Gorgeous Graceland Portable Building/Cabin/Tiny Home w/Front Porch
3 Steps to Create a Search Formula - Duration: 1:40.This video has no spoken audio, please see the transcript for a step by step description
of what is displayed on screen.
MATH 1111 - 3.3 - Duration: 11:37.Hi, I'm Dr. Tim Floyd – associate professor of mathematics at Georgia Highlands College,
and this is one of our videos to help students with their college algebra – MATH 1111 – course,
and this video is titled – Introducing Relations.
In this video, I hope that will help you to gain an understanding of what a relation is
from the definition – and also understand that a relation can be represented by ordered
pairs; graphs; equations; and other formats.
So first of all, the definition – a relation is any set of ordered pairs.
Now the ordered pair is traditionally written in this format – and we have a parenthesis
with a comma separating two values – or two variables or two expressions – and in
this case, the first value – the first position is referred to as the input position, and
it's also the value of X becomes a value of what is called the domain.
The second position is considered the output position and the values of Y that come in
that position, for all the ordered pairs in the relation are generally referred to as
the range.
Now relations can be represented in several formats.
Each format then, leads to being able to create an ordered pair – or a set of ordered pairs.
So in this case let's suppose we have a graph and I'm going to take this graph and I'm going
to graph a line.
Now in this graph, if you'll remember that the coordinate plane is set up in terms of
– the horizontal axis is referred to as the X axis; the vertical axis is referred
to as the Y axis.
So if we select points on the graph, then we can make ordered pairs that will go with
these values.
Now if we look at each ordered pair then – let's start with the lower one that I've made here
– if we follow to write an ordered pair, then we would have a beginning parenthesis;
a comma; and an ending parenthesis – and in this ordered pair, let's call it A – so
let's give it a name, and then let us follow it, so we're moving in the negative direction
– 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 – and then we're going down to negative 3.
So if we were to write that as an ordered pair, we would write it as negative 6.
That was on the X axis – and then we went down to negative 3 on the Y axis.
Now if we choose, let this second ordered pair be the ordered pair B, and we have parentheses
and then if we follow this, we're going to – and again, in the negative direction on
the X axis – it looks like we're about halfway between 0 and negative 1 in the vertical.
So we would then write this as negative 3 and then negative 1/2, that's about as close
as we can get when we're looking at a point from a grid like this.
We pretty much can get halfway; it's hard to get any more precise than that.
And then our final point that we have – and let me call it C – and then if we write
it as an ordered pair with parenthesis and a comma, then we will look at the ordered
So here again we go.
We're going to the right this time.
We're going to positive 3 and then we're going up 5, so in this case – we would have positive
3, positive 5 would be the ordered pair.
Now for any location on this line then, we could ask ourselves what is the ordered pair.
So this graph is a relation.
Any graph you make on the XY plane we can get ordered pairs from.
Now suppose we have a table of values – now typically in this situation I'm just going
to select some values for X and Y, so let's say we have negative 5 and 8 – and let's
say we have negative 1/2 and 2 – and let's say we have 0, negative 1 – and let's say
we have 5, 5 – and let's say we have 6, negative 2.
This is typically – notice it's a two-column table, because we'll have two input values,
which is the domain output values, which is our Y values – and so, if we then write
ordered pairs from this, we would have negative 5, 8 and we would have negative 1/2, 2 – I'm
going to finish that 1/2 – we would have 0, negative 1 – and then we would have 5,
5 and 6, negative 2.
So any set of values where you can make a two-column table from, then we can make ordered
pairs, and then of course – we could take these to the graph and graph these, if we
So the table then creates ordered pairs – or leads to ordered pairs, which does then make
this a relation; it's a set of ordered pairs.
Now let's say that we have something that's actually generating – in the previous example
I just picked numbers.
Well let's say that we want to have something where we would actually make the values from.
So let's say we have Y equals 2X plus 1.
So I'm going to use this equation then and I'm not going to select values for both X
and Y because I'm going to select values for X.
