
We agree fully, and after taking over the bold structure adjustment
I hope to become a competitive company by cutting off management with the labor union which became a group of vested interests.
I will praise you for not selling to China.
However, we hope that only vested interest groups wishing to have no unnecessary structural adjustments will be totally replaced.
Three quarters of the 35,000 marine officers of Daewoo Shipbuilding are subcontractors.
The life of subcontract workers working at low wages does not change at all.
There is no special relationship whether Daewoo Shipbuilding will move to China or move to Japan.
The management team who failed in management must always ask for responsibility.
Daewoo shipbuilt saved employees' wages and endured when the management team ruined the company.
I hope the integrated shipbuilding corporation goes well!
As soon as I get a little better I will strike with more.
There is no hope.
The shipbuilding economy recovered as soon as possible,
We expect that related companies will grow and the workers will laugh.
I think that privatization of Daewoo shipbuild was done very well,
If we can not adjust the union structure of Daewoo shipbuilding labor union that seems to be a civil servant, Hyundai Heavy Industries will also see blood.
My father retired Hyundai Heavy Industries last year.
Desired retirement · · ·.
I hope to regain the shipbuilding industry deprived of China!
It is the selling guy who sells Daewoo shipbuilding overseas at this time.
It is a good thing that Hyundai Heavy Industries assumed this time.
If Daewoo shipbuilding crossed China, the future of Korean shipbuilding would have become dark.
There will be harsh structural adjustment in the future.
Because we will arrange overlapping parts between Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding.
Despite being desperately running,
Daewoo shipbuilding maritime shipbuilding which has been lengthened by oxygen respirator with bonus festival and national tax
What does Hyundai Heavy Industries underwrite?
What should have been lost a long time ago ....
Daewoo Shipbuilding Is Hyundai Heavy Industries intact as it is for blood tax entering the ocean?
Comment Source: http://bit.ly/2RWNvZO
The idea of Japanese editors
We extend life insurance companies with hidden losses by doing hidden accounting at the national tax,
We brought it to the domestic company as we initially planned to sell.
Although criticism is endless, it means that it was completed as planned at the time of the Park Kune administration.
Although I tried to do a lot with trying to make the big 3 somehow equally somehow,
It finally fits in a place to fit.
With this, Hyundai Heavy Industries became the world 's largest shipbuilding company only in the figure.
In Korea it is said that shipbuilding business is recovering as shipbuilding orders increase,
The fact is not so good.
Since it may be in the red letters,
Somehow it keeps struggling to secure employment and contribute to the Korean economy.
From the Korean government,
It will be awarded that the size is sharply reduced so as not to create a large number of unemployed people.
Similar movements are already in Japan and China,
Industry restructuring has been going on for many years.
Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean sale talk has been around since the peak,
I did not realize it in some way but had continued exposing abomination.
It is surprising that the policy of reducing personnel without increasing the overlapping divisions is surprising.
Anyway I will be withdrawing later.
Well this performance is also necessary to keep employees' morale.
Nobody knows whether this new regime will work.
It will take time until the answer comes out.
It can not be judged that it was successful if it is good this year.
Because we could not keep the Daewoo shipbuilding ocean forever,
I guess that you did well on that point.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
If you do not mind registering to the channel would be greatly appreciated.
Nam thần địa phủ ( No.38) Đừng tưởng anh ngầu lắm nha em - Trà My Vũ - Mùa hoa bách hợp - Duration: 1:01.
Looking at me, everyone said it was cool.
But that's not it.
Only beacause is occupational disease of previous life
But with women,
I'm very gentle and good.
So don't worry.
Just need you love me...
And the whole world out there i will take care of all.
Hihi. I love you.
See more at: muahoabachhop.com
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:05.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys
Ladies Casio BABY-G G-MS Pink & Silver Tone Watch | MSGS200-4A Top 10 Review - Duration: 4:46.
Juliette Binoche, Mélanie Thierry, Virginie Ledoyen: Pour elles, le Temps presse - Duration: 3:52.
Simina de la Puterea Dragostei, primele declarații despre relația cu Jador! "L-am văzut 3 ore în tot - Duration: 4:11.
