Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Youtube daily report Jan 3 2019

今天下午, 沈月 的一张照片被 发到网上, 从 照片上不难看 出,

和身边的女团成 员相比, 她的 腿显得格外壮 实。

看这张全身图, 不对啊, 这里 的腿和刚才的 腿确定是一个 人吗?

再看一下这张对 比图, 难道右 边才是实情, 左边只是美化 后的效果,

如果是这样, 不 得不说, 这个 P图技术真的 是完美。

P图后不但腿拉 长了, 连腿上 的肤色也提亮 了不止一点点, 少女的感觉 顿时就出来了 。

不过也有粉丝指 出这并不是沈 月自己P图的, 而且腿粗的 那张是因为拍 照角度导致的 。

再看看视频截图, 貌似腿也没 有图中这么粗 。

在前天晚上湖南 卫视的跨年晚 会上, 沈月和 王鹤棣一起为 大家献唱,

尽管歌声被吐槽, 可是瘦下来 的沈月还是让 大家眼前一亮 。

在大家的印象中, 沈月一直是 有点婴儿肥的, 尤其是在新 版《流星花园 》中,

她甚至被不少观 众认为是史上 最难看的杉菜, 简直就是" 土肥圆"的代 表。

她本人也曾po 图证明过。 官方的信息中 沈月身高有1 60cm。

可是160的身 高大家并不相 信, 发布会现 场大家发现, 沈月的身高和 其他演员比起 来真的很迷你 。

沈月站在这么高 的东西上还和 王鹤棣也一般 高, 而且腿既 不长也不细,

和大家印象中的 校园女神形象 相差甚远。

看海报还不明显, 不过看这张 剧照, 整张脸 都是圆嘟嘟的 ,

肩膀上也是肉肉 的, 连锁骨看 着都不很明显 。

这张视频截图中 的脸型是这样 的, 也太肉了 吧。

身材也被大家吐 槽, 55分的 身材简直是逆 天了。

再看这张近照, 哎, 连P图都 拯救不了啊。

不过后面大家可 以发现, 在《 七月与安生》 的路透图中,

沈月竟以肉眼可 见的速度瘦下 来了, 不但脸 不这么圆了, 连胳膊也变得 纤细下来。

走路是的她也可 以感觉出, 虽 然不是逆天大 长腿,

但是整体还是很 修长的。 再 看这张图中的 腿, 真的是又 白又细呢。

在这张活动照片 中, 感觉她整 体都纤细了,

穿着这样的齐肩 裙看上去颇有 几分骨感美, 而且腿也不这 么粗了。

在镜头前的她, 齐肩短发显得 活力满满, 很 适合她青春可 爱的气质。

8月份的综艺节 目上, 尽管穿 了显腿短粗的 高帮整个人的 比例依旧是没 话说, 即使是 动图也是可以 hold住的 。

这张机场图中, 也可以看得出 沈月是真的瘦 下来了。

其实, 她之前在 剧中显得胖也 和造型师有关 系, 这样土掉 渣的造型,

怎么还能有少女 感, 完全是大 妈的feel 。

而现在的她衣品 好又瘦下来了, 人自然是美 美哒。

本文由"独家看 影视"作者" 璎珞"原创, 未经作者授权 同意,

任何其他平台号 不得转载本文, 违者追究法 律责任。

欢迎各位订阅" 独家看影视", 感谢大家支 持!。

For more infomation >> 沈月被吐槽P图难道是被黑了吗?!其实瘦下来的她颜值简直逆天! - Duration: 8:49.


Ford Focus 1.6 TI-VCT TREND | Navi | P.Hulp V+A | - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6 TI-VCT TREND | Navi | P.Hulp V+A | - Duration: 1:01.


RSV infections for children is more severe this season - Duration: 2:27.

For more infomation >> RSV infections for children is more severe this season - Duration: 2:27.


Máy Làm Đá Công Nghiệp Hải Âu Model 5 Tấn/Ngày - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> Máy Làm Đá Công Nghiệp Hải Âu Model 5 Tấn/Ngày - Duration: 3:05.


