Friday, January 25, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 25 2019

SBI Latest Updates 2019

| SBI Latest Rules 2019

SBI Security Updates 2019

For more infomation >> SBI Latest Updates 2019 | SBI Latest Rules 2019 | SBI Security Updates 2019 - Duration: 2:26.


"Se mi becca mio marito...". Caterina Balivo 'da paura'. Che combina alle sue spalle - Duration: 3:58.

     Caterina Balivo è una delle conduttrici più amate della tv. Per il suo talento, certo, ma anche per la sua genuinità

In una delle ultime puntate di 'Vieni da me', per dire, non è stata in grado di contenere la commozione

Si è lasciata sopraffare dall'emozione e non è riuscita nemmeno a salutare il pubblico, tanto era scossa dopo aver ospitato nello studio Rai Giampaolo Matrone e Marco Foresta, sopravvissuti alla tragedia dell'hotel Rigopiano, avvenuta nel gennaio del 2017 presso l'omonima località situata nel comune di Farindola, in Abruzzo

 Una tragedia in cui hanno perso la vita 29 persone. "Io non ce la faccio scusate

(…) Non è facile per me raccontarlo", ha detto con gli occhi lucidi restituendo la lettera della figlia di Giampaolo alla mamma che non c'è più e chiedendo a lui di leggerla

Lacrime a fiumi, poi, quando la conduttrice, sul finire della puntata, ha cominciato a leggere tutti i nomi delle vittime

(Continua dopo la foto)      Caterina Balivo è anche considerata una delle donne più belle e affascinanti del mondo dello spettacolo e sui social condivide spesso scatti del suo quotidiano

Accanto ai post 'al naturale', senza un filo di trucco, dei figli e dei momenti di relax, non è raro imbattersi in quelli in cui esplode tutta la sua sensualità

Come in uno degli ultimi scatti apparsi sul suo profilo Instagram in cui la Balivo ha sfoggiato un look mozzafiato per un'uscita mondana col marito, Guido Maria Brera

(Continua dopo la foto)     "Waiting for my husband… se adesso mi becca alle prese con un selfie comincia a prendermi in giro per tutta la sera", ha commentato l'audace autoscatto in cui si mostra in versione super sexy, con un mini dress cortissimo che mette in evidenza le sue bellissima gambe

Un outfit che ha conquistato i follower a giudicare dal boom di like e di commenti piovuti sotto alla foto in questione

"Cosce favolose e tuo marito è fortunatissimo", le ha scritto un utente. E un altro: "Wooow, che bellezza incantevole! Stupenda, meravigliosa, affascinante, sensuale e sexy… ti adoro!"

(Continua dopo foto e post)      Ancora: "Sei perfetta, bella e simpatica", "Sei meravigliosa come sempre", "Gambe favolose" e "Sei stupenda così, tacchi e un bel vestito"

Qualcuno fa poi ironicamente riferimento alla lunghezza del vestito e si chiede: "Ma da voi l'inverno non arriva mai? O avete un riscaldamento incorporato?"

Insomma, scherzi a parte, Caterina ha ricevuto una pioggia di complimenti. Ma non è che suo marito sarà un po' geloso? Quel "mi becca" che la conduttrice ha scritto nella didascalia si riferirà solo alle prese in giro per i troppi selfie o per quelli 'audaci' come questo?      

For more infomation >> "Se mi becca mio marito...". Caterina Balivo 'da paura'. Che combina alle sue spalle - Duration: 3:58.


2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement

For more infomation >> 2nd Free Toy Giveaway Winner Announcement


S. Korea reclaimed top spot in shipbuilding orders last year, first time since 2011 - Duration: 0:38.

South Korea reclaimed the top spot in global shipbuilding orders last year for the first

time since 2011,... thanks to more contracts for LNG carriers.

The trade ministry says,... combined, South Korean shipbuilders won orders last year of

around 12-point-6 million compensated gross tons,... up from the previous year's figure

of 7-point-6 million.

That accounts for more than 44 percent of global orders in 2018.

The ministry attributed the spike to local shipbuilders winning more contracts for high-value

ships such as Liquefied Natural Gas carriers and Very Large Crude Carriers.