Simina de la Puterea Dragostei, primele declarații despre relația cu Jador! "L-am văzut 3 ore în total"
Simina a rămas în casa de la Puterea Dragostei în timp ce Jador a fost eliminat. Înainte de a părăsi emisiunea, cei doi formau un cuplu
Simina abia venise la Puterea Dragostei, când Jador a fost eliminat din casă. În puținul timp petrecut împreună, cei doi s-au apropiat și erau la începutul unei relații
Atunci când a fost votat de colegi pentru a părăsi casa, Jador a fost dezamăgit pentru că o lăsa acolo pe Simina, dar i-a promis acesteia că va încerca să se întoarcă și pentru acest lucru i-a rugat pe telespectatori să-l voteze
.La scurt timp după plecarea lui Jador din casă, în emisiune a fost adus un alt băiat, Bogdan
Acesta a declarat că este atras de Simina, iar afară, Jador a fost. cam gelos."Eu am încredere în Simina
Vorbesc mereu cu ea și îmi confirmă că nu e nimic între ea și un alt băiat din casă", ne spunea însă Jador
Simina și Jador de la Puterea Dragostei au vorbit despre sentimentele lor!.În urmă cu câteva zile, Jador și Simina au făcut un live în comun pentru a le explica fanilor care este relația lor și cât de mult doresc să fie împreună
"Am vorbit cu Jador să așteptăm, să vedem dacă intră în casă. O să aștept două săptămâni
Dacă până atunci nu intră el în casă, vin eu acasă. Nu o să fac un cuplu cu un alt băiat, însă nu pot să stau singură, să fiu sălbatică", a spus Simina în live-ul cu Jador
Cei doi au mărturisit că nu au cum să știe încotro merge relația lor, pentru că au stat foarte puțin împreună și nu se cunosc suficient
"Nu pot să spun că-l iubesc pe Jador, l-am văzut 3 ore în total. Nici noi nu știm ce sentimente avem acum
Ceva puternic simțim că ne leagă", a mărturisit Simina.Gestul făcut de Simina chiar din casa de la Puterea Dragostei pentru Jador
Și pentru a încerca să-i oprească pe toți cei care cred că ea se află în casa de la Puterea Dragostei pentru a face un cuplu cu un alt băiat, Simina a făcut un gest emoționant pentru Jador: și-a trecut pe pagina de socializare "într-o relație cu Jador"
サンスポ水戸正晴の「絶対万券」論「血統馬ジャンダルムを見直す」 - ニュース 速報 - Duration: 4:32.
暦の上では大寒が過 、1年の中で最も寒い時 を迎えているが、競馬は えることなく、毎週のよ に熱戦が繰り広げられて る。 今週の東のメ ン、東京新聞杯は、GI 前哨戦という意味合いは いものの、今年も顔ぶれ なかなか
それだけマイル前後の距 適性がある馬が多いとい ことだろうが、それにし もメンバーは多彩。馬券 にもおもしろい一戦であ 。 別定戦だが、人 どおり簡単に決まりづら のは、各馬の力量に大き 開きがないということ
つまり、それだけ見応え る重賞ということだ。デ タからも、それはわかる 03年に馬単が導 されて以降、これまでの 6年間、その馬単で万馬 になったのは7回(馬連 は5回)だが、この間、 、2番人気馬ともに2勝 2着2回
まさに波乱含みの一戦で る。 成長著しい明 4歳馬が7勝(2着6回 と活躍するのは当然でう ずけるが、最も充実して るはずの5歳馬(3勝、 着3回)より、6歳馬( 勝、2着5回)のほうが 対していることは見逃す きではないだろう
今年に関しても、 はり4歳馬が強力だ。古 になってからの活躍が見 まれているレイエンダを 頭として、僚馬タワーオ ロンドン、上昇著しいイ ディチャンプ、ジャンダ ム、そしてテトラドラク といった面々である
6歳馬は多少地味 見劣るが、ロジクライ、 ードクエストなど、多彩 顔ぶれ。何かしでかしそ なムードが漂っている。 というわけで今年も 解、波乱含みの重賞であ ことに変わりなさそうだ
それでも別定戦。 負う斤量に大きな差はな のだから、無謀な穴狙い 避けるべきである。 穴党として大いに期待し いのは、やはり4歳馬。 ャンダルムをイチオシし い
新馬-重賞(GI デイリー杯2歳S)を連 。クラシックでも、と期 された力量馬だ。実際、 の後はGIホープフルS 着、GII弥生賞3着と 績を積んでいったが、肝 の皐月賞は9着、ダービ はブービーの17着に敗 去った
体調面で問題があ たのは事実だが、しかし れは、距離が長かったか ではないだろうか。周知 ように母ビリーヴ(高松 記念、スプリンターズS は典型的なスプリンター
父が長めの距離を得意と たキトゥンズジョイ(米 牡馬王者)であっても、 はり2000メートル以 の距離は長かったという とだろう。 そのへ が陣営にはっきり認識さ たことで、昨秋富士S( 着)、マイルCS(16 )と、マイル戦にホコ先 向けてきた
結果は悪いが、それでも 2走とも勝ち馬とはコン 7秒差。大きく負けたわ ではなく、巻き返しは十 可能ではないだろうか。 池江寿調教師は「前 走とも体調面で本当では かった
馬体も重かったし、まだ い頃の覇気がなかった」 振り返り、「この中間は にいい雰囲気。稽古の動 も素軽く、気持ちが前向 になっている」と状態の さを強調する。 な ば、変わり身があってい
新馬-重賞の連勝は、と にマイル戦。これだけの 統馬なら、マイル路線で を成す可能性が大いにあ というものだ。 母 似てしまいがしっかりし いる馬。直線の長い東京 ースは合わないわけがな
きさらぎ賞は、少 数の競馬だが、逸材ぞろ で注目もの。わずかだが 量はダノンチェイサーが 位ではないか。 ど な競馬になっても対応力 あり、センスが光る馬
血統(母系)も文句なく クラシック級と言ってい 。
"Madame la Présidente" : un livre lève le voile sur le rôle de Brigitte Macron à l'Elysée - Duration: 2:40.
