Fried Pork with Sesame Oil
Pork 400 g
Soy sauce 1 tsp
Sugar ½ tsp
Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
Sesame oil 1 tbsp
Crispy flour ¼ cup
Water 2 tbsp
Sesame 1 tbsp
2-3 serve
Cách Giảm Cân Hiệu Quả - Bữa Sáng Nên Ăn Gì Để Giảm Cân - Duration: 5:15.-------------------------------------------
01. Recycled J - AMOR (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
06. Recycled J - ARIZONA (ft. Natos y Waor) (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:45.-------------------------------------------
11. Recycled J - LA FOTO (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:13.-------------------------------------------
😂So FUNNY😂 - Duration: 13:55.-------------------------------------------
07. Recycled J - PROPAGANDA (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 2:56.-------------------------------------------
05. Recycled J - LA ZONA (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
🎃Halloween SNEAK PEEK! - Duration: 12:04.-------------------------------------------
Stop calling Trump mentally ill | Riley J. Dennis - Duration: 3:17.Don't get me wrong, Trump is a shitty fucking person, but that doesn't automatically make him mentally ill.
What I've been seeing a lot of recently is people on the left criticizing Trump by
saying that he's crazy or insane or mentally ill.
Lots of people have suggested that he should be removed from office because he suffers
from narcissistic personality disorder, or dementia, or delusional disorder.
I definitely think he should be removed from office, but not because I think he's mentally ill.
And I think calling him mentally ill does more to insult people who are actually mentally
ill than it does to insult him.
Because the thing is, people with mental illnesses can be good leaders.
Having a mental illness doesn't disqualify you from the Presidency.
There are lots of brilliant, amazing people who have narcissistic personality disorder
or borderline personality disorder or schizophrenia or any other number of mental illnesses.
Having a mental illness by itself doesn't make you a racist white supremacist piece of shit.
That's just Trump.
And he can be an asshole without being mentally ill.
Plenty of mentally ill folks manage not to be such colossal douchebags.
Trump isn't a shitty person because he's mentally ill.
He's just a shitty person.
Encouraging people at your rallies to beat up protesters, bragging about how you sexually
assault women, banning Muslims from the country, and trying to deport DACA recipients -- that's
all really shitty stuff that Trump can do without a mental illness.
Sometimes people are just assholes without having a mental illness.
And so when you associate being a bad person with having a mental illness, you throw all
other mentally ill people under the bus.
Every time a mentally ill person hears you say that Trump should be removed from office
because he's mentally ill, all they hear is that they will never be trusted by people
like you to be in a position of power.
There's so much stigma against people with mental illnesses already; there's no need to add to that.
And look, there are a lot of other reasons not to try and diagnose Trump.
For one, without a qualified professional sitting down and talking with him, it's
pretty much all speculation.
We know a lot of what Trump does but we can't see inside his head -- and even if we could,
we're not qualified to diagnose mental illnesses.
At least I'm not, and I assume if you're watching this video, then neither are you.
Unless you're like a licensed psychiatrist or psychologist or something, but then why
are you watching this video?
I feel like you should already know this.
Like the American Psychiatric Association has a rule against diagnosing public figures
called the Goldwater rule -- and the American Psychological Association has a similar rule.
Mental health professionals know that diagnosing people without actually sitting down and talking
with them in private isn't possible.
And even if it was, it wouldn't tell us anything useful.
If Trump did have a mental illness, and was receiving treatment for it, then who cares?
We all struggle with mental health problems -- even the President.
Being diagnosed with a mental illness shouldn't make someone unfit for the Presidency.
Being a bigoted piece of shit who thinks there are good Nazis should make you unfit for the
Presidency, but apparently a lot of Republicans don't see it that way.
So there are a lot of things you can call Trump without calling him crazy or insane or mentally ill.
Call him mean and racist and sexist and anti-LGBT+ and bigoted and ableist and horrible and terrible
-- but don't pretend that it's a mental illness that's forcing him to be this way.
Mental illnesses don't make people bigoted or bad leaders.
Mental illnesses are serious things that millions of people have to cope with everyday.
And associating those innocent mentally ill people with Trump is an insult to them.
So I get it -- Trump sucks.
But there's a better way to express your hatred of his administration than by calling him mentally ill.
We don't need to talk about Trump's mental health because it doesn't matter.
Mentally ill or not, he's a horrible President who's already caused so much harm.
Don't stigmatize being mentally ill; stigmatize being a fucking asshole.
Anyway, that's all I had for you today.
Remember that if you would like to subscribe, you can click over here, and if you'd like
to support me on Patreon, you can click over here.