So let's say we do negative 2, negative 1; 0, 1 and 2 - and then I'm going to sequentially
substitute the value of 2 – or negative 2 in this case – in for the variable X – and
then we're going to calculate.
So if I do that – so we have Y equals 2 times negative 2 plus 1, and in this case
we're going to get a negative 3 – and so then if I proceed down the list, then we will
have value based on each input, and then once we have these values – if we want to, then
we could graph these ordered pairs – or we can actually write them as ordered pairs,
f that is what we desire to do.
So in this case now we have – just look back through and make sure I calculated these
correctly, okay – and that's what you should always do also.
Now we have the values that we want and if we wanted to we can now make these as a set
of ordered pairs – and therefore, this is another way since this formula that we have
used – this equation – we can now say that this is a relation, because it creates
ordered pairs – and our formula and in putting these values of X, which I chose, led us to
these output values.
So each one was defined by the input value; the output value is defined by the input value
– led us to making ordered pairs.
So this equation using X as the input and Y is the output – led us to create these
ordered pairs, which makes it a relation.
All right, now I want to show you about how to do a mapping.
Mappings are used mainly to help us visualize a relation and it will also help us in the
video that if you watch the video on functions, you can kind of visualize how things connect
in a function.
Now in a mapping, typically what we'll have is we will have these ovals that actually,
the first oval I'm going to put input values or X values into, and I'm picking these numbers
at random at this point.
So let's say we have negative 2, 1, and 8 – and then in our output circle I'm going
to use the values of 5 and 3 – and the mapping is created by drawing an arrow from one circle
to the next to connect the number in the domain to a number in the range.
So let's say that we have this.
So the picture then is a mapping.
Each value in the domain is connected to something in the Y – and so, from this picture now
we can create ordered pairs – and we'll put them in the table first, and then once
they're in the table – and I'm only going to use a few slots out of this table.
Now from the table – as we spoke earlier, we can create ordered pairs now, which does
make this a relation – and the nice thing about the mapping is that it lets us see how
numbers in, or values in the domain are connected to values in the range – and this will be
very helpful when we go to wanting to talk about whether this relation is also a function.
So in this video, what we've talked about is the relation and ways we can view it.
The definition has certainly been presented.
And in this sense, this is the beginning point.
We don't talk about relations as much because usually the very next thing we go to is a
discussion of the function –and if you're looking at these GHC videos, you will see
my video and maybe others, where we talk about the defining of a function and various ways
that they can be represented.
So I wanted to say thank you and I appreciate you joining me and I hope you will look at
our other videos and I hope this has been helpful.
Thank you and have a good evening.
Комплект постельного белья Balimena Евро, размер: под. 200х215см, прост. 240х220см, нав. 70х70см,... - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
Our responsibility to preach the gospel - Duration: 2:19.-------------------------------------------
Mitsubishi ASX 1.6 MIVEC ClearTec 117pk Auto Stop & Go Connect Pro - Duration: 0:55.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, clamoroso colpo di scena al trono over | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Kia cee'd 1.4 CVVT X-tra Airco | Metallic lak | Trekhaak | Dealeronderhouden | - Duration: 1:11.-------------------------------------------
Uomini e Donne, già pronta una nuova tronista? L'appello a Maria De Filippi | Wind Zuiden - Duration: 3:15.-------------------------------------------