Liverpool News - Deadline Day LIVE: Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool, Chelsea transfer latest - Done dea - Duration: 3:51.
Premier League clubs spent a record amount in last year's January transfer window and on deadline day
Over £43million was spent in January 18 but it has been much different this year with just £113m spent prior to today
Last-ditch, big-money deals, including Arsenal's £58m for Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang and Tottenham paying £3m for Lucas Moura, contributed to a record £15m outlay on deadline day 1 months ago
The winter transfer window will slam shut at 11pm, however, some deals may still go through later if the right paperwork is submitted before the deadline
Deadline Day LIVE: Latest transfer news Lazar Markovic finally looks set to end his Liverpool nightmare, with Beskitas at the front of the queue for the winger
Ben Woodburn, meanwhile, might leave Anfield on a temporary basis having returned from Sheffield United
Chelsea misfit Danny Drinkwater is planning to stay at Stamford Bridge despite having no place in Maurizio Sarri's side
Fulham and West Ham have both been tipped to offer the 16 Premier League winner a route away from the Blues
BBC reports that Arsenal are still working on a deal for Paris St-Germain midfielder Christopher Nkunku but moves for Ivan Perisic and Yannick Carrasco appear to be over
According to Sky s, PSG are keen to make a late swoop for Chelsea forward Willian
Liverpool, meanwhile,havebeen credited with an interest in PSG contract rebel Adrien Rabiot, who is out of contract in the summer
The Reds could offer the French side a small fee to take the midfielder off their handsnow,or strike a pre-contract agreement for the summer
The Independent claims that Manchester United are still desperate to recruit a centre-back and are 'willing to spend money if the right player is available'
Kalidou Koulibaly is said to be the ideal target for the Red Devils but Napoli are desperate to keep hold of him
Meanwhile, midfielder Marouane Fellaini has hinted he is flying to China today to complete his move
Shandong Luneng are believed to have agreed a fee with United for the Belgium international
Fellaini has posted a picture of himself and friends at Brussels Airport, captioned: "Let's go
" Deadline Day LIVE: Premier League done deals TODAY All completed deals in the January window so far Latest transfer news and rumours on deadline day
Brigitte Macron, odieuse menace, est maudit par des proches du président -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 3:40.
Audition 【字幕】 - Duration: 3:44.
FAMILLE 3/5 - Duration: 2:59.
Which Conlang would be the best International Auxiliary Language? [Video in English] - Duration: 14:58.
Which CONLANG should be the international auxiliary language?
That was a question that was posted on Duolingo and after a long discussion I finally was
talked into weighing in on what my opinion was on that question.
And that's what we're going to talk about today.
Hi, my name is Tomaso and this is the Esperanto Variety Show.
This is a channel that is about Esperanto.
There's content *in* Esperanto and *about* Esperanto.
I've been speaking Esperanto actively for 20 years, and for 10 of those years I was involved
with a mailing list (discussion forum) called AUXLANG and spent a lot of time talking to
people about different aspects of this idea of inventing a language to be used as a universal
language, and different solutions to that problem.
Ultimately I decided that it was a big rabbit hole.
While there's lots of interesting things to do with constructed languages, trying to get
a brand new constructed language out there in the world - for which everybody is going
to say "hey, this is a wonderful language, let's all learn it"...
That's not going to happen.
You can just keep on going down levels and levels and levels of...
.. insanity, quite honestly.
Anyway, that's what we're going to talk about today.
Another thing I want to say is that I don't have a problem with people learning an auxlang
project because of their own sense of aesthetic value, or the value they find in that project.
