Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 24 2018

A recent report from the Brennan Center for Justice found that between 2014 and 2016 states purged almost 16 million voters from the rolls, four million more voters than removed from 2006 to 2008

Jonathan Brater, a counsel in the nonpartisan center's Democracy Program and a co-author of the report, said it's hard to know how many voters were purged in error, "which is part of the concern

" The 33 percent increase outpaces both population growth and the growth in total registered voters

While Brater said it was "a little hard to say," whether the Supreme Court's striking down a key provision of the Voting Rights Act in Shelby County v

Holder caused the increase, the report found that jurisdictions the ruling released from being subject to preclearance under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act had "significantly higher" rates of purging voters

Before that ruling, the Voting Rights Act used a formula, developed in the 1960s, to determine which counties would require changes to their election laws to be federally reviewed before they could go into effect

In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that formula unconstitutional because it was outdated and needed to be updated

It called on Congress to rework it, which it has not yet done. The Brennan Center found that between 2012 and 2016 these jurisdictions removed nine million voters from registration lists and that the removal rate in these places was 2 percent higher than in other areas

Two million fewer people would have been removed from voter rolls if the rates were equal, researchers found

While they were also unable to determine the percent of voters mistakenly removed in these districts, the Brennan Center found that as the rates of voters removed increased, so did the number of people who showed up to vote but were unable to

Derrick Johnson, the president and CEO of the NAACP, told ABC News the report is evidence that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act is crucial to our democracy and questioned the demographics of those purged from voter rolls

"It is our belief that there is an over-representation of African American, Latino and lower and working-class individuals," he said

"It is unfortunate that this nation has refused to honor the sacred right to vote and proactively protect that right for all citizens

" Georgia, which has a Republican gubernatorial primary run-off Tuesday and is where Stacey Abrams is running to be the first black woman governor in the nation, was previously subject to preclearance under the Voting Rights Act

The Brennan Center found that between 2012 and 2016 it purged 1.5 million voters

In an emailed statement, Candice Broce, the press secretary and staff attorney for the Office of Georgia Secretary of State Brian P

Kemp which oversees elections in the state, said "Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp is a leader in ensuring that our elections are secure, accessible, and fair for all voters

Robust voter list maintenance is a critical safeguard to maintain the integrity of the ballot box, and when groups have tried to challenge our practices, the courts have upheld our laws to keep the rolls accurate and up-to-date

" The report also said that states can rely on "faulty" data and that there had been increasing pressure from groups alleging that states were not cleaning voter rolls enough

According to their research, eight states, including New York, Alabama and Maine, had either violated the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) with one of their purges or had policies that violate the law

Published last Friday, the report comes a day after former First Lady Michelle Obama announced her "When We All Vote" initiative, using a star-studded cast to encourage voter registration

It also comes a month after the Supreme Court declared an Ohio law allowing the state to remove people who have not voted in two federal elections constitutional in Husted v

A. Philip Randolph Institute. To protect voters from aggressive voter roll maintenance, the Brennan Center suggests that states enforce the National Voter Registration Act, enact more protections than required under the act and automatic voter registration

"We've found that a lot of these purges happen in secret and problems are only found on election day when people went to try to vote," Brater said

"So that's why it's critical that states be transparent about what their policies are on purging the voter rolls and that voters check their registration

" ABC News' Adam Kelsey contributed to this report. This story has been updated with a comment from the Office of Georgia Secretary of State Brian P

Kemp Press Secretary Candice Broce.

For more infomation >> More voters purged from voter rolls between 2014 and 2016: Report - Duration: 7:17.


Lebron James vsKobe Bryant

For more infomation >> Lebron James vsKobe Bryant


Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Airco/Navigatie/Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Toyota Verso-S 1.3 VVT-i Aspiration Airco/Navigatie/Panoramadak - Duration: 1:08.


✅ Oksana Chatchko est décédée : l'ancienne Femen s'est suicidée - Duration: 2:09.

 Les Femen sont en deuil. Le mouvement féministe activiste annonce ce mardi 24 juillet la mort de la cofondatrice du groupe, Oksana Chatchko

Elle s'est suicidée à l'âge de 31 ans précise l'AFP avertie par Inna Chevtchenko, leader de l'organisation. "Oksana a été retrouvée hier à Paris dans son appartement

Elle s'est suicidée", indique-t-elle à l'agence de presse. Ce mardi, Anna Goutsol, l'autre cofondatrice des Femen, a également confirmé le décès de la jeune femme sur Facebook

"La plus courageuse, Oksana Chatchko nous a quittés. Avec ses proches et sa famille, nous sommes en deuil et nous attendons la version officielle de la police

Pour le moment, ce que nous savons, c'est que (…) le corps d'Oksana a été retrouvé dans son appartement à Paris. Selon ses amis, elle a laissé une lettre de suicide", écrit la féministe

Elle était exilée à Paris depuis 2013 L'enquête doit donc faire la lumière sur cette mort. Depuis l'annonce du décès d'Oksana Chatchko, les hommages se multiplient notamment sur les réseaux sociaux

"RIP Oksana. (…) Garde le poing levé, tu vas avoir du boulot au paradis ! Tu es immense pour toujours", a écrit une internaute

Comme le rappelle l'AFP, la jeune femme avait fondé le mouvement féministe en 2008 avec trois autres militantes en Ukraine

Les Femen s'étaient fait connaître pour leurs actions seins nus. Exilée en France depuis 2013, la militante avait quitté le mouvement pour se consacrer à son travail d'artiste peintre

    Par Ambre L

For more infomation >> ✅ Oksana Chatchko est décédée : l'ancienne Femen s'est suicidée - Duration: 2:09.


Audi A4 Limousine 2.0TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S S-tronic Virtual cockpit - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Audi A4 Limousine 2.0TDI 150pk Sport Pro Line S S-tronic Virtual cockpit - Duration: 1:14.


Emmanuel Macron sort du silence sur l'affaire Alexandre Benalla: "le seul responsable c'est moi" - Duration: 2:45.

ALEXANDRE BENALLA - Loin des bancs des commissions d'enquête de l'Assemblée nationale et du Sénat, qui multiplient les auditions dans l'affaire Benalla, le chef de l'État s'est invité ce mardi 24 juillet au pot de fin de session de La République en marche et du MoDem à la Maison de l'Amérique latine à Paris

Dans un discours surprise, Emmanuel Macron a félicité les députés de la majorité réunis pour l'occasion, loué le bilan de cette année parlementaire, mais surtout dit quelques mots au sujet de l'affaire Alexandre Benalla, sur laquelle il est jusqu'ici resté silencieux, s'attirant les critiques de l'opposition

"Ce qui s'est passé le 1er mai a été pour moi une trahison", a-t-il dit selon des propos rapportés par les députés présents

"La République exemplaire n'empêche pas les erreurs. S'ils cherchent un responsable, il est devant vous

Le seul responsable, c'est moi et moi seul. Qu'ils viennent me chercher. Je réponds au peuple français", a-t-il ajouté

"C'est moi qui ai fait confiance à Alexandre Benalla, c'est moi qui ai confirmé la sanction"

Le président a par ailleurs fustigé "la République des fusibles, la République de la haine", toujours selon des propos rapportés par des députés à l'AFP

"On ne peut pas être chef par beau temps", a-t-il dit. La députée Aurore Bergé et la secrétaire d'État à l'égalité femmes-hommes Marlène Schiappa ont publié des tweets pour rapporter les propos du président

"Personne dans mon cabinet n'a jamais été soustrait aux lois de la République. Jamais", a aussi assuré Emmanuel Macron, qui s'est exprimé pendant "une bonne demi-heure" devant "beaucoup" de monde, selon un élu

Au sujet d'Alexandre Benalla, le président a aussi affirmé ne pas oublier "qu'il a été un militant très engagé pendant la campagne", mais a dit avoir "ressenti les actes du 1er-Mai comme une déception et une trahison"

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron sort du silence sur l'affaire Alexandre Benalla: "le seul responsable c'est moi" - Duration: 2:45.


✅ PHOTO Laurence Boccolini métamorphosée : découvrez son nouveau look qui subjugue ses fans - Duration: 2:47.

