Monday, December 4, 2017

Youtube daily report Dec 5 2017

Hey guys I'm Scruffy, and today I'm going to be showing you how to do some of the base

invasions and out of bounds in MakoMart!

If you haven't seen my other MakoMart glitch videos, don't miss those.

Just click the link up there in the corner or in the description below.

And make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any new glitch or out of bounds videos.

So the first base invasion technique is to ink the enemy's ink rail and then go up to

this spot so you can jump on and take it right into their base.

Super easy!

Alright, so you can also get the rainmaker into the enemy base which just a fun challenge

and can help you out with getting the rainmaker into a glitch I posted in my last MakoMart


This is also really close to the spot where you would dunk the rainmaker.

If you have a teammate with a brush you can really get over there quickly in their ink

path if you need to.

And I want to know - when do you think the new Clam Blitz mode is going to come out?

Let me know in the comments below!

I am so excited to play that one!

Now we're going to do a base invasion in turf war.

First you need to hit the ink rail to get it ready.

Then use the suction bomb ink armor technique to get onto the ink rail.

There are a few ways to get to this out of bounds, but here we're using a suction bomb

and ink armor to launch ourselves up there.

Don't forget to have a squid party!!!

This is another out of bounds that is similar to the one in Starfish Mainstage.

Just use the suction bomb and ink armor to get up here too.

And remember that if you're on the box, you can always throw a suction bomb down below

to help the enemy team get up.

Thanks for watching guys, make sure you subscribe, I post at least three new videos a week. Don't get cooked, stay off the hook!

For more infomation >> MakoMart Out Of Bounds + Base Invasions Splatoon 2 - Duration: 2:34.


HONORABLE JOHN R. LEWIS (PART 01) - Duration: 22:33.

For more infomation >> HONORABLE JOHN R. LEWIS (PART 01) - Duration: 22:33.


Desktop Films - A Desktop Documentary - Duration: 6:45.

The desktop film is a genre of filmmaking wherein the narrative of the film takes place

within the confines of a computer screen.

The earliest example of this was Internet Story, which was directed by Adam Butcher

in 2010.

-"This is a true story about the internet."

Let me show you.

On the 22nd of April, 2005, an entity going by the name of Al1 publishes a website, claiming

that he's buried £9,000 somewhere in the UK."

-The film offers a glimpse back into the days of the modern internet.

One characterized by vlogs with mere dozens of views, flash animations, and what the director

refers to as Google searches that lead to, quote, "rabbit holes into strange places."

In 2011, we had the documentary... uhhh....

-"fragments d'une révolution"

-which is about the protests in the Middle East at the time.

This does not quite stick to the genre, as it's mostly shot from offscreen, but it's an early

example, so I'm gonna count it.

The next year, Joe Swanberg directed a segment for the horror anthology series "V/H/S".

He chose to tell his story through a Skype call.

While pretty simplistic by most desktop film standards, it is still a notable example,

and one of the first ones in the mainstream.

-"Emily, what the *bleep* is that!? Don't do that!"

-"I thought it might be a spider bite you know you hear about-"

-"That's an urban legend, that's not real.

Emily, look at me!"

-And finally, in 2013 a short film came out that has then definded the genre, its narrative

techniques, and design tendencies.

Its name, was Noah.

-More than any film before or since, Noah showcases the true potential of the entire

genre, by laying bare on the screen the way that young people communicate and consume



He- I don't see you...

Oh, there you are."

-"Oh hey."

-"Can you hear me?"

-"Yeah yeah.

What're you doing?"

-It is scattershot and hard to follow, much like life today.

-"I was just looking at... these."

After this film's release, it won many awards, and served as the basis of inspiration for

many more imitators to come.

After the success of Noah, there were many more filmmakers taking a stab at the desktop


Notably, the creators of Modern Family were inspired by Noah, when they set out to create

the episode "Connection Lost" for their 6th season.

-"You're not doing laundry are you?"

-"God no.

But I'm about to!

If I'm supposed to..."

-"NO NO, don't don't!

But can you vacuum out the dryer vent before I get home?"

-"[flatly]I will absolutely do that."


