Friday, May 25, 2018

Youtube daily report May 25 2018

HDP Kadıköy'de adaylarını tanıttı Siyasi partilerin 24 Haziran'da yapılacak olan milletvekilliği seçim çalışmaları sürüyor

HDP, Eş Genel Başkanı Pervin Buldan, Ahmet Şık, Hüda Kaya'nın da katılımıyla İstanbul milletvekillerinin tanıtımını Kadıköy'de gerçekleştirdi

Halkların Demokratik Partisi, İstanbul vekil adaylarını tanıttı. Kadıköy'de düzenlenen tanıtımda parti otobüsü üzerinde adaylar tek tek partililere tanıtıldı

Aralarında HDP eş Genel Başkanı Pervin Buldan, Ahmet Şık, Hüda Kaya'nın da bulunduğu HDP İstanbul milletvekili adayları, toplanan kalabalığı selamladı

Kaynak: DHA

For more infomation >> ✅ Halkların Demokratik Partisi, İstanbul vekil adaylarını tanıttı. Kadıköy'de düzenlenen tanıtımda p - Duration: 1:11.


3 BIG Mistakes To Avoid | Why You STILL Aren't Fluent & Confident In English - Duration: 15:58.

Hey guys what's up Stefanie the English coach here from

in this video I am going to show you guys how I speak Spanish but I'm also

going to tell you about some of the biggest mistakes I made mistakes you

should avoid so you can improve your English a lot faster it took me a long

time to get fluent in Spanish and again it's because of these mistakes I kept

making so here's the deal I'm going to tell you about these mistakes that I made

in Spanish so you guys can hear how I speak so if you don't understand this

language please turn on the subtitles so you can follow along because you're

going to want to see this information after that I'm gonna share a clip with

you guys from a presentation that I gave back in 2012 when I was 21 years old in

one of my college Spanish classes so you will be able to see the evolution of my

language skills basically how I spoke Spanish back then when I was just

studying Spanish in the United States and you know studying it in high school and

college versus how my Spanish was after living for over five years in a

spanish-speaking country with that said though I want to tell you guys that in

order to achieve what I achieved in English you don't necessarily have to

live in an english-speaking country and this is gonna be related to one of the

mistakes that I made I basically thought that in order to learn Spanish I had to

live in a spanish-speaking country and there were just so many misconceptions

so many things that I thought were true that really weren't ok so turn on the

subtitles in English if you don't speak Spanish and let's get started OK

first I want to say that my family is from Argentina my parents were born there

but they immigrated to the USA before I was born

and since they knew many languages... German, English, Spanish, French...

they only taught us English because it was the easiest thing to do. And when I was 14 years old

I realized that I didn't speak the langauge of my family. So I "buckled down" and thought

no! I have to learn this language I want to be able to communicate with my family

I want to visit them one day in Argentina so

I started studying Spanish in a program that was for Spanish speakers, so for me

it was like an immersion program. I did 3 years in

that class. Later I went to college to continue studying Spanish. I thought that

the only way to learn the language and reach fluency was

to study it in traditional programs. So I basically didn't do anything on my own

to study. I didn't listen to music. I didn't watch movies. I didn't watch videos on

YouTube I didn't read books

I just relied on my classes and what the teachers

taught me. The second thing I did wrong was I never spoke Spanish.

In high school and in college, I had a ton of friends who spoke

Spanish, but I was too embarrassed to speak. So I didn't take advantage of any

opportunity to speak with them or practice. I was too concerned with

being embarrassed and messing up.... but you have to speak you have to

make mistakes because that's you you learn. And basically, during all

the years I was in high school and college -7 years total- I almost

didn't take advantage of any moment to speak with other people. And since I never spoke

it was always really hard to express myself. The third "biggest mistake"

is that I wasn't confident at all! I mean, I was learning something new

but it was like I expected myself to speak perfectly from day one or something. But that's dumb

because when someone is learning, they're not an expert! You don't know everything yet, you're going to mess up.

But I didn't have the patience with myself to go through that process. Honestly

it's really sad. Because I could have learned a lot faster. I could have

had better experiences. But I was so worried about messing up

or saying something wrong that I was barely able to enjoy the process

and after living 5 years in Argentina I realized that in this day and age it's not

necessary --seriously it's NOT necessary-- to go to another country to learn their language

I didn't have to do everything I did to get to the level I have today. I did

everything people think you have to do, traditional classes, studying Spanish

in college, going to a Spanish-speaking country. And now I realize that none of that was

necessary because there are a bunch of people who, for example,

learn English, get really fluent, and have a really good accent without ever going to

an English-speaking country! So my 3 pieces of advice for you guys are... 1.

