Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2017

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For more infomation >> Seetha Swayamvaram || Janapadha Drama || MusicHouse 27 - Duration: 3:28:29.


BookTube About Me Tag | Vlogmas - Duration: 9:29.

Seriously, I think my channel is slowly becoming a BookTube channel.

Because of today and two days ago, and then again this Wednesday so...

Hello, I'm Rogan and welcome to day four of Vlogmas and a BookTube video.

So this is the BookTube About Me Tag.

A friend of mine, Kathy (Trithardt), did this recently on December 2nd. She is currently doing Bookmas.

I will link her channel and the video I saw down below.

And she said, "If you haven't done this, haven't been tagged, go ahead and consider yourselves tagged."

So, I do.

Also, like Kathy says in her video, it's a good idea to have something that's "about me" as an intro at the

beginning of the month. Obviously, this is not actually the beginning of the month but... [text: Close enough.]

I'm going to start the questions, only 10 so this should be short?

What do you study/what is your job?

Nothing. I graduated in 2015 with my BAS degree.

I went to Europe for one year, for school.

Then... I've been looking for a job since.

If you know of any jobs in advocacy in general, or student affairs, please tell me. Help me!

What's your favorite social media channel?

YouTube and Instagram.

I can't pick between the two because both are visual.

One is in video form, one is in photo (and sometimes video) form.

If you had another channel, what would it be about?

I'm in the same situation as Kathy, my channel is me.

I don't make separations for specific content. This is only books, another channel for...

I don't feel the need for that.

I know some of you follow me only for ASL Ponderings. I know some of you follow me only for queer videos.

I know some of you follow me only for books. Some follow me for all, or two, or three or everything I do.

That... I don't see a problem with that. I don't feel the need to separate to focus on specific things.

Part of that is because I have SO MANY different interests.

It would not be a good idea if I had separate channels.

Though... ONE possibility is IF I ever decided I wanted to do more vlogs, like frequent vlogs.

Going out, doing things, whatever. Maybe I would set up a separate channel for that, so it's more laid-back there

and on here it'd be more...professional?

Do you play any musical instruments?

I know what you're thinking right now.

"He's deaf, of course he'll say no, he doesn't play any."


I don't play any NOW. But when I was young, like nine years old, eight? I went to my uncle's wedding.

They had a harp player there. Like a big, nice harp. I was really fascinated by it.

She let me play with it a little bit. And after that, we got me a small, kid's harp.

I was small, I didn't need the big harp. So I did learn how to play it.

Because I depend on feel, I can feel if it's low or high. I can feel the difference.

So...that--I did learn how to play a little bit, I don't remember anything now of course, but there you go.

Also, in middle school, my best friend and I joined band.

We played the drums. Drums are easy, I can feel them really well.

I usually played bass drums, sometimes I played the snare, but mostly the bass.

Oh. How could I forget?

When I was 3 years old to third grade, I went to NorthWest School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

It was a different name back then, but not the point.

They insisted that we--understand that this is an all-deaf school.

So they insisted we all learn how to play the recorder.

Now, I'm sure you hearing people know the 2nd, 3rd grade class recitals of hearing classes.

They don't really sound that good. Now, try to imagine all of them are deaf.

Yeah, it wasn't great.

What hobbies do you have other than reading?

There's such a thing?

No, I'm kidding. I like doing art of any kind. Watching waaaaay too much stuff for my own good.

Favorite TV shows?


I watch too many shows to be able to pick a favorite few shows. No.

So what I'll do instead, I'll pick genres.

Science fiction. Crime. Fantasy.

What got you into reading?

My parents, no question.

They started reading with me as soon as I was born.

What are your favorite and least favorite genres?

My favorite book genres are pretty much the same as TV show genres.

BUT I will read almost anything.

If you've followed me, or seen my BookTube videos, you will see the books I read are really diverse.

So... Yeah, I have favorite genres but I don't limit myself to those.

My least favorite genre is romance.

Now, don't get me wrong. If a book has romance in it, that's fine.

But if the book is written with the whole purpose being romance, I... *groaning*

What books define your childhood?

I don't even know how to answer this question.

I read SO MANY books growing up.

A few samples of what, really, I read repeatedly a lot growing up:

Harry Potter. What Millennial doesn't have that as their defining childhood book?

Boxcar Children. That is definitely what started my whole crime fascination. AND the Hardy Boys.

