Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2017

I did not brake that two parts

Mount goes in like this

Lamp keep falling down :D

I should screw it first

Just cut old mount

Safety first

And we have ready mount

vice versa

Second screwdriver is magnetic but I like this one

Hole is 2,5 mm from edge

Yes, I did measure wrong :D

I did not use second hole

Power distributor with switch

I use isolating tape to keep light in one direction

Simple abut effective

I use resistors to select brightness

220 Ohm is minimum for 5v

It's very bright

1K Ohm is still to bright

1,5k Ohm is ideal

2,2k Ohm is to dim

This wires are great to clean 0,4 nozzle of 3D printer

I check where is positive

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glue fix that :D

220 Ohm

470 Ohm

220 Ohm is the best

Red led on the side is BEC and on the other side is sound module

For more infomation >> New bumper for WPL B-1 (M35A2) with 5mm LED lights - Duration: 30:30.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


12/4/17 4:02 PM (130 S Main St, Porterville, CA 93257, USA) - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> 12/4/17 4:02 PM (130 S Main St, Porterville, CA 93257, USA) - Duration: 3:21.


Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Freelander 2.2 TD4 S - Duration: 0:55.


Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BiT Quattro S-line Matrix Luchtvering Kanon - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 3.0 TDI BiT Quattro S-line Matrix Luchtvering Kanon - Duration: 0:59.



The last time the car broke at Juvaincourt it was because of the lower arms

So to avoid to crash again i'm going to stop here

Come on

Alright let's go

Welcome, huh

We're at that day i don't know at a temperature of -2°C

3rd december

A lot of people already came in, a lot of them are waiting

We're waiting too

So voila, let's see how it goes. We'll keep you up

We assisted the the briefing

And now we'll check the tires pressure because we didn't check it for a month now

and they started to *sign*

So that's what we'll do right now, then we'll go

Do dirty things

- dirty things

I'm at 1.5bar at front

Already dialed in that car, everything good?

- Yeah once, it's good

- Okay we're going on track now

- yeah

- gonna be fun

( Sound level test ) I didn't change my car yet, don't worry it's still making no noise


- Isn't there a weird noise?

- A bit

( Listen carefully )

There's a lot of understeer, i don't know why

- What?

It's just understeering a lot, and i don't know why

That was cool

Okay, we're installing the 17" wheels

It should be looking good, i don't really know but i think so

Enough high to install them?

- Yeah, more than enough

Oh yeah, not bad

It renders good, better

So, we just removed the front wheels

We saw that there was some gap

And when we drove, that noise we heard

( That one )

It can come, one more time, from the lower arms, that we replaced by old stock ones recently

Which are there

Or from the coilovers, that are shitty China ones on the front

So we're gonna ask a bit around for advices and see if we can drive or not

Well, we did some tests

Of course the gopro shut down during the run

So i don't have the run recorded

So we did some tests on track and saw the noises were similar to the ones

at Juvaincourt last time, when we broke the lower arms

Juvaincourt, August 2017 ( That noise)

( Consequences )

So to avoid recrashing we'll stop here

The lesson to learn from all this would be

You have to know when to stop

Even if we know we'll have loads of fun if we continue

Last time i did this, and i had a shitty day

So that's why i think I'm gonna stop here. It's annoying me so much



Anyway, far from these depressing news

I have a few things planned for the car this winter, i think you won't be disappointed

So, in the worst case, that little 'level down' of today

Honestly, we don't even care

Okay we're back home, i avoided you any form of travel

So the car is parked, it was just to show you what could broke today

And why we stopped you know

#1 cause is this thing

The lower arm. As you can see it's not at its best shape

That's the front left lower arm, and that's what made that noise

These were just a temporary fix to the broken e46 lower arms

We'll replace them by fresh new ones, with all the right bushes

#2 cause, the coilovers. Well there's nothing more to say than it's china shit

Eventually we'll replace the steering rods and we should be good on the front end

Maybe add knuckles but i don't really need them, It's pretty comfortable with this setup

Apart of today because voila, i wanna say

When there's a broken thing it's a bit hard to keep up with driving

Voila so like i said it just was a little update of the car

All the upgrades to do

All of these were mechanical upgrades

But you might guess that i also have body upgrades

Like, for this

So i won't say more to avoid spoiling you, but it's going to come

If you liked the video and you want to know what's up with the car

I recommand you to subscribe

We're a little community but we're having fun, so voila :)

On this, power belongs to all

Apart today

See you

For more infomation >> YOU HAVE TO KNOW WHEN TO STOP DRIFTING | DRIFT Step #10 - Duration: 10:23.



