Friday, May 25, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

WhatsApp Group Video Calling Update 2018

WhatsApp Latest Updates 2018

Omfut Tech And Jobs

For more infomation >> WhatsApp Group Video Calling Update 2018 | WhatsApp Latest Updates 2018 | Omfut Tech And Jobs - Duration: 2:22.


未来のランボルギーニV12はこうなる?デザイナーがアヴェンタドールの進化版を予測 - Duration: 2:55.

For more infomation >> 未来のランボルギーニV12はこうなる?デザイナーがアヴェンタドールの進化版を予測 - Duration: 2:55.


ランボルギーニ「ウルス」がスーパートロフェオシリーズのリードカーに採用。スペックは量産モデルと同じに - Duration: 2:57.

For more infomation >> ランボルギーニ「ウルス」がスーパートロフェオシリーズのリードカーに採用。スペックは量産モデルと同じに - Duration: 2:57.


The ABCD Song For Kids Will...

For more infomation >> The ABCD Song For Kids Will...


Fiat 500 1.2 S - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.2 S - Duration: 1:05.


Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S [NAVI, CAMERA, SPORT] - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Suzuki Vitara 1.4 S [NAVI, CAMERA, SPORT] - Duration: 1:13.


Mazda 3 1.6 S-VT Executive AUTOMAAT! - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 1.6 S-VT Executive AUTOMAAT! - Duration: 1:11.


Audi A3 1.4 TFSI 122pk Sportback Automaat Attraction S-line - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 1.4 TFSI 122pk Sportback Automaat Attraction S-line - Duration: 1:13.


Drsná slova nevlastní sestry na účet Meghan Markle: S čím vyrukovala jenpár dnů po svatbě? - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Drsná slova nevlastní sestry na účet Meghan Markle: S čím vyrukovala jenpár dnů po svatbě? - Duration: 1:17.


這幾位女星「那個」最強,最後一位因老公「活不行」離婚! - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 這幾位女星「那個」最強,最後一位因老公「活不行」離婚! - Duration: 3:50.


Coupe du monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Argentine - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Argentine - Duration: 7:10.


20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! - Duration: 9:13.

For more infomation >> 20歲出道走紅,曾上春晚,上吊自殺十多天才被發現,享年59歲! - Duration: 9:13.


18 PLUS Episode 2 - Duration: 9:36.

Hey, what he is looking for, I do not know what was coming to sell.

put to flight

What is fluttering

Bhaiya a big bird was ready to become our love prisoner

You jumped him off me

yes offcaurse Late because of you

Had come to give you your baggagWe lie down in our love affair

Brother help me

listen i ll not do anything

As you sow, so you shall reap

and listen one more thing

Keep quiet and let me do my work

otherwise Just like you have gone out of your heart,

I will take you out of this house.



Okay brother, bothered, all bother me

Walk out

here is your brazier

when heart is broke


hey bro

Very bad care is coming

can i come there ,i will not disturb you


i will sit here only


bro bro

yes tell

my life screw bro

why this happen only with me

thing happen for good

don't make fun of handicap of hear,

Do my patch up

will do

What did you say before coming here

Will be silent

so keep silent while i m working

How can you work,when i m in pain

like this


What's in it

now who

i told you both the time

don't tell me, tell sapna

sapna not swaps bhutan is my name

I came to take my girlfriend today

Here is the craving for the flutter to bring this whole forest

wow what a girl

Eating fruit from lentils is different

think a bit low lisa will heard

Take your name now you go liza

friends this liza

and liza sam

and he is sapna

my name is not sapna

is short swapndosh

Ok you show yourself i means room meanwhile we make tea

yes yes

then go and some tea and add less sugar

always say we but I make only

bro milk problem

go ask mithun

Is where the bay is coming

brother need milk

i want milk

milk for tea

come Makes your tea

what are you saying

i know everything what are you saying

Her buobs are big but she's mine


what the hell you doing fuckers

bro you tell me to ask mithun for milk

bro he talking about brest

he doesn't mean that

you both don't see me happy thats why you creating drama

now tell me bro what can i do

nobody will ban you

what are you looking

fucker he dint mean that

bro you are right but look at him

he looks like wolf

hungry wolf

watch bro

Cows in the straightforwardness are behind us

what are you looking

everyone should listen

so i was telling

Cows in the straightforwardness are behind us

and the sound was not wolf


first try to understand difference between wolf and jackal

after blame me

one is reason of my break up

and one trying to blame me

Do not break my verginity

i will not make tea

darling come

sapna upset every time

For more infomation >> 18 PLUS Episode 2 - Duration: 9:36.


