Welcome to the Warrior Sanctuary!
In this video we are going to talk about the first experiences and more or less
How long it will take to control this skill
The first, with regard to the first experiences
One thing that you have to understand
When we are talking about this kind of thing
From the esoteric sphere, magic, etc.
especially when we talk about the other plane
(Undulating and irregular progression) there is no linear progression
It does not mean that no matter how hard you try at the beginning,
at some point you are going to have more results
that later when you still do not even want to do it
Things happen when they have to happen, without more
simply what you can do is increase those chances that something may happen
An example that comes to mind right now?
For example: you go to a casino and play roulette
there are a lot of numbers that can get to make you win the prize or not
then, you play the same, you domay win or maybe not,
What's up?
that when you have experience
instead of playing the 40 numbers
you could play with a shorter section
later you play "black" or red
and more or less I think you understand me
(Progression from lucid dreams) start with lucid dreams
a good way to start
Or in the first times when you start
is to remember all the dreams that one has
and little by little to develop that consciousness in the world of dreams
that one can have
this depends a lot on the person
There are people who, for example,
To a person who I formed
that I saw that had a lot of talent in this
in a week had its first experience
and then did not want to know anything else
because it was terrifying, as I have commented on other occasions
however, there is also the opposite side
(Frustration) of people that although they get into this, they do not even have the first experience
They despair, they begin with the burden, etc.
It is not a quality that everyone can develope equally
there is a tendency for people to be better than others who are worse
You may also be very good, but in a certain aspect you are totally blocked and you can not get anything
That keep it in mind
because if, for example, you are very excited to have these experiences
if you see that in the short period of time, medium or even long
because this takes a long time
you do not have results or you just do not have enough results that you are waiting
You can be overwhelmed and that is the worst thing that can happen
and in this way you're going to block everything
(Vibrations) Vibrations before going out
This is one of the things that when they are unknown
or even when they are known
because really, it's very powerful feeling
is that this type of experience is related to an ultra-strong vibration
feels like the body is turning, (sound of vibration)
And it goes up, up, up and up and then a very powerful pull that takes you out
this considering how you're going out directly
from let's say
You fall asleep, you are conscious, you want to get out at the moment and you feel something like that
You can also get out from other dreams
why what I said earlier
To be able to develop awareness of long-term routine dreams
and if one is well programmed
There may be a time when you can awaken the ability and travel to other places without the need for this pull
(Paralysis and Night Terrors) Unable to Move, Paralysis, Night Terrors and people who see entities in a state of Paralysis
This is a very controversial subject
one of the reasons why these experiences are very scary
is that they can provoke what is known as paralysis
that you are sleeping and you are aware that you are like this, awake
and you can not move even if you want
it's something like that
your body stays asleep but you are awake and that causes a brutal terror
This is something that when you start practicing these things, it can happen. What happens?
Which is not exactly the same as it describes it, let's say the scientific field
because here they are simply saying that you are paralyzed and can not move
but in my case, I've already commented that when I woke up these things then I had terrifying situations
Those situations were that I was totally conscious,
I could not move, but unlike the normal case of night terrors and paralysis
I could see the room. I mean, I could see my room. It's as if I was with my eyes open
but they were closed and I could see what happened around.
In fact there are people who in this state of paralysis can get to see entities
I think I've heard some case, that in the state of paralysis, like me, could see with closed eyes could get to see the same environment
and could, for example in this case, see an uncle who had just died at that moment and who was like to say goodbye
then keep in mind that you have to know how to dose this
It is very difficult because the feeling is very oppressive
Well dosed, if one is able to relax and be able to dream again instead of being paralyzed
can be a springboard to move to other dimensions and start doing interesting things
but what happens is that the burden is so great that you usually forget about the mission of being able to travel around
And you focus on that you can not move
And the fight starts here, the despair
For example: in my case many times when I get that or even can happen to me now
what do I say, this is not linear
I have had and I have experiences that I can totally control
But if it catches me off guard
You can also have a really bad time. Try to scream and you can not. That is, it is a state that is not pleasant at all
In fact, from my first experiences with this as paralysis then it was like a feeling that you start
Like they move you like a wimp and that's not nice at all
Quite terrifying and unpleasant, yes
you have to be prepared for that and especially how to keep calm
and later one learns with the time how to relax and wake up or go to the other sides
as I mentioned earlier
(Transfer or "Loan of Skills)" Contagion, Tendency, Transfer of Skill and Group "
this above all we will talk more ahead
many times if our environment is favorable to have these skills
we can have more ease than if we go alone.
I mean, it's as if you, for example, you meet with someone who is dreamy even if this person does not want
You can get to wake up these skills in that person
That also keep it in mind, not only in the case that if you want to have these things you get closer to these people
But if you have them, you have to know that in a certain way you also have to be responsible for the people who are in your environment
Because you can wake up in them, skills that they do not want to wake up and what I'm talking about can happen
(Float) Float
In many occasions, it depends on what capacity you have that moment to be able to go out,
many times you can stay locked up like in a place
I for example: in that plane there is like a place that is like my comfort zone
or something like that, to put it one way. And what happens is that when we say that you go out into the astral or wake up in that plane
but still can not leave that area of comfort and it can be quite overwhelming and even disappointing
Because it is one of: fuck ... since I was able to leave and I stay in this place and I have not been able to go out to travel and such ....
