I'm Katie back at you with some trail running information today we're gonna
talk about what to bring on a trail run so it's pretty straightforward but
depending on where you're going how far you're going and what the weather looks
like there a couple things you should maybe not leave at the trailhead let's
talk about it
all right so bare necessities let's get the obvious out of the way you're going
trail running so you're gonna have your shoes your socks your runnin clothing
some food and water you'll have more or less food or water depending on how far
you're going but other than those basics don't forget your keys in terms of
cold-weather considerations always a good idea to have an extra layer with
you I like to wrap a shirt around my waist if I'm not running with a pack you
can just roll it up so it's not flopping everywhere when you tie it around you
and it's there on your waist when you need it in addition to extra layers I
like to bring a hat some lightweight gloves they're small they don't take up
too much space or weight in your pack but they are absolutely key for keeping
you warm when the weather turns you can also use a buff another really versatile
piece of gear I love them they come in every color imaginable and they're super
useful for a ton of things in terms of running jackets they're usually pretty
lightweight they give you just a little bit of extra protection from wind from
rain and some of them pack into their own pockets which is great you can fold
it up it's small just chuck it in your pack and it's there when you need it the
other thing to keep in mind for cold weather is that it's a good idea to
bring a little extra extra food you'll already have food with you but a few
extra calories are great in case your run goes a little longer than you think
it's supposed to or in case you need to help your body stay warm out in the cold
weather we have a video down in the description
that talks a little bit about some of the best foods to bring when your trail
running so definitely check that out later all right
so for your long runs you're gonna want to start thinking about the ten
essentials in terms of things to bring with you navigation supplies is key map
compass and also the skills and knowledge to use them you can join us on
an REI Outdoor School class or check out the map and compass video in the
description down below if you just want a refresher also bring with you a first
aid kit so I like to have band-aids and blister packs painkillers antihistamines
in case you're worried about allergic reaction for you or anybody who's with
you we do have a video on first aid kits also down in the description so check
that out if you want more detail but in that same bag with my first aid kit I
like to keep some matches some sunscreen or sun protection usually also a knife
or multi-tool and water purification tablets
just in case you run out of water you really don't want to get sick drinking
water out of the first stream you run across other than those for your long
runs also don't forget a headlamp just in case it gets dark early always just
in case alright so now you know what to bring with you the next question is how
to bring it with you for that go ahead and check out our next video and for
everything else don't forget to subscribe
till then we will see you next time
For more infomation >> What to Bring on a Long Trail Run || REI - Duration: 3:08.-------------------------------------------
Gartentorschließer GTS 120 - Standard-Montageanleitung - Duration: 3:21.
In this video we will show you how to install the GTS 120 Garden Gate Closer
on the gatepost of your garden gate.
Everything you need is included with the Closer.
All you have to do is have the right tools ready:
a cordless drill with a 4.2 mm metal drill bit,
a center punch, a Phillips screwdriver
two 10 mm wrenches, a spirit level,
a tape measure and a pencil.
Attention: The Garden Gate Closer is pre-tensioned!
The pre-tension safety pin should only be removed AFTER installation.
First, we will determine the position of the bracket on the locating face.
To do that we measure the distance of the gate pivot point and the pivot point of the Garden Gate Closer.
The sum of both distances should be slightly less than 155 mm.
We determine the vertical position of the bracket
by positioning it with the spirit level high enough,
that the second bracket can easily be mounted on the garden gate.
Above all, make sure that everything is horizontal.
Now we will mark the drilling holes of the first bracket with a pencil.
To avoid the drill slipping, we center-punch the holes.
Then both holes are drilled with the cordless drill
and the 4.2 mm drill bit.
Then we screw the first bracket to the post with two self-tapping screws.
Tighten well, but on no account overtighten!
Once the first bracket is in place, we can work on the second.
This bracket must be so mounted, that the distance between both mounting holes comes to 540 mm.
Once the distance is correctly measured, we will also mark the drilling holes for this bracket.
Again, we use the center punch.
Then the holes are made with the cordless drill,
and the bracket is fixed in place with the self-tapping screws.
Now we are ready to mount the Garden Gate Closer.
First, we attach it to the gatepost and screw on the cap nut and lock it down with the locknut.
Then we open the garden gate far enough
so that the Garden Gate Closer can be attached to the second mounting hole
without any undue effort.
Here, too, we screw on the cap nut, fixing the Closer in place with the locknut.
At the end, make sure that the Closer is as horizontal as possible.
When the nuts are tightened, the safety pin usually comes loose by itself.
If that doesn't happen,
the garden gate need only be opened slightly, just a few millimeters,
and the safety pin will fall out.
And that's it!
The Garden Gate Closer has been installed and the gate will now close brilliantly.
We wish you lots of fun with your new Garden Gate Closer.
If you want to know which other installation possibilities there are,
just take a look around on our website.
If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.
Brilliantly simple!
Gartentorschließer GTS 120 - Wandmontage unten - Duration: 3:24.
In this video, we will show you how to install the garden gate closer GTS 120
on a wall and on the lower frame of your garden gate.
All you need to accomplish this is suitable tools
such as a cordless screwdriver with a 6.0 mm metal drill,
a step drill, a center punch, a Phillips screwdriver,
two no. 10 open-end wrenches, a level, a tape measure, and a pen.
First, we will determine the position of the bracket on the locating face.
