Sunday, July 1, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 1 2018

Hi! I'm Karolina from

This time... speedpainting!

I'm drawing illustration...

my version of illustration by Kamila Stankiewicz

I'm taking part in #drawthisinyourstyle challenge.

I think it's quite popular on Instagram lately.

I really like Kamila's illusstration.

Well, I reaaaaally like all of her projects. She's great!

I follow her since a long time. Check out her page :)

To find link to her YouTube channel

click "i" above on the right.

I used Pigma Micron fineliners

- these are great for alcoholbased (and waterbased) markers.

Alcohol markers, pencils and gelpens.

Actually, it's second version of my drawing...

I shared first on on Instastories.

That's all in this vid. Thanks so much for watching and see You next time!

Take care. Bye!

For more infomation >> Wyzwanie #drawthisinyourstyle - Duration: 1:59.


Gran Canaria inland: much more than beaches! - Duration: 5:11.

Hello fellow travelers!

Today we are going to get into Gran Canarias's inland, until we arrive at its highest part.

While we are driving along beautiful secondary roads, we are thrilled with the views.

We have seen cave-houses! I find it hard to believe that people can live there

if it's almost impossible to get to the cave!

We are in Agüimes, one of the first villages after the conquest of the Castillians in 1491.

It seems to be a very bohemian and artistic village.

You can find statues in some corners, there are some walls painted with poems,

the facades are beautifully painted… indeed a very nice village!

Around this area of the inland of Gran Canaria, there are a lot of "calderas",

craters of old volcanoes, that are not active, of course!

This is the "Caldera de los Marteles". It looks like it is being used for agriculture.

Do you know that the land of the old volcanoes is pretty fertile?

You are so wonk!

We stopped in the Cruz de Tejeda. The views are awesome!

Today is a beautiful sunny day and you can even see the Roque Nublo peak and the Teide Mountain in Tenerife!

At last, we got to Tejeda and it was worth it! It's beautiful! It's a very well preserved village, so white…

It's located among ravines and in the shadows of the Roque Nublo peak.

You can feel the quietness.

Look, I'm eager to spend a night here.

Do you want to take a stroll? Let's go!

Now I wanted to tell you more about Roque Nublo. It's a natural monument and very emblematic of this island.

It was formed in a volcanic eruption. It was a very mystic place for the first settlers of the island.

They had rites and religious ceremonies. You can see the Roque Nublo and the Rana peaks.

You can get there through a beautiful path. It will take you around 40 minutes.

Sandra, we have to go! Ayyyy… don't pull the wire!

We are in the Guayadeque ravine.

We are going to have lunch in a very funny restaurant.

Yes, I came here some years ago, I enjoyed the views and above all, to have lunch in a cave!

Its name is Tagoror.

We are going to start with a "potaje de berros" (watercress stew), a very typical winter dish.

We are in Teror, one of the oldest cities in Gran Canaria. It was founded in 1481.

It's a pleasure to walk along these beautiful streets, enjoying these Canarian wooden balconies…

Hey guys, we hope you enjoyed this video.

We wanted to show this less-known part of Gran Canaria.

You know it's important for us that you share the video, so that we could reach many more people.

We will be waiting for you next week with a new adventure in viajandoanuestroaire!


For more infomation >> Gran Canaria inland: much more than beaches! - Duration: 5:11.


Étude wa Ikkyoku Dake - Kanzaki Ranko Ver. - Sub. Español - Duration: 4:06.

For more infomation >> Étude wa Ikkyoku Dake - Kanzaki Ranko Ver. - Sub. Español - Duration: 4:06.


A New Way to Play Pokémon: Use Your Poke Ball Plus to Capture Pokémon In These Nintendo Switch Games

For more infomation >> A New Way to Play Pokémon: Use Your Poke Ball Plus to Capture Pokémon In These Nintendo Switch Games


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 28:57.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 28:57.


HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 4:49.

For more infomation >> HP 14" Intel Chromebook plus Google Home Mini and Tech S... - Duration: 4:49.


Nightcore - Thief (Ansel Elgort) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:24.

lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Thief (Ansel Elgort) || Lyrics - Duration: 3:24.


虽然大S的脸肿成发面馒头,但我还是爱她现在这种有烟火气的状态 - Duration: 9:06.

For more infomation >> 虽然大S的脸肿成发面馒头,但我还是爱她现在这种有烟火气的状态 - Duration: 9:06.


Lifting Thor's Hammer | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:12.

