Sunday, October 1, 2017

Youtube daily report Oct 1 2017

Hello everyone

Welcome back to...

I don't like the introduction, I should change it!

Hiiii ( sound stupid)

No (laugh)

Hello everyone and welcome back

to my Youtube channel for a new video! So in this video

I'm gonna give you 5 advices

for people who want to be exchange student

in a foreign country less or more than 1 year

So that's it! I hope that you're going to like these advices.

It is maybe

advices that people always tell

( family members or other people who have been aboard

or someone on Youtube...)

But I think it is important to remind

this advices!

and to turn it in my own way obvioulsy!

I hope you're going to like it!

The first advice is the most important one!

I didn't follow this one

during my year in Canada and I regret it now!

It is 1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

1) speak to your association if you have problems with your host family

Personally, I told my family and friends

but not with the association. ( only before leaving)

I was afraid of the

consequences I could have if I told them.

I knew by someone else that someone

who was working for my association

was friend with

my hostfamily. I don't know what could happend if I had told my problems

Maybe it could be worst in my hostfamily

and they could know what I think about them

and the situation could be really bad

but the situation was already bad...

So if it could be worst or not, it was already awfull

( mostly at the end of my program)

I thought the situation could be better

after few times but not at all

it was only getting worst

2) don't speak your first language (the least possible)

If you know

people where you are going to be

who speak your language

Try to not see them as much as possible

or speak in english with them

I didn't want to stay with french people at the beginning of my program

but at the end of the year

You certainly saw

that I did a video with Lucie

title of this video: "degustation américaine"

Lucie and me were hanging out sometimes

but not a lot... 4 times maybe during all the year

The most of the time we were speaking in english

but it could happen that we speak in french

I am for staying with people

who are making effort to speak in english and who are not going

to speak in my language all time because the purpose of my year was to improve my english.

3) try new things. things that you don't have in your country

Things that you've never done and you're never going to do.

For example I took special courses: video production and web design

so I've learn how to create network and making animations

I thought it was cool to test it

as you can see, I like also editing my video's

4) keep a track of your adventure (share your experience)

I know that not every single exchange student does it

personally, I created my Youtube channel as you can admire (lol)

I had a lot of moment were I was bored in winter

I wasn't going out a lot because it was so cold

so I was editing and stuffs

I like doing it and I like to share my adventure

you can also make a Youtube channel

but I don't tell you that you are oblige to, I'm just saying

that you should find a way to share your exchange student 's life

for example: facebook page, a group in private

with your close friends...

so you're also sure to keep in touch a lot them

Don't hesitate to share a lot

of pictures on instagram or snapchat

and saving your story to keep memories

If you don't want to share your adventure

and be expose

to people and show what you do

I think you should..

because I exposed myself but I also did something else

it is not a diary

it is a notbook

( a friend gave it to me before leaving)

it is a notebook where I've put souvenirs inside

for example

here it is

a glass mount that I kept from a mexican restaurant I've been

there in Canada.

I kept it as a souvenir because I've been there for my birthday

I wrote

"Mexican restaurant for my 19th birthday" on it.

yeah I'm 19 even tho I look younger

When I did my tatoo, I kept my ticket I received for the appointment

everything is falling

another example

Sometimes I was writing how I feel

Here is the ticket where it shows the amount I've paid for the Spa

You're maybe thinking that it is stupid to keep all these things

but I just keep thing who can

remind me my exchange year when I'm going to be old

even show that to my grandchild (lol)

Here it is a friend who gave me few notes she had put on presents she gave me for Christmas

so it is written in english : "thanks to share your lunch with me"

"thanks to be supportive and take care of me"

"love u" and others things like that

I don't want to throw

another example... When I was homesick

I wrote all the though I had in my mind

As you can see I draw a sad little girl

and I wrote few words around "I'm stressed"

I wrote it in english

"isolated" "want my belgian friends" "everthing is bad with my hostfamily"

"what am I doing in life"

So I'm not going to read everything I wrote

If you're interested that one day I show u that

and everything inside, tell me!

if you are

not demonstrative

and you prefer to keep your adventure for yourself

You should do a notebook too!

keep few receipt, paper...

whatever, keep these and wrote things too (how you feel)

It is a travel book actually!

The 5th advice I'm going to give you is:

Stop comparing

it is something I always did

5) Stop comparing the place where you are with your native country

not too much because

when you think about it, it is useless

for sure, you're going to do it, it is normal

Automatically, every singe exchange student

compare everything's going on in the country they are with their own country

Don't exaggarated

you can create arguments because of that

or bad being

and withdraw into oneself

and causing the homesick

This video is done! I hope you liked it

that the tips I gave you bring you some choices

and that you are going to use it if you are

going to be exchange student in few years

that my tips are interesting and you took some notes

because it is cool ( lol)

So that's it! lot of kisses

the third tips is.... Lol third ?

