Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 4 2017

We're getting old.

That's true on a personal level, of course – every second you're sitting there surfing the internet, you're getting one second older.

But it's also true in a global sense.

The average age of humanity is going up, and going up pretty rapidly, especially in North America, Europe, and many parts of Asia.

A report from the United Nations shows that the median age of the world population has risen from 23 in 1950, to 30 as of 2015.

And by 2050, the median age for the entire world will be 36.

In more developed countries like the United States, these trends are even steeper.

The median age has increased from 23 in 1900 to 30 in 1950 and finally up to 37 by the time of the 2010 Census.

The population of elderly Americans, those 64 or older, is expected to more than double by 2060, going from about 46,000 as of 2014 to 98,000 in 2060.

That's a huge change.

So, we owe it to ourselves to ask: Why are people getting older, and what will that mean for how our society works?

[Theme Music]

The aging of the world population comes from two facts: people are living longer, and they're having fewer babies.

Social scientists use a model of demographic transition to explain that the process of moving from a young, growing population

to an older, stable population is tied to the economic and technological development ofa society.

In this model, a country starts with really high birth rates and really high death rates,

resulting in a population with a lot of very young people, but not much overall population growth.

Then, agricultural and technological advances improve the standards of living.

Access to food, water, housing, and medical treatment all improve, which reduces the number of people who are dying at a young age.

People are still having a lot of children, but they're living longer, so this leads to a larger and older population.

But then, in the next phase of the model, as the probability improves that a child will live into adulthood, families begin having fewer children.

So their country reaches the final stage of demographic transition: low birth rates and stable death rates.

And if there are fewer babies, that means there are fewer young people to pull down the average age.

The total fertility rate, which is a projected estimate of the number of children an average woman of childbearing age will have over her lifetime, has been declining for most countries for a while now.

For the United States, total fertility rates were at a peak of 3.7 births per woman in the late 1950s, but are now at only 1.8 births per woman.

All of this means that we're looking at a future with a few more gray heads in society than past generations have had.

So what does that mean for society?

Before we can answer that question, let's look at some of the ways that sociologists understand "aging".

Aging is a biological, psychological, and cultural experience.

The biological part you probably already know about.

Aging increases risk factors for many diseases, particularly chronic diseases such as arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes.

78% of Americans age 55 and older have at least one chronic condition.

As infectious diseases like smallpox or tuberculosis become a thing of the past in high-income countries,

chronic diseases have become the leading cause of death in those countries.

That said, it's not like everyone over the age of 55 is teetering on the brink of the grave.

As life expectancy increases, the age at which people first experience chronic illnesses is often also postponed.

This compression of morbidity, a term coined by doctor and professor of medicine James Fries,

means that most people in high-income countries live healthy lives for the majority of their lives,

and then experience rapid health declines compressed into the end of life.

Which, I guess, is good?

But there's a lot of variation in illness and mortality rates across demographic groups.

Wealthier elderly people are less likely to face health challenges than the poorer elderly.

Women tend to live longer than men, but that also means they're more likely to suffer from chronic disabilities like arthritis.

Why we age and how we age are still major questions within biology, genetics, and medicine.

Senescence is the process of becoming old – which includes all the physical or mental deterioration that comes along with age.

There are two main schools of thought in modern biological theories as to why senescence happens: Error versus Programming.

Error theories, also known as wear-and-tear theories, focus on ways in which damage to cells and tissue accumulate over time,

and explore how aging is a result of damage to or deterioration of key cells in the body.

Programming theories, also known as aging-clock theories, focus on how the body switches on or off certain biological processes as you reach a certain age.

For example, the immune system is at its peak during puberty and slowly declines as you age,

meaning that it's harder for your body to fight off new diseases when you're older.

Along with the biological changes that people experience as they age, there are also psychological changes.

Older adults are at a higher risk for dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, and other types of cognitive impairment than younger adults.

Thankfully, old age doesn't mean drastic psychological decline for most people.

Only about 7% of adults over the age of 70 suffer from memory loss or more serious mental deterioration.

While the biological and psychological parts of aging are pretty well known, it's the cultural part of aging that I want to highlight today.

How is aging perceived by society?

Does being older mean that others see you as a wise elder or a washed up dinosaur?

Like race or gender, age is a trait that influences a person's social position in the world.

Age stratification is the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege among people at different stages of life.

And of course, different cultures value their older citizens differently.

Historically, if we were to compare hunter-gatherer societies – where survival relied on physical strength –

with agrarian societies – where food could be stored up – the elderly may be more likely to be seen as a burden in the former than the latter.

But once it's possible to build up wealth, some people may be able to accumulate money and power over time, leading to greater privilege for an older person than a younger one.

A gerontocracy is a form of social organization in which the oldest members of society have the most wealth, power, and prestige.

As nations industrialize, however, the main source of income shifts from land ownership to income from work.

And many older people move out of paid labor – whether it's by choice or because it becomes more difficult to find a job as you age.

Only about 18% of Americans over the age of 65 report being employed either full or part time.

Nowadays, rapidly changing technology means that many older workers are finding it harder to compete with younger workers.

Some of this is simply due to changes in what types of jobs are available, which may make the job experience of older workers less relevant in today's economy.