Despicable Me Bob is the Spinning Minions Toy that Sings

For more infomation >> Despicable Me Bob is the Spinning Minions Toy that Sings


DISC' s Behavior #3 - Duration: 2:45.

it's a very interesting topic because it opens up different possibilities for us

we're not gonna go through all the details in this video because they'll

just take too long I usually do a full day workshops on these things and you

know it's a very interesting topic because it opens up different

possibilities for us but I just want to focus on the four main types for now

DISC are the dominance they are the natural leaders in the group let's say

you're arranging some kind of project you might have the tendency to pick a

deal without even knowing that there are D because there's something about them

that exudes leadership okay so that's the DS ship and the eyes are the life of

the party they light up the room they make you smile they make you happy they

know how to be all outgoing and people-oriented and stuff so that's the

I the S are the stable supportive secure people okay the S are great

in a team they could be the best team player you have because they know how to

support you they know how to support people they know how to take part in

that team and they're relatively invisible so all the DS and the eyes can

not get all the attention they want and the S are happy to be in the back

the C's are the conscientious ones they're perfectionists they're highly

analytical great with details you usually find them in technical jobs or

accounting finance things like that something that requires analytical

skills so that's a little bit about the DDI the SMSC the question is what are

you so there are two questions that you might want to ask yourself the first one

is do you think you are more task oriented or do you think you're more

people oriented the second question is do you usually take a direct approach

when dealing with people or do you usually take a more indirect approach so

after answering these two questions let's say you are task oriented direct

then you're deep if you are task oriented indirect then you're see if you

are people oriented direct they're probably an eye

and if your people-oriented indirect you're probably an S


For more infomation >> DISC' s Behavior #3 - Duration: 2:45.


Ford Fiesta 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK 5D S/S Titanium - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Ford Fiesta 1.0 EcoBoost 100PK 5D S/S Titanium - Duration: 1:12.


Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI 185PK Ambition Pro Line S 2eEig/NaviPlus/Bose/Xenon - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Sportback 2.0 TDI 185PK Ambition Pro Line S 2eEig/NaviPlus/Bose/Xenon - Duration: 1:09.


Volvo V50 1.6D S/S SPORT Navi-Trekhaak-Cruise-Clima-17Inch 2010 - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D S/S SPORT Navi-Trekhaak-Cruise-Clima-17Inch 2010 - Duration: 1:04.


Qu'est - ce que Benalla et Brigitte Macron d'échange - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Qu'est - ce que Benalla et Brigitte Macron d'échange - Duration: 4:07.


Pour qui Eric a-t-il voté en 2017 ? - Duration: 4:23.

For more infomation >> Pour qui Eric a-t-il voté en 2017 ? - Duration: 4:23.


Hamon avoue ne plus comprendre Mélenchon - Duration: 3:32.

For more infomation >> Hamon avoue ne plus comprendre Mélenchon - Duration: 3:32.


Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 2 - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 2 - Duration: 5:21.


On The Rhode To Success - Duration: 5:35.

For more infomation >> On The Rhode To Success - Duration: 5:35.


My Talking Tom 2 - 2019 NEW MINIGAMES Android Gameplay #34 Talking Tom and Friends - Duration: 12:15.

New gameplay

Talking Tom 2

For more infomation >> My Talking Tom 2 - 2019 NEW MINIGAMES Android Gameplay #34 Talking Tom and Friends - Duration: 12:15.


Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 1 - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 1 - Duration: 7:59.


Peugeot Partner 1.6 BlueHDi 100pk S&S 650kg Premium - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Peugeot Partner 1.6 BlueHDi 100pk S&S 650kg Premium - Duration: 1:11.


Fiat Talento GB 1.6 EcoJet 125pk S&S L1H1 2900 - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Fiat Talento GB 1.6 EcoJet 125pk S&S L1H1 2900 - Duration: 1:01.


The Man Who Saved the Fort - Paranormal Videos - Duration: 16:51.

so I think we should tell them a little bit about how the fort actually got

saved don't you think they're peeps and welcome to another special edition of

our haunted travels I am your host Sean Donnelly I'm your co-host Maryann

Donnelly today we are telling you about the man

who saved for Zachary Taylor

but before we get into that if you like paranormal history or forensic type

videos you're in the right spot right now here's what you want to do is go

ahead and click that subscribe button and ring the bell and you'll get

notified you next time panning the videos puts out a new video that's right

so the man who saved fort zachary taylor we've been covering the fort all this

week we've already put out a couple videos and tomorrow we're gonna go over

the history of the fort and tomorrow's video but tonight we want to tell you a

little bit about what we found which is kind of cool what made this a very

special video some of the history about a gentleman named Howard s England and I

had reached out somehow I found his son his son's email on a picture that was

posted on Flickr and I sent him an email and I got some information back which is