When I was younger I took drama in high school

it is shame

Please let me finish I was saying...

go away I was saying..

For more infomation >> 5 vrais conseils pour futur étudiant d'échange/ ENGLISH SUBTITLES - Duration: 8:24.

------------------------------------------- veut changer de boulot ... - Duration: 3:27.

For more infomation >> veut changer de boulot ... - Duration: 3:27.


How To EASILY Make $100 A Day Online At Any Age From Home! (Life Of An Entrepreneur Vlog 3) - Duration: 14:55.

I just showed you guys how to make $100 a day

I told you guys it's early we're getting ready to go to the gym by the way

welcome to the entrepreneur daily vlog day three

what's up guys I just got back from studying with my friend on campus like I

told you guys I have to test next week so today was nice the beginning the day

was a lot a lot a lot of study but right now what I plan on doing I'm gonna do

some product research later on the video yesterday's video should already be up

so make sure you guys check that out smash the like button on this video and

comment down below again I am waiting to hear you guys's comment on the 10k in

the 5k lone guys I'm I'm eat it and I need input so that I can do whichever

one you guys want me to do so definitely let me know about that Bitcoin price has

been going up a lot today so today's video is gonna be centered around that

yeah later today I'm gonna sit down again closer to the 6 o'clock I'm gonna

sit down and we're gonna talk a little bit a bit connect I know I talked a lot

about it I swear this video tomorrow's video will be different not necessarily

like well obviously still gonna have bit connect every day so I can show you guys

how much make how much I make every day and I feel I got something you guys

enjoy watching but also tomorrow's video is gonna have different context which I

was planning on doing for today's video but I am gonna do cars we're gonna talk

about cars tomorrow I need you guys opinion on something else and yeah so

that's the plan for right now product research I'll update you guys as soon as

I finish up some product reaches what time is it it's I should probably be

doing a solid three or four hours of product research straight pretty much

like I told you guys I want by the end of my next weekend I do want to have

like three expensive products that can purchase already ready so that does

require a lot of work right now so three or four hours guys that's not even a lot

let me tell you when I started Amazon FBA guys I was doing ten hours a day of

product research guys four months straight I was doing 10 hours a day to

find the first few products but now I have slack since I am starting to do

more YouTube and I'm starting to do more other stuff right affiliate marketing

Shopify I want to get into eventually there's a lot of other stuff that I'm

doing so I have slacked but I am gonna grind for the next few days probably a

solid three or four hours of product research a date just a weekend guy we

can find three good products to start and I can update you guys on that

Ernie I know you guys are interested in Amazon FBA hopefully at least some of

you are otherwise I'm sorry but yeah that's the plan for right now tomorrow

I'm gonna record some videos as well we're gonna have some car talk and I'm

gonna record some videos on the court for the course for me to release that

week so very excited about that as well but yeah today's video is gonna be about

bit connects I'm sorry we talked about bit connect lock but I know that you

guys want to learn how to make money that's what this channel is about how to

make money and I'm gonna teach you guys how to make $100 a day later today am

definit of product research so bear with me guys I'm gonna go do that and then

yeah I'll come back and catch up with you guys a little bit all right so I

finished the product research like I said three hours of product research

done Zoe's checked from the books I good news I'm actually the kitchen now I'm

about to make some food but before I do that good news the good news is that I'm

learning a lot more about shipping guys trust me I've been doing Amazon for a

decent amount of time and yeah I still learned stuff about shipping everyday so

I'm gonna update you guys as soon as I can but I found a way that maybe we can

all get cheaper prices on shipping it's a slower shipping method but the

shipping method is significantly cheaper so depending on your product if you can

plan ahead it'd be a good idea to maybe get cheaper shipping that takes like

three weeks but if you plan in a ahead in advance three weeks should be no

problem for you to plan and get your inventory in so that was because usually

it takes like what ten days to ship so this one would be twenty instead but it

could increase your profit margins which in turn would be fantastic for all of us

because who doesn't like some more profit but that's just a little bit of

what's going on right now it is past six a decent amount past six I haven't

checked that connect yet obviously I don't do that without you guys so we're

gonna jump into big connect real soon and yeah I'm gonna show you guys the

payouts and teach you guys how to make $100 a day I'm sorry I took so long for

us to get this part of the episode it is late at night again but again I do thank