But companies may also be less willing to hire older workers because of ageism, or prejudice and discrimination based on age.

Employers may unfairly generalize about the abilities of older workers, thinking that all older workers will be less productive or less up to date on the skills needed for the job.

This is partially why we see so much stratification among older Americans.

They're much more vulnerable to poverty, with 8.8% of Americans over the age of 65 living in poverty.

Retirement from the labor force is, of course, voluntary for many people in high-income countries, and for some it's a welcome break from the workforce.

But for others, it's a difficult transition for both financial and cultural reasons.

While many wealthier countries provide some kind of income support for the elderly, like Social Security in the US,

retirement is generally only feasible for those who save enough during their working years to live comfortably after they've stopped working.

In economic downturns like the Great Recession, the value of people's retirement savings will often plummet, forcing people to work further into old age than they intended to.

But even for those who are able to retire, retirement can still be a difficult life transition.

Especially in the US, many feel that their identity and self-worth is tied up with their profession.

After all, what's the first question that you ask someone when you meet them at a party?

"So what do you do?"

When work plays such a central role in society, retiring can result in less social prestige as well as a loss of purpose.

For some retired people, work in the labor market ends up being replaced with caregiving work.

Caregiving here refers to informal, unpaid care provided to a dependent by family members, other relatives, or friends.

About 42% of caregivers to the elderly are a spouse – more likely a wife taking care of a husband than the other way around, partially due to women's longer lifespans.

Caregiving is a demanding job and can contribute to the social isolation that many older members of society feel.

Limited time due to caregiving, lower mobility due to the aging process or chronic health problems,

and the loss of aging friends and family members, are all reasons that older Americans cite for feeling lonely or isolated as they age.

Death is a bit of a grim note to end our discussion of aging on, but just as aging plays a specific cultural role, so does death.

And as the saying goes, nothing is certain in life except death and taxes.

Observing how death plays out in a society helps us understand the values and beliefs of a society.

What is considered a "good" death?

Death in modern society tends to be culturally removed from our day-to-day life, partially due to our longer life spans.

Nowadays, rather than dying at home surrounded by families and friends, many people die in healthcare settings like hospitals.

The ethics of how doctors and patients navigate medical choices as someone nears the end of their life is a topic that's fraught with difficulty.

Some patients leave living wills that explicitly state their preferences for treatment.

But oftentimes these decisions end up in the hands of family members and doctors who may disagree on the best decision to make.

How do people react to nearing the end of their lives – or to the death of the people that they love?

You might have heard of the fives stages of grief: denial, anger, negotiation, resignation, and acceptance.

Though psychologist Elizabeth Kubler Ross originally developed this as a model for how people confront their own death,

it has come to be seen as a model for how people deal with the death of those they love as well.

Understanding how we as people process death and aging will only take on more importance in coming years, as the number of older people in society increases.

Today we learned about the changing age patterns of the world.

We discussed the biological, psychological, and cultural aspects of aging.

And finally, we ended with a discussion of some of the difficulties faced by older individuals,

including economic instability, retirement, caregiving, social isolation, and navigating medical decisions as they near the end of life.

Crash Course Sociology is filmed in the Dr. Cheryl C. Kinney Studio in Missoula, MT, and it's made with the help of all of these nice people.

Our animation team is Thought Cafe and Crash Course is made with Adobe Creative Cloud.

If you'd like to keep Crash Course free for everyone, forever, you can support the series at Patreon, a crowdfunding platform that allows you to support the content you love.

Thank you to all of our patrons for making Crash Course possible with their continued support.

For more infomation >> Age & Aging: Crash Course Sociology #36 - Duration: 10:19.


CYBERPUNK 2077 - State of development, Map of Night City [Stream discussion part 1] - Duration: 28:30.

Greetings, Earthlings! Welcome to the MadquenShow stream! Again! Here we go again


it's like the third or fourth part

and today we are again with with our usual

suspects the Triple-S League: Ashininity and Sybsidian, Hello Guys!

How are you doing?

very good today it's warm enough so that's good

"A Ciri refrence would be awesome" Syb, you said that, you can say it in a loud voice: Ciri reference

will be awesome, well I am quite sure that we're going to see Ciri as an

easter egg in cyberpunk, it will be pretty weird that we don't, even more considering

the scene of Witcher 3 where she mentions the world of Cyberpunk

I think it will be really interesting to see like the Ciri like in a bar fight, or like

shopping for clothes that's most likely where I would expect to see her

is like you're inside like a fancy clothing store and she's like

"Oh my god! What's all this!" it's like

I believe that being Ciri she wouldn't

be in a fancy clothing store, she would be in a fancy weapon store, like

"What is this? What is this!"

But she didn't bring any of those weapons back so

Because she couldn't afford, she didn't have Eurobucks

That's true, but it's like you're going to a steak restaurant

when you're hungry and you can't afford to buy anything that's totally different, so...