Esperanto is the only constructed language that has a large community of people speaking
But there are people you can speak with in these other languages, and it can be a lot
of fun.
I've spent a fair amount of time speaking Interlingua with people online.
I've had fun with Ido, and I have some books in Ido.
And I've played around with some other languages.
Other language projects and had some fun with that.
The question was posted by someone named Xasybean.
He says that he thinks Esperanto would be the best contender.
Regular viewers of this channel will know what Esperanto is.
Esperanto is an invented language.
It was invented 130 years ago, and it was designed to be a universal second language.
An auxiliary language in that sense.
A language that helps people communicate with each other.
It's not going to replace their main language, but it's going to be a helping language.
Before I get too deep into this, I do want to point out that from my point of view, the
value in Esperanto is not necessarily... ... in fact not even "not necessarily."
It's NOT in this dream of being a universal language some day.
It's in the use we have for Esperanto today as you and I speak.
The fact that you can learn Esperanto now and make friends around the world.
That you can use it to communicate with people on the same level.
(Level playing field.)
Rather than trying to speak as a foreign speaker to a native speaker...
... trying to "speak uphill", you can be more or less equal in terms of both coming to this
language fresh.
It also allows you to become more fluent.
That's been my experience.
You can attain a higher level of fluency as a second-language learner - with Esperanto.
THAT is the value of Esperanto.
So when Xasybean asked this question, one of the things he did kind of say is that he
hopes people will not just say "Oh, Esperanto, of course, that's the best choice."
You'd expect Esperanto speakers to say that on a board dedicated to Esperanto.
And there was a lot of input into the discussion.
And I tried very hard not to answer the question.
Because I don't think there is an answer to this question.
Let's consider the vocabulary, for example.
One of the complaints that comes up again and again about Esperanto as far as being
a universal language is "well, what about people who don't speak European languages?
Is it fair to make them learn all these root words that are familiar to us as English speakers,
or French speakers, or German speakers, or Russian speakers, but would not be familiar
to somebody who speaks Swahili or Japanese or Mandarin or that sort of thing?
It's a legitimate question.
Ultimately I personally think there is no solution to that problem.
There are 6000 languages in the world.
If we were to take one word from each one of those languages we would have a vocabulary
of 6000 words.
And I can't imagine that some speaker of... ... Farsi ... Sard ... pick a language...
... is going to go learn this language and say "Woah, that language has one word from
my native language - that's SO much easier now", right?
There is no solution to this.
Either it's going to be easy to one group of people, or the vocabulary going to be universally
And I had an idea which I thought would be fun.
This was actually before Google Translate.
If we would come up with a language - like Esperanto, and to which extent "like Esperanto"
could be up for discussion.
In this hypothetical idea, we would come up with three vocabulary zones, and within those
groups we would come up with different vocabulary items.
By the way, in my discussion on the Duolingo forum, lots of people misunderstood my idea,
so I'm going to try to explain it a little more carefully this time.
So what we do is we come up with zones, alright?
The details are up for discussion.
You could say there's an African zone, a European zone, and an Asian zone.
And then within those zones, then we come up with vocabulary that would be familiar
to people from those areas.
So for example, the European word for bird could be "birdo" - which also happens to be
the Esperanto word for bird.
And then we could have the Asian word for bird could be "torio".
And then the third word could be - I think I picked this from Swahili, I don't remember
at this point - "ndego".
So birdo, torio, and ndego, right?
And we would declare that these three words mean exactly the same thing.
The grammar of the three languages would be the same.
The word order would be the exactly the same - the endings... everything ... the meaning
of these three words that are linked together.
And what we would do this then have a computer go through and essentially change the vocabulary
of the language.
So, I could write something in a European version of this language, and then have it
... "copied"....
... I avoided using the word "translate".
I came up with the word "translexify'.
So you literally replace each word - word for word / lexeme by lexeme - by computer.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
And Xasybean came up with some of his own criteria.
He said there should be no contradictory rules.
It should be consistent.
The design should be innovative.
You should be able to say whatever you want.
The language should be simple and easy to learn.
And it should be an aesthetically pleasing language.
He and I actually went back and forth.
Again, if you're interested in the whole discussion, it's all out there.
And I was trying to get him to specify what he meant by these various details - because
it made sense to him he thought it should make sense to me.
The problem with this approach is ultimately when it comes to this idea, these words all
mean different things to different people, and that's why you find people that get really
into all these different details.
Certain things are important to them, so it's important from the beginning to know what
we're talking about.
But in any event, here we go.
So after a long back and forth with Xasybean, he finally asked me:
"Please, may you suggest a conlang and a justification?"
So, I decided I would go ahead and I would answer that question...
... as best I could... ... because he asked so nicely.
