Quitting tobacco is never going to be easy.
Encourage them along the way.
Call 1-800-NO-BUTTS for tips on how to help someone quit.
The First Key | Ready Player One (2018) [Blu-ray] - Duration: 4:56.No weapons or mature-themed avatars are permitted within the Journals.
Please enjoy your time with us, and happy gunting!
I like cleaning up.
Okay, Jim, I'm, uh... I'm going.
Everything changes, Jim. Everything evolves.
Some things are perfect just the way they are. "Asteroids".
People don't live inside an "Asteroids" arcade cabinet.
I know that.
Yeah, well, people are living inside the arcade we built.
- I built. - Uh, well...
Right. Well, I guess you can say whatever you want.
I don't really wanna talk about it anymore.
No, of course you don't wanna talk about it.
You're forcing me out.
Closer on Halliday.
Look, invention comes with responsibilities
you didn't ask for.
All right, if you make something people want or need
then it's up to you to set the limits. You have to make some rules.
"I don't wanna make any more rules."
I don't wanna make any more rules.
"I'm a dreamer."
I'm a dreamer.
- I build worlds. - "I build worlds."
We created something beautiful, Jim, but it's changed.
Okay? It's really not a game anymore.
Are we finished?
I liked how things were when they were...
When it was a game.
And we're back to where we started. But that's the point, isn't it?
Things move forward whether you like it or not.
Yeah, we're finished.
Why can't we go backwards, for once?
Backwards, really fast. Fast as we can.
Really put the pedal to the metal, you know?
Go back 10 seconds!
Why can't we go backwards, for once?
Backwards, really fast. Fast as we can.
Really put the pedal to the metal, you know?
Bill and Ted did it.
Back again so soon?
Careful not to lose your shit.
You figured something out.
Parzival, tell me.
Nice racing, Padawan. You're the first to finish.
Mr. Halliday... Anorak.
It's such an honor.
The honor is all mine.
Get yourself a clue.
[ENG SUB] Sapai Rod Saab Teaser - Duration: 1:19.When a policeman like him mets a girl like her.
You're going to drink against me?
Being a drunk woman is dangerous.
I will give you service to the fullest.
I'm not drunk.
Hello, my wifey.
Who's your wife?
I'm prepared to take responsibility for you.
No matter what, I cannot accept that girl to be my daughter in law.
For this, it's an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
You can kill, but cannot divorce.
I really didn't know that you all were there.
What to do to catch her?
Khun P', send your troublemaker daughter in law to Thai Elephant Conservation Society.
Khun P', you should go look at the mirror.
~No need to have anything~
~Just having time for each other~
Come see the craziness of a mother in law and her troublemaker daughter in law.
If you didn't come live in my house,
my family wouldn't be like this.
Did hell send you to be born?
Understanding Your Expenses - Duration: 3:00.Hi everyone and welcome back! When was the last time that you took a good look
at your expenses? I know it can seem very daunting or scary if you haven't done so
in a while so I'll start the video off with some reasons why it's important to start
tracking your expenses and then share with you some steps on how you can do
too. So why should we track our expenses? The first reason is that when
you know where your money is going, you can start setting some financial goals.
It helps you set and then work towards meeting those goals. The second reason is
that it creates awareness about fraud charges sooner, such as identity theft or
credit card fraud. When you are consistently checking your expenses, it
helps you identify those types of charges much sooner. The third reason is
that when you don't know where all of your hard-earned money is going, it's easy to
start living beyond your means. And that's when people start acquiring debt.
The fourth reason is that it creates financial awareness. It can reveal
spending habits that you didn't even know about. So those are some of the
reasons on why it's important start tracking your expenses. How do we get
started? Well there's a few different options and it all really depends on
your personal style. If you are someone that likes to write everything down
physically, then you can use an Excel spreadsheet. I know those are still very
popular. Or if you want to carry around a notebook and really write every single
transaction down that's definitely an option as well. If you like to have
everything digital and do it online then there are lot of different softwares and
apps available. Mint is a very popular tool. There are also others such as
You Need a Budget or Level Money. Some are free and then other are required to have
a paid subscription.