"I can't get in touch with Haley..."

-A year prior Blumhouse Productions and Universal Pictures put out a feature film that followed

the tenants of the desktop film, or what the producer calls the "screenmovie".

The film, like most horror films, received mixed reviews, but it is a testament to having

a gimmick and sticking through it to the end.

In 2013, Nick Briz made his experimental critique of Apple computers in the aptly titled,

"Apple Computers."

The video is a criticism of forced obsolescence and the stranglehold Apple has on the, quote,

"default art computer".

-"Pox Party exists to uhh create digital tools for our digital lifestyles-"

-And finally, in 2014, we have what is in my opinion the pinnacle of the genre:

Transformers: The Premake, from Kevin B. Lee.

This world is a deepdive into of the mega-budget blockbuster, how they're marketed, how they're


The film is not just simply a criticism of Transformers 4, but also Hollywood at large

and the way that movies are made nowadays.

For more infomation >> Desktop Films - A Desktop Documentary - Duration: 6:45.


§.2/ (costituzioni politiche & Storia) 4 dicembre 1977 Centrafrica: Bokassa è imperatore. Dittaure - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> §.2/ (costituzioni politiche & Storia) 4 dicembre 1977 Centrafrica: Bokassa è imperatore. Dittaure - Duration: 1:46.


Meet the female candidates ...

For more infomation >> Meet the female candidates ...


Volvo V50 1.6D Edition II Leer+17"LM velgen+PDC - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D Edition II Leer+17"LM velgen+PDC - Duration: 0:58.


ActivArmor receives $750,000 grant, new jobs & expansion - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> ActivArmor receives $750,000 grant, new jobs & expansion - Duration: 2:01.


Nhạc Hoa lời Việt tuyển chọn - Album Vol 1 Quách Tuấn Du - Duration: 58:13.

For more infomation >> Nhạc Hoa lời Việt tuyển chọn - Album Vol 1 Quách Tuấn Du - Duration: 58:13.


Desktop Films - A Desktop Documentary - Duration: 6:45.

The desktop film is a genre of filmmaking wherein the narrative of the film takes place

within the confines of a computer screen.

The earliest example of this was Internet Story, which was directed by Adam Butcher

in 2010.

-"This is a true story about the internet."

Let me show you.

On the 22nd of April, 2005, an entity going by the name of Al1 publishes a website, claiming

that he's buried £9,000 somewhere in the UK."

-The film offers a glimpse back into the days of the modern internet.

One characterized by vlogs with mere dozens of views, flash animations, and what the director

refers to as Google searches that lead to, quote, "rabbit holes into strange places."

In 2011, we had the documentary... uhhh....

-"fragments d'une révolution"

-which is about the protests in the Middle East at the time.

This does not quite stick to the genre, as it's mostly shot from offscreen, but it's an early

example, so I'm gonna count it.

The next year, Joe Swanberg directed a segment for the horror anthology series "V/H/S".

He chose to tell his story through a Skype call.

While pretty simplistic by most desktop film standards, it is still a notable example,

and one of the first ones in the mainstream.

-"Emily, what the *bleep* is that!? Don't do that!"

-"I thought it might be a spider bite you know you hear about-"

-"That's an urban legend, that's not real.

Emily, look at me!"

-And finally, in 2013 a short film came out that has then definded the genre, its narrative

techniques, and design tendencies.

Its name, was Noah.

-More than any film before or since, Noah showcases the true potential of the entire

genre, by laying bare on the screen the way that young people communicate and consume



He- I don't see you...

Oh, there you are."

-"Oh hey."

-"Can you hear me?"

-"Yeah yeah.

What're you doing?"

-It is scattershot and hard to follow, much like life today.

-"I was just looking at... these."

After this film's release, it won many awards, and served as the basis of inspiration for

many more imitators to come.

After the success of Noah, there were many more filmmakers taking a stab at the desktop


Notably, the creators of Modern Family were inspired by Noah, when they set out to create

the episode "Connection Lost" for their 6th season.

-"You're not doing laundry are you?"

-"God no.

But I'm about to!