You have to consume lots of information in English. You have to watch

videos in English. You have to listen to music in English. You have to do EVERYTHING in English.

Everything that you can do in English, do it. Follow meme pages on

Instagram, for example, read books in English you have to do as much as possible

in English. The second piece of advice, you have to speak! You have to speak the language and not

worry about your mistakes. Because you're going to mess up, that's for sure. So forget about

speaking perfectly and give yourself the time you need to improve and to get to a

good level. It takes time! I'm 27 years old. I started studying Spanish when I was

14. 13 years later I got to where I am today. And the third piece of advice, don't

worry about your mistakes. I worried so much about my mistakes for so many years that

I didn't start speaking confidently till last

year. And you know how I made that change? I got tired --SO TIRED-- of worrying about

everything... about, "oh, no! how do you say this? Am I going to say it well? I'm probably going to

mess up. They're not going to understand me" Can you guys believe that I worried about all of that with a

very high level of fluency. Your level has nothing to do with your confidence. They are

two completely different things. Think about it, when I had a really high level of fluency, with a

really good accent and lots of vocabulary, I still

lacked confidence. And I could barely talk with people I didn't know, or sometimes

even with people I DID know. Confidence is something completely different. It has to do with

your mind and how you perceive yourself and what you think about your abilities.

So, knowing that, you're not going to have more confidence by getting more fluent. You have to start

being confident now with the level you have. Because you already learned a lot and you're

going to keep learning and you have to put your confidence in that, that you will continue

to improve. Anyhow, I could keep sharing a lot more, but now I'm going to switch back

to English to show you guys the presentation I did 6 years ago

guys so hopefully you enjoyed those tips that I shared and you know everything I

shared about the mistakes that I made I don't want you to make these mistakes

because I want you to be confident I want you to achieve fluency faster than

I did like I said it took me a long time to get to the level that I have today

but it's because I didn't surround myself with enough Spanish I didn't

speak Spanish even though I had a bunch of opportunities to practice and I just

lacked confidence okay and remember you can just choose to be confident where

you're at today and realize that you're going to get better now let's watch a

couple minutes of the presentation that I gave six years ago and you guys will

see that my Spanish was nothing like what it is today okay and after you see

that presentation then I'm going to explain some things that changed in my

Spanish and we're going to do a little analysis of that so let's watch part of

that presentation

Um... last year I went to Mexico with sister and my nephew Giovanni

who was 3 years old and he's my sister's son

and we went to visit my brother in law's family and my brother in law

because her husband was living in Mexico during that time

and when I was in Mexico I learned a lot about Mexican culture

and about the people who lived in the village where I was staying

um and the village was called San Pedro

And it's near um Morelia, an hour from Morelia in Michoacan, Mexico.

This is just a picture of the landscape. Uh it reminded me a lot of California

because it had a lot of... it has mountains and it has a lot of the same trees.

Here is another one. And this is the "milpa"

And the "milpa" is where the corn plants grow

In that village they had a lot of "milpa"

la "milpa" again

Ok, I put this photo in the presentation because when uhhh I entered Mexico

One of the first things I noticed was that the advertisements

weren't on billboards like we have here in the USA

the advertisements are painted on brick walls

and they are full of color and very eye-catching

and I thought it is interesting because if someone wants to change the advertisement

they have to paint it again and it would be a lot of work

okay guys I hope you enjoyed that clip as far as the little analysis I said we

would do on this video the number one thing that I see myself doing here is

I'm using lots of fillers that are fillers we use in English like I'll say

a few words in Spanish and then I'll go uhhhh or ummm okay those are all fillers that I use

in English but those are not fillers that native Spanish speakers use a

native Spanish speaker might say ehhh or ahhh or something like that okay so the fillers