To do this, we will hold the bracket up to the wall and measure the distance from the pivot point of the gate
to the pivot point of the garden gate closer.
The distance between the two pivot points is around 130 mm in this case.
After this, we need to determine the height.
This is because not only the bracket,
but also the nut needs to fit between the frame and the decorative elements.
Please note that to ensure that the installation position of the bracket is definitely correct,
the final position should be checked using actual measurements.
To do this, temporarily hold the bracket against the wall.
Then, insert the garden gate closer
and mark the position in the extended state on the frame.
Next, open the gate and transfer the new position to the frame.
If the distance between the two markings is around 150 mm,
the bracket can be installed on the locating face in this position.
If the distance is greater, the position of the bracket needs to be changed
so that 155 mm is not exceeded and 145 mm is not fallen short of.
Once the position of the bracket on the locating face has been determined, it can be fixed to the wall.
The closer can now also be screwed onto the bracket using the nut and lock nut.
Next, the hole that is required on the frame of the garden gate is determined.
Do not forget to shift the position one centimeter toward the stop
to preload the garden gate closer.
To ensure success when drilling in the frame, we will simply unhinge the garden gate.
Then, we will transfer the position that we determined to the bottom side of the gate,
make an initial punch marking
and drill a hole through the entire frame with the 6 mm metal drill.
We will then enlarge the hole on the bottom side to 12-14 mm using the step drill.
The gate can now be mounted again.
Then, we will insert the garden gate closer into the frame
and fix it in place with the nut and lock nut so that it comes to rest horizontally.
And that's it!
The garden gate closer has been installed and the gate will now close superbly.
We hope you have a lot of fun with your new garden gate closer!
If you would like to know what other kinds of installation possibilities there are,
just take a look around on our website.
If you have any questions, please contact our technical support.
Brilliantly simple!
روائع الفجر | ما تيسر من سورة هود | الشيخ نورين محمد | sh: norien Mohamed | Surah Hud - Duration: 8:36.
And to Madyan (We sent) their brother Shu'aib
He said: O my people! serve Allah, you have no god other than He
and do not give short measure and weight: surely I see you in prosperity
surely I see you in prosperity and surely I fear for you the punishment of an all-encompassing day
And, O my people! give full measure and weight fairly, and defraud not men their things
and defraud not men their things, and do not act corruptly in the land, making mischief
What remains with Allah is better for you if you are believers, and I am not a keeper over you
They said: O Shu'aib! does your prayer enjoin you that we should forsake what our fathers worshipped
or that we should not do what we please with regard to our property? Forsooth you are the forbearing, the right-directing one
He said: O my people! have you considered if I have a clear proof from my Lord and He has given me a goodly sustenance from Himself
and I do not desire that in opposition to you I should betake myself to that which I forbid you
I desire nothing but reform so far as I am able
and with none but Allah is the direction of my affair to a right issue; on Him do I rely and to Him do I turn
And, O my people! let not opposition to me make you guilty so that there may befall you the like of what befell the people of Nuh, or the people of Hud, or the people of Salih
nor are the people of Lut far off from you
And ask forgiveness of your Lord, then turn to Him; surely my Lord is Merciful, Loving-kind
They said: O Shu'aib! we do not understand much of what you say and most surely we see you to be weak among us
and were it not for your family we would surely stone you, and you are not mighty against us
He said: O my people! is my family more esteemed by you than Allah? And you neglect Him as a thing cast behind your back
surely my Lord encompasses what you do
And, O my people! act according to your ability, I too am acting
you will come to know soon who it is on whom will light the punishment that will disgrace him and who it is that is a liar
and watch, surely I too am watching with you
And when Our decree came to pass We delivered Shu'aib, and those who believed with him by mercy from Us
and the rumbling overtook those who were unjust so they became motionless bodies in their abodes
As though they had never dwelt in them; now surely perdition overtook Madyan as had perished Samood
And certainly We sent Musa with Our communications and a clear authority
To Firon and his chiefs, but they followed the bidding of Firon, and Firon's bidding was not right-directing
He shall lead his people on the resurrection day, and bring them down to the fire; and evil the place to which they are brought
And they are overtaken by curse in this (world), and on the resurrection day, evil the gift which shall be given
This is an account of (the fate of) the towns which We relate to you
of them are some that stand and (others) mown down
And We did not do them injustice, but they were unjust to themselves
so their gods whom they called upon besides Allah did not avail them aught when the decree of your Lord came to pass
and they added but to their ruin
And such is the punishment of your Lord when He punishes the towns while they are unjust
surely His punishment is painful, severe
Most surely there is a sign in this for him who fears the chastisement of the hereafter
this is a day on which the people shall be gathered together and this is a day that shall be witnessed
And We do not delay it but to an appointed term
On the day when it shall come, no soul shall speak except with His permission, then (some) of them shall be unhappy and (others) happy
So as to those who are unhappy, they shall be in the fire; for them shall be sighing and groaning in it
Abiding therein so long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord please;
surely your Lord is the mighty doer of what He intends
And as to those who are made happy, they shall be in the garden
they shall be in the garden, abiding in it as long as the heavens and the earth endure, except as your Lord please
a gift which shall never be cut off
Débloquez vos artères naturellement en consommant ce remède à l'ail et au citron- Santé Magazine ! - Duration: 5:21.