After discussing the answer we said - you know what, let's do a video on that as well.
So as much as the question makes sense...
What is your answer, Tomaso?
The way I put it in my post was - the best IAL is the one that people are actually going
to speak.
And whatever that means, we'll see.
I think Esperanto has shown that people are willing to speak it.
Someone named TheRealMastro spoke about Esperanto's two main advantages.
These two advantages are Standardization and Inertia (momentum.)
By standardization, we mean that you can learn Esperanto and then come back five or ten years
later and still expect Esperanto to be the same as it was when you learned it before.
If you learn French in high school, you can go out when you are 50 years old or whatever
and still speak French with people... ... assuming you remember how to speak it.
Some other projects, some other invented language, people always like to tinker with them, and
that's why I call this a rabbit hole.
People can't even agree on what the criteria are, let alone how to apply them.
And people who have come up with a project, they can't let it go.
They can't stop tinkering with it.
I'd gotten interested in a language called Intal.
I'd found a description of the language and from that description of the language, I started
writing texts in Intal.
Some years later I discovered that somebody had found some more material and put it online
and it was from a DIFFERENT REVISION of the language.
So, you've got 4 people in the world who speak Intal, and all four of them speak a different
So that's NOT standardization.
On the other hand, we talk about inertia (momentum.)
Inertia is this idea that people have started learning it.
There are people who speak Esperanto.
Well, there are people who speak Ido too.
There are people who speak Interlingua.
There are people who speak High Valyrian, right?
But we're talking about hundreds of people or thousands of people,
not 10's of thousands or 100's of thousands or millions of people.
So of these speech communities, Esperanto has the most inertia.
Between the fact that it has standardization AND inertia, it gives it its most value.
So that's one answer to the question.
I think Esperanto has will be the "best contender" in this sense...
... for this HYPOTHETICAL international language ...
... which does not ... ... which may or may not impact ...
... Which will never come as far as I'm concerned...
... and does not impact Esperanto's value...
.. Esperanto is, in a lot of ways, the "best contender"...
... at least for showing this idea that such a language is possible.
And what I mean by that is that there really is no sense of "best" or "perfect".
This idea finding the "perfect solution" to this problem is really the rabbit hole.
So, speaking of standardization and inertia.
Intal has no inertia, but had some interesting solutions to that problem.
The coolest thing about Intal is that you don't need an Intal dictionary to write it.
You can write it using whichever IAL dictionary you have on hand.
(For most of the world this will be an Esperanto dictionary - but it really doesn't matter.)
I think this demonstrates that this whole question is silly.
That is the whole question of vocabulary and which language is better.
It's kind of a silly question.
If you can come up with a project like Intal ... and what's cool to me about Intal is that
it had a series of vocabulary transformations basically.
Saying - this sound should be spelled this way.
These sounds from Esperanto should be pronounced this way.
These sounds from Interlingua should be spelled this way.
These sounds from Occidental should be spelled this way .. and pronounced as they're spelled.
And so, if you follow those rules, no matter which dictionary you pick, it almost always
is the same in Intal.
There are some fine differences.
That would be another video - All About Intal.
But anyway, the point is - it doesn't matter which dictionary you pick, your end result
(in Intal) is going to be more or less the same.
So that was kind of neat.
The fact that Intal didn't have its own dictionary was an interesting solution to the problem
of inertia.
So you could pick whichever dictionary you wanted.
You didn't need to wait for someone to publish a big Intal dictionary.
The problem was Intal had no standardization.
If I ever get into it again, should Iearn the same version that learned before, or should
learn one of the other versions that are out there?
Who knows?
And then I talked about the Machine Translexified Language.
I think that's kind of a cool idea.
I'm surprised more people don't speak about it.
And maybe in 30 years machine translation will be so much better to the point that my
idea is a silly idea.
Time will tell.
But this is what I wrote in my post.
So, in summary - As much as I can make sense of the original question.
I think I've already answered that Esperanto is the best choice because of standardization
and intertia.
That is, Esperanto has the Fundamento, and it has 130 years of history.
If you learn Esperanto, it will be the same language in 10 years, so you have some confidence
that the effort you're putting into learning it will be able to be redeemed later in your
I also like the idea of a zonal "translexifiable" language.
That is the best choice because there's no other solution to the vocabulary problem.
Intal is the best choice because it demonstrates that it's not all about the dictionary and
that differences don't matter.
So, what do you think?
Do you think that Esperanto's value is in some future dream of some "fina venko" where
it can be the universal language?
Do you think it's value is in what we do with it now?
Do you have interest in Occidental, Latino Sine Flexione, or Ido or these other languages?
