Friday, May 25, 2018

Youtube daily report May 25 2018

A lot of us grew up hearing that you can't regrow brain cells -- usually after we bumped

our head on something.

Scientists still debate whether that's actually true, but one thing's for sure: brains aren't

nearly as good at replacing cells as other parts of the body.

And when the brain gets damaged by something like a stroke, that damage stays instead of

getting fixed.

But a new study in the journal Nature Materials suggests a way of reversing that destruction.

For the first time, by injecting a specially made gel into mice, scientists were able to

successfully coax the mice's brains into growing back cells and structures that were

destroyed by a stroke.

And with millions of people suffering from the long-term consequences of strokes, this

could be a first step toward repairing their brains, too.

Strokes happen when blood is blocked from certain parts of the brain, cutting off oxygen

and nutrients and eventually killing the starved cells.

And if those cells do something important, like control your hands or safeguard your

memories, that job stops being done — which is why people who have had strokes can have

long-term memory issues or muscle control problems.

While interventions like physical therapy can sometimes significantly improve people's

symptoms by teaching the brain to find ways around the stroke's scar, there's always

a scar.

And for a little while, before that scar forms, there's basically a hole where the cells

once were.

That's because brains aren't as good at replacing dead cells as other organs — many

scientists say they can't naturally do it at all — so new neurons don't grow in

to fill the gap.

Adult human brains basically wall off the wounded area after cells die, keeping new

blood vessels from bringing in nutrients and oxygen and preventing the hole from filling

with the body's structural goo that supports cell growth.

Scientists with UCLA and Duke University wondered if they could design a material that would

essentially take that goo's place and—with any luck—help the brain heal.

What they came up with was a special kind of water-based gel which provides structure

to the empty space left by the cells.

They tried a few formulations, pitting the plain gel against ones with added goodies.

Those goodies included molecules that stimulate blood vessel growth and reduce inflammation,

which helps bring down barriers between the gel and the rest of the brain and allow nutrients

in to feed any new cells.

They gave mice strokes, then injected a tiny amount of gel into the holes left behind five

days later, with several mice receiving each formulation or nothing, as a control.

Afterwards, they checked in on the mice for weeks, both by looking at their actual brains

and by having them do certain kinds of physical tasks.

And over time, one thing became clear: one of their formulations was very effective.

Whole new structures including neural networks formed in the place of the stroke-killed cells,

and the mice mastered tasks their untreated counterparts couldn't.

But, there were some limitations to the study.

A big one is that the mice they used were young.

They were given strokes when they were more like teens than adults, so the experiments

happened as they grew into young adults — which is a stage in life when both mouse and human

brains are thought to be better at regrowing brain tissue, and not the age when strokes

usually occur.

So more research will need to be conducted on adult mice to see if their brains are also

able to benefit from the gel.

There's also the always important caveat that mice aren't people.

Even adult rodent brains seem to be better at growing neurons than adult human brains,

so what works for them might not work for us.

And the scientists still aren't sure exactly how the gel works, so they want to study it

further to figure more of that out.

So there's a lot to do before anything even approaching a human trial.

But, the fact that any gel formulation worked at all, let alone so well, makes the study

an exciting proof-of-concept.

And it's certainly a step in the right direction for millions of people who become disabled

by strokes every year.

Unfortunately, it's not all good news this week.

Because a paper in last week's issue of the journal Nature reports that someone, somewhere

in the world, apparently decided that the ozone layer is overrated, and has been releasing

alarming amounts of ozone-damaging CFCs into the atmosphere for the last few years.

"CFC" is short for "chlorofluorocarbon" -- a huge class of molecules that, as the

name implies, contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon.

They were invented in the 1920s.

And at first, they seemed perfectly inert, which made them ideal for applications where

you don't want chemical reactions: Firefighting, pressurizing hairspray, cooling refrigerators

— you name it.

But when CFCs reach the upper atmosphere, they're broken down by ultraviolet light,

creating super-reactive pieces.

And those pieces eat away at our ozone layer, which is bad because that layer blocks a lot

of harmful radiation before it reaches the ground and does terrible stuff like cause

cancer in people or harm crops.

CFCs are also powerful greenhouse gases that trap thousands of times more heat than carbon


So they're not something you want in your atmosphere.

Which is why, in 1987, countries worldwide signed the Montreal Protocol, promising to

phase out CFCs over time and switch to less-destructive molecules.

Since then, atmospheric CFC concentrations have gradually dropped while the ozone layer

has gradually recovered.