Magic Treehouse. I LOVE that series. It's amazing.

Yes, I realize that most of these are series, I can't think of individual books right now.

Tell us an interesting fact about you!

I hate this question. It's SO subjective.

I guess this would be interesting to you.

I was in several plays when I was younger.

In 5th and 6th grade, we had Billy Seago, a well-known deaf person, come to our school and

teach a week "course" of drama for elementary school kids. I enjoyed that.

I was in the Boston Tea Party. Ferdinand the Bull.

Those two were big plays that I had a big role in.

After that, when I was in 8th grade, I went to a literacy camp.

And that year was the first year it started, the theme was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

I played Peter, the oldest brother.

That was really fun, but interesting!

I should add, all of the plays I've been in, the whole cast was deaf. So...

That's pretty different from working with hearing actors, which I never did.

I did consider joining plays at my high school, but I didn't because--for the same reason I didn't join sports or

any after-school activities because transportation would've been a pain to do,

because I lived 30 minutes away from the school.

Then when I was in college, RIT, I did think about trying out for some of their plays, NTID's plays.

I didn't. I was too busy.

Looking back, yeah, I kind of wish I had at least auditioned for a couple plays, but that's life.

Though...if the opportunity came up for me to get involved with a play, I might do it because...why not?

That is the end of the BookTube About Me Tag.

I hope you learned some new things about me even though I've done a couple about mes.

If you want to support me financially, I have Patreon and ko-fi. Subscribe to this channel.

Follow me on all my socials - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. Thanks for watching, see you tomorrow!

For more infomation >> BookTube About Me Tag | Vlogmas - Duration: 9:29.


Аниме Приколы под музыку | #21 | Anime Crack | - Duration: 7:33.

For more infomation >> Аниме Приколы под музыку | #21 | Anime Crack | - Duration: 7:33.


DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit

For more infomation >> DIY Slide Wire Canopy Kit


Renault Mégane 1.6-16V Dynamique Luxe - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Renault Mégane 1.6-16V Dynamique Luxe - Duration: 0:54.


BATTEMENTS NATATION | Pourquoi tu as les JAMBES QUI COULENT ? - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> BATTEMENTS NATATION | Pourquoi tu as les JAMBES QUI COULENT ? - Duration: 5:49.


£10m player has just given Liverpool a problem but Klopp won't mind ● News Now - transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:02.

Liverpool have four impressive full-backs gunning for just two positions and that is

no bad thing.

Liverpool's 5-1 win against Brighton and Hove Albion on Saturday was yet another example

of what their attacking players are capable of.

However it also gave Reds fans another glimpse of summer signing Andrew Robertson.

The 23-year-old has barely featured since swapping Hull City for Anfield for £10million

(as reported by the BBC),

yet his latest performance suggests he is going to be a very good player for Liverpool,

potentially adding an interesting side story to Jurgen Klopp's time on Merseyside.

This season has already seen an intriguing battle play out between right-backs Trent

Alexander-Arnold and Joe Gomez and, while the latter may ultimately step into the centre

of defence, his short-term opportunities will surely be out wide.

Both youngsters have proved their worth and could be regular Liverpool starters for the

next decade, yet the club's fans could be about to see a similar battle on the opposite


As good as Alberto Moreno has been this season - and he has been superb - Robertson was a

key player against Brighton and he could soon be keeping the transformed Spaniard out of

the side.

At that stage, Liverpool could have four very good players fighting for only two positions,

and it will be interesting to see how Klopp deals with that, keeping everyone happy but

still doing the best for the club.

For more infomation >> £10m player has just given Liverpool a problem but Klopp won't mind ● News Now - transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 2:02.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


BATTEMENTS NATATION | Pourquoi tu as les JAMBES QUI COULENT ? - Duration: 5:49.

For more infomation >> BATTEMENTS NATATION | Pourquoi tu as les JAMBES QUI COULENT ? - Duration: 5:49.


Squash Origins - Finalized Version - Duration: 12:53.

It's the same, always the same!!

The gym hall is sweaty, smelly and crowded with glistening humans.

Two of those humans are a pair of the worst squash players ever!

We're the duffergirls!

Hi James, (groins in pain) Sorry sorry sorry

[♪♪♪ Music plays ♪♪♪]

Currently they are being beaten by two women called the Duffergirls!