Il y a des clichés qui font tout simplement plaisir à voir. Ce 21 juillet, Laurence Boccolini a prouvé qu'elle savait rebondir comme personne

Et pour cause, ce début d'année n'a pas été des plus simples pour l'animatrice. En mars dernier, elle avait tenu à jouer cartes sur table avec ses abonnés Instagram, en levant le voile sur la maladie dont elle est atteinte depuis de longues années

Une polyarthrite rhumatoïde, maladie inflammatoire sévère qui touche les articulations et qu'elle s'efforce d'accepter. « Mon amie ma compagne douloureuse de tous les jours dans tout mon corps depuis tant d'années… Je te déteste

Mais je remercie chaque jour la force qui m'est donnée de pouvoir vivre avec cette saleté. Et elle fait partie de moi. Je fais de mon mieux

Life is good!  », avait-elle écrit sur le réseau social. De nature optimiste, la talentueuse présentatrice avait tenu bon, quelques semaines plus tard, en apprenant la mort de son amie Maurane

>>> Laurence Boccolini : son coup de gueule TRÊS drôle contre la cérémonie des Gérard Très atteinte par la disparition de la chanteuse belge dont elle était proche, Laurence Boccolini lui avait adressé de doux mots

Elle avait notamment expliqué qu'il lui était impossible de se rendre à son inhumation tant la douleur était présente. Et après avoir traversé une fête des pères sans celui qui lui a donné la vie – disparu il y a une quinzaine d'années –, la maman de Willow, 4 ans, a montré à tout le monde que son sourire était bel et bien de retour

Ce week-end, Laurence Boccolini a surpris ses admirateurs avec un cliché posté sur son compte Instagram. Attendue sur Europe 1 à la rentrée pour animer un jeu sur la tranche horaire 16h-18h, l'épouse de Mickaël Fakaïlo a attesté que cette rentrée média la comblait

Plus rayonnante que jamais, l'animatrice de 55 ans affiche une nouvelle coiffure, longue et ondulée, de nouvelles lunettes et un visage aminci

Le sourire jusqu'aux oreilles au côté d'Olivier Delacroix – lui aussi nouveau venu sur la station – la jolie blonde a comblé ses fans

« Quel changement, vous êtes radieuse », « Ne changez rien, vous êtes sublimissime ! », «  Vous êtes magnifique, je ne vous avais pas reconnue !  », pouvait-on lire en commentaires

On n'aurait pas dit mieux !

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Laurence Boccolini métamorphosée : découvrez son nouveau look qui subjugue ses fans - Duration: 2:47.


✅ Benjamin Pavard veut manger des frites avec Jean-Paul Rouve, l'acteur lui répond «avec grand plais - Duration: 2:11.

 Jean-Paul Rouve a mis en ligne lundi sur son compte Instagram une vidéo dans laquelle il s'adresse directement à Benjamin Pavard

L'acteur rassure l'arrière droit de l'équipe de France au sujet de sa ressemblance capillaire supposée avec Jeff Tuche, incarné au cinéma par le comédien

 « Je suis bien d'accord avec toi, tu n'as pas du tout la même coupe de cheveux que Jeff Tuche », déclare l'acteur face à la caméra

Avant d'ajouter, en prenant l'accent nordiste de son personnage culte : « Parce que Jeff Tuche c'est plus mousseux, tu vois ? »

« Quand tu veux, on mange des frites »  Dans la courte vidéo tournée en Norvège où il passe ses vacances, Jean-Paul Rouve rebondit également sur une déclaration faite à L'Equipe Magazine par le footballeur

Benjamin Pavard, qui n'avait initialement que très peu apprécié la comparaison avec Jeff Tuche, avait finalement confié au média sportif : « Jeff Tuche, franchement, c'est marrant

D'ailleurs s'il lit cette interview, qu'il vienne manger des frites avec moi ! C'est le seul point commun que j'ai avec lui

Les cheveux, pas trop ! ».  L'acteur semble avoir saisi l'invitation au bond. « J'ai lu que tu voulais manger des frites avec moi… Avec grand plaisir ! Quand tu veux, on mange des frites

(…) Mon gars, contacte-moi et on va se manger des frites », répond Jean-Paul Rouve à son camarade lui aussi originaire du nord de la France

For more infomation >> ✅ Benjamin Pavard veut manger des frites avec Jean-Paul Rouve, l'acteur lui répond «avec grand plais - Duration: 2:11.


✅ Závislost na opioidech: u žen jsou tendence častější - Duration: 2:28.

 Poté, co do auta Sarah narazil opilý řidič, utrpěla žena poranění míchy a některých nervů

Následkem toho se u ní začaly objevovat migrény a neutišitelné bolesti. Lékaři vše nejdřív řešili obstřiky, kvůli nákladnosti léčby však časem přešli na terapii opioidy

Sarah musela kvůli svému stavu opustit práci a zůstala doma s dětmi. Po čase si začala všímat, že vinou léků nemá tolik energie ani zájmu věnovat se rodině

 Cítila, že se její reakce i přemýšlení zpomalují. Celou dobu si však říkala, že dělá vše podle doporučení lékaře, a musí to tedy být v pořádku

  Nemožnost přestat  Pár let po nehodě se Sarah narodilo další dítě. Nebyla ale schopná být takovou matkou, jakou byla kdysi

 Cítila se kvůli tomu mizerně, a proto zkoušela přestat brát opioidy. Ovšem již po 12 hodinách bez léků se ocitla ve stavu, jako by na ni lezla chřipka

Pocit nemoci odezněl, až když si vzala lék. Tehdy jí naplno došlo, že něco není v pořádku

Za lékařem se ale jít bála. Cítila se zahanbeně a taky se obávala reakce okolí. Dobrý konec není samozřejmostí  Věci se ale brzo vymkly její kontrole

Aby byla schopná zaplatit stále narůstající množství léků, které potřebovala alespoň k základnímu fungování, dávala věci do zastavárny

Když to nestačilo, odnesla tam i šperky, které ukradla své matce. Jak to dopadlo? Jej rodiče obvinili z krádeže jejího manžela

Sarah se za něj ale postavila a přiznala všechny své problémy, včetně závislosti

 Po rozhovoru se svou rodinou Sarah nakonec začala se substituční terapií a se závislostí nadále úspěšně bojuje

Ženy v nebezpečí    Ženy mají obecně vyšší riziko vzniku chronické bolesti, a proto jsou jim také častěji předepisovány léky na bázi opioidů

Navíc jsou kvůli jinému hormonálnímu složení náchylnější ke vzniku závislosti než muži

Podle výzkumů se u nich také častěji než u mužů vyskytují silné touhy užít drogu

Je i více pravděpodobné, že budou léky na bázi opioidů užívat na úlevu od úzkosti nebo stresu

 Jak výše uvedený příběh ukazuje, závislost může vzniknout i zcela nenápadně a u kohokoliv

 Pokud jste v podobné situaci nebo ji pozorujete u někoho ve svém okolí, neváhejte se poradit s lékařem

 (mpr) Zdroj: www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/news/20170607/opioid-addiction-women

For more infomation >> ✅ Závislost na opioidech: u žen jsou tendence častější - Duration: 2:28.


Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.3 JTDm ECO 85pk S&S Distinctive - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Alfa Romeo MiTo 1.3 JTDm ECO 85pk S&S Distinctive - Duration: 1:12.


Full Amy Klobuchar: President Trump 'Wants To Create An Alternate Reality' | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:38.

For more infomation >> Full Amy Klobuchar: President Trump 'Wants To Create An Alternate Reality' | MTP Daily | MSNBC - Duration: 9:38.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi DynamicLine Nieuw Model, Navigatie, LM velgen, Climate- & Cruise Control * - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi DynamicLine Nieuw Model, Navigatie, LM velgen, Climate- & Cruise Control * - Duration: 1:09.


Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse GLE 350 D 4MATIC Coupé AMG Luchtvering Schuifdak Nw.Pr. € 120.308 - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLE-Klasse GLE 350 D 4MATIC Coupé AMG Luchtvering Schuifdak Nw.Pr. € 120.308 - Duration: 1:10.