If I'm supposed to..."

-"NO NO, don't don't!

But can you vacuum out the dryer vent before I get home?"

-"[flatly]I will absolutely do that."


"I can't get in touch with Haley..."

-A year prior Blumhouse Productions and Universal Pictures put out a feature film that followed

the tenants of the desktop film, or what the producer calls the "screenmovie".

The film, like most horror films, received mixed reviews, but it is a testament to having

a gimmick and sticking through it to the end.

In 2013, Nick Briz made his experimental critique of Apple computers in the aptly titled,

"Apple Computers."

The video is a criticism of forced obsolescence and the stranglehold Apple has on the, quote,

"default art computer".

-"Pox Party exists to uhh create digital tools for our digital lifestyles-"

-And finally, in 2014, we have what is in my opinion the pinnacle of the genre:

Transformers: The Premake, from Kevin B. Lee.

This world is a deepdive into of the mega-budget blockbuster, how they're marketed, how they're


The film is not just simply a criticism of Transformers 4, but also Hollywood at large

and the way that movies are made nowadays.

For more infomation >> Desktop Films - A Desktop Documentary - Duration: 6:45.



For more infomation >> ANIMAL JAM ABRIENDO REGALOS PART(#3) XD - Duration: 1:03.


A Fazenda 9: Record exibe atividade de memória que deu sessão de cinema a peões - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Record exibe atividade de memória que deu sessão de cinema a peões - Duration: 1:25.


A Fazenda 9: Monick diz que ex-peões garantiram que campeão do programa já foi definido - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> A Fazenda 9: Monick diz que ex-peões garantiram que campeão do programa já foi definido - Duration: 2:11.


"Love Actually" avait déjà prévu l'histoire d'amour du prince Harry et de Meghan Markle ! - Duration: 2:15.

For more infomation >> "Love Actually" avait déjà prévu l'histoire d'amour du prince Harry et de Meghan Markle ! - Duration: 2:15.


David Hally­day, au chevet de son père malade Johnny Hally­day : « C'est un bonheur de... - Duration: 2:08.

For more infomation >> David Hally­day, au chevet de son père malade Johnny Hally­day : « C'est un bonheur de... - Duration: 2:08.


La número 2 de los 'comuns' en el Congreso planta a Domènech "por coherencia" - Duration: 4:17.

For more infomation >> La número 2 de los 'comuns' en el Congreso planta a Domènech "por coherencia" - Duration: 4:17.


§.2/ (costituzioni politiche & Storia) 4 dicembre 1977 Centrafrica: Bokassa è imperatore. Dittaure - Duration: 1:46.

For more infomation >> §.2/ (costituzioni politiche & Storia) 4 dicembre 1977 Centrafrica: Bokassa è imperatore. Dittaure - Duration: 1:46.


10 exercices faciles qui brûlent plus de graisse que la course|LSF TV - Duration: 7:09.

For more infomation >> 10 exercices faciles qui brûlent plus de graisse que la course|LSF TV - Duration: 7:09.


Simplify Networking in a Hybr...

For more infomation >> Simplify Networking in a Hybr...


South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 2:07.

Seoul and Washington are on day two of their largest joint air force exercise to date...

in the skies above the Korean peninsula.

Through Friday,... the allies are conducting simulated war drills involving bombers, fighters

and thousands of troops.... in a powerful show of force against North Korea.

Kim Hyun-bin has the details.

Dozens of state-of-the-art American fighter jets, including F-22 raptors and F-35s,...

are blazing across the skies surrounding the Korean peninsula.

Their goal in this training exercise is to take out key North Korean nuclear facilities.

Scores of fighter jets neutralize hostile threats,... while escorting bombers to their

designated targets north of the border.

The bombers drop their bombs,... demolishing all targets.

The simulation of a possible war-time scenario is part of the major air force exercise dubbed

Vigilant Ace.

It comes less than a week after North Korea launched its newly developed inter-continental

ballistic missile.

The five-day exercise is the largest ever combined air force drill between the two allies,...

involving 230 warplanes and around twelve-thousand personnel.

(Korean) "The exercise is held annually.