pretty cool and is really cool love the fact that you were able to get in

contact with his son yeah so his son's name is Edward England so big thank you

to him for sending us some information and making this even a better video

now there is a website out there called fort taylor dot-org and it's dedicated

to the legacy of fort zachary taylor and specifically howard england so i put a

link to that down in the description of this video i also posted it out on our

research thing on patreon - very cool website and actually edward sent it to

you this is the one that said hey check out our website which is pretty cool

stuff out there so let's get started with Howard the man who saved the fort

now those of you probably don't know this because you haven't saw the history

about this yet but you know the fort itself was actually just a storage

dumping yard for the Navy pretty much it never did see any actual battle but

didn't see any action and it was it changed hands from the Army to the navy

and then the navy just used it for storage and dumping ground basically and

this story that we're gonna tell you is how actually mr. England will refer to

him as mr. England got involved and found some very cool information about

the fort and saved it from probably being demolished I would assume so a

little bit about mr. England himself he was born in 1914 and unfortunately

passed away in 1999 he's responsible I would say wholeheartedly for saving the

fort from the information that he discovered and dug up right I I think

that it would probably just been left to eventually crumble if it wasn't for what

they found what he found is right he was born in Key West Florida and he was a

civilian architect for the Navy

now wikipedia says that the way this got started was he went out on his own to

investigate the fourth in the article that his son sent me it stated that he

was asked he was tasked with the duty of going out and finding information about

the fort I believe the article were Wikipedia you know yes just saying yeah

I'm gonna assume that his son had a little bit to do with the you know

article itself and he of course has all the family history and so forth rather

than Wikipedia so let's get into how the fort was actually saved okay

now the way this basically went down in the fall of 1968 he was asked to do some

research about the fort like you said it never saw any military action okay but

it did serve as part of the Army and the Navy mmm-hmm 1968 basically was just

sitting around and they asked him hey can you just do a little bit of research

about the fort and find out about some of the history that was in the fall

December 21st of 1968 which is kind of an important date and we a little bit

messed up on this okay because this was scheduled to come out on December 21st

but with the holidays and no Christmas yeah but with the 50th anniversary okay

which the 21st marked at 15 that's the first excavation that they did at the

fort they meaning mr. England mr. England and his team and what he

discovered in his research basically was true that there was a lot of Civil War

really armaments that was buried at the fort right okay so for the next

eight years eight years mr. England and his team which they called what they

call the sand hogs yeah they laboured at the for escalating

and uncovering some of these cannons and stuff at the fort which basically saved

the fort from being demolished right because it that eventually led to its

being put on the national registers and things like that

but I can I can believe that it would have taken that long because he had a

very small team and I've been on archaeological digs and I did two years

just on a real small cemetery that is now a parking lot this facility this

site is just cute I am surprised it only took eight years

so speaking of that let's talk about what they went through okay so first of

all they went through 24 shovels which again did person does not surprise me at

all over a thousand five-gallon buckets which were just thrown about there

because it was just a story of yard trash that they use and they went

through fifty thousand cubic yards of rock and rubble that they dug through

that's pretty amazing but what they ended up doing was

uncovering twenty coastal artillery pieces along with the carriages that gun

chasse sees thousands rounds of ammunition and throughout the years that

he spent there at the fort he met various many many Civil War historians

that came down there and they all basically told him it was the largest

collection of silver war-era coastal cannons anywhere anywhere that was

buried there on the grounds that just based on his research and determination

they found all that and recovered all that which is pretty cool yeah super

cool actually

so why don't you cover a little bit let's backtrack a little bit on how he

got involved okay well as you mentioned he was native to Key West itself and in

fact he was pretty smart cookie he ended up graduating as valedictorian

of his class there at Key West High School in 1932 and then when the war

broke out World War two that is he decided I really want to be part of this

and he requested to be drafted as a photographer for the six Marine Corps

division that's right for this he ends up going to Guadalcanal he goes to

Okinawa gets into some pretty historic places at the time during the war that

would later become historic but after the war he returns back home to Key West

marries his sweethearts of course but he does that he ends up having two sons and