PAW Patrol 'Ultimate Rescue: Police Pups' - Skye (Speedpaint/ Timelapse) - Duration: 7:05.

Hello there everyone and welcome to another video!

In this video we have Skye in her Ultimate Rescue Police Uniform.


Hope you enjoyed the video.

Thank you for watching, and I will see you in the next video!

Stay Paw-some! (Awesome)

For more infomation >> PAW Patrol 'Ultimate Rescue: Police Pups' - Skye (Speedpaint/ Timelapse) - Duration: 7:05.


Princess Diana: Photographer reveals he has 'VERY SECRET' pictures of fatal Paris crash - Duration: 2:25.

 Mr Lyons added that he had fond memories of Princess Diana, claiming she was a "great lady"

 He told talkRADIO host Saira Khan: "They're kept very, very secret. "It's a long time since I've seen the pictures, although it's imprinted on your brain

 "I remember ringing up when she'd had the accident in Paris, and three very successful tabloid editors wouldn't believe me

 "I was probably one of the first five or ten people in the world that knew what had happened

 "We just thought the princess was concussed with a broken arm at the time." "It will be remembered as one of the most momentous news events in history, since JFK

 "She was a great lady, and she loved manipulating and using us guys in the media, and she knew the power of the media

 "She was the first pop star princess, and there won't ever be anyone who comes anywhere near her

" Princess Diana died in the early hours of August 31, 1997 when her Mercedes S280 limo crashed at speed in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris while being chased by a pack of paparazzi

 Diana's boyfriend Dodi al Fayed and their driver were pronounced dead at the scene, while the former Princess of Wales was taken to Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, where she died hours later

 A Metropolitan Police inquiry, Operation Paget, was established in 2004 to investigate various conspiracy theories surrounding the incident

 It found that Diana and Fayed were killed as a result of the "gross negligence" of driver Henri Paul and the paparazzi

For more infomation >> Princess Diana: Photographer reveals he has 'VERY SECRET' pictures of fatal Paris crash - Duration: 2:25.


What is Next | Datagran - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> What is Next | Datagran - Duration: 1:25.


3D-printed guns post risk to gun control - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> 3D-printed guns post risk to gun control - Duration: 2:36.


✅ Oksana Chatchko est décédée : l'ancienne Femen s'est suicidée - Duration: 2:09.

 Les Femen sont en deuil. Le mouvement féministe activiste annonce ce mardi 24 juillet la mort de la cofondatrice du groupe, Oksana Chatchko

Elle s'est suicidée à l'âge de 31 ans précise l'AFP avertie par Inna Chevtchenko, leader de l'organisation. "Oksana a été retrouvée hier à Paris dans son appartement

Elle s'est suicidée", indique-t-elle à l'agence de presse. Ce mardi, Anna Goutsol, l'autre cofondatrice des Femen, a également confirmé le décès de la jeune femme sur Facebook

"La plus courageuse, Oksana Chatchko nous a quittés. Avec ses proches et sa famille, nous sommes en deuil et nous attendons la version officielle de la police

Pour le moment, ce que nous savons, c'est que (…) le corps d'Oksana a été retrouvé dans son appartement à Paris. Selon ses amis, elle a laissé une lettre de suicide", écrit la féministe

Elle était exilée à Paris depuis 2013 L'enquête doit donc faire la lumière sur cette mort. Depuis l'annonce du décès d'Oksana Chatchko, les hommages se multiplient notamment sur les réseaux sociaux

"RIP Oksana. (…) Garde le poing levé, tu vas avoir du boulot au paradis ! Tu es immense pour toujours", a écrit une internaute

Comme le rappelle l'AFP, la jeune femme avait fondé le mouvement féministe en 2008 avec trois autres militantes en Ukraine

Les Femen s'étaient fait connaître pour leurs actions seins nus. Exilée en France depuis 2013, la militante avait quitté le mouvement pour se consacrer à son travail d'artiste peintre

    Par Ambre L

For more infomation >> ✅ Oksana Chatchko est décédée : l'ancienne Femen s'est suicidée - Duration: 2:09.


✅ PHOTO Laurence Boccolini métamorphosée : découvrez son nouveau look qui subjugue ses fans - Duration: 2:47.

Il y a des clichés qui font tout simplement plaisir à voir. Ce 21 juillet, Laurence Boccolini a prouvé qu'elle savait rebondir comme personne

Et pour cause, ce début d'année n'a pas été des plus simples pour l'animatrice. En mars dernier, elle avait tenu à jouer cartes sur table avec ses abonnés Instagram, en levant le voile sur la maladie dont elle est atteinte depuis de longues années

Une polyarthrite rhumatoïde, maladie inflammatoire sévère qui touche les articulations et qu'elle s'efforce d'accepter. « Mon amie ma compagne douloureuse de tous les jours dans tout mon corps depuis tant d'années… Je te déteste

Mais je remercie chaque jour la force qui m'est donnée de pouvoir vivre avec cette saleté. Et elle fait partie de moi. Je fais de mon mieux

Life is good!  », avait-elle écrit sur le réseau social. De nature optimiste, la talentueuse présentatrice avait tenu bon, quelques semaines plus tard, en apprenant la mort de son amie Maurane

>>> Laurence Boccolini : son coup de gueule TRÊS drôle contre la cérémonie des Gérard Très atteinte par la disparition de la chanteuse belge dont elle était proche, Laurence Boccolini lui avait adressé de doux mots

Elle avait notamment expliqué qu'il lui était impossible de se rendre à son inhumation tant la douleur était présente. Et après avoir traversé une fête des pères sans celui qui lui a donné la vie – disparu il y a une quinzaine d'années –, la maman de Willow, 4 ans, a montré à tout le monde que son sourire était bel et bien de retour

Ce week-end, Laurence Boccolini a surpris ses admirateurs avec un cliché posté sur son compte Instagram. Attendue sur Europe 1 à la rentrée pour animer un jeu sur la tranche horaire 16h-18h, l'épouse de Mickaël Fakaïlo a attesté que cette rentrée média la comblait

Plus rayonnante que jamais, l'animatrice de 55 ans affiche une nouvelle coiffure, longue et ondulée, de nouvelles lunettes et un visage aminci

Le sourire jusqu'aux oreilles au côté d'Olivier Delacroix – lui aussi nouveau venu sur la station – la jolie blonde a comblé ses fans

« Quel changement, vous êtes radieuse », « Ne changez rien, vous êtes sublimissime ! », «  Vous êtes magnifique, je ne vous avais pas reconnue !  », pouvait-on lire en commentaires

On n'aurait pas dit mieux !

For more infomation >> ✅ PHOTO Laurence Boccolini métamorphosée : découvrez son nouveau look qui subjugue ses fans - Duration: 2:47.


Emmanuel Macron sort du silence sur l'affaire Alexandre Benalla: "le seul responsable c'est moi" - Duration: 2:45.

ALEXANDRE BENALLA - Loin des bancs des commissions d'enquête de l'Assemblée nationale et du Sénat, qui multiplient les auditions dans l'affaire Benalla, le chef de l'État s'est invité ce mardi 24 juillet au pot de fin de session de La République en marche et du MoDem à la Maison de l'Amérique latine à Paris

Dans un discours surprise, Emmanuel Macron a félicité les députés de la majorité réunis pour l'occasion, loué le bilan de cette année parlementaire, mais surtout dit quelques mots au sujet de l'affaire Alexandre Benalla, sur laquelle il est jusqu'ici resté silencieux, s'attirant les critiques de l'opposition

"Ce qui s'est passé le 1er mai a été pour moi une trahison", a-t-il dit selon des propos rapportés par les députés présents

"La République exemplaire n'empêche pas les erreurs. S'ils cherchent un responsable, il est devant vous

Le seul responsable, c'est moi et moi seul. Qu'ils viennent me chercher. Je réponds au peuple français", a-t-il ajouté

"C'est moi qui ai fait confiance à Alexandre Benalla, c'est moi qui ai confirmé la sanction"

Le président a par ailleurs fustigé "la République des fusibles, la République de la haine", toujours selon des propos rapportés par des députés à l'AFP

"On ne peut pas être chef par beau temps", a-t-il dit. La députée Aurore Bergé et la secrétaire d'État à l'égalité femmes-hommes Marlène Schiappa ont publié des tweets pour rapporter les propos du président

"Personne dans mon cabinet n'a jamais été soustrait aux lois de la République. Jamais", a aussi assuré Emmanuel Macron, qui s'est exprimé pendant "une bonne demi-heure" devant "beaucoup" de monde, selon un élu

Au sujet d'Alexandre Benalla, le président a aussi affirmé ne pas oublier "qu'il a été un militant très engagé pendant la campagne", mais a dit avoir "ressenti les actes du 1er-Mai comme une déception et une trahison"

For more infomation >> Emmanuel Macron sort du silence sur l'affaire Alexandre Benalla: "le seul responsable c'est moi" - Duration: 2:45.