How'd a nice girl like you wind up working in a dump like this?

Fella done me wrong.

You got lousy taste in men, kid.

He's not so bad.

Well, he has a temper.

Deep down, he's all fluff.

Fact is, he's not like anybody I've ever known.

All my friends are fighters.

And here comes this guy,

spends his life avoiding the fight

because he knows he'll win.

- Sounds amazing. - He's also a huge dork.

Chicks dig that.

So what do you think? Should I fight this,

or run with it?

Run with it, right? Or did he... Was he...

What did he do that was so wrong to you?

Not a damn thing.

But never say never.

It's nice.

What is?

You and Romanoff.

No, we haven't... That wasn't...

It's okay.

Nobody's breaking any bylaws.

It's just she's not the most open person in the world.

But with you she seems very relaxed.

No. Natasha, she's just... She likes to flirt.

I've seen her flirt, up close.

This ain't that.


as maybe the world's leading authority

on waiting too long, don't.

You both deserve a win.

What do you mean "up close"?

- But it's a trick. - No, no, it's much more than that.

"Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power."

Whatever, man! It's a trick.

Please, be my guest.

- Come on. - Really?


Oh, this is gonna be beautiful.

Clint, you've had a tough week.

We won't hold it against you if you can't get it up.

You know I've seen this before, right?

I still don't know how you do it!

Smell the silent judgment?

Please, Stark, by all means.



Never one to shrink from an honest challenge.

- Get after it. - It's physics.


Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?

Yes, of course.

I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta.

I'll be right back.

Are you even pulling?

Are you on my team?

Just represent. Pull.

All right, let's go.


Go ahead, Steve. No pressure.

Come on, Cap.


And, Widow?

Oh, no, no. That's not a question I need answered.

All deference to the Man Who Wouldn't Be King, but it's rigged.

You bet your ass.

- Steve, he said a bad language word. - Did you tell everyone about that?

The handle's imprinted, right? Like a security code.

"Whosoever is carrying Thor's fingerprints"

is, I think, the literal translation.

Yes. It's a very, very interesting theory.

I have a simpler one.

You're all not worthy.

Oh, come on!

For more infomation >> Lifting Thor's Hammer | Avengers Age of Ultron (2015) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:12.


Pošta pro tebe | 1. 7. 2018 • Naďa, Vladimír, Lída • - Duration: 57:56.

For more infomation >> Pošta pro tebe | 1. 7. 2018 • Naďa, Vladimír, Lída • - Duration: 57:56.


Darin Hodge: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:44.

Darin Hodge: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |

Darin Hodge, a Vancouver-area man, was fired from his job as the manager of Teahouse in Stanley Park restaurant after being accused of refusing to serve a customer if he continued to wear a "Make America Great Again" hat.

In this case, in stark contrast to the decision of the owner of the Virginia restaurant The Red Hen, the Teahouse stressed that it does not discriminate among customers and terminated Hodge, who has not backed down from his stance.

In the Red Hen situation, owner Stephanie Wilkinson asked President Donald Trump's press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, to leave the restaurant as Sanders dined with her family.

In both cases, Wilkinson and Hodge said they were too morally opposed to Trump to do nothing.

Here's what you need to know:.

Hodge Asked a Customer to Remove the 'MAGA' Hat, Reports Say.

CBC described the encounter as unfolding this way: An unidentified man entered the restaurant wearing the signature red "Make America Great Again" hat.

Hodge was working as the restaurant's floor manager and "confronted" the customer.

"[He] took over the table and requested that he take the hat off," said the restaurant's general manager Andy Crimp to CBC.

"[The customer] said he had a right to wear it.

[Hodge] said if you don't take the hat off, we won't serve you.

And the man left," CBC reported of the incident.

According to CTV, Hodge "denied explicitly refusing to serve the customer wearing the MAGA hat," but Crimp says "Hodge asked the patron to remove the headwear.

Hodge Told Journalists He Stood By His Decision.

Hodge doesn't regret his actions, even though they led to him losing his job, according to Global News.

"I stand by my decision to ask the patron to remove his hat.

The MAGA hat has come to symbolize racism, bigotry, islamaphobia [sic], misogyny, white supremacy, homophobia.

As a person with a strong moral backbone, I had to take a stand against this guest's choice of headwear while in my former place of work," he wrote to the Canadian news outlet.

"Absolutely no regrets.

The Company Explained That Hodge Was Fired for 'Violating the Company's Philosophy of Tolerance'.