Both of them are exhausted having trained for two years straight without getting any


[♪♪♪ Music plays ♪♪♪]

A few reasons to why they aren't actually improving are because, number 1: James hasn't

done any proper training, all he does is run around and swing his racket like a dog, and

number 2: Frank has Brooke Greenburg which is a disease which inhibits certain hormones

from being creates thus the perception of him not aging.

He's got the looks of a fifteen-year-old, but the physique of a 70-year-old man.

We're so bad!

What did we do wrong?


I'm your coach now, see you here tomorrow at seven-o'clock.

Who are you?

Oh my god, is that Jonah Barrington?

Did Jonah Barrington just hit me?

:) Dude...

But how did squash get popular?


Hi there, I'm going to talk about squash history.

So let's begin.

Squash was created 1830 at Harrow, London, England UK.

It was invented at Harrow School but later spread to other schools.

And eventually became an international sport.

At first, they used similar rackets to tennis but were modified to be smaller due to the

limited space.

So it'd be easier.

At first, the court had no set dimension but that was later implemented.

The first nation squash association was made in the US, Philadelphia 1904.

1907 tennis, racket & fives association got together to make a sub commitee to set the

standards for squash.

They later combined the three sports to make squash in America.

One of the greatest players in squash history is a man called Jahangir Khan.

Which won 555 consecutive pro matches and it is a guiness world record at that.

And also won World Open 6 times, and the British a grand total of 10 times.

He is said to be the greatest squash player in the history of squash.

Oh so that's how it became popular.

Ok... it's a good sport.


What happened?!

It's my back, please I beg.

It's good?

Thank you, thank you I wasn't sure I was going to make it.

You got it.

Let's go.

Okay my little squashes.

If you want to be beat the duffergirls, you need to reach some points here.

I'm Jonah Barrington, your coach.

The first one you need to have the godlike bods.

You need to have a trained fitness.

And you need to have a good form when you're gonna play.

The second one, you need to hit the damn ball!

I've seen you play, you miss all the shots.

Really boys? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

And the third one, and the most important...

You need to have unfair play.


Because you're too bad!

If you don't do that you're gonna loose your game.

Do you understand me?


Yes, yes.

Well, done.

See you tomorrow at seven-o'clock.

Goodbye, have a nice evening.

Did you lock the door?


you're too stupid to open it.

[♪♪♪ Music plays ♪♪♪]

You need to hit the damn ball.

You miss all the shots.

You must train, win over the duffergirls, come on.

Do you think we're ready coach?

Yes, maybe.

We can try.

The big tournament is on Friday.

I think you'll get this boys.

I believe in you!!

Do you see anything?

No, do you?

No, I'm behind the corner.

Do you see anything?

Yes, it's them.

It's them?

Okay, lets go, lets go.

Shh, shh, let's go.

Let's go x50

*David having a mental breakdown?*

Duffergirls, do you have a moment?

We need you.

No, we have to train.

No, you can train later, come on.

Do it for the fans.

Come on.

Just a quick interview, please.

Okay one interview.

Yeh, thanks, okay lets go inside.

Okay thank you duffergirls for this once in a lifetime opportunity.

I'm just thinking... how do you feel about James and Frank training day and night to

try to beat you guys?

Well, it's pretty much useless.

Yknow we're gonna easy win this game, like the easiest match of our lives.

No compression?

Now how do you feel about the current situation?

It's easy... there's no situation, it's so easy like, what can they even do?

Can they even hit the ball?

I don't know, I don't know them.

Anyway, how are the rules gonna be like, is it like the normal rules?

Uhhhhh... of course its gonna be the normal rules.

Standard squash, yknow?

Uhh, you decide the serve by coin flipping, heads or tails, and the winner gets to serve.

The server has to hit the ball to the other side from your side, so if you stand on the

left you have to hit the ball to the right side.

Dude come on, it's professional $!HT, yeah and then.

After you hit the ball, you can allow it to bounce once.

You have to hit it before it bounces twice, if it bounces twice it's finito... game over


It's over.

You can score by hitting the ball to the side wall of the back wall.

Sorry bad audio

You can score by hitting the ball to the side wall or the back wall to make it bounce to

the front wall.

After you hit the you need to move out of the way for the opponent so he can hit the

sphere if you don't it will be called a stroke and the opponents get the point.

