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【fei ft. Hiraga】 Blue (Yuyoyuppe) - Duration: 3:23.Translation by kah0922
Just out of your curiosity
The cry of remorse at the end of the road
Echoes continuously
The emotion of frightened terror
The maze is turning color
The illusion that you're painting
Covers your intentions
Go ahead and cry all you want
No mercy could be seen in my eyes
Leaving nothing behind to survive
This place will be the end of your life
After all thought in my mind had stopped
The voice rises and boils
All my senses have suddenly gone mad
Far away to the other side
The view of "Hope" vanishes
The answer goes out of focus in a vacuum
The bluish color blends into the painted darkness
Where it disappears, the blue will return again
Trump's support helped Brian Kemp win in Georgia: Ronna McDaniel - Duration: 7:39.-------------------------------------------
Man killed in Seaside officer-involved shooting ID'd - Duration: 2:20.-------------------------------------------
Merkley: We need a tough president, not weak repetition of Russian talking points - Duration: 5:16.NICK SCHIFRIN: Now, for a perspective from the other side of the aisle, Democratic Senator
Jeff Merkley of Oregon.
Senator, thank you very much for joining us.
Secretary Pompeo -- Secretary Pompeo said that the administration's been tough on Russia,
tougher than its predecessor, and that the president has the prerogative to have private
conversations with his own Cabinet and with other leaders.
Were those answers sufficient?
JEFF MERKLEY (D), OREGON: Oh, absolutely not.
What we have seen is a president who refused to critique Russia on their -- their annexation
of Crimea, their holding the eastern edge of Ukraine.
He hasn't criticized them over the attacks on individuals in Britain with chemical weapons.
He hasn't criticized them for cozying up and supporting the Syrian government as it dropped
barrel bombs and gassed its own people.
And he certainly hasn't criticized them for cyber-attacking our elections.
And we heard nothing today to contravene that.
In fact, what we did hear, the one thing we did hear is that there is not yet any type
of agreement with North Korea, not even over creating an inventory of its ballistic missile
and nuclear assets.
NICK SCHIFRIN: I want to get to North Korea in a second.
But the president's defenders on Russia say, well, you are criticizing some of the president's
rhetoric or lack of criticism, as you put it, but the policies have been aggressive
on Russia in Eastern Ukraine, and also that the president has actually pushed forward,
in terms of getting rid of Russian intelligence officials and closed consulates in the U.S.
,something his predecessor didn't do.
JEFF MERKLEY: Well, was noted in the hearing today, the president has failed to implement
all of the cuts, provisions or sanctions on Russia.
We basically, Democrats, Republicans, all came together and said, you must do this,
which is just unprecedented.
And the president still was very slow to implement, very slow to act.
He's had to have been drugged, screaming into taking any type of firm stand in that regard.
NICK SCHIFRIN: The president's defenders also say that Russia and the United States have
90 percent of the world's nuclear weapons, the two leaders should be talking.
Don't you believe that the two leaders should be talking?
JEFF MERKLEY: Oh, absolutely, I agree with that.
But it helps to have a -- the president actually learn something about the topics before he
meets with a former spy chief who's extraordinarily capable.
The president came away essentially spouting all of the positions of the Russian government,
instead of fighting for the United States.
We need a watchdog for the United States.
We need a fierce effort to take on the cyber-attacks in the United States, which really are acts
of war.
We need the president to say, get those additional sanctions done, I'm going to implement them,
and pass the DETER Act, which would say, if Russia meddles in another election, there
will be enormous economic consequences for that nation.
We need a tough, president, not this weak repetition of Russian talking points from
our commander in chief.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Secretary of State Pompeo indicated that he would support a further bill that
would actually impose automatic sanctions on Russia or any other country that is deemed
to impede in U.S. elections.
Do you trust and believe that the U.S. administration will actually protect this election and elections
moving forward?
JEFF MERKLEY: Well, I am pleased to hear that today.
But we need the president to actually come to Capitol Hill, make the case, say to the
Senate, get it -- get it passed, say to the House, get it passed, I want it on my desk.
We need the president show some leadership on this.
NICK SCHIFRIN: On North Korea, we have seen a freeze in missile and nuclear tests.
We have seen the closing of this engine testing site.
Are those signs, as Secretary Pompeo suggested today, that the U.S. and North Korea are in
a better place today than they were under the previous two administrations?