What do you do with them?
Do you like these languages because you want them to be the universal language or because
you find something appealing in them now or in the communities of people who speak them.
I'd like to hear what you have to say about that.
If you have any questions about what I said about all this, I'd be glad to try to clarify
I'll have a link to the original thread so you can see some more detail about all that.
And don't forget this video right here.
It's another good one.
I hope you'll like to hear more about Esperanto and more about international languages, constructed
languages, so check out this one right here... and also...
... that's about it.
Will Denis Suarez play for Arsenal on SUNDAY? Latest on transfer and announcement - Duration: 2:42.
Arsenal are set to sign the midfielder on loan from Barcelona for the remainder of the season
The Gunners can only bring in loan signings this month but will have the option to sign Suarez permanently in the summer
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAYDEADLINE DAY - THE COMPLETED DEALS SO FAR ON DEADLINE DAY Barcelona had appeared to confirm the deal yesterday before deleting the post on their website
With the transfer window closing at 11pm tonight, Suarez would be available to play this weekend
Arsenal travel to Manchester City on Sunday looking to enhance their top-four hopes while damaging City's title chances
Players have to be registered by 12pm on Friday to be able to play this weekend. Arsenal staff would look at getting Suarez fully registered ahead of that deadline once the deal is complete
And it's expected that there will be no last-minute faxing with a deal expected this afternoon
"I'm as sure as I can ever be that yes there will be an incoming here at the Emirates," reporter Geraint Hughes said on Sky Sports News
"Denis Suarez has much been talked about, especially over the last 24 hours when it appeared to be confirmed at the Barcelona end yesterday evening
"But I think what's happening now is the paperwork is being completed on that deal
ARSENAL TRANSFER NEWS LIVE: LATEST UPDATES FROM THE EMIRATES "I really expect that one to be confirmed officially via Arsenal I would say in the next few hours, lunchtime, early afternoon
"Don't worry about Manchester City at the weekend, that doesn't matter. "All that has to be done is the paperwork to be completed, the loan deal signed and sealed today and he will be eligible for the weekend
"Expect confirmation, I'd say, in two, three hours it will be all done."
Brexit: No Clarity, No Closure. - Duration: 3:51.
Meet Emil! - Duration: 1:20.
Hello my name is Emil and I work as a developer at Famly. I've been working lately on
the activity library which we feel is a great addition to the already very solid
foundation in child development. The activity library enables you to add either your
own activities for your setting or they can also be made public. We also try
to continually add more activities that you can use in your day to day work. We
have been working with authors such as Sue Cowley to add new activities and
that is something that we intend to continue to do, so you'll have even more
activities to use in the future. What I really like about working at
Famly is especially helping out the people in their daily lives. When I
started here I had no idea about all the problems and challenges that nursery
practitioners were facing, but I think that we've all as a team grown a lot,
especially over the last year and we really like helping you out
making your every day easier, and we all really hope that you're like using our platform.
Highly Ingenious Fast Workers That Are at Another Level || Skilled Expert Idiots 2019 - Duration: 9:47.
Highly Ingenious Fast Workers That Are at Another Level || Skilled Idiots 2019
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ingenious, workers, workers that are at another level, worker
that are at another level, another level, next level, you need to see,
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skilled, fastest workers, fastest workers in the world, people are awesome, skills, compilation workers, amazing skills,
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D'Addario new products @ NAMM 2019 | Rob Cunningham - Duration: 2:01.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys - Duration: 10:05.
LEGO Hulkbuster Vs Hulk Collection - BAAM BAAM Toys
顶上战争推开新世界的大门,恶魔果实已不是实力的唯一衡量标准 - Duration: 5:58.
Message au peuple du Venezuela - Duration: 1:18.
Juliette Binoche, Mélanie Thierry, Virginie Ledoyen: Pour elles, le Temps presse - Duration: 3:52.
'The Masked Singer' Performers Tonight: What to Expect | Heavy.com - Duration: 5:31.
'The Masked Singer' Performers Tonight: What to Expect | Heavy.com
FOX's smash competition series The Masked Singer airs its latest episode tonight at 9 p.m.
Tonight's episode will introduce a new format, however, as the remaining costumed celebrities will perform as an individual and as part of a group.
Read on to learn more about this format and what it means for the performers.
The Masked Singer started out with 12 costumed performers.
So far, four have been revealed: Comedian Margaret Cho as the Poodle, NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw as the Deer, Comedian Tommy Chong as the Pineapple and NFL Player Antonio Brown as the Hippo.
Viewers will see four costumed performers tonight: the Unicorn, the Lion, the Alien, and the Rabbit.