in languages are different and if you want to sound more like a native speaker

use the fillers that we use in English the next thing I notice in this video is

my lack of fluency I just pretty much had a basic vocabulary

to make complex sentences I mean sometimes these sentences aren't even

complex but because I learned Spanish through traditional classes and because

I was only able to speak with whatever grammar they taught me if I wasn't at a

certain level yet then I didn't know how to say something right and so in the

video I'm constantly searching for words I'm constantly searching for terms I

struggle to make complete sentences without really thinking about what I'm

gonna say I'm translating in my head I even have a piece of paper in front of

me with vocabulary in case I forget it and at one point in the video I even

have to look at it to remember a word that I was gonna say and be able to use

it because I had not internalized the Spanish language yet and internalizing a

language happens after years of absorbing that language and using that

language okay which I as you know from this whole video I didn't really do any

of those very much okay so the last thing I want to talk about regarding how

my Spanish has changed from what it used to be in this video clip that you guys

just saw to what it is now it really has a lot to do with my intonation the way

that I speak the quality of the sounds that I make okay and the vocabulary

after being surrounded with one type of Spanish Argentine Spanish for so long I

really adopted the Argentine way of expressing ideas and speaking so now for

example if I want to say the word bus I used to say "autobus" because

that's what I was taught from the textbook but nobody in argentina says

that in argentina they say "colectivo" or if they're gonna say bus you know using

the slang term they'll say "bondi" I didn't learn any of those in a textbook

ever so that is one way that my Spanish has changed my vocabulary my

intonation patterns everything is very Argentine but that's because I focused

on learning that Spanish now here's the thing a lot of you might think oh well

you lived in Argentina for five years so of course you were able to get good at

Spanish of course you were able to improve your accent of course you were

able to learn the vocabulary but that's not the reason why I achieved all of

this I achieved it because I made it a point to work on my

accent I paid attention to the vocabulary that they were using I

incorporated it I remember the first few weeks I was in Argentina and I would

hear words and I would go oh my gosh you know that's not what I was taught that

my teacher taught me something else and then I was confronted with a decision am

I gonna keep using the Spanish that my teacher taught me or am I going to adopt

the way that they say you know this word in this country and so I decided to let

go of everything that I was taught in my classes and to simply absorb the

language the way that it's spoken by the people that are from there now lots of

people live in foreign countries and they never acquire the accent they never

change the vocabulary they use they keep using the textbook vocabulary that

they learned even though they hear that other people don't speak like that

okay so there's a bunch of people that live in the United States and have lived

here for 20 years 50 years and they still don't speak English or they don't

speak it fluently or they have a heavy accent what you achieve really is up to

you it's what are your goals what are you trying to achieve

and how much do you work at it when I first got to Argentina and I didn't have

the accent that I have today I worked for this you know I really listened and

I would practice and it was so frustrating but I did not give up and

that's why I got to where I am today most people when it comes to

pronunciation they just give up okay one because it pushes you out of your

comfort zone and two because it's hard and you have to make sounds with your

mouth and with your tongue and your lips that you've never made in your entire

life it's hard okay so if you give up or if you just don't care about it you're

not going to get to that really high level that's just the truth okay so this

video is already long enough that's all I have time to share with you guys today

but if you want a guide on practicing your English with native speakers

because this is you guys like the one thing that's really really going to help

you practice your pronunciation pick up vocabulary from native English speakers

build your confidence if you want a guide on how to do this I have one on my

website and I'm gonna link it below okay in the description so check it out it

is the most popular guide on my entire website it's absolutely free for you to

download and it's going to give you lots of tips on how to meet native English

speakers using the Internet okay ways that I recommend ways that I don't

recommend how to get people to actually talk with you because people will talk

with you but you just you know you have to be strategic you can't just say hey

will you practice your English with me okay there are better ways to do this so

there's a whole guide on my website about how to do this if you want it it's

in the description and that's it you guys I'll see you in another video

thanks for watching bye

For more infomation >> 3 BIG Mistakes To Avoid | Why You STILL Aren't Fluent & Confident In English - Duration: 15:58.


Fiat 500 1.2 POP ele pakket lmv nap apk nette - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Fiat 500 1.2 POP ele pakket lmv nap apk nette - Duration: 1:08.


the Dinosaur appeared in our house.magic toy. shark. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 8:02.


My doll is more cute

I am pretty than you

No. you wrong

Daddy! I heard something strange


Oh you are right

Let's check this out

I am so scared

Unbelievable. The dinosaur is in our house

Let's play with other toy?