JEFF MERKLEY: We have had under previous presidents North Korea do the same dance.
They put in a temporary freeze.
They said they support complete denuclearization.
We have even gotten further with some detailed agreements.
This administration hasn't gotten to the detailed agreements, not even a survey of their ballistic
missile capabilities or of their enrichment capabilities or of their nuclear warhead capabilities.
And, in fact, today, it was confirmed by the secretary that North Korea at this very moment
is continuing to enrich and create more nuclear materials.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Secretary Pompeo -- quickly, Senator, in the 30 seconds we have left, Secretary
Pompeo insisted that there are other issues that have been discussed between the U.S.
and North Korea that he couldn't talk about in open session.
Do you have faith that there are other issues that North Korea has pledged to that will
lead to denuclearization?
JEFF MERKLEY: No, I don't have much faith.
I'm in a show-me mode.
We have security clearances.
He could come and brief us on that.
But, at this point, there's very little to show, other than the same dance we have seen
under previous efforts, in fact, even less now, because our president, up front, agreed,
not as a reward for advancing, but just as a concession, tore down our joint exercises
with South Korea.
NICK SCHIFRIN: Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, thank you very much.
JEFF MERKLEY: You're welcome.
Thank you.
Les amis d'un fou témoignent (JimmyTatro fr) - Duration: 4:43.-------------------------------------------
Hinderer XM18 3 vs 3.5 inch Knife Comparison Review. Titanium S35VN wow. - Duration: 14:42.For this review of the Hinderererer XM-18… the 3.5 inch and 3 inch versions I thought
it would be best to show you in my house where my Chris Reeve Sebenza currently is located-
the basement on a book shelf.
You're like yeah cutting up stupid books!
I think it's been there for several weeks or maybe a month- and I had the intention
of using it at some point.
It's been a while.
If you saw that review- I didn't watch it- but if you did you may remember that I am
not the best knife reviewer to appreciate a production folding knife over $400.
I mean if you're seeking confirmation bias.
Thankfully subscriber Frame Locks spent his own money and lent me these to check out.
But before we go any further lets take a look at the dimensions of the Hindererer 3 incherer
and 3.5 incherer.
Like the overall length and weight of both knives.
As you know per my knife preferences- the larger XM-18 is a little too heavy for pocket
Blade length and cutting edge.
I mean 5 and a half ounces ain't super heavy, but at work I carry my knives in my suit jacket
Handle size and grip area.
Knives much heavier than 4 ounces tend to swing around in my pocket and hit me in the
Spine thickness and handle thickness.
My nipples are pretty sensitive.
And not in a good kind of way.
I don't want to brag but I don't think any other knife channels factor in nipple sensitivity
into pocket carry.
Do you know my average view duration is somewhere around 3 minutes 30.
Wonder why.
The XM-18 series has had many revisions and generations over the years- I think we're
at the 3rd generation of perfection.
If they are not- totally my fault- remember like this guy who subscribes for some reason
says- these are more like demonstrations.
Thanks for the clarification bud!
It worked you got to show up in the video for passive aggressive trolling!
Good comment!
The XM-18 comes in 2 basic sizes the 3 and 3.5 inch blade model.
I like the weight of the 3 incher but the blade of the 3 and a half incherer.
I'm sorry that's the last time I'lll do that.
The 3.5 features a blade made from S35Vn in a stone washed finish as does the 3.0.
Over the years many blade shapes have been available as have quite a few blade steels.
And the 3.5 here used the bowie style blade you know because it looks like a classic bowie.
What's interesting about this knife- as opposed to the 6 or so other shapes of the
3.5 available is for fans of choking up on it.
The combination of the thumb sized spine slope, the choil and the finger groove allow you
to get nice and close to the blade.
Even if you hold it regular that spine has a nice thumb sized resting area.
The 3 incher here has the spear point blade style which really doesn't have that thumb
resting area.
The bowie blade is actually nice, the curved shabby tip is great for opening packages of
hot dogs.
Deployment on both is handled by a flipper and locked up with a titanium frame lock.
If you like fidgeting with your knives these are a little lets call them manly.
Meaning they'll toughen up your tender keyboard hands.
Lion Steel got it right on their SR-11A.
Flipper tabs don't have to be textured, or have weird angles.
That one is completely rounded, and it's easy to flip and my finger doesn't slip.