But a new paper published last week reports that since about 2012, scientists have detected

far more CFCs in the atmosphere than there should be—about 13 million kilograms more.

Concentrations are still dropping worldwide, but not as much as they should be, which is

significantly slowing the progress of the last few decades.

And, maybe unsurprisingly, no one is taking credit.

The paper's authors have been monitoring the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere for a

long time, mostly by catching a bunch of air every once in a while and seeing what kinds

of molecules react with what's in the air.

And they noticed that around 2012, the rate of decline of CFCs slowed, suggesting a 25%

increase in emissions.

They didn't just automatically accuse people of violating the Montreal Protocol, though.

They considered other potential CFC sources before concluding that someone is making them.

They wondered if, maybe, buildings with a lot of CFCs in them were being demolished,

or if the way CFCs leave the atmosphere had changed, or if CFCs were trapped in ice that's

melting because of climate change.

But there's so muchunexpected CFCs that demolished buildings can't explain things.

And also, none of the other possibilities they considered fit the observations, because

it isn't just that CFC emissions in general have increased.

All of the new emissions are a specific kind of CFC called CFC-11 or trichlorofluoromethane.

And we don't know anything other than human production that would single out a single

CFC like that.

So the scientists had to conclude that humans are making and releasing new CFCs again, in

defiance of the Montreal Protocol.

But air in the atmosphere is so thoroughly mixed that, right now, no one can say where

the CFC-11 is coming from.

There are strong hints that it might be from eastern Asia, based on when winds brought

the new CFCs toward an observatory in Hawaii.

But that's about all they can say.

Getting a better idea of the source might require something like measurements from planes,

or closer analysis of any other chemicals that have also been increasing in the same

way, which might provide clues as to who's to blame.

For now, all we can say confidently is that someone is making new CFCs again, despite

how harmful we know they are.

If you're watching...stop!

And if you're not releasing new CFCs into the atmosphere, thank you for that, and for

watching SciShow!

If you want to keep up to date on all the latest news in science, make sure to click

on that subscribe button and check out all of our news episodes that we post every single Friday.

Also, if you're curious about the full history of CFCs, you might want to watch the episode

we did last year over on SciShow Space that's all about that.

For more infomation >> The New Gel That Regrows Brains - Duration: 7:50.


051918p3 - Duration: 24:39.

Its the Himura-san Happy Birthday Episode

Nogizaka Handmade Presents Championships

The members gave serious thought to their handmade birthday presents

and this is the 2nd half of Himura accepting their presents

First up its Shinuchi's handmade present

Its a Misanga​

ah..misanga made this?


No way!

I made it banana yellow

Its just that I kind of made it in a size that fits me

it may not work out

Try putting it on

I don't believe there's too much difference in peoples wrist sizes

Its long enough...look

Its really close

[ Not quite long enough ]

Not big enough?

I made another section

What did you just bring out?

I made an extension

Tighten it to this...then you can adjust it to any length you want

Are you good at making these?

I've been making them since middle school

I'd often make these during school

So if you take it off you'll die or something?

[ Cursed misanga? ]

The ojisan is making a face

[ Suddenly feeling anxious ]

ojisan with the worried look

Thats the same look when you go overseas and are pushed into buying something you don't want

[ Dead inside ojisan ]

Sticking out a bunch isn't it

This somehow or other isn't working out

This is not an appropriate length!

[ These adjustments are out of control ]

Its like something you'd use to ship out a package

[ Allows you to find his serial number? ]

Its like a tag with your serial number or something

Try putting it on his ankle, that should fit

Ankle style

Since it is summer

This really works

Ah, that's good


Yes, very fashionable

This is good, looks good

ah...that's good

You did something to me didn't you?

[ Comedical camerawork ]

Did something happen?

Camera-san is trying to be funny

But the ankle bracelet looks cool


[ From misanga to ojisan ]

You've done it again...oy

He's not doing anything....he's just panning up from your ankle

He's using funny timing or something

Don't use your pro timing on me!

That is a pro, he can't help that

Himura-san, make a wish for when it comes off

People often make wishes on bracelets that are supposed to come true when it breaks

I wish to get cast in a morning drama series!

[ He loves those morning dramas! ]

As the leading role

No way...leading actor is impossible


Hanbun, Himura

Next is Takayama's handmade present

I'll reveal

ahhh, this is amazing

These are golf club headcovers


What's this about?

I only did the embroidery, the rest of it was store bought

but I embroidered his name on here

You did the embroidery then?


