Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2017

Park Jin Young Talks About Rain's Memorable JYP Audition And Once Crying At Rain's Acceptance Speech

Producer opened up about his affection for.

During Rains comeback special show Rain is Back, which aired on KBS 2TV on December 3, Park Jin Young appeared on the show to talk about his friendship with Rain.

Soompi. Display. News. English.

300x250. BTF Soompi. Mobile. English.

300x250. ATF.

Rains music career started with him entering JYP Entertainment as a trainee.

Looking back on Rains audition, Park Jin Young said, I still remember every expression he had and how much he was sweating because he was working hard.

I think the reason I picked him to join our agency was because of his eyes.

His gaze reminded me of a young lion or tiger cub that was hungry and on the brink of starvation..

He continued to state, He had already auditioned at 19 other agencies and been rejected by all of them.

He had a lot of pride and as the world wasnt going the way he wanted it to, his eyes seemed to hold a sense of rebellion, cynicism, and a determination to not lose his pride.

It was the first time Id seen that kind of look in a trainee.

I wanted to see what he could do, I was curious..

Though Park Jin Young has been behind countless stars who have shined in the entertainment industry, he has always had a soft spot for Rain.

He said, The most memorable moment for me is when he won his first Daesang [Grand Prize] on KBS.

He started crying during his acceptance speech and I think thats the only time Ive cried for someone who won an award..

When asked why he cried, Park Jin Young said, He was talking about how I had taken him in when he was at his lowest, and each and every word held so much sincerity that it made me cry along with him. Hes still someone I hope for the best for.

Hes someone I always keep my eye on..

Park Jin Young concluded by stating, Hes someone I will always come running to if he needs my help.

Ive met many people who can dance, but in my eyes, hes still the best person at filling up an entire stage by himself with his charisma..

Source ().

For more infomation >> Park Jin Young Talks About Rain's Memorable JYP Audition And Once Crying At Rain's Acceptance Speech - Duration: 3:41.


FROKOSTPAUSE/LUNCH BREAK (Marie Louise Schmidt), by Sophisticated Ladies DUO - Duration: 5:08.

For more infomation >> FROKOSTPAUSE/LUNCH BREAK (Marie Louise Schmidt), by Sophisticated Ladies DUO - Duration: 5:08.


今年も自動車のボディカラーNo.1を決める「オートカラーアウォード」開催。候補者が出揃う - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 今年も自動車のボディカラーNo.1を決める「オートカラーアウォード」開催。候補者が出揃う - Duration: 7:36.


ランボルギーニのSSUV「ウルス」が遂に世界初公開。650馬力発揮、価格は2,400万円から - Duration: 6:51.

For more infomation >> ランボルギーニのSSUV「ウルス」が遂に世界初公開。650馬力発揮、価格は2,400万円から - Duration: 6:51.


スポーツカーのトランスミッションについて考える。「300馬力までならMT」「それ以上はDCT/セミAT」がベター - Duration: 8:50.

For more infomation >> スポーツカーのトランスミッションについて考える。「300馬力までならMT」「それ以上はDCT/セミAT」がベター - Duration: 8:50.


Generation Startup - Movie - Duration: 1:31:56.

For more infomation >> Generation Startup - Movie - Duration: 1:31:56.


Ga phủ Hàn Quốc | Chăn ga gối mùa hè cotton lụa sọc ngang cá tính KS1P-121 - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ga phủ Hàn Quốc | Chăn ga gối mùa hè cotton lụa sọc ngang cá tính KS1P-121 - Duration: 1:08.


La Sainte-Barbe a été fêtée - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> La Sainte-Barbe a été fêtée - Duration: 3:19.


Free fut points: how-to

For more infomation >> Free fut points: how-to


How to Descale Your De'Longhi Magnifica S ECAM 22.110 Coffee Machine - Duration: 2:44.


Descale the appliance when the rinse/descale light on the control panel flashes

Turn the appliance on and wait until it is ready for use.

Empty the water tank and remove the softener filter, if present.

Pour the descaler into the tank up to the level A

corresponding to a 100 ml pack, marked on the back of the tank,

then add water (1l) up to level B.

Place an empty container with a minimum capacity of 1.5 litres under the cappuccino maker and coffee spouts

Wait for the coffee lights to come on steadily.

Press the rinse/descale button and hold it down for at least 5 seconds

to confirm that you have added the solution

and begin the descaling procedure.

The light in the button remains on steadily to indicate that the descaling programme has begun.

The steam light flashes,

Turn the steam dial a half turn anticlockwise to the 1 position.

The descaler solution flows out of the cappuccino maker and coffee spouts into the underlying container.

The descale programme automatically performs a series of rinses and pauses to remove the limescale.

It is normal for several minutes of inactivity to elapse between rinses.

After about 30 minutes, the water tank is empty and the water tank and steam lights flash.

Turn the steam dial clockwise as far as it will go to the 0 position.

The appliance is now ready for rinsing through with clean water.

Remove the water tank,

empty, rinse under running water,

fill with clean water and replace.

Empty the container used to collect the descaler solution

and replace it empty under the cappuccino maker and coffee spouts.

The steam light flashes

Turn the steam dial anticlockwise to the 1 position,

Hot water comes out of the spout.

When the water tank is completely empty, the steam light flashes.

Turn the dial to the 0 position.

The rinse/descale light goes off.

Fill the water tank again and the machine is ready for use.

For more infomation >> How to Descale Your De'Longhi Magnifica S ECAM 22.110 Coffee Machine - Duration: 2:44.


SIMULATOR in Get square MOUSE Pet Escape ROBLOX escapes cartoon game for kids - Duration: 8:47.

For more infomation >> SIMULATOR in Get square MOUSE Pet Escape ROBLOX escapes cartoon game for kids - Duration: 8:47.


SUKONTHA BUFFET 千人火锅 - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 1:56.

Dave from Travel Dave blog brought us and Nella from Kaukokaipuu travel blog here to an all-you-can-eat bbq restaurant

Dave had found this place by accident while looking for a coin laundry three years ago

At the end of a dark alley in Nimman, there is this huge warehouse where you can find a buffet inside

For 209 baht, which is roughly five euros, you can eat as much vegetables, meat and some seafood as you want

A huge dessert buffet and sodas are also included

If you pay double the price, a huge special seafood buffet is included as well

The food here is amazing!

Let's do this

This is the best concept in the world to eat together

Some beer, some bbq

There's nothing better in the world

And live music

Our stomachs are now full of this awesomeness

Here in this Sukontha Buffet you'll collect what you want to bbq on plates or small baskets

And then there's the bbq pit on the table where you grill them yourself

There's also a hotpot at the edge of the bbq pit where you can also boil foods

Just amazing and a very good deal

This is located in Nimman in Chiang Mai, but it's a bit hard to locate so we'll put a link to the map in the description

Huge recommendation from us, we had a great time!