Tonight's Masked Singers Will Perform As a Group for the First Time.
Not only will these four performers take the stage together for a group performance, but tonight's episode will also feature them competing as two separate teams.
Two celebrities from the first group, the Lion and the Unicorn,will take on the celebrities from the second group, the Alien and the Rabbit.
Tonight's episode, titled "Mix and Masks", will also reveal additional clues about the four performers.
A police badge was teased in relation to the Alien earlier this week, but as the preview shows, there may be more to the badge than meets the eye.
"The person I thought definitely ain't the police," says host Nick Cannon.
Joel McHale Returns as Guest Host for the 3rd Consecutive Episode.
Joel McHale will return as a guest panelist for the third consecutive episode, and will attempt to guess the identity of tonight's performers alongside the main panel of Nicole Scherzinger, Robin Thicke, Jenny McCarthy and fellow Community alum Ken Jeong.
The costumes continue to be a source of interest for viewers, and designer Marina Toybina spoke with the Huffington Post about putting them together.
When asked about the inspiration for the costumes, Toybina cited rave and steampunk culture as huge influences.
There Will Be New Clues for Each Performer Including the Unicorn & the Alien.
"We wanted each costume to combine elements of light and dark, harsh and gentle," she said.
"With the Deer, there are a lot of steampunk elements; everything was distressed.
That was a way to age the costume and create this ancestral world, everything being distressed.
The way we constructed the costumes was like what I would do for a musician on tour.
We combined parts of different genres of glitzy concerts.".
Toybina also spoke on the possibility that each performer's costume is a clue to their real identity.
"It went both ways," she teased.
"There were a few contestants who signed on early who wanted to choose their own animals.
And there were some who came on later who we guided, thinking they would be perfect for a certain costume.
Nothing was ever proposed out of the realm of who they wanted to be or how they wanted to perform.
Looking back on it, anybody on the show being something else wouldn't have worked.".
韓国造船再編!大宇造船海洋売却でビッグ3からビッグ2へ! - Duration: 6:21.
Korea Shipbuilding Reorganization! Daisu Shipbuilding On the sale of the ocean, from Big 3 to Big 2! (Translated by google.com)
When selling the Daewoo shipbuilding ocean, which is a corner of Korean shipbuilding big 3, to Hyundai Heavy Industries
Industry Bank, the major shareholder, announced.
With this, the size of Hyundai Heavy Industries is the largest in the Korean shipbuilding industry,
Samsung Heavy Industries will be the next two strength regime.
Hyundai Heavy Industries launched a shipbuilding integrated corporation that oversees a group of shipbuilders,
It will receive investment of shares held by industrial banks.
Currently the Industrial Bank is the largest shareholder holding 55.7% of the shares of Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean.
The negotiation has already reached the final stage.
As a result, Hyundai Heavy Industries has a share of orders of 21.2%
Becoming the world's largest shipbuilding company overwhelming.
As long as Korean shipbuilders are good at LNG carriers,
We have secured more than half of the order volume worldwide.
Competition for deficits in deficit, which has been spread among domestic companies by the merger, has also been relaxed,
There is also a view that profitability will improve.
In addition, we will focus on special ship fields that Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean has been proud of
It is thought that Hyundai Heavy Industries Group will obtain further improvement of management by getting it.
Although industrial banks declare that personnel restructuring associated with this merger is unnecessary,
Anxiety voices are rising from employees and affiliated companies.
Article Source: http://bit.ly/2S1FeE0 http://bit.ly/2RXqVjQ http://bit.ly/2S11MF2 http://bit.ly/2RYcXhv
Korean reaction
Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean, Industrial Bank and Hyundai Heavy Industries are going to make use of China's hands in combination.
We agree fully, and after taking over the bold structure adjustment
I hope to become a competitive company by cutting off management with the labor union which became a group of vested interests.
I will praise you for not selling to China.
However, we hope that only vested interest groups wishing to have no unnecessary structural adjustments will be totally replaced.
Three quarters of the 35,000 marine officers of Daewoo Shipbuilding are subcontractors.
The life of subcontract workers working at low wages does not change at all.
There is no special relationship whether Daewoo Shipbuilding will move to China or move to Japan.
The management team who failed in management must always ask for responsibility.
Daewoo shipbuilt saved employees' wages and endured when the management team ruined the company.
I hope the integrated shipbuilding corporation goes well!
As soon as I get a little better I will strike with more.
There is no hope.
The shipbuilding economy recovered as soon as possible,
We expect that related companies will grow and the workers will laugh.
I think that privatization of Daewoo shipbuild was done very well,
If we can not adjust the union structure of Daewoo shipbuilding labor union that seems to be a civil servant, Hyundai Heavy Industries will also see blood.