For more infomation >> S. Korea reclaimed top spot in shipbuilding orders last year, first time since 2011 - Duration: 0:38.


Elisabeth II, terrible angoisse, cette faille dans la sécurité de Philip la met hors d'elle - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Elisabeth II, terrible angoisse, cette faille dans la sécurité de Philip la met hors d'elle - Duration: 1:19.


En 3 jours, perte de poids super rapide, PERDRE 10 cm tour de taille avec ce simple remède maison. - Duration: 2:59.

as my loves welcome to my channel youtube new me rosemoony like you

could see in the title you know exactly what is

what we are going to talk about but before to get to the heart of the matter if ever

you are new, you are new and you are not yet subscribed

on the youtube channel do not hesitate , subscribe likez and comment but also

think of the bell notification of agreement so here is no more

wait, let's go back in the heart of the subject so here are my loves

for this recipe you'll just need two lemons

like that and a ginger like this about 100Gr

you're going to slice off as you see there once

it's okay it'll just pass all in the mixer

so here you see we'll add a whole little bit of water a little bit

of water that's why it's so thick so that's very important that

that it has a consistency, creamy, pasty, thick as you can see the

then you'll just add a tablespoon of toothpaste


you finished the evening before going to bedtime you simply apply on any

the area to treat, you massage well. take the time to do it, let it dry, do

that every day between 10 and 15 days you go see that all that is cellulite, skin

dead, dirty fat all that on the zonne. treated will be gone, as I say quite often

in addition pay attention to your diet and you will see that it will melt the fat

who stagnates, whether it is the belly the abdomen, the saddlebags, it will be gone so

here, and especially think well to use the zest of your lemon this is what activates

in a radical way the weight loss, the cast iron of fat

simple easy and yet very very powerful for you so here are my friends

do not hesitate so here are my loves I you thanks for watching this

new video to the end I tell you see you soon for new videos

by then take great care of yourself and know I carry you in my heart


For more infomation >> En 3 jours, perte de poids super rapide, PERDRE 10 cm tour de taille avec ce simple remède maison. - Duration: 2:59.



Manama Bahrain Airport

flew in now

go to the front of the airline ordered a stop over yourself

and we must provide the hotel and

let's walk at the same time around the city

visit the island kingdom in

nineteenth year

Russians without too much difficulty

on citizens of the Russian Federation

there is a simplified entry procedure

Bahrain tourist visa is issued directly upon arrival for up to two weeks

if desired, prolonged for the same period

We received a passport passport control of the share of such a piece of paper voucher

did not fill out put slapped us dies and

we now go to the hotel

paid for each person

55 dollars for 100 pstop over

the price includes hotel

meal twice and visa

and transfer more

serozha important proud goes conquer Manama

Bahrain Airport is located in Manama seven kilometers from the center

in the northeast direction on the island of Muharak is the main airport of Bahrain

I don't have time

look for color

I do not have time for color to watch the airport of Manama received the title

the best airport in the middle east

equipped with the most

modern equipment

two main


Manama Bahrain Airport is designed to accept all types

passenger aircraft

there is a separate terminal with a vip zone

work a lot

stores including duty free zones

there are sockets


you can charge gadgets

Remember us, too, so stood



business hall caters for participants of priority pass programs

access to the hall

carried out on presentation of the card

priority pass

car came for us and we go to totel

Bahrain island state

and its area

770 square kilometers

The archipelago consists of 33

of the islands

the capital city of Manama

located in the north of Bahrain on the main island



state Islam residents of the kingdom

profess the same Christianity


Judaism and other religions

our hotel is called ramada

His Majesty the King and 2 Princes of Bahrain

gave us lunch tickets

such a restaurant

we will wait an hour to bring us

Say something

pumkin soup

brought soup vegetable how to taste? yummy?

bon appetit to all

salad as lettuce Serge?

they brought me a potato and a shish kebab

Good service

Seryozha brought

cake and skewers

hotel number

there is



ironing board and iron

tea set 2 free water coffee tea

plasma tv


no balcony window overlooking the bay opens

now let's go for a walk

Seryozha has a little rest here after a hearty hearty lunch.