a daughter and he decides to pursue an architecture career and so he does this

and he becomes an engineer for the Navy's the Navy's public works division

eventually though he does reach the retirement age and so he retires from

civil service in 1972 but he continued working as a volunteer that's right

he was unpaid but he continued to volunteer with the Navy's permission and

following the name of the fort as a National Historic Site in 71 he became

the unofficial curator so he was the curator for the fort and all in those

artifacts that he helped to find and uncover and then when it receives the

national landmark status in 73 he served as the only known private individual

ever to be entrusted with the care of such important property but it makes

sense I mean he found it yeah well when the state of Florida received the

Florida's property in 1976 it actually hired mr. Englund as a laborer until he

of course had the opportunity to attend Ranger Academy and then of course in 79

became the first permanent park ranger to be assigned

now in 1984 he was forced to retire because of age mandatory age of 70 yeah

very sad he was forced to retire he spent most of his adult life with the

fork right well of course as you said a lot of his career was right there and in

fact he created detailed engineering drawings remember he was an architect of

the armaments that he found there and he built 20 different very highly detailed

museum models as well of all of those things that well those models also

depicted the way the fort look during the Civil War era

that's right that's right yes and then in 1983 just before that mandatory

retirement he presented he was presented with the first-ever Distinguished

Service Medal for Park Service employees and in 1999 it continues he's actually

named the great Floridian by the Florida Department of State and the Florida

League of Cities in recognition for all his tireless efforts right there at Fort

Taylor so again in reality if it wasn't for all of his work and all of his

effort and his dedication I mean again this is another person that is one of

our heroes dedicated his life to that facility in saving that facility and his

dream was it for it to become a national park for others to go and enjoy and

learn about the history and things like that and that happened it did

he made it happen and also there's there's like beaches there that you can

go and there's all kinds of things that you can do there so it's a it's a very

very cool location that we just kind of like came upon our whims yeah let's go

down and check out there's a fort down there let's go check that out

that's great glad we did it was on the map wait we got a map when we went when

we got there and let's go see the fort all right so before we end this video is

there anything else you would like to add pretty much covered at all there's

one more thing I would like to to mention well today all of the items that

he found aren't actually there some of some things are still undisplaced some

little things they have some of the the rooms in the fort kind of set up with

some things that were found and things like that but the majority of them have

actually been moved to Tallahassee yeah and some of them are in East Martello

using them that's right we chose not hello hmm that one's coming yeah but

yeah because of hurricanes and things like that they had to move

yeah safeguard that hopefully one day that organization that will be able to

build a facility there to bring that stuff back to the location that's that's

one thing that the work yeah absolutely but I will end it with this somebody

asked him one time why he spent so much of his life and time dedicating you know

dedicated to his work yeah I mean he had a family

yeah and his response was quite simple someone had to do it someone had to do

it and so he thought why not himself yeah pretty cool well we hope you

enjoyed this video hope you learned something pretty cool stuff until next

time thanks for watching and happy hunting let us know if you like this

video by hitting that thumbs up also if you'd like to see more videos from us in

the future support our channel by hitting that subscribe button

hang in that Bell so you get notified the next time there's a video from any


thanks for watching happy honey

For more infomation >> The Man Who Saved the Fort - Paranormal Videos - Duration: 16:51.


Tracing B.F. Skinner's Past | ABA in Norway (RBT, BCBA, BACB) - Duration: 6:55.

Morton! Check it out!

Norway is so full of colors! Yess, dude. This looks like the sickest mini van ever.

