Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Youtube daily report Jul 25 2018

Skyler - Wait no!

Skyler - I lose...

Skyler - My Prince

Skyler - W-wait, where I am?!

??? - He's a cat!

??? - Cat...

??? - I don't want you!

??? - Why?

??? - He's purrfect!

??? - Reasons!

??? - Senpai can you give the second chance?

??? - No...

Skyler - Can I ask you something?

??? - Sure!

Skyler - Why this girl won't leave you alone?

??? - She~ is a little obsessed with me

??? - By the way!

??? - What's your name?

Skyler - Skyler

Somebody is blushing .O.

Skyler - Hello!

??? - Hello

Skyler - I'm Skyler!

Alison - I'm Alison!

Skyler - Nice to meet you!

Alison - Me too!

Alison - Wait your the new student, right?

Skyler - Yeah!

Alison - Oh no...

??? - Alison go away

Alison - I get it!

??? - Your Skyler?

Skyler - Y-yeah...

Melisa - I'm Melisa!

Melisa - Do not dare to touch my green kitten

Skyler - What kitty?

Melisa - YOU GET IT?!

Skyler - HELP!!!



Jake - GO AWAY!

Jake - Look I'm so~

Skyler - Look at me ... I can not even defend myself

For more infomation >> A New World | Robloxian High School | GachaVerse Series | Episode 1 - Duration: 3:39.


New Num Noms Snow Cones

For more infomation >> New Num Noms Snow Cones


SMUTNÁ PRAVDA o výchově George a Charlotte: Ve srovnání s princem se na princeznu kašle! - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> SMUTNÁ PRAVDA o výchově George a Charlotte: Ve srovnání s princem se na princeznu kašle! - Duration: 3:37.





Pourquoi c'est important de savoir s'entourer - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi c'est important de savoir s'entourer - Duration: 3:36.


Mazda 3 1.6 S-VT TOURING Airco Elektr. ramen Trekhaak APK 30-03-2019 Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Mazda 3 1.6 S-VT TOURING Airco Elektr. ramen Trekhaak APK 30-03-2019 Inruil mogelijk - Duration: 1:11.


Mircea captain of Semi Submarine for children Budva Montenegro Melissa guide to the underwater world - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> Mircea captain of Semi Submarine for children Budva Montenegro Melissa guide to the underwater world - Duration: 15:11.


#1 Spinning and Weaving in Seidr - Duration: 24:53.

Hello my dear friends, my name is Arith Härger and today I'm going to talk about Spinning and Weaving and its use in Seidr

The previous videos was about Seidr and I kept telling you spinning and Weaving was an important art within the magical practice of Seidr

I didn't explain that particular subject because I wanted to make a video just for it, which is this one

But before that, let me just remind you, that I don't think Seidr should be ladled witchcraft,

because the term itself lacks a deeper understanding of what it actually means

Witchcraft is a wide spread term which means nothing and means everything,

everything that can't be explained and seems magical in nature, goes into the bag of Witchcraft, even if it isn't witchcraft at all

So labelling seidr as witchcraft it's forcing people to accept it as a term and not actually feel the need to understand it

Let me give you an example

We archaeologists do like to label things as ritual/religious/spiritual when we don't have an immediate understanding of what things are

I remember being on a dig site, prehistoric context, and it was found a cylindrical-shaped object

small size, made of bone with a weird shape, almost anthropomorphic,

and immediately was labelled as a ritual object of devotion

It was a prehistoric ear-piercing, a type of jewellery

So when we give to something a wide-spread term which means absolutely nothing in particular,

but at the same time means every possible thing in existence even what we don't know about,

we are not giving the proper value to the thing itself making people settle with an empty explanation,

and so we do not really know the purpose of things nor how to use them

Well... let's start this video

To understand this concept of spinning and weaving in seidr,

first we must turn to the idea that each one of us is born with a life-thread, metaphorically speaking

In Norse tradition, this is called the örlog

Örlog is an old Norse word meaning "primal law",

the things that came before us that are stable, constant and can't be moved or changed,

the events that have been spun and can't be un-spun

But, unlike Wyrd, fate, it can be altered, but it's not easy to change

We can change our attitudes and emotional responses, and we can choose to spin our life's tapestry differently

Think about örlog as a strand, a string, each one of us has one,

it's our own life, but it's not alone, there are others around us, who came before us or are here right now

These threads weave together to create the tapestry of the community

It goes back to our deepest ancestors which, in Norse tradition, are the gods themselves

These connections create the web of wyrd, the web of fate

In many pagan cultures, and obviously in the Norse culture, the spiritual existence is divided in parts

Our own body is part of our spiritual existence

Part of the spirit is inherited, it has been passed down through our ancestors,

other forces around us which influence us directly are part of the spirit and thus are part of us,

our own individuality is another part of the spirit, etc.