For more infomation >> SUKONTHA BUFFET 千人火锅 - Thai Cuisine: Chiang Mai Edition | VLOGMAS 2017 - Duration: 1:56.


052 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:30.

Aha, and how did you find out about this hotel?

I got an advertising brochure in my mail box

Oh, excuse me...

Go ahead and pick out a place for us, all right? I'd like to say hello to someone.

Well, look there, Hanna! Are you unwinding a bit, too?

Yeah, apparently you need it

But all by yourself like this - isn't that boring?

Although, with Lars it wouldn't have been any different

Just leave me alone, all right?

I'm on my way. Go ahead, keep having fun. Oh, and uhm...

Alcohol is no solution. Bad for your complexion, bad for your health... and that really defeats the point of being here.

== "Perverse professors, keep out". == Oh, you need to just ignore graffiti like that.

Easy for you to say. I'm sure there'll be another creative verse or two that will show up.

Oh, come on, Lars! We did things like that in college, too.


Yes, of course! Harassing professors who were on the black list.

== Things like that fizzle out really quickly. == Even when you've been framed for a sexual offense?!

For that little beast to use this to get revenge on you... What is going on in her head?

I don't KNOW!

Maybe a few of your students will have the guts to defend you

I mean, you've never been connected to anything like this before

Plus which, didn't you say that this dean seems to be quite reasonable? Hm?

Then it ought to be obvious to him just how quickly and easily... an accusation of sexual assault can be horribly misused!

You mean I shouldn't let myself be forced into a corner?

That's exactly what he means!

Oh, I didn't want any more wine, I wanted to pay

The gentleman over there would like to invite you for a drink

Excuse me, that's very nice of you, but I was--

Carla? Uhm...

If I end up unemployed, you and I will write an opera together, okay?

Well... David's muse hasn't been particularly inspired lately

He hardly ever composes anymore

A suspense-filled criminal case, that would be a good theme. Like, for example, Al Capone, or...

== Good evening. == Good evening.

Very nice to see you. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait for just another moment, however your table is almost available.

== Which is fine, I'm very hungry. == Aha, well, if you'd like to take a place right here for a moment?

Thank you

Do you know him?

Well, well!

Allow me to introduce you. Mr. Schneider, a professor. My wife.

Very pleased

I'm sorry if I'm interrupting, but could I speak with you for a moment?

== Excuse me briefly? == Yes, sure.

Forgive me, but... could you perhaps tell me anything yet?

Mr. Schneider, uhm...

Regardless whether or not the accusation of sexual assault is credible...

... the reputation of our university is at stake. Did you see the protest signs?

Yes, one

I'm very sorry, however we've decided to terminate your contract


May I introduce myself? I am Carlos Mutabor.

Would you do me the pleasure and... join me for a bit?

What has happened to you? Hm?

But this disguise is perfect, isn't it?

== Yes, but if Sylvia sees you! == I'll be careful.

She's looking

She actually seems a bit envious, if I'm not mistaken

You macho Spaniard!

Shall we?


There you go! Worked perfectly.

Watch out, the waiter

Thank you!

== A bourbon on the rocks, please. == Very well, sir.

However, THIS I'll never get used to!

But as for the rest - I make a pretty good man, don't I?

You've gone completely crazy!

Crazy for YOU,... baby

Well, I guess that was it then. I'm fired.

Oh! It isn't over yet.

But that's exactly what Professor Albrecht said. I'm damaging to the university's reputation.

If he doesn't realize how scheming that girl is, he can just ask your roommates. They'd testify for you any day.

That isn't what it's about anymore!

Even if the dean believes me, the incident has caused way too much of an uproar with the students

He CAN'T just let it slide

Then you simply have to convince them of the opposite

How do you picture my doing that? Am I supposed to give a speech in the cafeteria?

Or thrust a leaflet into every student's hand? "I didn't lay a finger on Vanessa."

Yes! Why not? If it's so important to the dean what everybody else thinks.

Forget it! Vanessa did a capital job.

The havoc such a little minx can cause, she should be...!

I'm evidently not your only admirer,... Carlos

Is your sister still craning her head towards us?

Mmm... she's annoyed as hell that I have company

== Why are you two on such bad terms anyway? == Oh, you don't want to know that.

I do! How could anybody not like you?

It's always been like this

It became really extreme when she fell in love with Lars, and he chose me instead

Ever since, she's been bent on destruction

Anything I care about

That's why I'm so afraid she could make our lives difficult

Here she comes

Okay, don't worry

All clear now, she's leaving. Pfhew.

No reason to stop

Well, where is he with the check anyway?!

Oh, are you that impatient for us to be alone?

Si, señor

Besides which, Sylvia could come back at any moment, she's awfully darn curious

So what? I think I'm pretty convincing as Carlos.

Still! Go on upstairs, please!

Absolutely out of the question! I'm not about to let a woman pick up the check.

You chauvinist, you

Oh shit! We're in trouble now, she's coming.

All right, then maybe I really should go

== A bottle of champagne, please, to room 320. == I'll take care of the bill.


== I'd like to pay. == Sure.

== Keep the change. == Thank you.

== Your lonely-hearts ad respondent is in quite the hurry to leave. == He must have seen YOU.

Oh well, one evening with you and every man takes to his heels

== You shouldn't project yourself onto others. == Somehow he looked familiar to me.

That... would astonish me. The man has taste.

== Aha, and so how did he come up with you? == It wouldn't be the first man who chose ME over YOU, isn't that right?

Since when are construction hands allowed to enter the castle through the main entrance?

Vanessa. Who left open the lid to the sewer?

You peasant! Better watch it!

Or else what? Or else you'll tell everyone that I assaulted you, too?

Who knows

Do you have any idea what you've caused with your bullshit?! Lars lost his job.

He's unemployed now

Is that so? Serves him right. If he had behaved better...

== You'd better watch it, you are such a piece of SCUM, you...!! == OWHH!

Hey! What are you doing?!

Don't touch my daughter!

Or else you'll bring charges against ME, too? And you even cover up for her despicable stunts.

Whoa whoa whoa, what is that supposed to mean?!

Try asking your daughter

Oh... don't pay any attention to him! Are you coming to breakfast?

Uh...I would actually like to know what that was all about, just now

So tell me, who is that I need to thank anyway, hm?

Do I thank Carla?

Or Carlos?

Your choice


Well, I must confess, the Spaniard actually appealed to me too

Way to ruin my womanly confidence!

Come, come, I ditched the entire world of men on account of you, all right?

Plus which, go ahead... and admit it! You had fun with that disguise, didn't you?