you guys so much for taking part and watching this video and joining me on my

day this is day number three um I'm having a lot of fun doing these type of

videos it is it is different for what I normally do so yeah I'm having a good

amount time I'm still learning I'm getting better at this so yeah right now

though I'm gonna make some real quick just gonna microwave

something see what we have in here we have microwavable soup that works

anyways we are gonna jump right into bit Connect right now guys I hope you guys

are excited so next clip I'm gonna be on my computer and yeah we're gonna sit

down and teach you guys how to make money as promised guys we're on bit

Connect I want to give you guys a little bit of what's been going on this week we

got one point eight five percent point one three point eight one point eight

five 0.090 point two one and it we're gonna get 0.44 tomorrow so that's great

I want to give you guys a bit of an idea of what would look like if I were to do

my ten thousand dollar loan oh sorry where's the camera I were doing my ten

thousand dollar loan this is on top obviously of the loan that I'm doing

right now it's four hundred twenty days just on top of the three thousand dollar

loan I have right now but if I were to do a ten thousand dollar loan with the

numbers of the last seven days I would make fourteen thousand dollars 294 in

profit and I would come out at the end of the day at the end of the hundred

twenty days with two one to four thousand dollars because I'll get my

$10,000 back in the beginning so that's really cool how this works yes this

doesn't motivate you guys into getting you know getting started I don't know

what will obviously if we break this down if I'm making what am I making I'm

making fourteen thousand dollars right in 120 days so let's open up some math

here I'm gonna do $14,000 and divided by 120 days guys you're making a hundred

and sixteen dollars a day then I'll tell you right there how do $16 a did I not

tell you I was gonna show you how to make a hundred dollars a day I think I

did and I think I just showed you guys exactly I do it first look a little bit

at my bit connects right here I show you guys I've made so far two hundred seven

hundred dollars just past seven hundred today what's that just past seven

hundred today really awesome thank you for all you guys that are using my link

in the description guys to join the team the team right now is looking strong we

are at I believe about three people last time I checked yeah we're at three

people I do I'm afraid who's gonna sign up so we're gonna have four people on

the team so that's very very exciting thank you all for joining the team I

told you guys I'd be teaching you exactly how to make $100 a day and I did

now obviously you guys gonna be asking what happens if I don't have this much

money to invest Patrick it's okay you don't have to invest $10,000 you can

invest $100 and tell you what compound if you reinvest every time you reach the

ten dollar limit or every time you reach $100 again so if you invest $100 you'll

get like a dollar a day roughly on average every week right you're good a

dollar a day and in ten days we'll have ten dollars you'll reinvest that you'll

have $110 then I actually have someone on my team who I can see he's doing this

he's currently at around 120 130 dollars you know who you are in the living on

the comments let me know in the comments and it's you um you know you are and

yeah I can track his growth and see how he's growing he's currently at around

120 hundred $30 and he's started with a hundred so quickly you see he's already

almost halfway to getting his money back and then from then he's gonna keep

reinvesting and eventually hope yet you know $100 a day it might take him a year

but guys you're so young all of you I don't care if you're 50

you're young you had so much time to get this done don't worry about it just get

started the sooner you get started the sooner you'll get there and don't forget

you guys don't have to have the might invest right now guys click the link in

the description make an account it's free to make the accounts free to make

you not deposit any money yet so make the account and then later when you have

the money come back in and invest it but I'm gonna keep showing you guys daily

what my payouts are looking like and hopefully that motivates you guys to get

started but don't forget in the comments I want you guys to leave 5k or 10k right

5k or 10k I need to know which loan to do if I do 10k I'll make 14k profit if I

do 5k I'll probably make like I don't know 7k profit so it really depends I do

want to do one of each at some point so it's really gonna just which one do i do

first let me know what you guys think I'm thinking maybe I'll do 5k first but

yeah guys come on comment down below I'm waiting for it I

want to know what you guys think but yeah helping this motivate

you guys do get started on bit connect because guys there's no reason not to

sorry my face is getting red it's hot in my room but yeah I'm just looking over

this honestly my experience already beating already seven hundred dollars

I've been doing this for like two and a half three weeks seven hundred dollars

is correct crazy I only invested three thousand so I can only imagine what's

gonna happen when I invest the 10 K so yeah guys again leave it down below I

just showed you guys how to make a hundred dollars a day right it might not

be instant for some of you it will if you have ten thousand dollars jump on it

guys aren't when days fourteen thousand dollars profit it's like a hundred

twenty dollars a day more than a hundred alright I underestimated I said ten I

said 100 you guys make 120 real quick if you don't you guys can build up to a

hundred don't you guys can get there it might take time but you'll get there if

you don't start now you never will so hopefully you guys learn a little bit

about bit connect so a little more about bit connecting kind of what you guys can

