Hello everyone
Welcome back to...
I don't like the introduction, I should change it!
Hiiii ( sound stupid)
No (laugh)
Hello everyone and welcome back
to my Youtube channel for a new video! So in this video
I'm gonna give you 5 advices
for people who want to be exchange student
in a foreign country less or more than 1 year
So that's it! I hope that you're going to like these advices.
It is maybe
advices that people always tell
( family members or other people who have been aboard
or someone on Youtube...)
But I think it is important to remind
this advices!
and to turn it in my own way obvioulsy!
I hope you're going to like it!
The first advice is the most important one!
I didn't follow this one
during my year in Canada and I regret it now!
It is 1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family
1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family
Personally, I told my family and friends
but not with the association. ( only before leaving)
I was afraid of the
consequences I could have if I told them.
I knew by someone else that someone
who was working for my association
was friend with
my hostfamily. I don't know what could happend if I had told my problems
Maybe it could be worst in my hostfamily
and they could know what I think about them
and the situation could be really bad
but the situation was already bad...
So if it could be worst or not, it was already awfull
( mostly at the end of my program)
I thought the situation could be better
after few times but not at all
it was only getting worst
2) don't speak your first language (the least possible)
If you know
people where you are going to be
who speak your language
Try to not see them as much as possible
or speak in english with them
I didn't want to stay with french people at the beginning of my program
but at the end of the year
You certainly saw
that I did a video with Lucie
title of this video: "degustation américaine"
Lucie and me were hanging out sometimes
but not a lot... 4 times maybe during all the year
The most of the time we were speaking in english
but it could happen that we speak in french
I am for staying with people
who are making effort to speak in english and who are not going
to speak in my language all time because the purpose of my year was to improve my english.
3) try new things. things that you don't have in your country
Things that you've never done and you're never going to do.
For example I took special courses: video production and web design
so I've learn how to create network and making animations
I thought it was cool to test it
as you can see, I like also editing my video's
4) keep a track of your adventure (share your experience)
I know that not every single exchange student does it
personally, I created my Youtube channel as you can admire (lol)
I had a lot of moment were I was bored in winter
I wasn't going out a lot because it was so cold
so I was editing and stuffs
I like doing it and I like to share my adventure
you can also make a Youtube channel
but I don't tell you that you are oblige to, I'm just saying
that you should find a way to share your exchange student 's life
for example: facebook page, a group in private
with your close friends...
so you're also sure to keep in touch a lot them
Don't hesitate to share a lot
of pictures on instagram or snapchat
and saving your story to keep memories
If you don't want to share your adventure
and be expose
to people and show what you do
I think you should..
because I exposed myself but I also did something else
it is not a diary
it is a notbook
( a friend gave it to me before leaving)
it is a notebook where I've put souvenirs inside
for example
here it is
a glass mount that I kept from a mexican restaurant I've been
there in Canada.
I kept it as a souvenir because I've been there for my birthday
I wrote
"Mexican restaurant for my 19th birthday" on it.
yeah I'm 19 even tho I look younger
When I did my tatoo, I kept my ticket I received for the appointment
everything is falling
another example
Sometimes I was writing how I feel
Here is the ticket where it shows the amount I've paid for the Spa
You're maybe thinking that it is stupid to keep all these things
but I just keep thing who can
remind me my exchange year when I'm going to be old
even show that to my grandchild (lol)
Here it is a friend who gave me few notes she had put on presents she gave me for Christmas
so it is written in english : "thanks to share your lunch with me"
"thanks to be supportive and take care of me"
"love u" and others things like that
I don't want to throw
another example... When I was homesick
I wrote all the though I had in my mind
As you can see I draw a sad little girl
and I wrote few words around "I'm stressed"
I wrote it in english
"isolated" "want my belgian friends" "everthing is bad with my hostfamily"
"what am I doing in life"
So I'm not going to read everything I wrote
If you're interested that one day I show u that
and everything inside, tell me!
if you are
not demonstrative
and you prefer to keep your adventure for yourself
You should do a notebook too!
keep few receipt, paper...
whatever, keep these and wrote things too (how you feel)
It is a travel book actually!
The 5th advice I'm going to give you is:
Stop comparing
it is something I always did
5) Stop comparing the place where you are with your native country
not too much because
when you think about it, it is useless
for sure, you're going to do it, it is normal
Automatically, every singe exchange student
compare everything's going on in the country they are with their own country
Don't exaggarated
you can create arguments because of that
or bad being
and withdraw into oneself
and causing the homesick
This video is done! I hope you liked it
that the tips I gave you bring you some choices
and that you are going to use it if you are
going to be exchange student in few years
that my tips are interesting and you took some notes
because it is cool ( lol)
So that's it! lot of kisses
the third tips is.... Lol third ?
When I was younger I took drama in high school
it is shame
Please let me finish I was saying...
go away I was saying..
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