Hello everyone I'm chase at Rocky Mountain atv/mc giving you a closer look
at the Bionic action jacket from Alpinestars. All right so today we're
giving you a closer look at the Bionic action jacket coming from Alpinestars
alpha SRS has a lot of great protection pieces in their lineup but with this if
you're looking for a full coverage jacket it's gonna give great protection
front shoulders elbows as well as the back well this would be a really good
option I've tried this on I was actually really impressed with the fitment for me
it's one of the more comfortable jackets that I have worn I think they did a
great job as far as where they put the protection how the jacket fits over all
very comfortable and with this piece if you wanted to you could wear over top or
underneath the Jersey really that's just gonna come down to rider preference so
before we're getting we talked about the features let's talk about fitment real
quick I've got Daniel here who is wearing it
so Daniel about 6 feet 1, 185 pounds, just over a 40 inch chest he is wearing a
size large so if you're not quite sure on fitment what size you think you
should get well you can use daniel has a frame of reference but remember this is
an apparel item which means they have a fit guarantee if you buy this jacket any
jacket or any roof deflector for that matter at rocky mountain if you're not
happy with the size and where they fit meant send the bad clothes and brand new
unused condition we want to make sure you get the size of fit you're looking
for which is why we gave you free shipping both ways on your first
exchange so with the jacket if we talked about construction first the base
material they use this to last a material which has a lot of stretch to
it also it's gonna promote a lot of air flow what I like down here at the bottom
they do incorporate this kidney belt now it's nice about that kidney belt is that
it actually helps pull and tighten up that back protector keeps a little bit
closer to the rider's body you are gonna have some adjustment straps here down
here on the forearms as well that's gonna hold that armor in place and then
it was when we have Daniel flip around in the back you'll see you're gonna have
a couple more Justin shops there as well let's talk about protection that's what
you're getting here a lot of coverage front to back so the front protection is
going to be seee certified level two and then in these shoulders the elbows in
the back pad and we see e level one but the way they constructed protection is a
polymeric plastic material so it offers great protection but it's also very
lightweight that's something also I noticed about this is how lightweight
the jacket felt laws wearing it but you can see lots of cutouts to promote a lot
of airflow through underneath hard plastic you do have a soft foam
underneath as well to help be a little bit more comfortable against the rider
but also that's going to help absorb and disperse energy as well again there's
your shoulder coverage and then if Daniel shows his left elbow here you've
got these elbow pads and what I like to as those work their way all the way down
to give a really good for arm protection as well now in the front here you're
gonna see you have a zipper so you're gonna put this on just like you would a
traditional jacket it's gonna be a YKK zipper I like that they have this zipper
garage up here at the top and then lastly before the end of turns around
you'll notice you've got these red tabs up here so the purpose for these is if
you wear their bionic neck support neck brace so this will just make it to where
you don't have to wear a chest strap or when the neck brace put the neck brace
on use these to hold that in place all right Daniel face the back for me
so while Danny face the back you'll notice again fullback protects remember
seat you level one you have these adjusters up here at the top connecting
that to the shoulders protection also down here along the back about halfway
down you've got some elastic straps working the way to the front those are
gonna be adjustable as well you can see lots of protection again lots of
perforation promote as much airflow as possible and something unique to this is
you'll notice right here this top piece of this back protector this is removable
so you have this little tab right here down at the bottom if you press up on
that that allows this whole back piece to come out and the purpose for that is
going along with that neck brace fitment obviously with the neck brace you want
that rear thoracic strut to be able to sit close to the riders body so they
like to remove this piece to allow those sit a little bit closer to the rider so
if you are gonna wear a neck brace with this I definitely recommend taking this
piece out alright and to face back to the front alright and that is it that is
the Bionic pro jacket coming from Alpinestars
again really good coverage front to back the fit was something that I was really
impressed with for how much protection you're getting I still feel like it's
one of the more low profile jackets as well if you do have any other questions
or comments about this leave those below we will get your questions answered to
pick yours up and it's real simple just click on the link at the end this video
don't forget orders over $75 ship free if you guys like this product spotlight
get subscribe to our YouTube channel that way you stay up to date on the
latest product spotlights like you saw today as well as our how-to videos our
gear guides everything that you need to get out there and rocking and rolling
I'm chase we'll stay on the trails
For more infomation >> Alpinestars Bionic Action Protection Jacket - Duration: 4:41.-------------------------------------------
Pale Blue Dot - A Carl Sagan Tribute by Daniel Prado - Duration: 6:40.
Ex-MotoGP team owner evades drugs test, gets rally ban - Duration: 3:22.
Bird is a regular frontrunner in the BTRDA Rally Series, a gravel-only championship which caters for myriad machinery
He drives a Ford Focus WRC07. Bird received a two-year ban in 2015 for testing positive for a metabolite of cocaine, and diuretics, following the Nicky Grist Stages in July
He returned after his ban was complete in 2017, and signalled a full attack on the BTRDA Gold Star championship for the following year
However, after the Rallynuts Stages on April 14, 2018, Bird was charged by the National Anti-Doping Panel Tribuneral with "Evading, Refusing or Failing to Submit to submit to Sample Collection"
It has now banned him from competition sanctioned by the UK governing body, Motorsport UK, for eight years starting from July 11, 2018
He did compete in one event after the Rallynuts Stages, the Plains Rally, where he finished third and that put him in position to fight with eventual champion Matt Edwards, who also won the British Rally Championship in 2018
It is not yet clear why Bird was able to compete in this rally before he was suspended
UKAD's Chief Executive, Nicole Sapstead, said: "It is clear in the Anti-Doping Rules that refusing to provide a sample will be treated as seriously as a failed test
Mr Bird was aware of this, having been warned of the consequences by Doping Control Personnel at the time
"UKAD will always aim to secure the strongest possible sanctions for those who do not adhere to anti-doping procedures; treating the concept of clean sport with complete contempt
" Paul Bird Motorsport competed in MotoGP from 2012-2014 running Aprilia Superbike-derived ARTs and then its own bespoke machine with an Aprilia engine
More recently the squad has found success in the British Superbike championship, where it won the teams' and riders' championships in 2016 and 2017 with Shane Byrne
The competition ban affects Bird only as a competitor and not his role as team boss
Motorsport.com has contacted Paul Bird and Motorsport UK for comment
Sunset is a Murderer?! | My Little Theories Episode 4 - Duration: 2:36.
Hello internet, welcome to "My Little Theories" a show where I talk about six magical horses
that discover the magic of friendship.
Today's episode where going to discuss about Equestria Girls.
In the series, we see Sunset Shimmer who is the protagonist of this show after the events
of the Equestria Girls movie, Rainbow Rocks, and so on.
While she originally and still have her unicorn counterpart, how is it possible that we only
see everyone from Equestria have their own human counterpart but we did not get to see
the real original human of Sunset Shimmer.
What happened to the real Sunset Shimmer that we never knew through that magical mirror?
Well when talking about alternative realities, we can determine that is it not possible to
see yourself from an alternative time period.
According to scientists, there is an argument that the choices we make often played differently,
this proves that alternative realities could exist, in fact this might even change the
fact on how we look.
Fact is that the world is divided into a multiverse, two which we are by far familiar with; we
have your original talking animal ecosystem and the human world.
It is likely relevant that the magical mirror could take you to a different timeline.
Sunset could have seen herself and replaced the original human Sunset Shimmer that way
she could attend at Canterlot High School to destroy Twilight's reputation and take
over Equestria.