Another idea that you can do is to take a
look at your year-end summaries that are provided by your bank. You might be
thinking "Well we're already halfway through the year. Why would I take a look
at my year in summary from last year?" If you haven't made a conscious
effort to focus on your spending and your expenses, you probably haven't had
much of a change in your spending habits over the past year. So these year end
summaries that are provided by your bank or your credit card provider really
break it down by category and by month. I did that myself and it was a very
eye-opening. I got the year end summaries for my credit cards as well as
using Mint as a tool to continue tracking my expenses so that's really
helped me out a lot. So I hope that gives you some clarity on why it's important
to track your expenses even though it may not be the most fun thing to do. And
given you some ideas on how you can get started as well. In my next video we'll
go over on how to take all this information to create a budget that
works for you. That's everything I have for today!
If you have any questions or suggestions please don't hesitate to reach out. Let's
connect on social media. Thanks so much for watching and don't forget to hit
subscribe! I'll see you all next time!
L'hydratation en été - Duration: 5:31.-------------------------------------------
Honolulu Breast Augmentation - Recovery from Surgery Takes Time - Duration: 0:54.Recovery for me, I had put a lot of research into it so I kinda knew the "booby blues"
and all that kind of thing, so I didn't deal with that.
But the recovery for me was definitely a little more lengthy than I thought.
I thought I would be back to running in a week and I'd be on Percocet for the first
day, and that didn't work.
Those were very unrealistic.
But I'm just very active.
I'm not very sedentary, so sitting and not doing things for me was really hard.
But I can't really say it was more unexpected.
It was more difficult than what I anticipated.
What if I Want Bigger Breast Implants Than My Doctor Recommends? Hawaii Plastic Surgery - Duration: 0:38.Yeah, a lot of the other ones were like, "You're so small.
The size you want is just not going to look good on you."
When you're told that, it's more of a stab to your self-confidence because you are like,
"What is wrong with me?
Why do I want this if it's going to look so bad?"
Dr. Schlesinger listened to me, gave me his opinion, but didn't make me feel like what
I wanted was abnormal.
2019 Cadillac XT4 Crossover | Sheehan Cadillac - Duration: 3:00.hey guys it's michele bee with #soooboca and today i'm at sheehan cadillac
here in beautiful Pompano Beach Florida and #sooboca drives an xt5 I had
an SRX and now I'm checking out the XT 4 which is their new crossover it's a
little smaller very very sweet little car here and I'm going to showcase a few
of the highlights at their little lunch party today so stay tuned and if you
like what you see check out our YouTube channel
please subscribe like and share we're also on Facebook and Instagram
or it's fantastic and I am a cadillac person on my third cadillac
I have the XT5 this is the smaller crossover it's just
as luxurious and has all the bells and whistles has the Bose speakers has
amazing legroom your long legs amazing legroom cargo space is fantastic too it
has a new engine thing is just gorgeous you can pre-order
now and I leave the delivery will be probably in the fall early fall Sheehan
Pontiac and Cadillac is a company that my family has worked with for ever and ever
and ever my first car was a Firebird from Sheehan in Delray Beach and now they took
over Coral Cadillac dealerships In Pompano Beach so come down check
it out I'm real estate agent guys it's the best car I have ever had
we just Sheehan Cadillac we have been longtime customers my first car was
a Firebird from Shannon in Delray Beach so there you go my husband's family also
big customers and you guys need to come on down and check this new xt4
out and by the way as a real estate agent I just love the brand I love my xt5
it's luxurious and have all the bells and whistles but you want something a
little smaller this is your new toy so come on down ... check out #SoooBoca online www.soooboca.com
Instagram Facebook Twitter just check us out... like us
subscribe and share!
[LIVE] [German] Minecraft un so | Green-Screen Facecam - Duration: 2:57:51.-------------------------------------------
《プロポーカープレイヤーから学ぶ心理2》2018/7/25 FX実況ライブ生配信カニトレーダーが行く!《視聴者と一緒にFXで稼いでみた》女性・初心者・初見の方もお気軽にどうぞ(^^♪ - Duration: 10:29:55.-------------------------------------------
Fore Bearing & Back bearing- A Practical Approach - Duration: 2:46.-------------------------------------------
Design project of a country house. Interior in a classic style - Duration: 3:21.Interior Design Studio of Yulia Sheveleva
presents you a design project of a country house with a total area of 108 sq.m.
The interior is made in the classical style and was named - The Fairy Garden.
The clients applied to our company with a request to update the interior,
while they have already been partially bought materials, namely doors and parquet.
Also, customers wanted to partially save furniture,
which was dear to them and was in good condition.
Our task was to perform the finishing,
decorate the interior and add new colors to it.