So, back back to the building, we were going to discuss cyberpunk 2077 so

I assume that everybody in here saw the video regarding the controversy of the

employees at CD Projekt RED and as you already know

we, along with the gaming community, we are doing a

I'm sorry, I said I'm THIIIIIIICK

We are doing supportive campaign to support the developers that are currently working inside Cyberpunk

2077 so

Please, tech guy, puts on the link for Twitter

so we have a link this way you can just press a button and you will sends a tweet to

CD Projekt RED to let them know that you support their developers and also

to let their developers know that you support them, because we always take for

granted their job and they really work really hard and they don't get enough praise

for everything that they do, for all the sacrifice and all the hard work and all

that they do for us because in the end they are the people that build the games

that we love so, yes, in here you have it, Legolevic just put "spread the message"

You Just need to click it and it will go to Twitter or if you rather you can say it

in your own words and I am sure that they are going to appreciate it

and there's quite a few of those tweets with the hashtag #WeCanWait a very

positive response that's really great to see we

I encourage everybody to take a minute and realize that gaming is not an easy job to

get into and there's a couple major things for one is the fact that

there's not a game studio in every city there's not even a game studio in every

major city in the world there's not even a game studio in every major capital

there's lots and lots of indie developers around the world who are

comprised of small teams but there's no

if you live in the East Coast and your studio goes out the window you might not

necessarily find a job that is gonna pay the same and be in your general area, it

might not even be on the East Coast you might have to pack

up and move your entire family and in your life out to the West Coast or to

Europe or to somewhere else or to, heaven forbid, maybe Canada because it's those

The frozen wasteland!

Canadian studios don't have a great track record right now those don't know

they don't probably not that's probably not somewhere where you want to be

they're hiring in Vancouver a lot right now from what I hear but it's just

that mentality that when a company goes down because of

mismanagement or because they bombed on the game or because they

threw in as many microtransactions as they thought

that they could get away with and that you couldn't do anything to stop it

because adding costumes to the game was gonna be like too stupid or or you know break the canon sorry

Sotty, EA rant

but still like it's a tough life and it's not always simple

there aare a handful of people who have been in the same job for 20

years but that's very much a rarity

Well that's part of the problem too, is that these developers are very fortunate to get where they are and

it could be easy for a company to take advantage of how competitive it is to

get in with the really good companies, not saying that's the case with CD

Projekt RED but an employee is highly motivated to stay with that

company because, for one thing, they're very fortunate to be there in the first

place but secondly, they're either I mean if their only other option is to

move to a different country or across the country it's not a very appealing option

So before we continue talking about that a good question

Fensistripplex is asking about cars: "Are cars confirmed in Cyberpunk?"

well we saw the job posting where they were looking for someone to make

the cars and the thing is that they didn't start full production mode

because as I said in the video the Cyberpunk team was

established in 2012 and the idea of CD Projekt RED was to develop both the Witcher 3

and Cyberpunk at the same time but they learned that

they couldn't do so without compromising the quality of those games and instead

of trying to do both at the same time they moved all the developers from

cyberpunk to The Witcher to finish the Witcher and to make it amazing so they

are not yet in full production mode which is kind of bad news for in one

hand but on the other hand means that there are a lot of features to include

in the game I suppose they didn't cover

this job position yet because that because they are not in full production

mode actually CD Projekt RED announced that the RED engine was fully operative

shortly ago so I believe that they are ready now to start into full production

mode and we are going to see all these job positions covered and one of these

job positions was programming the cars and I believe it's safe to assume

that we're going to see cars because the map is going to be so

absolutely huge that you're goint to need transportation to move

from one point to another that is not only fast travel

we expect to see also roads in this map because you going to need roads to have Nomads

so... what were you going to say? Excuse me?

I can briefly rabbit trail from that

so the thing about the roads and and some people have been talking about the size of the

city that we kind of broke that a little while ago a lot of people forgot about

the roads in their calculation of how big cyberpunk is gonna be now there is

some flying vehicles but there's also ground vehicles and roadways in large

mega cities are actually quite large and intricate and there's gonna be a lot of

just humongous roads in the game that you're gonna be able to spend a lot of time on

so that that'll be really cool and we'll see hopefully we'll see

and this is speculation, that we will have some maybe some races developed for

both land and airborne vehicles really awesome

Well, if you like races

Do you think there will be fully drivable cars though?

I believe we should have fully drivable cars

My question with that is how do you

avoid it turning into just GTA V levels of destruction and carnage like

maybe that's

That's a good question, but I believe the police in Cyberpunk is able to deal with that

amd if they program good AIs for police I don't think that people can go as crazy as they did with GTA

Becaues in GTA you could go around killing police

but in Cyberpunk that's not a good thing to do especially if we're talking about

corporate police so they can create a system and this is totally speculating I

I really have no information about that, but they could create a system

if they intend to do an online that is similar to to the GTA 5 so they can have

users under control by using a IAs of police officers, both State Police and

corporate police, because they they can afford the big guns so they can you know

have people under control

mm-hmm yeah I just wonder if it'll be like

self-driving cars maybe that transport you around or if they'll actually be

drivable is there anything in the water?