Eva Gates, of the Sequoia Group, the company which owns the Stanley Park Teahouse, told Global News that it was true the manager wouldn't serve the man unless he removed his MAGA hat.

"And the gentleman said that he had a right to wear that hat.

And [the manager] refused to serve him if he wouldn't take off his hat, and so the customer had to leave," she told Global News, describing Hodge a "good person with a big heart and a right to his personal beliefs," who was fired or "violating the company's philosophy of tolerance.".

Crimp told CTV he believed that Hodge should have kept his political beliefs separate from his job.

"I was a little bit taken aback and I was a little bit stunned," he told CTV News on June 30, 2018.

"Our company doesn't discriminate against people with different values or beliefs that we have.".

Crimp added to CTV, "I believe that everyone has a right to their own opinion and to have their own values and their own philosophy of how they want feel and believe, but I think that when you're at work and you're a manager, you have to set an example for the people who are working for you.

We don't want people to feel unwelcome in the restaurant and we don't want to set up an environment where employees feel like they have the right to refuse service to people who come into the restaurant.".

The Red Hen's Owner Took a Different Stance.

When Sarah Huckabee Sanders tried to dine with her family at the Red Hen farm-to-table restaurant in Lexington, Virginia in June 2018, the owner, Wilkinson, asked her to leave.

Sanders complied, but she took to Twitter to expose the situation, writing, "Her actions say far more about her than about me.

I always do my best to treat people, including those I disagree with, respectfully and will continue to do so.".

Her father, former Arkansas Gov.

Mike Huckabee, and her boss, Trump, then tweeted in defense of Sanders and a firestorm erupted.

In April 2018, a New York judge dismissed a lawsuit from a man who says he was denied service at a bar because he was wearing a MAGA hat.

In that case, the man wearing the MAGA hat, Greg Piatek of Philadelphia, says he was told to leave The Happiest Hour bar in New York's West Village.

According to CNN, he said the matter left him humiliated, but the judge ruled the bar was not acting outside the law.

CNN reported that the bar's owner disputes Piatek's account and says he was asked to leave for allegedly being "verbally abusive.".

Hodge Worked for the Teahouse for 18 Months & Its Yelp Page Has Filled With Comments on the Controversy.

Hodge was employed at the Vancouver-area restaurant for 18 months.

As with the Red Hen controversy, the Yelp page for the Teahouse restaurant has now filled with comments both for and against the restaurant and Hodge.

The page is now subjected to what Yelp called an "active clean up alert" in which Yelp tries to remove comments that are generated solely by the news stories on the controversy.

One comment writer described the MAGA hat wearer as a man in his 40s or 50s who refused to take the hat off.

"I was awestruck and elated when the manager refused to service the person," that comment writer wrote.

Some people said they wouldn't frequent the restaurant again because it fired Hodge.

However, others expressed support for the restaurant's decision to fire Hodge and said it makes them want to visit more.

"The Teahouse responded quickly and fired Darin Hodge for his bigot behavior and because of that I will now start coming back to your restaurant," wrote a person on the other side.

For more infomation >> Darin Hodge: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | - Duration: 8:44.


Sleeping, Shopping, and Selling in China - Duration: 5:25.


quirky things about Chinese people, sometimes Chinese people have this

incredible amazing ability to sleep anywhere, you'll see people sleeping on

the streets and all kinds of places there's also these kind of soft massage

chairs and stuff and you'll see people having a good old snooze on those too

Just passing the time having a snooze Chinese people can sleep anywhere

so China's pretty competitive place in terms of you know selling products

because everyone is selling the same thing and outside the shops and shopping

malls, shopping centers, you often see people, a salesperson standing on the

outside of each shop just like you're seeing here, if business is fairly busy

they'll just stand there, if the business is quiet you'll actually hear them calling

out and they're literally saying come into my shop

this place is so fucking noisy... DONGMEN!

yeah make noise attract me to your shop boys

quiet! silent!

there's the police coming past, patrol...

these underground shopping malls of China, they make them like mazes

like you're literally in a maze...

so if you ever have anyone ask, what's a wet market?

this is a wet market you can tell why it's a wet market you've got fruit and

vegetables fish meat just about anything and a lot of the food here is not the

cleanest it's really not, and you don't really want it to sort of, sit on the

shelves for too long

and one of the other problems here is the whole of food safety thing I mean

you don't know really about the quality of the soil and stuff and the use of

pesticides and insecticides has gone into growing these vegetables you see

the in the Wet market

and that's you know why a lot of Chinese will just boil everything when it comes

to vegetables boil everything that's the golden rule boil everything

that was the Chinese wet market

gotta get rid of this beard, so annoying

Wow! you're shaving! unbelieveable!

you know I gotta get rid of it, it's getting annoying

good, pretty good. Oh you're happy about that are you? yes I am, good

how to make a wife happy, young get rid of your beard

you look much younger!