Let's play

Daddy! I heard something strange


Let's check this out


Unbelievable, The real shark appeared in our house

Let's play with something different


Oh It is a candy!

Daddy! I heard something strange


What sound is it?

Let's check this out

What is this?

I think It is a magic door

Shall we go inside of the door?

Where is this place?

Daddy! look

Let's go inside

Wow it is so amazing

The 3d printer is starting now

Daddy! look at this

Today we are going to make playhouse

This house?

How was your today?

It was fantastic

We back


How about playhouse ?

It was fun

Let's go again

The playhouse is so fun. let's go together next time

Let's go. Let's go

For more infomation >> the Dinosaur appeared in our house.magic toy. shark. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 8:02.


[Macne Nana English] My R (Vocaloid cover) - Duration: 3:37.

For more infomation >> [Macne Nana English] My R (Vocaloid cover) - Duration: 3:37.


The ABCD Song For Kids Will...

For more infomation >> The ABCD Song For Kids Will...


Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI S-Line - Automaat - Airco - Elek. pakket - Leder - Inruil mogeijk - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant 2.0 TFSI S-Line - Automaat - Airco - Elek. pakket - Leder - Inruil mogeijk - Duration: 0:54.


Audi A5 Coupé 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-EDITION Automaat - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Audi A5 Coupé 2.0 TFSI QUATTRO S-EDITION Automaat - Duration: 1:12.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Tekna AUTOMAAT CAMERA NAVI LEDER KEYLESS '14 - Duration: 1:13.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S Tekna AUTOMAAT CAMERA NAVI LEDER KEYLESS '14 - Duration: 1:13.


Audi A3 Limousine €2.436,- voordeel 1.0 TFSI Sport S Line Edition 116 pk (vsb 19136) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Audi A3 Limousine €2.436,- voordeel 1.0 TFSI Sport S Line Edition 116 pk (vsb 19136) voorraaddeal - Duration: 0:54.


Land Rover Freelander Hardback 2.0 TD4 S Airco Leder Trekhaak Nieuwe APK Rijklaarprijs Inruil mogeli - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Land Rover Freelander Hardback 2.0 TD4 S Airco Leder Trekhaak Nieuwe APK Rijklaarprijs Inruil mogeli - Duration: 1:06.


Rusia 2018 - Ep 2: San Bryan Del Twente - Duration: 9:59.

Many teams want him, but only one will get him. This tico is loved in Europe

He is on the news in Holland given that Twente wants him,

In Rusia because Zenit fancies him and in Belgium because Standard Leige is talking about him.

In my opinion, Bryan Ruiz is the best football player in Costa Rica's history.

I believe that more than a football player, more than just football...

He is a role model He shows us, ticos, that

with effort, humility and working quietly….the sky is the limit.

¿What's going on mate?

I think the gas is not reaching the motor properly.

Obviously, I was terrified that the car would not start

the moment we were departing.

I was turning the ignition and it was simply not working.

But, I have this thing for Ladas, and with a magic touch it started!

Nice one mate!

Right on!

Look where we are!

Every football player's dream is to play in the Premier League

The move he made to Fulham was incredible.

the most expensive player in the club´s history at the time

it was a mid-table team in England in London, one of the most beautiful cities in the world

After the amazing World Cup he'd had,

Coming back to second division

after being part of football's elite

he must have mixed feelings about those days

Perhaps it wasn't his best time, but every heroic story

must have ups and downs

What is certain is that Bryan Ruiz will go on to be one of the country's best paid players abroad

can you come down? I'm in the middle of something, it's not good

The bag just arrived

Celso Borges…

You have no idea what is here

I have a surprise for you

Look, it showed up

See, it wasn't a lie! I'm so happy it made it

Celso Borges's cleats!

We are getting on the ferry that

will take us to France!

There's a guy licking the floor and we have no idea why

It's a Belgian tradition! The infamous: "licking of the floor"

How long does he have to go?

He's been going thirty meters…

How much longer?!

Everything ok? Eh, Cabronni?

So this guy crashed the drone today. Listen, to all of you filmmakers,

don't feel bad, these things happen… It's a flying camera

Can we find a drone In Wageningen?…or how is this place called?

Seeing a Costa Rican lead this team, and win the title for the first time in this city

I mean, he became an idol I think it's something that had never happened before

It's great for kids today… in Costa Rica

to realize that they can have big dreams...I know this is football

but they can dream about being the best in the world and compete with the best

But I think this not only is about football,

this is an example for all Ticos.