Les artères se bouchent à causes de multiples facteurs.D'une consommation trop importante de sucre à la présence de cholestérol dans le sang, les raisons qui peuvent conduire à l'obstruction des artères sont multiples.
Heureusement, il existe un remède naturel qui permet de les débloquer et ainsi de prévenir plusieurs maladies cardiovasculaires.
Le citron et l'ail sont connus pour être des ingrédients très bénéfiques pour la santé.
Le citron et l'ail sont des aliments très nutritifs aux vertus fongicides et antiseptiques.
La consommation de ces deux ingrédients peut être intéressante pour plusieurs organes du corps, mais plus particulièrement pour les artères.
Plusieurs facteurs peuvent causer une obstruction des artères tels que le tabagisme, l'âge, le diabète ou le manque d'exercice.
Cette inflammation est appelée dans le jargon scientifique l'athérosclérose.
Bienfaits du citron; Le citron est un aliment aux multiples bienfaits pour la santé.
Riche en vitamines A, C, D et B6, c'est un puissant destructeur de toxines.
L'agrume est également une source intéressante en folates, niacine, thiamine, riboflavine, cuivre, calcium, fer, magnésium, zinc et également en protéines.
Selon cette étude, le citron serait efficace pour lutter contre les risques de maladies cardiovasculaires.
L'aliment, grâce à son taux élevé en flavonoïdes, peut réduire les taux des lipides présents dans le sang.
Consommer du citron est donc une habitude judicieuse à prendre si on souffre de troubles cardiovasculaires ou d'athérosclérose.
Bienfaits de l'ail; Riche en allicine, composé aux propriétés antibactériennes et antifongiques,
l'ail est un aliment intéressant qui peut lutter contre plusieurs maladies notamment celles liées au froid.
Cette étude scientifique l'affirme : l'ail est un aliment qui est utile dans la prévention des maladies cardiovasculaires.
L'aliment agit en réduisant les plaques qui se forment dans les artères et provoquent l'athérosclérose.
L'ail permettrait également de baisser la tension artérielle chez les personnes hypertendues.
Le mélange de ces deux ingrédients bénéfiques en cas de troubles cardiovasculaires permettrait une action efficace pour pouvoir permettre une désobstruction des artères bouchées par des plaques.
Toutefois, il est important d'éviter les facteurs aggravants comme la cigarette, les aliments trop riches en mauvais gras comme les gras trans ou une trop grande sédentarité.
Voici deux manières de préparer ce remède naturel.
Façon 1 : Ingrédients : 3 tasses de miel ; Une tasse de jus de gingembre; Une tasse de vinaigre de cidre de pomme; Une tasse de jus de citron; 1 tasse de jus d'ail.
Préparation : Mélangez les ingrédients dans une grande casserole puis laissez mijoter au moins 30 minutes Laissez refroidir avant d'ajouter les trois tasses de miel Mélangez le tout puis mettez la mixture dans un verre que vous conserverez au réfrigérateur.
Façon 2 : Ingrédients : 10 gousses d'ail épluchées; Jus d'un kilo de citron.
Mettez la préparation dans une casserole puis versez encore 2 litres d'eau. Préparation; Mettez les ingrédients au mixeur.
Laissez refroidir la mixture avant de la verser dans un récipient en verre. Portez à ébullition puis laissez mijoter encore 5 minutes.
Conservez ensuite la solution au frais Pour profiter au mieux de ce remède naturel, il suffit simplement de consommer une cuillère à soupe de ce mélange tous les matins à jeun pendant 20 jours consécutifs.
Ensuite, faites une pause de 7 jours avant de repartir sur 20 jours supplémentaires.
Attention : Il est impératif de demander conseil à votre médecin avant d'utiliser ce remède car l'ail est un anticoagulant naturel, notamment si vous prenez un traitement anticoagulant.
Les personnes atteintes de porphyrie ou celles qui viennent de subir une opération chirurgicale ainsi que les femmes enceintes ne doivent pas consommer de l'ail.
Si vous souffrez de brûlures d'estomac ou de troubles biliaires ou rénaux, il est déconseillé de consommer du citron.
Il est à noter qu'une consommation excessive de citron peut provoquer des ulcères ou une décalcification des os.
Meghan Markle Royal - Suits bosses hint Meghan Markle could make shock cameo as series is axed - Duration: 3:29.
Suits bosses have teased the possibility that Meghan Markle could make a shock cameo after it was announced the series is to be axed
This week it was announced that the legal drama that catapulted Meghan to fame would be coming to an end after series nine
Meghan, 37, quit her role as lawyer Rachel Zane ahead of her marriage to Prince Harry last year
The show's creator Araon Korsh has teased the Duchess could make a brief return to the small screen
In an interview with Deadline , Korsh was quizzed on the possibility of Meghan making a comeback with her on-screen husband Patrick J Adams
Korsh responded: "As of this minute, I don't know which of our old original cast will be back and which won't because we're so early in the season
"I can tell you that those things in the papers, I have no idea what they're talking about
" There had been claims NBC Universal would pay out a multi-million dollar to a charity of Meghan's choosing if she filmed additional scenes for Suits
Responding to these allegations Korsh said: "I have not arranged for millions of dollars to be donated to anything on behalf of anyone so that I can tell you, but as far as the original people coming back including Jessica, we're so early in the season that we haven't formulated what we want to do, so we can't reach out to people before we know what we want to do
" Inside Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's baby's nursery at their new home But there was good news for Patrick Adams fans
Korsh admitted there had been discussions about his character Mike Ross making an appearance before the show reaches its climax
"When Patrick left, we talked about the notion of him coming back," explained Korsh
Meghan Markle's three favourite Disney films - and her choices are surprising "It had to be right story-wise, and he had to be in a place where he wants to do it, depending on what's going on with him
"The final 10, you can't contemplate it without contemplating bringing Mike back
"We're contemplating it and we'll see where we land, and how Patrick feels." This week it was announced Suits has been axed after eight years following claims of declining ratings
SYFY broke the news on Wednesday that the show would wrap up after series nine, which will be 10 episodes long
According to FOX News, the return of series 8 - without Meghan and Patrick - average 100,000 less viewers than the series before
BALANCE, votre HOROSCOPE du 25 au 31 janvier 2019. - Duration: 6:34.