if you're new around here I am a continual learner and with being the new

year you're probably like me and just sifting through the massive amounts of

resolutions, goals and trying to figure out to even do it isn't gonna work well

today I want to tell you about a story that took me over six years to complete

on April 30th 2012 Doug and I had met because of a shared interest in what's

called precision teaching I've got a whole week of content coming up on that

soon so if you don't know what it is make sure you come back and since we've

met in three different countries just because of our shared interest in

behavior analysis this is usually going to conferences and those sort of

academic settings but it wasn't until over six years after that initial email

that I was able to finally meet him in person and visit Norway and what he

described and what's funny is it actually goes back even further to an

interview that I read a Julie Vargas this is this is BF Skinner's daughter

she runs a BF Skinner foundation and it goes my parents took my sister Deborah

and me on a trip to Europe in 1951 on that trip we visited Norway have a few

memories of that trip I do remember the train ride from Oslo to Bergen which we

visited come out of the dark tunnels would be blinded by snowy land dropping

straight down from the track all the way to the few words below when Ernie and I

repeated that train ride in 2010 it was still spectacular but a bit tamer than

ahead remembered perhaps some more dangerous parts have been rerouted

in 1951 I remember Bergen as being a small wonderful working fishing village

and our 2010 visit Bergen had much of the same charm but was bigger and more

commercial than I remembered compared to the USA Norway struck me as

clean and friendly Ernie and I were in Norway for the sport Ville conference we

were impressed with the courtesy extended to us not only in the

transportation to and from the airport when small manners there making sure

that we had english-speaking company of meals etc the land was beautiful the

view unspoiled by the rows of gas stations motels and fast-food eyesores

you find so often in the United States and she goes on to talk about the social

services and we hear about those so it was just something that I wanted to

understand and see for myself now Dag knew of this interview and said hey

maybe we can go about and try to retrace some of these steps maybe even see that

visit where Skinner we're exactly where middle of nowhere

look nowhere somewhere I can't pronounce find a camping spot there was a train

there's a nurse train so how'd our trip go well so far this trip is off to a

fairly irresponsible start we didn't plan as well as we could have

we had no tent no matches mind you were camping we had no food but no mosquito

repellent the weather was not cooperating reports from the inside of

the tents of the first nights is raining and scheduled rain for four days

straight we're gonna go deliver this workshop

this lecture

hey, hey, hey! This is our food Can you imagine having that around your neck? Haha it's torture! But we adjusted and we

made sure to accomplish our two major goals which was while we were there we

completed a lecture on today's episode we're giving a talk in Bomlo!

great facility who helps adults with intellectual disabilities in the area we

talk about a couple different things Dagg had something more practical and I gave

them kind of a breadth of the possibilities the even houses cuz many

of them had not heard of as many of them hadn't heard that worldview before and we

made it through the Fjord spent a few days just catching up on things that

we love inside and outside of behavior analysis but what really was one of the

top trips of my life now we couldn't find Skinner's train I didn't really

expect to find the exact one so the railway used to go like in 83 then it

would be down here place called

(???) and he would change train to film

media visitors visiting yes they might have some info there not his train here

any like the one that he rode the train too

there's the story as we've pieced it together and so you'll see that these

things don't come quick it takes a very long time sometimes it's better to set

them in small manageable chunks a series of linked goals is often the way to

achieve the larger visions that you have in life if you celebrate the wins, especially with others

those smaller steps along the way especially with others it is easier it's

easier to go about these larger visions we know are two different resources one

that is technical and one that is not as technical it's where you can understand

what's going on when we're talking about goals and resolutions. Behavior Analysts I

hope this encourages you to look a little bit more into the history of our

field it is amazing like this one two little paragraphs led to this entire

journey there is a lot to be experienced now Julie if you see this I want to do a

more formal documentary on something related to we have Skinner let's make

something happen and don't forget life is about shared

experiences keep in touch with people you never know what will come from it

Dag I will be back in 2020 let's start plannin'! Consider liking sharing

subscribing please makes a difference if you do those things and I will see you

mark that's your Daily BA

For more infomation >> Tracing B.F. Skinner's Past | ABA in Norway (RBT, BCBA, BACB) - Duration: 6:55.


[W♔D]「iBish-Std」[PLS] [ESS] Best of 2018... or something like that || Dedications in decription - Duration: 7:12.

For more infomation >> [W♔D]「iBish-Std」[PLS] [ESS] Best of 2018... or something like that || Dedications in decription - Duration: 7:12.


Qu'est - ce que Benalla et Brigitte Macron d'échange - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Qu'est - ce que Benalla et Brigitte Macron d'échange - Duration: 4:07.


Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Dynamic Line Garantie t/m 2021 | Navi | Clima | Autom. verlichting | Lichtmetalen - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.6 GDI Dynamic Line Garantie t/m 2021 | Navi | Clima | Autom. verlichting | Lichtmetalen - Duration: 1:10.


Newlyweds hit by driver New Year's Eve in Clearwater now fighting for their lives - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> Newlyweds hit by driver New Year's Eve in Clearwater now fighting for their lives - Duration: 1:49.



The Orphnochs: Kamen Rider Faiz


WA2000: Dolls Frontline

Taihou: Azur Lane

Tamamo: Fate Extella

Violet Evergarden

Fullmetal Alchemist

Asuka: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Final Fantasy VIII


Persona 5

Tamamo: Fate/Extra

Hatsune Miku

Dimension W

North Carolina: Azur Lane


Magical Girl Spec Ops: Asuka

Goblin Slayer


Identity V

Fate GO: Jeanne d'arc

Darling in the Franxx

Dynasty Warriors 8

Fate GO: Mysterious Heroine XX

Azur Lane: Kawakaze

Love Live: Umi Sonoda

Howl's Moving Castle

Snow Miku

Axel: Kingdom Hearts

Ping-Yi: Skytube Premium

Golden Kamuy

Kingdom Hearts

For more infomation >> WINTER COMIKET COSPLAY SHOWCASE コミケ95 - Duration: 5:22.