If we follow our dreams, work hard, show humility, and treat our peers with respect,

You can achieve anything.

That is what Bryan means to me.

Bryan Ruiz in many ways represents the best of us Ticos.

He is humble, ambitious, and with an adventurous spirit.

The more I learn about his impact in Europe, The more I admire him.

It is midnight

and we are going to drive through the city and film with the drone

Mission Ghent begins. Copy that.

We were using the GPS And it sent us through a pedestrian street

The Chunche ventures into the town center The second we made a turn into the wrong street..

Mission aborted.

For more infomation >> Rusia 2018 - Ep 2: San Bryan Del Twente - Duration: 9:59.


MINI Cooper S Cabrio 1.6 170PK Xenon , leer - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> MINI Cooper S Cabrio 1.6 170PK Xenon , leer - Duration: 0:53.


Rev. Bernice King blasts Steve Bannon - Duration: 0:44.

For more infomation >> Rev. Bernice King blasts Steve Bannon - Duration: 0:44.


Detroit police officers' graduation ceremony topped off with marriage proposal - Duration: 2:48.

For more infomation >> Detroit police officers' graduation ceremony topped off with marriage proposal - Duration: 2:48.


MaChelle Joseph - The Coach (2018) - Duration: 5:18.

For more infomation >> MaChelle Joseph - The Coach (2018) - Duration: 5:18.


[Deadpool 2] 영화에는 안 나와요. 대부분 모른다는 '데드풀'의 비밀 6 - Duration: 4:08.

For more infomation >> [Deadpool 2] 영화에는 안 나와요. 대부분 모른다는 '데드풀'의 비밀 6 - Duration: 4:08.


Broue est entrée au Musée... et maintenant? - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> Broue est entrée au Musée... et maintenant? - Duration: 7:36.


Lets play Dead By Daylight / Sea Of Thieves Live gameplay - Duration: 2:51:29.

For more infomation >> Lets play Dead By Daylight / Sea Of Thieves Live gameplay - Duration: 2:51:29.


Audi A6 Avant €3.402,- voordeel 2.0 TDI Advance Sport 150 pk S tronic (vsb 18831) voorraaddeal Rij - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Audi A6 Avant €3.402,- voordeel 2.0 TDI Advance Sport 150 pk S tronic (vsb 18831) voorraaddeal Rij - Duration: 0:47.


Library Book Haul and Bonus Library-a-Thon TBR! - Duration: 14:00.

For more infomation >> Library Book Haul and Bonus Library-a-Thon TBR! - Duration: 14:00.


the Dinosaur appeared in our house.magic toy. shark. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 8:02.


My doll is more cute

I am pretty than you

No. you wrong

Daddy! I heard something strange


Oh you are right

Let's check this out

I am so scared

Unbelievable. The dinosaur is in our house

Let's play with other toy?




Let's play

Daddy! I heard something strange


Let's check this out


Unbelievable, The real shark appeared in our house

Let's play with something different


Oh It is a candy!

Daddy! I heard something strange


What sound is it?

Let's check this out

What is this?

I think It is a magic door

Shall we go inside of the door?

Where is this place?

Daddy! look

Let's go inside

Wow it is so amazing

The 3d printer is starting now

Daddy! look at this

Today we are going to make playhouse

This house?

How was your today?

It was fantastic

We back


How about playhouse ?

It was fun

Let's go again

The playhouse is so fun. let's go together next time

Let's go. Let's go

For more infomation >> the Dinosaur appeared in our house.magic toy. shark. family fun. RIWORLD - Duration: 8:02.


Angelina Jolie makes fresh-faced debut as teen bikini model in unearthed pics - Duration: 5:12.

Angelina Jolie makes fresh-faced debut as teen bikini model in unearthed pics

The Tomb Raider actress, who is in the midst of divorcing estranged husband Brad Pitt, 54, is one of the most recognisable faces in Hollywood.

In recent years, Angelina, 44, has turned her full attention on her humanitarian efforts, as well as raising her six children.

But long before Jolie made headlines worldwide, she was just another celeb offspring with dreams of hitting the big time.

In a series of unearthed snaps, dating back to a 1991 photoshoot, Angelina, who was 16 years old at the time, showed off her modelling prowess in a satin-sheer pink bikini.