I told you that it can be possible. Cases of this example?
To be in that place and times you can go through the walls and fly away
We will deal with flying in another chapter later
or sometimes you can not move directly and you just go floating around, that's all
and then you end up waking up and you just lost a pretty important opportunity
also between that state, when you are in your comfort zone
You can also get in touch with entities, so you have to be very careful. Especially if it's not what you're looking for
(Darkness: the dream "falls") "Go out and let everything go dark and end up waking up ... go to other dreams"
Many times, especially when we have experience from other dreams
it does not have to be directly that it is the same
let's go consciously and start dating
we become aware in a dream that can be normal, although it can also be an astral dream
And when we have consciousness, as we do not know where do we want to go
or we do not really know what we want to know
Those worlds like that they collapse or turn black directly. And you end up waking up.
What can be done to prevent this from happening?
Well, this is a problem that I, for example, have had on many occasions
And many times the problem is not having an approach of what to really do in the other plane
Therefore, it is very important also really know what it is that. They are looking for
Or more or less where do you want to go
If what you want is, while you're on the other plane, try to create worlds
You can, for example, once you are awake because you have the ability to create certain realities
To create some things. So, when you are looking for these skills it is good to have a certain action program
When you are on the other side
And having it so mechanized, so psyched
In the normal plane, in our physical plane
That when you see the situation in the another plane, you can put it into practice
My problem really was that I was so unfocused and just looking something very abstract
That if I managed to get to that point but then because of the lack of focus I could not take advantage of it and go ahead
So, I hope that it does not happen to you
What can also happen when let's say that the world vanishes, why do they vanish? What can be?
This is already interpretation, this we will talk about everything in magic or in the astral
That many times what we see in those worlds
It is not what is really happening there but it is the interpretation that we give
As if we were a computer and let's say we have a program that assimilate that information
And it's the program, let's say it transforms that information
In this case in images, but it does not mean that the program information is really those images
The same is only 1s and 0s, I do not know if you can understand me with this example
So, when we come to wake up these skills many times if we are in a routine dream
Those who are focused on a psychological dream, mundane and such
let's say that this world, by not really existing, like collapsing
then what we have to do is, or create another and maintain that dream level or go deeper and create other realities
That is not easy at all. I really have not tended to be very creative, really
I've only been able to create a couple of times.
Or we can simply try to go elsewhere. In this case here it is important to have learned to fly in astral dreams
That we will see more forward, in the sixteenth video
We'll talk about it much later. Since it is let's say the way of transport between other dreams.
The other way is also simply to directly transport,too difficult
To travel between dreams, many times you are in a dream, you get out of it then you become like falling asleep
And you go back to another
We'll also talk about this in terms of degrees and all that
Because many times we can be in a dream and be aware of it
But that consciousness, that plane of consciousness, is, let's say, the consciousness of our other being of that plane
but it does not come, let's say, to share with our conscience of this world
Consciousness that we say we normally have, like who we are and where we are going, etc.
This case that I will explain, is also one of the most common cases when making the first experiences
Especially of a much higher degree. A full-fledged experience, or something like that
Some people that I've taught them about these things
The first experience they had is of this type, so more or less be attentive because it is one that can happen also
If it has not happened to you already
This experience is that for example:
In the middle of a dream, it can be a normal dream or a dream a little more like this
Feeling chased by something strange, as a persecution presence
And in a moment of anger, overcome that which is chasing you
And when defeating let's say that entity or defeat or, well, call it whatever you want
It awakens consciousness in that plane and gains the freedom to go where you want
In this case, it may be a case of those we have discussed in the chapter risk and dangers
From using entities to use it as a springboard to go to other dimensions
It can be a case and in fact it is a case that I have used many times and it can really work
The advantage of this, if the case comes that beat that entity
Then you have total freedom and really
You're in that plane and you're going out when you're going to want
The world does not collapse like in the previous cases
but now we would already be in consistent parallel realities
Which are not based on our past or our coding
They are very complex concepts
Who has had these experiences like that, I think you will understand me
Well, really keep in mind
That I'm trying to explain something that is basically inexplicable
According to the feelings that I have had and that, so that you can have an idea
But really, until they are involved in the matter
You will not know how to understand what I am trying to say
Once you have had the experiences, you will understand me, surely you will understand me
And I'm sure many of the people who can see me now
They are people who have had some experience
And they just want to explain what happened
The next video is going to be the methodology and systems
This is going to be very interesting
This if you have to see it because if you have never really had any experience of these
If you want to get it, this video will be very interesting
because there you can get to the idea of how you can get it to get
If you have ever had these experiences and want,
let's say consolidate that those experiences you can get to control
I hope you have been very helpful
This video can also be useful
Well, greetings, see you in the next video
For more infomation >> Primeras Experiencias en Ensueño- Viaje/Proyección Astral| Warrior's Sanctuary - Duration: 12:45.-------------------------------------------
Weather Update: Heavy rainfall around Townsville, Queensland, 31 January 2019 - Duration: 2:52.