Yes, a completely new experience

Normally, I actually find it annoying to be hit on by men. But by a gay man...

Uh... did I miss something?

The waiter at the bar. He made some pretty obvious advances when I was paying.

== Ahaa! == Mhm.

And I'm only discovering this in passing, am I?

Oh, but he had no chance. Besides, it was just the androgyny that fascinated him anyway. I would say.

Mhm, not just him. Sylvia too!

She was probably more just... curious. Oops.

Well yeah, but she fell for it. That means something with her.

At any rate, I had more fun than I've had in a long time

It's just too bad that we had to come back so soon

Yes... sadly

But who knows if Carlos would have withstood the eagle eyes of your sister in the light of day

Hm... here's to the quickest quick trip of all time, you owe me one for that!

== Hmmmm. == Hm.

Then let's pick up where we left off last night

I don't remember... where did we leave off?

== Oha! Vamos, señora! == Hahaha.

== Ai-yi-yi, into the arena, toreador. == Yeahh!

So! Now.

You lure Lars into the women's restroom and then cry "rape!"?


== You've completely lost your marbles! == WHY?! He deserved it!

What would you have done if somebody humiliated you like that?!

Well for sure not something so rash and thoughtless!

== You're a fine one to talk. == WHAT?!

You're always telling me I shouldn't take crap from anyone

Yeah, but by that I didn't mean for you to make yourself liable for PROSECUTION!!

Ach? And what was that with Beatrice's will? Falsifying documents isn't exactly a trivial offense.

Don't you get impudent! We're talking about YOU.

STILL! You don't have the right to suddenly parade as the moralizer.

Did you even ONCE think of the consequences?!

Lars is an attorney, he's not going to take something like this sitting down

What's he going to do?

Girl, YOU'RE the one who's studying law!

Are the terms 'slander' or 'character assassination' so foreign to you?!

Nobody has to find out the truth

I was able to kiss you right out in public

But that was Carlos

Well, and I'm afraid his guest performance is over now

Too bad, actually

I mean, that we can't

I know


You think the tabloids would really attack you just because you're a lesbian?

I could actually live with whatever the papers write

But my father would never understand

You don't want to tell him?

I've waited too long

I've built myself a world of illusion that's working great

I know. Your engagement to Bernd.

Right, and... if I tell him now, that I've done it all primarily because of him...

I can't risk that

But let's not talk about that

It's so wonderful being with you, I'd like to enjoy that

I love you. And so does Carlos.

So what now?!

Say something!

What I'd most like to do is send you straight to the dean!!

If I take it back now, I'll be the laughingstock of the entire university!

You think THAT'S your main concern?!

And I can forget about my degree then, too. He'll throw me out immediately.

Daddy? I thought we stuck together when the chips were down.

Don't throw your presumptuous advice at me!!

This is about damage control!!

== Dad-- == Out!

Go to your room! I have to think.

Get going!

You need to sue that little vixen!

There's no point, Charlie!! Even if I win--

== Of course you'll win! == Oh, even so!

It's important! Your job!

And it's not just about that, Lars. I mean, you're a first-class lawyer, you'll always find something...

But what about your reputation?

Yes, but that's exactly it!! My reputation is in ruins anyway! Even winning the case won't help that.

And if you try talking to Vanessa again? If she withdraws her accusation, then everything is all right again.

Dream on! She'll never do that.

Oh, why did you ever get involved with her?

If only you men could ever think with some other part of your anatomy

OHH, I could really do without your moral sermonizing right now!

Furthermore, YOU even advised me to get involved with Vanessa!!

Hah, ME?! Why would I do that?! From the very beginning, I advised you AGAINST it!

At least from YOU I would have expected more support!!

Don't go running away!

Where does he think he's going?!

For more infomation >> 052 Carla & Hanna - Duration: 15:30.


Random self-similar trees: dynamical pruning and its applications to inviscid Burgers equations - Duration: 47:29.


So we have Yevgeniy Kovchegov from Oregon State.

Will tell us about random self-similar trees, dynamical

pruning and its applications to inviscid Burgers equations.

>> Thank you.

So first of all,

I want to mention that this is a joint work.

With Ilya Zallapin of University of Nevada, with whom we've been

collaborating since maybe 2008 or 2009, I don't remember.

And then recently Maxim Arnold joined us.

He's from University of Texas in Dallas, and

he is an expert in Burgers equations.

So a lot of things that I'll tell you about Burgers here,

I learn from him.

So I will start with terminologies that you'll

be used.

Unfortunately, I couldn't avoid it.

So, first of all, the space

that we are dealing with, I will denote by L plain.

So the space of finite, unlabeled, rooted,

reduced binary trees with edge length and plane embedding.

Okay, a bit long that probably the reduced part is here,

so serious reductions.

So we consider as vertices only the junctions and

the leaf and the root.

But we do not have vertices of degree two, because we just make

them middle of the edge, and they're reduced in that sense.

Binary, now the embedded plenary and then the rooted.

So that means that we have left right orientation and

up to down, towards the root, away from the root, up.

Now the each tree has a root, so

the empty tree is the smallest tree we have will be denoted by

five and will consist of only the root, here I draw it.

Now, we have edge length, so

we have the distance between points on the tree.

So essentially we are talking about metric space with a fixed

distance function.

Now the two functions of trees that

we will use quite intensively will be the length of the tree.

So the lengths of the tree will be sum of the lengths of

all edges.

And then the height of the tree is the distance,

the furthest distance among the leaf to the root.

So the biggest distance between a leaf and a root, okay?

So, first of all, one more notation.

Delta xT.

So take any point x on the tree and

delta xT will consist of all the points on the tree.

So it's a sub tree above x.

That way you will make x into the new root.

Now with such, we have a partial ordering.

So when do we say that T1 is small or equal than T2,

if there is an existing isometry from T1 to T2?

So isometry would be A function from

T1 to T2, so that the image

of T1 will be the included

in to delta F of row 1, T2.

So essentially, this condition would preserve the orientation.

And then the distances between points after

the mapping will also be preserved.

So essentially you're embedding T1 into T2.

Maybe you would switch left to right sometimes.

But just to say what tree is bigger than the other, okay?

>> It's back on tool.

>> Why?

>> Is it on to?

>> It's not under.

Yeah, so

essentially it says that it can carve out a 3 T1 out of T2.

And so that the orientation is preserved up is up.

>> Injection wise.

>> Yeah, now, so

that makes partial order between the trees, and

we'll need that partial order in order to define pruning.

So what would be the generalized, what we call

generalized dynamical pruning because it generalizes a lots of

various prunings that described and studied in the literature.

Well that would be the map from L plain to r plus

side that it will be monotone, non decreasing.

With respect to that partial ordering, okay?

So in the next few slides we'll give examples of

functions like this.