High-Ticket Coaching Program Creation - Duration: 13:44.

For more infomation >> High-Ticket Coaching Program Creation - Duration: 13:44.


윈크래프트 Royal Token of Gratitude 사용법 Wynncraft How to use Royal Token of Gratitude - Duration: 0:45.

Hello, It's Karu

Let me tell you how to use Royal Token of Gratitude.

This is a token of reward for completing the WynnExcavation Site D quest.

여기는 Cinfras입니다. This is Cinfras.

You can exchange it for a necklace in the King's Merchant.

There is one element for each necklace.

Thanks for Watching.

For more infomation >> 윈크래프트 Royal Token of Gratitude 사용법 Wynncraft How to use Royal Token of Gratitude - Duration: 0:45.


✅ Benjamin Pavard veut manger des frites avec Jean-Paul Rouve, l'acteur lui répond «avec grand plais - Duration: 2:11.

 Jean-Paul Rouve a mis en ligne lundi sur son compte Instagram une vidéo dans laquelle il s'adresse directement à Benjamin Pavard

L'acteur rassure l'arrière droit de l'équipe de France au sujet de sa ressemblance capillaire supposée avec Jeff Tuche, incarné au cinéma par le comédien

 « Je suis bien d'accord avec toi, tu n'as pas du tout la même coupe de cheveux que Jeff Tuche », déclare l'acteur face à la caméra

Avant d'ajouter, en prenant l'accent nordiste de son personnage culte : « Parce que Jeff Tuche c'est plus mousseux, tu vois ? »

« Quand tu veux, on mange des frites »  Dans la courte vidéo tournée en Norvège où il passe ses vacances, Jean-Paul Rouve rebondit également sur une déclaration faite à L'Equipe Magazine par le footballeur

Benjamin Pavard, qui n'avait initialement que très peu apprécié la comparaison avec Jeff Tuche, avait finalement confié au média sportif : « Jeff Tuche, franchement, c'est marrant

D'ailleurs s'il lit cette interview, qu'il vienne manger des frites avec moi ! C'est le seul point commun que j'ai avec lui

Les cheveux, pas trop ! ».  L'acteur semble avoir saisi l'invitation au bond. « J'ai lu que tu voulais manger des frites avec moi… Avec grand plaisir ! Quand tu veux, on mange des frites

(…) Mon gars, contacte-moi et on va se manger des frites », répond Jean-Paul Rouve à son camarade lui aussi originaire du nord de la France

For more infomation >> ✅ Benjamin Pavard veut manger des frites avec Jean-Paul Rouve, l'acteur lui répond «avec grand plais - Duration: 2:11.


bimba rom ferita a roma, indagato un italiano che ha sparato dal balcone- un incidente - Duration: 2:29.

Un italiano di 59 anni, incensurato, è indagato «per lesioni gravi» per aver sparato dal balcone il colpo che ha ferito C

, una bimba rom di 13 mesi la scorsa settimana alla periferia est di Roma. L'uomo è stato a lungo interrogato lunedì e ha confermato le accuse dicendo che «si è trattato di un incidente»

Nel suo appartamento, dal quale è partito il colpo che ha ferito la piccola, gli inquirenti hanno trovato una carabina e una pistola ad aria compressa che sono state sequestrate

La bimba è stata raggiunta alla schiena — il pallino entrato nella scapola destra è arrivato vicino al cuore — da un colpo d'arma da fuoco mentre era in braccio alla madre il 18 luglio scorso

Per il momento si esclude il movente razziale, mentre la pm Roberta Capponi e il procuratore aggiunto Nunzia D'Elia, che coordinano le indagini, hanno disposto delle perizie sulle armi sequestrate e analisi balistiche utili a comprendere l'esatta dinamica del ferimento

Il colpo sarebbe stato esploso dal terrazzino dell'abitazione dell'indagato, nella zona di viale Palmiro Togliatti

L'uomo si sarebbe difeso affermando che «il colpo è partito inavvertitamente» dalla pistola che «si era inceppata» e stava cercando di far funzionare e che non aveva alcuna intenzione di ferire qualcuno: «Non mi sono accorto di aver ferito la bimba», ha detto l'uomo ai carabinieri della compagnia Casilina che indagano su quanto accaduto

La Procura disporrà una perizia sulle armi e consulenze balistica. La piccola è ricoverata condizioni stabili ma tuttora gravi all'Ospedale Bambino Gesù: rischia di restare paralizzata

For more infomation >> bimba rom ferita a roma, indagato un italiano che ha sparato dal balcone- un incidente - Duration: 2:29.


Closed Caption Test 2018-07-24 D - Duration: 11:05.

For more infomation >> Closed Caption Test 2018-07-24 D - Duration: 11:05.


Demi Lovato 'rushed to hospital for heroin overdose' after revealing she'd fallen off the wagon in e - Duration: 7:33.

 Demi Lovato has been rushed to hospital after suffering what appears to be a heroin overdose, according to US reports

 The Cool For The Summer hitmaker was taken from her home in the Hollywood Hills just before noon on Tuesday

 It's said that she was found unconscious by paramedics when they arrived at her home

 "LAPD and LAFD responded to a medical emergency at the 8000 block of Laurel View Dr

at 11:40 a.m," law enforcement told People magazine.  A representative for the Los Angeles Fire Department added that they "transported a 25-year-old female patient to a local hospital

"  TMZ, who broke the story, say she is currently being treated, but that her condition is unknown, however, People magazine say she is "okay and stable"

 Demi, 25, has fought addiction and substance abuse for years, and has been open about her battles and her stint in rehab

 For a while, the star lived in a sober living home after being released from a treatment center

 She had been sober from cocaine for six years.  After the news broke, country music star Brad Paisley took to Twitter to say he was praying for his friend

 He wrote: "My friend @ddlovato is one of the kindest, most talented people I've ever met

Praying for her right now, addiction is a terrifying disease. There is no one more honest or brave than this woman

"  Ariana Grande tweeted: "i love you @ddlovato"  Lily Allen also posted, saying: "Poor beautiful spirit @ddlovato I hope she's ok, and that she makes a full recovery soon

"  Victoria Justice said: "Praying for Demi Lovato Very sad to hear this news."  Just last month, she released a song called Sober, which detailed how she had fallen off the wagon

 A live video saw her get emotional as she performed the song in front of an audience for the first time

 And sources tell the US site that Demi was scheduled to go back on the road this week but that she had been "struggling"

 Demi laid her issues bare in new single Sober, apologising to her parents, her fans, and future lovers for her battle with alcohol

 The star, who rose to fame as a youngster in Disney Channel Original Movie Camp Rock, has spoken very openly about her struggles with alcohol, substances and self-harm in the past, and the lyrics to this song are no different

 The track repeats the line: "I'm so sorry I'm not sober anymore". Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  It quickly racked up millions of views on YouTube

 Some of the lyrics that have worried fans are significantly more personal than any of her previous songs

 The lyrics suggested that Demi had broken her sobriety. The star celebrated six years of being sober earlier this year

 In the song, Demi apologised to her parents: "Mommy, I'm so sorry I'm not sober anymore

 "Daddy please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor."  She also speaks of her aspirations: "I wanna be a role model, but I'm only human"  The song ends with another apology and a pledge to fans: "I'm sorry that I'm here again, I promise I'll get help"  In 2017, the star opened up about her struggles with alcohol, but told fans that she had been sober for five years

 She said: "I couldn't have done it without my higher power (God)"  The singer also thanked her family, friends and everyone else by her side

 Demi has visited rehab for addiction troubles in the past. She admitted in 2013 that she could no longer enjoy alcohol in a "responsible" way

 Speaking in 2013 , Demi said: "Some people can smoke and drink recreationally.  "I'm not one of those people

 "If I do that, it will spiral out of control very quickly. I've lost the privilege of being able to drink responsibly

"  Demi has also spoken about other struggles around self esteem and mental health, but she has suggested that she's struggled more with alcohol and drugs than her eating disorder

For more infomation >> Demi Lovato 'rushed to hospital for heroin overdose' after revealing she'd fallen off the wagon in e - Duration: 7:33.