Within our own life-thread we have many threads, many strings which will also connect us to other strings, from people, animals, the world itself

So all these threads have had influence from past and present events, memories and emotions, and one day will influence future lives

But the concept of Wyrd, fate, which is created by the örlog, by different strings, isn't something completely fixed, unaltered

I think it's important to say this because when speaking about the Norns, the Norse goddesses of fate,

there is this shallow idea that they weave the fate and everything is fixed,

and that shallow understanding completely denies the complexity of the concept of fate in Old Norse societies

The Norns weave the first layer, the things that no matter what, you cannot change

because whether you like it or not, there was history even before you were born

You, yourself, are made of the stuff of the ancestors, you are a direct part of the spiritual existence of your parents

so you are attached to loads of things that can't be changed, the primal law I've spoken of, the first layer, the primal layer

But when you exist, your own individuality will create and spin, and weave new events, new emotions, a new history, you are your own Norn

With this explanation, and no worries, I will probably make a video about the concept of fate in Old Norse societies

But for now I gave you this simple understanding about fate so you can start to understand the importance of spinning and weaving in seidr

Because it's about directly using seidr as a form of altering events, by re-weave the strings, touching the tapestry of fate

In a more scientific understanding it's like touching your own DNA

Seidr, as I've said, can't be labelled as witchcraft, nor can it be understood as just being in trance through shamanic techniques

Seidr is a mixture of magical arts of chanting and invoking, traditional science and shamanism

Seidr in itself was about spinning the mind and send it forth to attract or do things

As you might have noticed, being an archaeologists, I do prefer to explain things using scientific sources, but seidr goes beyond that

so I'll try to explain as much as I can with something more emotional

something more humane so you can understand by comparing it with your own emotions

Seidr is about attracting things

Desired objects, persons and resources

In many literary sources, especially Icelandic ones, it is as if the victims are pulled by an invisible rope-

This rope is the will of the practitioner of Seidr, sending forth its mind

Which doesn't necessarily have to be an ecstatic activity

The practitioner of Seidr can send its mind in the shape of an animal or any other shape,

which leads us to the sources which include either shapeshifting in seidr activities or the use of Fylgjur,

helping spiritual entities most often in the form of animals

The word Gandr might also give us a better understanding of this spinning in Seidr

Gandr is also the designation of giving shape to the mind that the seidr performer could send forth

Gandr, Gand, Gondull and göndull, are words connected to cords, strings, spinning, twisting

Gandr is always closely connected to the art of Seidr, because the performer of seidr could send forth a mind emissary through spinning

through bending the will and focusing it into the desire of creating a shape of its own consciousness and send it forth

As I've said, the Norse concept of the soul divides it into many parts, and this was sending part of the soul, part of the spirit

After all, the Fylgjur themselves, the spiritual entities, are also part of our spiritual existence

In Norway a magical projectile is often called Gand, and it comes in a whirlwind, the spinning of wind

The whirlwind spins resemble a rope or thread, and it was used to attract something, a desired object

and if a knife was thrown into the whirlwind, the sorcerer who created it was killed or injured

It's no coincidence Tolkien's character Gandalf is a Wizard and his name is the Norse word for Elven Staff or Wand

This wand or staff was used by the volva, a practitioner of seidr

The Volva used a ritual distaff in hand to enter in an altered state of consciousness to travel in spirit through the nine worlds

The distaff is a tool used in weaving

And probably this spinning activity helped entering in a trance-like state, like dancing wildly in circles, the constant tiring rhythm

But this is when I also have to make a boundary here, because when we speak about shamanism, the consciousness is of relatively less importance,

because if you are conscious, you cannot have out of the body experiences,

you have to be unconscious, trick your brain that you are unconscious so it can let you out

This is why I don't like to label seidr as just trance work

Because as I've been telling you, this activity, to send forth the mind, send forth part of the spiritual self-

you have to be conscious, otherwise you cannot send your own mind

In Seidr, different techniques were required for different purposes

If your purpose is to have a spiritual journey, travel in spirit, then you require a trance state, and you are not conscious

your brain thinks you are unconscious and it lets you out

You are still attached to your body and your brain works, but he has the impression that you are unconscious so it will let you wander about

But in seidr when sending a mind emissary, to attract things, you have to be conscious because you are sending your mind,

a part of your spiritual-self and not the entire spiritual-self

A bit complex I know, but you have to understand that Seidr isn't just about being in trance

In truth, most of the time, it requires great concentration and be very much conscious of what you are doing

Let me give you an example of this mind emissary, because it comes in the sources, both historical, mythological and folklore

I've talked about this before

A small magic creature that sucked milk from other people's cows and brought it home to its owner

In Norway was known as Smørkatt and in Sweden as bjära

I talked about this before, if I'm not mistaken, in the video about Cats and witches in a Norse perspective

because this magic creature came in the form of a cat, most of the time

Well, in Iceland it was known as tilberi or snakkur

This creature looked like a ball of yarn, and in Finland it was partly made of spindle or spindles with yarn on them

These shapes are all variations of linking yarn to something, the use of tools and resources for the work of weaving

If this creature was injured or killed, so was the person who created it,

much like the concept of magical projectile in the form of a whirlwind I told you before

Thus this is an example of the mind emissary the practitioner of seidr conceived by spinning a thread

Obviously it seems very strange this entire concept of sending the mind in the form of a ball of yarn or a thread

This explanation may very well be just metaphorically

What is implicit in here, the thread or the ball of yarn, is that the practitioner of seidr could send forth its mind by spinning its own will

by focusing its will, concentrating it into some kind of force, a spinning force like the wind, and send it forth, send that force

The Megin, which is spiritual force, spiritual essence residing in us but also in objects we create and come in contact with,

is also part of the spiritual-self

Maybe that's it

Spinning this force and giving it shape and send it. Metaphorically making a comparison with the work of spinning and weaving

Magic wind could be conceived as a sorcerer's mind sent forth, like the whirlwind case