In the My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Special called Mirror Magic, Sunset Shimmer mentioned
she has never seen Starlight in the human world, this could be described how both worlds
The only difference is their appearance, perhaps Sunset wanted to put her anger on everything
and tricked everyone thinking she will be the one to rule Equestria but that backed
After the events from the Equestria Girls movie, she put all of her anger aside that
she had on Twilight and the Princesses but did Sunset forget why she even came to the
human world in the first place?
Could she really turn against her friends so she could rule the human world?
Those are the possibilities, but hey that's just a theory, my little theory.
Thanks for watching.
PARANORMAL SURVIVOR 👹 Don't Invite Strangers - Duration: 14:48.
take one in 1988 I was living with my husband and my one in two-year-old
daughters we had just left a small basement apartment so we were pretty
excited to be able to move into a 3-bedroom split-level house it was kind
of like a dream come true at the time the young family was just settling into
their new life when Kat was contacted by someone she hadn't heard from in over a
year maria was a friend of mine it just out
of the blue and there was no call display then I just the phone rang and I
answered it and it was her
there was this hysterical person on the other end saying I need your help and
what really got me was when she said they're gonna kill us
well she arrived on my doorstep with her son she was a math she was disheveled
she was pale and immediately she's going I know you don't know me that well but I
always trusted you and I knew that she would help me so I let her in she began
to open up to me about what had been happening Maria and cat sat down to
catch up on the past 12 months but every word that came out of Maria's mouth cat
found horrifying she said my husband joined a cult
when Maria got pregnant her husband made an appalling confession halfway through
the pregnancy he said we have to leave here I've done something really bad we
have to go she said when I had an ultrasound and found out I was having a
boy he promised that boy to the cult as a sacrifice it took me a while to even
process what was being said to me Maria told Kat she was scared but didn't
really believe she or her baby were in danger all that changed at her husband's
birthday party eight months earlier just after the baby had been born dad had a
birthday party then and she said I remember hearing my sister screaming and
I'm realizing I'm drugged she's drugged us
she said there were these people in my apartment I mean she said I remember
robes I remember these black robes and there was a fight a physical altercation
she told me I get up finally I can walk but I'm still really dopey and she goes
there's this knife in my kitchen sank covered in blood she goes and I don't
know why I just started washing this knife she goes and I look over and my
husband's in this industrial garbage bag and I can see his arm was over his head
hanging out of the garbage bag
his throat had been cut from ear to ear nearly decapitated them and she said I
made it back to the couch and passed out
when she woke up that garbage bag was gone
he was gone
and they found him in a field across from the apartment
she said people at the funeral home they're all trying to say well he
committed suicide no he didn't Maria's brutal tale did not finish with
her husband's death it was just the beginning she began to tell me that
shortly after the funeral and actually someone called during the funeral and
told her it's not over we wrote that baby is ours who was promised to us and
we want him and I said what have you involved me and
despite her reservations cat felt she had no other option but to invite Maria
and her son to move in it would turn out to be the worst decision of her life
I had no clue what was being brought or or entering my life or my my husband's
life or most importantly the lives of my children
using people when they get into the occult there are attachments that will
attach themselves to those individuals and that individual spirit can move and
manifest to another individual if you have to remember there's a different
level of energy that's playing here in different mindset that's playing here
and the mindset that I want to take over the mindset that I want to empower the
mindset that I want to control and they'll take that opportunity and
they'll cause havoc with that person
shortly after Maria had arrived mm-hmm really some strange things had
started happening my wait for the children's toys away before Abed
my house when we get up in the morning that choice would be all out of the
chest he'd say what are you doing like why you always put them away someone's
gonna trip and I said I did I did put them away
life had been completely normal before Maria arrived CAD now became convinced
the strange events were linked to her friend she feared that by taking Maria
in she had also invited in the spirit of Maria's dead husband I had hung pictures
that I liked some of them were very old pictures I should tell you so it loved
him but they would be off of the wall some of them were smashed on the floor
like someone had just walked by and hit them and knocked him off but it's very
painful actually was finding my wedding picture shredded the glass was shattered
the pictures shredded
it was the last straw reluctantly cat told Maria she had to leave but any
hopes that the weird events would stop were soon dashed in brutal fashion
the smell arrived in my house I was in the kitchen doing dishes and I smelled
the smell of rot of decay and all of a sudden
in inviting a troubled friend into her home Kat Larsen had also allowed a
malevolent spirit to enter and it was becoming increasingly violent
I was in the kitchen between dishes and I smelled this smell of rot of decay and
all of a sudden I felt something against me I couldn't move
my husband saw my hips the next day and I had bruises just black then he said my
god like did you fall or what happened and they said no I was so stacked I just
want to go have a bath I just wanna bathe
but for cat nowhere was safe
it feels hand it literally the fingers were on either side of my tops of my
ears and it pushes me under the water
get out of here the time I have to get out and I have to get out
I'm gonna die I'm going to die here
the attack stopped as suddenly as it started having just survived one of the
most terrifying experiences of her life cat tried to block it out of her mind
and move on several nights later I had put my children to man and I'm trying to
watch TV but I'm thinking about what happened
cat was confronted by an enormous shadow figure
it literally filled the entire door black disdain was massive
I don't thinking oh my god oh my god cuz I could smell the broad and it just
charged at me once again just as Kat thought she could take no more the
attack suddenly stopped with her husband away Kat was terrified of being in the
house with just her young daughters she asked her mother to come over my mom was
coming over and so I had this big the floral picture I had put up and I'm
staying there talking to my mom and it just flies off of the wall and smashes
and all of a sudden something's got me
literally grabbed me and spun and then bang up on the wall and my feet come up
off the floor in the nail where the picture is on I'm slammed against the
wall and it's pulling me down and then nail is scouting my back and my mom is
screaming what's happening what's happening what's going on it's gonna
kill me you have to go take the girls I said just go just go it doesn't want
you it wants me and they called my husband Network and they said I am done
I'm done I'm done I can't stay here anymore I can't do this I packed up my
kids as much as I could grabbing a quick amount of time at myself and I left I
went to my mom's
I did call Maria's dad and I said I need to talk to her there's more to this I
need to talk to her and her Daigo so you know this is it I mean after today don't
come back if you come back what's been happening to you will get worse
when that individual finds out the person that it came from where the
initial entry point came in their lives when they confronted that person they're
technically confronting the entity at the same time because that Tashman is
feeding off them I don't even recognize the face on this girl and she's wringing
your hands
they said I'll always love you but I can't ever see you again they said
please before he kills one of my kids please well this is your problem I said
you know you should have never brought this to my home to me it was over for
cat after seeing Maria that final time the
attack stopped and cats family went on to live a normal life
2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement
Gilles Lellouche très différent de son père, comment il s'occupe au quotidien de sa fille Ava - Duration: 7:36.
Comment savoir s'il est temps de remplacer ces objets... - Duration: 4:40.
JANUARY 30 | 2019 | SA LIVE | KSAT 12 - Duration: 36:53.
Community comes together to host benefit for woman in need of kidney transplant - Duration: 2:11.
Liverpool fans made the same observation about Keita during penalty shout vs Leicester - Duration: 2:17.