Thanks so much for watching, and I'll see you next time.
👶🏻BABY Well Check + SHOTS💉 - Duration: 11:09.-------------------------------------------
J. Cole Chants 'F*ck Donald Trump' Alongside Audiences in Denmark - Duration: 1:30.For Complex News, I'm Hanuman Welch,
Like so many others in hip-hop, J. Cole has been a vocal opponent of President Donald
Not only has he awarded Trump protestors with free merchandise, he's also blasted POTUS
on stage.
He told crowds during his set at Lollapalooza 2016, "I'd just like to take this moment
to say fuck Donald Trump,"
This weekend, Cole reiterated his criticism during the Denmark stop of his 4 Your Eyez
Only World Tour.
The audience began chanting "Fuck Donald Trump" and the 32-year-old rapper joined the
crowd, adding in a few subtle dance moves.
"Fuck Donald Trump," he said into the mic.
"Damn, we overseas and y'all feel like this.
This is crazy as fuck."
The show went down less than a week after Cole shared his thoughts on the widespread
protests in the NFL.
He commended the athletes who've decided to take a knee, and encouraged audiences to
also send a message by boycotting the league until it "makes a wrong situation right."
Of course, he's talking about the alleged blacklisting of Colin Kaepernick, who has
been left without a job following his protest of racial injustice during the national anthem
last year.
That's all for now, for everything else subscribe to Complex on YouTube, for Complex News, I'm
Hanuman Welch.
04. Recycled J - REMEMBER (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:16.-------------------------------------------
13. Recycled J - FUEGO (Audio oficial) - Duration: 3:59.-------------------------------------------
ON RE-FAIT UNE MUSIQUE EN 1H ! (ft Bigflo & Oli) - Duration: 12:08.-------------------------------------------
02. Recycled J - 1 ENTRE 10O (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:35.-------------------------------------------
J'ADOPTE UN CHIEN ! - Duration: 9:35.-------------------------------------------
😂JUST MADE IT IN TIME👍 - Duration: 8:28.-------------------------------------------
👶🏻BABY PROOFING😳 - Duration: 8:13.-------------------------------------------
💗SPECIAL GIFTS🎁 - Duration: 8:14.-------------------------------------------
ON ESSAYE DES OBJETS ÉTRANGES #2 - Duration: 10:49.-------------------------------------------
CIRCUIT Training Express 7mn #1_On pose les bases - Duration: 8:23.-------------------------------------------
How I Make Money Online-------------------------------------------
Gonciarz in China... - Duration: 7:12.Krzysztof Gonciarz
Hello from Japan
Kasia, how do you like Japan?
Very much!
Did you miss it?
Kasia also likes it, I also like it...
So, we're off to Chinatown
the biggest in Japan
We're gonna see?
Chinese Festival
Let's go, let's go! Łukasz, let's go!
If you guys have places you wanna see
any special requests for videos in Japan
let us know in the description here
that's your time to do so that's the place to do so
So yeah, I think this...
this is going to be more of a vlog format than the videos I've been doing from Poland
just becauseI don't really know what's here
I mean I do have places I want to go to but I don't know much about them and...
so we'll just go around and film a little bit, show you guys Japan
you should buy kids a huge piggy bank like this
So they can think big from young age
not like the little tiny one
Thing Big!
this must say welcome Łukasz
welcome Łukasz!
So, good news! It looks like actually the parade is gonna be here
not parade but lion dance
the first one ended, so we didn't get to see that...
because of tuna belly
Yeah, we were being very fat!
But we're gonna see some other stuff...
So you said, why they do this?
It's for... They go to every place to give luck?
Yeah, to the store!
So say it again
They give luck to the stores
So they have to go to every store to give luck to it?
No no, one of the biggest
The biggest stores, they go to... the dragon goes to every big store and it brings luck to the store
So we did get to see a little bit...
which is good we're gonna go check out the Yokohama waterfront...
which is supposed to be really beautiful at night
and then probably come back here later
see that whole place in the lights of the...
lights of the city?
You know what these remind me of? These...
these metal bracings
like a grill, like a Korean grill or Tepinyaki...
What do you call it?
Yakiniku, like yakiniku grill
Check it out!
A little?
Ohh, yeah
Alright! So as the meat is cooking I just want to say I totally underestimated Yokohama
I looked at the pictures online...
and they...
they looked, they looked, you know it looked like a lot concrete buildings...
but it's a very beautiful city everything is beautifully finished
very relaxing, very peaceful so far so good Japan!
So as we were a little busy down here...
I'm gonna end the vlog right here!