✅ Temptation Island Vip, addio Simona Ventura: la conduttrice ha lasciato Mediaset - Duration: 2:41.Simona Ventura è tornata in Rai: Temptation Island Vip nel 2019 con un nuovo conduttore Temptation Island Vip tornerà nei prossimi mesi su Canale 5, ma senza la sua colonna portante: Simona Ventura
La conduttrice ha deciso di lasciare Mediaset per tornare in Rai. A ufficializzare la notizia, dopo i gossip delle ultime settimane, è stato Marco Paolini, Direttore Generale dei Palinsesti Mediaset
"È stato un peccato. Temptation Vip le era venuto bene. Ma è la legge del calciomercato", ha dichiarato il dg in un'intervista concessa a Il Messaggero
A volere fortemente il ritorno in Rai di Super Simo è stato Carlo Freccero, nuovo direttore di Rai Due
La Ventura presenterà la nuova edizione di The Voice of Italy, ma per la 53enne si parla anche di altri progetti
Come ad esempio un eventuale ritorno a Quelli che il calcio, uno degli show di maggior successo della carriera della Ventura
Finisce il sodalizio tra Simona Ventura e Maria De Filippi Dunque, nonostante la "rinascita" avuta grazie a Maria De Filippi (che l'ha voluta prima a Selfie-Le cose cambiano, poi ad Amici e infine a Temptation Island Vip), Simona Ventura ha scelto di tornare al passato
E rientrare in quell'azienda abbandonata anni fa per tentare nuove strade lavorative
Al momento la diretta interessata non ha rilasciato commenti a riguardo. Simona è in vacanza in Egitto con Stefano Bettarini, la fidanzata Nicoletta Larini e i figli
Sui social network ha condiviso nelle ultime ore solo una dolce dedica per il compleanno del padre
Chi sarà il nuovo conduttore di Temptation Island Vip? Ora che Simona Ventura è tornata in Rai, resta da capire chi condurrà la seconda edizione di Temptation Island Vip
Per il momento Filippo Bisciglia è confermato all'edizione Nip: Maria De Filippi punterà su di lui pure per la versione con le celebrity? O chiamerà un'altra conduttrice donna? Chi vivrà, vedrà!
WWE stars pay tribute to 'Mean' Gene Okerlund after he passes away - Duration: 3:26.Football News24/7 WWE this afternoon revealed the sad news that 'Mean' Gene Okerlund has passed away at the age of 76
Okerlund was arguably the most famous voice in the history of WWE, interviewing iconic superstars such as Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, Ultimate Warrior and Randy Savage
And of course, Hogan's famous 'Well let me tell you something Mean Gene' was directed at Okerlund and became a staple ever since that day
Okerlund was a versatile broadcaster, stepping from backstage to ringside, even singing the national anthem of the United States at the first-ever WrestleMania in 1985
Gene jumped ship to WCW in 1993 before the Monday Night Wars truly kicked in, but did eventually return to WWE for sporadic appearances
His last WWE appearance came in January 2018, where he interviewed AJ Styles at Raw's 25th anniversary special before he defended his WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble against Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
WWE stars past and present have been paying tribute to the upsetting news on Twitter, where Hogan has simply stated 'Mean Gene I love you my brother'
Fellow WWE Hall of Famer The Iron Sheik has also tweeted out a supportive message, saying 'RIP MY BROTHER GENE MEAN
GOD BLESS YOU. CAMERA MAN ZOOM IT'. Superstars of the current day have also posted messages, such as Samoa Joe who stated: 'Of the very few regrets I harbor in my career, one was never getting to scream "Mean Gene" when answering the queries of a man who presence was larger than life and ingrained in the better memories of my childhood
RIP Mean Gene. My condolences to the Okerlund family.' Former WWE commentator Jim Ross posted his condolences as well, posting a picture of himself and Gene together at a recent event just less than two months ago
And Triple H said it best of all by stating that Okerlund was the 'soundtrack to an entire era of the industry'
Rest in peace, Gene.
DarkKard_ decides to Just Chat - Duration: 0:31.[Annoying Video]
Oh pardon me
[Snorting Cocaine]
Wait Harry, were those images in general, were they the ones that you found?