A flipper tab can be smooth and still be flippable.
The XM-18 Flipper tab on both comes to a rounded point, it doesn't make sense but I want
you to realize it's not sharp, just a more aggressive angle than it needs to be…
Then there's some jimping on the bottom… can't say what it's there for, I have
to hold the knife in an awkward way to touch it.
The 3 inch knife is a bit nicer to flip because it's a lighter blade.
Both aren't on bearings but aren't creaky- deployment isn't lighting fast but an ok
Faster than a sebenza.
Is that the saying?
The thumb studs are more like blade stops and aren't great for deployment.
They're too hard to get the finger in there and the flipper works better.
People still correct me about that on my ZT 0350 review.
They're not thumb studs they're blade stops.
Detent on both of the knives are strong and I can't get them to fling open downward.
I know some of the earlier gens have weak detent.
But remember on a $400 knife its a feature and not a bug.
The lockup is handled by a titanium frame lock, it's nice and easy and pleasant to
disengage on both knives.
It holds strong, and there's an over travel disc there in the middle.
I have many knives with and without over travel discs or lock bar stabilizers and I've never
seen an appreciable difference one way or the other.
I feel like those are some things certain knives need and others don't to function
I see people talk about it as a feature sometimes, I feel it's more like oh hey it has one.
Apparently certain quote hard use situations might necessitate one…
like vigorous knife closing.
I read the story on the website and can't understand how that happened, but I'm weak.
Other than prying or batoning what else is a knife going to go through.
And as a minor point the frame lock on the sebenza covers more of the knife tang than
the hinderer.
The handle.
The handle is comprised of titanium and G10… lock bar side full titanium, and on the other
side a titanium liner and G10 scale.
The shape of the handle on the larger one works well for my hand, and even larger hands.
I like finger grooves- both the larger and smaller handle have these, and they help give
you a nicer grip when gripping.
The large has plenty of room to spare the small well is a bit too small for me- it's
not bad just smaller than I prefer.
Then there's jimping…
Jimping here and there, it's that half rounded half angled stuff that the Chinese love adding
to all their knockoff knives.
I find it a bit unnecessary really, but I guess it adds some tolerances or pretties
it up.
The G10 scale and nice texture adds enough grip for my tastes, and thankfully the handle
jimping is kind of out of the way for my style grip.
The finger groove on the G10 is kind of edgy, not owie just edgy.
The open backed design makes the knife easy to clean out but also makes the blade more
accessible to change and keys- my advice is to keep an open backed knife in a pocket without
other metal things.
I think the oversized standoffs look cool.
Thanks for that opinion bro.
The pocket clip.
The pocket clip is titanium and the right kind of springy, it's easy to slide in the
pocket because of the smooth stonewashed titanium side.
It's not deep carry and about 3/4 of an inch sticks out of your pocket.
It's configurable to tip up or tip down, however only right handed people will get
tip up blade backward in the right pocket.
So quick draw lefties might just have to pull it out and deploy it at regular speed.
First let's do the 3.5.
It's nice and big.
It's in theory it's the right size for me, remember it's only a little bigger than
a 3 inch cutting edge though.
I have other larger lighter knives I prefer.
It's well made, great centering, great tolerances- a thing that's always a bigger deal in expensive
knives- you know if there's not mammoth bone scales or meteorite inlays to help justify
the price.
The hinderer just isn't comfortable enough in my hand for me to want to buy it.
Now the Benchmade crooked River.
This is a much more comfortable knife to hold- it has the clip point style which is what
companies other than hinderer call their blades that have their point clipped!
I will say though the Crooked River is kind of smooth so it's a bit awkward when wet.
Much bigger cutting edge, same weight as the 3.5.
However blade centering and sometimes the edge grind is even on benchmades, which is
why people pay more for Hinderers.
Now the Spyderco Caribbean.
Much lighter, bigger blade, I like the handle better, it offers grip without jimping and
it ain't slippery.
I like the spine jimping on spydercos the best because it's fucntional without being
And the Sebenza.
The Sebenza is a slow deployer and is kind of boring.
However it is light because it's half carbon fiber and I beat the absolute shit out of
it, and it held up fine.
I mean I've beat the absolute shit out of a $20 Ganzo before, but that sounds sacrilegious.