a double bed and cabinets and

a bathroom

bathroom even for disabled


as it is not included with you

which side

The card did not insert so the light did not burn

but the bathroom the bathroom us some share for the disabled adapted

the toilet shower here even such chairs sits

yes, but we stayed here for a short time just for 10 hours

well, very good


well, we went for a walk around the city target bahrain

translated from Arabic

like two seas because it is here in the middle of the Arabian Gulf that fresh keys are beating

their waters are found

salt water sea

thanks to this phenomenon, there are ideal conditions for the rarest species of natural pearls

at different times

the island of the state was called Dilmun, Tilos, Arados, Aval finally got the name




КОНЕЦ СВЕТА БЛИЗОК? Падение астероида Апофиса уничтожит Землю? - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> КОНЕЦ СВЕТА БЛИЗОК? Падение астероида Апофиса уничтожит Землю? - Duration: 2:23.


Le mari d'Adriana Karembeu chamboulé, le jour où elle a fait pleurer Aram - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Le mari d'Adriana Karembeu chamboulé, le jour où elle a fait pleurer Aram - Duration: 1:38.


Elisabeth II, terrible angoisse, cette faille dans la sécurité de Philip la met hors d'elle - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Elisabeth II, terrible angoisse, cette faille dans la sécurité de Philip la met hors d'elle - Duration: 1:19.


Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Aspiration Team D Navigatie-Parkeercamera_lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Toyota Yaris 1.5 Hybrid Aspiration Team D Navigatie-Parkeercamera_lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:23.


Lucie suit Marc en cavale, Margot a des problèmes, et Marianne refuse toujours d'avouer sa maladie - Duration: 3:45.

Lucie suit Marc en cavale, Margot a des problèmes, et Marianne refuse toujours d'avouer sa maladie à ses filles.

Vendredi 25 janvier dans Demain nous appartient… Marc a enlevé Lucie, mais il lui propose de le suivre volontairement en cavale et d'aller s'installer à Vera Cruz pour fonder une famille.

Il lui fait une véritable déclaration d'amour et assure avoir changé pour elle.

Malgré ses questionnements, Lucie finit par embrasser Marc. Les amoureux préparent leur fuite…

La police est sur le pont pour retrouver Lucie et a placé plusieurs barrages et 600 gendarmes.

Martin et Karim sont convaincus que Marc est sincèrement amoureux de Lucie et ne lui fera aucun mal.

En revanche, Martin doute de Lucie. Résistera-t-elle à la tentation de s'enfuir avec Marc ?

Margot est attristée d'avoir perdu tout le contenu de son portable. Elle avait enregistré une vidéo de Victor Bonnet,

avouant qu'il avait fait du lobbying auprès des membres du conseil municipal. Révoltée, l'adolescente aimerait faire plus qu'une pétition pour faire bouger les choses.

Chloé et Anna vont voir Marianne pour lui confier leur inquiétude sur l'état de santé de leur père.

Chloé l'a croisé par hasard en ville et l'a vu entrer dans l'immeuble d'un cancérologue. Marianne n'y croit pas du tout et n'a pas envie de s'en mêler.

Elle refuse toujours de dévoiler sa maladie à ses filles. Renaud propose son aide à Marianne pour l'accompagner dans son opération. Un soir, à l'improviste, lui et André viennent faire à dîner à Marianne.

Marc et Lucie marchent dans la campagne. Lorsqu'il a le dos tourné, elle s'empare de son arme et le met en joue.

Marc ne se démonte pas et lui demande de le laisser partir. "Si tu veux m'en empêcher, il va falloir que tu me tues.

Et si tu le fais, c'est une partie de toi qui va mourir", murmure-t-il en reculant. Lucie ne parvient pas à lui tirer dessus.

Lucie rejoint le barrage de la police et tombe dans les bras de Karim. Elle leur dévoile les plans de Marc et avoue qu'elle n'a pas fait usage de son arme et l'a laissé partir.

Victoire est folle de joie du retour de Lucie. Elle laisse son amie discuter avec Fred. Ils décident de se redonner une chance.