That [村] looks sloppy

The uneven surface kind of made it difficult

Since its Himura-san's birthday

when I was thinking about what I should get him

The other day on a show recording Sekine Tsutomu-san was sitting next to me

and it was for a 7 hour shoot

We have a Himura-san birthday episode coming up...what should I get him?

You went to Sekine-san for advice?

[ Getting someone important involved ]

Why would you get Sekine-san involved in this?

Sekine-san said Himura-kun is into golf

I think headcovers would make a good gift

He gave me that advice

So then I went and bought this

This is amazing

I'm happy

I'm really going to use this

You have something else?

This is something added on the side, its not a big deal

Is it cash?

[ When all else fails, give cash? ]

If you'd like, please accept it

Moving out assistance voucher

So this...

*Limited to 1 use per voucher

So within Nogizaka what am I most effective at?

of course its my physical strength I think

So then when you're planning on moving out

I could help you with your move


Himura-san just moved

He just moved out?!



Is that so

What's up with this voucher?

[ Unusable for the next several years ]

He just recently moved out


Since I just moved, there are still plenty of moving boxes

I'll take care of it

[ Also can be used for moving box cleanup ]

You'll unpack the moving boxes for him?

Yes, that's actually my specialty

Are you at the same level as the movers who do it by themself?

I see, movers can handle it themselves

since movers can do handle it by themselves

ojisan by himself plus Takayama then

And next is the handmade present from Hori

What? Painting?

Its a painting

[ What's going on...? ]

Lots of things I don't understand are happening right now

ah, that'll be enough


So this is a watercolor painting

Isn't it scary? What's this about?

It was my first time

trying to do a watercolor painting

What's the deal with his head?

My first time trying out this style of painting

I thought I wanted to try painting Himura-san

[ This just brings about more questions ]

There's meaning behind this

This is Himura-san as a blooming flower

[ The flower is Himura? ]

And then I painted this while listening to Kobukuro-san's [Tsubomi]

That's why that song was playing earlier?

[ 1 problem solved ]

Since Himura-san is bright like the sun and has that image

I used a lot of yellow and orange in the painting

Doesn't this Himura-san creep you out? Sorry if I offended you

You ok with this?

Since flowers can bloom in all kinds of places

Himura-san got married and is active doing variety shows

so you could say he can bloom anywhere

Got it

But isn't this Himura-san depressed looking?

Its a picture from an interview

I used that picture

Yes, his hair was parted down the middle...

Did I ever part my hair like that?

[ He doesn't even remember doing that ]

Why would you paint a rare version of Himura with his hair parted down the middle?

That's from an interview?

But this must have taken a lot of time

Took me about 5 hours

And you have some written text to go along with it

I really like writing poetry

Is this an additional present then?

A strong life force with warmth like the sun...

Himura continues to make all these epochs

You called him Himura

You've come up here and called him Himura

What's that about?

This part really stuck with me

Himura continues to make all these epochs

What's that mean?

Sounds like The Nonfiction

ikiteru~ ikiteiru~

The ever constant....epoch creating....Himura

Did you paint the frame as well?

No...I bought that at Tokyu Hands

When I went to Tokyu Hands-san

I bought a lot of art supplies to do this

You had to buy supplies

The frame and such...I asked a lot of people about what size to use

The store workers were giving me special treatment

They must have thought I was a famous painter

They probably weren't thinking that

[ More likely they knew she was a beginner ]

You must still have a lot of leftover supplies

There's a lot leftover

Keep painting then

Give us some other Himuras

ah I have to draw Himura-san?

If you painted Himura-san again, I think it would be interesting

No thanks

ah, you've done enough

I'm satisfied don't want to paint any more Himura?

That's enough Himura

[ Calling him Himura at the end also ]

This is terrifying

Its actually scarier than Ozono's present

That's going in the bedroom

The wife is going to put a stop to this

This is going next to the hugging pillow

Next is the handmade present from Yoda


Shoulder punch massage voucher

ah, its a voucher

When I was little, my father

he'd be so happy when I gave him a shoulder massage voucher

What's written on there?

What's this? This voucher can be used forever

So there's no limit on these?


That's crazy, you can get these for life

How about for each show recording?

This says Yoda will do this anytime I ask

Whether you have some free time or a day off

whatever you desire

[ All for Himura-sama ]

That sounded cute just now

Immediately Yoda maid will give out a shoulder massage

If you could



ah yes, there's some power behind it


Wait...that hurts!