The existing furniture dictated the classical style of the interior.
To soften the classics, as well as to make the interior more alive and unforgettable,
chose colorful wallpaper with floral and natural patterns.
So the dining room housed trees, flowers in the living room, birds appeared in the bedroom and in the room of the daughter.
In combination with the warm honey shade of the floor, the interior turned out to be elegant and iridescent.
It turned out that the Customer has a very unusual hobby - collecting dolls.
During the discussion, it was decided to place this collection in the customer's office,
since the contemplation of the dolls inspired and helped her in the work.
Especially for this purpose racks and shelves were developed.
Very unusual turned out the interior of the bathroom,
the lower part of which was decorated with polyurethane panels and painted,
and the upper part is decorated with wallpaper with a decorative floral pattern.
Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhold Würth im Interview mit Norman Gräter Podcast "Stars Backstage" - Duration: 37:12.-------------------------------------------
VW Touran - Duration: 0:43.-------------------------------------------
每周新车 NEW CAR|梅赛德斯-奔驰新款S级轿跑车 - Duration: 3:23.-------------------------------------------
Dorénavant Ne jetez plus jamais les pelures d'ananas : Voici Pourquoi !! - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Sen. Rounds on tariffs: Retaliation is impacting us today - Duration: 5:43.-------------------------------------------
Citroën Berlingo 1.9 D 600 Special | NIEUWE APK | NETTE AUTO | - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
7 CONSEJOS + TIPS + ATAJOS en AFTER EFFECTS - Duration: 18:29.-------------------------------------------
President Donald Trump's Hush Money Payment Came Right Before Election | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC - Duration: 15:55.-------------------------------------------
The password is TETRIANDOCH [GOTHIC RAP] (+ ENG Subtitles) - Duration: 3:00.May the blessing of Adanos
be with you
I have an important message for Saturas!
But you need to carry the sign of messenger
otherwise Lee's men won't let you get in
All of we here are the Magicians of the Circle of Water
Tell the guards
that you have my permission to pass
The password is
The password is
The password is
The password is
Damn, I've forgotten it!
Stop this magic crap!
What are you doing here?
Get out!
You have no business here!
Y'Berion is dead!
He died during the ritual invocation of the Sleeper
What can we do?
Y'Berion dead?
That's bad news,
very bad news indeed
Who's leading the Brotherhood now?
You may pass!
That power-hungry liar
Cor Kalom?
No! Kalom has turned his back on the Brotherhood
Nobody knows what happened after
But why?
After Y'Berion's death
he should become the main
Show me what you've got
What was the password again?
The password is
The password is
The password is
Damn, I've forgotten it again!
Stop this magic crap!
I have the almanac...
Very good!
I have the focus stone
holding the key
to our freedom
It is one of the five focus stones
which were used to create the Magic Barrier
And with the help of their power
we will tear the Barrier down
What are you going to do with the focus stone
and the almanac?
We need the four remaining focus stones first
I've found...
I've found a focus stone under the ring of stone!
I've found a focus stone in the ruined monastery!
I've found a focus stone in the troll canyon!
I've found a focus stone in the mountain fort!
The password is
The password is
The password is
That's right!
You may pass!
SHARK WEEK! with the Minions Shopkins and Polly Pocket Toys - Duration: 6:30.how are the seas looking sandy? Well actually Splashy they're
looking pretty good it looks like we're ready to bring all the visitors on board
Oh perfect I'll go start bringing them on. all right
I'll make sure everything is ready to go up here at the helm. all aboard the Sandy Oceanic Cruise
here we are Lea oh I am super excited thanks for saying you come on this day
trip well sure you know I'm always excited for a day of adventure I know I
just love that about you I can't wait to see what we're gonna see today me too
well and actually it looks like the interesting things we're gonna aren't just going to be in the
water this is gonna be super exciting and snacks are in the below deck and
there's great viewing up in the top deck well I definitely think we want to go up
top oh I think I'm gonna take this really cute little chair here
that looks great and I'll take the lounger oh they're right you can see so
much from up here
Welcome aboard the sandy oceanic day trip we hope that you'll have a wonderful
experience enjoy all the sights and sounds that the oceans can offer for your
safety please stay away from the edge of the rails after all this is shark week and
the oceans are teeming with them we want this to be a pleasant experience for
everyone oh that's right I love Shark Week oh me
too I watch it all the time don't you uh-huh I do Chomp Chomp looks like everyone
is aboard now to pull up the ramp
all right captain sandy it looks like everybody is loaded and ready for a day
at sea terrific let's get up on our way all right everybody
as we pull away from port, we hope that you will enjoy your day at sea
everyone if you look to your left we're already being joined by serveral of our ocean
did you know that the humpback whale can weigh up to 66,000 lbs and has a life span of 45-50 years
actually belongs to the dolphin family it is the largest of all the dolphins
that's why they call it more of a whale Oh my the oceans are acting funny
today here is a rare sighting of very big squid this must be your lucky day
a squid moves by Jet Propulsion sucking in water and expelling it to move
forward squids and octopuses are often similar except an octopus is something
that you'll find at the bottom of the ocean
eating creatures off of the seafloor and living in dens while a squid is
something that you're going to find swimming in the open sea
while there are some smaller sharks in the water there. I do see them. one of
them is actually a hammerhead shark and hammerhead shark must be there because
they do like to eat squid but stingray are their very favorite they don't seem very
big but I do remind you to all stay away from the rail. after all it is shark week.