For instance, in Old Norse magical and spiritual concepts, one's breath is one's mind, spirit or soul – ǫnd/önd

Old Norse ǫnd which is spirit, and "anda" which is "to breathe"

There is a close relationship with these words

A good example of this is a Saami legend about a sorceress whose husband is a merchant and he's far down in Norway

The sorceress goes into the top of a mountain with her distaff in hand, the tool which the spinner attaches the spinning material

and she sings, she lets out her breath in ritualistic chanting and sends forth the winds to her husband so he can arrived home faster

Apparently the sorceress spins the wind and pulls her husband back to her

The entire concept of spinning and weaving, pulling the strings, is implicit in this legend

In many accounts across Norway, Sweden, Findland, Iceland and Lapland, magical winds are created by something spinning

Another example I would like to share with you

In Sweden there is an account of a woman who has cords with which she can draw away the fish in the sea and take milk from cattle

The cords have knots and in each cord there are evil spirits, and if the woman unites the knots, she can send the spirits to wherever she wants

She sends them to gather butter and calves from other farms

This is a 16th century tale but the concept of using a cord, working with spirits, sending them to do something, is still implicit in this tale

even taking milk and cattle from others, just like the magic creatures made from threads and balls of yarn

Of course with the passage of time the tales change, get all mixed and the ideas disperse and the meaning is lost along the way

Quoting Tolkien: "History became legend and legend became myth"

The truth was once much clearer,

but seen by the eyes of outside people who do not practice such traditions, inventions are created, mystical explanations

labelling things as witchcraft and the entire meaning is lost

All these tales seem very silly, but behind them lies the truth

The myth is the distorted truth which changed through the ages like the game of the broken phone

You say a phrase and it arrives at the end completely distorted

Seidr was about spinning and weaving

Spinning the mind, bending the will, focusing on one purpose, be aware of the parts of the spirit

using chanting techniques, invocations, altering events by forcing our own will upon life itself and the life of others

This type of magical work, much like any other type of profound wisdom, wasn't easily acquired

and those who had it, didn't give it away so willingly, freely, easily

To achieve such a state of wisdom it cannot be easy

People have to earn it, work for it, otherwise they won't get it

If it's given to you, you won't know how to use it, unless you have learned by working with it, by learning the hard way

This is why wisdom most of the time comes in metaphors, myths, comes in codes

That's what mythology is, cultural codes with hidden knowledge

If you read it as fantasy, you will never understand it as something more than just that- just tales

But if you see what's behind these codes, the truths in disguise, then you will acquire the wisdom our ancestors hid from you

which is in plain sight in the tales, but not that easy to get unless you work your mind to achieve it

As I've told you before, Seidr was women's magic

I've talked about the volva and her use of a ritualistic tool, a distaff, the tool used on spinning work

So naturally, symbolic or cultic distaffs are found in women's graves, mostly of the Viking Age

So in those cases we may be before practitioners of seids

However, people were also buried with their tools, representing their functions in life, their social statues,

and to take such objects with them to continue their work in the afterlife

But there are some cases of distaffs made of metal and these may be the ones that indicate an actual practitioner of seidr,

these may be the real Seidr staffs

For instance, in Eriks Saga the staff of the sorceress was made of metal

This could be an account to differentiate distaffs for the actual weaving work, from the ones for magical uses

Such staffs are found almost exclusively in women's graves and they are very elaborate,

too beautiful to be used in the constant household industry

In the early Middle Ages, not much in Scandinavia but on the continental area

working with wool or any other kind of textile work, but especially weaving, was believed to be a way of exercising supernatural powers

Maybe because of the mind concentration required, which at a certain point the movements become almost mechanical and the mind drifts somewhere else

Just another reminder to reinforce this link between textile work and the art of seidr

Now, I would like to finish this video with something I don't feel very comfortable with, and a lot of people tend to leave this one behind

The use of sexual activities in magical practices

I'm well aware nowadays there are men practising seidr, and even in the Old Norse societies there were men doing it,

and I'm not saying everyone had sexual activities within seidr,

but there is a great chance that in most cases, for women, sexual practices were used in the art of seidr

I'm not speaking about sexual intercourse

I'm speaking about the sexualisation of rituals, something more sexual in nature and behaviour

Let me explain

Seidr, as you all know, was seen as something unmanly, effeminate, and men who did it had a bad reputation within the Norse society and were labelled as Ergi

t was an insult, calling them unmanly

Obviously, the work of spinning and weaving was associated with women,

along with other activities men weren't supposed to do, so by doing it they were labelled effeminate

But I think there was another reason why men weren't supposed to do it and it was shameful

Because the main reason why men couldn't do it was because it was shameful, indecent

I mean, was it really that bad a men doing a woman's work? That indecent?

Or was something else we don't know precisely because it was so shameful for men that it was wiped out from the sources intentionally?