We hold it to enhance our joint operations capabilities."

Six F-22s and six F-35s have been deployed to the Korean peninsula,... marking the first

time the highly-advanced jets have cruised the skies above Korea at the same time.

Other U.S. assets include two B-1B bombers and six Growler electronic warfare jets as

well as dozens of F-15s and F-16s.

South Korea has deployed 90 fighter jets, including its F-15 and FA-50 fighters.

North Korea condemned the drills on Sunday saying they could lead to an all-out provocation

that may lead to a nuclear war.

Running a commentary in North Korea's state-run Rodong Sinmun on Sunday,... Pyongyang said

"such a drill is a dangerous provocation as it's driving tension on the Korean peninsula

to the brink of a war",... and that both "South Korean and the U.S. puppet forces are foolish

to run amok with such stealth fighters."

Kim Hyun-bin, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> South Korea, U.S. begin massive air combat drills - Duration: 2:07.



For more infomation >> BREAKING NEWS About SARAH HUCKABEE-SANDERS… THIS IS HORRIBLE - Duration: 2:26.


Gaming at a Glance [Hover: Revolt of Gamers] 04: Messin' with E-Cop - Duration: 4:25.

Song: "Swallow" by Casiopea

In Hover, you are considered an "outlaw" for having fun.

And like all outlaws...

They'll eventually get chased by the law...

Robot law to be exact!

Robot law to be exact! -->

...Uh. Mind that vulgarity...

She just does her own thing, you know...

Speaking of her character, this character type is called Anon Breaker.

Anon Breakers are the polar opposite of the initial character you get called Anon Gamer.

....with a slight difference.

Anon Breakers are the antagonist group who decided to not be apart of the Force-like aligned group called The Gamers.

Uh... Think of The GGs vs. Poison Jam from the Jet Set Radio franchise.

They break things...

...Kinda says it on the tin of you think about it.

Hoo boy, that e-cop is still chasing her.

E-Cop: Hey!

The deal with the e-cops is pretty straightforward.

They are programmed by the mayor to make sure no one in the ECP17 community Is having fun.

ECP17 is just one of many clusters out there in this world.


<--- -bot bump-

"Don't mind me. Just breakdancin' on these fools."

E-Cop: Oi!

It's going on a minute and a half and the cop is still on her tail.

The only way to get rid of them is to put some distance between you and the pursuers.

If they catch you, a few things will happen...

1st Offense: You get stopped, get barked at for your actions, and then released.

2nd Offense: You get teleported to a nearby "rehabilitation platform" to dry out and thing about your "evil deeds".

That's as far as it goes until you've unlocked the Prison area.

But once you do, this unlocks the 3rd and final offense.

<--- Here comes a new challenger!

3rd Offense: Go to Jail. Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200!

- el trastazo -

Once you're in Prison, you'll have to break out of that spot, which is sort of a daunting task to say the least.

All those infrared beams...

All those secuboxes...


Dead ends...

Security cameras...

Moving platforms...

And that's the good part! You'll be totally lost the entire time!

Oh! Right right right! About that.

You will come up to some containers that will need to be charged up. And to do that is to land some sick tricks.

Get it up to 100% and you get some goodies! -------^

Neat! Got the new hypet that released on version 1.5! -dances-

E-Cop: FUC-

E-Cop: DAM-

This is one of the holo-statues of the "beloved" mayor.

Give you 3 guesses on who the boss of this game is... :p



Going on 3 minutes now. I'm sure that cop is beyond pissed.

Well, if robots can feel rage...

Taken I've been ad libbing its aggravated comments I guess it's safe to say that it is quite chessed off.


I guess it--


The chase is on, again!

BTW. The answer to the previous guessing question is the mayor.

Yeah. I know. Shocked me too.

- THUMP Part 2-

As you can tell, the cameras can stop you dead in your tracks...

...if they're not already sending the po po on you, of course.

Here we are at the end. I wanna thank you for cruising with me on this caption commentary.

If you like what you saw, feel free to tell a friend. I'm not here for the likes or anything.

Stay cool out there as we now return to your regularly scheduled twerking already in progress.


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