The cringe is real - Duration: 0:57.

Say "Hi"

Did you ask me to play a prank on someone-

OH! You brought the camera back!


( some random crap )



Hiwe I'm Papy from undertale!

Actually I'm sans.

Yes she is da sans

( she dabs )

oh boy-_-

The cringe is real

I'm trying to put DA CHICKEN ON MY BACKPACK!


Then you hold the camera

She solves all of my problems!


For more infomation >> The cringe is real - Duration: 0:57.


Tales from the Crypt (1972) - Español Latino - Película Completa - Duration: 1:32:20.

Stay as close as you can, please.

In the reign of Henry VIII...

when the monasteries in England were dissolved...

and the occupants tortured...

beheaded in public or murdered secretly...

some went into hiding to worship as they pleased.

It is the decaying bodies and skeletons of these religious martyrs...

that you will see on your tour.

These catacombs are dangerous.

And I must warn you to stay with me...

and not lose your way.

Please keep close together.

- My brooch! - Hmm?

I must have dropped it somewhere.

[Sighs] Thank you.

Well, which way shall we go?

Well, it's a toss-up. Let's try this way.

- Dead end. - Sorry. Wrong guess.


[Door Scraping Ground]

Well, there's no way out of here. Let's go back.

[Door Scraping Ground]

There's no way out there.

- Who are you? - Where did you come from?

All in good time.

Look, how do we get out of here?

- All in good time. - I'm in a hurry!

It can wait.

- It really can't wait. I have an appointment. - Sit.

All of you.

Please sit down.

Sit down.

I assure you, I have a purpose.

What purpose?

Why did you come in here?

I don't know. I was just driving by and...

something made me.

And what are your plans when you leave here?



[Choir Singing]

"To Joanne. The best wife in the world.

Love from Richard." And a big kiss.

[Choir Continues]

- [Thudding] - [Grunting]

[Choir Continues]

Merry Christmas.

[Choir Continues]


[Girl] Mummy! Mummy!

Just a minute, darling.

Mummy will be right up.

[Choir Resumes Singing On Radio]

- Mummy! - I'm coming, Carol!

- Carol, darling, what's the matter? - Did Santa come yet?

No, darling, not yet. You be a good girl and go on to sleep.

- Can I see him when he comes? - We'll see.

Now you be a good girl and go to sleep. Otherwise, Santa won't come.

- What's this? - Nothing. Just a Christmas card from Daddy.

- All right? Good night. - Good night, Mummy.

- Night, Daddy! - [Door Closes]

[Choir Continues Singing]

[Man On Radio] We interrupt this program for a special announcement.

A man described as a homicidal maniac...

has escaped from the hospital for the criminally insane.

He is 6 foot 3 inches tall...

210 pounds, dark eyes, bald...

and may be wearing a Santa Claus costume...

taken from a shop in Burley.

All residents of the county are warned to be on the lookout for this man...

and to phone the police if they see him.

We now continue our program of carols for Christmas eve.


[Choir Singing]

[Bell Jingling]


[Doorknob Rattling]

[Choir Continues]

- [Grunting] - [Screams]

[Choir Continues]




[Choir Singing]


[Choir Continues]


[Choir Singing]


[Choir Continues]




Carol! Carol.

Carol, where are you?

Carol. Carol!

Oh, no.


[Bell Jingling]

He's here, Mummy! I let him in. It's Santa!




[Wood Poker Clatters]

Nonsense. I have no inten...

Hadn't you?

And you?

I'm on my way home to see my wife and children.

- And then? - Hmm?

And then?

And then?

[Easy Listening]

- Well, I'm all set. - Must you go tonight, Carl?

Can't you leave it till the morning?

No, I'm afraid I can't.

My appointment's in the morning. I'll have to drive all night to make it.

When will you be back?

I, uh... I don't know. We'll have to see how it works out.

I'll, um... I'll phone you.

Did you say good night to the kids?

No. I was just going to.

Good night, Daddy.

Good-bye, darling.

Don't forget to ring me when you get there.

I will. Good-bye, darling.

- Bye. Drive carefully. - Yes, right.

[Sets Parking Brake]

The removal men came this morning.

Yeah, well, so I see.

- It should all be there by the time we get there. - Yeah.

- A shame to give up a nice flat like this. - Yes, I know that, darling.

But we've both had to give up quite a bit, haven't we?

I love you, Susan. You know that, don't you?

Yes, of course I do.

You meet someone, and suddenly that's it.

I kissed my kids tonight and... and...

Oh, for hell's sake! I mean, it will be worth it, won't it, for both of us?

Of course it will.

You are tired. Let me drive.

Yeah, okay.

No. No.

No. No!


No. No!

I'm sorry. Bad dream.

[Horn Honking]

- Look out! - [Tires Screeching]


[Loud Crashing]



Susan, where are you?



You crazy fool! Do you want to get yourself kill...


[Footsteps Approaching]

- Darling. - [Screams]



[Woman Sobbing]

What's the matter then? Look.

- Well, pull yourself together. What's the matter? - [Sobbing]

Come on now.

[Doorbell Buzzing]

- Yes? - Susan!

- Who is it? - It's me, Carl.


Carl... It can't be.

"Can't be"? What do you mean?

Carl was...

Where have you been?

Please go away.

Look, I've been worried out of my mind.

What's happened?

The furniture.

I don't understand. How'd it...

I brought it back after the crash.

- Huh? - And I was blinded.


And Carl was killed.


Two years ago.


I'm sorry. Bad dream.

[Horn Honking]

- Look out! - [Tires Screeching]


[Loud Crashing]

So that is why you were in a hurry?

- To leave your wife and children? - What do you mean?

How do you... Who are you?

I assure you, I have a purpose.

- What sort of game are you playing? - Game?

You're trying to frighten us in some way.

What do you want?

To show you something.

Something in your own mind.

Something you are capable of doing.

I don't wanna know.

Oh, but you must know.

You must.

[Children Chattering, Laughing]

[Chattering, Laughter Continue]

Thank you.

- We knew it was you. - You knew it was me?

Dear old Punch though, he's very nice, isn't he?

Ah, I know some of you have to get home rather soon.

So there's your little present, my dear. There.

- Thank you, Mr. Grimsdyke. - That's all right.

Now shall I tell you something? My wife's name was Helen. Mary Helen Grimsdyke.

I always called her Helen. It's a nice name, isn't it? Yeah.

- Bye-bye then. - Come on, Mark. Come on, Julie.

Come and sit here. Bye-bye, Mark. Bye-bye, Julie.

- [Barking] - Bye.


Two little dickey birds sitting on a wall.

One named Peter. One named Paul.

Fly away, Peter. Fly away, Paul.

Come back, Peter. Come back, Paul.

That's it. [Laughs] You think you could do that?


What are you looking at?

Grimsdyke, of course.

His usual shell out to the kids.

He does it every year on his birthday.

- I don't know how you stand it. - Stand what?

Living across the road from that man.

He's a rubbish collector. A dustman.

His place is an eyesore.

The toys he give those kids he finds in the rubbish heap and repairs.

- Why doesn't he sell out? - I've made him offers.

He's... He's sentimental about that old dump.

Says he and his wife lived there for their whole married life.

And now he wants to die there, just as she did.

Well, it ruins the neighborhood and depreciates the value of our property.

The inside must be like a pigsty.

He owns the place free and clear.

Nothing we can do about it.

- Bye-bye. See you tomorrow. Shut the gate. - [Barking]


Isn't there?

