At just 21 years old, Daisy Ridley was far from an established action hero when she was
cast as Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
In fact, she was all but unknown — her career up to that point had been mainly minor roles
in small British productions, with no on-set explosions or fight scenes to speak of.
So how did Ridley get herself in action-star shape to join the sprawling Star Wars saga?
Let's take a look.
A lot of focus (and food)
Experts agree: when it comes to getting cut, nutrition is far more important than exercise
in sculpting an eye-catching body.
In Ridley's case, the already slim actress wasn't trying to lose weight for her role,
but rather bulk up to look strong and ready to fight the First Order.
"I had to put on muscle.
So I was eating a lot.
And I love to eat, but it got to a point where I was like, 'I feel sick.'
But someone's telling you to eat, telling you to eat, and you're just like, aggh."
But a high-calorie diet isn't a license to eat empty calories like ice cream and drink
beer all day — otherwise everyone would be doing it.
Instead, Ridley ate a healthy high-calorie diet consisting of foods loaded with protein,
which is an essential ingredient to growing muscle.
Training as therapy
Ridley started her training just a few weeks after she learned she got the role of Rey,
buckling down on a regimen of five-hour-a-day, five-day-a-week workouts.
Speaking to Elle, Ridley said she came around to a mindset in which the lengthy workout
routines felt like more of a blessed oasis in her day rather than an unwelcome interruption
in her life.
"It became my solace.
It's the only thing structured in my life right now.
Training is sort of a therapy session, I guess."
A combination of disciplines
While training for The Force Awakens, Ridley chronicled her fitness journey on Instagram,
earning fans with popular "Fitness Friday" posts that have since been deleted — but
live on through the archival efforts of her online followers.
In the videos, you can see her engaging in a little bit of everything in the gym, from
resistance training to tone muscle, to core strength-building workouts.
She also engaged in activities as diverse as kickboxing, rock climbing, and, of course,
tons of cardio.
The end result of this variety of work is overall fitness and a body that's generally
muscular, with no one muscle group exaggerated.
After all, Rey isn't a musclebound warrior — she's just a generally fit person, and
for the movie's sake, she needs to look like it.
Personal trainers
The main trainer Ridley worked with early on was Jack Graves, a former rugby player
— which may have something to do with all the grueling cardio work that went into her
But while Graves did the work for Ridley's general fitness, she also worked with more
specialized trainers for activities specific to Star Wars — like swinging swords around
in close-quarters combat, which saw her training with a stuntman and choreographer who also
helped design the fight sequences for The Last Jedi.
And Ridley told Vogue those lightsabers are heavier than they look, weighing in at about
ten pounds, so she really needed the conditioning:
"They're really heavy.
[...] Three, four, five kilos?
And the weight's very unevenly distributed."
A positive outlook
In one of Ridley's old Instagram posts, she made a point about how what we see on Instagram
rarely corresponds to reality, and that her fitness posts, while inspiring, hardly told
the whole story.
"I have a trainer urging me on in workouts and I don't include all the times I say 'I
can't do it'."
What she did include, though, was positivity and excitement — an enthusiasm for the work,
even when she wasn't at her best.
As one characteristic post read:.
"For anyone that's gonna try and correct my form.
I KNOW it isn't the best, I've just started doing sprint training so progressing all the
This sort of positive outlook matters, as does knowing that just because you're not
at your best right now, it doesn't mean you won't get better.
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