Oh No the Sharks are starting to get bigger oh my oh my! I think I might have squeezed out a little air in that excitement.
well I do believe that is enough adventure and ocean exploring for today
it's time to get back to shore but make sure that you sign up for more
voyages that we imagine by like commenting sharing and subscribing
that's all for now thank you for watching! Until next time!
Honolulu Breast Augmentation - Recovery from Surgery Takes Time - Duration: 0:54.Recovery for me, I had put a lot of research into it so I kinda knew the "booby blues"
and all that kind of thing, so I didn't deal with that.
But the recovery for me was definitely a little more lengthy than I thought.
I thought I would be back to running in a week and I'd be on Percocet for the first
day, and that didn't work.
Those were very unrealistic.
But I'm just very active.
I'm not very sedentary, so sitting and not doing things for me was really hard.
But I can't really say it was more unexpected.
It was more difficult than what I anticipated.
Yukiko Cosplay : Japan Expo 2018 Jour 3 - Duration: 5:17.Hi everyone so third day of Japan Expo
so this is Bridgette today
but Thomas Astruc says her name is Marinette too
of Ladybug PV version
as always I shox you my makeup
we arrive at Japan Expo
you recognize the caracters
Bridgette but as says Thomas Astruc is Marinette
and Félix from pv version
with Kogenta and Candy-Candy
we lost Yoru
we don't know where she is
Steeve : we are saturday third day of Japan Expo
tomorrow don't worry if you see me like this
because we want to arrive earlier for convention of Thomas Astruc
I don't want wake me up earlier the morning
because we go to Marvel night
for make me the mask
Steeve : I'm not like this tomorrow I will be in Vincent Aza
I don't want to do my mask so fast for be here the first one
it is an impossible mission
I will be like that
we recording the day and have fun
So this is the end for the third day of Japan Expo
tomorrow the last day
so must of emotion
especially for Anita hello to her
tomorrow I will be like that
because I want to sleep
big kiss
and see ya tomorrow for the last day of Japan Expo
Steeve : Bid day tomorrow
1 Horrifying Scary Story - Remember December - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
#127[On y va ou pas ?] ROULEZ JEUNESSE + 2 retours //Critique ciné à chaud - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
《海贼王》罗的伽马刀究竟有多大威力? - Duration: 8:29.-------------------------------------------
Design project of a country house. Interior in a classic style - Duration: 3:21.Interior Design Studio of Yulia Sheveleva
presents you a design project of a country house with a total area of 108 sq.m.
The interior is made in the classical style and was named - The Fairy Garden.
The clients applied to our company with a request to update the interior,
while they have already been partially bought materials, namely doors and parquet.
Also, customers wanted to partially save furniture,
which was dear to them and was in good condition.
Our task was to perform the finishing,
decorate the interior and add new colors to it.
The existing furniture dictated the classical style of the interior.
To soften the classics, as well as to make the interior more alive and unforgettable,
chose colorful wallpaper with floral and natural patterns.
So the dining room housed trees, flowers in the living room, birds appeared in the bedroom and in the room of the daughter.
In combination with the warm honey shade of the floor, the interior turned out to be elegant and iridescent.
It turned out that the Customer has a very unusual hobby - collecting dolls.
During the discussion, it was decided to place this collection in the customer's office,
since the contemplation of the dolls inspired and helped her in the work.