Two women accused of murdering Kim Jong-nam plead not guilty - Duration: 0:34.Two young women... charged with murdering North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's half brother
Kim Jong-nam,... pleaded not guilty at Malaysia's High Court earlier today.
The women in their twenties... one from Indonesia and one from Vietnam... are accused of smearing
Kim Jong-nam's face with VX nerve agent on February 13th at Kuala Lumpur International
airport... killing him within 20 minutes.
Malaysian authorities say the two were trained by North Korean agents to wipe VX on Kim's
If convicted,... the two women face the death penalty.
दुनियाँ के 10 सबसे महंगे मोबाइल फ़ोन || Most Expensive Mobile Phone - Duration: 2:47.DYK
Trump appears to undermine Tillerson's efforts to resolve N. Korea nuclear issue - Duration: 1:55.Our top story this afternoon...
U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing to goad North Korean leader Kim Jong-un,…
telling his Secretary of State Rex Tillerson not to waste time negotiating with Pyongyang.
Our Ji Myung-kil has more.
In a series of tweets on Sunday,...
President Trump appeared to undercut his own Secretary of State's diplomatic efforts to
resolve the nuclear standoff with North Korea Using his nickname for Kim Jong-un, Trump
said: "I told Rex Tillerson, our wonderful Secretary
of State, that he is wasting his time trying to negotiate with Little Rocket Man.
Save your energy Rex, we'll do what has to be done "
President Trump's comments came a day after Tillerson revealed the U.S. was directly communicating
with North Korea on its nuclear and missile programs but that Pyongyang had shown no interest.
During a trip to China,... Tillerson said Washington was probing North Korea to see
whether it was interested in dialogue and that it had a couple of channels open to talk
with Pyongyang.
Later Sunday evening... Trump took to Twitter again,... adding: "Being nice to Rocket Man
hasn't worked in 25 years, why would it work now?
Clinton failed, Bush failed, and Obama failed.
I won't fail."
Not long after Trump's final tweet on the matter,...
State Department Spokesperson Heather Nauert confirmed that diplomatic channels are open
for now but won't be open forever.
It's unclear how successful diplomatic communications will be in curbing North Korea's nuclear ambitions...
since the leaders of both countries have been locked in an escalating war of words.
North Korea has continued to test missiles and is threatening to explode a hydrogen bomb
over the Pacific Ocean and shoot down U.S. military aircraft off its coast.
Ji Myung-kil, Arirang News.
Mutton Chapli Kabab Recipe - Peshawari Chapli Kabab | Cook With Fariha (2017) - Duration: 6:19.Hello Friends
Today we are going to make Mutton Chapli Kabab
It'll be delicious. Let's see what we need for this
1 fried egg.
Quick friend with 1 Tbsp oil
You can use Papaya if you don't have this
If you don't have then you can use garlic paste
This is my homemade Garam Masala Powder
If you don't have ginger & garlic powder then you can paste
We'll chop all these ingredients
You can chop by hands if you want!
You can easily 4 kababs
With 1/2 kg ground mutton (mince)
You can make small size kabab if you want!
Let's marinate mince
It's completely dry, these's no water or anything in it
Mince should not soggy
Add all spices
Ginger Powder
Coriander Seeds, Salt
Meat Tenderizer, Red Crushed Chili
1 fried egg
You don't have to cook egg completely
Garlic Powder, Dry Pomegranate Seeds
Dry Fenugreek Leaves
Roasted Garam Flour
Garam Masala Powder,
I'll tell you a tip, if you feel your kababs are breaking or split
Then you can increase flour quantity
There won't be any change in kabab
I'm making right away so I'll add this mixture now
If you are going to make later
Then add this mixture just before frying kabab
Because it will leave some moisture which we don't want
So add just before frying
See our Chapli Kabab mixture is ready
Now we'll shallow fry
Add 4-5 tbsp oil in pan
I'll 4 kababs
You can make more if you are making in small size
Make like this
You can adjust the size as you like
Put tomato slice over it and press gently
Add carefully once oil hot enough
Tomato side should upward
Do not change side until it become little hard
Other it can break apart
As we are making little big in size
You can see the size and thickness
You can make 4 kababs easily in 1/2 kg mince
Don't change side or move
One side becomes hard
Once one side is hard then turn side with 2 spoons
See, it looks good
Cook on low to medium heat
As it will take some time to cook
Because of mutton
Change side carefully/ slowly
Once it turn into beautiful color
Then you can take out
Make all kababs with same method
Our kababs are ready
Now we'll take out in a plate
Serve with lemon, It will be delicious
If you like this do like, share
Don't forget to comment then how it goes. Thanks For Watching
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Good Bye
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