do to reach the hundred dollars a day guys once you start experiencing

internet success things just are exponential things are completely

exponential guys I can't even explain like a hundred dollars a day if you were

to tell me that a year ago that sounds hard I was like 100 dollars in one

there's only 24 hours a day that's that's a lot of money guys it's not that

hard I trust me when I tell you once you get

there the logic is there bit connect is there for you it's there to help you

guys it hasn't done anything wrong to me so far so I'm just gonna promote it

obviously it's working for me it's making me money I want to help you guys

make you guys some money so I'm letting you guys know um yeah there's so much so

much you can do they connect really is a fantastic platform and it's making a lot

of people a lot of money I know people making thousands of dollars a day guys

thousands that means they're investing hundreds of thousands of dollars into

this platform if they can do that I'm sure you guys can feel more comfortable

in investing your money I'm obviously gonna be showing you guys my loans I

have three thousand right now and it's going to very quickly be up to like

10,000 I keep telling you guys eventually it's gonna hit a ten thousand

dollar loan I don't know if I'm gonna do that first or gonna do the five thousand

you guys know the story again let me know in the comments what you guys want

to see the five the 10k loan just live write them down five or

10k right now but yeah guys I just wanna help you guys out and the the thing that

really got to me was I was talking to my friend today and I was talking to him

about making a million dollars a year and I was just like dude I don't believe

making a million dollars a year is that hard now what is it easy

no does is there a lot of hard work required yes guys you're gonna have to

put your time in but I don't think it's as hard as people make it seem you know

I watched I was read an article and they broke it down and I don't remember the

exact numbers I've seen people pay five hundred dollars for a course I've seen

people become millionaires from a course guys you can make if you sell a five

hundred dollar corpse right you would need two thousand people to buy that

course in order for you to make 1 million dollars two thousand people got

think about everyone in the world everyone the world who's trying to make

money you only need two thousand people now I'm not saying you're gonna do that

in the first month no some what I'm saying that's why I'm telling you guys

it's not like it's not gonna go without hard work but what I'm saying is it's

not impossible it's not as hard as everyone makes it out to be you guys

you're told in the school system that it's impossible you have to work start

with a $60,000 year's salary and then maybe when - by the time you're 70 years

old you'll hit a million dollars you know in your bank account who knows God

see 21 year olds hit million dollars in their bank accounts so it's really I

don't why wait till you're 70 right so that was a little bit of you know

positivity motivation for you guys that I see is missing a lot in today's world

I'm gonna finish off the day watching a little bit of basketball if you guys

don't know I am a Lakers fan hopefully we win the first preseason game let's go

Lakers yeah so a little bit of motivation knowledge job for you guys

don't be afraid to take action guys really without action there's gonna be

no rewards this channel is about motivating you and staying positive and

kind of helping you take action giving you the courage and the willpower to

take action so hopefully this helped you guys out this little end of the video

this is gonna be the end of the video guys if you guys enjoyed don't forget to

leave a like comment down five her 10k right now and subscribe if you

guys are new to the channel hit that Bell icon also so you guys can be

notified every time we drop a new video which is going to be daily with these

vlogs I'm loving doing this I'm loving talking you guys more personal really is

a great time the only difficult part is this camera is very heavy and I just

wandered around my office well apartment has kind of you guys see everything

that's kind of wandered around like this all the time sorry if I make you dizzy

but yeah guys thank you so much for watching again hopefully guys learn

something hopefully you guys are positive remember guys be happy there is

no better way to live life trust me when I tell you this guy's positivity always

wins stay positive stay hungry stay motivated and I'll see you guys on the

next video

For more infomation >> How To EASILY Make $100 A Day Online At Any Age From Home! (Life Of An Entrepreneur Vlog 3) - Duration: 14:55.


PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> PAW Patrol Names Multi Puzzles Spinner Slots. Learn Colors in English - Duration: 1:23.


L'HYPNOSE C'EST QUOI? - Duration: 7:17.

For more infomation >> L'HYPNOSE C'EST QUOI? - Duration: 7:17.


Top 10 Activity Cubes '17

For more infomation >> Top 10 Activity Cubes '17


EPA Spends $25K On Soundproof Room For Scott Pruitt To Hold Private Conversations - Duration: 4:18.

According a new report EPA administrator Scott Pruitt has been approved to spend $25,000

to create a soundproof booth in his office at the EPA so that no one can hear his conversations,

so that he has a safe space to take people and talk to them without any chance of anyone

else overhearing and reporting on what is being talked about in those conversations.