Liverpool had the chance to go seven points clear at the top of the Premier League on Wednesday night following Manchester City's defeat to Newcastle
Leicester City travelled to Anfield to stop them from doing that, but within three minutes the hosts took a 1-0 lead
A stunning passing move from the Reds ended up with Sadio Mane darting into the box and curling a shot into the bottom-right corner
It was the perfect start from Liverpool, but as the game wore on they allowed Leicester to create more and more chances
And on the stroke of half-time, they were punished. Harry Maguire pealed away at the back post and prodded past Alisson from Ben Chilwell's header into the box
In the second half it was all Liverpool and they felt they should have had a penalty in the 57th minute when Naby Keita appeared to be tripped by Ricardo
Keita played a neat one-two with Roberto Firmino and surged into the box before going to ground
No penalty, said referee Martin Atkinson. Replays shows there was contact between Keita and Ricardo and that a spot-kick should have been given, but Liverpool fans believe Keita should have shot way earlier anyway
In the video(s) below, the 23-year-old takes one too many touches when he should have had a go as soon as he got into the box
It was a clear-cut penalty, but Keita was also to blame for not shooting earlier
Here's what Liverpool fans were saying on social media about the incident.
Liverpool fans made the same observation about Keita during penalty shout vs Leicester - Duration: 2:01.
Liverpool had the chance to go seven points clear at the top of the Premier League on Wednesday night following Manchester City's defeat to Newcastle
Leicester City travelled to Anfield to stop them from doing that, but within three minutes the hosts took a 1-0 lead
A stunning passing move from the Reds ended up with Sadio Mane darting into the box and curling a shot into the bottom-right corner
It was the perfect start from Liverpool, but as the game wore on they allowed Leicester to create more and more chances
And on the stroke of half-time, they were punished. Harry Maguire pealed away at the back post and prodded past Alisson from Ben Chilwell's header into the box
In the second half it was all Liverpool and they felt they should have had a penalty in the 57th minute when Naby Keita appeared to be tripped by Ricardo
Keita played a neat one-two with Roberto Firmino and surged into the box before going to ground
No penalty, said referee Martin Atkinson. Replays shows there was contact between Keita and Ricardo and that a spot-kick should have been given, but Liverpool fans believe Keita should have shot way earlier anyway
In the video(s) below, the 23-year-old takes one too many touches when he should have had a go as soon as he got into the box
It was a clear-cut penalty, but Keita was also to blame for not shooting earlier
Here's what Liverpool fans were saying on social media about the incident.
BATATA FRITA Faz Mal? Engorda Mesmo? | E na Airfryer? Qual é o Melhor óleo Pra Fritar Batata? - Duration: 1:35.
Fry Does It Really Matter?
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The potato chips are almost unanimous, mainly for children, when it comes to snacking.
We grew up hearing that chips are bad.
But does the potato chip really hurt?
We know that frying is bad for our body in general, due to the amount of fats.
The food, be it the potato, the fish, the egg, chicken or any other food,
absorbs fat, creating a risk of developing fat in the liver, increased cholesterol,
among other problems.
Potato chips, for example, when not oil on paper towel, can lift
your calories in 3 times or more.
But not everything is lost.
Nowadays it has as frying without oil, for example, and the potato is crunchy and tasty
as if it had been made in oil.
If you do not have the appliance that fries no oil at home, prefer a healthier oil
that of soybeans, such as avocado oil, peanut, olive oil or coconut oil, and not
forget to let the fat run down before consuming.
Share this information.
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See you
Andra a pus capăt speculațiilor. Declarația cântăreței despre sarcină! - Duration: 3:11.
[H30.12.23] 早朝の苗穂周辺 後編~旧苗穂駅 小特集・臨時北斗84号~ - Duration: 12:54.
Liverpool fans made the same observation about Keita during penalty shout vs Leicester - Duration: 2:28.
Liverpool had the chance to go seven points clear at the top of the Premier League on Wednesday night following Manchester City's defeat to Newcastle
Leicester City travelled to Anfield to stop them from doing that, but within three minutes the hosts took a 1-0 lead
A stunning passing move from the Reds ended up with Sadio Mane darting into the box and curling a shot into the bottom-right corner
It was the perfect start from Liverpool, but as the game wore on they allowed Leicester to create more and more chances
And on the stroke of half-time, they were punished. Harry Maguire pealed away at the back post and prodded past Alisson from Ben Chilwell's header into the box
In the second half it was all Liverpool and they felt they should have had a penalty in the 57th minute when Naby Keita appeared to be tripped by Ricardo
Keita played a neat one-two with Roberto Firmino and surged into the box before going to ground
No penalty, said referee Martin Atkinson. Replays shows there was contact between Keita and Ricardo and that a spot-kick should have been given, but Liverpool fans believe Keita should have shot way earlier anyway
In the video(s) below, the 23-year-old takes one too many touches when he should have had a go as soon as he got into the box
It was a clear-cut penalty, but Keita was also to blame for not shooting earlier
Here's what Liverpool fans were saying on social media about the incident.
[H30.12.23] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~DE15ラッセル ダブル回送~ - Duration: 14:40.
什麼! 買美國蘋果 COSTCO股票這麼簡單 - Duration: 6:59.
Power Lead System Training I Setting Up A Opt In Form On The Power Blog - Duration: 12:32.
Emmanuel Macron, gravement malade ! - Duration: 1:27.
CBC Here & Now Wednesday January 30 2019 - Duration: 1:01:57.
BATATA FRITA Faz Mal? Engorda Mesmo? | E na Airfryer? Qual é o Melhor óleo Pra Fritar Batata? - Duration: 1:35.
Fry Does It Really Matter?
Hi, how are you?
Sign up for our channel and turn on notifications.
The potato chips are almost unanimous, mainly for children, when it comes to snacking.
We grew up hearing that chips are bad.
But does the potato chip really hurt?
We know that frying is bad for our body in general, due to the amount of fats.
The food, be it the potato, the fish, the egg, chicken or any other food,
absorbs fat, creating a risk of developing fat in the liver, increased cholesterol,
among other problems.
Potato chips, for example, when not oil on paper towel, can lift
your calories in 3 times or more.
But not everything is lost.
Nowadays it has as frying without oil, for example, and the potato is crunchy and tasty
as if it had been made in oil.
If you do not have the appliance that fries no oil at home, prefer a healthier oil
that of soybeans, such as avocado oil, peanut, olive oil or coconut oil, and not
forget to let the fat run down before consuming.
Share this information.
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See you
Quina 4889 - Resultado da Quina (30/01/2019) - Duration: 0:53.
Cohen WILL testify to Congress behind closed doors but considers keeping his public hearing date D - Duration: 9:41.
Cohen WILL testify to Congress behind closed doors but considers keeping his public hearing date D
Michael Cohen agreed Monday to voluntarily talk to House lawmakers but behind closed doors after concerns a public hearing would endanger his family.
He has, however, tentatively agreed to testify in public after, last week, he canceled that scheduled appearance.
Cohen will appear before the House Intelligence Committee on Friday, February 8, but in a private sit down with lawmakers.
Michael Cohen agreed to voluntarily talk to House lawmakers but behind closed doors
House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff said they will work with law enforcement to keep Cohen and his family safe
I want to thank Michael Cohen for agreeing to appear voluntarily before the Committee for closed testimony on February 8, 2019, panel chairman Rep. Adam Schiff said in a statement on Monday.
We will continue to work with Mr. Cohen and law enforcement in order to protect Mr. Cohen and his family, he added.
And President Donald Trumps former fixer has tentatively agreed to go through with his planned public testimony before the House Oversight Committee, Cohens new lawyer Michael Monico told .
Cohen was originally scheduled to testify before a joint House Oversight and House Judiciary Committee hearing on February 7 in his first public testimony since he plead guilty to lying to Congress.
But he canceled that appearance last week citing ongoing threats against his family from the president and the presidents lawyer.