So once you have a function like this,

then you can define a mapping that is parameterized by time,

T, such that it maps trees

in L plane into trees in L plane in the following way.

It will definitely leave the root along, right?

So as any mapping.

What would it do next?

It would look at every point x on the tree.

It will look at delta xT the tree above x.

And if that non-decreasing monotone function phi that we've

selected, of delta xT is bigger goes then this point stays.

But if it's smaller,

then it's called trees list including that point x.

So the monetanicity part guarantee is

the following that S of T is gonna be itself a tree.

So essentially, we erase parts of the tree

from top to down according to that function phi.

And also we know that, If s is big or

equals t, then we erase more of the tree from top to bottom.

So what's left is gonna be at least more or equal, okay?

So this gives us

a universal way of eroding the tree from leaves down.

All right, so here's some known examples.

So, let's take that function phi to be the tree height.

Well, three height is definitely is an increasing function,


If you can embed a T1 into T2, then definitely

the height of T2 is gonna be big or echo than that of T1.

And moreover, I mean, because we did it so

that the orientation up and down is preserved, right?

We're not talking about the diameter or anything.

Now, if we pick phi to be that height,

actually the generalized pruning introduced in

the previous slide, coincide with the tree erasure

procedure described by Neveu in his 1986 paper.

And by the way, relevant to what I'm going to be talking about,

he establishes an invariance of critical and sub-critical binary

Galton-Watson processes with ID exponential edge lengths,

with respect to that tree erasure.

So tree erasure is probably the most natural way of pruning.

Essentially, you set fire on every leaf,

and then it burns with the same speed down toward the root.

What is also notorious about it is that, of course,

the semi-group property it satisfies.

If I freeze, if I put down the fire and then restart again,

then I will have the semi-group properties.

It just continues. Yes.

>> Just to clarify,

we've seen there this cyclical quasi-invariance,

because sometimes the tree will disappear if the condition or something-

>> Yeah, yeah.

Quasi invariance,

you do condition on survival of it here, yeah.

>> Okay. Great.

>> [INAUDIBLE] How can you make a tree smaller and

still have it in there?

>> Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely.

We think about a forest, and you prune every tree,

and just count the survivals and the statistics of.

Yeah, absolutely.

Now this is the pruning I'm gonna be concentrating on.

>> Because I think this is a key point, so

is this clear what this invariance scheme is?

>> What if I- >> Go ahead, please.

>> Yes, thank you, thank you.

Actually, I should have paused and asked for questions, yeah.

>> I'm sorry, could you go back to the regime in which

it's invariant?

>> There's a special slide about invariance.

>> Okay, great. >> So

I just mentioned that as kind of like a sneak peek, okay?

>> Thank you.

>> I'm sorry for organizing slides this way.

So the one that we're gonna concentrate as an application

today is gonna to be the length.

So what is the length?

The length is again is the sum of all edge lengths in the tree,


So it's very easy to see that the pruning operator that

we create with this function is not gonna be semi-group.

And I'll draw a picture, I meant to draw it before, but maybe.

Somehow I forgot to bring a lot of the pictures.

So imagine.

A tree, and you can see that one of the points x,

which are on the junction, so

it's one of the points that we consider vertices here.

Now imagine that you calculate

the length of the left branch.

Let it be L, and the length of the right branch to be R.

But the lengths of delta xT of the tree above x

include left and right, so it's gonna be L + R.

So what could happen?

Because we are erasing sub-trees according to their length.

If the length is less than T, then it's erased.

So if you look at the time t,

which is bigger than max of L and R, and

smaller than L + R, right, then what happened?

What happened is that we erased all the points here on the left,

all the points here on the right, and then we pause for

that much time.

And if you stop the process and

then start the erasure, then we will not remember that

we have to wait more time till we're in here.

So you will not have the semi-group

property, but you could of course fix it

by creating a sticky point here, which kinda counts time.

And that would be exactly a massive point,

a sticky point in solving Burgers equation.

So you can make it a semi-group if you introduce heavy points,

like timers, essentially.

So this is what our application is gonna to do.

That's a bit later.

So I want to complete the picture with the third example.

I thought of, giving two examples is not sufficient.

Three is the golden rule, I think.

So third example, we spend many years studying, so

it's not a waste of time, I hope.

So it's called Horton pruning.

And it's tightly relating to Horton-Strahler ordering

that originated in hydrology and computer science and

many other applications, biological applications.

So what is Horton prunings?

Well, the picture on the next slide will explain it all.

Maybe I should start

with the picture on the next slide, why not?

I mean, you made me think about in which order to present, yeah.

So you start with a tree, and then Horton pruning does,

you erase all the leaves, and on one iteration, and then do what?

Series reduction.

So if this was T, this is R(T), you do one more, R square of T.

Do one more, R cube of T.

If you are down to the empty tree, you stop, and

count how many iterations, you did three.

So you say, okay the Horton-Strahler

order of this tree is three.

And that's what a Horton pruning would do if you let

phi(T) to be the Horton order of the tree, minus 1.

So for every every delta xt,

therefore we'll look at the Horton order.

Now, well, we need to do minus 1, because at time 0,

we don't wanna prune.

And so, actually all iterations happen in integer times.

And arguably, although we have that conjecture which I

think we are closing on, but this would be essentially all

pruning that are semi-groups at integer times.

>> [INAUDIBLE] When you go to R(T), then do once more,

so you remove- >> I cross the leaves.

>> So you remove the leaves.

>> And then do a series reduction.

Yeah, everything we do is here is mode series reduction.

Yeah, and so three rounds.

And then, why is it important for hydrological applications,

for all kind of computer science applications?

Well, because it builds a hierarchy on a tree.

So whatever was erased on the first round is given order one,

second round, order two, third round, order three, and so on.

So there is a bit of overlap in the literature, because more

computer science minded people like to call it register number.

And it is, instead of Horton-Strahler order and

it equals the minimum number of memory registers necessary to

evaluate, and that is arithmetic expression describe by a tree T.

Now, of the papers on the topic, the first theoretical

paper of interest here is that of Burd, Waymire, and

Winn where they consider again critical Galton-Watson.

And Galton-Watson and show some type of invariances

called Tokunaga or Horton self-similarity.

So, now one of the peculiar things that,

one of our first observations about it when we started

working on Horton pruning was to notice that,

if you take a level-set tree.

So let me just to be logical in order,

I tell you of what level-set tree is, so

you would make all the local maxima into leaves and

all the junctions will be the local minimas

in the corresponding order, okay?

And you can always go between level-set tree and

back if you look at the invariances, okay?

So we notice our first results explaining

some self-similarity to invariance,

which I haven't defined.

Well, based on the following, that if you take

a function and look at its level-set tree and

then prune it, what tree would you get?