Especially for this purpose racks and shelves were developed.
Very unusual turned out the interior of the bathroom,
the lower part of which was decorated with polyurethane panels and painted,
and the upper part is decorated with wallpaper with a decorative floral pattern.
海贼王中这几个角色是路飞的真爱粉,竟然其中还有一个海军 - Duration: 7:01.-------------------------------------------
TRICK TIP Chop the Pan GOOFY - Duration: 1:25.[Music]
Welcome in the Fast Foot Longboard !
This week we will
use the
chop the wood !
That is by doing a chop the pan.
It's a mix between chop the wood
and peter pan in longboard.
At first the balance can be complicated to have,
but if you know how to do the peter pan
and the chop the pan it should be okay !
To begin, push your board forward,
put your front foot
in the middle back side,
take out your back foot and then
reposition it in place of the front foot.
You can start the peter pan.
At the end
of the peter pan,
replace yourself properly so you can
continue your short session
or your line.
the important thing is to tilt the body
to the left and right
for a remarkable visual effect.
If you too want to make this figure
by sneezing beans, then
put a thumbs up, suscribe to the channel
and share the video !
当路飞成为海贼王以后,众人何去何从?他最让人意想不到! - Duration: 5:19.-------------------------------------------
Universal Studios Islands Of Adventure Television Commercial (2000) - Duration: 0:51.>> ANNOUNCER: Islands of Adventure the most amazing theme park ever created
now at Universal Orlando. Step inside the whimsical world of Dr. Seuss, explore Jurassic Park,
join Spider-Man in the world's most spectacular 3D adventure
if you haven't experienced the all-new Islands of Adventure, you have haven't experienced Orlando.
Islands of Adventure, one of two awesome
theme parks at Universal Orlando.
Two parks, two days, one great vacation.
Teaching Prepositions Inductively - Duration: 2:52.Hello, everyone! My name is Cris.
My name is Ana and this is Great Ideas for Teachers and Students
Subtitles are available in English and Portuguese
On today's video we are going to share a way to teach prepositions inductively
So remember. We use in with months years and longer times, on with days and at with time. Got it?
Do you need some active ways to teach grammar
Here's a way to teach prepositions using inductive grammar
Inductive grammar:
a method of teaching grammar in which the students first see the
the examples and then come up with the grammar rule by themselves
So how do you do that? You don't explain the rules to the students
They have to come up with the rules through examples they find in a text
Oh, so it's like detective work Right. It's more active. Since the students do the work
they are more likely to remember the rules later
So let's see an example
where students come up with the rules for the use of prepositions of time - in, on and at -
in this text about Festivals, okay.
There are many examples of in, on and at in the text.
So after they read the text students have to answer these questions
What words and expressions are there after in?
What words and expressions come after at?
What words and expressions come after on?
After students have answered the questions
Then they have to come up with the rule.
Get students answers and ask them to complete
this preposition pyramid
and complete the rules below it
Finally ask students to talk or write about their routine using the prepositions they have learned
We have prepared this complete activity with the rules and the pyramid and it's available in the description for you
To see another video like this click on the card
If you liked this video
please hit the like button
and subscribe to our channel
If you haven't already
don't forget to ring the notification bell
and share this video with your friends
follow us on our social media
Bye Bye
Tv8 - International Champions Cup - Benfica-Juventus - 15 (24-7-2018) - Duration: 0:16.-------------------------------------------
FRENCH TRANSLATION INAZUMA ELEVEN GO GALAXY 3DS - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Cuando era pequeña, yo... || Book tag [CC] - Duration: 9:57.-------------------------------------------
Suzuki Vitara - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
Peugeot 208 1.2 PURETECH BLUE LION , NAVI , CR CONTR , AIRCO , PDC , MISTL V , - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Mazda 2 - Duration: 1:03.-------------------------------------------
FRENCH TRANSLATION INAZUMA ELEVEN GO GALAXY 3DS - Duration: 2:07.-------------------------------------------
Differentiation Quotient Rule - Duration: 6:49.In this video, I 'd like to show a few examples of differentiation using the quotient rule.
Before showing examples, you need to know the quotient rule formula.
Please note that the numerator has subtraction symbol and the order of terms.
Let's take a look at the first example.
Find the derivative of y=8/7x^3.
Since this is the quotient form, do we apply the quotient rule?
Yes, we could.
However, this question can be expressed in a different form.