The images in genera-
SAY [can't put that in a christian video]
wha- whut
Hacer falda midi Evasé - Sin patrón! - Duration: 13:28.Hello
in this tutorial I'm going to make a skirt
Flared style
with front closure
with buttons
and I'm going to incorporate a lining
I have chosen a leopard print fabric
a fabric with a lot of fall and the lining is knitted
fine knit
the length of the skirt is long "midi", that is, below the knee
The measures that I need are:
of the length of the skirt, plus the waist and the waist
let's start cutting
we have the cloth
the cloth is double in width is 150 cm
here is the shore
where is the shore
this area here
is going to be the view
the central view where the buttons will be
I have to fold the cloth
four times
that four cloths come out
and this cloth here, where is the view, that stays only in two
the view is going to be three centimeters
when it is finished only 3 cm
that is, I have to cut 8 cm
goes double, plus 2 cm
I put here the cloth
I put some pins
as I said
the view of the skirt
on this side
I'm going to cut the waist
and these are the four cloths
that leads to the skirt
I have already put the cloths
I'll make the skirt without a pattern
I have here the view that goes simple
the four cloths
and I'm going to cut my eyes along
here I will cut the waist
I want a waist of 3 cm
and I have to cut 8 cm in total
in this part
I measure the waist
a quarter of the waist we need
in this case they are 21 cm
and I make a straight line
I'm 4 cm higher
of the bass
frame 4 cm
and in the low
where are the 4 cm
up here down
I make
like a way on the bass
a slight curve
now in the area of the low
short by the line that I just drew
without leaving him under
and on the side
I leave between 1 and 1.5 cm of sewing
now I'm going to cut the lining
I put
this side
with this
and the other extreme
here frame the waist
and from here
the same
a straight line
short leaving the seam
and I already have the cut liner
now I'm going to cut the interlining
for the waist
and the lists
the interlining
I'm going to put it
everything that covers the waist
and the views
only one side
if it measures 8 cm I have to put a side interlining
only 4 cm
and now we paste the interlining
with an iron
with the heat of the iron
we put our butts
the front over
we had a stitching on the side
and an overcast
on both sides
and with the lining we do the same
I do the bass to the lining
Now I'm going to join the lining with the skirt
I'm going to put some pins
I have to pass a stitching around the waist and the views
has to be upside down with reverse
I go to the sewing machine and I pass a stitching all around
Now I'm going to put the views on the front
I have the piece with the interlining
only on one side as I mentioned before
I have ironed it in half
the interlining has to stay for the right
the back
what is this
the one that does not have interlining
I paste it here
a stitching
where I just put the pins
and now the top part is doubled 1 cm
and put it on top of the stitching I'm going to make
A) Yes
and I passed a backstitch here
and I'm going to go through another stitching around here
as decoration
it has to look like this
we put the waist
we take the waist we put it on the wrong side
we leave
1 cm
on the edge
and so
all the waist
we do a stitch around here
where I'm putting the pins
and we turn it around
the same thing that we just did here in the view
1 cm
and another top stitch up here
and the bass
we can also do it
a hem
we doubled it a little bit
and one more
and we passed him the stitching
the ends of the waist
I put it like that
I fold it inside
you see that this is the reverse
I fold it inside
here is the fold of the iron
A) Yes
and here it has to be left
1 cm
the same centimeter that we have stitched here
and now we do a stitching on the edge
we make the bass
buttons and buttonholes remain
I'm going to put these buttons
these big buttons
one here
and every 10 cm I will make a buttonhole
in this placket
and then the buttons
on the bottom placket
I'm going to make the eyelets
I already have the buttonholes made
and now
I'm going to sew the buttons on the other side of the view
I already have the skirt finished
Flared style that is narrow around here at the waist without a clip
and then goes with the cut as if it were a bell
is forming a bell
the long "midi" that takes a lot this year
also the stamping
the long midi is knee-down
I like it to be half between knee and ankle
in the area of the buttons
I was going to put distance from button to button 10 cm
and I've put it
but up here to reinforce the area of the tripita
so there is not so much distance I put one in the middle
Then it will not open
another thing I want to clarify
for people who have a hip a little wider than the waist
you need at the time of making the cut of the skirt
from the waist down put 10 cm and mark your hip
and from the hip do the straight line towards the bass
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ASMR PUTTY IN YOUR EARS - Gold Foil Putty | Relaxing Sounds - Duration: 11:26.Hi Everybody!
And Welcome to Satisfactory ASMR Life!
I'm Vanessa and today I'll be putting putty in your ears!