I think there's gonna be both of those

is something we can assess

maybe you can hack the car to take control of it, that would be fun

That's definitely in the possibility

and I'll be awesome you have to electronically hack into them because a

lot of the future cars a lot of the like dedicated self-driving ones like the

taxis and stuff that are gonna come out and probably the third or fourth

generation they won't even have steering wheels and especially for some of the

flying vehicles, they'd have no flying controls. Either the ones that they're

working on right now for big cities like in Tokyo, they have no control system so

if you're... if your sky taxi, you know, heaven forbid has something bad happen

to it and it starts to lose control you're done for that's there's no

there's no grabbing the stick and trying to pilot it yourself. No, you're it's just

it's a... it's just gonna be it's gonna be one of those things where it's like

there's only one accident every like... You know, two or three years. But it's just

everybody hears about, you know, how horrible it was.

Actually one of the most

famous vehicles 2020 is one of what is called AV7 that I

mentioned several times it might be mention in my videos that is some sort of fortified flying

car and I believe that if you have an accident with this flying car must

probably the rest of it are going to suffer it more than you do and I believe

that this this car is going to be in the game mostly because it's the flying car

that the trauma team uses and if when you die you are not revived

with the trauma team I'm going to be really disappointed so I suppose that

this is going to be the way to say when you die in game and then reappear alive

that's the... What's going to happen in between is that the trauma team is going

to get to you but the one thing that I don't know how are they going to do it

is because I suppose that you are going to have some kind of in-game

currency to buy in shops and stuff and trauma team is really expensive so if it

was really, really well done in a sense of closest to the original maybe

you don't have enough money to afford

to revive again

then you die of permanent death.

I think that would make me really upset

tricky they they truck you down to the discount resurrection place down the

street where, you know, they stuff you full of paper and stuff just you know

fill in whatever is missing. Well, if you die in the middle of the

street the only thing you need to do before completely dying is speaking your

trauma team code and then break it and then in seven minutes they are there.

"Seven minutes or you have your money back." Seven minutes or your money back?

that's what trauma team says. Problem is if they are not there in seven minutes you don't need your money back

If you haven't watch the Cyber Psycho video which you should

Obviously because it's mine

A Cyber Psycho is someone that went a little crazy with implants and lost humanity and with the

last piece lost of humanity they may turn crazy and the Machine part of them

take control and when the machine part of a person takes control what happens

is is that they start to love the machines and hate the humans to make it

short which means that they started a killing spree but well, Night City Police

is ready to deal with that.

So that's the male cop that you saw in the trailer

The male cop is from the cybersquad. And I think I said Android earlier um and I should

have said cyborg cuz that's what she would she was, cybernetic implants

Yes, an Android is a robot 100% mechanical and looks like a human

well believe it or not I do know that because I too am a nerd

yeah I know that you are a nerd but maybe there's someone watching this stream who doesn't know

the difference. An Android is a robot that looks like a human.

I grew up on Star Trek The Next Generation

it was an enigma to me. Legolevic asks "Queenie, after the hard work you put on

the last video do you have any plans to work or something

as big in the future?" Well, I don't think that it will happen easily happen again in the

future let's find a story that I have such a strong personal interesting in

I mean it's going to be difficult if that happens. If I have a personal

interest on it I'm going to become really obsessive. And by the way, I mean

I'm really glad that people freaked out that i spoke with 43 developers but

to be completely honest my aim was a hundred and i felt a little disappointed

with myself that I didn't get to even the half of them. Because well, as you

know, there's an insane amount of people that were involved in The Witcher 3 so

I wanted to talk to every single employee, try to talk to every single employee

and there was after two weeks of intense interviewing everybody I-I started to

get a little crazy and I said "okay, I think, I think that I'm going to stop here"

But yes, to be completely honest I'm a little disappointed in myself

myself because I did not reach a hundred. Okay, but MadQueen, you interviewed like a over a

tenth of the company. That's-that's pretty impressive, roughly, and I mean

some of them were, you know, former employees but that said, for company

that's what was the latest employee count? Like four was a four hundred or is

it even more than that now?

In the studio, if you don't count other,

other employees that are not working on the games. But any manager wanted to talk

to me any person on human resources. I tried to reach them because I also

wanted the point of view and the only ones in human resources that will reply

to my request they gave me a typical statement and addressed me to PR. And...

I think they have to do that they we got the same runaround when we

tried to interview some Bioware employees at a convention we

were at I I think in a lot of cases I mean that's why they have a PR

department but ya know you did good. 43 is a lot of interviews. That's a lot of

people from within the company. So I'm actually surprised that your goal was a

hundred wow that's I would have taken you like

two three more weeks of people. Yes, yes. Actually my turnaround rate when I was

interviewing my first aim was the people that left when the Witcher 3 was finished

so i started there and my turnaround response was that's really high was

almost a 50% and i thought that i was going to be that lucky with the people

that were still working there but no. So I didn't get as much responses from people

that were that were still working on CDPR oh I'm afraid that although of course

else I am not exactly unknown journalists and it's really difficult to

trust on youtubers because about you know how usually how gaming youtuber

treats information. I believe that they made an incredible effort trusting me

because also I didn't have any similar job done in the past to show them like

"Well, I can do that" That's the way actually this kind of information I

didn't have anything to show they had they have to trust me blindly and some

they did I am so grateful for that also shocked because what they can lose

their jobs if I didn't do my job properly.