How Liverpool should line up at Man City - Duration: 2:55.

James Pearce - If fit, Milner starts  If James Milner is fully fit then I'd start him in midfield against his former club

 This is the kind of high-stakes contest when you need experience and you need cool heads and Milner fits the bill

 I'd revert back to playing 4-3-3 with Jordan Henderson and Gini Wijnaldum partnering Milner

 The backline pick themselves and I'd go with Mo Salah, Roberto Firmino and Sadio Mane up top

 That would mean disappointment for Xherdan Shaqiri but he would have a role to play off the bench

 My team (4-3-3) Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Van Dijk, Lovren, Robertson; Henderson, Milner, Wijnaldum; Salah, Firmino, Mane

Paul Gorst - It's harsh, but Shaqiri misses out  So this is it, Liverpool's biggest Premier League game for nearly five years

 How does Jurgen Klopp play this one as he plots to take his Reds team a gigantic nine points clear in the title race?  For me, I'm sticking to what I - or Klopp knows best - and naming a back five of Trent Alexander-Arnold, Dejan Lovren, Virgil van Dijk and Andy Robertson

 They have played a lot of football over the past few weeks, but this isn't the time to be resting key men

 Midfield wise, James Milner - if fit - starts for me alongside Fabinho and Gini Wijnaldum who have really made those spots their own in recent weeks

 Xherdan Shaqiri is unlucky to miss out but a bit of control is ceded in the engine room when he plays and the Reds can't afford to give City's schemers an inch at at the Etihad

 Mohamed Salah and Sadio Mane flank a rejuvenated Roberto Firmino with Shaqiri in reserve if more firepower is needed

 My team (4-3-3) Alisson; Alexander-Arnold, Van Dijk, Lovren, Robertson; Fabinho, Milner, Wijnaldum; Salah, Firmino, Mane

For more infomation >> How Liverpool should line up at Man City - Duration: 2:55.


Tiên Tri Cua Dự Đoán Bóng Đá VCK ASIAN CUP 2019, ĐT VIỆT NAM Vs ĐTYEMEN, Vòng Bảng D - Duration: 11:45.

For more infomation >> Tiên Tri Cua Dự Đoán Bóng Đá VCK ASIAN CUP 2019, ĐT VIỆT NAM Vs ĐTYEMEN, Vòng Bảng D - Duration: 11:45.


D'Angelo Russell | Brooklyn Nets Vs New Orleans Pelicans (22 points) | Full Highlights 2019.1.2 - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> D'Angelo Russell | Brooklyn Nets Vs New Orleans Pelicans (22 points) | Full Highlights 2019.1.2 - Duration: 1:52.


My Talking Tom 2 - 2019 NEW MINIGAMES Android Gameplay #34 Talking Tom and Friends - Duration: 12:15.

New gameplay

Talking Tom 2

For more infomation >> My Talking Tom 2 - 2019 NEW MINIGAMES Android Gameplay #34 Talking Tom and Friends - Duration: 12:15.


Communion and Confession - Duration: 43:05.

For more infomation >> Communion and Confession - Duration: 43:05.


Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 2 - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 2 - Duration: 5:21.


Sven fliegt nach ... - Folge 10 - Teil 1 - von Frankfurt nach Stockholm mit Lufthansa - Duration: 12:26.

For more infomation >> Sven fliegt nach ... - Folge 10 - Teil 1 - von Frankfurt nach Stockholm mit Lufthansa - Duration: 12:26.


Carla Bruni : cette nouvelle pause tendresse avec sa fille Giulia qui fait fondre les internautes - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Carla Bruni : cette nouvelle pause tendresse avec sa fille Giulia qui fait fondre les internautes - Duration: 2:13.


NDIS Community Partners - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> NDIS Community Partners - Duration: 2:29.


Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 1 - Duration: 7:59.

For more infomation >> Houellebecq: Je vais appeler à voter pour Marine Le Pen ! Part 1 - Duration: 7:59.


ヘルシンキのカンファレンス Slush 2018 Day 1 - Duration: 14:53.

Hello, this is Takeshi!


I'm at Slush 2018 being held at Helsinki.