Hello everyone, here is your horoscope for the week of January 25th to 31st.
If you like this channel, please subscribe,
You can also find me on social networks, Instagram and Twitter.
Balance and Ascending Balance, in your horoscope this week,
it is about a conjunction between Mercury and the Sun.
Mercury, planet of communication.
Then Mars which you are facing.
And we will end up with your planet of love, Venus.
The conjunction between the Sun and Mercury is beneficial to you, 1st decan.
It is located in a really positive area of your chart,
where people are going to talk about your, or eventually,
to hear someone say something really good about you.
And obviously, it will be good for your ego. We need that.
it is not at all "bad", on the contrary!
it is necessary, from time to time, to flatter a little bit one's narcissism, it feels good!
And he will be flattered
Be it by compliments or because you will be satisfy by what you've done,
because you will have created something that will please you.
So it's not going to last forever, the aspects of the Sun and Mercury last a day.
But a day that will brighten your week,
because you will really
be satisfied by you and your results.
Or maybe it's your children's results that will satisfy you,
Given that Aquarius, house 5, is a house that represents your ...
productions, children being part of your productions.
2nd decan, then you have Mars facing you,
Well for the one at the end of the 2nd decan, It has already done its work for some of you.
And so it looks good with Jupiter, so there's definitely some dialogue in the air,
but professional dialogue I believe.
We could have suggested something to you, or yourself,
you are
this year in the field of ideas with Jupiter which is in ...
in an area that represents your mind.
Jupiter is an amplifier, so everything in the field of ideas is amplified.
So you can also have an idea to propose,
to discuss, and then be careful because with Mars,
the discussions are always a little lively, you may not agree.
It does not matter, do not make it a disease!
You may not agree with someone, that does not mean you're going to get angry with them.
But you will express each of the different opinions,
it's a debate, and the debate always makes things happen
we must accept the debate.
I mean when we are in something unique or there is only one who decides,
it does not matter!
We end with your Venus, your dear planet
who returned some time ago in Sagittarius since
she will occupy very quickly your 3rd decan,
where she will look good with Uranus. So it's still pretty cool
because you will certainly meet someone who will please you,
you will find him a few special qualities,
always when Uranus is ...
is in the game, there is always something special.
So you will cross the road of someone a bit special,
with whom the dialogue, again, will be
quite intense! You will exchange ideas and other ideas will emerge from these exchanges.
It's going to be a kind of workout you see, things are going to get ...
to succeed one another, it will go fast enough since one is with a Venus in Sagittarius,
and it's a sign of Fire, fast.
You can also get excited quickly for someone, but hey
it would surprise me that it lasts!
So the best for you, it will be Wednesday and Thursday, with the Moon in Sagittarius since
so she will pass on Venus, then she will pass on Jupiter,
and good, most of you,
you will be really happy with this ...
of this lunar transit. It will put you in a dream mood, you will be very communicative, you will
need to interact with others, and this may be the occasion
to express ideas,
since you are extremely creative right now,
ideas that will be,
in my opinion, quickly validated, whether it's ideas
that you will have in or for your work, or ideas to share with your loved ones also for
recreation since we are in a period Aquarius, which is often also a period
of leisure and pleasure.
I'll meet you next week on my channel, well, I hope so,
by then, if you want more details, as usual you can go to astro.rtl.fr
or on the TV magazine website.
And then hey, maybe it's still time to buy
my little books!
BÉLIER, votre HOROSCOPE du 25 au 31 janvier 2019. - Duration: 6:26.
Hello everyone here is your horoscope for the week of January 25th to 31th
if you like this channel you subscribe,
and then you can find me also on my social networks, instagram and on twitter
in your horoscope this week we will talk
about a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury your communication planet
then we'll talk about a good relation between Mars,
and Jupiter, planet of opportunities, and we will end with an aspect of Venus your planet of love.
The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is quite frequent but it is not less
especially since it is in Aquarius which is your house of projects and hope so there is certainly
something that ... that you have in mind that you might want to achieve
in the future or
finally in the near future; it's a perspective
who is there and who
open an airlock, it opens doors.
It is also possible that you have a promising contact
with someone in the job
or with a customer with whom you could make a good deal ...
and if you have an approach to do, it's a good week because
Mercury is really very friendly and so you will come across people,
whatever you have to ask, who will be friendly and who will do everything
to try to help you: so it's a good week
really about the communication and the exchanges
and also for small displacements: do not forget, Mercury manages your displacements so if you have
someone to go
to visit well it's the same, it's a good week.