If you try to move it's gonna 'let' and you will replay the point.

And you play a game of five sets, with 11 points each.

And uh if it becomes 10:10 for each player, it becomes a deuce and the first player to

score 2 points in a row wins.

That's pretty much all of the rules.

Thank you so much.

Thank you the duffergirls.

Have a good one.

Yeah thank you.

Good luck, good luck.

Can we go now?

Well thank you very much, this has been Channel Squash 44395hz News, and we'll be back again

next Saturday.

Thank you very much.

Coach said he would be here for the big match.

Well I don't know where he is...

My god, he let us down.

I thought he was our coach. ;(

Coach you came!

Thank god.

You're ready for this match.

You think?

I know.

I've taught you everything I know.

Yes you sure have.

You're gonna beat them.

You think?

Yes I think you're gonna beat the duffergirls.

We're gonna try.

For coach!

Good luck boys.

For more infomation >> Squash Origins - Finalized Version - Duration: 12:53.


Verisure : protection cambriolage 24h/24 durant les Fêtes - vidéo - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Verisure : protection cambriolage 24h/24 durant les Fêtes - vidéo - Duration: 0:34.



For more infomation >> КАК СОБРАТЬ ВСЕ ПОДАРКИ НА ХАЙПИКСЕЛЕ?! [88/88] - БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ КОИНЫ + ОПЫТ! - Duration: 21:12.


TUTO : Monter ses étriers de frein - Duration: 9:34.

Welcome to Probikeshop TV! Today, I'm going to show you how to mount calliper brakes on a road bike.

For this task, you will need: a torque wrench and a set of tips,

a set of Allen keys including a 2mm key,

, a very thin brake wrench designed for adjusting calliper brakes,

a set of callipers (front and rear),

a cable stretcher to keep the cable taut and a wire cutter complete with cable tips.

The first step is to mount the callipers on the frame.

For safety reasons, it's very important that you make sure that you have the correct nut length when you buy your callipers.

This information is normally stated in the product description.

The nut length will depend on the forks so make sure that you check the instruction manual provided by the fork manufacturer.

You can distinguish between the front and rear callipers by the arrows indicating the direction you slide the brake pads in.

They slide into the metal casing in the direction marked 'forwards'.

You will also notice that length of the calliper fastening pin is often longer on the front calliper due to the depth of the fork.

Start off by positioning the calliper, making sure that the grooved washer acts as an effective interface between the fork and the calliper.

You can then slide the pin in the front before inserting the nut on the other side.

Fasten the calliper in place using an Allen key and a very thin brake wrench.

Engage the nut so that you can maintain to the greatest extent possible the calliper's position over the centre of the wheel

whilst you tighten the calliper.

Finish off by using a torque wrench to tighten to the torque recommended by the manufacturer.

Repeat the process for the rear calliper. Insert the nut so that you can attach the calliper to the frame.

Before tightening, make sure that you use the very thin brake wrench to centre the calliper over the wheel and thus ensure that it's in the right position.

Use the torque wrench to finish off.

The next step involves attaching the cable to the calliper.

Before doing this, make sure that calliper lever is in the closed position.

You should also fully tighten the tension dial before turning it a couple of times the other way so as to ensure that you have room for adjustment.

Just two or three turns are all you need.

You can now thread the cable through the stop until the housing slides into place.

To make your life easier, use a specially designed cable stretcher which will allow you to keep the cable taut.

It will act as a third hand and thus enable you to adjust the tension to an optimum level.

Finish off by tightening to the torque recommended by the manufacturer.

Once you've done that, you can snip off any excess cable length, leaving just 2 to 3 cm extra.

Slide on an appropriate end cap and then use the wire cutters to crimp.

To fine-tune the calliper position, you can use an Allen key to adjust the spring tension by turning the screw on the upper side of the calliper.

You can also adjust the distance between the lever arms.

This enables you to ensure optimum positioning and that the brake pads work simultaneously.

After you've centred your calliper, you can move on to adjusting the brake pads.

This task involves several steps.

You will need to adjust the position vis-à-vis the wheel rim

and then the angle of the brake pads to make sure that you have an angle of attack which allows you to brake a little more progressively and avoid braking too hard.

As I mentioned, start by adjusting the height of the brake pads before addressing the angle.

You can use an elastic band to help you with the angle.