Lawmakers, however, made it clear they were unwilling to let Cohen off the hook and mulled subpoenaing to appear.
Monico said Cohen wants to cooperate with all of the congressional inquiries, including one before the Senate.
The scheduled appearances mean Cohen will talk to House members before he is grilled by senators. The Senate Intelligence Committee subpoenaed him to testify on Feb. 12.
He will likely face different topics of inquiry in each setting.
Schiff said he wanted Cohen behind closed doors to speak about his dealings with Russia while the House Oversight panel made it clear Cohen would not speak about special counsel Robert Muellers investigation in a public setting.
Cohen got cold feet last week after Trump claimed during a photo op with reporters that Cohen has always been threatened by the truth, and claimed that his former lawyer doesnt want to tell the truth for me or other of his clients.
Due to ongoing threats against his family from President Trump and Mr. Giuliani, as recently as this weekend, as well as Mr. Cohens continued cooperation with ongoing investigations, by advice of counsel, Mr. Cohens appearance will be postponed to a later date, his attorney Lanny Davis said in a statement last Wednesday.
Cohen has been ordered to report to prison on March 6 to start serving a three year sentence for bank and tax fraud and campaign finance violations.
After Cohen canceled last week, Oversight Chairman Elijah Cummings mulled subpoenaing Cohen before he reports to federal prison.
Both Cummings and Schiff said last week in a joint statement that [n]ot appearing before Congress was never an option.
We will not let the presidents tactics prevent Congress from fulfilling our constitutionally mandated oversight responsibilities. This will not stop us from getting the truth. We expected Mr. Cohen to appear before both Committees and we remain engaged with his counsel about upcoming appearances.
Trump said last Wednesday during a photo op that Cohen has only been threatened by the truth; he previously suggested Cohens father in law could have organized crime connections that prosecutors should investigate
Trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani right went to bat for the president on Sunday in a CNN interview, saying that hes only protecting himsef by throwing hardballs at Cohen
Cohens attorney said his familys safety came first.
This is a time where Mr. Cohen had to put his family and their safety first, Davis said.
Trump suggested in a Fox News Channel interview via telephone on January 12 that investigators have ignored a rich vein of criminal activity in Cohens father in law, whom he didnt name.
He should give information maybe on his father in law, because thats the one that people want to look at, Trump told host Jeanine Pirro. Because where does that money–? Thats the money in the family. And I guess he didnt want to talk about his father [ in law]. Hes trying to get his sentence reduced.
Trumps lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, said Sunday on CNNs State of the Union program that focusing attention on Cohens family is just Trump defending yourself, especially if the father in law is a criminal in the Southern District of New York. He may have ties to something called organized crime.
Cohens father in law Fima Shusterman pleaded guilty to federal income tax fraud in 1993. The charge stemmed from his taxicab business in New York.
Shustermans more recent business ventures are linked to taxi companies in Chicago. The New York Times has reported that Shusterman introduced Cohen to the industry.
Cohen had already limited the scope of what he would be willing to discuss with members of Congress, ruling out anything currently under investigation.
That would preclude him from talking about the Trump Tower Moscow project, his payoff to porn star Stormy Daniels, or his business dealings with the president.
Cohen has been cooperating with the special counsels probe of Russias role in the 2016 election. The U.S. Attorneys Office for the Southern District of New York was the lead federal prosecutor earlier this year when Cohen pled guilty to eight counts, including tax fraud and campaign finance violations.
He also has pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the timeline of conversations he had with Russian officials about building a Trump Tower Moscow as part of separate investigation by Muellers team.
He was sentenced to three years in prison and is free on bail until that time.
Democratic Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland left chairs the House Oversight Committee and California Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff right leads the House Intelligence Committee and both want to hear from Cohen
Cohen was not expected to be able to testify about his election year hush money payoff to porn actress Stormy Daniels pictured on Trumps behalf
Cohens guilty pleas included a charge of lying to Congress about a Trump Organization real estate project that was slated for Moscow, Russia and discussed through the fall of 2016 while the president was running for office.
He testified in a closed congressional interview that the project he pursued on Trumps behalf was abandoned by the time of the Iowa Caucuses in January 2016; that would be consistent with Trumps political messaging.
Mueller later filed documents revealing Cohen said he discussed the proposal with Trump on multiple occasions and with members of the presidents family, later in the year – even after Trump became the Republican nominee for president.
Cohen said he lied out of loyalty to Trump.
I made these misstatements to be consistent with Individual 1s political messaging and out of loyalty to Individual 1, Cohen said at his plea hearing late last year.
Individual 1 is Muellers name for Trump in the investigation.
Cohen was also the central figure in a plot to buy the silence of pornographic actress Stormy Daniels, who claimed that she had an affair with Trump in 2006.
Daniels signed a nondisclosure agreement in exchange for dollar 130,000 from Cohen, a transaction that he admitted was a violation of campaign finance laws since it amounted to an illegally large contribution benefiting Trumps White House hopes.
He said in court that Trump directed him to make the payment, suggesting the president was guilty of a crime.
In August he pleaded guilty to eight separate charges related to tax dodges, falsifying bank documents and the campaign finance violations involving Daniels and another woman, former Playboy magazine model Karen McDougal.
Cohen claims that at Trumps request, he arranged for the publisher of The National Enquirer to pay McDougal – another self described past Trump paramour – for the exclusive rights to her life story. The magazine never published anything, engaging in a practice known as catch and kill in order to help Trump avoid new scandals in the final weeks of the 2016 campaign.
Trump has denied ever having a sexual relationship with either Daniels or McDougal.
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Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday Metro Media Group
C'est l'anniversaire de Kaaris : qu'en pense Booba ? - Duration: 1:34.
Charter Escape Hat - Duration: 1:41.
Hey I'm Meadow with Sunday Afternoons and I'm excited to introduce you to our all new
Charter Escape Hat.
Now this is the little brother to our original Charter Hat.
Its got a little bit trimmer profile but it's still the classic iconic Outback silhouette.
Great structure, great fit, I know you're gonna love it.
Let's jump into the details and we'll start off with the fabric.
Now this is a 100% nylon bluesign certified, stain and water resistant, and of course UPF
So you're getting excellent sun protection.
A lot of comfort when you wear it.
Now the brim size itself, you got two inches in the front, two and three quarter inches
in the back, and one and three quarter inches on the sides here.
So it's a little bit trimmer in the profile but the bonus is this is actually a closed
cell foam so it's actually gonna float in water.
So if you're out there doing the watersports I know you're going to enjoy it.
Now if we take a look at the mesh this is also a UPF 50+.
So excellent sun protection there and one of my favorite features about the Charter
Escape is a popular feature across Sunday Afternoons.
Is our sunglass lock technology.
You simply pop your shades in, they lock into place, they are not going anywhere.
Pop em off and put them on your head when you're ready and you can continue on your day.
Now let's take a look under the hood.
Now you'll notice we have a dark underbrim.
This protects your eyes from glare.
Chinstrap to keep it on when it gets windy.
We have a wicking sweatband around the side here.
We've got a really cool innovative sizing system.
Last feature up here we have a hidden pocket up top.
Again this is the Charter Escape hat by Sunday Afternoons.
I'm Meadow and don't forget your hat.
Laeticia Hallyday a refait sa vie, enfin le bonheur retrouvé - Duration: 1:19.
[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Drip - Duration: 3:44.
[FREE] Lil Baby x Gunna Type Beat - Drip
Study Abroad Travel Haul | South Korea | Prepping for Abroad - Duration: 18:48.
