Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2017

Motu Is King With Beautiful Hat And Throne

For more infomation >> Motu Is King With Beautiful Hat And Throne, Motu Patlu In Hindi Coloring Book Page For Kids - Duration: 3:25.


Sửa Nhà Đón Tết Cần Phải Tránh Những Lỗi Tệ Hại Trong Phong Thủy Nhà Ở Này Để Rước Lộc Vào Nhà - Duration: 12:10.

For more infomation >> Sửa Nhà Đón Tết Cần Phải Tránh Những Lỗi Tệ Hại Trong Phong Thủy Nhà Ở Này Để Rước Lộc Vào Nhà - Duration: 12:10.


What Is Fertilizer? [Omnivore's Dilemma School Project] - Duration: 2:47.

What is fertilizer?

The denotation of fertilizer is, anything natural or synthetic, or something

that is made from chemicals.

That doesn't sound too bad right?

Now let us explain more: In part one of Omnivore's Dilemma, the modern

industrial fertilizer is described.

This fertilizer is mostly made of Nitrogen, which is a key nutrient for plants like corn

and soy.

These days fertilizers are known to not be so eco-friendly.

They tend to wash out into our lakes and rivers, which ends up in the ocean and poisons the


Before industrialization, fertilizers were a cycle where farmers would mainly use animal

manure to put on crops.

This created a cycle where crops were grown, fed to animals and then the manure was reused

on crops.

It also carried Nitrogen.

Nowadays farmers will buy either hybrid seeds or genetically modified seeds, this grows

very fast but uses more nitrogen than manure can supply, so farmers have a problem.

Now the main solution for this buying nitrogen, mixed with tons of other chemicals like phosphorus

and potassium.

Phosphorus helps grow the roots, seeds, and fruit/flowers of the plants, while potassium

helps grow the stem and transportation of water throughout the plant.

Most farmers are buying "multinutrient" fertilizers which has two or more types of

nutrient, usually all three.

"Straight" fertilizers have one type of nutrient, usually Nitrogen.

So now that we know some of the problems with modern fertilizer, how are scientists trying

to make it better?

A research team from Aarhus University in Denmark is coming up with drones that can

give the plants the exact amount of nitrogen needed, this way there will be no more nitrogen

getting in lakes and rivers, poisoning them.

This way farmers can still use fast growing GMO plants and won't hurt the environment.

There has also been a lot of research about Biofertilizer which is Bacterial Fertilizer.

This may be better for the environment as well, although if it gets into lakes and rivers

we don't yet know the true effects.

Fertilizers may have taken a bad turn recently, but they are being researched and developed

to be more eco-friendly and efficient, changing at a rapid pace.

For more infomation >> What Is Fertilizer? [Omnivore's Dilemma School Project] - Duration: 2:47.


ランボルギーニ・ウルス発表、国内価格は2574万円。650馬力、0-100キロ3.6秒、最高速は305km/hの"SSUV" #02 - Duration: 7:38.

For more infomation >> ランボルギーニ・ウルス発表、国内価格は2574万円。650馬力、0-100キロ3.6秒、最高速は305km/hの"SSUV" #02 - Duration: 7:38.


ArtU's Photography Graduate...

For more infomation >> ArtU's Photography Graduate...


박찬주 대장 초코파이 선교 "아주, 생쇼를 했네"|K-News - Duration: 12:49.

For more infomation >> 박찬주 대장 초코파이 선교 "아주, 생쇼를 했네"|K-News - Duration: 12:49.


'황금빛' 신혜선-서은수, '검댕이 분장+상큼미소' 비하인드 | K-Couple - Duration: 4:46.

For more infomation >> '황금빛' 신혜선-서은수, '검댕이 분장+상큼미소' 비하인드 | K-Couple - Duration: 4:46.


Ford B-MAX 1.0 100pk Ecoboost Titanium 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Ford B-MAX 1.0 100pk Ecoboost Titanium 1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:00.


Vitamin K2 MK7 100 Complex 30 Capsules - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> Vitamin K2 MK7 100 Complex 30 Capsules - Duration: 5:15.


'황금빛' 박시후, 신혜선 품고 유인영에 청혼했다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 4:19.

For more infomation >> '황금빛' 박시후, 신혜선 품고 유인영에 청혼했다 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 4:19.


'황금빛' 박시후, 머리로 하는 결혼 or 마음으로 하는 '신혜선♥' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> '황금빛' 박시후, 머리로 하는 결혼 or 마음으로 하는 '신혜선♥' | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 7:39.


신혜선X서은수, 현실 웃음 터진 '황금빛' 자매 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> 신혜선X서은수, 현실 웃음 터진 '황금빛' 자매 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 1:19.


'황금빛' 신혜선-서은수, '검댕이 분장+상큼미소' 비하인드 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:15.

For more infomation >> '황금빛' 신혜선-서은수, '검댕이 분장+상큼미소' 비하인드 | 연예뉴스 24/7 - Duration: 5:15.


zaibo sanwali saraki song hik medi jindri koon old / junaid studio - Duration: 6:09.

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