Ughh that sounds so weird! eww eww eww eww eww EWW.
I got this idea from J ASMR and hers sounds incredible!
So I had to try it out too.
But today I'll be opening a brand new putty, a gold foil putty.
This is clear putty with gold foil.
Goldopia and it's bouncy, we'll have to test that out... no we won't.
(Tapping on the putty case)
Let's open it, shall we?
(weird mouth sounds).
(wrapper opening sounds)
(crackling plastic sounds)
Omg look at that!
It's not putty.
The presentation is amazing!
Look at that!
Most of the foil fell off on this, but I'm gonna take some clear putty out.
I will be putting this in your ears.
I want some more gold flakes.
And then we have some clear putty over here.
Which I like a lot better 'cause it's very simple.
Now get ready for the putty in your ears.
(sticky putty sounds)
Now I'm gonna put the clear one, so i'm assuming it's just gonna be the same?
It just doesn't have any gold foil.
Can you hear me?
I don't think you can.
Back to the gold putty.
Ah, it was nice knowing you clear slime, now you're gonna have to go with the rest.
It's falling!
That wasn't satisfying.
Thank you guys for watching!
I hope you enjoyed!
If you have played with a putty from Braini Putti, comment down below and tell me which one.
If you like the video, hit the thumbs up.
If you're new, subscribe and to updated, hit that notification bell.
Titanic - Ismay Panics - Deleted Scenes #15 - Duration: 0:51.-------------------------------------------
КАК НАЙТИ РАБОТУ В КИТАЕ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНО - Duration: 4:51.-------------------------------------------
🔑 HButler Orbit, NE PERDEZ PLUS vos clés ! - Duration: 1:12.-------------------------------------------
Gorgeous Graceland Portable Building/Cabin/Tiny Home w/Front Porch - Duration: 2:32.Gorgeous Graceland Portable Building/Cabin/Tiny Home w/Front Porch
UB's 3-D printing research gives surgeons a behind-the-scenes look at life-threatening diseases - Duration: 1:45.(quiet piano music)
[Chip Ionita] We are a bunch of engineers
associated with the engineering school
but we're working with direct cooperation
with the medical school
and these neurosurgeons and the cardiovascular surgeons.
This model, the 3-degree model that we're making,
are intended mostly for high-risk patients.
[Adnan Siddiqui] I still remember the case was somebody who had
a difficult aneurysm to treat,
and the current technology probably
would not have been perfect,
but there was this new device.
Prior to actually performing the procedure,
we 3-D printed her vessels,
and deployed the device, and it worked like a charm.
And so that gave us the confidence
to do the actual operation.
[Chip] The 3-D printed models are starting with 3-D imaging.
We are recording that 3-D imaging,
and based on that, we start doing a mathematical model
which is patient-specific.
These models are unique, because they are mimicking,
or they're replicating, the artery disease,
and the mechanical properties of the disease.
[Vijay Iyer] This allows you to plan your procedure,
try it, make some modifications that you think necessary,
and then go a little bit better prepared
when you actually do the procedures.
The next step in all of this is
to determine that this technology makes a difference,
not just to us, who are planning the procedure,
but to our patients, for whom it really is intended.
[Chip] 3-D printing, overall, has passed the part
where it's just a hobby or a research tool.
It's actually a full-blown medical product.
Night Terrors by CAMystery - The KineMasters - Duration: 2:01.Hello, everyone! I'm Hui. Welcome to CAMystery.
First, stabilize your phone with a tripod.
In your camera app, lock exposure and other settings.
Shoot a video with a person walking in front of the space.
Keeping the same angle, shoot several clips with hands. When shooting, it's easier to shoot the closest hands first. Be sure to keep the hands and person separated.
In KineMaster, create a new project. Select 16:9.
If you want to use a door frame, you can choose 9:16.
Tap Media to load the clip with the person. Move the timeline to the moment when the first hand appears.
Tap Layer, and then load the clip for that hand. Make a choice depending on where you want to show the hand.