Today is Day 1.

The opening keynote is starting soon, so we are here.


Slush 2018!

I'm seeing "Lorem Ipsum"

The atmosphere is so unique

It's basically dark inside


This place is sooo dark, but

I'm sure my camera can shoot videos inside...

There are already so many people inside like this

It's a world map


It's a huge venue.

Again, this space is so dark.

And here is a mysterious spot.

This is a restroom.

The opening session is about to start

at Founder Stage.

I think it's the biggest stage.

The next to it is Evergreen Stage.

Again, this venue is so huge.

Found Google booth.

Saw Facebook booth just a minute ago.

I think this is the Founder Stage.

It's too late to have our seats.

Looks like the inside is too packed to get in.

We should watch the stage from here.

The camera is sliding up there.

It's starting!

Slack booth is here.

Asana booth is here too.

Salesforce has its booth too.

This is Johnson & Johnson booth.

Like Porsche and Johnson & Johnson,

companies rarely seen in a tech conference,

are having their booths in this conference.

Speaking of Finland, it's Nokia.

Korean startups are here, in Korea Pavilion.

All over here.

I'm wondering if Japan's pavilion is here.

This space is for Russian startups.

Found Japanese startups' booth.

I think this space is all about Japanese startups.

Some startups in Fukuoka are here too.

Various startups come from Berlin.

This is a merchandise store for Slush.

Like T-shirts.

Speaking of Finland, it's Sauna.

Are they selling a sauna?

Lighting is so beautiful.

The light beam is cool.

The info booth is so cool too in terms of lighting.

We're coming to the food court with good smell.

We came here just after the conference started.

It's a little too early for beer haha

This food court is so huge too.

Let's have meals before many sessions start.

There is a cafe area,

but a long line

and it's not free.

Conferences in Europe are like this?

Looking over the venue from the 2nd floor

It's huge

There are some cool "rooftop" areas.

The product in the news,

Oura ring.

They have their booth.

Actual rings are here too.

This company may be based in Helsinki.

It's a decent sized booth.

Recently, they released the ring and may try to make a go of it.

This is the Evergreen Stage.

The stage effects are cool.

This demo is terrific.

It's almost 2 pm.

Day 1 is almost halfway.

This conference focuses more on human emotions

and interactions

that is, human-focused sessions.

This place is also dark, but

the lighting is great.

This seems an interview stage for live-streaming.

The place we visited for our Slush badges.

Many new products are here.

Looking over the main stage.

The seating is like this.

The last session at Day 1 was done by the co-founder of VSCO.


It's around 5 pm.

No official events for Slush today

so, we will go back to our Airbnb and

I will have dinner with my friend at the downtown Helsinki.

There are many interesting sessions at Day 2.

Look forward to the one for Day 2.

Slush Day 1 is over!

For more infomation >> ヘルシンキのカンファレンス Slush 2018 Day 1 - Duration: 14:53.


Angry Republican National Committee member launches GOP civil war with anti-Romney letter - Duration: 12:55.

Amember of the Republican National Committee claimed Tuesday night in a letter to the other 167 committee members that Mitt Romney's anti-Donald Trump op-ed published hours earlier was an act of 'calculated political treachery' against the president

Jevon O.A.Williams, the RNC member who represents the U.S.Virgin Islands, wrote that Romney could use 'loopholes' in the nominating process to openly challenge the president's re-nomination in 2020

That, he wrote, would feed Romney's 'fantasy of being president, even if that means destroying our party and denying President Trump re-election

' 'With Republicans like him who needs Democrats?' Williams added.He confirmed in a phone call Wednesday morning that he sent the email but declined further comment

In his Washington Post op-ed, Romney referred to Trump as 'the incumbent.'His niece, Ronna Romney McDaniel, is the Republican Party's chairwoman

McDaniel appeared to take Trump's side in the dispute, tweeting Wednesday that '[f]or an incoming Republican freshman senator to attack @realdonaldtrump as their first act feeds into what the Democrats and media want and is disappointing and unproductive

' Romney, the GOP's failed 2012 presidential nominee will become Utah's junior U.S

senator on Thursday, replacing reliable Trump ally Orrin Hatch.He wrote that the president's 'conduct over the past two years, particularly his actions this month, is evidence that the president has not risen to the mantle of the office

' An annoyed Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that Romney should '[b]e a TEAM player & WIN!' 'I won big, and he didn't