I'm born again!

okay so it's takewn several years, but I finally found it,

this is an elevator in China with no fourth floor because four is "si"

which sounds like death (in chinese) so some elevators some hotels don't have

a number four, and this one doesn't

For more infomation >> Sleeping, Shopping, and Selling in China - Duration: 5:25.


乐华七子将录制小S新综艺,感觉范丞丞朱正廷七人一定受小S青睐 - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> 乐华七子将录制小S新综艺,感觉范丞丞朱正廷七人一定受小S青睐 - Duration: 1:06.


The 10 Best S*ex Positions top 10 killer S*ex positions - Duration: 7:49.

The 10 Best Sex Positions

The 10 Best Sex Positions

The 10 Best Sex Positions

For more infomation >> The 10 Best S*ex Positions top 10 killer S*ex positions - Duration: 7:49.


Try Not To Laugh Challenge 2018 👅 the most idiots of the internet - Duration: 47:41.












For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Challenge 2018 👅 the most idiots of the internet - Duration: 47:41.


7 bonnes raisons d'utiliser du bicarbonate de soude pour la peau et les cheveux - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> 7 bonnes raisons d'utiliser du bicarbonate de soude pour la peau et les cheveux - Duration: 9:38.


Urbaines #7 - "Penser la ville avec d'autres prismes" - Duration: 15:10.

For more infomation >> Urbaines #7 - "Penser la ville avec d'autres prismes" - Duration: 15:10.


At Issue: Democratic Party Shakeup - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> At Issue: Democratic Party Shakeup - Duration: 4:01.


GOTTA GO FAST! - Duration: 13:37.

oh hello people care moment talk about a Lord and Savior sonic sonic is!

supersonic use whatever you call him ah

order taste my premium don't don't don't jump get him get okay okay never mind

oh how about to take two hey wait to finish him nice what what Dennis Hanks

we didn't prepare for this Oh

night it Isis hello medium there moment that's a lot

of damage to my wallets indeed hello yes Oh let us forget to play nursery Oh

God load it load ask in rounds Oh Mike Evie oh hello sir how do you oh I got up

to the bounce from them tell us get him nice tour as I spin together

go big mystery expansion baby am i standing you come here two-faced

this thing is two-faced sometimes oh there he is

oh really t29 please don't nuke him I want the honor

hello wait for it to ring yes wait for it still has it notice this is like oh

yes turn around Nani get has bad Blair

I fired go paddle that thing has some pretty quickly low though I come to that

oh hell might go to the must come in come here it go forward be fired

the thing is like a three second reload huh hello sir

I'm a complete scrub am i fucked hello c29 yell moment because I don't

pour please my sobriety oh god um I don't know you coming yes I got him

that'll get smarter now I think it got him yeah I think I

oh I'm stuck no no Oh words in it they got two martyrs I can feel the nuke

incoming yeah oh there is

it gets lanced are ya gonna release the storm oh no no no a little bit nice

puffy jacket nice hello sir nice try some 15 elf bump into ground yeah but

this is too less a guy let's get a Valentine Maisie Maisie toys a siren no

it's it's completely oh there we go where's he so fast what is it so fast

with the fucker come in come in watch out for EM tell us he hasn't spotted you

there's nothing oh oh

ah poor guy do seizures need to look gold from Mordor

damn it's oh my soul mind we are moving keep moving

let him hit you ain't fighting here quick though

don't shoot me don't you okay oh oh nice well holy crap that's a lot of damage

great performance each level gameplay even though you actually get an ace oh

god he's just going for it what the crap what did what for what he didn't do any

damage right Oh Isis right here alright let's wreck

him let's wreck him finish reading ah keep going nice going

and keep going oh nice another medium take the took the second one

reloading okay that was a ghetto we got all the kills much

Oh modern glorious Oh another tick Italian how are you still in almost full

health no a scorn Jesus oh hello West please accept my gifts of doom no just

don't aim at me oh he missed thank God this course are 9 0 10 0 o 11 0 15 0

okay where's Amy Oh sticks I don't get tight

hello I'm too light oh you're a seal clubber right

oh how those seals tasting scrub pencil - I like that we complain with see

flowers rubbing it on fancy actually three thanks per clip poor guy

you don't even know how to play this game do you do we know thank you for

your contribution to my W Nate's hello t 6c I'm gonna try to destroy your armored