(cringy Korean (I'm so sorry!) 안녕하세요. 저는 린지입니다!
Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey and I'm not quite in Seoul yet.
So, welcome to my channel! This is the first video on my study abroad channel.
I'm actually a little nervous making this video, because I'm so used to another (filming) angle for my book videos.
I do have another BookTuber channel and that's where I'm used to filming.
So this is going to be a little different. I hope y'all will bear with me as I figure out how I want to do
these few videos prior going to South Korea.
You'll also know I talk with my hands a lot, sooo, yeah.
So! If you look on the internet for study abroad hauls,
you'll see a lot of like essential things you need for traveling abroad and
those are great videos. This is not that video. These are basically just items
that are gonna make my life a little easier while I am in South Korea for
four months at Yonsei University starting next month--ah!--so here we go!
So the first thing I had to get was, you know, a suitcase because I only had a
carry on for when I went to China for a student trip in 2016.
Wow, I sound like a world traveler when I say I went to China and I'm going to
South Korea. Those are the only places I have or will be going that I know of in
this near future. So, the first thing I had to do was get a suitcase so I got--
eeee! Isn't is CUTE?!
This is an...let's see, can y'all see it? Okay, this is the carry-on one. This looks
really awkward on camera...bear with me I'm sorry...so this is the carry-on
because I got the big one...haha...this one doesn't even fit in frame. So this is a
Calpak x Oh Joy! collaboration and it is the cutest polka dot confetti color
ever! I love this one and what's really neat...it has the TSA look and it also has
I can't open it now (good job, lindsey)...ah... push it down...let me mess up my pin...there...you push it down
and they open so it's a special TSA lock. Now this is where I show y'all I am NOT
a world traveler so I'm just going with what everybody's been saying online on
[and on] the official government websites which is the best thing you can do
preparing to go abroad. Look at the official government sites. So, yes, the
first thing I had to get was a suitcase because I actually didn't have a
suitcase of my own so I got this small carry-on size and then also the big
checked one from Calpak. I think it's .com I will link everything
down below in case y'all are interested in anything. I'm not gonna lie I think
that there are some really cool things in this little haul doodad I'm doing and
this is one of them because it's so cute and it's really durable from what I can
tell and the reviews were really good. And that is completely the end of my
essential travel accessory haul. Everything else here is going to be pure
fun so I hope you enjoy it! Okay, this next thing is also part of the whole
luggage thing but not essential but I guess you could think of it as essential
in this day and age it is a luggage tag battery pack! *mind blown* To charge it it's just like
a normal battery power pack whatever you call them I know them by like eight
different names but you charge it and then it can charge your
phone or other devices and it's brilliant! I was way too excited when I
saw this on Oh Joy!'s website. I lost my marbles because it's adorable--it's matches! It's the
same pattern y'all! I feel like if you've seen me from my other channel you will
know I fangirl easy over cute things. Welcome to this channel I still
fangirl over cute things. But both of those items plus the big suitcase which
I'm not gonna show y'all because it's huge,
those are all from the Oh Joy! x Calpak collaboration and they have been
mentioning on Instagram but this collection might be going away soon so
if you like them definitely check them out because they're coming up with
something else now~! Okay, item number two...oh, I need to
explain this item now, don't I? Okay, so, for those who are new or I don't know me
from my other channel. Hi! Welcome! So glad you're here! I promise I will have more
interesting videos when I'm actually in Korea. I love taking pictures, videography,
I love all of that stuff. If y'all are a photographer or a videographer then you may
know the brand Kelly Moore. I love their stuff. I am very much addicted to their stuff and as a
plant-based/vegan person, I love that they also offer vegan leather. It's "A
Beautiful Mess" bag in blush. The color is not really showing through very well on
the camera, so I apologize, but it is a beautiful blush and I'm so excited to
take pictures of this and the cherry blossoms because I-get-to-see-cherry-blossoms *happy dance*. So, yes, I am so excited
about this bag and what's really neat about Kelly Moore bags--can I do this one
handed, Lindsey, you might have to insert clips--what's really nice is I can use
this as a school bag because my laptop fits in here and I am NOT one of the
girls that has that 13 inch MacBook, so I was a little afraid that my laptop
wouldn't fit in here at 14 inches--but it will, so we're good! So, this bag is really neat because not only
do they allow you to go crossbody with it, shoulder, they also include the
backpack options which I will definitely be making use of and of course all these
this little insert divider thing can come out and it's customizable and it's
fantastic. And I feel like I should point out that Kelly Moore stuff is not cheap
but that is because it is great quality stuff and if you can get it on sale
you're doing really good and I got a fantastic deal on this with their black
extended Black Friday special and then I had to keep on and--oh!-- I'm so happy about
this bag. I'm in love with this bag. It is absolutely beautiful and I can't wait to
take it all around Seoul with me. I'm so excited. Okay, so, there's the--those are
really the only two practical items in this haul everything else, yeah, it's
mainly fun stuff so let's just go through some quick things. So for my
vlogging camera the G7 X Canon G7 X Mark ii--you know the typical
vlogging camera that every Youtuber uses. I got an extra battery because I'm gonna
be vlogging and South Korea and taking pictures so that's a no-brainer. So, I
guess this would be slightly needed to travel. I could have bought it in Korea
but I went ahead and got it here because I am a planner and over-prepared (dog barking in background), so we
have the surge protector {I meant adapter!} that has Korea...where is
Korea..there, there you go! The two prongs and of course we have a surge protector.
I wanted to go ahead and get my favorite makeup here and again I did Black Friday
shopping and Cyber Monday shopping because PUR--the company that I love to
use--actually did half-off everything and if y'all know makeup, it isn't cheap! So, I
quickly snatched all my items I needed and hopefully this will last me. I think
it will...hopefully. So, we have my foundation, the HydraGel Lift (for under your eyes), a foundation brush,
correcting primer, and then this is "Disappearing Ink", but what it should
say is magic! Because it is--*drops items*. Okay, where was I? Yes, okay, these are concealers and
y'all! We're gonna go all beauty guru--that I'm not by the way--now this is concealer
and it says it's "Disappearing Ink", but what it should say is magic because it
is! One thing I really love about PUR makeup is it is vegan, [and] they use a lot of
great add-ins that help your skin. Just when I wear it for like three days a
week I notice my complexion gets much better and I'm saying that as someone
who is incredibly acne prone. I don't have mascara in my hand because I still
have a little bit and I'll probably buy some but again I use PUR's stuff. I love--I
love it because I don't feel it on my skin. PUR, if you would like to sponsor
me let me know. This kind of was a necessity not really a necessity for
studying abroad but just life in general: Vitamin E sticks. Again, I just mentioned
I am incredibly acne prone, therefore, acne scar prone and if you have, if y'all
have that problem: Vitamin E. I kid you not, it's mind-blowing how well it
works on all types of scars. This works so good--it's amazing and it works great
on acne stuff too. It's amazing, so I-- these aren't all mine but I'm gonna take
a good amount of these to Korea with me. So, this next item, it's a portable
blender and it shows it's the pretty blue--which I love that blue--but I
thought it would be better to get white! So I got white and it is a little
usb-connected thing and...ah, that's all I got. I haven't tried
this yet. Obviously, I'm so excited. Little ice cubes! *squees* Why is mini things
so cute? I don't know, but. I am very excited to try this out. I will have to
try it out before I leave to make sure it works. So, yes, just a blender, a little
blender, personal size blender that's actually pretty light but it looks
really durable and had really good reviews again so I got it on sale and I
was excited about that. Next item that was purchased was one I
actually have seen in a lot of travel videos that you should get and you know
I believe it now. Packing cubes, but not just any packing cubes, oh no no no.