We'll choose the right side split here. Adjust the size accordingly.
Tap layer and load the next hand clip. Repreat the previous steps.
Our device supports three layers, but if you need more hands, or have fewer layers, export your current video.Then load your video into a new project and repeat.
Now add some hands on the left side as well.
Finally add some background music. That's it!
Hê Lô Mọi Người Vào Tương Tác 💖 Like Để Được Đẹp Troai Nho◀ - Duration: 1:13:41.-------------------------------------------
最新ニュース | K-POPスターにあこがれて30回に及ぶ整形を繰り返したタイ人男性のビフォア・アフター - Duration: 6:23.人生山あり谷あり、調 のいいときもあれば悪 ときもある。何をやっ も上手くいかないこと ってある。
しかし、もしそれがず っと続くように感じて まったら?自分自身を 本的に変えようと思う ともあるだろう。
タイ人男性のプラシッ さん(Ratchad pong Prasi 、25歳)は2年前、 愛も仕事もうまくいか 、どうしたものかと頭 抱えていた。
そして決断した。外見 変えてみようと。
2年間かけて約30回 整形手術を受けたプラ ットさんは、K-PO スターのような見た目 生まれ変わった。
今では「タイのミンホ のメンバー)」として っかり有名人となった
オーディションに落ち くりなモテない男の一 決心
今から2年前、プラシ トさんは悲しみにくれ いた。パタヤの劇場で ャバレーダンサーとし 働きたいのにもう7回 オーディションに落ち 女性にもぜんぜんモテ い。
観光客を相手に靴を売 て生計を立てているが 一生この状態が続くの なぁ~とつくづく思っ 。泣きそうだった。
一体、何がダメなのか ・・見た目か、見た目 のか!?
そう考えたプラシット んは、韓国のアイドル ループ・(シャイニー のメンバー、のような 立ちになることを決意
2年間で約30回の整 手術を受け、見事に大 身を遂げたのである。
約104万円をつぎ込 約30回の整形手術を ける
プラシットさんのビフ ア・アフターを比べる 、目鼻立ちはもちろん 郭まで変わっており、 ったくぜんぜん違う人 のように見える。
プラシットさんが約1 4万円をつぎ込んで整 手術を受けた結果だ。
プラシットさんは自身 劇的ビフォア・アフタ について、
大変身を遂げたところ 願のキャバレーダンサ に合格!
その言葉通り、プラシ トさんは見た目だけで く人生を変えることに 成功したようだ。
SNSで「タイのミン 」として有名になり、 レビ番組に何度か出演 、タイの新人発掘番組 ワン・マン」の人気投 でファイナリストに残 た。
念願だったパタヤの劇 のオーディションにも 格し、キャバレーダン ーとして働いている。
女性にもモテるように り、さらに女装も楽し るようになり、プラシ トさんは「手術代以上 価値があった!」と喜 でいるそうだ。
あっと驚く大変身だが 相当な勇気が必要だっ だろう。自分を変える いう決断を実行に移す と自体が、自信につな っていったのかもしれ い。
本人が幸せだと思うな それが一番だ。
References //など / wri ten by usa i / edited by parumo
HKIFF12 ㄧ聖言中學SingYinSecondarySchoolㄧ《夢?》《Dream?》 - Duration: 10:01.話說回來,為甚麼你選了VA科? By the way, why did you choose VA?
噍!我怎知道呢? O, how could I know?
甚麼啊? Why?
聽說你是瞞着你媽媽都要選這一科 I heard that you chose this subject without letting your mom knowing!
你怎會不知道呢? How would you not know?
不知道就不知道吧 Not knowing is just not knowing
你問這麼多為甚麼呢? Why are you asking so much?
將來,我想做一個畫家 In the future, I hope to be a painter
想開一個畫展 I want to have an art exhibition
幾好吧,那時記得要邀請我 That's good. Remember to invite me
不是啊,那畫展你也有份兒 No, you are participating in this exhibition
他的名字是李祺友,是藝術的高材生 His name is Raymond, talented in Visual Arts
他跟我很不一樣 He is different from me
他由讀中一開始便有一個很清晰的目標 He has a clear target since Form 1
而且他畫畫又這麼漂亮 And he draws beautifully
而我,唉... How about me?