You would get the tree, a level-set tree of

the interpolated function of local minimas.

So each time your prune it corresponds to taking local

minimas, so you prune twice you take local

minimas of local minimas, and so on.

And in that sense we had a lot of fun playing with that.

Now, I just want to quickly clarify what we call

exponential critical binary Galton-Watson tree,

essentially this Galton-Watson tree is in continuous time,

so every edge is exponential.

Yeah, so let me just be that brief about this slide.

Now, something interesting that was noticed a long time ago and

appears in the literature is that if you

take an exponential excursion.

So how would you generate excursion?

You would go up by an exponential flight, down,

up down, until you crossover to the negatives.

And look at the level-set tree,

then what you see is exactly that critical

Galton-Watson tree with exponential edge lengths.

So, now with this being our object we proved a small theorem

about general pruning the generalized pruning that's how

it's called, but it will have implications.

So what does it mean?

So the theorem says, take any increasing function Pi and

the pruning operator that comes with it.

And look at the tree that you obtain by randomly selecting 3T

according to Galton-Watson exponential Galton-Watson,

critical Galton-Watson, critical binary Galton-Watson,

so probability one-half, one-half branching.

And then, if you prune it for

time T conditioned that after time T the tree

didn't disappears, so it did get reduced only to the root.

That it's still gonna be Galton-Watson, and

still critical, and still with exponential edge lengths except

where the exponent is different,

it can be represented as L times P sub T.

So this is being the new parameter, and

P sub T being the probability of that exact event that

we condition upon, that tree selected

according Galton-Watson has not been erased.

All with this, obviously we

want this to be positive, so

even at that probability is positive.

Which of course we could make a invaraince five function for

which it will be.

So, essentially any of these prunings would take critical

Galton-Watson into critical Galton-Watson, and

then we check the dynamics of the edge lengths.

Now, for the three examples,

if Pi is the total length that would be the new rate,

where I0 and I1 are modified vessel functions.

And you easily can check with this formula again

the absence of semigroup property.

For Pi being the tree height, so for

the ratio by the viewer this would be the new rate and

for Horton-Strahler that would be just H integer

time lambda will be half time.

So each integer time you prune and

you get twice longer edges.

All right, this is the slide you were waiting for the invariance,

so I should start at the bottom of the slide to be logical,


So our main goal of all of this study is not

particular applications like in hydrology or

in computer science or Burgers' equation.

Our main goal is finding the invariances

wnder these prunings.

So we need a measure like Galton-Watson measure

that generates tree size that,

if we prune end condition on not the whole tree being raised.

Then we get the same distribution maybe scaled,

like the length gets scaled.

So, essentially think about some kind of shift distribution,

like you raise the trees from the leaves down and

you're looking for the invariances.

And so this is just like what you're waiting for, okay?

Now, this unrelated results and

I'm not gonna go into defining those sorts of things,

just I thought of it as kind of curiosity.

So as I said,

we started by answering some hydrological problems, and

so one of those was concerning Horton-Strahler order that is.

If you have self-similarity under pruning meaning not just

statistic of order I into order J stays the same on average,

then you would have what's called strong Horton law,

which is a genetic law for the A number of branches of orders.

So this was an open question for the hydrological community,

and that's what we found really interesting to study.

The other one was studying invariances under

Horton pruning of trees created by Kingman coalescent, and

we've shown a big version of what's called Horton law there.

But out of curiosity of the again I wanted to highlight

the falling fact that from Horton pruning perspective

the Kingman coalescent tree is only one pruning apart

from the level set for IID time series for well,

in the hierarchical the statisticians don't like time

series idea [LAUGH] to be time series.

So more like white noise.

Okay, so in that sense the trees are essentially the same and

the result.

It was kind of curious I mean first we arrived at it

purely by formulas and I realize that it was natural.

Now here's the application I announce in the title

of the talk, so I have to go through this application.

I actually also find it very interesting.

So this application has to do with the pruning where

a five function was picked to be the length of the tree, right?

All right, so exactly this type of thing.

So let's try it with 1d iviscid Berger's equation.

The first part of the talk where we don't go into the analysis of

the trees would work in any dimension I should say, but

here we restrict ourselves 1d.

So let's take 0 external force.

So on the right hand side, we will have 0.

There is a standard way of introducing the potential

velocity field by substituting instead of the negative,

the derivative with respect x of psi.

You plug in on the additional assumptions we which you can

easily derive this proportionality to the density


But you would arrive to this Cauchy problem with some initial

conditions, okay?

So essentially, that's what we are solving, okay?

Now, and I copied here with initial condition.

Now, before the first collision of particles the Berger's

dynamics is straightforward, you have the starting point,

you have starting velocity, you go with that velocity.

And the most interesting stuff starts with collisions.

So and in that sense after the collision

time what you do you modify the equation by introducing

actually, a small viscous term.

With this tiny epsilon,

you know the solution of this equation would be well defined.

The Hopf-Cole transformation given here,

and in general, they mention with [INAUDIBLE]

It gives an integral representation of

the solution for epsilon, any epsilon here.

Now we obtain the solution of our equation, not to say we,

it's a classical known problem by letting epsilon go to 0 and

looking where this solution goes, and

the Lax-Oleinik variational principle implies

that this will be the formula for the solution.

So I copied that formula here.

So what does it mean with respect

to psi 0 of initial potential?

So imagine this being the initial potential side.

Now you have points here on this negative

slope going left, here on this positive slope going right.

Now, the quadratic term here says the following.

Suppose we can inscribe a parabola so that

it is tangent to the potential function on both sides.

Let's look at the corresponding interval on x-axis.

And let's look at the minima of that parabola also projected

on x-axis.

So all of these points will collide into one massive point

here at time t, and t how do you t?

Well, this is the coefficient when inscribe the parabola.

So by time t they all will be here.

So what does it mean?

It means that, by inscribing parabola here we know where

the massive point originates, then the massive points when

they absorb everything they could observe from left and

right, start moving and then colliding.

So you would get a short wave tree.

Okay, so

this is a short wave tree that we are gonna be pruning.

And we show that the pruning dynamics will

essentially correspond to the Burgers dynamics if

we start placing sticky points on the tree.

So as our first exercise and

that's what I'm reporting here,

we take and you show placement of velocities.

Initial placement of particles and

velocities alternating from positive 1 negative 1.

So you alternate the particles left right moving initial

velocity left right, left right with plus or minus 1 velocity.

So same velocity just going left or right.

Later on we will assume that the points are placed according

to Poisson a point process, so that would be like one

dimensional analog of Zel'dovich conditions from strategics.

So what would be the initial potential there?

Well, I mean exactly like minus 1 plus 1 minus 1 plus 1.