Hey bitches welcome back to my channel and first I'm gonna try to give this video without any

Tongue twisters because that has been happening every time I've tried to record it and - I would like to ask everyone to please

Subscribe to my vlog channel, which is the top of the list down below?

It would be greatly appreciated, and I am doing vlogmas and I've stuck to every day so far which is

My goal to do all 25 days, and I heard that vlogmas

It's actually supposed to start after

Thanksgiving and you're not supposed to wait till the person December so I guess I ought to wait till next year to do that because

I totally missed the bucket boat

Oh that one, but if you do please subscribe to be greatly appreciated and let's get into this video at first

I would I'm gonna make this video because I figured it would piss a lot of people off and people have very passionate fans out

There and they come to other people's videos, and they won't even watch your video

And they'll just hear something about it

And they will automatically comment something negative towards you which I'm gonna do a whole video reading hate comments

I think it's hilarious that I haven't done one yet because guys I get

the funniest ones ever that's not what this video is about this video is about how your favorite youtubers are lying to you and

This does involve patreon

I know a lot of people have made videos regarding patreon, and how they feel about it

But I only wanted to give you guys my two cents because I've only come across a handful of

People that I would actually pay to see if I would pay to see them at all and that's Trisha Paytas and Shannon Rosen

That's not me kissing ass at all

That's because Trisha Paytas is very flamboyant and sexual and she

Talks about sex so she needs to make money off of that if her videos are gonna get dumontet so that she needs to make

Money off of it and shannon grows as well because she does story times about porn and all of that raunchy stuff

Which is why I actually subscribed to him in the first place because I fucking love videos like that

But you have channels like wow presents

And if you don't know what wow presents is it's basically like a channel with a bunch of drag queens from RuPaul's Drag Race

they do tooten boot with Raja and Ravan they had milks legendary looks and I think

But some of the transformations with James and James which I love now

Do you remember when it was like?

Oh my god gay

People are getting demonetized on YouTube gay people can't put certain keywords gay people can't do this gay. Gay. Gay gay gay


I fucking do I remember it because it happened to me a lot of people are still milking that and well presents' has taken it

Upon themselves to create their own out, which one. I want to say before anything. I think it's fucking great

I think it's great thinking with an app, and I I think it's great that people are gonna pay for content

But here's what's fucking wrong with it

They fucking have taken everything that is free off of their channel and put it on to this app

now a lot of their subscribers are

Demographic from 13 to 18 so a lot of those kids don't have fucking

399 a month and mommy and daddy aren't gonna pay 399 a month now. I don't know the numbers that are going for their app

But I mean one. I hope it's good. It'll been successful, but they took milks thing off of there

They took basically everything. I think win that own show with Trixie and Katya left

It's when they decided to like overcharge everything so what they do on their channel is they upload fucking previews

It's a minute long preview every day

And you can read the comment you guys you can read the comments underneath and no one's fucking happy about it nobody wants to paint

The shit that they had for free what they should have done

Is let the free shit, maybe taking a few things off

But let the free shit got their new segments with Valentina and all those girls and charge for that

but also had extra content from the shows that they had for free on there because then people wouldn't be in such an uproar and

People wouldn't be pissed about having to pay for shit

That was sprayed before and I understand that they probably have to pay those people

But I mean this is not like a movie production that you guys get what I'm saying, but a lot of youtubers are also saying

If you guys wanna get into my private life

Where I'm like taking a shit and all this first of all you guys

This is why I'll never have a patreon because let's have some real chocolate just put my hand on my knee like this

Let's that's some real talk

I would never have a patreon because what I do

And I'm very vocal about this what I do right here where I sit in front of my camera

And I talk bullshit with you guys should not cost anything it shouldn't now I'm not doing all these sexual story times

But I'm gonna get Dee monetized and trust me I have been hit with the D monetization

But I don't cry and bitch about it

Because you always have to have your hand in a different jar and have a different for something like forms of income

That's common

Sense you can't rely on just YouTube toward that because some videos you can have like 10,000 views on it

And you'll make like three dollars another video you have

15,000 you made $200 it's very different, so you can't just rely on YouTube at all

But a reason I won't have patreon is because as I said what I sit here in do

I'm not editing with a green screen

I'm not basically putting pictures all over popping up things all this editing time I sit down a record for you guys

Sometimes I edit them

They're just straight up because I don't have anything

I want to edit out of it

so I don't need you shot to pay for that and a lot of these youtubers really think that you should and

They're giving you such bullshit reasons why I can't afford to eat get a job

Get a fucking job. Okay, because unless you are like a Trisha penis never you know when you start making good money

I heard is like when you have like a hundred thousand subscribers because then you get basically a certain amount of views each video

So you can kind of live off of that?