$25,000 to create a soundproof room so that the American public can't know what the EPA

administrator is talking about.

This actually isn't one of the grossest stories that have come out of the EPA recently.

We also learned that the EPA was requiring people who work there to turn in their cellphones

or any other personal devices so that they could not record or make notes about any conversation

that they have with EPA administrator Scott Pruitt.

Now we can't say for certain why Scott Pruitt needs a soundproof room to have conversations

with people, but we can go ahead and make some pretty educated guesses on this, and

my best educated guess is because he wants to meet with leaders of industry inside of

that soundproof room, and he doesn't want those meetings recorded, he doesn't want anybody

overhearing by standing outside the doorway.

He doesn't want anybody to know what he's talking about, but more importantly doesn't

want anybody to know what kind of environmental destruction he is planning with the heads

of industries.

We already know.

Story came out earlier this week that he met with officials from a mining company and then

immediately turned around and granted a new mining permit for them to go ahead and destroy

a large portion of the environment.

EPA administrator Scott Pruitt is working for the industry.

He is not working for the American public.

He's not working for the environment, that's for sure.

All he's doing is working with the industry, making sure that they get everything they

want, that they extract every possible natural resource out of our ground, put as much pollutants

as they want into our air, and our water, and our earth, because that's the only thing

that matters.


Because a guy like Scott Pruitt's going to be long dead before we see the real horrifying

effects of climate change hit the United States.

20, 30 years these guys are all, they're not going to be around anymore.

They don't care.

Neither did the CEOs who run these companies that are destroying the planet.

They don't care.

And now they don't have to care.

Because we're not going to know about it.

Scott Pruitt's going to go in his own little snowflake approved safe space where nobody

can hear what he's talking about, and meet with these people, plan all sorts of environmental

destruction, while the rest of us don't know a damn thing that's going on.

That is not how a transparent democracy works.

I know we've had issues with transparency during the Obama administration, we had them

during Bush administration, we had them for a long time.

But creating yourself a $25,000 at the expense of taxpayers soundproof booth, take secrecy

and privacy to an entirely new level.

I mean that's a kind of sneaky shit that even Donald Trump hasn't tried to do yet.

Although once he sees that if it works for Scott Pruitt, maybe he'll soundproof the entire

White House so that nobody can overhear his conversations and report that to the press.

This is a dangerous precedent being set by the EPA here and we should demand that our

tax dollars, this $25,000 to pay for his little soundproof safe space gets returned to the

American public, and if he wants to soundproof that room, he can pay for it out of his own

damn pocket.

For more infomation >> EPA Spends $25K On Soundproof Room For Scott Pruitt To Hold Private Conversations - Duration: 4:18.


'슈퍼맨' 윌리엄, 샘 해밍턴 식사 예절 교육에 눈물 "민폐 안돼" | K-Couple - Duration: 4:39.

For more infomation >> '슈퍼맨' 윌리엄, 샘 해밍턴 식사 예절 교육에 눈물 "민폐 안돼" | K-Couple - Duration: 4:39.


(1998) Lunar: Silver Star Story (English captions available) - Duration: 0:15.

Umph! Got it!

Pull out your sword and head off to a world of adventure.

The fantastic RPG..

Lunar: Silver Star Story

Kadokawa Shoten (Company)

For more infomation >> (1998) Lunar: Silver Star Story (English captions available) - Duration: 0:15.


BTS Members Are Powerless When A Cute Girl Walks Into Their Fanmeet - Duration: 1:33.

BTS Members Are Powerless When A Cute Girl Walks Into Their Fanmeet

BTSs V, Jungkook, and Jimin fell head over heels for a little girl who attended their fan signing event.

When she approached Jungkook, he looked at her lovingly and asked her for her hand.

He then seemed to be mesmerized by her cuteness, as he shyly flashed her his million dollar smile.

When it was Jimins turn to sign her book, he could barely stop smiling before offering her a high five.

As the little girl approached V, his face instantly lit up and he tried to maintain eye contact with her as much as possible.

He then continued to talk to her, all while giving her the most exciting reactions.

When she left, V grabbed his heart in an attempt to calm it down as he almost died from her cuteness.

BTSs maknaes may be the babies of the group, but even they cant resist the cuteness of their youngest fans!.

For more infomation >> BTS Members Are Powerless When A Cute Girl Walks Into Their Fanmeet - Duration: 1:33.


Blade Runner 2049 Full movie Download - Duration: 0:47.

Blade Runner 2049

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