This is the slopes, right?

So for

this type of potential, the shock wave tree is very easy.

It's really to inscribe a parabola into

a negative 45 degree corners, right?

So we do know that the massive points will originate here.

Now, we model the shockwave

tree as an upside down level self tree.

Was a level set three of the ups and

downs, or however you like to see it.

So what will happen here, you will have here points going

left, and here points going right, generating massive

particle till this whole edge is eaten down and then, therefore,

the massive particles, they start moving left.

Similarly, you have one originating here and

this will be the time needed for all of the points on the left,

along the right, to collide into the massive particular and

to start moving to the right if If you cut this corner by just

making one coordinate like this, right, and

then square the parabola, the minima is gonna be here.

It's gonna correspond to the intersection of those two lines.

That's where they're gonna collide and move on.

Okay, is this clear?

I should.

>> Show me your left hand.

>> Left hand?

>> Yes.

>> Okay.

>> Yes, because I had that feeling that left and right in

your description where reversed, you're looking to the sunder.

>> Okay.

>> [LAUGH] >> You're right, actually.

That's very good psychological observation.

But, no, but I meant the other left.

>> [LAUGH] >> Alternative left.

>> Alternative left, yes.

>> [LAUGH] >> [LAUGH]

>> Yeah,

whatever political replications.

So now let's see how the trees work and

how is erosion going with those trees.

So imagine we started with a potential like this.

I already cut the corner here.

What happens with time t?

Well, all the points here on the right, slide towards the left.

All the points here slide in and so

we get these flat plains in the potential.

Same thing here.

What does it correspond to the vertical because

each leaf has a vertical and a horizontal component.

Vertical is the accumulation of the massive point.

The horizontal is the movement before the collision and

what you see is that beginning this vertical mentions

this horizontal and this vertical mentions that one.

And so if in our level set tree we're only

interested in the vertical displacement.

That's what our tree will be.

And by time t, it will be eroded on the left and

the right by the length of 2t.

So essentially you get erosion.

So this part got eroded and this part got eroded.

Okay, and

whatever got eroded accumulates into the mass of massive point.

And so if we go and this is from our paper so

this is really like a movie.

So if you go on, what happens it this edge is eating away.

This left slope, so we have a plane here,

what does it correspond here?

To the erosion of this leaf on the right,

no, it's left actually.

>> [LAUGH] >> And

the appearance of a massive point in the middle of a leaf.

Okay, five minute, okay, I'm almost there.

>> [LAUGH] >> And then what happens next?

Well, this guy, this slope erodes, right?

So we essentially any way the left and right sides, and

now but you might think about it as now one double massive

point sitting here and waiting for the collision.

That's exactly that case with the raising by length,

where you roll to the left side, you roll to the right side.

But then you're waiting for before you restart moving, okay?

So that's what correspond to this case would correspond to

the double massive point on the leaf.

And then the dynamics goes on,

once they meet, they start moving.

So if we, how about I say it here and then.

I mean the slides aren't placed in the most logical order as

you already know.

If we start with placing particles

according to person point process.

Then, what are we having?

We are having those exact exponential excursions for

which the level set trees are gonna be critical exponential

Galton–Watson trees.

So if we start with that initial condition, this will exactly

correspond to the case in the theorem that we stated.

And that is part A of this theorem saying,

okay, at time t the tree erodes and erodes so

that it's conditional, it's survival.

It's gonna be still critical Galton–Watson but

with a new rate.

And moreover, we can actually track,

so we can always drop back the potential.

So if you have the erode of the tree these massive points,

we can always get back to the potential.

So from this, we have a complete description of

the potential function distribution at time t for

this zero damage kind of conditions.

So here it is, starting with exponential

excursion as our potential,

The experiment of lambda over 2 for each,

Flight, then the tree that we get at time t of

Burgers dynamics will be the Galton-Watson,

this parameter lambda sub T, which is this.

That was part A of that theorem.

Now what else?

Next, a single or double massive point are placed at the leaf.

Well it's a single point with this probability and

double with the corresponding probability.

Like one minus this, okay, the complementary probability.

So some will have double, some will have single.

What else?

What else is each single mass of leaf has

is a mass m equal to 2T.

No I mean if it's single mass it's always twice the time.

If it's double mass I need one more minute.

If it's double point mass, then we have joined distribution.

This is the case where, when left and right side eroded, but

the massive points didn't collide, and that would be still

expressed through this function P sub TNL, L of t, which

are in turn expressed through modified Bessel functions.

What else?

We have, we can also place massive points in the middle

of the leaf that corresponds to the case one,

one of the leaf eroded but the other one hasn't.

And so, the other massive point is still growing and

that would be just geometrically the corresponding probability,

geometric but starting with values zero, one, two and etc.,

with the corresponding probability P sub t from

the other slide.

So we have some of these points.

Now, what are the masses of the points That we are placing on

the list.

And by the way, they could be a left one or

the right one, right?

It could be the right massive point already stopped growing

and started moving, but the left one is moving or vice versa.

So this probability 1/2 of course.

The masses of them have this distribution.

So each of the masses has this distribution.

[INAUDIBLE] So we can give complete description of

the distribution of the potential at time t.


Okay, if we don't start with just next question,

but start placing just points according to

process from left to right.

Then of course it will consist of the many excursions so

we have the description of the dynamics of massive particles.

So essentially if you take a random, randomly

pick mass of particle, it's mass will be distributed this way.

If it's moving, it's mass is gonna be 2t.

If it's still forming, its mass is gonna be distributed this

way and there's a picture.

So either it's on an excursion or it's still moving.

Finally, this is the last slide.

>> [LAUGH] >> I'm so ignorant.

Wrap up, I see.

>> [LAUGH] >> Okay.

>> [LAUGH] >> So what is related results?

Our result has some similarity although

it's different we try to regenerate some

of the known results from this one but

what was that I say Sinai's work 1992

work he started this white noise,

you do Berger's dynamic at time it is still white noise.

So, but this [INAUDIBLE] result of [INAUDIBLE] and

[INAUDIBLE] and then they have the same flavor but

they are different.

Now what is a perspective?

The perspectives, of course, we want to expand

the Berger's dynamics into a larger class in a higher

dimensional case because we can still inscribe paraboloids,

we can still have the shockwave trees that's what they are.

It was an interesting with the invariances

was the models of statistical mechanics are critically

exhibiting loss so there are some really important questions.

We actually generated on here our own hierarchical branching

process that we have that made me want it.

Okay, I'll stop here because wrap up is wrap up.

I mean I just >> [APPLAUSE]

>> Do you have a question for?

>> I have one.

>> Okay.

>> Have you thought at all about connections between this stuff

in any way and continuing random trees?

>> Continue random trees.