But I mean you can't quit your job you have to have other forms of income you to be creative you have to actually

Do something so I've seen so many fucking youtubers sit down and be like you know

YouTube isn't what it was and I'm not making as much money as it was

And these are some of these people are have like 500 cigars mind you

And they're like and you guys I don't know if I'm able to eat next week and blah this woe is me when did YouTube

Become the fucking begging central honest to god YouTube is such a fucking beggars fucking mark your place

I really think that that's what it's become like everyone has a condition

Everyone has a problem everyone has a reason why they can't eat and everyone has a reason why you should give them PayPal I've seen

youtubers with PayPal links in their fucking descriptions


Are you fucking kidding? Me? It's thank you guys

Thank you

So a lot of youtubers actually and I'm not gonna name their names in this video because I'm not gonna call anyone out like that

But just watch for what it is because just go to their links listen to them and they talk about

patreon and if this is something that you want to subscribe to and something that you want to actually pay cuz you're that invested and

You want to support someone that's not a problem

I'm not coming for you at all, but when you spend your money make sure it's going to something good

And you're actually getting quality content, and you're actually getting

Something that's worth the money. They're trying to charge

That's all I'm saying

But definitely check out some of the youtubers with a PayPal in

Their fucking description and some of the fucking youtubers that are pretending the videos are gonna be able to eat next week because YouTube

Get a fucking job and stop being fucking lazy

At least be creative and find different ways to fucking come out with with fucking money

Which reminds me everyone which lucky reminds me Merry Christmas bitches is down in the description now. You don't have to get one

I'm not begging you to get one, but if you want money

I'm just saying it's really comfortable, and it's affordable so that's just that but I would never have a patreon

I would never have a PayPal link and

Thank you very much, because I don't deserve one because I'm not that fucking interesting

So I love you guys please subscribe to my vlog channel

Which is listed down below as I said at the beginning this video?

I love you, and I'll see you guys in my next one. Bye



Hyggestream - Duration: 1:39:44.

For more infomation >> Hyggestream - Duration: 1:39:44.


Appliquez ceci sur votre tête et tous vos cheveux blancs vont disparaître !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:25.

For more infomation >> Appliquez ceci sur votre tête et tous vos cheveux blancs vont disparaître !|LSF TV - Duration: 6:25.


Learn colors

For more infomation >> Learn colors


"Je n'ai plus mal" : atteinte d'un cancer, Olivia Newton-John donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 3:23.

For more infomation >> "Je n'ai plus mal" : atteinte d'un cancer, Olivia Newton-John donne de ses nouvelles - Duration: 3:23.



For more infomation >> DESTROY THE COCKROACH - Duration: 2:25.


After Days Of Silence, Paul Ryan Makes Huge Announcement About President Trump - Duration: 2:50.

After Days Of Silence, Paul Ryan Makes Huge Announcement About President Trump

Democrats were ready to bash Donald Trump just as soon as fired James Comey finished

testifying on Thursday � but Paul Ryan, of all people, was ready with the perfect


Ryan and Trump haven�t always gotten along, mind you. This is the same Ryan who delayed

funding for building the wall. And the same Ryan who couldn�t repeal Obamacare.

And the same Ryan who was so terrible at getting Republicans behind the president, he was actually

worried that Trump might start working with Democrats to get things done.

So it�s more than a little surprising when Ryan comes to the president�s defense. But

Ryan did so, and with an argument that completely shut up the libs and leftists calling for

the president�s head:In a nutshell, �you elected a man who wasn�t a politician. He�s

not acting like one. Get over it.�

And he�s exactly right. Trump is new at this.

The Independent Journal Review reports:

House Speaker Paul Ryan downplayed former FBI Director James Comey�s testimony that

President Donald Trump asked for his loyalty, among other allegations�The president�s

new at this, he�s new to government, and so he probably wasn�t steeped in the long-running

protocols that establish the relationships between DOJ, FBI, and White Houses,� Ryan


�I think people now realize why the president is so frustrated.�

I should hope so. Because it�s abundantly clear.

Donald Trump was elected to Drain the Swamp. And, like any good businessman, he knows he

needs a loyal team to turn around a failing business, or government. Once you have that

team together, you�re ready to fire the rest, and start anew.

Comey had a chance to be on that team, and gave it up. And now the country is more concerned

with his testimony than any of the work that still needs to be done for the broken business

that is the United States of America.

We elected a man to do a job, and now we�re not letting him do it. I�d be frustrated,


Ryan�s not the only one that�s defended the president in this way. Chris Christie

spoke up on MSNBC.

�What people don�t understand is that they elected an outsider president�who is

now is very publicly learning about the way people react to what he considers to be normal,

New York City conversations.�

I didn�t want a politician. I wanted someone to get things done.

And for once, I agree with Paul Ryan.

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