Because let's face it, the sources were written by men

As I've said, the practitioner of seidr could send a mind emissary and could be called gandr

The Old Norse word gǫndull, which derives from Gandr, could mean Penis

In Icelandic pornography gandur is a common word for penis

In Modern Icelandi göndull not only means coarse yarn but also penis

So it is quite possible that the thread, string, rope, element in seidr, this mind emissary, has a sexual symbolism

The term used for this mind emissary can either be a rope, thread or a penis

I mean, Gandr is not the name of the male part, it's a name given to it

Lick nowadays, we say cock for penis

It's an animal but also the word for penis

Or one-eyed Snake, nothing in that word is the proper name for penis but it's a name given to the male part because of the shape

In here, Gandr, might be just that, the shape of the rope resembles a penis,

better still, the shape of the distaff used in seidr rituals resembles a penis

It was okay for women to use seidr and not for men, because men weren't supposed to be touching male body parts

Homosexuality in Old Norse societies was allowed, it wasn't a crime or a sin, but it had restrictions

I'll talk about that on another video,

but maybe with the introduction of Christianity things changed and the art of Seidr was probably highly condemned

not only because it was labelled witchcraft but in the bible it's quite specific that no men shall lay down with other men, let alone touch a penis

It's quite possible that in seidr included doing sexual or symbolic sexual acts with the distaff

A common way of holding the distaff is suggestive, between the legs

Compare that with the sexual connotations of witches holding their brooms, between their legs when riding them

There may have been sexual symbolism implicit in seidr, something quite normal for women to do in Norse society, but not for men

This might have been the actual reason why men were seen unmanly, dishonourable, a great shame if they practised seidr

They weren't supposed to be ridding anything but horses

Laugh all you want but it's very plausible

Alright my dear friends

I know this was a complex subject, I've given you so much information and concepts, your mind is probably spinning right now

and you are almost in a trance like state

Well, rest for a while until my next video

I hope you have enjoyed this one and, as always, tack för idag!

For more infomation >> #1 Spinning and Weaving in Seidr - Duration: 24:53.


Soy Luna 3 Music On| Matteo śpiewa Esta Noche No Paro| Wypowiedz Ruggero/Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3 Music On| Matteo śpiewa Esta Noche No Paro| Wypowiedz Ruggero/Tłumaczenie PL - Duration: 2:06.


TIB ET TATOUM - Une dent contre Tatoum - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> TIB ET TATOUM - Une dent contre Tatoum - Duration: 12:01.


"Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.

American Ghost Towns.Thanks for watching.

Expoland, Abandoned Theme Park, Japan.


Expoland, located in Suita, Japan was opened as the Amusement zone at the International Exposition in 1970.

There were more than 40 rides and attractions, including 8 roller coasters and 19 restaurants and shops.

On May 5, 2007, a 19-year-old university student from Higashiomi, Shiga was killed and nineteen other guests were injured when the Fujin Raijin II derailed at Expoland. Initial reports said that forty people were injured, with thirty-one being taken to hospital.

An investigation revealed that the ride derailed due to a broken axle. None of the ride vehicle's axles had been replaced for fifteen years. Following this accident, similar coasters at other Japanese parks were voluntarily shut down and inspected to see if they could also have the same axle flaw.

Expoland was cited by authorities for faulty maintenance when similar axle cracks were found on a second train a month later.

The park reopened after the accident but closed again on December 9, 2007, citing a lack of customers. On February 9, 2009, its owners finally decided that the park was closed down for good.

Thanks for watching. Like, Share and Subscribe, Thanks.

For more infomation >> "Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.


Er du den skarpe sælger, vi mangler i teamet? - Duration: 0:24.

For more infomation >> Er du den skarpe sælger, vi mangler i teamet? - Duration: 0:24.


Toilet Ek Prem Katha Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:11.

Toilet Ek Prem Katha Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name

For more infomation >> Toilet Ek Prem Katha Star Cast, Actor, Actress and Director Name - Duration: 1:11.


Pourquoi votre enfant est il plus difficile avec vous - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> Pourquoi votre enfant est il plus difficile avec vous - Duration: 4:24.


Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V - Duration: 0:52.

For more infomation >> Citroën Xsara Picasso 1.8i-16V - Duration: 0:52.


검정색 자율주행차를 가급적 피해야하는 이유 - Duration: 4:56.

For more infomation >> 검정색 자율주행차를 가급적 피해야하는 이유 - Duration: 4:56.


ANIMATION VS MINECRAFT 1 ! (Original) - Duration: 14:44.


For more infomation >> ANIMATION VS MINECRAFT 1 ! (Original) - Duration: 14:44.


Surface d'impression : La spatule de BuildTak - Duration: 10:36.

For more infomation >> Surface d'impression : La spatule de BuildTak - Duration: 10:36.





Philippe Gilbert souffre d'une fracture de la rotule gauche - Duration: 2:21.

For more infomation >> Philippe Gilbert souffre d'une fracture de la rotule gauche - Duration: 2:21.


MaXi - Lunatic à vendre - Duration: 11:01.

For more infomation >> MaXi - Lunatic à vendre - Duration: 11:01.


MEM CAKE MYSTERIES - Splatoon 2 Quiz - Duration: 15:38.

We are going to play a little quiz today! A sort of Splat Quiz, but an exceptional one!

And the theme is...

- Judd! - Not at all...

It will be: Mem Cakes from the Octo Expansion DLC.

Here's the idea: I'm gonna read you a text

I'm gonna read one of the Mem Cake haikus and the first one to find out which

Mem Cake it is, they win.

If you don't know the exact name, you can describe it.

Because, you know, sometimes, it's quite tricky, but you don't need to have read them ,

it will help if you have, of course, but if you listen carefully to what I say,

you can easily understand and figure out.

So, are you ready? - Yes!

- For the first one...


"Each glittered scale shines so bright. You're my last ditch to strike it rich And tilt my bank balance aright."

Yes, Maca? - the Rainmaker!

- No! This is not the Rainmaker.

The answer was: the Goldie.