All you need is a basic elastic band which you should thread around the brake pad

to create a small gap which is just enough to ensure more progressive and comfortable braking.

Once you've got one elastic band in place, do the same on the other pad

before tightening the pads at the desired height on the rim.

There needs to be at least 1 mm between the top of the pad and the top of the rim.

The rim should therefore be higher than the pad.

Do the same on the other side: tighten the pad ever so slightly.

To finish off, slowly activate your brake lever before loosening the screw

and making sure that the brake pad makes contact with the rim in the right place.

The fact that these callipers are mounted on concave and convex washers allows you to determine an angle of attack

which will enable your braking to be more progressive.

Whilst the angle is only very slight, it will make all the difference when you have to brake.

Finish off the adjustment by tightening the right pad

and then the left.

Remove the elastic bands

and tighten to the torque recommended by the manufacturer.

Most manufacturers recommend either 4 or 5 newtons but make sure you check the instructions.

You need only tighten to the recommended torque – no need to overdo it.

The final thing you need to check is the gap between the brake pads and the rim.

If you add the gap between the right pad and the rim to the gap between the left pad and the rim,

the total should be around 4 mm, i.e. about 2 mm between each pad and the rim.

To adjust the gap, turn the dial.

Do likewise for the rear calliper.

Your callipers are now attached and adjusted.

Thanks for tuning in. See you again soon on Probikeshop TV!

For more infomation >> TUTO : Monter ses étriers de frein - Duration: 9:34.


Grande Fratello VIP: Daniele Bossari vince il GF | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 2:42.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello VIP: Daniele Bossari vince il GF | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 2:42.


GF VIP: Daniele Bossari, lacrime e dedica dopo il trionfo, video | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.

For more infomation >> GF VIP: Daniele Bossari, lacrime e dedica dopo il trionfo, video | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 3:44.


EXCLU – David Hally­day, au chevet de son père malade Johnny Hally­day : « C'est un bonheur - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> EXCLU – David Hally­day, au chevet de son père malade Johnny Hally­day : « C'est un bonheur - Duration: 2:13.


7 motivi per cui non si perde peso - Duration: 6:11.

For more infomation >> 7 motivi per cui non si perde peso - Duration: 6:11.


Comment créer une courbe de Gauss sur Excel (loi normale) - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> Comment créer une courbe de Gauss sur Excel (loi normale) - Duration: 6:00.


Diät für gesunde Gelenke und Knochen 1 - Duration: 2:30.

For more infomation >> Diät für gesunde Gelenke und Knochen 1 - Duration: 2:30.


II. Les thèses pré complotistes de la théologie chiite - Pt. 6.3 - NAWA Editions - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> II. Les thèses pré complotistes de la théologie chiite - Pt. 6.3 - NAWA Editions - Duration: 5:48.


Barack Just Ruined His Family After Disgusting Sex Tape Emerges He Tried To Cover Up - Duration: 2:45.

Barack Just Ruined His Family After Disgusting Sex Tape Emerges He Tried To Cover Up

Barack Obama found himself in the midst of the Harvey Weinstein scandals, celebrity sexual

assaults galore, and the crumbling of Hollywood. He too had a slight skeleton in his closet

and CNN may have been hiding it since 2008. While Harvey�s accusations pile up and a

new celebrity is accused of a sexually related crime almost every other day, this little

golden nugget video has been lying dormant, sleeping like a giant elephant in the room.

Or, medium elephant, depending on how you�d like to phrase it after seeing the damning

video that so eloquently might describe our former President of the United States.

This video, once leaked to the public in virality, could essentially embarrass the Obama family.

It�s not a sexual assault accusation, or a sexual misconduct charge, or anything that

involves groping another woman or ruining her dress like Bill Clinton allegedly accomplished

in the White House. Barack Obama�s video is a little bit on the weird side and may

have been purposely done, or maybe it was a slight accident. Regardless, it exists and

it�s an eyesore. I can only imagine his family feeling a bit tingly and odd when viewing


It�s a video of former President Obama on Air Force One with one leg hiked upon a seat,

tight jeans, and his manhood showing. Some critics claim the former President of the

United States had an erection at the time. Some claim it�s a fake video. I�m no video

analyst, so I�ll generously place the video here for viewers to analyze on their own.

Pardon me if you�re a bit creeped out, but you should probably watch this video a few

times and then determine your own outlook upon it.