[ Shoulder assault? ]

Have you really done this before?

this shoulder massage

You're supposed to hit like this

Like this then

This one

Its like this or this or this

Himura has strong shoulders

How about like this?

How much strength would you like?

I need the stronger level

This won't work on Himura-san, he's frozen stiff

[ Misfit maid? ]

That didn't feel good at all

This voucher may never get used

Leave something for the end

Like this, but at the end you have to


[ Finish button? ]

ah, that's not it?

ah gomen gomen

End it with a TON!

Kind of like a "FINISHED!"


Try it


Who you calling a pig!

What is this?


What was that TON for?

Don't be adlibbing TON

And next is a handmade present from Eto


Sake...its sake!


potato shochu



I love this stuff

This is potato shochu

Its Mao


[ Premium shochu ]

I found out this is your favorite

This is the stuff

And then here

I thought of the bottle design

I added the lettering

It says Happy Birthday

as well as your birth day


You can design it online, but for more detailed designs you have to call


I'm happy to receive this


Eto, do you drink that?

I prefer barley shochu

Himura-san likes the potato

I like both potato and barley shochu

You like potato the best?


Its potato


Who you calling a potato?

The 3rd time you said potato sounded different

I'm just confirming you like potato shochu

I already said I like potato



Now you've done it

You've crossed the line

arigatou...seriously this is good stuff

arigatou gozaimasu

So you came here

and actually gave him a normal present

[ One of the few with a conscience ]

But you're happy about that one

I am

And next is the handmade present from Terada

Its a bento



This bento is all fancy

Hold on, speaking of bentos

That's right

We had a bento episode

She had the super mini mini bento

And this time?

This time...since we're celebrating your birthday

I made you an interesting type of bento

Is that so


Here goes


This is wonderful

Himura-san...the tiny seawood rolls are back

[ The ultra tiny seaweed roll ]

This right

the seaweed rolls again

What's this?

That one in the middle

That's Himura-san

That's me

Its like

since this is a special celebration I thought a normal bento would be boring

so I did some bento research

Lately middle schoolers are known for being in their rebellious phase right

not just lately

Being in their rebellious phases the mothers

want some attention from their children so its popular to make bentos that irritate their kids

so then opening this bento and looking at Himura-san

its like using his face to creep the kids out

[ huh? ]

Seeing Himura-san's face and what now?

Since the bento is meant to annoy the child

the kid will open it and be annoyed, they want the kid to complain about it

What the heck are you saying all of a sudden!

[ There is no higher level of insult ]

They'll see Himura and be creeped out?

The mothers want their kids to complain about it

so I made a bento with Himura-san's face

I really did a lot of internet research on this

eh? So this really exists?

This is popular in today's society...

[ Cruel information on this special day ]


Yes, this really is amazing Himura-san

This will get parent and child talking again...they'll say today's bento was horrible

[ Intensifying the hurt ]

Its a way of using Himura-san

Did you know of this Himura-san?

I did not

I didn't know...this isn't something to say to someone on their birthday

That's true but

that's why I put the cheese heart on there

But I love you..

And how does that annoy your child bento taste?

ah...eating himself

Its good


Its good

Try the side items Himura-san

Before I used karaage, but this is like [Chiki Chiki bone]

its like chicken wings


Let's call Himura-san CHIKI-CHIKI Bone from now on

No connection at all

Did you know they call Himura-san "Sol"

You know?

Comes from his wife

Its a transformation from the name Yuki


That [n] looks like a [so] in katakana

so Yuu-kyuso



[ Embarassing announcement ]

Now its just Sol

So when we go out to eat together

I casually blurted our Sol and he's like

huh? what?

That really surprised dare he say it out loud

[ Sol has been exposed ]

Then it became "Sol! Sol!"

So then everyone call him Sol

[ Gradually allowing it to sink in ]

And next is the handmade present from Sakurai


What is this?

Now then Sakurai

Please open it up


Its a plant...

Did you say that was grass?

Its a plant

huh? what's this about?

I brought a house plant that I've kept at my place

eh, this was in Sakurai's house?

[ Trying to dump it on him? ]

When you hear a senpai has a birthday

and you don't have a present, do you just grab something close?

[ Makeshift gift? ]

What's that about?

I took really good care of it but

its sort of not doing well

This thing is wilting

And why is it wilting?

For some reason its not doing well

I guess I'm unable to take care of it

but for Himura-san

I'm thinking you could make it healthy

Is this sort of thing even possible?

Your own house plant

this plant I've been taking care of is wilting so

I'll just give it as a birthday present

But you did take proper care of it?