Une nutritionniste alerte les gens pour arrêter le sucre pendant un mois - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Une nutritionniste alerte les gens pour arrêter le sucre pendant un mois - Duration: 8:11.


10 vérités sur le divorce que toute personne devrait connaître - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> 10 vérités sur le divorce que toute personne devrait connaître - Duration: 9:49.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #33: Belly Crawling - Duration: 1:47.

Hell!o My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist. I'm here

with my beautiful co-instructor, Myla. She has Down syndrome. She just

turned one year old. She gets around by rolling. She hasn't figured out crawling

yet. So, I just want to show you how I would start working on that. Put out toys

in front of her that she thinks might be interesting. Maybe her hands

will have to compete because her hands are awesome at this point. Alright. So, she sees the

toys and she's thinking about getting them. Throw her on her stomach. (I'm sure I meant place her gently on her stomach.) I've got to push

up one leg and stabilize underneath. I'm going help her figure out how to

push through it . I'm going do the same thing to the other side. I'm going to

figure out how to help her push through it. I am doing all of it at

this point. All of it! But that's how you start. You bring...(You got it. Hey! Just a second!) leg

forward, block underneath the foot, and then help...

(I'm pushing through the other leg)... push her forward to go get it... just like

that. That's the beginning of crawling. Okay um she'll figure it out reluctantly

Thanks! Yes! Thanks! Alright! I'll see you later! It's a simple idea. Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #33: Belly Crawling - Duration: 1:47.


Trump's Campaign Advisor Makes Shocking Announcement About Trump's 2020 Run – This is NOT GOOD! - Duration: 15:23.

Trump's Campaign Advisor Makes Shocking Announcement About Trump's 2020 Run – This


The colorful and never-at-a-loss-for-words longtime confidante and campaign adviser,

Roger Stone, gave his two cents today when it comes to President Donald Trump's 2020

re-election campaign.

Although the president has already appeared at campaign rallies in order to generate funds

and keep his base ignited for his re-election campaign, Stone told the Howley Report last

week that Trump's bid for a second term was a not a "foregone conclusion."

"If at the end of the next three years the economy is very strong, he has built the wall,

sealed our borders, he's reformed our immigration policies, he has redone these trade agreements

so that they are beneficial to the United States, that he has got a peace agreement

in Korea — I could see him saying, 'You know what?

I don't need this anymore.

I made America great again.

I have kept my promises to the American people.

I'm heading off to the golf course,' " said Stone, in remarks first reported by the Washington


Stone then continued by predicting that Vice President Mike Pence and the UN Ambassador

Nikki Haley may be set to make a bid for the presidency in 2020 although rifts are opening

between the vice president and Trump's core base.

Something which made Stone confirm might make him support a candidate to stand against Pence.

Trending: DEVELOPING: Sad News Just Released About Barron Trump; President Requesting Prayers

Stone has referred to Vice President Mike Pence as an "Establishment Republican Quisling"


The veteran political operative has recently become the target of Special Counsel Robert

Mueller's witch hunt into allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia,

allegations which have already been proven to just be a fake narrative which was conjured

up by Hillary Clinton and her Democrat cronies shortly after Donald Trump won the presidential

election in 2016 in order to excuse her loss.

Roger Stone is one of the smartest political strategists of all time.

He has worked on multiple campaigns, including President Nixon's.

If he says he will find someone to run against Pence and Haley they better watch out, because

Stone knows more about the true pulse of American than the whole Republican party put together

does and you can bet the farm that most of Trump's base will support whoever he finds

who will, like Trump did, appeal to the American working class which has been ignored and looked

down upon for decades by both political parties.

"On November 8th, 2016, Donald John Trump was elected the forty-fifth President of the

United States.

This is a singular accomplishment that can only be attributed to the talent, energy,

and foresight of Donald Trump himself.

Trump's sprint across eight states in the closing days led to the greatest upset since

1948, when President Harry S Truman barnstormed across the country by train, breaking all

railroad speed regulations, making six or seven stops per day, and ensuring his victory

over New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey.

The physical energy that Trump expended going down the stretch was indeed Herculean.

There is no question that his final push into Wisconsin, Michigan, and returning to western

Pennsylvania, was an act of pure will that, while Clinton was already celebrating, propelled

him to victory.

The 2016 election was the first in which the mainstream media lost its monopoly over political

media coverage in the United States.

The increasingly vigorous alternative media, whose reporting standards are superior to

the networks and the cable news behemoths, is where more and more voters are getting

their information.

Trump's skillful courting of the conservative media, like The Daily Caller, Breitbart News,, and InfoWars, made Trump the first presidential candidate to reach these disaffected

and highly motivated Americans effectively.