是的,之前聽說英國藝術大學會來香港收生 I've heard that the England Arts University will accept admissions in Hong Kong.
我打算去報名,你會否一齊? I'm planning to apply. Are you with me?
間大學十分著名的嗎? Is that university famous?
是的,你不知道嗎? Yes, how would you not know?
在那某某大學排名排第四的 At the forth place in that University Ranking
是世界上最頂尖的藝術學院! Is the best arts school!
那麼我也有點興趣的 I am a bit interested
什麼時候面試的? When will the interview be held?
面試不就是要帶成績表,Portfolio那些吧 You need your report card, portfolio, and more
不過你還要畫幅新畫 But you also have to draw a new picture
甚麼?我連SBA也未完成 What? I haven't even finished my SBA
哪有時間完成? How will I have time to finish that?
這些事在人為吧 That depends
這個機會十分難得 This chance is rare
你不是不去吧? Aren't you not going?
開畫展吧你! Have your exhibition!
英國藝術大學? England Arts University?
大學排名排第四? Ranked forth?
我當然有興趣 Of course I am interested
但是,我成績又不是好 However, I don't have good academic results
又不知道自己夠不夠資格入讀那麼頂尖的藝術學院 And uncertain if I am qualified enough to study in such arts school
近來,自己又這麼忙 Recently, I am busy
我究竟應不應該去那個面試? Should I attend that interview?
媽,我回來了 Mom, I'm back
咦,兒子回來了? Son, you're back?
我留了意粉給你吃,快點洗手便出來吃 I've kept some spaghetti for you. Wash your hand before you eat
媽啊 Mom
甚麼啊? What?
我今天很累 I'm tired today
甚麼很累?做賊來嗎? What? Commited a robbery?
不是啊 No
今天我要上學 I attended school
放學又要留下畫畫 And painted after school
我真的很累 I'm really tired
累便不要畫吧 If you are tired, just give up painting
反正畫畫也賺不到錢 You can't earn much with painting anyway
唉,你很像說到我除了畫畫就甚麼都不做 Ah, it just like that I am not doing anything except painting
我也有上學,也有努力讀書的 I go to school, and study hard
那麼你繼續努力吧 Then you shall continue your hard work
你看鄰居林太的兒子當公務員,月入數萬 Let's look at our neighbour, Mrs Lam's son. He is a civil servant, earning several ten thousands a month
如果你將來當公務員也不錯 It will be good for you to be a several servants also
人工有好,福利又高 Highly paid, and with good welfare
唉,好吧,好吧 Um, okay
媽啊,我聽我的朋友說 Mom, I heard from my friend that
有間英國藝術大學來了香港招生 an arts school from England is accepting admission in Hong Kong
我想去面試,你覺得好不好? I want to attend the interview. How would you think?
甚麼來的? What's that?
那是在大學排名中排第四的 It ranked forth in the University Ranking
還是全世界最頂尖的藝術學院 It is the best arts school in the world
你又考甚麼藝術大學呢? Why are you wanting to study in arts school?
之前你沒有跟我說過自己選了視覺藝術科,也算了 You haven't told me that you have chosen VA, that's fine
現在還說要學別人當畫家 And now you claim that you want to be an artist
將來真的想當乞丐嗎? Do you want to be a beggar in the future?
唉,我自有打算啦 Ah, I have planned
媽,我吃飽了 Mom, I'm full
我回房做功課 I am doing homework now
衰仔,沒出息 Fart, unambitious
有人說:阿媽是最了解自己的人 Someone says, mom best knows their son
但她都不支持我 But she doesn't support me
想清楚後,我都是決定要忠於自己的理想 Thinking again and again, I have decided to continue my dream
我要一邊畫我的畫,一邊完成我的功課 I have to draw as well as finishing my homework
我知我可以的! I know I can do that!