Hello again.
We've seen more extraordinary rainfall over the past 24 h along the Townsville coast,
and there's even more on the way.
This is a high-impact, historic event that's unfolding—with inundation of homes,
flood water rescues, landslides and trees down.
Here are the current warnings: A Severe Weather Warning covers communities
including Tully, Cardwell, Ingham, Townsville and Bowen.
People in this area should prepare for bands of further very heavy rainfall and thunderstorms
throughout today, which are likely to result in flash flooding.
Any flooding that does develop will do so quickly, with the ground already saturated
and creeks and rivers already swollen.
Earlier this morning we saw 193 mm in just 6 h at Major Creek, and we expect to see further
6 h totals in that 150–200 mm range continue today.
A host of Flood Warnings are in place across the region, including Major Flood Warnings
for the Bohle River, Haughton River and Herbert River.
The Ross River Dam continues to spill, and we may see the Ross River reach moderate flood
levels later today.
A Flood Watch also remains current in anticipation of further flooding.
Across the region, 24 h rainfall to 9 am was broadly in the range 100–200 mm, with several
spots registering totals of between 200 and 300 mm.
The highest was 376 mm at Upper Bluewater to the northwest of Townsville, and at Bluewater
itself we recorded 203 mm of rain in just 2 h.
This sort of rainfall intensity is something we'd expect to see on average only once in around 100 years.
The rain is still falling, and since 9 am this morning the highest totals have again
been around the Townsville region, with 97 mm at Nelly Bay on Magnetic Island
(in the 3 h to midday) the highest.
Today, the rain will extend further east towards Bowen and Proserpine, and overnight tonight
and into Friday we'd expect to see that rain area extend up along the coast towards Innisfail,
as the strengthening monsoon trough gradually shifts a little to the north as well.
This is likely to be a protracted period of heavy rain, extending through the weekend and into next week.
Already 700–1000 mm (yes, a metre) of rain has fallen across the region over the past five days.
Townsville has seen double its usual rainfall for January and is now already almost halfway
towards the total rainfall it would usually see in a whole year.
And over the coming week it's possible that the region around Townsville and the Herbert
and Lower Burdekin district could see an additional 1–2 metres.
River flooding is likely to get worse before it gets better.
And remember: If it's flooded, forget it.
Please, follow all advice from emergency services.
Warnings will be updated regularly as the rain continues to fall, so stay tuned to the
Bureau on our website, app and on social media.
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Gái xinh tụt quần trai bản vùng cao tây bắc |Trai họ phạm - Duration: 4:20.
Měla Plíšková půlroční románek se zadaným hokejistou? Tenistka vztah nepopřela! - Duration: 3:10.
Zatímco Karolína Plíšková se rozhodla usadit a loni v létě se provdala za moderátora a svého manažera v jednom Michala Hrdličku, její sestra Kristýna má za sebou rozhodně divočejší vztahové období
To alespoň vyplývá z informací, které má Expres.cz k dispozici. Půvabná tenistka měla podlehnout hokejistovi Radku Smoleňákovi
Na tom by nebylo nic špatného, kdyby ten nebyl již skoro dva roky ženatý s 2. vicemiss České republiky 2009 Hanou Věrnou
Jejich vztah měl být dokonce tak vážný, že Smoleňák údajně uvažoval, že svou ženu opustí
„Tvrdil jí, že není v manželství šťastný. Neustále ji ujišťoval, že kvůli ní chce opustit svou ženu," sdělil nám náš zdroj s tím, že o jejich románku věděly i vrátné tenisových kurtů Sparty, kde tenistka trénuje a kam Smoleňák měl jezdívat s dárky a květinami
Románek měl trvat kolem šesti měsíců a ukončit ho měla sama tenistka. Když jsme se jí na románek s ženatým hokejistou zeptali, nezněla překvapeně
„Omlouvám se, ale k tomuto se nebudu vyjadřovat," uzavřela tenistka, která naše informace sice nepotvrdila, ale ani nevyvrátila
Velmi podivná byla ale reakce samotného hokejisty. „Je to scestný. Nejsem zaprvé blázen a zadruhé ona je furt pryč, já jsem furt pryč," sdělil nám na dotaz hokejista, který tak problém nevidí v tom, že je ženatý, ale že by na vztah s Plíškovou neměl čas
A jak ví, že by na vztah neměli čas, pokud by o tom neuvažoval? Přiznal ale, že se znají
Poměr však popřel. „Viděli jsme se dvakrát. Bylo to přes Michala Hrdličku. Seznámili jsme se, když jsme šli na pivo
Nevím, kde bych ji mohl potkat. Není to absolutně pravda. Nejsem šílenec. Chápu, že se musíte ptát, děláte svou práci," uzavřel Smoleňák
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