We continue with a good relation between Mars and Jupiter
which is valid for those born after the 5th of April; born before you've already had it.
So these are the ones born after the 5th :
so :
Mars is at your place
it is therefore that there is an extremely
active, dynamic, proactive even and with Jupiter coming
doping all that we can not hold you, you're really going
move mountains, i.e if you want something
no one will be able to get in your way and on top of that, luck will get involved,
luck being represented by Jupiter or someone will help you, that's...
anyway, you will be able to make decisions, to
take off in a certain way and you have to know that it is today,
this week, but that will come back this summer since Jupiter will stationary at one time or another
in this configuration. So
there is still for you second decant ...
It's really a year that can be very lucky despite the fact that
Saturn forces you to stay on track.
We continue with
Venus your love planet you know she's in
Sagittarius so in sign of Fire, she gets excited we already talked about it, it's going quickly huh,
but hey, it breaks as fast as it is done but it is not less
nice so it is very possible that you make encounters very surprisingly given that
Venus will look good with Uranus which is still the planet of
unexpected ; so it's possible that you meet someone you're going to find
very nice - while you did not like it before, that you had ...
maybe we had told you about this person badly or ... but it will be very good and you will be
surprised ... now, well if you are in a relationship
I think you will do some new experiments
and that
simply that you
will spend an evening a little
like no other or that you will spend a friendly evening finally there will be a moment where
it will not be as usual
and you will appreciate it ...
Wednesday and Thursday should be the best days of the week
the Moon will be in Sagittarius, that is the sign where Jupiter is now, it is the sign
of Jupiter and he represents your ...
your travels, all that allows you to escape, to take a distance from,
to go out in the open air, to do something ...
sports, a competition, there is a whole world around what is going on outside
not in, but out
with the sagittarius, so take advantage you have the competitive spirit right now with mars in your sign.
I'll see you next week on my channel, I hope so,
by then if you want more details as usual you can go on
rtl.fr or on the tv magazine website.
And then, well, maybe it's still time to buy
my little books.
The Fortnite Matchmaking Conspiracy Theory... (Fortnite Skill Based Matchmaking) - Duration: 10:25.
Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be discussing somewhat of a Fortnite
conspiracy theory.
Starting sometime within the last month or so, acquisitions have started to pop up left
and right theorizing that Fortnite has implemented some form of skill based matchmaking, into
their regular battle royale game modes.
When I first heard about this, I thought all of these claims were just gonna be from a
few casual players who, were angry because they had a bad session playing the game, and
were just looking for some kind of excuse to explain it.
But, that ended up being pretty far from the truth.
As I started doing some more research into this, I found that multiple pretty well-known
Fortnite pro players, were actually some of the most vocal people when it came to making
claims, about skill based matchmaking being implemented into the game.
As you guys probably are aware, we know for a fact that Epic does use skill based matchmaking
in their game during all of the pop-cup matches.
However, them secretly implementing it in into regular modes like solos, duos, and squads
would be a whole different ball game.
But, it certainly wouldn't be the first time a very popular video game has secretly added
skill based matchmaking to the multiplayer part of their game.
Some of you guys may understand what that's a reference to, and if not, you'll learn about
it in this video.
So, and without further ado lets get right into it.
Alright, so let's start this video off by highlighting some of the most popular claims
from players regarding the implementation of skill based matchmaking.
The first one comes from FaZe SaceLyon who is a member of Faze's pro fortnite team.
So, like I said, he's not a guy you can just dismiss right away as someone that doesn't
really know Fortnite.
He tweeted: "Just played 2 games of Fortnite.
One on my main and one on an alternate account.
Main account had FULL SWEATS, Alternate account all bots.
I believe 100% that there is a MMR system implemented right now."
And, in case you don't know what an MMR system means, it's basically just the skill rating
system used in league of legends.
Now, obviously a 2 game sample size probably isn't the most reliable thing in the world.
But, when someone else pointed this out to spacelyon, he responded by saying "The difference
between skill was insane.
All was needed was 2 games."
So, make of that what you want.
However, Spacelyon certainly wasn't the only pro player who tweeted something like this.
In response to a Tfue tweet which simply said "Public games are rough nowadays" Marksman,
another very popular pro player currently on team CLG, tweeted "Brother, make a new
account, it's free, and play some games on it, you'll play some major bots, I know SBMM
sounds ridiculous, but somethin is fishy".
Also, Wish, who is another a pro Fortnite player for team CLG tweeted this right around
the same time as the other 2 tweets: "There's been a hidden matchmaking update in the latest
Every solo i play today has been a scrim lobby.
I remember one company that did this with their game and killed it.
You guys ready for the same @FortniteGame? and he even put the clown face emoji at the
end of it."
So that's now 3 pro players who, based on some personal experience, are seemingly convinced
that some kind of a matchmaking update has been added into regular Fortnite.
And, I'm sure some of you guys are wondering what Wish was referencing in that tweet when
he said "I remember one company that did this with their game and killed it."
The game franchise he's talking about here is Destiny.
Now, I'm definitely not an expert on the whole situation, because I believe the only time
I ever played destiny was in the beta for the first game.
But, from my understanding, a few years back when Destiny was pretty much at it's peak
of popularity, players started to notice that their online public matches had become a lot
more competitive, and a lot more laggy totally out of the blue.