These are the collapsible packing cubes, which for what I can tell, really
is a game changer. Basically you stuff your stuff in, you zip up that zipper and then
you have this expanded zipper and you zip it up--and it's magic! I will insert a
clip over here while I talk of getting a huge fluffy jacket into this extra small
one. But it came with four and this blue looks really dark on camera and it's not
that dark. It is from the brand GONEX and I have to say I'm really impressed. It
had good reviews again and, yes. :) Next item was a planner this is from Walmart and,
yes, I know I could have gotten the planner in Korea--obviously--with all
those stationery stores that I will be visiting and buying way too much at, but
I went ahead and got one that I could look through better here and kind of
figure out what I need. So, it's just, you know, it's a simple simple little planner
because you know university student. Next was just one of those suitcase
weights. This is a very lightweight one, so it will be great to have in my
suitcase for when I come back to make sure I don't get charged to those crazy
fees. And then three sets of these gear ties which are basically reusable bendy
things for your cords and *sighs* I have a lot of cords, so I'm going to try to be
organized. Look it's a little, you see? They're reusable and you can bend them--
they're a little tough at first--but they're cool! If you stick around to this
channel or you know me from my other channel you may know that I'm a little
bit of a Type-A/organizing overachiever/ perfectionist, so, I'm gonna be organized
as much as I can. Okay, again, this is a fun haul y'all, this is not really an
essential haul and this is not essential but it's adorable! It is what's called a
cable bite. It's just a little thingy that goes around your cord and bites
your phone cord so it doesn't rip. I love my pandas and when I saw this I squeed
and it's even cuter in person. And on that note of pandas, my sister gave me
for Christmas a scarf that has pandas on it and not only can I use it to wrap
around my hair for when I'm sleeping on the plane to try to eliminate the whole
frizzy hair situation, she also had the idea that I can put essential oils on it
when the dust is bad and either have it around me or as a facemask-kind-of-idea,
so we will see and I will play with all of it. I think it's so cute and it's very
soft. So, next is just a little travel wallet it can fit my passport, it also
will fit Korean money which is a little bit bigger than American money and
a pen! It had a pen holder! I'd love to say that this wasn't the reason I wanted
this specific wallet, but that would be a lie. Because I did want it because of
the pen holder, because, you know, you have to fill out customs and all that and you
don't want to be that person asking your person next to you for a pen so I'm
gonna be prepared and have a pen. I'd like to say this is not the color I
expected but we're just gonna go with it. According to most Amazon reviews on this
item it says it's [RFID]..I don't know how to test that, so hopefully it is. Okay,
this next item has me giddy and I'm still in love with this item. If you
watch any of those like Amazon tech under $50 videos--which YouTube keeps
suggesting to me so I keep watching them-- you might have seen this item, it is the
Rocket Book Everlast and-- this is amazing, y'all--it is a reusable
notebook that is connected to your phone by what you scan. I got the pretty blue.
You have to use these special pins (Pilot Frixion). Okay, so, very fun, yes? What's really cool
is these pins erase on this special notebook so..mmm..let me drawn just
something, okay, ready? Wait, I can't see what I'm doing...this is a problem. Magic!
It's gone! It was right there, it was right there! It's gone!
It's magic! One of my missions while I'm in Korea is to find the best bubble tea
house. We will see. Okay, so, then with this is amazing technology and I kind of
wish I had this years and years ago because it's brilliant. So you open the
app where...new scan..here we go! Okay I'll insert it over there [which I forgot! I'm so sorry!] but
basically it has all kinds of little marks that you can check off to put
where you want them since either your iCloud or Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. There
are gonna be some classes it looks like for when I'm at Yonsei that I'm not
allowed to take my laptop in for notes, so I wanted something where I can have
my notes to my computer and I don't have to type them up. I don't have to type
with this thing. So now, this this is the really really cool part! Okay, I'm being
very extra over here and I just took the condensation off of my bubble tea and
you have to get the special cloth wet and are we ready? are we ready?
Did y'all see that?! And then you wipe dry with another part--I missed a spot there,
there we go-- dry with another part, wait a couple minutes for it to be completely
dry and you can reuse the page 99 more times. *claps* This is absolutely brilliant
technology I'd like to say. So, I feel like--I should mention though that this
is the Rocket Book Everlast. They have another one called the Rocket Book Wave
and to clean the page you have to stick it in the microwave. My family doesn't
own a microwave and I don't really want to put a notebook in the microwave at
Yonsei in the main kitchen, so I went I went ahead and upgraded to the special
one and honestly this was under $40 I believe and it comes with the one pen.
You have to use that brand [Pilot Frixion] pen, though, no other pens will work on this. When I
got to play with us this was about the same feeling that I had when I walked
into a Half Price Books and they had shopping carts. A book store that has
shopping carts! What a time to be alive!! I get very passionate about very random
topics so, haha. Okay and on that note, I also went ahead and got a set of the special
pens you're supposed to use for this which is the Pilot Frixion, the
Pilot Frixion pens. These are in color because as we already established I love
color. And these also have a special caps that you can erase with, which pens that
erased our brilliant concept, so. :D Look how colorful! And to further confirm my love
of color I also got these-- *snaps and falls* things are falling, things are breaking--okay I just,
I just broke my pack, cool. These are pens that are just for like bullet
journaling...not that I do that because [I'm] too much of a perfectionist and it
stresses me out, if we're being honest. So these are just for notes for my Korean
books, for all kinds of things, they are special pens I already have a set of
these that I love and these are just even more colors and you cannot go wrong
with more colors. So that's really it for this video. These are some of the fun
items I have gotten for my study abroad journey and excitement and, yes, I have already
played with a lot of them. Obviously--whoops--so, yes, these are just really fun
ones I don't--I don't think I'll ever make a video that's like the "essential
things you need", maybe at the end of my study abroad journey I will do a video
on things that I was glad I brought and stuff like that...maybe I'll do that if
anyone would interested...to help out future study abroad people in Korea.
But as far as everything else that's.. that's really it for this video I hope
you enjoyed it! Let me know what was your favorite item in the haul. Let's be
honest the Rocket Book notebook thing is-- it's brilliant, but also the luggage tag
the battery-powered luggage tag is also amazing and that Kelly Moore bag.. ah, so cute! *heart eyes*
Okay, okay, okay, I'm gonna start talking all over again. I don't need to do that
this video has been long enough. I hope you enjoyed this video. Please let me
know if you'd like me to do any other videos before I leave or while I'm in
Korea, I would love to know in the comments below. :)
I am just so very excited about the study abroad journey that I will be able
to embark on very soon. So I hope you enjoyed this video and please let me
know if there's any other videos you would like to see me make and I'll see
y'all next time! Bye~!
Descubra o Que Acontece com seu Corpo Quando Você Come 2 Bananas por Dia - Duration: 3:00.
《海贼王》黑胡子的身体构造成谜,正在寻找第三个恶魔果实! - Duration: 4:45.
[H30.12.23] 早朝の苗穂周辺 後編~旧苗穂駅 小特集・臨時北斗84号~ - Duration: 12:54.
Online Mindfulness Therapist for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without medications - Duration: 12:12.
So please contact me if you're interested in learning how to manage and overcome the
sometimes extreme anxiety reactions and panic attacks associated with social anxiety disorder
and the most severe form of anxiety disorder that is agoraphobia.