vehicle oh that game okay let's get a 20 side of em both of em all perfect

glorious this guy first come on watch with me with me right now otherwise I'm

gonna die okay we got him oh no sir no

could see downward to two pi will to monetize you

I flipped my tongue to get out of this Thank You YouTube best well let's go

flip again I guess I'm a trained professional this depends two three

hello sir Gretchen frickin da that was casual you

know what I got around this - dogs whoa mutters darbus Oh enemies I don't have a

moment oh oh there's you talk about what a savior what it doings you scrubbed

that it's your two tank very well then I shall balance him oh yes hello hello yes

no I'm just gonna gently bump into you No oh no oh that's a lot of Tanks that's

a lot of Tanks hello bison advise trying around like a freak oh yeah this is

going kill this guy yes the Panzer 1c is actually a really good and fun tank if

you haven't tried it out for yourself yet you definitely should now run down

to the comments and suggest what tank we should play next time

For more infomation >> GOTTA GO FAST! - Duration: 13:37.



For more infomation >> 566/5000 TIPS FOR THE CHANGE OF THE CANARIES | CARE OF THE CANARIES FOR BREEDING - Duration: 5:26.


CO JÍM V PRÁCI | TRÉNINK | VÉČA A DRINK SE SABI | Eliška Bicanová - Duration: 14:04.

For more infomation >> CO JÍM V PRÁCI | TRÉNINK | VÉČA A DRINK SE SABI | Eliška Bicanová - Duration: 14:04.


My Skincare Routine - Duration: 5:16.

hello my name is Brinia welcome to my channel

so today I have my makeup removal routine um a couple of people have asked

me to do this so I'm just gonna do it so if you're interested in seeing how I

clean my face people like it so the first thing I do is I use these micellar

water water organic cornea at the beginning I didn't like it because it

can't leave like a little residue but I got used to it so I just use a damp a

little cotton pad and I just like removed like the mascara and all

I love using cleansing oils like I think they work so good and also doesn't leave

yours became like really doesn't leave your skin that dry I used this one this

one came my thinking a little I think was in our Lord but I also like this one

by police is there Blue Lotus for one cleansing milk

it doesn't foam or anything I really like this one but this one is my go-to

so I'm just gonna use this one

if after that I've see that I still have like mascara under my eyes I use this

little um it's like a makeup eraser I'm sorry it's dirty but I got these I think

it's the for up so you just fasten it with water and then it removes your

makeup without anything just water

sometimes I use the deep clean my Neutrogena the cleanser um if I feel

like that my face is like to oily I wash this probably like almost every day I

usually don't wear like a lot of makeup during the week so this cleans my face

nice after that I usually exfoliate my lips I usually used Milani keep it sweet

sugar lip scrub or I use the third one so I'm just easier what they both really

good I think the third one they change the packaging that so it looks like this

this one I love it I just said I wanted like to eat it like every time okay then

I get foliate I've been using the the dr. Brandt port number operation one

sometimes I use this one that I got on my favorite fun is the renewing mud mask

so it's really good and I also like this one by o4-g it's um it's a spray so you

just shake it yeah after three seconds you exfoliate like in circular motions

with a wash clothes

um sometimes um I like we like once a week it might be like less um you said

shit mess and just moisturize my face are you so used a lip mask in an under

eye mask but like sometimes when if I'm like lazy or something I just use

different things like I like to change it's like my favorite one is my first a

beauty the ultra Repair Cream intense hydration this thing is like amazing and

also you can use it for your body so that what this one is really good or I

use the CEO rapid flash brightening serum this one is like really good also

or sometimes I use these by youth to the people is the kale and spinach green tea

highly rustic um hyaluronic acid and I use the the by my under eye under eye

eye cream by a cosmetic so

and because my skin is feeling like a little tight right now I'm just gonna go

with the first day

also it's like with just a little bit like it's enough so this thing like last

forever sleep that's it that's my routine my skincare routine so just

don't forget to like this video don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you

guys another location bye

For more infomation >> My Skincare Routine - Duration: 5:16.


REYNMEN '' Sen Gel Diyorsun (Öf Öf) '' - Duration: 0:17.