- the Goldie - What is that?

- It is an enemy of...

- I know the gold fish but not the Goldie...

- I knew it had something to do with Salmon Run, but...

"Closer to pyramids than spheres— Let fly the bombs! A sigh, then calm. A pillow stained with ink—or tears." Not an easy one

- Toxic Mist! - Well no, you failed!

- In fact, the strategy to win is...

- not to answer...

Ok, the ones who answer win, let's say three points

If you answer correctly.

"Though parted by the ocean deep, My oldest friend, we meet again. I touch your face; you rouse from sleep."

- The Octoling. - Yes, well done!

The good thing with this game is that I don't know when I should stop

because there are so many Mem Cakes, at some point I won't even remember the ones

I already told you.

"A mystery rolled up and bound— Oh, what's the use? It's too obtuse. I'll dump it in the lost and found."

- The Sunken Scroll? - Well done! It's indeed the Sunken Scroll!

- That's it!

"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you.

I mustn't let this cargo slip."

Mark. - The... I can"t remember the name, you know, the little fishes,

the silver fishes we have to collect in the Story mode.

- No, that's not really that.

I want to say that this Quiz is somehow about slavery,

because every person invited to participate is someone who is working for me and my

channel, moderating, translating, subtitling the videos,

moderating the live sessions or even on the Discord server, you are all sort of my favourite slaves.

- Your slaves' activities. - Are we supposed to thank you or cry?

- It's like the big special treats at the end of Summer Camp

- It is.

It is a way to thank you and I hope that people who are gonna watch this vidéo

will also thank you in the commentary section.

Let's say again the one you haven't found.

"Though slick with slime, I keep my grip. The chill seeps through my gift from you. I mustn't let this cargo slip."

Leo Paul got it first.

Power eggs! - Well Done, Leo Paul!

- I've waited for 5 minutes to...

I've waited for 5 minutes to say this one - "Hmm, Slosher? Inkbrush? Curling Bomb?

I'd gladly browse for hours and hours Your gushing ramble brings me calm." Yes? - Sheldon?

- Yes! It's Sheldon, Well done! "When four are one, they make a team.

But one from ten? Uhh, come again? It's like some kind of fever dream."

- Clams

- Clams, indeed, well done, I accept it.

I think the title is "Power Clam" but the image is a simple clam, so, well,

it fine for me.

"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."

This one is not easy!

Go, Ink Theory. - Isn't it the definition of Inklings?

- No, it's not the definition of Inklings.


Anyways, this one was hard, I don't think that any of you had the answer.

- What was it? "Where love could blossom, spite congeals..."

"Where love could blossom, spite congeals. Faced with these thieves, I aim and heave A cluster bomb right in the feels."

That was the Steelhead! - What?

- What did you say? - Who has joined the session? Who is Raphaël?

- He is the hacker of this video

- How did he find out? - You know, 8888...

- That was easy, yeah.

Well, that's all, he' gonna be a spectator. "Two friends who never are apart:

One's always cool, the other stews. I love them both with all my heart."

Anzu? - Flow?

- It is Flow, congrats! So this one is hard, but...

Hey! Can I speak now? Easy kiddos, quiet!

What kind of moderators are you? So: "I topple from the tower ledge

And choke back tears to see the gears Eliminate our hard-won edge."

This one, if you find out...

Yes? - Is it DJ Octavio's defeat?

- Nope, not at all.

Well, I'm gonna give you the answer for this one because no one will find out.

- Is it the Tower? - Well, congrats, you have three points, you have three points.

"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"

Hesitating, it seems.

- Is it the Great Zapfish?

- No, it's not the Great Zap Fish.

Someone kill him!

Well, someone took the rainmaker.

Do you have an answer? - Yes, isn't it one of the Inklings?

- No, it's not one of the Inklings.

"You overwhelm with crowds and throngs. At every turn, you writhe and churn. Why can't we simply get along?"

- A Salmonid?

- I'm gonna accept it.

- I'll say a Cohock! - It was a Chum, but in fact, this is weird,

I don't know if it a problem of translation, but the image is

a Salmonid.

"I shake the squeegee to and fro. As I do laps my color saps; A fair trade for a mighty blow."

- Well, ok.

- Yes?

- I was muted.

Is it the Splat Roller? - It is the Splat Roller, well done!

- Yeah! Champagne! - You have three points!

"How long must I wait in his line? Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"

Yes? - Is it a snack ticket?

- Well, no, it's not the right answer! - Ow, too bad!

- I'm gonna repeat it because I wasn't clear in...

- Crusty Sean? - Yes! Well done! It was Crusty Sean.

"How long must I wait in this line?"...

It can't be a ticket speaking!

"Such tragic lack of Crusty snack... I'm almost there! It will be mine!"

- I didn't think this through - A ticket holding a ticket in line.

"Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."

Mark? - Hmm, what's its name?

- What did you say? - Multi Missile.

- No, it's not Multi Missile.

Let me repeat: "Destroy your troubles—bombs away! A tempting thought: bring all to naught. No wonder your friends tend to stray."

I'll give you the answer.

The answer is: the Octobomber.

These are the flying enemies throwing bombs at you.

"Erupting eel glimpses the sky. Its eyelids squint against the glint Of sun unseen by creatures shy"

- the Maws - Well done!

- Yes, finally! - You are now positive, zero points.

"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"

- Bold and keep my hold?

- Not that obvious, I must admit.