[Footsteps In Distance]

What on earth have you been doing?

Somebody's just made an awful mess of Mr. Baker's garden.

Poor Grimsdyke's neighbor. He was so proud of his prize roses.

[Man] My prize roses.

Years of hard work.

It's Grimsdyke's dogs for sure.

This is too much. I'd like to make an official complaint.

- [Whimpers] - But you mustn't take them away.

They're my friends. Sergeant, please.

It's a court order, and they don't have licenses.

- I couldn't afford licenses. - I'm sorry, Mr. Grimsdyke.

Sergeant, please.

- [Dogs Whimpering] - [Door Closing]

[Van Departs]

Darling. Darling?

Are you there, darling?

Are you there, darling?

Can you hear me?

Can you hear me?

Is there any... anything you wish to tell me?

Ah! [Shudders]

Give me the message.

D... D...


Danger. Danger?

Who to? Who to?

Is it one of the children?

Who to?

Just think it over, Councillor Ramsey.

Grimsdyke's due to retire in two years.

He's done his job well. There's no reason why the town council...

He's too old. Don't you think a younger man...

He'd lose his retirement pay.

And save the town some money.

Poor old Grimsdyke.

I do believe he's out of a job.


Flowers are a little wilted, aren't they, my dear?

God bless you.

Plenty more in the garden. I'll get you some tomorrow.

[Dog Barking]


- [Chuckling] - [Barking]

Jamie! Jamie! My little Jamie.

Oh, I wondered where you were.

Oh, I'm so glad they didn't get you.

Welcome home. Oh. Better save money now, hadn't we?

Hey, look. Helen, look who's come back. Our little Jamie.

Ah, that's wonderful. You're our only friend now. You and the children.

We thought it might be neighborly to let you know what was going on.

It's very kind of you to draw our attention to this, Mr. Elliot.

It's so difficult to know what one's children get up to when they're out of one's sight.

After all, last year I remember...

You can tell from looking at his house what a filthy old man he is.

Constantly filling it with children.

Heaven knows what his motivations are.

Now don't forget what I said. Just stay away from him.

But, Mummy, he's such a nice old man.

Don't argue with me. You're not to see him again ever.

Why don't you go and play in our garden?

And don't take any more sweets from him.

Carrying rubbish all day. His house must be filthy.

You and your Mr. Grimsdyke. Now, remember, I don't want you to go anywhere near him.

- Oh, Mum... - And that's final.

I don't understand it.

Everyone was so kind. [Sniffles]

Now this. No work.

No children.

No one to make toys for.

Well, never mind.

We've always got each other, haven't we, my dear?

Mmm. That's all that matters.

Just one more turn of the screw...

and he'll sell his property for next to nothing.

What's on your mind?

Valentine's Day.

- It's just two weeks away. - So?

We'll send him valentines...

from everyone in town.

- Oh. - Lots of mail for you today, Mr. Grimsdyke.

Good morning. Thank you very much.

Well, how very kind.

My dear, look.

It's not even Christmas, is it?

Not that it makes any difference if it is or not.

Who could be writing to us? Let's see here.

Oh! It's a valentine card.

But you're my only sweetheart. Who can this be?

"Noisy are children, loud is a bell...

pungent is perfume, but you only smell."

Hmm? "Noisy are children, loud is a bell...

pungent is perfume, but you only smell."

Why, I don't think I like that.

Let's see what we have here.

"A tree is beautiful if its owner prunes it...

"but our town isn't...

'cause your presence ruins it."


[Opening Envelope]

"Some people live in the country.

"Some people live in the town.

"Why don't you do us a service?

Jump in the river and..."

[Dog Howling]

[Howling Continues]

What's Grimsdyke been doing to that mongrel?

He hasn't stopped whining for a week.

You know, come to think of it...

I haven't seen Grimsdyke for days.

Not since Valentine's Day.

He can't be far away if the door's open.

This place is spotless.

I thought it'd be filthy.


[Man] "But the merciful goodness of the Lord endured forever and ever...

- [Whining] - "Upon them that fear him...

"and his righteousness upon his children's children.

"For as much as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy...

to take unto himself the soul of our dear brother"...

Arthur Edward Grimsdyke. "Here departed.

"We therefore commit his body to the ground.

- "Earth to earth, ashes to ashes... - [Dirt Falling On Coffin]

"Dust to dust.

"In sure and certain hope of the resurrection to eternal life...

through our Lord Jesus Christ"...

It was kind of you to pay for the burial.

It was the least I could do.

He was a neighbor.

What's that?

Valentine's cards.

The ones left over from last year when...

- Must be a year ago. - Today.

It's Valentine's Day. February the 14th.

A year ago exactly.


I'm going to bed. See you in the morning.




"You were mean...

"and cruel...

"right from the start.

"Now you really have...



It's true.

It's true.

I didn't...

don't like Grimsdyke.

What am I doing here?

[Monk] You'll see.

[Door Opens, Closes]

Well, that's it, Ralph, I'm afraid.

It's all gone.

- Everything? - More than everything. You have debts.

I did warn you, didn't I, not to use the money that had been entrusted to you?

- The risks were far too great. - The risks?

The gains could've been enormous.


What do I do now?

Well, you have two choices.

First, bankruptcy.

And according to you, that would be dishonorable, wouldn't it?

Oh, come on. Let's face it.

You've done dishonorable things in your life before, in your business life.

Hard, ruthless... oh, perhaps even cruel.

Yes, to build up the Jason empire, sometimes I had to be.

- No one has to be. - I did.

Oh, it's easy to talk, but I had to fight my way up the hard way.

If people got hurt, they got hurt.

But I always paid my debts.

No, I'm not going into bankruptcy.

Well, if you intend to try and pay off your debts...

you'll have to start selling things, things of value...

properties, your paintings... everything.

My house? All the beautiful things I've acquired during the years?

It's the only way.

I won't do it.

I'm afraid you'll have to.

So, there's nothing else for it.

We have to sell.

Oh, I know it's a blow.

Our whole life's in them. Everything we've collected all over the world.

I remember that one.

We got it in that strange shop in Hong Kong...

when you were selling guns to...

Do you remember what the little man in the shop said to us when he sold it to us?

Yes. "Use it"... "Use it wisely."

Hmm! I wonder what he meant by that.

Ralph, have you...

have you ever seen this writing that's inscribed on the bottom of this statuette?

- Writing? - Hmm, yes, here at the base.

"Three wishes I give and no more...

"to each owner of me...

"so keep score.

"Each wish will come true...

so take care what you do."

I can't read the rest, but the last word is...

- "deplore." - What does it all mean?

"Use it wisely."

If only it could give us three wishes.

That's storybook nonsense.

- But it reminds me of a tale I once read. What was it? - We could pay all our debts.

- "The Monkey's Paw." That's what it was. - I wish...

I read it when I was at school.

I wish for lots and lots of money.

- Oh, no, no! - Too late. I already have.

And I've just remembered what happened at the end of the story.

Why, you said yourself, it was just a story...

- like our three wishes. - [Phone Ringing]

Hello? Oh, hello, Charles.

- I'd like you to come down to my office. - What, right now?

- Yes, straightaway. - What's it all about?

It's very important. It's about money.

I'd like you to come straightaway.

I'll be right there.

That's Charles. He wants me to go and see him right away.

- He said something about money. - Money?

[Birds Chirping]

- Maybe our wish will come true after all. - [Car Engine Starting]


- Hello? - [Man On Phone] Is that Mr. Gregory?

- Yes, yes, speaking. - I'm sorry to tell you, sir, but your client, Ralph Jason...

has been killed in a car crash.

- In his car? - Yes, on the road about 10 miles from his home.

Well, uh, have you told Enid... Mrs. Jason yet?

No, not yet.

We found some letters from you in his pocket.

They indicate that you're not only his solicitor but a close friend of the family.

We thought it better that you break the news.

Yes, yes. Yes, of course.

Leave it to me.

- I'll tell her. - Thank you, sir.

Ralph? Dead?

They found him in the wreckage of his car.

He'd obviously lost control, skidded.


Enid, this may not be the best moment to talk about this, but, uh...

it may alleviate some of your other worries.

You realize this accident makes you a rich woman.