Oh yeah the Lion Steel Sr-11A this one is lighter and flips easier- however its on a
ball bearing system and I believe some of the newer generations of the Hinderer may
have made the switch to a smoother bearing system.
If you'd like to pay over $300 for this one it comes in a heavier titanium version.
The small Hinderer.
It's good and nice.
A bit small for my tastes and here it is next to the big one.
It's less fatiguing to fidget with over the large, so that's wonderful.
I like the blueish purple color.
Let's look at it next to some other smaller but cheaper knives.
If you can call any knife over $100 cheaper.
How about the para 3 I prefer the Para 3 in comfort, deployability, figetablity, and overall
Did you see that review last week?
This knife is about $120-$150 depending on blade steel choice.
Now the Steel Will Cutjack… which kind of copies the hinderer look a little, it isn't
made out half titanium though, but has a decent blade steel.
I feel similar about both knives.
Cut jack as a nastier flipper though, and is a much faster flipper.
The tab is kind of sharp.
This is about a $140 knife.
Ok one other.
The HEA desgins poison.
This one has kind of a stiff titanium frame lock, this is a tiny nearly $300 knife although
I paid a reduced reviewers fee that put it just below $200.
The lesson here is knives with titanium and s35VN are expensive even if they're small.
So basically you're paying $300 for a titanium s35vn made mostly by machines, and your paying
about $100 more for one made mostly by machines in America.
Is that it?
So frame locks gave me the ok to baton with these things, however it's been raining
for several of my shooting outdoors days so cardboard is going to have to do.
I'm glad I got to check these knives out…
I know some of you are pissed that I compared the hinderer to a sebenza when a strider would
have been more appropriate however I'd never buy one of those.
The Hinderers are pretty cool.
If I could get one for about $200 I might bite, so I could say oh yeah I have a hinderer.
At some point people pay for what they like in looks and exclusivity.
There aren't features a Hinderer has that can't be found in a cheaper American Made
You can get a fluted titanium American made spyderco for about $230 in S30V… if you
need titanium.
Or a Para Military 2 in s35Vn… or if you need both the steel and titanium and also
made in America Zero Tolerance has a whole class in the mid 200s…
But it also needs to look like a hinderer.
Ok you got me… the only knife that looks like a Hinderer with titanium S35VN and G10
is a hinderer, or I'm sure there's a Chinese fake somewhere, which even makes less sense.
Umm the tolerances?
Now these are users, and not safe queens whatever the hell that means.
So blade centering might not be like it once was.
The blade centering on the 3.5 is is great, and on the smaller it's not perfect.
And since I've seen a few people complain that the grind on the spine on some of my
benchmades are horrible- not sure how that even affects performance as long as the edge
it fine… but these are both good, despite having some Swedges and shit.
Still not 100% perfect, but you need to really stare to see they're not perfectly symmetrical.
Anyway if you really want a hinderer this review will do nothing to dissuade you I assume…
but I still stand by my original conclusion that I had after I purchased my Sebenza…
somewhere in the mid $200 dollar range knives cease to be about fit and finish, the materials
they're made from, and the country in which they're made.
If the Hinderer look is your thing, and you want the original it's a great way to spend
your money I guess.
If someone offered me a ridiculous proposition like… hey you can trade this hinderer for
your spyderco military but you can't ever sell it or get a new military- I'd say No.
I wouldn't even trade my Sebenza for it because its a more comfortable lighter weight
When I buy a knife I don't respond to higher end steels and exotic materials as much as
how it feels in my hands, deployment, and looks.
If you like this review, subscribe to the channel- give it a thumbs up, leave a comment-
sorry there weren't more jokes- I had writers block this week.
Thanks for watching!
10 minute everyday makeup routine so ur friends don't complain about u being late - Duration: 11:32.I almost fell :0
Hello my frens it's Nina and for this video I
am up in the morning and filming at 10 a.m.
This is early for me.
I woke up at like
In my brain, that's kind of late. I usually get up at like 8:00
when the sun is kind of low in the sky
but once it gets towards like nine
the sun's like up in the sky and it's really harsh
and summer's really hot and just
Also, look at my Yosemite shirt
It's still early in the morning. I didn't bother to change.