For about 3 years

It should be fine then

You must have an attachment to it raising it for 3 years

Why are you giving it away?

Well with it being Himura-san's birthday

taking caring of this plant for 3 years

I'd like to entrust my child to Himura-san

She can't bring herself to say I took care of it but I don't want it anymore

That's not a bad thing

Its not something to be upset about

What should he do then? How often does he need to water it?

Once in awhile

[ huh? ]

What do you mean once in awhile? That doesn't mean anything

Himura-san won't be able to take care of it like this

About once a week?

Something like that

This is not something you'd normally bring from home

[ Since you're here, take care of this? ]

I don't know the answers either

I don't know how to make this plant well again

I believe its better to over water it, but I never did that

One time just try and take this to a florist

[ Determined to bring it to life ]

Its not that withered up, it should be fine

if you would

I'll take care of everything

[ Definitely give it happiness ]

And next is the handmade present from Matsumura


congratulations on your birthday

ah, you frightened me

Is that a pig?

[ Straight up insult? ]

This is too direct an insult

But since Himura-san is a pig

that's no reason to give him a pig

What's your problem?

You can put your hand inside

You play with it...its a puppet

ah, this is a puppet then


I am Himura

So he is a pig

You pulled a fast one on me just now

[ She went all the way with it ]

Why would it say I am Himura

However there's a big secret along with this pig puppet

Somethings inside

ah...a letter?

Yes, that's actually the main gift

that's the main gift

I thought it would be good to put it inside

"Let's always be friends"

Let's please be friends

Along with that message

What? There's hair in here

That is Machu's hair

[ Shocking present ]

Whose hair is it? Matsumura's hair?

Hold on...what's this about

What's the meaning of this?

I want to be together with Himura-san forever

I wanted Himura-san to feel like I'm always there with him

What's up with that?

Are you being serious right now!?

[ If so, that's really messed up ]

Are you simply saying this contains part of your soul

In some way

Rather than saying its part of my soul

I simply wanted to give Himura-san some of my hair

[ This is wrong ]


Have you lost your damn mind!?

[ crazy girl ]

Not sure how you're supposed to react to that one

This is really something Matsumura

Since you're an official oniichan, going forward I'd like to be good friends

for many many years, you've been our friend for 7 years

I realize that

Moving forward

I'd like us to remain friends

I'll be your friend from now on...sure I will

But now because of this present, I don't think we can be friends

[ The terrifying lock of hair ]

She's thinking way out there

I can't even believe this....its remarkable

That's pretty interesting

You don't seem very pleased with my present

I've never experienced anything like this

My first time doing this

For Himura-san to be delighted with that present


I got some hair!

[ That's not happening ]

That would never happen

No it wouldn't

Up last is the handmade present from Ikuta

Here it is


This is a smoothie

Why give this as your present?

Well of course being so busy, I wanted to give him something that would fill him with his daily nutrition

So you're treating him to an Ikuta original smoothie as a present

So you drink these often?

Nope....first time making one

[ Himura test subject ]

But its a smoothie, you can't mess up a smoothie

It can only be delicious with what I've brought with me

banana, kiwi, mango, apple

spinach and...


kale, okra, mekabu seaweed

All healthy ingredients good for the body

I'd like to mix up all these ingredients

And with that Ikuta

takes a shot at making her first smoothie

These are really stringy ingredients

[ Huge portion of seaweed IN ]

You sure you want to put in that much seaweed

Since its green

What kind of reason is "since its green"

All green smoothies come out totally fine

There's seaweed sticking out of sure about this?

[ mekabu seaweed...konnichiwa ]

You sure about letting the seaweed overflow

This is totally fine for you?

But you've never made one before

I've never done this before


Its not blending together at all

Don't you need to add water or something


You've never done this before right

I have never done this before

Too much! Too much!

The crowd is like "HEY! HEY too much!"

ah, its going



She's making this for you Himura-san

Why are you making that face?

Ikuta's special smoothie is finished

and how will it taste? scary

Here goes

eh? Is it good?


Its good

Its good?

That's great

Totally...what is this

Its like

its like...edamame rice cake or something

[ Suddenly transforming into a solid ]

Like edamame rice cake?

There's a bunch of fruit in here

So it tastes like an edamame rice cake?

Its fruity edamame rice cake

Maybe because its green

But that must be pretty healthy

This is delicious

Thank goodness

I'm shocked

You thought it would bad?