This led to a bunch of speculation, kinda like we just saw from the Fortnite pros, that
Bungie, the designers of the game, had secretly added skill based matchmaking.
Bungie kinda stayed silent about it for a while, but then, as evidence began to mount
against them, they eventually publically came out and admitted to quote unquote "going under
the hood and retooling the entire skill matching system".
And, then apparently they removed it from the game but then brought it back at some
point in Destiny 2, the whole situation is pretty much a giant mess.
And, even though Destiny is still around now, it's nowhere near as popular as it once was,
and people point to that whole controversy as the #1 thing that ruined it more or less.
And it's funny because around the same time, Black Ops 3 kinda tried to do the same thing
in their game.
But, players quickly caught on, and Treyarch removed it pretty much immediately, and overall
just handled the situation way better than Bungie did with Destiny.
So, I totally understand if your first reaction to the mention of skill based matchmaking
secretly being added to Fortnite, was something along the lines of "There's no chance that's
true, anyone who thinks that is crazy."
But, it has happened before with some of the most popular games at the time, so I think
that's something that's worth mentioning.
And, it gets even crazier than that.
So remember that Marksman tweet to Tfue I showed you maybe 2 minutes ago?
One of the replies to that tweet was by a guy named @bronstahd, he was actually one
of the original game designers for H1Z1, another very popular battle royale game.
Here's what he said in response to Marksman "Dude, watched that stream where you did it.
Was pretty obvious something was different.
I don't think it's full SBMM, though.
Possibly just matchmaking on # of games played."
So, it's one thing just to see some pro Fortnite players making these claims.
But, then on top of that, here's a guy that was literally directly involved with game
design for another incredibly popular battle royale game, saying in his own words, in response
to the game's marksman played on a new account, that it "was pretty obvious something was
And, I think it's funny that members of the Fortnite community are even going as far as
doing in-depth testing, trying to determine if there is or isn't skill based matchmaking
in the game.
And so far what you're kinda seeing is a mixed bag of results.
One experiment involved a player making a brand new account, and then intentionally
playing very poorly on it for a sample size of right around 30 games.
He then played the same amount of games on his main account with much better stats, and
paid close attention to the skill level of enemies he was running into on both accounts.
His final conclusion in his own words was "There was an obvious disparity in skill between
the players on my primary Fortnite account and my secondary account, and there is an
obvious general inconsistency with the average skill level of players especially across different
Now, without that experiment containing actual statistics to backup what his eyes were telling
him, I'm not sure how much stock you can really put into this.
But, it's still somewhat interesting nonetheless.
Another similar experiment was done by a totally different person, and he came to basically
the opposite conclusion.
He did this by first playing 25 solo games on his main account which has over 900 wins
and a 4.4 K/D. Then, did the same thing on a brand new account and he would just eliminate
himself at the very beginning of each game.
He then went in and manually checked the stats for every player in each lobby using fortnitetracker
and replay mode to get all the gamertags.
And these were his final results: The average K/D of all the players in the good account's
matches was 1.61, and against the bad account was 1.60.
He also checked a bunch of other stats such as solo K/D, number of total wins, win percentage,
But, they were also very similar like the overall K/D. His overall conclusion was this:
"Over the 25 games I found no difference in the overall skill level of enemies between
a total bot account and a good pub stomper/scrim level account.
However, the average stats since last time (click the link above) for both have risen.
Which does add weight to games being harder, but also weight to the fact that the average
player is now more capable of winning a game."
So, I think I would put a little more weight into his results compared to the first experiment,
because he actually used cold hard statistics.
However, I did see an interesting comment that gives an explanation of how skill based
matchmaking could still be in the game, despite these results not showing any evidence of
The guy suggest that "Epic could be running these tests regionally or on a limited basis,
it may not go into effect on brand new accounts to prevent smurfing, or it may be triggering
for only absolute top tier players."
So that pretty much wraps up the most compelling and interesting evidence I could find from
the "skill based matchmaking in fortnite" conspiracy theory.
Me personally, I would say that, although I'm definitely more skeptical now after researching
all this, I would guess that skill based matchmaking isn't in the game.
And, if it is, it's a very weak version that's only noticeable in the most extreme cases.
We know that for the most part, the Fortnite developers are all incredibly smart people,
and they've created the most successful video game of all time.
They've probably seen whats happened in the past to a lot of the other games that have
tried this kind of stuff.
So, I just think they wouldn't risk the great thing that they have going here, just to play
around with the matchmaking system a little.
So, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you watched the entire thing be sure to
let me know with a comment down in the comment section below.
I wanna know, do you believe that some kind of skill based matchmaking is active in regular
fortnite battle royale, and no matter what you answer to that, did this video do anything
to change you mind or at least make you a little more skeptical?
Be sure to leave a like, leave a comment, subscribe, turn on post notifications, do
whatever the heck you want, and I will catch you guys next time.
FROM 0 TO 60 REAL ESTATE LEADS IN 7 DAYS!! - Duration: 15:47.
