Hello friends and well found on the Margi channel.
Today we offer the recipe for the dough for pizza different from what we are used to prepare
The variations will affect both the ingredients and the procedure.
With this dough we will prepare a tasty vegetarian pizza.
The ingredients are:
300 gr of manitoba flour
200 grams of 00 flour,
7 gr of brewer's yeast
15 ml of
extra virgin olive oil
10 gr of salt up
350 ml of water
dissolve the yeast in some water
transfer the two flours in a large bowl
add the liquid ingredients
melted brewer's yeast
add salt, finish the processing
cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate to rise overnight
Pick up the dough from the refrigerator and let it rise at room temperature for two hours
After rising, divide the dough into two or three parts
Transfer the dough into a bowl and let it rise for three hours
Now the dough is ready to be spread
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Danh y chăm sóc sức khỏe lãnh đạo tiết lộ 6 bí quyết để luôn khỏe mạnh - Duration: 10:30.
【野球】ジャイアンツ阿部出身クラブでロンティーキング決定!?プレゼントも! - Duration: 4:40.
【Micro-Food】 Cooking a Really Small Omelette Rice!!! [36kcal] [CC Available] - Duration: 7:07.
hello it's kinoshita yuka
jaaan ! look at this...
one viewer made it from me for the 5 million subscribers
this is so elegant
thank you so much, i'm really happy
i'll put it here for today
today, i'm going to make what called micro-food
and i'm going to do that with my precious friend shin-chan
- say hay to shin-chan in the comments - i'm looking forward to that
so today we are going to cook a micro Omelette Rice
hay! let's do our best
this is my first time making a micro food
me too
can we do it ?
of course !
because yuka's hand are used to draw, i'm not worried about that
so, let's do it
let's make first the rice
and to do that, we need to mix butter with rice
it's so weird to make a small quantity because i used to big quantities
i'll eat it in just one bite
and after that...
we add the ketchup
like this ?
i think it's good
we need to make a micro food, that's why all the ingredients are so small
i really want to eat it
hay, and by that we finished making the micro rice
i'm going to use this plates here
it's from "Sylvanian Families" anime
this is so nostalgic
really nostalgic
it was a really funny show
it's a famous tv-serie
so we are going to use this plates for our micro Omelette Rice
not Omelette Rice
but ketchup rice
we looks like ants now
this is hard
i really want to eat
what !
i did it
next, eggs
let's crack the egg
it will take more time
but i really want to eat
this really opens the appetite
but this is not fair, it will done in just one bite
let's fry the egg
nothing is happening !!!
what ?
it's OFF
so small
ah! it's ON now
hay! we did it
and now let's shape the egg
yeah !
we did it
waa! this is really cute
ah! so beautiful
and tasty !
and now, we top it
if we use the force, it will breaksdown, so we need to do that slowly
let's do it slowly
this is small
but the result still good
is it thick a little bit !
this is like a tent
shin-chan's tent
what a tent
let me use this skew now
don't... because...
isn't the result so cute ?
and now let's add ketchup
we made it
this is hard
that's a lot
that's right!!
so cute !
and after that parsley
ah! so good
jaaan! we did it
we did it
this is really cute
looks tasty
let's eat it
hay !
cheers ! cheers !
eating it is going to be diffecult
this is delicious, like any normal Omelette Rice
ah! that's right
you can taste the parsley
it's amazing how you can eat Omelette Rice in one bite
this was so much fun
and so quick too
it was delicious
and it makes full
are you satisfied with this ? you are not used to eat this amount
it was so much fun after all
it's so much fun to try something like this
i always wanted to try it
we are adults, but still so enjoyable to do
this was truly enjoyable
And as always thank you for watching !
if there's anything You want me to do
please tell me in a comment Section below
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bye bye
all rights reserved. copyright © 2018 Kinoshita Yuka
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