For more infomation >> REYNMEN '' Sen Gel Diyorsun (Öf Öf) '' - Duration: 0:17.


Effets Sonores [Alarm and Siren]🎶 Pack de 363 Samples Gratuit à Télécharger - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Effets Sonores [Alarm and Siren]🎶 Pack de 363 Samples Gratuit à Télécharger - Duration: 1:47.


Try Not To Laugh Challenge 2018 👅 the most idiots of the internet - Duration: 47:41.












For more infomation >> Try Not To Laugh Challenge 2018 👅 the most idiots of the internet - Duration: 47:41.


Collins says Supreme Court pick who'd overturn Roe v. Wade 'would not be acceptable' - Duration: 6:45.

 GOP Sen. Susan Collins, expected to be a crucial vote in confirming a Supreme Court nominee in the Senate, said on Sunday she would be unable to support any candidate that vowed to overturn the landmark decision legalizing abortion

 "A candidate for this important position who would overturn Roe v. Wade would not be acceptable to me because that would indicate an activist agenda that I don't want to see a judge have, and that would indicate to me a failure to respect precedent," Collins said on ABC's "This Week

"  The pro-choice Maine lawmaker said her support for a nominee to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy, who announced his retirement last week, will hinge on whether the person follows legal precedent

 "I'm going to have an in-depth discussion with the nominee and I believe very much that Roe v

Wade is settled law, as it has been described by Chief Justice Roberts," she said

"It has been established as a constitutional right for 46 years – 45 years, and was reaffirmed 26 years ago

"  Trump told reporters aboard Air Force One on Friday that he would not ask candidates where they stand on the 1973 abortion ruling

 "[Trump] did tell me that he would not be asking that question," Collins said. "And indeed it would be inappropriate to ask a judge nominee on how they are going to vote in a future case

A discussion of precedent however is very important."  Sen. Lindsey Graham also said Roe v

Wade shouldn't be overturned "unless there is good reason."  "You don't overturn precedent unless there's a good reason," the South Carolina lawmaker said on NBC's "Meet the Press

" "I would tell my pro-life friends: you can be pro-life and conservative, but you can also believe in stare decisis," he added, using a legal term referring to precedent

 Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell warned lawmakers ​of both persuasions that a vote to confirm a justice who pushes aside precedent and overturns Roe v

Wade could be "career ending."  "My colleagues on both sides of the aisle know that this vote could be one of the key votes of their entire career," Cantwell ​of Washington ​​said on ​NBC

"If they vote for somebody who's going to change precedent, it could be a career-ending move

"  Kennedy, 81, played an important role in providing a crucial swing vote on a number of important cases and with his retirement many believe the court could become more conservative and overturn past rulings like Roe v

Wade.  He was a member of the court in 1992 that voted to reaffirm the decision.  Collins also suggested Trump expand his search beyond a list of 25 candidates he initially used to find a candidate

 "Some people on list I can't support because they have shown disrespect for vital principle of stare decisis," Collins said on ABC

"I'm not going to go into which ones those are but there are people on that list whom I could not vote for

"  Trump said he has narrowed down the list to about five, including two women, and said he intends to announce the nominee on July 9 before he heads to Europe for a NATO meeting and a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin

 Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said he would call for a vote before the mid-term elections in November

Republicans, who control the Senate by a 51-49 margin, only need a majority to confirm Trump's court pick

 Both Republicans and Democrats are pursuing Collins and Sen. Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska who also favors abortion rights, for their votes

 The two parties are also lobbying Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Joe Donnelly of Indiana, who are up for re-election in states carried by Trump

 The two, along with Democratic Sen. Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, voted to confirm Neil Gorsuch, who Trump selected in January 2017 to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, who died in February 2016

For more infomation >> Collins says Supreme Court pick who'd overturn Roe v. Wade 'would not be acceptable' - Duration: 6:45.


FS17-Timelapse-TVTOF 24-Seed master - Duration: 23:03.

Episode 24 Seed master

Good morning everyone, the fall planting is coming, so we are going to cultivate the field 91.

Lucia is with the preparations for the wedding, so Mark and I will take care of everything.

We are going to buy a Seed Master and we will make our own seed.

We will also start selling our Massey Fergusson machinery and expand our flock of sheep.

And all without forgetting our hungry animals.

A very long journey awaits us, so take a seat and enjoy yourself.

I have to optimize the animals feeding. I will think about it....

As always I will eat and rest. See you in a few days.

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