Good question and I like it. Hmm!
Does God always heal?
I often wondered about this, because of ignorance but now I know better.
I agree that God heals; that He heals both the sinner and saved; and that God's Divine
Healing can be instantaneous and in progressive phases (please see last three videos).
But does God heal always?
Without understanding certain fundamentals of the kingdom of God, we just can't say
yes or no to this question.
So, I will answer this question following Dr. John G. Lake's notes on Devine Healing.
First, is to understand that there is no darkness in God (1Jn 1:5—that God is light, and in
him is no darkness at all).
Anywhere He shows up He brings Light—Gen 1:2-3, 2Cor 4:6, Act 26:18).
You must also understand that Darkness, which results from sin, is synonymous with and is
the enabler of death; and death holds people captive with affliction (Psa 107:10—some
people sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and in irons).
Such afflictions are sickness and disease, and in God, there is no sin, no death, and
no sickness.
According to Brother Lake, "Can darkness come out of light?
Can sickness come out of health?
Is death born of life?"
He further goes on to establish that the issue resolves itself into what constitutes our
redemption in Christ Jesus and what existing powers (of darkness) He promised to destroy.
(1Jn 3:8 & Luk 9:56—For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy
the works of the devil, ...He did not come to destroy men's lives but to save them).
Being that sickness is the consequence of the sin of Fallen man, sin, therefore, brought
death (Rom 5:12—sin came into the world through one man, and death through sin, and
so death spread to all men because all sinned).
As a result, sickness is death in progressive phases.
Brother Lake calls it "incipient death—death in process."
We know in the scriptures that the redemptive work of Jesus will end after death is destroyed
(1Cor 15:26—the last enemy that will be destroyed is death).
But he began this redemptive work by going everywhere "…doing good and healing all
that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him—Act 10:38."
Jesus knew his God-given right and authority to do good and heal and forgive sins (Jn 5:27;
Mat 9:6).
So, he demanded his right to heal anyone, anytime, and exercised his authority to do
so anywhere, much to the angst of superficial religious leaders.
Check out this instructive account in Luke 13:10-17: In the middle of his teaching (he
didn't wait to finish) and on a Sabbath day, against the traditions and customs of
the Jews, Jesus paused to heal a woman bound by Satan with infirmity and bent at the waist
for eighteen years.
In that account, Jesus questioned his opponents "why isn't it all right for me to heal this
daughter of Abraham whom Satan has had bound for eighteen years, even on the Sabbath day?"
So, I ask you, does anyone that Jesus died for deserve to be sick?
Does anyone deserve to be afflicted by Satan?
If Jesus died for all, doesn't everyone need His redemption, which as has been established,
begins from healing?
Based on the preceding can we courageously say that God always heals.
That He heals all the time, anywhere, and whomever.
Do you think that God would stop whatever He is doing just to heal?
If you can answer in the affirmative, all that is remaining is for you to recognize
your God-given right and begin to exercise that authority to heal and to preach the kingdom
of God (Luk 9:1-6; 10:1-9).
Satan the devil and thief (Jn 10:10—he comes to steal, kill, and destroy) use sin, sickness,
and death in that linear order to implement his tripartite agenda of everlasting death
with him.
There is no sin, sickness, and death in Heaven.
The Kingdom of God that we preach brings to us sinless, sickless, and deathless life,
as it is in heaven.
God, the Father through Jesus, knows what the world needs and He gave us His Divine
healing power in Christ, so we can help ourselves and others anytime, anywhere to attain eternal
living as the Sons of God.
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