At the same time, Trump's relentless attacks on the media as "unfair" and "dishonest"

came right out of the Nixon playbook, where both Nixon and Trump exploited the resentment

of the biased media, so hated by their supporters.

Trump's willingness to challenge openly the media outlets that went after him kept

them somewhat honest in their coverage of his campaign but the relentless cable news

networks' attacks on him were unlike any­thing I have seen in the nine presidential campaigns

in which I worked.

The media dropped all pretext of objectivity.

Their motives and tactics were naked.

Most of this would largely backfire.

American voters have finally become hip to the fact that the media and the political

establishment work hand-in-glove to conceal many facts from the American people.

The voters no longer believe the media.

Donald Trump is his own strategist, campaign manager, and tactician, and all credit for

his incredible election belongs to him.

I'm just glad to have been along for the ride.

I wanted him to run for President since 1988 and had served as chairman of his Presidential

Exploratory Committee in 2000, as well as serving as a consultant to his 2012 consideration

of a candidacy.

I have worked for Trump with the Trump Organization, the Trump Shuttle, Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts,

and several political explorations over a forty-year period.

He is perhaps the greatest salesman in US history, with the spirit of a promoter and

the infectious enthusiasm of an entrepreneur who likes making money and winning.

Trump waged the first modern "all communication" campaign, eschewing polling, expensive television

advertising, sophisticated analytics, and all of the traditional tools of a modern presidential


At the same time, Trump's campaign was centered around a "set piece rally," just as Richard

Nixon's campaign had been.

That Trump ran as the candidate of "the Silent Majority," appealing to forgotten

Americans, running as the law and order candidate and in the end, the peace candidate, was not


Trump's campaign was much like Nixon's.

He understood that politics is about big issues, concepts, and themes, and that the voters

didn't really care about wonkish detail.

If they had, then Newt Gingrich would have been president.

Although there are similarities between Ronald Reagan's victory in 1980 and Trump's ascendancy

to the presidency, Trump's election is less an ideological victory and more a manifestation

of a genuine desire for a more competent government.

Like Nixon, Trump is more pragmatic, interested in what will work, as opposed to what is philosophically


He's tired of seeing America lose.

He is exactly the cheerleader the country needs.

Like Truman's whistle-stop events, Trump rallies became the focal point of his entire

campaign, amplified by the cable news networks that carried his rally speeches around the


He drew enormous crowds and voters found him funny and genuine.

All the while, his trusted press aide Hope Hicks was booking as many one-on-one interviews

into his schedule as humanly possible.

There was literally a time when you could not turn on the television without seeing

and hearing Donald Trump.

The cable networks of course did it for the ratings.

The fact that Trump was unrehearsed, un-coached, and unhandled, meant that voters found him

refreshing and authentic."

H/T Newsweek

For more infomation >> Trump's Campaign Advisor Makes Shocking Announcement About Trump's 2020 Run – This is NOT GOOD! - Duration: 15:23.


Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi S&S Style edition - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën C1 1.0 e-VTi S&S Style edition - Duration: 0:52.


Brad Pitt: le jour où il a voulu « tuer » Harvey Wein­stein - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> Brad Pitt: le jour où il a voulu « tuer » Harvey Wein­stein - Duration: 4:08.


Ducks May Have Wings, But ...

For more infomation >> Ducks May Have Wings, But ...


Mazda CX-5 2.2D SKYACTIV-D 175 GT-M 4WD GT-M Diesel Automaat - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Mazda CX-5 2.2D SKYACTIV-D 175 GT-M 4WD GT-M Diesel Automaat - Duration: 1:07.


Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D Profession 115PK ex BTW - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D Profession 115PK ex BTW - Duration: 1:09.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-ecutive, Navigatie, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon 1.4 CVVT X-ecutive, Navigatie, Cruise Control - Duration: 1:05.


Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D 115PK Cool Comfort excl BTW - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Toyota ProAce Worker 1.6 D-4D 115PK Cool Comfort excl BTW - Duration: 1:10.


Isuzu D-max 4x4 LSX 5 Persoons - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Isuzu D-max 4x4 LSX 5 Persoons - Grijs kenteken - Duration: 0:53.


18 PLUS Episode 2 - Duration: 9:36.

Hey, what he is looking for, I do not know what was coming to sell.

put to flight

What is fluttering

Bhaiya a big bird was ready to become our love prisoner

You jumped him off me

yes offcaurse Late because of you

Had come to give you your baggagWe lie down in our love affair

Brother help me

listen i ll not do anything

As you sow, so you shall reap

and listen one more thing

Keep quiet and let me do my work

otherwise Just like you have gone out of your heart,

I will take you out of this house.