Ralph's insurance. He always carried a large policy...

with a double indemnity against accident.

Oh, Charles, I wished for lots and lots of money. Ralph warned me not to.

- No, that's a coincidence, surely. - No, it's no coincidence.

That statuette...

It gave us three wishes.

I used one of them to wish for lots and lots of money.

Now I'm going to wish for Ralph back.


Do you know the story of "The Monkey's Paw"?

That's the story of the old couple who are given a monkey's paw...

which entitles them to three wishes.

They wish for money, and they get the money...

because their son is killed...

in a machine in his factory, crushed.

- Enid. You mustn't wish Ralph back. - Why not?

Well, in the story, this mother wishes her son back, and he does come back...

but in the condition in which he died... mutilated, mangled, torn.

[Enid] I must be careful not to make the same mistake.

I shall wish that Ralph were back as he was before the accident.

I wish...

Ralph were back exactly as he was...

immediately before the accident.



- Open it! Quickly! - No, no. Don't look.

His body was mangled in the crash.

Mangled? It wasn't mangled.

Mr. Jason died of a heart attack at the wheel.

[Door Closes]

I wished to bring him back as he was immediately before the accident.

But he was already dead... dead from a heart attack. So the accident didn't kill him.

- Only one more wish. - Enid...

- Please go away. Leave me alone. - Please...

I want to be alone with him, please.

Only one more wish.

Only one.

I mustn't waste it. I must be careful.

Oh, please, please...

I wish Ralph were alive now.

I don't want him to die ever.

I want him moving, breathing, talking, alive...

now, forever!


- Ralph! - Oh, Enid!

Ralph! Charles!

- Help me! - What's happened?

- Oh! - [Charles] What have you done?

I wished alive again... forever!

Don't you realize he's been embalmed? His veins are filled with embalming fluid...

- burning into him! - Oh, no!


Enid! Do something!

[Screaming Continues]

For God's sake, Enid! Help me!

No, no! Enid, don't!

- Aah! Aah! - [Enid Grunting]

But don't you see? You wished him alive forever!

You can't kill him! Every piece of him is alive still!

Alive and... and suffering...



[Man] Well, what did you see?

- What did he see? - What's more important is what you will see.

Who are you? What do you want with us?

- To warn you of what may happen. - I don't care about your warnings.

- I want to get out of here. - Very well.

But you should heed the warning.


[Birds Chirping]

[Parking Brake Cranks]

- Mr. Rogers? - Major Rogers.

Show me to my quarters and have somebody get my kit in, will you?

- Shane, here. - [Barking]

Good boy.


There were pictures on the wall. Where have they gone?

Personal property of your predecessor, sir.

Well, we must get some more.

I'll go down to London, have a look around the galleries.

Where are the men... uh, the patients?

They've gone to lunch, sir.

You mean dinner, don't you?

Bon appétit, Mr. Carter.

Thank you, Harry.

[Men Chattering]

[Man Coughs]

Good morning.

My name is Rogers. Major William Rogers.

I've been appointed your new superintendent here, and take up my duties today.

I've had considerable experience in dealing with men as an officer in the army.

I promise you I will do this job to the best of my ability.

I hope we'll all get along well.

If there are any complaints...

I shall be pleased to deal with them in my office at any time.

- Good morning. - [All Mumbling] Good morning.


- Shane. - [Barking]

[Door Closes]

Well, Shane...

after I've made a few changes...

I think we're gonna like it here.

[Wind Whistling]

Stone cold.

- It's always like that now. - [Coughing]


All right, old boy?

All right.

I'll get you an extra blanket.

- [Knocking] - Yes?

The men have asked me to come and talk to you.


It's about the heating.

It's been very cold these past few nights. We wondered if you...

For reasons of economy, the heating is now turned off each evening at 2000 hours.

You should all be in bed by then. After all, there's no point in staying up.

- You can't see anything. - The beds are cold.

There aren't enough blankets.

I'm trying to run this place as efficiently and as economically as I can.

I'm afraid the current budget does not include the costs of new blankets.

Do you know anything about blind people?

No, I can't say I do, until I took over this job.

But I was in the army for over 20 years, and I learned to handle all kinds of men there.

With all due respect, sir, we are not soldiers.

And blind people are not like people with sight.

We have lost one sense...

but the loss of that one sense only tends to sharpen the others.

Do you know what that means?

We feel things more acutely.

If food is bad, it tastes worse to us.

If a room is dirty, we feel every speck.

If an insect scurries across the floor, we hear it.

And if it's cold, we feel the cold more.

Why don't you sell that painting and buy us fuel or extra blankets?

I was not aware that the administration of expenditure for this establishment...

had been handed over to you, Mr. Carter.

Good morning.

[Door Slams]

- Dishwater. - Filthy muck.

There's no meat in it.

Sorry, dad, there ain't no more.

No second helping?

Well, rations were cut, you see?

Superintendent says he's doing the best he can with prices so high.

It's customary to knock on the door of a private office.

What do you want? Can't you see I'm having my lunch?

What is it? Nice juicy steak, while we get nothing but slop?

I do the best I can for you within the limits of the budget provided for me.

- But you eat meat... and drink wine. - I am the officer in charge.

- This isn't the bloody army! - Mr. Carter!

In the kingdom of the blind, even the one-eyed man is king.

- Shane! - [Barking]

Shane, stay.






Get a doctor.

Do you realize it's gone midnight?

Doctor! Who wants a doctor?

It's Greenwood, sir.

Well, can't it wait till the morning?

He's ill, sir. Very ill.

Well, I suppose I'd better take a look.


Shane, wait.


[Wind Whistling]

Well, which one is Greenwood?

The man is dead.

Very well.





What the hell do you think you're doing? Go back to your rooms, all of you!

It's our turn to give the orders now...

Major Rogers, sir.

Well, what... what is it? What...

Wh-What do you want?

[Footsteps Approaching]

[Chattering, Grunting]

[Door Slams]


Let me out of here!

Let me out!

[Shane Whining]

- Shane. - [Barking]


All right, boy. All right. All right, boy.

What are you doing to my dog?

What are you doing to my dog?

[Birds Chirping]

- [Clattering] - [Shane Growling]


[Barking In Distance]

[Grunting] Let me go!

Let me go!

[Grunts] Let me go!

Let me go!

[Grunts] Let me go!

[Barking Continues]

Your dog seems to be getting hungry, Major Rogers.

Feed him, please. Please, feed him.

All in good time.

Yes, but you must feed him. He... He'll be dangerous. He'll go wild, berserk!

I know, Major Rogers, sir.

[Barking Continues]

[Clattering Continues]

What are you... doing out there?

You'll see... soon enough.

Look, give me something to eat, please. Please!

I haven't had anything to eat or drink for over two days. Please, please!

Well, at least feed my dog, please!

He'll be fed, all right...

Major Rogers, sir.

[Wood Scraping]


[Shane Snarling In Distance]








No! Shane! [Screams]

What is all this?

I'm on my way to a new job.

I don't know... why I stopped here.

I do.

Now you may go.


[Thunder Rumbling]

But how can we... Where are we?

In a place where people go who have died without repentance.

You see, I wasn't warning you...

but telling you why you are here...

for all eternity.


And now...

who's next?

Perhaps you?


For more infomation >> Tales from the Crypt (1972) - Español Latino - Película Completa - Duration: 1:32:20.


Explore with Luxury Yacht PLANET NINE for Charter by 1800yachtcharters - Duration: 1:59.

Explore with luxury yacht PLANET NINE for charter by 1-800 Yacht Charters

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For more infomation >> Explore with Luxury Yacht PLANET NINE for Charter by 1800yachtcharters - Duration: 1:59.


F-22보다 뛰어난 성능에도 묻혀버린 비운의 전투기 - Duration: 12:04.

For more infomation >> F-22보다 뛰어난 성능에도 묻혀버린 비운의 전투기 - Duration: 12:04.


Immigrants found hidden in duffel bags - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Immigrants found hidden in duffel bags - Duration: 0:31.


BIOS LED Grow Lighting: Medici [Part 3 - Learning Through Science] - Duration: 5:03.