"We're torn apart so many times; I must be bold and keep my hold To make their team pay for their crimes"

- The Rainmaker, Rainmaker - Well done!

- Oh, yeah, ok! - I'm gonna ask tje Video Assistant Referee

to be sure that she's not cheating, because as for now, she is crushing you!

"I rule," you said, "It's in my blood. Don't step to me — ESPECIALLY If you can't hang with my best bud."

- Too bad, I got this one! - Dalligo?

- Pearl - Well done!

- I would have had the point! Bummer! - It was one of the easiest...

Now, it is, I think, the most important Mem Cake of the Splatoon 2 history

Are you ready? "To plant a tree's its own reward

After you're gone, it will grow on In memory, initials scarred."

- F*ck, I don't know

- Well...

Dalligo, you up for it? No, I don't think so.

Yes, he is!

- Is it the Tree? - What a winner! It is the Tree.

- Ooh la la, well done!

- Just a tree, really?

- There is a Tree Mem Cake. - I was looking for something so complicated

but it was some random tree. "A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish?

No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."

That was easy, how is it possible that only one of you went for it?

- Judd & Lil' Judd! - Yes, well done!

I'll say it one more time because I want to show you how bad you were

not finding it.

"A patch of sun? A fresh-caught fish? No bribe will swerve your eye for turf, However desperately we wish."

- Yeah, ooh la la. - Losers!

"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."

"No stealth or guile, not for you. You pave the way as plain as day, Foreshadowing imminent spew."

- Forsha, what? - Forshadowing

"No stealth or guile, not for you. YOU-PAVE-THE-WAY-AS-PLAIN-AS-DAY, Foreshadowing imminent spew."

What is litteraly paving the way, plany, in Splatoon 2? - Is it the sponges, or the inflatables

in the solo mode? - No, it paves the way...

"Encased in a sturdy sphere of glass. It breaks my heart to see you caught With whiskers trembling as I pass."

- No, not fast enough - Is it the Zap Fish?

- It is indeed the Zap Fish - hmmpf, I would have had one point

Bummer - I'm gonna read some more but

you don't need to grab the rainmaker, you just have to answer, and the first one to do so

wins only one point instead of three.

"Oh, what I'd give to be employed! Better, I'd say, to work for pay Than ride this subway through the void."

Anzu, tell me - Mr Grizz

- Mr Grizz, well done! - I got it, but two seconds too late. I had some lag.

It's because of the ping.

"Oblivious, adrift, and round, You hold inside a tempting prize. Who doesn't love that popping sound?"

- The Balloon - Yes

What a performance!

"A sudden drizzle bars my way. It's no hour for this shower, But light rain won't ruin my day."

You don't lose any points, now.

- Another Octoling? - It's a boss... Isn't it the umbrella thing, the Drizzler?

- Yes! Ooh la la, you're gonna get so rekt by her!

She's crushing you, be careful!

Ok, from now on, let's play some games, and I'll give two extra points to the winning team

and you answer the questions while playing, ok?

"When I get my hands on these fish I might exchange them on the range, Except that they look so delish..."

- Is it tickets for snacks and drinks? - No

- What is it again? "When I get my hands on these fish, I might exchange them on the range"

- Sea snails? Super sea snails? - Capsules

- No, I haven"t heard the right answer yet.

- Sardiniums? - Yes, it is the Sardinium

Well done!

- Oo la la, I got it.

Holy mackerel! "Behind his dour, one-eyed stare,

Our urchin friend conceals a yen For making the most out of gear."

- Murch, Murch

- Yes, yes, what a sharp-witted girl! - Well

- We can see that some of us have been biologically privileged

- Nature isn't fair, is it?

Ok, another one.

"They told me you had gone to ground, And your rad groove was concrete proof That you made it safe and sound."

- Marina - Yeah, Marina

- Who answered? Was it Dalligo?

- This is he - Yes, one point for you.

"I watch your tendrils undulate A blue bouquet that twirls and sways, As central mass swells and deflates."

- The Jellyfish - Ok, I accept it, it was Jelfonzo.

"How desolate this star-marked limb. Is what awaits me this same fate? I must not dwell; it's much too grim."

- The Tentacle. - She doesn't even let me finish

watch out,

She's got four billion points!

So let's move on with another one which is harder,

but I like it, so I'm giving it to you anyway.

"You face away, thinking me blind, Like I don't know what you won't show. Your love is still clear from behind."

- Is it the Steel Eel?

- No

- Ha, it's this little Octarian thing,

and it runs away when we look at it. - And it is called the Tentakook.

- Oh, yeah, ooh la la. - It's the one running away

and dropping bombs.

"The hunt leads down a winding path. Tightly coiled and well-oiled, These dirty squids could use a bath."

No one?

- Steel Eel?

Steel Eel it is, well done! - I knew it

"The tides go out and take the light. How will I greet you when we meet? It keeps me up on inkstained nights."

- Marie - Yes, congrats, congrats.

"Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me? From his sharp gaze, no one can hide."

- Isn't it Callie, is it? - No, Callie was already given.

- Isn't it the Octolings of the Octo Expansion?

- No.

So, nobody? - "Black, bulging eyes stare far inside. What does he see deep within me?

From his sharp gaze, no one can hide." - Hmm what's his name? The crab man,

the one who is selling shoes? - Yes, it is him

Bisk. Ooh la la, well done!