He should be happy for all Republicans,' Trump jabbed.In his letter, Williams asked fellow RNC committee members to issue a statement at their Winter Meeting this month declaring that Trump will be the party's presidential nominee in 2020

He also wants to close what he calls 'loopholes' in the nominating process that Romney, Ohio Gov

John Kasich and outgoing Arizona Sen.Jeff Flake, all anti-Trump GOP moderates, could use to weaken the president in primary elections and caucuses

'Look, the political history is clear.No Republican president opposed for re-nomination has ever won re-election,' he wrote

'While President Trump would win re-nomination it wouldn't come quick and it wouldn't be inexpensive

Any contested re-nomination campaign—even a forlorn hope—would only help Democrats

' Williams is a native of Antigua & Barbuda who earned U.S.citizenship through a dozen years of Army National Guard service

In 2015 and 2016 he ran a presidential primary campaign in the U.S.Virgin Islands for onetime Trump rival Ben Carson, who is now secretary of of Housing and Urban Development

Williams is now a firm Trump supporter, defending the president's U.S.-Mexico border politices despite living on an island in the Caribbean

'#BorderSecurity is a must! Build the wall!' Williams tweeted last month.'President Trump wants to protect America and her citizens but the Democrats don't want him to

#Treason,' he added a few days before Christmas as the hours ticked down to a partial government shutdown over funding for a border wall

He tweeted on Tuesday that unnamed 'black media voices promote the liberal agenda which is in total conflict with the black agenda

' And he took up Trump's crusade against a prominent CNN journalist in November, tweeting: 'Jim Acosta is a special person and by special I mean stupid

#FakeNews #EnemyofthePeople.' Williams is pictured in late 2017 with Vice President Mike Pence and second lady Karen Pence Merry Christmas (yes, it's still Christmas), happy New Year, and warm greetings from where many of you probably want to be right now: America's Caribbean

Imagine my surprise when I read the junior senator-elect from Utah's unprecedented rebuke of President Donald J

Trump in an op-ed on the pages of The Washington Post that ran before he was even sworn into office

I couldn't believe this was coming from our party's 2012 nominee, who, despite differences in politics, still professes to be a Republican

With Republicans like him who needs Democrats.Seriously.I swear that Republicans can be their own worst enemy

Democrats don't have to worry about the three-ring circus and civil war that is engulfing their party's 2020 nomination campaign because so-called Republicans are forcing us to spend valuable time, money, and resources in re-nominating our president

Make no mistake.This was calculated political treachery.The op-ed, again before he even assumed office, was published the night of New Year's Day

This was done to define the week's narrative in the mainstream media and chattering class

It also only serves to undermine our party and its president by playing into the hands of House Democrat Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer as they seek to divide Republicans and distract attention away from their refusal to protect our borders

As an immigrant, a combat veteran, a black American, a millennial, and as a member of the RNC, I wholeheartedly support and endorse President Trump for re-nomination

That isn't to say I don't have my disappointments.I do.Like many of you, I have been frustrated by the inability to get Republicans nominated to U, U.S.marshal, and District Court judgeships.But the record is clear and President Trump's policies at home and abroad are getting results by putting the national interest first and foremost

My friends, you know what's going to happen.Messrs.Romney, Flake, and Kasich will continue chasing their fantasy of being president, even if that means destroying our party and denying President Trump re-election

Look, the political history is clear.No Republican president opposed for re-nomination has ever won re-election

Unfortunately, loopholes in the rules governing the 2020 re-nomination campaign are enabling these so-called Republicans to flirt with the possibility of contested primaries and caucuses

While President Trump would win re-nomination it wouldn't come quick and it wouldn't be inexpensive

Any contested re-nomination campaign—even a forlorn hope—would only help Democrats

Accordingly, I am asking for your support to take the unprecedented step of amending the rules to close loopholes in the re-nomination campaign, including Rule 40

These rules, as I read them and has been reported in the press, didn't take into account an incumbent president running for re-election

Beyond a rules amendment, I also ask for your support of a resolution declaring the RNC's unanimous and unequivocal endorsement of President Trump for re-nomination

This resolution would also declare him the presumptive nominee in 2020.I intend for both of these items to be acted upon at the winter meeting later this month, including, if necessary, by suspending the rules to take up this business

The so-called Republicans seeking to defeat President Trump have used our silence to advance their cause

It's time to make our voice heard: Our party, be it the RNC or the grassroots in the 56 states, territories and District of Columbia, is united behind President Trump

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