So I provide an online therapy service in which I will teach you mindfulness-based methods
for working with anxiety and these methods have proven to be very effective.
I have been working with people over ten years now and they all benefit greatly from this
So what is the Mindfulness Therapy approach for overcoming agoraphobia and other anxiety
Well there are many aspects to the mindfulness approach but the first, I think, important
thing to really understand is that mindfulness training is about learning how to overcome
that habit of avoidance.
That's the first thing.
Avoidance is your worst enemy.
If you're struggling with anxiety and especially with social anxiety and agoraphobia, avoidance
has the effect of reinforcing the anxiety and the result of that is that the anxiety
gets stronger, which then precipitates more avoidance, avoidance behaviors and other reactive
processes that simply lead to even greater anxiety.
And so we get into a positive feedback situation where avoidance actually causes increasing
Many people start off with a general anxiety which then progresses and becomes more and
more contracted, if you like, and more and more limiting and can end up with agoraphobia.
So that's a situation where a person is very uncomfortable about leaving a very confined
safety zone, such as a room in a house.
I've worked with people who are unable to leave the house altogether because it's become
so contracted for them.
The first problem that I've identified for people especially with agoraphobia is this
problem of avoidance.
So in mindfulness training we train and not to avoid but actually to do the opposite,
which is to develop more conscious awareness around your anxiety.
You need to develop a very conscious relationship with your anxiety if you want to heal.
Avoidance is not going to do that.
So the nature of the mindfulness relationship that we form with our emotions is based on
consciousness, but it's also based on this quality of compassion or friendliness that's
very important.
We're not trying to battle our way through the anxiety.
It's not meant to be a struggle.
If you're approaching your anxiety in that way with struggle and resistance and so on,
then that will also feed the anxiety.
You have to approach it very much in the same way that you would approach a child that is
in pain.
Just forcing the child not to cry or trying to tell them that they are being irrational
is pointless and not going to help.
What the child needs is your love, your friendliness, your compassion and above all, your conscious
awareness, that is being fully present with the child.
That is what helps the child heal and it's exactly the same for our emotions and particularly
fear-based emotions like anxiety.
What that anxiety needs is your conscious and friendly relationship.
That's what you need to form with the anxiety and that is what will promote its healing.
So that's the first thing that we do.
So no avoidance; that's not allowed.
And instead we replace it by developing a friendly and conscious and open relationship
with the anxiety.
Then we start to explore how that anxiety works.
We look at the reactive thoughts that feed the anxiety and we learn to break free from
those habitual thoughts in the same way, that is, if there are reactive thoughts then we
develop a friendly conscious relationship with those thoughts, instead of struggling
with them or trying to avoid them or become totally lost in those thoughts.
The problem is not the thoughts it's the fact that we become identified with those thoughts,
and we become reactive because we're identified with those thoughts.
So that identification process is based on unconsciousness, the lack of awareness.
Mindfulness counteracts this process of reactive identification.
You can be present with a thought and not react.
When you can do that then you can help it heal.
You can change that thought in a way that helps it heal.
So that's the first part of the structure of the anxiety: looking at the reactive thoughts
that cluster around the anxiety and feed it.
The other part of the structure of anxiety, and any other emotion for that matter, is
to look at its imagery.
The way that you see the anxiety in the mind is what causes that anxiety.
The internal imagery is what organizes our emotions.
So we want to come to see that in great detail because when you can see the imagery of the
emotion you can begin to explore changing that imagery.
And when you change the imagery of anxiety you change the emotion itself, you decrease
its intensity and you help neutralize that anxiety.
So working with the imagery is really important and is a major part of Mindfulness Therapy.
The general program that I recommend is that you construct a schedule of incremental challenges.
So these are taking on small challenges, whatever they may be.
Doesn't matter how small they are.
The thing is that you need to do these in a systematic way.
So if that is just stepping outside the front door then that is the challenge you would
work on until you've totally freed yourself from anxiety.
And we train for these challenges.
That's the other vital aspect of mindfulness therapy.
Exposure by itself is not enough.
That is not going to free you from anxiety.
You have to train with the anxiety in that situation.
And I will teach you how to do that.
I will teach you how to work with the imagery and the reactive thoughts that get triggered
by each of these challenges that you undertake.
And I will teach you how to work with those aspects of the anxiety until the anxiety is
Then you do your challenge.
So you prepare before the challenge.
You do the challenge and then you work on any anxiety that occurred during the challenge
in a post training period, if you like.
And then you repeat this process over and over again until you've essentially trained
yourself out of the anxiety reactions.
Anxiety is a habit.
It should not be described as a medical disorder.
It is not.
It's a psychological habit and all habits can be changed when you bring conscious awareness
to the habit and you work with its structure, its psychological structure, and that is the
whole focus of Mindfulness Therapy.
So if you'd like to work with me as an online therapist and you'd like to schedule Skype
Therapy sessions with me to work on your social anxiety disorder or your agoraphobia, I'll
be happy to do that.
Simply email me and we can work out the times that we can meet and start this process.
Typically people see improvements in a very short time once they start applying this very
strategic mindfulness-based approach, what I technically call mindfulness-based exposure
So if you like to learn more please contact me.
Thank you.
[H30.12.23] 早朝の苗穂周辺 前編~DE15ラッセル ダブル回送~ - Duration: 14:40.
FDA receives 'F' grade in American Lung Association report - Duration: 0:30.
Tony Robbins And Russell Brunson Talk About How To Start An Online Business (Part 1) - Duration: 8:27.
- Hey everyone, my name is Russell Brunson
and in a few seconds from now I'm gonna actually show you
an interview recently I did with my friend Tony Robbins
and I talking about how to start a business online.
But before we get into the interview,
in case we haven't met yet,
I just wanted to introduce myself.
My name's Russell Brunson,
I started a software company a few years ago
called ClickFunnels.com, you may have heard of it.
This year they did over $100 million in sales,
which is kinda crazy.
But this interview with Tony was all about you
and how can you start a business online.
And what a lot of people don't even know
is that when I got started initially,
the first thing I sold, I talk about it with Tony,
was a DVD teaching people how to make potato guns, yes.
Potato guns like this.
And so that's how I got started, selling things like this.
So for you, it doesn't matter what you're selling.
If you have a product, an idea, a service, something,
this interview's gonna help you understand
how to actually sell your products and services online,
which is exciting.
Now this is the first of a three-part video series.
Each part is gonna walk through
part of this interview with Tony.
In the first part you're gonna learn about
how I got started and how you can get started as well.
You're gonna hear stories about people like
Brandon and Kaelin Poulin who were just like you initially,
didn't have a business, but they were excited,
and now they've launched this huge company,
they sell products internationally all around the world
and you're gonna hear some of those stories
during this interview, so.
I'm excited for you, I hope you love this,
you're gonna learn all the tools and techniques
you need to start your own business online
and how I've done it,
and you're gonna have Tony actually interview me
about the whole process, which is a ton of fun, so.
With that said, let's roll the video
and check out the first part of the interview.
- I've known Russell for about,
I think about 15 years, 14, 15 years now.
I've got to know him really well over the last decade or so
and what I love about Russell is, you know,
so many people are looking for ways to maximize the business
or to find a way to produce a secondary income
and most of the stuff that you see online
is disappointing would be the nicest word
I could give for it. (laughing)
There's just so many scams, there's so much B.S.,
and what I love about Russell
and the reason I wanted to introduce you two briefly today
is he has a new book out called Expert Secrets.