La nuit, elle reçoit une vidéo de Marc sur son portable. Il lui promet qu'ils se reverront.

Margot vole un bidon d'essence et asperge un camion pelle tout près d'un poste de sécurité sur le chantier.

L'un des gardiens parvient à l'attraper avant qu'elle ne s'échappe.

Un inconnu débarque et l'aide à s'échapper, mais le garde parvient à se libérer et rattrape Margot qu'il plaque violemment sur le sable…

For more infomation >> Lucie suit Marc en cavale, Margot a des problèmes, et Marianne refuse toujours d'avouer sa maladie - Duration: 3:45.


Jazmin Grace « ignore » Charlène de Monaco, la vérité sur leur relation - Duration: 1:17.

For more infomation >> Jazmin Grace « ignore » Charlène de Monaco, la vérité sur leur relation - Duration: 1:17.


Laeticia Hallyday « isolée et seule », elle a pris ses distances avec sa famille -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Laeticia Hallyday « isolée et seule », elle a pris ses distances avec sa famille -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:11.


Alfina Nindiyani - Busyrolana (Music Video) - Duration: 4:45.

For more infomation >> Alfina Nindiyani - Busyrolana (Music Video) - Duration: 4:45.


Ek Raat Anjaan Burat Ke Sath ¦ True Love Story Part 2 - Duration: 10:37.

Ek Raat Anjaan Burat Ke Sath ¦ True Love Story Part 2

For more infomation >> Ek Raat Anjaan Burat Ke Sath ¦ True Love Story Part 2 - Duration: 10:37.


Lorie plaque tout, c'est pour un bébé - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> Lorie plaque tout, c'est pour un bébé - Duration: 1:23.


En 3 jours, perte de poids super rapide, PERDRE 10 cm tour de taille avec ce simple remède maison. - Duration: 2:59.

as my loves welcome to my channel youtube new me rosemoony like you

could see in the title you know exactly what is

what we are going to talk about but before to get to the heart of the matter if ever

you are new, you are new and you are not yet subscribed

on the youtube channel do not hesitate , subscribe likez and comment but also

think of the bell notification of agreement so here is no more

wait, let's go back in the heart of the subject so here are my loves

for this recipe you'll just need two lemons

like that and a ginger like this about 100Gr

you're going to slice off as you see there once

it's okay it'll just pass all in the mixer

so here you see we'll add a whole little bit of water a little bit

of water that's why it's so thick so that's very important that

that it has a consistency, creamy, pasty, thick as you can see the

then you'll just add a tablespoon of toothpaste


you finished the evening before going to bedtime you simply apply on any

the area to treat, you massage well. take the time to do it, let it dry, do

that every day between 10 and 15 days you go see that all that is cellulite, skin

dead, dirty fat all that on the zonne. treated will be gone, as I say quite often

in addition pay attention to your diet and you will see that it will melt the fat

who stagnates, whether it is the belly the abdomen, the saddlebags, it will be gone so

here, and especially think well to use the zest of your lemon this is what activates

in a radical way the weight loss, the cast iron of fat

simple easy and yet very very powerful for you so here are my friends

do not hesitate so here are my loves I you thanks for watching this

new video to the end I tell you see you soon for new videos

by then take great care of yourself and know I carry you in my heart


For more infomation >> En 3 jours, perte de poids super rapide, PERDRE 10 cm tour de taille avec ce simple remède maison. - Duration: 2:59.


Karine Ferri et Yoann Gourcuff, la rupture, l'annonce choc - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Karine Ferri et Yoann Gourcuff, la rupture, l'annonce choc - Duration: 1:27.


Laura Smet maman à 35 ans, ce rêve qu'elle va enfin réaliser avec Raphaël -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Laura Smet maman à 35 ans, ce rêve qu'elle va enfin réaliser avec Raphaël -[Nouvelles 24h] - Duration: 2:23.


The BEST Dota 2 Tricks, Tips and Bugs! Vol. 2 - Duration: 10:55.

For more infomation >> The BEST Dota 2 Tricks, Tips and Bugs! Vol. 2 - Duration: 10:55.