Hello everyone, this is my name is Jason Wardrop, and I'm here with Brent Brent. Thanks so much for joining me today
yeah, thanks for having me on I've enjoyed our chat prior to uh
Getting into some of the questions that you got, okay
Awesome, so brent is a realtor over in North Carolina. Right right in the mountains
Yeah also up in the mountains. And and how long have you been in the real space real estate space now, I
Just completed my third year
Ahead in the year four I had state license before down in Florida had my builders license
But I wasn't acting as a realtor. I was just picking up extra money on Lots or
Selling the house or something like that, you know
So yeah, no no real deep experience until I got knee-deep in it again here about three years ago
Awesome good stuff. And and how long ago how long have you been inside of the the six-figure agent program? Um,
It's been a couple months maybe right
Five six months five six months. Okay awesome in
Yeah, tell us a little bit about your experience with the 60 rated program
The lead generation and just yeah, it kind of tell us a little bit about your story there. Well, um
I've got a little bit of a marketing background and doing shooting TV production
we talked about earlier and even given some commercials and those types of things so
I'm always I knew when I got into real estate when I got back in
You know you get your license, you're excited. You think that's the hardest part about real estate is getting your license, right?
Yeah, and then reality hits and it's sort of like you start talking to friends and family cuz everybody's telling you
Your warm market your warm market, but they're all looking at you like newbie, right? Yeah
So you're kind of low on the totem pole if they know anybody else that's doing real estate
So it then becomes how do I Drive leads, you know?
Do I get on the phone and call it the hundred people a day do?
You know do out mailers and I did all that
Our first year going in and was really kind of one. It's expensive
Too it was marginal in its in the response that I come. In fact, I probably had
And everybody tells you got to keep doing it, but farm in areas. I had several thousand dollars in henan generated one lead
Postcards and those types of things so
for me I started trying to do some Facebook stuff on my own and stuff and
Of course you see how well
Facebook works when you hit like an ad like I did with you and then there's tho retargeting and all that sort of stuff
So I jumped in needy
think within the first
With the mkg saw of wear
With your cell with the arsenal software. I
Generated like 60 leads Oh awesome
Yeah, and I am
Understanding going on in real broad marketing. You're getting everybody and I think
On my for that is this doesn't happen all the time, but it does if you're doing the work
Yeah, you know the phone went up with the phone calls. I hit on a lady that
We got the talk in
She had a house in New Jersey that she was getting ready to close on in two weeks
I stayed in touch with her
you know getting her appropriate houses emailing them to her just touching her lightly because I come at
Things from the aspect of I'm a servant. How can I help you have any questions?
Those types of things and not so much of a sales approach and so week three we showed her four houses. She
Liked house number three we put an offer on it and we you know, we we closed
relatively shortly after that so
It paid for itself within the first six weeks Oh
Awesome. Yeah, and then I think I talked to you before
Then I wanted to do some target marketing. We have a big horse
Where they were having the World Cup horse championships. Not far from where I live. I wanted to target horse farms
So I found the top
I think 20 horse farms from like half a million dollars like two and a half million dollars and
I was actually down taking a trip down in Florida and answering my phone ever play some actually
I think I used on that the of the facebook messenger module. Okay. Yeah, and I'm sitting in the pool
watching these uh
Messages start to pop up, you know, and I'm like, this is so cool, you know
And then I'm jumping in the middle of it as I saw fit. So
You know, so yeah
Really easy to use which is great because you don't want to spend a bunch of you know
We make money selling homes, right?
Yeah, you got to do the work but still if the work becomes too tedious and that's where you're putting all the work in. Um
Hey building Facebook Ads does not make you money yet, right, so it needs to be quick and easy in my book
So I found that too, you know, awesome. Yeah, and honestly that's been our goal with building this whole thing out is
Like you're saying you don't make money setting up a Facebook ad
Obviously that results in leads which then where you make money is having those appointments
bursting with people closing those deals
So we basically as opposed to like, you know
Not necessarily like other software's but like well what our goal was was within just a few clicks
you've got everything set up the landing page generate the leads the email the text marketing follow up and as now
You know, like, you know, we've got pre-built 14-day
Automated follow-up that's already in the system email text message. You can add Facebook messengers and just really just simplify because
Your your job is the real estate professional is not to be a tech guru, right?
It's it's to go through and actually connect with people and and I'm like you I like I I'm not I don't
Consider myself a big sales person, right? It's more of like, okay
Here's the service its educating its it's going through and really just connecting with people and showing how you can help them
Bring I think that's what people
Respond to a lot better nowadays. Anyway, yes
So I agree. My wife is in this with me we're doing we do real estate together
So I tend to stay on the marketing making the phone calls
If you ask me to go in dot loop and do something dot loop
So it makes it a bunch of fun for us because
She's not so much of the initial phone call though. I will tell you if you're not making phone calls
You're what you're letting a lot of dollars slip through your hands
100% agree they gotta be said
yeah, so so that initial that first campaign because a lot of people ask me a lot of times like so the successful people with
The system like what campaigns are they running? What does the follow-up look like? So that first campaign that you ran you got 60 leads
1 what campaign were you running to?
What like how much was your investment to get those 60 leads and 3?
What did the follow-up look like to be able to connect with that?