各位同學 Dear students
今天我想跟大家說說 I want to tell you that
香港怎樣用這個持續性的發展來發展生態旅遊 how Hong Kong uses this continuous development in eco-tourism
其實,很久之前 In fact, long time ago
香港旅遊發展局的訪港旅客分析報告已經指出 Hong Kong Tourism Board's Visitor Arrivals Report have pointed out that
有百分之十五的訪港旅客 fifteen percent of the visitor arrivals
表示對香港的郊野遠足感興趣 has shown their interest in hiking in Hong Kong's country park
現在在教通識的老師是崔Sir Mr. Chui is teaching us Liberal Studies
我們都叫他作「崔眠曲」老師 We called him as "Mr Sleepy"
因為他教書真的十分沉悶 Because he teaches really boring
而同時,我都慢慢睡着了 Meanwhile, I fall asleep slowly
不知過了多久,但應該不是太久 Time passes, but not long
我被「崔眠曲」老師叫醒了 "Mr Sleepy" woke me up
國俊! Frankie!
醒啦,國俊。 Wake up, Frankie
可以嗎? OKay?
站起來,站起來 Stand up, stand up
有沒有通識功課交? Can you hand in your Liberal Studies homework?
沒有啊,崔Sir,我沒有做啊 No, Mr Chui, I haven't done that
又沒有做,你昨晚又做了甚麼? Haven't done again! What did you do last night?
我昨晚畫畫 I painted last night
甚麼? What?
我昨晚畫畫啊! I painted last night!
畫畫?! Paint?!
你看看你自己 You have a look on yourself
注重自己的學業,好嗎? Take your studies serious, okay?
已快DSE了 DSE is coming
知道了,崔Sir。對不起! I know, Mr Chui. Sorry!
記着吧,明天交通識功課 Remember, hand in your Liberal Studies homework tomorrow
還要記着,下星期要交IES啊! And remember to hand in your IES next week! (* IES = Independent Enquiry Study Exemplars, a part of School-based Assessment in HKDSE Liberal Studies Subject)
坐下,坐下 Sit down, sit down
不要再睡了 Don't sleep again
那麼現在我們繼續上課吧 Let's continue our lesson
我不想就這樣放棄的夢想 I don't want to give up my dream
我一定要加倍努力 I have to work even harder
快點完成IES Finishing my IES as soon as possible,
和我的畫作 and my IES
但最後,我還是吃不消 But at last, I can't take both into account
這一刻,我感到很累 At the moment, I am really tired
這個夢並不連貫 This dream is not continuous
是由一段段的片段組成 Formed by different parts
我不停地招呼新來的客人 I welcomed my dear guests
向他們介紹我的作品 Introducing my work to them
大家過來看看 Everybody please come
大家,這幅畫由一個很喜歡做白日夢的男子畫的 Everybody, this work is painted by a boy that always daydream
而大家看到的這個垃圾桶 And the rubbish bin you can see,
裝着的就是他失敗的畫作 contains his failed work
雖然他經常失敗 Although he always failed,
但他並沒有放棄 he didn't give up
最後,夢想成真 Finally, his dream comes true
呀⋯⋯呀⋯⋯ Ah... Ah...
你今日之內完成它 You, finish it within today
而我又夢見自己成為一個公務員 I dream of being a civil servant
每日的工作都是在這裏做同樣的東西 Doing the same work here everyday
幅畫,完成了! The picture, has finished!
李祺友,我完成了我的畫作 Raymod, I have finished my work
李祺友! Raymond!
叫你的鄰坐站起來 Tell your neighbour to stand up
呀⋯⋯呀⋯⋯ Ah... Ah...
喂,國俊,醒吧! Hey, Frankie, wake up!
喂,叫你的鄰坐站起來 Tell your neighbour to stand up
有沒有IES交? Can you hand in your IES?
我看你都沒有吧 You definitely cannot
下次不要再在我堂睡覺 Never sleep on my class
後面的同學請拿出你們的IES Students at the back please hand in your IES
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