We thought I mean look we even

read some of the papers in that direction to see.

You see the problem with [INAUDIBLE] processes in general

is for us what we do is we do statistics on leaves down.

So if you look at levels set three you can generate

an infinite level three if you start with a mark of

a random work from left to right because from leaf down.

Now this is gonna be an infinite tree that you generate from

leafs down, but you never reach the root.

And whatever combinatorial stochastic process is studied

it's mostly from the root up if they build an infinite tree.

For us, it's like from leaves down, and

thus almost like zero one law.

I mean, whatever our infinite tree built from leaves down

has nothing to do with infinite tree built from root up.


>> A question

I just want to make sure because I'm not sure I understood.

You have this example.

The velocity's either negative one or one.

>> On the left or on the right?

Okay now.

>> So the point is was it just your example or

is this your assumption in your theory?

>> This is our assumption,

I'm sorry for >> So

velocities are plus or minus.

>> Yeah and the points are distributed according to points

and process, yeah thank you.

I mean again I think I went very fast.

It was supposed to be giving this talk.

So I interfere, but this was my 50 minute talk so

I promised myself to talk it in 40 minutes.

>> Thank you [INAUDIBLE] especially for

such short notice.

>> [APPLAUSE] >> Thank you.

For more infomation >> Random self-similar trees: dynamical pruning and its applications to inviscid Burgers equations - Duration: 47:29.


Howard Lovecraft and the Undersea Kingdom - Movie - Duration: 1:19:09.

For more infomation >> Howard Lovecraft and the Undersea Kingdom - Movie - Duration: 1:19:09.


Elf on the Run - Movie - Duration: 1:10:24.

For more infomation >> Elf on the Run - Movie - Duration: 1:10:24.


La Sainte-Barbe 2017 des pompiers Sdis de l'Orne - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> La Sainte-Barbe 2017 des pompiers Sdis de l'Orne - Duration: 2:11.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


Volkswagen Transporter 2.5 TDI D.CABINE. 1e EIG !!!! INCL NIEUWE DISTRIBUTIE. - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Transporter 2.5 TDI D.CABINE. 1e EIG !!!! INCL NIEUWE DISTRIBUTIE. - Duration: 1:02.


VINCITORE GF VIP 2017: Daniele Bossari conquista la seconda edizione del reality! | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 15:48.

For more infomation >> VINCITORE GF VIP 2017: Daniele Bossari conquista la seconda edizione del reality! | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 15:48.


Grande Fratello Vip 2017: Corsa a tre per la vittoria con Ivana e Daniele | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 8:59.

For more infomation >> Grande Fratello Vip 2017: Corsa a tre per la vittoria con Ivana e Daniele | WInd Zuiden - Duration: 8:59.


GF Vip 2: Luca Onestini e Raffaello Tonon, Oneston: batti le mani schiocca le dita - Duration: 8:51.

For more infomation >> GF Vip 2: Luca Onestini e Raffaello Tonon, Oneston: batti le mani schiocca le dita - Duration: 8:51.


Florence Foresti en mode working-girl pour se rendre à l'Elysée - Duration: 0:45.

For more infomation >> Florence Foresti en mode working-girl pour se rendre à l'Elysée - Duration: 0:45.


VEDUS Day 30 (There is Another, The Jedi Doth Return Act III) - Duration: 4:04.

Hey everybody, welcome back to Tanner's Books and Beyond and day 30 of VEDUS!

That's right, we're in the final leg of this thing!

So, let's not waste any time.

Today I was able to read the third act of The Jedi Doth Return.

In movie time this one takes us right to when Luke meets with Vader and they both go back

to the new Death Star; meanwhile everyone else is trying to parley with the Ewoks...let's

talk about the Ewoks because I don't know how I feel about them in here.

Now I skipped to the Afterword to see why Doescher had done them the ay he did, and

his justification was that he wanted to do something special with them; he felt like

Ewokese was a unique language amongst the other ones, and so he wanted to do something

special like how he did the haikus for Yoda in the previous play.

However, I feel like what he did ended up not...quite...hitting the mark.

Basically how they talk is that they only speak in four-line verses and it goes five

syllables, four, four, four, and it's an AABA rhyming scheme.

Lemme just find the example...when Wikket first meets Leia he goes:

"A buki buki Luki luki Issa creecher Nuki nuki!"

And so we have some almost-English in the middle there sandwiched between two lines

of general Ewokese gibberish.

The Ewokese here comes off really weak and really goofy and really doesn't mesh with

the Shakespearean style at all.

I much rather would've he'd just done regular Ewokese, and if you wanted it to be special

he could've put it into prose, because so far the only characters that have spoken in

prose in the series are the Fetts; we've had Jango and Boba speak prose and that's it.

Even if he didn't want to do that, then it still would've worked if he put them in verse

and had them speaking Ewokese the whole time.

Yes, I know I mentioned that there's a lot of untranslated alien languages, but I prefer

that to what he tried to pull off here.

So it's just kind of grating, and it stands out but not in a very good way.

On the upside, the rest of the act was good and pretty true to the text, so...we press on!

Today's Certain Point of View story is by Gary D. Schmidt, and it is called "There is

Another", and this is from the perspective of Yoda.

It's basically checking in on him and what he's been doing during this entire movie,

and a general glimpse back at what he's done his entire exile on Dagobah.

The crux of this is that he wishes that Obi-Wan had been training Leia in the Force instead of Luke

He feels that Luke is too impulsive, he's too distracted, and he's too emotional -

all things that were flaws he saw in Anakin, and he believes they led Anakin down the dark side.

But the thing is, as Yoda goes through his thoughts, we go back and forth with this idea

that Luke is weak because of these things but also Yoda regretting not seeing these

things in Anakin and feeling like if he had acknowledged them and helped him with that

then he would'n't've fallen to the Dark Side.

So, it kind of falls into this idea that the Jedi Council did as much to turn Anakin to

the Dark Side as Palpatine does because they're so steadfast and stubborn in their "no emotions,

no love, no any of this stuff, just complete devotion to the Force, you're not allowed

to miss people".

And because they force all of this on Anakin and it's really not a health attitude - I'm

honestly surprised the Jedi Order didn't collapse sooner with that kind of attitude - anyways!

They force all of this on Anakin and a lot of people theorize that that played just as

big a part in him turning to the Dark Side as Palpatine's own influence.

So what we have here is Yoda regretting having that mentality with Anakin but not realizing

that it is that very mentality that forced him to the Dark Side, and if you were to take

that same mentality with Luke then Luke could go in the same path, but it's because of people's

response to his emotions and his passions and his regrets, not people trying to stuff

them in a box and say "ignore those, just worship the force".

Most importantly, though, this is a rare look into Yoda's emotional state because at this

point in the series he is old and he tired and he is sad and he is lonely.