So for this video I'm going to show you my everyday
10-minute makeup routine
the thing with my everyday makeup routine is
that I change my routine like every two weeks
from my last
everyday makeup routine video
I changed my routine to this routine
and I've been doing this and then this is probably gonna change so I
Don't know
But anyway, this is what I'm doing currently
it takes theoretically ten minutes
But sometimes it takes longer if I'm listening to music
if I'm just not feeling in the mood it might take 20, 30
So I developed this makeup routine because
there is a tragic backstory
To why I need to get out of the house earlier
I tend to be late for
Every single thing that I go to
when my friends have plans and I'm part of those plans
I just never show up on time and
I've hurted a lot of people
I've hurted
I've hurt a lot of
Is hurted not a word?
oh my god my english.
I've hurt a lot of people.
I've just hurt a lot of people in the past with my lack of punctuality
Instead of showing up on time
I just always somehow show up either
exactly five minutes late or thirty minutes late
There's never an in-between
it's just like how do I always manage to get out of the house
thirty minutes late?
it's not even 29 minutes late it's 30
and so I didn't want to be a burden to my friends anymore
So that's why I'm doing this 10 minute makeup routine so I could get out of the house 20 minutes earlier
So anyway, this is a ten minute makeup routine
I've actually timed it once and it did take ten minutes
Usually I listen to music so that's why it takes a little longer
That's why I'm still late to meet my friends
I'm trying my best, friends
Okay If I show up late
That's just because
it took a lot of courage in me to tell myself to get out of the house
So the first thing I do before anything
always in the morning and always at night
is to moisturize
after I wash my face
I moisturize
a tip I have with moisturizer is to make sure your hands
are super clean
like wash your hands and then
Dry them in a separate towel.
Don't dry your hands with the same towel that you use for everything else
Just have a separate hand towel because your hands are very dirty
You know
They they touch a lot of stuff
and so make sure they're super clean
right after you wash them go in with your moisturizer
Because you're rubbing this all over your face
So the moisturizer I use is this intense hydration face cream by mineral fusion.
I've used this face cream for
Like a year and a half or two
and it works really well it's for normal to dry skin types
My skin is around normal to dry.
Also there's a mirror here that's why I'm looking this way
So I moisturize everywhere and I get my sensitive spots as well
sometimes in some areas I'm super dry
Got milk? Almond milk?
So I get it especially around here then under my eyes
Especially here because this area gets really dry.
So the next thing we do is eyebrows
Um, I've run out of this.
I don't even know if there's product left
but I assume there's a tiny bit
I can't even tell anymore.
But this is what I used to kind of set up my eyebrows
I should have brought a mirror. Huh. Anyway
I need a mirror
I'm back. Okay
So I use this glossier boy brow to set up my eyebrows.
It's the clear one, so it has no color
So that's why I only use it to set up my eyebrows
But then I'm gonna go over it with a cake powder
because my eyebrows need it.
My eyebrows are straight
So that's why I kind of
so that's why I kind of shape them and I have to really kind of just guide them
Make sure they're doing good things in life.
And the next thing I do is I go in with a NYX eyebrow cake powder
It's gray and black
and then I go in with this tiny little brush
I could have a different brush, but it came with a brush. So I just use it
Then I go in with the gray only
with the powder
I start here on this bottom
and then I try to make my eyebrows really straight.
So I always start on the outside
Just making sure there's a shape
Yes, yes
and then I go on the outside right here
to complete the entire brow
Everyone has a different face shape
so just go with what looks
oh, okay
Just go with what looks good on your face
kind of just like see where it lines up and stuff
So I'm literally just filling in the blank spots
and then making it a full brow
because I have hairs
so I'm just working with what I've got.
Does it look straight? I don't even know anymore.
I try my best
That's all I'm doing
my eyebrows look different almost every day
and that's what keeps life interesting
Eyebrows that never look the same
that's as straight as it'll go
Then I go on the outside and then I complete the brow
trying to make it as lined up as possible with this brow
so I gotta go on the bottom a little bit
and also it's kind of important for me to kind of round out my
eyebrow a little bit because sometimes it can make me look angry
I gotta make sure it's kind of rounded.
So the brows are done. And then now we're moving on to the eyes
I use an eye primer on my eyelids
to set up the canvas for my
eye ball lids (??)
so I go in with the urban decay eyeshadow primer potion
a lot of my products are urban decay don't mind
and then I just put it all over my
dabbing it on
and then I just put it all over my
now, I'm moving on to the eyeshadow and I use a naked 3 palette for the first shadow
which is this shadow
you can't really see it this shadow right here
I just go in with my middle finger and I just put it all over my lid
just like all over
this is the only source of color for this look
and my trick is that I just bend down so that
the fallout can fall out so
don't mind me
Okay, you're probably gonna need to see what I'm doing
So I just literally put it all over my lid like this
you get really intimate with yourself
You're just
I was gonna say something really inappropriate.