One more point for Dalligo. - Ha, because of his sunglasses

- In third position we have Leo Paul

- Ha, nice - And, drum roll please: Anzu is winning

with 23 points, followed by Dalligo with 19 points, not far behind,

and the two of you literally crush the other

players of this game.

Congratulations to you both.

Congratulations for all your right answers, you don't have a single lost point in your final results.

So if you can read the subtitles of this video, well, you can thank Maca for it,

and thank you, to all of you, for your moderation, your subtitles, your editing

for my channel, once again, thank you!

I couldn't ask every single person helping me for this session, obviously,

but there have been some who already appeared in some previous videos, and there will be others

who may appear in the next ones!

And thank you to the donators!

You can also watch my other videos, feel free to subscribe if you haven't and check my social media in description. See ya!

For more infomation >> MEM CAKE MYSTERIES - Splatoon 2 Quiz - Duration: 15:38.


TIB ET TATOUM - Une dent contre Tatoum - Duration: 12:01.

For more infomation >> TIB ET TATOUM - Une dent contre Tatoum - Duration: 12:01.


Exister en dehors de sa vie de maman - Duration: 3:17.

For more infomation >> Exister en dehors de sa vie de maman - Duration: 3:17.


Vanessa Paradis rassurée pour Johnny Depp, qui en a fini de sa toxicomanie - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Vanessa Paradis rassurée pour Johnny Depp, qui en a fini de sa toxicomanie - Duration: 1:56.


Alessandra de Hanovre, pause détente avec Ben Strautmann dans le sud de la France - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Alessandra de Hanovre, pause détente avec Ben Strautmann dans le sud de la France - Duration: 1:17.


XIAOMI AMAZFIT BIP (Huami) review 2018 - Duration: 3:52.

For more infomation >> XIAOMI AMAZFIT BIP (Huami) review 2018 - Duration: 3:52.


"Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.

American Ghost Towns.Thanks for watching.

Expoland, Abandoned Theme Park, Japan.


Expoland, located in Suita, Japan was opened as the Amusement zone at the International Exposition in 1970.

There were more than 40 rides and attractions, including 8 roller coasters and 19 restaurants and shops.

On May 5, 2007, a 19-year-old university student from Higashiomi, Shiga was killed and nineteen other guests were injured when the Fujin Raijin II derailed at Expoland. Initial reports said that forty people were injured, with thirty-one being taken to hospital.

An investigation revealed that the ride derailed due to a broken axle. None of the ride vehicle's axles had been replaced for fifteen years. Following this accident, similar coasters at other Japanese parks were voluntarily shut down and inspected to see if they could also have the same axle flaw.

Expoland was cited by authorities for faulty maintenance when similar axle cracks were found on a second train a month later.

The park reopened after the accident but closed again on December 9, 2007, citing a lack of customers. On February 9, 2009, its owners finally decided that the park was closed down for good.

Thanks for watching. Like, Share and Subscribe, Thanks.

For more infomation >> "Expoland Theme Park" An Abandoned Theme Park in Osaka, Japan. - Duration: 3:02.


Mircea captain of Semi Submarine for children Budva Montenegro Melissa guide to the underwater world - Duration: 15:11.

For more infomation >> Mircea captain of Semi Submarine for children Budva Montenegro Melissa guide to the underwater world - Duration: 15:11.


🔥Automatic capsule machine NJ 06 - Duration: 3:18.

Hello! My name is Roman Tsibulsky. We're proud to offer professional advice on

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Tsibulsky will answer all of your questions! Equipment manufacturers constantly

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Hello, my name is Roman Tsibulsky, I'm the founder and the owner of the

pharmaceutical equipment catalogue For the last 17 years I've

been making sure that our clients make the right choice, get everything

delivered in time and have no problems with customs clearance. Every year I

participate in pharmaceutical equipment expositions worldwide in order to pick

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desktop units to start your pharmaceutical business. In any case if

you don't come across what you are looking for, just let me know and I'll

help you find the best options. I provide my clients not only with

information about equipment but also about different technologies.

I'm really good at that as I have a great deal of my own and my clients

experience here. In my catalogue you'll find different types of equipment from

China, India, Taiwan, Korea and Europe. My team will assist you in choosing the

right model, purchasing it, getting it delivered and customs clearing of any

equipment to Russia. You can contact me every day either by telephone, skype or

e-mail. I am here to help you choose any pharmaceutical equipment making use of

all my experience and knowledge. I'll be happy to see you among my clients.

For more infomation >> 🔥Automatic capsule machine NJ 06 - Duration: 3:18.


Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse 45 AMG 4Matic COMAND DISTRONIC Panoramadak Harman Kardon® 360-camera AMG D - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse 45 AMG 4Matic COMAND DISTRONIC Panoramadak Harman Kardon® 360-camera AMG D - Duration: 1:14.


Jade Hallyday fait montre de son talent de danseuse - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Jade Hallyday fait montre de son talent de danseuse - Duration: 1:19.


Terrible Killer Clown's Tomb - Minecraft Funny Videos - Duration: 8:55.

For more infomation >> Terrible Killer Clown's Tomb - Minecraft Funny Videos - Duration: 8:55.



For more infomation >> ЭТОТ БЛОК ПОМОГ МНЕ НЕ ПРОИГРАТЬ! КАК ЛЕГКО ТАШИТЬ НА VIMEWORLD В SKYWARS?! - Скайварс - Duration: 11:08.