Now we can apply the derivative formula without quotient rule.
Keep the constant 8/7 times the power of -3 as the coefficient and the power should be
subtracted by 1 to get -24/7 x to the power of -4 or we could bring
the function down to maintain the same form of the original function.
Let's take a look at the second example.
Now, we cannot express or simplify the given function in a different form.
So, let's apply the quotient formula.
Let's label the numerator as u and the denominator as v.
Then find the derivative for each.
u' is 5 and v' is 7.
Now, we have all four functions to apply the rule.
The first term should be u' 5 times v which is 7x-2.
Please make sure to have the minus sign on the numerator.
The second term is u times v'.
Since uv' is the same as v'u, we can exchange the order.
Finally place v squared on the denominator.
At this point, the common mistake is cancelling the two terms.
Since the numerator is not factored form, we cannot cancel only these two terms.
Then, let's distribute the numerators.
Lastly, we can cancel 35x and -35x to get the final answer.
Let's take a look at the next example.
This question is not expressed in a different form either.
So, let's apply the quotient formula.
Let's label the numerator as u and the denominator as v.
Then find the derivative for each.
u' is 6x and v' is 21x^2.
Now, we have all four functions to apply the rule.
The first term should be u' 6x times v which is 7x^3+2.
After that, place the minus sign.
The second term is u times v'.
However, v'u is convenient here.
Finally place v squared on the denominator.
Again, do not cancel those two terms.
Then, let's distribute the numerators.
Then we collect like terms.
We collected like terms on the numerator, however,
we can see the common factor on the numerator.
Taking the common factor –x to get the final answer.
Sometimes we could cancel some factor with the denominator, so it is better to take the
common factors on the numerator.
Let's take a look at the last example.
Let's label the numerator as u and the denominator as v.
Then find the derivatives for each.
u' is 4cos4x using the formula and v' is 3e^3x using the formula shown.
Now, we have all four functions to apply the rule.
The first term should be u' 4cos4x times v. e^3x.
Make sure to have the negative sign.
For the second term, we use v'u again.
Finally place v squared on the denominator.
Again, do not cancel those two terms.
Now, we can see the common factor on the numerator.
Taking the common factor e^3x.
Then we can cancel e^3x to reduce the fraction.
So the final answer is shown.
Although we could apply the quotient rule for fractions, we should not use if we can
simplify them like the first example.
Thank you for watching.
See you next time.
Νέα τροπή στην υπόθεση των δίδυμων κοριτσιών που αγνοούνται μετά τις φωτιές | Top News | fthis.gr - Duration: 2:29.Αυξάνεται η αγωνία για τα δύο 9χρονα δίδυμα κορίτσια της οικογένειας Φιλιππόπουλου που αγνοούνται μετά τις καταστροφικές πυρκαγιές στην ανατολική Αττική
Οι γονείς τους πίστευαν πως είχαν αναγνωρίσει τα παιδιά σε τηλεοπτικά πλάνα από πλοιάριο που αποβίβαζε διασωθέντες στο λιμάνι της Ραφήνας, όμως αυτό φαίνεται πως δεν ευσταθεί
Η Αστυνομία εντόπισε τον άνδρα που εικονίζεται μαζί με τα κορίτσια στο σκάφος, ο οποίος δήλωσε πως τα τέσσερα ανήλικα που συνόδευε ήταν δικά του παιδιά και παιδιά της κουμπάρας του
Οι έρευνες για τον εντοπισμό των δίδυμων κοριτσιών, που κανονικά βρίσκονταν με τον παππού και την γιαγιά τους, συνεχίζονται
To Χαμόγελο του Παιδιού απηύθυνε έκκληση σε όποιον έχει πληροφορίες να δώσει να συνδράμει στον εντοπισμό των δύο κοριτσιών
Η Σοφία Φιλιπποπούλου, έχει ύψος 1,13 μ., ζυγίζει 20 κιλά, έχει καστανόξανθα μαλλιά και πράσινα μάτια
Φορούσε ροζ σορτς, φούξια μπλούζα και ασημί πέδιλα. Η Βασιλική Φιλιπποπούλου, έχει ύψος 1,10 μ
, ζυγίζει 20 κιλά, έχει καστανά μαλλιά και καφέ-πράσινα μάτια. Φορούσε κόκκινο σορτς, ροζ μπλούζα και ασημί πέδιλα
Πηγή: skai.gr
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