#07 Víctor. Tasts de màgia suculents de terra endins - Duration: 6:18.

On today's episode of 'Burjassot para taula' we visit multitalented and amazing Victor at his home,

he is a sports instructor in Burjassot and he will show us how to cook a traditional recipe from inland València:

'gaspatxos' from Aiora.

Hi, welcome to my kitchen! My name is Víctor, and today we are going to cook a typical dish from my parents' town, Aiora.

It is called 'gazpachos ayorinos'. Chicken, rabbit and pork ribs are used to make the stock.

I started to prepare the stock last night, that way it tastes delicious.

Regarding the 'coca' or flatbread we have this one which is soft. We need to tear it apart in little pieces.

Using our hands. My dad would make us all tear it apart before cooking.

My parents taught us to cook 'gaspatxos' this way when we were children.

And also to make these little burnt spots, we take what we call 'ascuas' (embers) in Aiora and place them on top of the flatbread.

This makes it burn.

You can find this flatbread virtually in every bakery in Aiora.

I work here in Burjassot, at the public swimming pool. I really love working with people.

I also perform magic shows in theatres. My stage name is Mag Vic.

'Mag' in Valencian, and 'Vic' from Víctor, then .es is my website.

Olive oil, tomato and a bit of onion.

Now we'll use some olive oil. A bit of onion...

Now the tomato.

We'll add some paprika at this point.

We have to pour the stock into this big pan, and then add the flatbread for four guests, in pieces.

Pick a number between 1 and 10. (Five). One, two, three, four and five... Do you like this one?

Right. Please show it to everyone. Let's put it back in the middle more or less, okay? This way...

I'm going to try and guess your card, well, not me, a coin. Have you got a coin?

I am going to rub it so it becomes a magic coin that can guess your card.

I really love the fire and the gunpowder...

And we can see it has burnt many cards until it reached this one.


The stir-fry is ready. Taste the stock and add salt if necessary.

I've added half of it and I'll add more later. Some saffron.

Now we add the 'gaspatxos'. It will have a better colour eventually.

We need to stir it so it doesn't stick.

I will add a bit more of stock. And then you need to tell me if you wish to have flatbread underneath.

When the family would visit us, my aunts and uncles, cousins...

of course they would ask for 'gaspatxos' for lunch because they hardly ever had them.

So, even when it was mid-August, we would cook 'gaspatxos' for them.

They cook a huge amount of 'gaspatxos' in my town, it is called 'gazpachada'.

They cook them in the main square, over a wood fire with these special pans.

There's some stock left in case someone prefers it a bit soggy. You can even pour it into your dish.

Let's turn off the heat and we can serve.


We normally add a triangle-shaped flatbread underneath.

We need to stir continuously...

As you can see it is a bit thicker now and the flatbread underneath gets softer.

Let's taste it, we can set the table and try it.

There you go the 'gazpachos ayorinos' with flatbread underneath.

One card, any card from the deck.

...any card,

please say it out loud.

King of Hearts, I'll look for it!

King of Hearts, and so you don't forget, as many people do, I'll leave it there.

I won't guess it myself because I already know, but he will, 'little Viqui'.

'Little Viqui' will try and guess it.

He takes his hat and there's something in it, he pulls a card out and this card is…

The King of Hearts!

Enchanted by Mag Vic we have learnt the tricks to make some homemade 'gaspatxos' as if by magic .

We leave Víctor's home charmed by his energy and his amazing charisma.

For more infomation >> #07 Víctor. Tasts de màgia suculents de terra endins - Duration: 6:18.


火影忍者:如果這5人能夠出手,水門根本不會掛掉,帶土也要陣亡! - Duration: 5:54.

For more infomation >> 火影忍者:如果這5人能夠出手,水門根本不會掛掉,帶土也要陣亡! - Duration: 5:54.



For more infomation >> DỤNG CỤ XÓC ĐĨA BỊP - TIN VUI CHO CÁC TÍN ĐỒ CỜ BẠC BỊP MỚI NHẤT - Duration: 7:15.