My father retired Hyundai Heavy Industries last year.
Desired retirement · · ·.
I hope to regain the shipbuilding industry deprived of China!
It is the selling guy who sells Daewoo shipbuilding overseas at this time.
It is a good thing that Hyundai Heavy Industries assumed this time.
If Daewoo shipbuilding crossed China, the future of Korean shipbuilding would have become dark.
There will be harsh structural adjustment in the future.
Because we will arrange overlapping parts between Hyundai Heavy Industries and Daewoo Shipbuilding.
Despite being desperately running,
Daewoo shipbuilding maritime shipbuilding which has been lengthened by oxygen respirator with bonus festival and national tax
What does Hyundai Heavy Industries underwrite?
What should have been lost a long time ago ....
Daewoo Shipbuilding Is Hyundai Heavy Industries intact as it is for blood tax entering the ocean?
Comment Source: http://bit.ly/2RWNvZO
The idea of Japanese editors
We extend life insurance companies with hidden losses by doing hidden accounting at the national tax,
We brought it to the domestic company as we initially planned to sell.
Although criticism is endless, it means that it was completed as planned at the time of the Park Kune administration.
Although I tried to do a lot with trying to make the big 3 somehow equally somehow,
It finally fits in a place to fit.
With this, Hyundai Heavy Industries became the world 's largest shipbuilding company only in the figure.
In Korea it is said that shipbuilding business is recovering as shipbuilding orders increase,
The fact is not so good.
Since it may be in the red letters,
Somehow it keeps struggling to secure employment and contribute to the Korean economy.
From the Korean government,
It will be awarded that the size is sharply reduced so as not to create a large number of unemployed people.
Similar movements are already in Japan and China,
Industry restructuring has been going on for many years.
Daewoo Shipbuilding Ocean sale talk has been around since the peak,
I did not realize it in some way but had continued exposing abomination.
It is surprising that the policy of reducing personnel without increasing the overlapping divisions is surprising.
Anyway I will be withdrawing later.
Well this performance is also necessary to keep employees' morale.
Nobody knows whether this new regime will work.
It will take time until the answer comes out.
It can not be judged that it was successful if it is good this year.
Because we could not keep the Daewoo shipbuilding ocean forever,
I guess that you did well on that point.
Thank you for your viewing.
If you do not mind, please evaluate the movie.
Either good evaluation, bad evaluation, it does not matter.
If you do not mind registering to the channel would be greatly appreciated.
Ladies Casio BABY-G G-MS Pink & Silver Tone Watch | MSGS200-4A Top 10 Review - Duration: 4:46.
Manchester United launch bid for Monaco sensation Hannibal Mejbri - French media - Duration: 2:28.
Man Utd transfer news: United are keen to sign Monaco youngster Hannibal Mejbri (Image: GETTY) Manchester United caretaker boss Ole Gunnar Solskjaer had claimed that he wasn't expecting any business to be done on deadline day, but Mejbri has caught the eye of United scouts according to French news outlet RMC
TRANSFER NEWS LIVE - UPDATES AND LATEST FROM YOUR CLUB ON DEADLINE DAYDEADLINE DAY - THE COMPLETED DEALS SO FAR ON DEADLINE DAY Mejbri, 16, is yet to play for the Monaco first-team and is a France Under-16 international
The youngster has only been with the club since 2017 but could be headed to Old Trafford in the shock late deal
Mejbri had a trial at Arsenal in 2016 but the Frenchman allegedly snubbed a move to the Gunners in favour of joining Monaco 12 months later
Man Utd transfer news: Hannibal Mejbri is a France Under-16 international (Image: Twitter) One player that won't be joining United today is Ivan Perisic - who was heavily linked to the club in the summer
Croatia international Perisic is likely to agree a loan deal with Arsenal, after United failed to match Inter's valuation of the player - according to journalist Lars Siverston
"I can see why he appeals to a lot of people because he is genuinely a two-footed player, he can cross well he's got a shot on him," he told the Football Weekly podcast
"He's got so many tools in his toolbox but he's also a player who's rarely as consistent as you'd want him to be
Man Utd transfer news: Marouane Fellaini is set to leave the club on deadline day (Image: GETTY) "Jose Mourinho was keen to have him at United but United weren't prepared to pay the kind of transfer fee Inter wanted for him because he's also 29, if I'm not mistaken
"So a loan deal to Arsenal would seem to be slightly less exciting." One player on his way out of Old Trafford is Marouane Fellaini, who is set to agree a deal with Shandong Luneng
The midfielder posted a picture of himself at Brussels Airport this morning, hinting the move is imminent
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