Welcome to Medici! Join us as we introduce Medici Products and Solutions

from humble beginnings to a giant future this family business is not afraid of

testing new technology and pushing the boundaries of science. Follow our journey

and get an inside look into what makes Medici Products and Solutions a company

of Master cultivators and leaders in compassionate care for the state of

Rhode Island and beyond.

A few months back I visited a customer site in Rhode Island where I toured the facility and interviewed several employees.

Welcome to Medici!

As it turns out they not only love our LED lights but they're not afraid to

experiment, try new things, and observe changes.

It forced us to use other technologies to dial it in where we weren't before... which has improved our

grow on all facets including HPS, where we're not just

guessing anymore.

Setting up experimental design can be challenging, especially when you're dealing with plants.

I'm absorbing all the information I can. In my spare time I do...reading about the plants and how all that works. Just trying to constantly expand my knowledge.

I loved Chris's explanation of how important it is to measure and monitor light, something he

didn't do when he grew with just HPS.

I'm so used to dealing with sodium lights,

high-pressure sodium lights that...you know, those were easy. I don't need a meter to

tell those, I can tell with my eyes, I can tell my hand... I can put my hand on it.

If it's too hot then move the light up, it has a heat signature it has only one light source

we're used to those... I started with them, I knew that if the plants got to close they

burned, whereas with LEDs it's not quite the same.

I can't put my hand on the plant and say oh this is too much light.

I have to use a meter.

More often these days we're seeing customers measure and

monitor light levels. It's just as important as measuring nutrient levels,

pH, and temperature... and speaking of temperature hear what Chris had to say

when he increased the temperature for his LED room. He was trying to compensate

for less heat from HPS, but it had a very negative effect.

Some of the research we

did said run the room hotter so that you get the leaf temperature up, we found that not to be true.

We kept the heat between 84 and 86 and we found that much too high.

When we run it hotter we get what we expected to get, which is stretching

and that became an issue, we ran out of ceiling height.

We had to break all the plants to lower and let them heal themselves, which cost us yield.

We since backed it down to between 76 and 78 degrees, and that's made all the difference.

Another point Chris made on the visit was a possibility of re-veg if your green 'safe light' is too close to the plants.

Plants utilize a wide range of wavelength photons so putting them too

close can actually put them back into vegetative state. Hear what Chris had to

say about that.

I mean we use green lights not because they're so much plant safe

but because you can have such a low level of light and still be able to see

cause your eye picks it up so well. That's why we use it. People have a

misconception that green plants don't absorb green light which is not the

truth. However if you were to have 1 to 2 micro moles of a white light, or a blue light, or a

red light you wouldn't be able to see a hand in front of your face,

you would be able to work in there like you can with the green lights because

the green lights, visually, you're able to see much better. And that's why we use green lights.

They are a little more plant safe than white light.

But not much. They're not safe... They have a huge impact.

So you're not using that green light much now? No, only when we have to.

If something goes wrong, something breaks, something like that.

Because it will put them back in reveg.

It's just bright enough where it would affect them.

Well there you have it, it can be challenging... but staying on top of the research, testing specific parameters,

carefully monitoring, and trying new things can really pay off.

By experimenting we've learned a lot, and we're going to implement that in Massachusetts, in the new facility.

Stay tuned to learn more about why and how Medici adopted LED technology in their Rhode Island facility, and how they're

incorporating it into their rapidly expanding business in Massachusetts.

For more infomation >> BIOS LED Grow Lighting: Medici [Part 3 - Learning Through Science] - Duration: 5:03.


✅ Demi Lovato 'stable' after apparent overdose: A look at her struggles with drugs and alcohol - Duration: 6:06.

Demi Lovato is stable following an apparent overdose.Yahoo Entertainment confirmed the singer was rushed to the hospital Tuesday for a medical emergency

TMZ reports that when paramedics arrived at Lovato's home, the 25-year-old singer was unconscious; she was revived with Narcan, an emergency treatment for narcotic overdoses

TMZ claims she suffered what appeared to be a heroin overdose; however, People cites a source refuting it was that drug. Regardless, the good news is that Lovato she OK

The scary incident comes one month after Lovato released her personal new ballad "Sober," in which she sings about falling off the wagon

Although the former Disney star didn't elaborate on what caused her to relapse, Lovato has been open about battling alcohol and substance abuse — namely cocaine and prescription pills — in the past

She has never mentioned heroin.In her 2017 YouTube documentary Simply Complicated, Lovato revealed that she began using drugs at age 17

"I felt out of control the first time I did it. My dad was an addict and an alcoholic," she admitted. "Guess I always searched for what he found in drugs and alcohol because it fulfilled him and he chose that over a family

"The former Camp Rock star first went to rehab in 2010. Along with seeking treatment for alcohol and drugs, she received therapy for an eating disorder and self-harming

However, she relapsed shortly after leaving."I wasn't working my program, I wasn't ready to get sober. I was sneaking [cocaine] on planes, I was sneaking it in bathrooms, sneaking it throughout the night," she explained in Simply Complicated

"I went on a bender of, like, two months where I was using daily. … There was one night when I used a bunch of coke and I popped a few Xanax bars, and I began to choke a little bit

My heart started racing, and I thought to myself, 'Oh my God, I might be overdosing right now.'"Lovato — who was also diagnosed as bipolar — said she went through "about 20" different sober companions

When her whole team threatened to walk out on her unless she got help, she entered rehab again in 2012.In March, the "Skyscraper" singer celebrated six years of sobriety

She opened up about the triumph during an emotional moment at one of her concerts: "Yesterday, six years ago, I was drinking vodka out of a Sprite bottle at nine in the morning, throwing up in the car, and I just remember thinking, 'This is no longer cute

This is no longer fun. And I'm just like my dad.' So I made changes in my life. … The reason why I became so open about my story is because I know that there are people here tonight that need to ask for help, and I want them to know that it's OK

Mental health is something that we all need to talk about, and we need to take the stigma away from it. So let's raise the awareness

Let's let everybody know it's OK to have a mental illness and addiction problem."But signs of trouble surfaced in April. While enjoying a night out with Disney alums in Hollywood, it appeared Lovato was holding a drink in one photo

She defended herself online, saying "it was red bull."Lovato began cryptically tweeting about her "truth" and starting a "new chapter

" Weeks later she dropped one of her most emotional singles to date, "Sober.""Mama, I'm so sorry I'm not sober anymore / And daddy please forgive me for the drinks spilled on the floor," she sings

"To the ones who never left me / We've been down this road before I'm so sorry, I'm not sober anymore." Another lyric reads, "And I'm sorry for the fans I lost who watched me fall again / I wanna be a role model, but I'm only human

"Shortly after the song's release, she got a new tattoo on her pinky finger that says "Free" in cursive. However, some were concerned when reports surfaced of a rift between Lovato and her longtime life coach and sober companion, Mike Bayer

He is also the CEO of CAST Centers, a treatment center co-owned by Lovato.Whispers of trouble continued when Lovato appeared to hit the nightclub scene again

Last week, a Radar Online report claimed the singer had been going "off the rails" over the past two months. "Demi relapsed about two months ago because she stopped the accountability portion of her recovery

No one can get her attention. Her team tried to hire a sober coach, and she went nuts," a source said.Lovato has also apparently been hanging with a new, partying crowd including rapper G-Eazy

Although he denied they were dating, some close to Lovato were allegedly concerned about the new friendship given he was arrested for cocaine possession in May

Last week, she cryptically tweeted about making mistakes.But it has seemed like business as usual for the star on social media this week

She shared her excitement about making new music ahead of a performance on Sunday.And even promoted tonight's appearance on Fox's Beat Shazam five hours ago

Lovato's Thursday concert in Atlantic City has been canceled. Fox has also pulled her Beat Shazam episode, which was scheduled to air tonight

Yahoo Entertainment reached out to a representative for Lovato for comment, but did not immediately receive a response.Read more from Yahoo Entertainment:Demi Lovato reportedly hospitalized for heroin overdoseDemi Lovato Says She Was Suicidal at Age 7: 'I Had This Fascination With Death'G-Eazy Shuts Down Demi Lovato Romance Rumors, Calls Her 'Just a Friend' After Split from Halsey

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