You're just
you're just putting this glittery shadow all over your lid
and then kind of on the corner of your eye
This is why it's important to make sure your fingers are clean
your hands are clean all that
and it has like a bit of a
rosy gold color
so that's why I like this shade and then I go into the other eye
Make sure it's all over the eye.
Here we go
And then with a flat
brush I go in with the same
shadow and I go on the bottom of my eyes
cuz you kind of just want everything to go together
So I start on the outside first, outside and then I work my way in
Just like that
Then another thing I like to do is with the same palette I go with "dust"
it's literally dusty
Okay So you got to be careful with this
but I put this on the center of my eyelids
just to make it pop even more
just like that and then I kind of
just work it
then other lid there we go
And then with the flat brush, I put "dust" on the inner corner of my eye
just to make my eyes pop a little more
So that is it for the eye shadow
and now we're going to fake an eyeliner
I haven't used actual eyeliner in a very long time
just because I haven't bothered to get another one
so lately I've just been
faking an eyeliner by using eye shadow
So you don't need an entire other palette to do this eyeliner look
you just need a matte dark color.
And this is a nice dark brown matte color that I like.
It's called chocolate dipped
It's from the Just Peachy palette
and then I just use a flat tip
I start on the outside of my eye
and then I'm really just trying to get as close as possible to my lashline
Then you're just gonna keep going until you get like an eyeliner
I'll sit closer to you so you can see what I'm doing
but I kind of just go along with my eye shape
I don't bring it up. I used to bring my wing like up
But now I just kind of go slightly down.
It kind of just makes my eyes look a little longer this way
and then I kind of just judge when I want to stop
so nothing too much
There's just a hint of liner now
now the other eye
So that is really it for the eyes
actually no, it's not
now you need mascara
So I'm gonna first curl my eyelashes
So, how are you doing?
Hope you guys are getting through life
Like I am
also before my entire makeup routine
I always remember to moisturize my lips
so that's just a tip. Moisturize your lips.
and there we go
And I'm just going to cover them with mascara
and I use this
everything's just urban decay
And then I'm just going in
to make my eyelashes look longer
and on the bottom just a little bit
literally just the tiniest amount
It's okay
I thought I ruined it but it's all good
and then i just go here
Just a very light amount
And then my eye makeup is done
So for the face after I moisturize and everything
I just use a BB cream. I use this BB cream cushion
It's got this little mochi face
it's literally the klairs
mochi BB cushion pact
it's from klairs
and then I just put it all over my face
This is the only thing I use for my skin.
I do BB cream
After everything because of the chance of fallout and all that
But I've just gotten used to doing bb cream after everything
So that is that with the face makeup
and then finally I just go in with lip tints
recently I've only been using this orange
tint from etude house
but I've also used red over that sometimes but that's only if I'm feeling fancy
but otherwise
I just use the orange just for a pop of color.
This is a nice summer color.
I'm just gonna look this way I guess.
And then I fix it with my fingertips because it's super orange right now
and then on top of that I just put on
more lip balm.
I have this rosy lips lip balm from vaseline
This lip balm has a nice rosy smell
so you just smell like peaches and roses
and it just makes me feel really good
and then just fix
Anything you need to fix
and that is it for this makeup routine. It literally takes 10 minutes
You could basically do this in your car
if you need to
which is what I sometimes do if I'm super late
So to my friends I'm sorry I always show up late. I don't
I wake up early and I try to do everything
but there's just so much that I have to do in the morning
that I just-
well anyway, I exposed myself now
this is my makeup routine, so I don't really have a lot of excuses to be late anymore
I'm gonna fix my hair now
you guys look at how long my hair is.
So that is it for this video.
I hope you enjoyed this 10-minute makeup routine.
I hope it changed your life
I hope you are never late to meet your friends anymore.
And if you still are just-
I don't have another solution just-
but thank you so much for watching and
I am gonna go and watch the new run BTS episode
and I'm gonna get on with
my day, so yeah
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