He just wants someone to talk to, and he loves the fact that Obi-Wan comes to him but he

hates the fact that it's as Obi-Wan's Force ghost.

And then even though he doesn't think Luke is a good candidate to become a Jedi, the

fact that he is going to be training another Jedi, the fact that he's going to have a human,

living visitor is enough to make him really excited, even if he doesn't think Luke is the right person.

And that's all I've got for today's update!

So if you're still with me since the beginning then thank you for sticking around so long.

If this is your first time seeing these videos then be sure to check my backlog, I've got

plenty and they're not that long.

You can also hit that subscribe button to see new videos, you can also check me out

on social media below!

And until tomorrow, I'll see you all *snap* later!

*funky music*

For more infomation >> VEDUS Day 30 (There is Another, The Jedi Doth Return Act III) - Duration: 4:04.


La Sainte-Barbe 2017 des pompiers Sdis de l'Orne - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> La Sainte-Barbe 2017 des pompiers Sdis de l'Orne - Duration: 2:11.


Redacted Tonight: Why do only sexual harassment scandals get people fired? - Duration: 3:42.

As you surely know,

Matt Lauer was fired from the Today Show

after complaints of ongoing sexual harassment,

and his co-hosts Savannah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb

came out and addressed it in a somber report,

saying they were devastated for both the victims

and their friend Matt Lauer.

It was similar to when CBS This Morning co-hosts

Norah O'Donnell and Gayle King

came out earlier this month and announced

that Charlie Rose had departed the show

due to sexual harassment allegations,

and that is the right thing for these shows to do.

I agree.

I just wonder:

why is this the only thing that gets news anchors fired?

I'd like to see a somber moment where Savannah and Hoda

start the Today Show and it starts out,

"We regret to announce Matt Lauer

will no longer be with the show

because it came out that he helped manufacture

consent for the war in Iraq

which killed roughly a million people.

You know, we're learning this news this morning,

like you are,

so we're devastated for both Matt

and the millions of victims of that war."

Where is that?

Where is that beginning?

How about the co-hosts of CNN come out and...

"Unfortunately, Jake Tapper will no longer be with the show.

It turns out there are allegations

that he has for months now

hardly reported on the US-backed genocide in Yemen.

He has glazed over or ignored...

he has glazed over or ignored countless war crimes

during the Obama administration, and sure,

some people write it off as

'everyone was doing it back then,' you know.

It was just the thing to do,

but that's not really good enough, okay?

We should hold our news anchors

to a higher standard, and I can tell you....

I can tell you that despite working alongside him,

I did not know at the time

that these behaviors were going on, okay?

Sure, I thought something was up.

I heard strange noises coming from Jake's office,

but I just never put two and two together,

but now that the brave victims have come forward,

it's only right for him to step down,

as have Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer,

Don Lemon, and pretty much everybody here at CNN.

I mean, I was a key grip earlier this week."

But seriously, this repulsive sexual harassment,

sexual abuse behavior of these guys...

it should get them fired.

They should be fired for it,

but why only sexual harassment?

Bill O'Reilly, who was finally fired for sexual misconduct,

went on the air every night and spouted racist shit,

just loads of ignorant crap spraying out of his bloated face.

Shouldn't that get networks

to reconsider someone's employment status,

or what about Congress?

What about Congress?

A lot of politicians who are under fire for sexual harassment

have voted and pushed for all kinds of death and destruction,

imperialist wars,

charging people for life-saving health care,

literally giving out tax breaks

for people paying sexual harassment settlements,

all the while letting Puerto Rico die.

Could we get someone fired for that too, maybe?

Maybe dock their pay a little bit.

Maybe take away their nice parking spot or something!

For more infomation >> Redacted Tonight: Why do only sexual harassment scandals get people fired? - Duration: 3:42.


La Sainte-Barbe totalement relookée - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> La Sainte-Barbe totalement relookée - Duration: 2:36.


아무도 당신을 씁쓸하게 할 만큼 중요하지 않다|HYA TV - Duration: 8:40.

For more infomation >> 아무도 당신을 씁쓸하게 할 만큼 중요하지 않다|HYA TV - Duration: 8:40.


Feral Black Thugs Beat Texas Trump Supporter To Edge Of Death For 1 Sick Reason Media Is DEAD SILEN - Duration: 3:02.

Feral Black Thugs Beat Texas Trump Supporter To Edge Of Death For 1 Sick Reason Media Is


Over the last eight years, under the failed leadership of Barack Obama race relations

have deteriorated as the race-baiter in chief pitted American against each other.

By focusing on identity politics and fanning the flames of division, the American people

were divided, and now it has reached a breaking point.

Ever since Donald Trump was elected the left has continued with their destructive narrative

of how all white people are racists and that violence is the only answer to combat this

manufactured race war.

White people across the country are increasingly viciously attacked in textbook style hate

crimes, but the mainstream media has been silent.

Instead of these attacks garnering the same national attention as others, these hate crimes

are often pushed to the side and forgotten.

Now, another white man was violently attacked by a pack of feral black thugs and what they

said as they beat this man to a bloody pulp proves we are at war.

Michael Temple is saxophonist from Austin, Texas and hardly one to pick a fight or cause

a scene.

However, that all changed last week when Temple, the mild-mannered musician was brutally attacked

when leaving Friends Bar at 1:45 a.m. while he was walking to his car, and of course,

the media is silent.

Temple was punched twice, suffered a concussion, and had a temporary loss of hearing as a result

of this attack.

Due to his hearing loss, he has had to suspend his work as a saxophonist.

So what did Mr. Temple do?

Well, nothing at all except he is white.

Here is more from DownTrend:

An Austin man said he was the victim of a hate crime after being punched twice on 6th

street over the weekend.

He tells FOX 7 that he suffered a severe concussion and has temporarily lost hearing in his right


For now, it has caused him to stop performing as a saxophonist.

The man said he was minding his own business when he was assaulted.

His biggest hope is that police can find the guy, before something worse happens.

�I didn�t do anything and to have this random, random act of violence against you�like

how safe would you feel after that?� said Michael Temple, victim of alleged assault.

Michael Temple was leaving Friends Bar around 1:45 Saturday morning.

He was headed to his car when he said he came across a group of six or seven African American

men at sixth and Sabine.

�When I was walking by them the dude said, �F Donald Trump� and then just full force

punched me right in the ear,� said Temple.

He was knocked to the ground, then got back up.

Moments later he said he was sucker-punched again, in the back of the head, before the

men scattered off.

�Got back to my car, made it home thank God.

That night I couldn�t hear out of my ear at all.

The next day I wake up and couldn�t hear out of my ear, so I went to urgent care.

She saw there was fluid behind my ear,� said Temple.

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