Okay brother, bothered, all bother me

Walk out

here is your brazier

when heart is broke


hey bro

Very bad care is coming

can i come there ,i will not disturb you


i will sit here only


bro bro

yes tell

my life screw bro

why this happen only with me

thing happen for good

don't make fun of handicap of hear,

Do my patch up

will do

What did you say before coming here

Will be silent

so keep silent while i m working

How can you work,when i m in pain

like this


What's in it

now who

i told you both the time

don't tell me, tell sapna

sapna not swaps bhutan is my name

I came to take my girlfriend today

Here is the craving for the flutter to bring this whole forest

wow what a girl

Eating fruit from lentils is different

think a bit low lisa will heard

Take your name now you go liza

friends this liza

and liza sam

and he is sapna

my name is not sapna

is short swapndosh

Ok you show yourself i means room meanwhile we make tea

yes yes

then go and some tea and add less sugar

always say we but I make only

bro milk problem

go ask mithun

Is where the bay is coming

brother need milk

i want milk

milk for tea

come Makes your tea

what are you saying

i know everything what are you saying

Her buobs are big but she's mine


what the hell you doing fuckers

bro you tell me to ask mithun for milk

bro he talking about brest

he doesn't mean that

you both don't see me happy thats why you creating drama

now tell me bro what can i do

nobody will ban you

what are you looking

fucker he dint mean that

bro you are right but look at him

he looks like wolf

hungry wolf

watch bro

Cows in the straightforwardness are behind us

what are you looking

everyone should listen

so i was telling

Cows in the straightforwardness are behind us

and the sound was not wolf


first try to understand difference between wolf and jackal

after blame me

one is reason of my break up

and one trying to blame me

Do not break my verginity

i will not make tea

darling come

sapna upset every time

For more infomation >> 18 PLUS Episode 2 - Duration: 9:36.


Mondial 2018 : décou­vrez Live It Up, l'hymne offi­ciel de la Coupe du Monde par Will Smith - Duration: 2:50.

For more infomation >> Mondial 2018 : décou­vrez Live It Up, l'hymne offi­ciel de la Coupe du Monde par Will Smith - Duration: 2:50.


Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #33: Belly Crawling - Duration: 1:47.

Hell!o My name is Amy Sturkey. I'm a pediatric physical therapist. I'm here

with my beautiful co-instructor, Myla. She has Down syndrome. She just

turned one year old. She gets around by rolling. She hasn't figured out crawling

yet. So, I just want to show you how I would start working on that. Put out toys

in front of her that she thinks might be interesting. Maybe her hands

will have to compete because her hands are awesome at this point. Alright. So, she sees the

toys and she's thinking about getting them. Throw her on her stomach. (I'm sure I meant place her gently on her stomach.) I've got to push

up one leg and stabilize underneath. I'm going help her figure out how to

push through it . I'm going do the same thing to the other side. I'm going to

figure out how to help her push through it. I am doing all of it at

this point. All of it! But that's how you start. You bring...(You got it. Hey! Just a second!) leg

forward, block underneath the foot, and then help...

(I'm pushing through the other leg)... push her forward to go get it... just like

that. That's the beginning of crawling. Okay um she'll figure it out reluctantly

Thanks! Yes! Thanks! Alright! I'll see you later! It's a simple idea. Bye-bye!

For more infomation >> Exercises for a Baby with Low Tone #33: Belly Crawling - Duration: 1:47.


Coupe du monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Argentine - Duration: 7:10.

For more infomation >> Coupe du monde 2018 : tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur l'Argentine - Duration: 7:10.


10 vérités sur le divorce que toute personne devrait connaître - Duration: 9:49.

For more infomation >> 10 vérités sur le divorce que toute personne devrait connaître - Duration: 9:49.


Art of the Deal: Kim Jong-Un Sprints Back to Table After Trump Cancels Summit - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Art of the Deal: Kim Jong-Un Sprints Back to Table After Trump Cancels Summit - Duration: 4:18.


Une nutritionniste alerte les gens pour arrêter le sucre pendant un mois - Duration: 8:11.

For more infomation >> Une nutritionniste alerte les gens pour arrêter le sucre pendant un mois - Duration: 8:11.


Top Wing - Swift (Speedpaint/ Timelapse) - Duration: 6:26.

Hello and Welcome to another video!

Please read video description for more information.

Please Enjoy!

Hope you enjoyed the video.

Thanks for watching. I will see you all in the next video!

Stay Paw-some! (Awesome!)

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