海贼王931预测:四皇战已无可避免,路飞成诱饵,大妈损失惨重! - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> 海贼王931预测:四皇战已无可避免,路飞成诱饵,大妈损失惨重! - Duration: 11:10.


How to Create an Effective Website - Duration: 1:43.

What truly makes an effective website? I think there's a couple of things that go

into an effective website: one of which is how relevant is the website for the

visitors. We talk oftentimes about making sure the website is aligned with the

visitors' needs. We like to say the website's not for us, it's not

even for our clients, it's for our clients' visitors. So aligning with the

visitor needs is probably one of the more important things - making sure it's

relevant for them because you can have a really good looking website and you can

look at that and most people might look and say, "Well, that's a really nice

website," but if it's not relevant for the visitor, if it's not aligned

with what they're looking for, they're probably gonna leave. Second thing is how

is the overall user experience? Is it easy for them to find what they're

looking for? Is the website simple, clean? Is the navigation intuitive? All of those

things really play into an effective website. Another thing is just general

aesthetics. Is the website emotionally engaging? Are the

colors appropriate for the audience? Is it designed to draw someone in?

Obviously the aesthetics play an important role in that. Another one, is it

playing the company up? Is their value articulated in such a

way that it's easy to determine who the company is, what they do, what they

specialize in, how they differentiate themselves from the

competition and what are the next steps? So having a strong value proposition

built into it in such a way that it's easy to understand that is also

an important factor in an effective website.

For more infomation >> How to Create an Effective Website - Duration: 1:43.



Manama Bahrain Airport

flew in now

go to the front of the airline ordered a stop over yourself

and we must provide the hotel and

let's walk at the same time around the city

visit the island kingdom in

nineteenth year

Russians without too much difficulty

on citizens of the Russian Federation

there is a simplified entry procedure

Bahrain tourist visa is issued directly upon arrival for up to two weeks

if desired, prolonged for the same period

We received a passport passport control of the share of such a piece of paper voucher

did not fill out put slapped us dies and

we now go to the hotel

paid for each person

55 dollars for 100 pstop over

the price includes hotel

meal twice and visa

and transfer more

serozha important proud goes conquer Manama

Bahrain Airport is located in Manama seven kilometers from the center

in the northeast direction on the island of Muharak is the main airport of Bahrain

I don't have time

look for color

I do not have time for color to watch the airport of Manama received the title

the best airport in the middle east

equipped with the most

modern equipment

two main


Manama Bahrain Airport is designed to accept all types

passenger aircraft

there is a separate terminal with a vip zone

work a lot

stores including duty free zones

there are sockets


you can charge gadgets

Remember us, too, so stood



business hall caters for participants of priority pass programs

access to the hall

carried out on presentation of the card

priority pass

car came for us and we go to totel

Bahrain island state

and its area

770 square kilometers

The archipelago consists of 33

of the islands

the capital city of Manama

located in the north of Bahrain on the main island



state Islam residents of the kingdom

profess the same Christianity


Judaism and other religions

our hotel is called ramada

His Majesty the King and 2 Princes of Bahrain

gave us lunch tickets

such a restaurant

we will wait an hour to bring us

Say something

pumkin soup

brought soup vegetable how to taste? yummy?

bon appetit to all

salad as lettuce Serge?

they brought me a potato and a shish kebab

Good service

Seryozha brought

cake and skewers

hotel number

there is



ironing board and iron

tea set 2 free water coffee tea

plasma tv


no balcony window overlooking the bay opens

now let's go for a walk

Seryozha has a little rest here after a hearty hearty lunch.

a double bed and cabinets and

a bathroom

bathroom even for disabled


as it is not included with you

which side

The card did not insert so the light did not burn

but the bathroom the bathroom us some share for the disabled adapted

the toilet shower here even such chairs sits

yes, but we stayed here for a short time just for 10 hours

well, very good


well, we went for a walk around the city target bahrain

translated from Arabic

like two seas because it is here in the middle of the Arabian Gulf that fresh keys are beating

their waters are found

salt water sea

thanks to this phenomenon, there are ideal conditions for the rarest species of natural pearls

at different times

the island of the state was called Dilmun, Tilos, Arados, Aval finally got the name


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