The subtitle is "Help you find your message,
"build a tribe, and change the world."
You just hold that up so we can all see that. (laughs)
- There it is. (laughs)
- And, and it, it just, what I love about Russell is just,
he's the real thing.
Why don't you share with my audience a little bit here about
how you got started in this business
and a little bit of your approach to
and how it differs from so many other people out there.
- Yeah, so. (laughs)
I actually got started in this business,
man, it's been, feels like yesterday
but it's been, you know, 10, 15 years now.
And it's funny 'cause I,
I was the same way a lot of people were,
I didn't know a lot about business,
I was tryin' different things
and learning from different mentors,
and, and one of the very first things I ever created,
in fact I sent you the first one I made, actually,
was a potato gun.
And we're making those for fun,
and we had so much fun makin' potato guns
and shooting 'em and having just like,
the time of our life, and then one day,
I, they did like, I wonder if anyone else besides me
is interested in information about potato guns?
And there was nobody out selling any plans
or DVDs or anything, and so I thought,
there's my first opportunity,
I'm gonna become a potato gun expert.
And we went and made a potato gun DVD,
my friend and I recorded it,
put it online and started selling it.
And it never made me rich,
but it was the first thing I sold online
which started makin', you know, 20 or 30 dollars a day
and it was like, the coolest thing in the world.
And, and to see people like,
take what you knew and actually do something with it.
And that's, for me it's how it began.
And, and then obviously my, I didn't want my rest of my life
to be known as a potato gun expert,
(laughing) as much fun as that, that is,
and I'm still into that business, or into that hobby, but.
That's how it kinda began and then I started branching out.
And, and it.
The kinda my next obsession,
I started finding other people that were really good
and I was like, "Man, these."
Like, one of my friends,
I don't know if you know Howard Berg now,
world's faster reader, we partnered with him and I was like,
"You're the world's fastest, let's like,
"let's create informations, like, selling what you do."
And he, and we did projects together
selling his information to other people's and,
and I started getting obsessed with like,
helping other people to like,
take what they knew and what they were good at
and put it out there and, and sell it.
And, and then out of the most recent years,
obviously we've been teachin' a lot of people doin' that,
we've got software that helps people with it,
but that's kinda the, kinda the backstory.
- Well you, you, you know, you've grown so massively,
you've got 'em, you've serviced every service,
almost a million business-owners over the last 10 years?
- Yeah, we've been over that now, yeah.
- That's amazing.
And then you created ClickFunnels,
we'll talk about it as well but,
tell me about how do you differentiate yourself
from so many people online?
Everybody on the line jumps online,
everybody's got some hook that they're tryin' to use
to sell somebody something.
You know, you've really differentiated yourself,
I've found over the years.
What, what do you think has separated you from the others?
- I think a lot of people get into business initially
'cause they wanna make money, which is a good thing,
that's what usually start, like spurs entrepreneurship, but.
For me, what I found, I talk about this actually
in the very first section of the book
to kind of give people context,
because then ultimately
people feel guilty about that as well.
But I know for me like, I was, I was learning,
I was growing, and like, there came a point in my life where
like no matter how much I kept learning,
like, eventually you kinda stop,
like it's hard to keep progressing?
Just by learning itself.
And I had some big wins, I had successes, and it was like,
I love celebrating 'em.
And then the first time I started,
like, helping other people and it's like,
"Hey, I'm gonna, like, the stuff I've learned,
"let me help you with it."
And, and I'd, I'd help people and they'd see their success
and I, I'm sure you're the same way, like,
when you see someone else have success,
it is a million times cooler than your own success.
And like, for me I got addicted to that, I'm like, "Okay,
"that was awesome, like,
"who else can help and how else can I help?"
And, and my whole focus shifted from like,
you know, how do I start a business, make money, to like,
these people have messages,
they've got things that they can,
that they know that they can change other people's lives,
and I might not be the world's fastest reader,
I might not be someone who's good at
personal development or finance or any of those things,
I might not be the best at it, but if I can,
like, my, my gifts, my tools,
if I can help them to get their message out,
man, like how many more people can we, can we impact,
and so that's why I love working with entrepreneurs
because it's like, one entrepreneur can change
hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands of people's lives
and it's just, it's so much fun.
- What's been one of the biggest campaigns that you've run
to give people a sense of what the economic opportunity is,
and then I wanna follow up and get in to
a little bit about the different types of,
you know, expert businesses, but.
Tell us a story of one of,
what's been one of the big surprises?
I know the potato gun's where you started,
but what were the big hits you've got,
what kind of return did you get,
just to give people a sense of what's possible
and I'm, and I remember you telling me how
crazy you were over several of these stories,
and give me one.
- So many cool ones.
So I'll share one of, one of my favorite, they're,
they're a younger couple, they are I think 22, 23,
they just got married.
Brandon and Kaelin, in fact, when you spoke at our event,
she was the one that had the Prada purse
that you kinda teased.
- Oh, yes, I remember that, yes.
- So she's like, the coolest couple, the newlywed couple.
And the first time they met me,
they messaged me and they're like, "We're completely broke,
"we have nothing, some day we're gonna be a success story."
I was like, "All right, cool."
And then a year later they came to our event
and they came up to me and they're like,
"Hey right now we're doin',"
I think it was 80 grand a month right now,
helping women to, to,
to transform their bodies through weight loss.
And I was like, "That's cool."
And then they started going deeper and deeper into this.
And one of my favorite things is
they did a Facebook Live two months ago,
following kind of the process we teach in this book.
They did the Facebook Live and it went live and,
two things, number one, that Facebook Live they did,
they sold over a million dollars worth of products,
22, 23 year old couple.
But number two, right now they're adding 500 women a day
are coming into their programs,
and they're taking these women's lives
and radically transforming 'em.
And the case studies are just insane,
so for me it's like, the money's cool 'cause
us entrepreneurs want to know that but like,
500 women a day, every single day,
are coming like clockwork into their programs.
And they are having this huge impact on people's health
that, it's just, it's, it's like
the coolest thing in the world to watch and to see.
- Well my, the crazy thing is
so many people have beautiful ideas.
I knew early in my career, my biggest thing was
I had these skills, these abilities and talents,
certain things, you know, god gives you
and certain things you develop along the way.
And, but I realized my ideas were gonna die on my lips
unless I learned how to market, you know?
That I was not gonna change millions of people's lives
unless I could figure out how to do that as well.
And, you know, mine was so much trial-and-error
and there was no internet, per se, that's how ancient I am.
- Hey, this is Russell again, hope you enjoyed the first of
the three-part interview with Tony Robbins.
And I want you to know,
part number two is coming out any day now.
When it goes live it's gonna be here, in this channel,
so I need you to do a couple things,
'cause I don't want you to miss it.
Number one, you need to subscribe to my channel.
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so make sure you subscribe and click on Notification,
that way the second video part two drops,
you will get access to it immediately.
And the third thing we've been talking about
this Expert Secrets book, if you want a copy
there's gonna be a link somewhere on the screen.
We can go get a free copy of it,
just covers shipping and handling, we'll ship it out to you,
that way you can read along and learn all the stuff
that Tony and I are discussing in this interview,
which is a lot of fun and, with that said,
thank you so much for watching part one of three
of my interview with Tony Robbins.
In part two, I'll give you a little teaser right now,
we're gonna start going deep into
the two different types of expert businesses
and how you apply both of 'em and so,
make sure you get on that video,
make sure you get on notifications
so you don't miss that video,
thanks again, I'll see you on the next interview.
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