I believe it was like that lady to go through and close that deal. Yeah, I
Think I ran a home's list
Okay where I was offering
homes in the
250 to 350 thousand dollar range, okay
You know got, you know got it on out there. I was somewhere in the neighborhood of about a
Little and again the marketing I've tightened up on my marketing a bit as you learn. Yeah
You get to experience one thing too is the ease-of-use being able to experience
More and kind of finding out. Well, this works better than this did and
Yeah, so anyway, it was wide open. I think that was somewhere in the neighborhood of the high twos
Um as far as per lead generation, okay
It's like three three bucks per lead roughly three bucks per lead. Okay, that's all that's awesome
so you spent probably
Let's say round up to 200 bucks for those 60 then
Able to have that dead you'll go through that's pretty good right there
Definitely route is what you're always looking for. But you know if you stay with it
it's um you
you know, you could end up cultivating I just
Finished a person I think that also originally came off of that
I don't know if it was that or a open house
I run a lot open house that's doing it to effect now here lately cuz it's our
People don't go see houses when it's 30 degrees out here. Oh, yeah, it's kind of cold right now
Springs coming on up and I'll start running open house campaigns
And I end up generating a lot of leads. And so hoping house campaigns were and at the time
we had moved to a new agency a
Friend of mine so we didn't have any listings here. So I just told those guys. Hey
You know, I want bump a listing off you I want to run it on and it was literally
You know open the house as I'll do the open house for you and they were like, yeah, what are you doing?
You know, well, here's what I'm doing. Can I see an ad cuz you know, there is a friend of mine
But he's wanting because he doesn't do anything on Facebook. Yeah
Yeah, so he looked at it and the owner looked at it and they were like yeah, man have had it, you know
So and actually ended up
Met a couple that came in off the Facebook ad it was a small horse farm
Yeah, they have a 1031 exchange going on that will be happening here coming up in March
So we're working with them on that and in April of mid-april
So we'll start showing them small horse farms and the 300 or 400 thousand dollar range. So
That's awesome. What's nice is is when you start doing that and your start connecting with people that maybe a month out like
Like Pam was or they may be several months out. You start getting a board that's gotten these people in different
Stages of of thinking about you know
There's four stages to thinking about they're a dream
They're moving into the next stage where they're sort of like, yeah, this could be a reality
Let's talk about getting financing to looking and then and in closing, right?
So you start to get this board of all the leads that you generated and you can start to see your fill in a pipeline
that uh also got to do is
You know turn the machine on and yet
Stay in contact with them and nurture um and get into that point to when they're ready. You'll be ready and you push that
Yeah, so for me it's about like you said the building relationship and Facebook is a tool to be able to do that
kind of
real simply a lot of people don't know you say you're doing Facebook marketing and they're like, oh
Yeah, I do that, you know, but they're talking about they put a house up on there, you know
Joe Blow real estate and they're not spending any money on the ad, so I've used
Things to where I go and said no no, no. No, I start showing in my back end of
You know
the the ads manager
leads that are on my front end where I can see that there's been eight thousand people that have viewed this Utley and this has
Been on the market for two weeks, and we've generated eight thousand eyeballs that have seen this person's house
Yeah, the sign in the yard. Don't just put it on the MLS
You know, we actually market your property. We are we are marketing real estate agents and we're good at
Ya know through cuz a lot a lot of agents when they think they're on
Facebook, you know, they've got their Facebook pages. It's great. It's a good start
anthe posts, they'll hit that boost post button which typically as you know, like it gets you likes comments, maybe a share too, but
You're never really gonna see an actual lead. So someone's name phone arm email address from boosting a post
yes, so you got to make sure it's all set up the right way so that you're not throwing these advertising dollars away because obviously
If you're spending money on advertising the goal is to to get leads not just likes and followers and all that stuff
that's I call it more of a vanity metric because
it looks cool to get a lot of likes but at the end of day if it's not paying the bills if you're not making
Money out there then right?
Really doesn't matter
And that's what I really enjoyed about the training that you had. It's relatively easy and learning about retargeting and
You know, I'm working on setting up some more stuff that will be more retarget friendly, um
You know and that sort of stuff so
Yeah, and actually we have about thirty miles from my house. We have one of Facebook's
Places where they store all their information
Okay at one of their data centers, yeah
So I actually called them and told them I wanted to come do a tour and what I did they're like sure come on over
Man, it was amazing
That's awesome. That would be cool to check out. I sat in their waiting room, you know, and if you don't have a Facebook account
Cuz that's how they do their background check on you. You got a show you're driving
If you don't have a Facebook account, they don't let you in
They want to see if you're crazy and you know posting a crazy stuff or stuff like I guess
Yeah, II what my facebook account wasn't I told say okay. Alright. Yeah, you're good. We'll have a guy come down
What was amazing? I watched the TV that they had there is where Facebook is going
Marketing is like it was it was really mind-blowing crazy. Yeah. Yeah. That's awesome
Well, Brent, thanks so much. I want to keep you too long. But thanks so much for sharing some of your
experiences so far with your lead generation with Arsenal and
Facebook ads and all that stuff and I look forward to continue to hearing about your results your successes and
What's working for you so that we can continue to share with everyone else?
So everyone else can see the same success that you're having with everything?
Was very good I learned a lot you
Messenger if they're not getting the bot training they need to get that - I got the bot training
I still need to go through it. But yes, I
had an ad
Or they add ad count guys. I still got him in my phone we talked but he set the first one up for me
Yep, worked really well
You know, so I got to do more of it
I got to get deeper into the training and set up a few more because the messenger
BOTS work really well
Yeah, the messengers huge texting is huge. But yeah, that's uh, that's awesome. So anyway, Brent. Thanks again
I really appreciate you spending some time with us this evening
Thanks, Jason
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