Captain Jack asks: "Will the

game be released on the current generation of consoles?" Well, we will

discuss about this in the future but I am not pretty sure if I want to discuss

the release date. Because I would like to be more respectful with the

marketing campaign that they are preparing and even though this is just

speculation, obviously we don't have any kind of information regarding the

release date. We all know what happened with The Witcher 3 when they had to move

the release date twice. So I don't want to create... I don't want to be part of the

problem of creating that kind of hype that would put the company in the same

problem that they were at the end of The Witcher 3. For this reason I believe that

I am not going to discuss in public anything related to the release date of

Cyberpunk 2077 at least until it is announced

Yeah, that's fair. Plus there's the... We don't want to encourage you

to get excited about a date that's sooner than you think

and getting you to get hyped about it then it gets delayed and you get upset

that it's been delayed and then, you know, you get the the kind of like "oh, it's

never coming out" and you kind of lose interest in it. We don't that happen and

conversely at the same time we don't want to say "oh, yeah it'll be out in five

years" and you go "five years? it's just that's too long" and you also you know

you give up because it's way too far away, and I just pulled that number out

of a hat for the express purpose of pulling it randomly out of a hat

Well, since we're talking about while you're looking at that, uh so David asks

"I was wondering if the size of the game may lend itself for areas that

seem very under populated or dead with nothing to do. I'm excited about the size but I worry"

That's about concern, I think-I think. -Yeah, you can answer that better

Yeah, yeah. Go ahead. ya I just had a thought about that because um I think

that's been a very common concern but yeah it all depends how they how they go

about it and I don't know I just finished playing Assassin's Creed

origins which is essentially it has an absolutely massive map I'm not sure if

it's all of Egypt but is a huge chunk with dozens of provinces many of which

you don't even visit when you're doing the main campaign and none of it that

there are areas of wilderness but none of it feels just dead and empty like

there's there's always something to grab your interests so if they do that if

they do something similar to that obviously very different style of you

know, location and setting. But if they do something like that it'll be

it'll really work with the with the massive size.

There are areas that are going to be

underpopulated and we can expect that because at least we will have two of them which

are the wasteland that I suppose that we're going to have the wasteland in the

game at least part of it not a lot because it's radiated and you could do

that that's what it has and the other one is the ground zero. For for those who

played the original tabletop game already know, for the rest

of you there was this thing going on that's called the fourth corporate war

that was a conflict between the Japanese manufacturer Arasaka and the American

manufacturer Militech and it took place in Night City. So the end of the

cooperate war was a campaign was a campaign that you played inside

cyberpunk 2020 so the end of that campaign is that you put a mini nuke or

not that mini in Arasaka's building in the center of the cooperate center in Night

City so a nuke exploded in the middle of Night City.

Obviously one of the...

One of the main consequences of that is that it's impossible to predict the map the

exact map of Night City. It's going to be absolutely.. huh

impossible to predict because we had an explosion inside and also Mike Pondsmith

mentioned that there was going to be a ground zero where this bomb exploded

and was going to be radiated. The thing is that he said that really early on

production and this is one of those things that may change with time so I

don't know if they change that and on the other hand you have the wasteland

that is also been mentioned that you were going to be able to enter into the

wasteland that also goes with the question that I can't remember who did

that I think it was Xenocore about the seamless map. Well, there's an

in Night City there are parts of the city that you can only go to using

transportation you can you cannot go by walking so I believe that this is what

they are going to use to change from one part of the map to another I believe

that inside of Night City everything is going to be seamless but there are some

parts like for instance the suburbs that you need the underground to to go there

but I think that it's going to be very interesting see how they currency makes

the difference there are different parts of the city because you have the

Coorporate Center then you have like the rest of the city then you have all the

combat zone then you have the suburbs and it's like everything is like an

onion with layers and layers and this is the version of the 2020 this is the only

thing that we know that they are not going to be based exactly on the

original tabletop game because as I said the city was destroyed but I believe

that the basic they're going to keep it in in the sense that we are going to

have a corporate Center and we're going to have a combat zone I would be really

disappointed if we didn't have a combat zone in the game with the booster gangs

so yeah I hope that this answers your question

The division... The one thing about the city is

that there's going to be all of these different sort of topographical areas

you know they're just gonna be a different types of areas of the city

it's not just gonna be you know an endless downtown skyscrapers everywhere

you know, it's not the same everywhere like and you know there are some some

games in the past where you've been in cities but it just looks the same

wherever you go that's it's not gonna be like that there's gonna be these

different areas like you said Ground Zero, you know, areas where things have

happened where the city looks different. Actually Night City is built this way: You have the posh

part of the city which is the Corporate Center

even though the original Corporate Center was destroyed and I don't believe

that the mega corporations didn't build another corporate center and then you go

out of the corporate Center and the farther you go the city starts to

degrade until you go to a part that is totally degraded that is a combat zone

so it needs to have this scale of degradation, a little bit more to

be a map that is that is canon with the original Night City so

it's it's going to be difficult that you find areas that look the same I believe

that in terms in terms of of creating of creating the map obviously if you circle