Turns out, this video has existed since 2008, and CNN has been hiding it,� Three Percenter

Nation claims. �Think about this, NBC had the infamous Trump tapes and could have released

them during the Primary Elections against Ted Cruz. Instead, they waited until Trump

was running against Democrat Hillary Clinton. CNN has done something even more despicable.

They hid the video altogether to protect Obama, who, obviously, has survived two election


Three Percenter Nation compares the Trump tape that likely involved Billy Bush and this

tape which allegedly shows Obama standing with one leg on a plane seat and reportedly

a bulge in the thigh area of his pants. If this video is what people say it is, then

how does it compare with Trump�s video where he simply said some perverse things � but

didn�t actually do anything? Is there a comparison to be made? I don�t think so.

For more infomation >> Barack Just Ruined His Family After Disgusting Sex Tape Emerges He Tried To Cover Up - Duration: 2:45.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


Roblox โคตรภัยอันรายแรงของSmile(คริปแรกค่ะ) - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> Roblox โคตรภัยอันรายแรงของSmile(คริปแรกค่ะ) - Duration: 10:28.


The Lexus 2017 RX 350 F Sport Mails It In part 2 - Duration: 6:22.

The Lexus 2017 RX 350 F Sport Mails It In part 2

There is a button to turn traction control "off" next to the drive mode selector, but it doesn't turn it entirely off.

While I'm sure the target market doesn't use that button much anyway, maybe Lexus simply knows how it drives.

Thankfully in this case, its handling tended towards easy to save understeer.

Put driving dynamics aside then, since most RX buyers won't care.

What's worse is that somehow this car didn't have a ton of grip in the wet.

Perhaps it was the all-season tires it came riding on from the factory, or the way its suspension was set up, but it was constantly breaking traction when it was rainy outside this week.

So, I got to see more of that traction control light as the car worked to keep itself in line.

The RX 350s ride is also bizarrely springy—the exact opposite of what you'd want in a cushy crossover, or anything with "F Sport" labels all over it.

Bumps that should be absorbed by the suspension end up bouncing the car around as it goes down the road.

One of my friends who rode in it compared the bounce effect to an old Buick, and he wasn't wrong.

Features I Liked.

If there's any one thing that I love about the RX 350, it's got to be the seats.

Holy crap, these are comfortable.

Our test car came with heated and ventilated power leather seats with meaty bolsters and as much adjustable lumbar support as you could ever possibly desire.

I could nap in these seats, even upright.

They're soft, supportive and nice.

The center console has some well-thought out storage areas, too.

There's a false floor in the center console's big bin to hide stuff underneath.

A small bin in front of it (complete with an indentation to pull a USB cord through) is the perfect size for an iPhone 5—small phone fans rejoice—but if all else fails, you can also stash phones and keys underneath the HVAC controls, or inside the big console bin.

And of course, there are cupholders in the center console as well as the doors.

Lexus knows how this car gets used.https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--uAv40hfH--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_1600/n6j5qunqgdurahtefbvb.jpg.

Menus for various car functions that were in front of the driver, and accessible via the steering wheel—radio, driver assists, and other settings—were intuitive and easy to scroll through and use once you got used to them.

That's a life-saver, as using the fiddly center screen while driving is slightly perilous.

What I Didn't Like.

While I don't have a ton of experience driving Lexus' prior RX cars, there had to be some redeeming quality back in the day that drove people here in droves.

The current RX is defined more by stuff that just doesn't make sense.

t's a common complaint whenever we test a Lexus lately, but the fiddly joystick-controlled infotainment screen is among the worst in the business, rattling around the bottom of the list next to, well, Lexus' pad-based infotainment screen.

The joystick is twitchy, and while this one was less twitchy than the stick in the IS 350 I drove earlier this year, it was still dangerously bad.

As in, it takes too much attention away from the act of driving to use.https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Ry8Gl7NX--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_1600/xzl1lhtt50evzyq4nvqf.jpg.

While many features are thankfully controlled by real, physical controls on the dashboard and steering wheel, there were some bizarre ones that weren't.

Every other heating and cooling option you could want was a physical button, unless you wanted to turn the air conditioner on or redirect the flow of the air.

Then you'll have to look past the mostly-redundant HVAC controls on the screen and use that awful joystick thing to ping those two items only.

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