To be honest, its very Ikuta-like

There's nothing disgusting in here, so I don't know how it could come out bad

That was my thinking...that's great


Aftertaste ok?

aftertaste isn't bad

Thank goodness

I do get the feeling this is healthy for me

Well then, please drink one every morning

This every morning?

I'm giving you this too

Giving me that?


The smoothie gift is actually a mixer

I'm shocked...I'm getting a mixer

arigatou gozaimasu


This 2nd part had people bringing things they no longer wanted

Himura-san gets all the unwanted goods

Why does Himura-san get them?

For more infomation >> 051918p3 - Duration: 24:39.


Kia Carens 1.6 GDi First Edition nieuwe auto met 7jr. Garantie!!! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Carens 1.6 GDi First Edition nieuwe auto met 7jr. Garantie!!! - Duration: 1:07.


Ford Focus 1.6 First Ed. Clim.contr. trekh - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Ford Focus 1.6 First Ed. Clim.contr. trekh - Duration: 1:08.


Les Anges 10 : l'hommage des candidats pour Johnny Hallyday critiqué sur Twitter, - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10 : l'hommage des candidats pour Johnny Hallyday critiqué sur Twitter, - Duration: 3:36.


Phim Mỹ Nhân Sài Thành Tập 8,Cuộc sống của các mỹ nhân tên Trà gặp nhiều biến cố ... - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Phim Mỹ Nhân Sài Thành Tập 8,Cuộc sống của các mỹ nhân tên Trà gặp nhiều biến cố ... - Duration: 2:41.


Thundermans Finale BTS

For more infomation >> Thundermans Finale BTS



For more infomation >> Seat Ibiza 1.4 TSI FR,150PK,DSG AUTOMAAT,18' LM VELGEN,XENON,AIRCO ECC,CRUISE C,ELEK RAMEN - Duration: 0:53.


Lets play Dead By Daylight / Sea Of Thieves Live gameplay - Duration: 2:51:29.

For more infomation >> Lets play Dead By Daylight / Sea Of Thieves Live gameplay - Duration: 2:51:29.


Local 4 News at 6 -- May 25, 2018 - Duration: 11:10.

For more infomation >> Local 4 News at 6 -- May 25, 2018 - Duration: 11:10.



For more infomation >> FULHAM - ASTON VILLA (İDDAA ORAN ANALİZİ) - Duration: 1:01.


Tens of thousands expected at Circle K Speed Street - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Tens of thousands expected at Circle K Speed Street - Duration: 2:25.


Subaru dealer shares the love with Dakin Humane Society with $52K donation - Duration: 1:25.

For more infomation >> Subaru dealer shares the love with Dakin Humane Society with $52K donation - Duration: 1:25.


Reuniting students with family - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Reuniting students with family - Duration: 1:12.


✅ Drsňák Noid k nepoznání: Navlečen do kožichu a obtěžkán řetězy vypadal jak Leoš Mareš křížený s Ry - Duration: 2:19.

Detektivní seriál V.I.P. vraždy je věrný svému názvu. Jeho další díl se nese v záři slavných osobností jako jsou Iva Kubelková (41) a zpěvák Václav Noid Bárta (37)

Ten si užil roli rapera, který je obviněn z vraždy. K jeho image patří kožich, zlato na krku a krásné ženy, kdekoli se objeví

Nepřipomíná vám někoho? Leoš Mareš (42) a Rytmus (41) by si Václava Noida Bártu neměli v dalším díle V

I.P. vražd rozhodně nechat ujít!Václav Noid Bárta ztvárňuje ve své seriálové postavě rapera, který je obviněn z vraždy

Ke zlatu na krku, kožichu a kráskám si v rámci své role zapálil dokonce i doutník

A to už rok nekouří.„Musím říct, že natáčení bylo moc příjemné. Cítil jsem se tu jako doma, protože hudba, natáčení videoklipů, mít kolem sebe štáb – to je můj denní chleba

Kostymérky mi připravily krásné řetězy a kožich, kterého jsem si v době natáčení seriálu užil dost, byl můj třetí

V tu dobu jsem totiž hrál i v muzikálu Madagaskar, kde jsem jako král Jelimán, a v dalším muzikálu Sestra v akci taky jeden leopardí kousek mám

Ještě chvíli a myslím, že ten čtvrtý kožich by mi snad i narostl," smál se Noid.Ten si natáčení viditelně užíval

„Nejvíc mě bavily momenty, kdy mi na place připravili krásné americké auto, které bylo pro tu chvíli moje

Byl jsem jako král," rozplýval se Noid. ■

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