all the because it's like it's like a donut

if you circle all the combat zone and maybe some parts of it it's going to

look very close to to another parts of combat zone but it's a city with a lot

of layers it's a city with a lot of structures and if they do the job that

they the type of it that they are doing with Night City it's going to be fucking

amazing because they have a lot of options. How.. Right. How far does the lore go, like

does it end with 2020? Or is there more past that? It's more past that but the

thing is that it wasn't well-received because it wasn't great. -Okay. I'm thinking

thinking they are not they are not using it as canon but they are using the

events that happened in the lore after the 2020. Okay, I was gonna say that cuz

it's set in 2077 so there's 57 years of history that's

happened you know since the 2020 events so you know even if they incorporate the

events that happened according to the lore it seems like there's still a lot

of room for them to play with stuff and you know invent things that just make

the city very very interesting

For more infomation >> CYBERPUNK 2077 - State of development, Map of Night City [Stream discussion part 1] - Duration: 28:30.


Cheb Hichem & Amine La Colombe 2018 ✪ Nti Andek ichkel ✪ BY Mohamed SmaTi - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Cheb Hichem & Amine La Colombe 2018 ✪ Nti Andek ichkel ✪ BY Mohamed SmaTi - Duration: 4:21.


L'astuce géniale pour se débarrasser de la plaque et blanchir vos dents à la maison ! - Duration: 7:54.

For more infomation >> L'astuce géniale pour se débarrasser de la plaque et blanchir vos dents à la maison ! - Duration: 7:54.


Learn colors

For more infomation >> Learn colors


School Bus Packed With Children Slams Into Home - Duration: 3:02.

For more infomation >> School Bus Packed With Children Slams Into Home - Duration: 3:02.


10 WWE Superstars Who Ended Up Being Flops - Duration: 6:51.

Some wrestlers debut in the WWE and rise to glory and superstardom.

Others settle into the mushy middle, never rising to the highest levels but churning

out a solid career.

Then there are the flops.

Sometimes a wrestler just doesn't click with the WWE audience.

Their tenures are often short and unmemorable, or memorable for all the wrong reasons.

here are 10 wrestlers whose time in WWE we'd all prefer to forget.

Especially the flops themselves.

1.Hade Vansen: You can't blame Vansen for being a flop, as he was never really given

a chance.

He was signed by WWE in 2008 and was given a gimmick akin to Christopher Daniels' "Fallen

Angel" schtick.

The rumor was that he was supposed to be thrown right into a feud with The Undertaker, which

would have been huge for him.

However, after a couple promos aired, Vansen was released.

Reportedly, it was because Vince McMahon thought he was too small.

And you wonder why it took Daniel Bryan so long to reach the top of the WWE?


Mordecai/Kevin Thorn: Speaking of guys who were supposed to feud with Taker and never

did, Kevin Fertig debuted on WWE television with the Mordecai gimmick in 2004.

Dressed in white and with blonde hair, Mordecai chastised the WWE audience for being "sinners."

In the days of the Attitude Era, this made him an ardent heel.

It didn't get over, though, and Fertig was sent back to OVW, where he proceeded to get

involved in a bar fight.

He would be released, but then return later to ECW as Kevin Thorn, the wrestling vampire.

Yes, Fertig got the chance to flop not once, but twice.


The Sandman: The Sandman didn't have a chance after moving from ECW to WWE.

He and Stone Cold Steve Austin had strikingly similar gimmicks, but Sandman just happened

to have a kendo stick as well.

The problem was that the kendo stick couldn't be used with the same frequency as it was

in Extreme Championship Wrestling.

Also, unlike Stone Cold, Sandman was an awful wrestler.

Honestly, the real surprising thing is that WWE bothered trying to turn Sandman into their

style of wrestler at all.


The Goon: Back in the day, it seemed like an unusual number of wrestlers had side jobs.

There were wrestling clowns, wrestling garbage men, and even a wrestling plumber.

None of these gimmicks really worked, saved for perhaps Doink.

Some of the wrestlers, like Bob Holly, would overcome their initial gimmick to find success.

The Goon wasn't so lucky.

The premise was that The Goon was a former pro hockey player who had been kicked out

of every league.

He wore boots made to look like hockey skates.

His finisher was checking a guy and leaving him to be counted out.

Even if you loved hockey, you hated The Goon.


Scotty Goldman: You may not remember the name Scotty Goldman, but you probably know the

name Colt Cabana.

Cabana is an indie wrestling darling known for his comedic flair in the ring.

He's also a two-time Ring of Honor tag team champion with CM Punk.

In WWE, though, Cabana was repackaged as Goldman, and barely appeared at all.

He was gone from TV in the blink of an eye.

Hey, at least he got a shout out from Punk during his infamous "pipe bomb" promo.


Dan Severn: Ken Shamrock transitioned from MMA to WWE quite well.

Brock Lesnar has managed to be one of the biggest names in the world of mixed-martial

arts and pro wrestling almost simultaneously.

People are losing their minds at the idea of Ronda Rousey joining WWE.

Then, there's Dan "The Beast" Severn.

He followed Shamrock to the WWE, and seemed likely to have a similar trajectory to his


Instead, he landed with a thud, and was gone within a couple of years.


Giant Gonzalez: Pro wrestling used to love itself a giant.