TOP 5 Free Amazing Games Will not be Found at Playsore - Link Ready - Duration: 5:16.

You who have an Android phone must have played the game right?

Of the many genres and game options you've ever played

usually downloaded via Playstore

But, Do you know

that there is a cool hidden game that is not in the playstore?

It is not known for certain

why there are games that we can not download on Playstore

But for you who are curious about these cool games

OmLamis has 5 hidden cool game recommendations that are not in the playstore

Most of the cool games that do not exist in this playstore

very worth to play

either because the graphics are good

his playful gameplay or live characterization

Rather than curious

following 5 cool hidden games that are not in the playstore

for download link problem ga worry

OmLamis love for you in the description

Avatar HD Game

Same with the movie

This Avatar game is an adventure type gameplay

the main character "Jake" in tracing the Planet Pandora

Throughout the game we will be in the graphic love that pamper the eyes

like in the movie Avatar

Although the game is long

but still cool and fun to play

Thor: The Dark World Game

The story in this game is a little different

with the movie being broadcasted on a bisokop with the same title

Game type Hack and Slash is very exciting to play

Thor's main mission in this game is

restore the Nine World in war

and led Asgard's forces against Marauder

Gundam Battle Game

Gundam Battle is an action genre game

which is filled by Gundam characters from various series

ranging from Gundam Wing, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and also Gundam 00

This game has many game modes

so it will not make you bored while playing it


Lili as the main character in this game is

a girl trapped in a mysterious island called Geos

Throughout the Game, you will play Lili

as the main character to explore the island

and solve puzzles and puzzles to complete this game

Blade: Sword of Elysion

This game is great for heavyweight gamers

who likes tough challenges

The beautiful graphics and characters in this game are also very interesting to play

Maybe if this game is on Playstore

can very barrel the market

it was OmLamis's recommendation of 5 cool games

which is not in the playstore you can download and play

Check Link download games in video description

Hopefully these games can entertain and add to your game reference

Please share, subscribe and comment this video

to continue to get information and news about the technology from OmLamis

For more infomation >> TOP 5 Free Amazing Games Will not be Found at Playsore - Link Ready - Duration: 5:16.


RƏŞAD Dağlı - MEYXANA'nın QARTAL'ı 2018 - də Söküb-Dağıtdığı MEYXANA Meydanları - Duration: 10:28.

For more infomation >> RƏŞAD Dağlı - MEYXANA'nın QARTAL'ı 2018 - də Söküb-Dağıtdığı MEYXANA Meydanları - Duration: 10:28.


흔히 알고 있는 F-35와는 다른 F-35B ➤ korean army - Duration: 11:02.

For more infomation >> 흔히 알고 있는 F-35와는 다른 F-35B ➤ korean army - Duration: 11:02.


Soy Luna 3x40-Ámbar és Simón csókolóznak (magyar f.) - Duration: 3:42.

For more infomation >> Soy Luna 3x40-Ámbar és Simón csókolóznak (magyar f.) - Duration: 3:42.


10시간 논스톱 비행, 조종사 식사는 어떻게 할까? ➤ korean army - Duration: 9:39.

For more infomation >> 10시간 논스톱 비행, 조종사 식사는 어떻게 할까? ➤ korean army - Duration: 9:39.


인도네시아의 F-X사업의 경합기종들. - Duration: 3:08.

For more infomation >> 인도네시아의 F-X사업의 경합기종들. - Duration: 3:08.


F-35銷量驟減?該國覺得買90架太沒面子,改為18架 - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> F-35銷量驟減?該國覺得買90架太沒面子,改為18架 - Duration: 8:19.


Montiel - Duration: 43:00.

For more infomation >> Montiel - Duration: 43:00.


중국이 미군 스텔스 기술만큼은 복제하기 힘든 이유 ||| K.R MILITARY - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> 중국이 미군 스텔스 기술만큼은 복제하기 힘든 이유 ||| K.R MILITARY - Duration: 7:02.


한국 전투기에 대 한 인공 연료 개선 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 7:05.

For more infomation >> 한국 전투기에 대 한 인공 연료 개선 | 한국의 군사력 - Duration: 7:05.


Σάκης Ρουβάς: Το δημόσιο κάλεσμά του μετά τις φονικές πυρκαγιές| News | - Duration: 1:25.

 Τραγικές στιγμές ζει τα τελευταία 24ωρα η Ελλάδα, καθώς οι νεκροί από τις φονικές πυρκαγιές που έπληξαν την Ανατολική Αττική έχουν φτάσει τους 76, ενώ οι τραυματίες τους 187

 Όπως γράφει η Espresso, το σπίτι του Σάκη Ρουβά και της Κάτιας Ζυγούλη στον Νέο Βουτζά, το οποίο βρίσκεται σε πευκόφυτη περιοχή, σώθηκε κυριολεκτικά στο παρά πέντε από την πύρινη λαίλαπα

 Ο κορυφαίος Έλληνας σταρ, στην πρώτη του ανάρτηση μετά τις φονικές πυρκαγιές, έκανε δημόσιο κάλεσμα στους διαδικτυακούς του φίλους να δώσουν αίμα, όπου υπάρχει ανάγκη

 «Η ανάγκη για αίμα είναι μεγάλη. Ας βοηθήσουμε όσοι μπορούμε», έγραψε χαρακτηριστικά ο Σάκης Ρουβάς, ο οποίος παράλληλα παρέθεσε και όλες τις σχετικές πληροφορίες

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