That's how Jorge Gonzalez found himself getting an opportunity with both WCW and then WWE.

Billed as Giant Gonzalez, and billed as eight feet tall, when he joined WWE, he made his

debut at the 1993 Royal Rumble.

His size was intimidating.

Unfortunately, they had decked him out in a ridiculous body suit that made him look

naked and hairy.

Also, he couldn't wrestle, and he was gone within the year.


Sting: Sting was the quintessential WCW wrestler.

He was one of the biggest names in the company, and one of the only WCW legends that didn't

make the move to WWE when Vince McMahon bought WCW.

For years, fans hoped to see Sting in WWE.

Finally, we got the opportunity to see it happen in 2014.

Unfortunately, it would be a short-lived experience.

Sting lost to Triple H at WrestleMania 31, and then suffered a serious neck injury against

Seth Rollins at Night of the Champions.

That injury effectively put the kibosh on Sting's WWE run, and may have ended his career.


The Gobbeldy Gooker: Ah, the Gobbeldy Gooker.

This is perhaps the biggest misfire in WWE history.

A giant egg had been shown on WWE programming for months leading up to the 1990 Survivor


Then, the egg hatched, and out popped Hector Guerrero as the Gobbeldy Gooker.

Bedecked in an awful and cheap looking turkey costume, the Gooker danced with "Mean" Gene

Okerlund for what seemed like eons as the fans booed heartily.

Eventually, the WWE gained a sense of humor about the whole thing, but they will never

live down the Gobbeldy Gooker.


Rocky Maivia: Perhaps this is a cheat, because Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson wound up being arguably

the most-popular wrestler of all time.

However, that's The Rock we are talking about.

Rocky Maivia, his first gimmick, was a total failure.

Everybody hated Rocky.

They chanted "Rocky sucks."

They chanted "Die, Rocky, die."

It seemed like Johnson might not live up to his family lineage.

Then, he was transformed into The Rock, and the rest is history.

Let's leave you on this positive note.

Just because a wrestler flops, it isn't necessarily a death sentence.

Thanks for watching and don't forget to let us know what you want to see next!

For more infomation >> 10 WWE Superstars Who Ended Up Being Flops - Duration: 6:51.


Mauvaise nouvelle pour celles qui se retiennent de faire pipi ! - Duration: 3:31.

For more infomation >> Mauvaise nouvelle pour celles qui se retiennent de faire pipi ! - Duration: 3:31.


How Daisy Ridley Got Ripped For The Last Jedi - Duration: 3:35.

At just 21 years old, Daisy Ridley was far from an established action hero when she was

cast as Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

In fact, she was all but unknown — her career up to that point had been mainly minor roles

in small British productions, with no on-set explosions or fight scenes to speak of.

So how did Ridley get herself in action-star shape to join the sprawling Star Wars saga?

Let's take a look.

A lot of focus (and food)

Experts agree: when it comes to getting cut, nutrition is far more important than exercise

in sculpting an eye-catching body.

In Ridley's case, the already slim actress wasn't trying to lose weight for her role,

but rather bulk up to look strong and ready to fight the First Order.

"I had to put on muscle.

So I was eating a lot.

And I love to eat, but it got to a point where I was like, 'I feel sick.'

But someone's telling you to eat, telling you to eat, and you're just like, aggh."

But a high-calorie diet isn't a license to eat empty calories like ice cream and drink

beer all day — otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Instead, Ridley ate a healthy high-calorie diet consisting of foods loaded with protein,

which is an essential ingredient to growing muscle.

Training as therapy

Ridley started her training just a few weeks after she learned she got the role of Rey,

buckling down on a regimen of five-hour-a-day, five-day-a-week workouts.

Speaking to Elle, Ridley said she came around to a mindset in which the lengthy workout

routines felt like more of a blessed oasis in her day rather than an unwelcome interruption

in her life.

"It became my solace.

It's the only thing structured in my life right now.

Training is sort of a therapy session, I guess."

A combination of disciplines

While training for The Force Awakens, Ridley chronicled her fitness journey on Instagram,

earning fans with popular "Fitness Friday" posts that have since been deleted — but

live on through the archival efforts of her online followers.

In the videos, you can see her engaging in a little bit of everything in the gym, from

resistance training to tone muscle, to core strength-building workouts.

She also engaged in activities as diverse as kickboxing, rock climbing, and, of course,

tons of cardio.

The end result of this variety of work is overall fitness and a body that's generally

muscular, with no one muscle group exaggerated.

After all, Rey isn't a musclebound warrior — she's just a generally fit person, and

for the movie's sake, she needs to look like it.

Personal trainers

The main trainer Ridley worked with early on was Jack Graves, a former rugby player

— which may have something to do with all the grueling cardio work that went into her


But while Graves did the work for Ridley's general fitness, she also worked with more

specialized trainers for activities specific to Star Wars — like swinging swords around

in close-quarters combat, which saw her training with a stuntman and choreographer who also

helped design the fight sequences for The Last Jedi.

And Ridley told Vogue those lightsabers are heavier than they look, weighing in at about

ten pounds, so she really needed the conditioning:

"They're really heavy.

[...] Three, four, five kilos?

And the weight's very unevenly distributed."

A positive outlook

In one of Ridley's old Instagram posts, she made a point about how what we see on Instagram

rarely corresponds to reality, and that her fitness posts, while inspiring, hardly told

the whole story.

"I have a trainer urging me on in workouts and I don't include all the times I say 'I

can't do it'."

What she did include, though, was positivity and excitement — an enthusiasm for the work,

even when she wasn't at her best.

As one characteristic post read:.

"For anyone that's gonna try and correct my form.

I KNOW it isn't the best, I've just started doing sprint training so progressing all the


This sort of positive outlook matters, as does knowing that just because you're not

at your best right now, it doesn't mean you won't get better.

Thanks for watching!

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Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> How Daisy Ridley Got Ripped For The Last Jedi - Duration: 3:35.


Final Exam: Review - Duration: 5:56.

'Wild man! Whooo Hooo.'

Welcome back to my Dark Corner of this Sick World

'Personally I'd like to talk about something cheery, like homicidal maniacs'

Final Exam is a college slasher movie, a genre from which we know what to expect

'It just feels creepy'

Not really

'Personally I think it might be sexy'

Not that either

'It's so boring'

There you go

'Oh come on, it might not be that bad'

There are two sides to Final Exam, firstly the side that follows the established cliches of the genre

'Shh, what was that? I heard something'

Like the opening scene of kids parked in a car

Standard practice; open on activity, and give the other characters something to be scared of -

this is happening, it could have been us!

'Did you hear what happened at march college?'

Except it happened at another college

'Come on, let's change the subject to something a little less drastic'

And no one cares.

'I got better things to do'

Accepted wisdom is: cliches are cliches cos they work.

The caveat to that is: if you use them right.

'I wonder if everyone else knows something we don't'

We don't see another murder for about an hour, but that's okay too, you use that time to build tension

and create characters we care about so the final bloodbath will mean something

'What could happen to me?'

Number 1, you don't build tension by having characters tempt fate and portent their own end.

'One of these days you're gonna get yours'

Number 2, you don't establish a character by having their entire personality printed on their shirt

'I can't help it, because I'm offensive'

It never gets any more subtle than

'Good grades can't hurt'

'Neither can good times'

One of these girls lives, the other one dies - place your bets

'See how easy it is?'

and how easy I am

'Is it that obvious'

This of course is the major cliche of the genre and pretty much the whole first hour is showing us who is good

'Well I gotta go study'

who is bad ...

'The more damage the better'

and that the fraternity system is a disgrace

And again, while not original, this is how it goes, this has worked in other films,

'I mean it worked out really well didn't it'

but in those films, the 'good' people do something

Courtney is top-billed, the smart girl, the good girl, and does nothing but sit in her room studying

'I sound like a silly girl don't I'

That doesn't make her look good, it makes her look miserable

'I'm still happy - it's just that I'm depressed'

She doesn't help anyone, she doesn't buck the fraternity system.

'Last year a girl killed herself cos a sorority wouldn't accept her'

I thought that line might lead somewhere but no such luck.

The film spends way more time with the fun people, who drink, have sex and pull pranks

a prank that was probably in pretty bad taste in the 80s and is in appalling taste now so we won't dwell on it

'I thought it was pretty funny myself, didn't you?'

We know Courtney will survive, because she hasn't done anything bad - like that kid who got hazed

Was there no one more vulnerable about?

but more importantly, that kid didn't really break the horror movie rules

'Well that's terrible'

This is the other side to Final Exam, the side that wants to subvert the rules

'If that red-headed wife of mine ever finds out, I'm dead'

so the professor nailing his student lives,

while hapless nerd radish

This is Final Exam's BIG IDEA

'People are killed everyday for no reason at all'

The murderer's identity is never revealed and he's not targeting jocks or the sexually precocious

'I mean, senseless murders are a modern phenomenon'

Anyone could die

- and if I cared about even some of the characters, that might matter.

'Being brilliant has it's drawbacks'

Whether you're following cliches or subverting them the same rule applies;

nothing compensates for clumsy storytelling.

'It's only logical'

Appropriately for a college slasher this seems to have become a lecture so, in conclusion,

fans of the genre will discount most of what I just said if you do some good shock reveals

if you get the killings right

This is what we spent the movie waiting for?


Well some cliches you gotta have.

Thanks for watching and if you'd like to learn about supporting us on patreon click here all the cool fraternity kids are doing it

Subverts in cliches can work or not.

What are your favorite and least favorite subversions comments below

We've all been the victim of a harmless college prank

For more infomation >> Final Exam: Review - Duration: 5:56.


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For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Monday December 4 2017 - Duration: 1:01:50.


Barbara d'Urso si sfoga a Pomeriggio Cinque: "Scrivono caz***e!" - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> Barbara d'Urso si sfoga a Pomeriggio Cinque: "Scrivono caz***e!" - Duration: 4:02.


L'astuce géniale pour se débarrasser de la plaque et blanchir vos dents à la maison ! - Duration: 7:54.

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so later you can have a snack

no way, are you crazy?!

there's both sweet and salty cause I didn't know which one was the best

thank you very much

thanks to you!

till next time..well, I hope not, but thanks!

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