With her trademark plumped pout as striking as ever, the US starlets skin was noticeably free of her now-trademark inkings.

In the present day, Angelina boasts over a dozen tattoos, with her upper back almost completely covered in body art.

The actress has the coordinates of the locations where each of her children were born, in addition to those of Brad Pitts birthplace Oklahoma.

Seemingly a fan of the unique pain that comes from getting inked, Angelina also has a number of Buddhist and Arabic sayings etched onto her skin.

While Angelinas teen modelling career was relatively short-lived, it turned out to be good experience for the starlet, who portrayed a supermodel in one of her breakout roles.

The US beauty played the title role of Gia Marie Carangi in HBOs 1998 biographical film Gia.

"We care for each other and care about our family" Angelina Jolie on Brad Pitt Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, it seems Angelina was always destined to appear on the big screen.

The Oscar award-winning talent made her child star debut in 1982, appearing alongside her dad, actor Jon Voight, 79 in Looking To Get Out.

In 1996, at age 21, Angelina married her first husband, actor Jonny Lee Miller, 45.

The pair divorced in 2000, and the actress wed Friday Night Lights star Billy Bob Thornton, 62, later that year.

Angelina and Billy shared an amicable divorce in 2003, two years before Jolie started dating Brad on the set of their action blockbuster Mr and Mrs Smith.

Following a 9 year relationship, the duo married in front of their six children in 2014, before announcing their separation in 2016.

Angelina spoke about the couples impending divorce in an interview with Vanity Fair last year.

Addressing her relationship with Brad, she said: We care for each other and care about our family, and we are both working towards the same goal.

I was very worried about my mother, growing up— a lot.

I do not want my children to be worried about me.

I think its very important to cry in the shower and not in front of them.

They need to know that everythings going to be all right even when youre not sure it is..

For more infomation >> Angelina Jolie makes fresh-faced debut as teen bikini model in unearthed pics - Duration: 5:12.


✅ Finale de Koh-Lanta All Stars : Clémence grande gagnante... de justesse ! - Duration: 2:43.

Après la course d'orientation puis l'épreuve des poteaux, Pascal et Clémence sont les deux finalistes de Koh-Lanta : Le Combat des héros (TF1) ! Leur sort est entre les mains du jury final composé de Clémentine, Candice, Dylan, Yassin, Alban, Cassandre, Nathalie, Javier et Jérémy

Conseil final Les aventuriers découvrent le premier éliminé, à savoir Javier. Ils sont tous fiers de son parcours

Yassin le remercie même de l'avoir fait rire tout le long de son aventure. Javier s'explique même sur son vote contre Cassandre

En bref, tout est oublié et Javier est accueilli les bras ouverts par ses camarades

Dans la foulée, ils découvrent Jérémy. Clémentine et Candice sont surprises et déçues de voir leur ami éliminé

Vient alors l'heure d'accueillir les deux finalistes, Clémence et Pascal. Yassin en profite pour régler ses comptes avec Pascal

Le sportif assume sa part de responsabilité dans l'affaire du faux collier et confie ne pas en vouloir à son ex-ami Pascal de l'avoir trahi dans le jeu

Cassandre prend à son tour la parole pour demander des explications à Clémence et Pascal

Nathalie s'en mêle et met en avant le fait que Clémence ne se soit jamais mouillé

Après les discours des deux finalistes, le jury vote pour celui qu'il estime le plus méritant

Dépouillement Contrairement aux années précédentes, Denis Brogniart procède au dépouillement seul, sans les neuf membres du jury final

Place au dernier dépouillement de la saison. Les votes ont extrêmement serrés. Mais avec 5 voix en sa faveur, c'est Clémence qui gagne Koh-Lanta et les 100 000 euros ! Une seconde victoire bien méritée, douze ans après avoir remporté le jeu

For more infomation >> ✅ Finale de Koh-Lanta All Stars : Clémence grande gagnante... de justesse ! - Duration: 2:43.


Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 130pk S&S Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 0:54.

For more infomation >> Peugeot 308 1.2 PureTech 130pk S&S Blue Lease Executive - Duration: 0:54.


KINN - No Wonderland (Beat by MEGANE) - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> KINN - No Wonderland (Beat by MEGANE) - Duration: 2:36.


Academy of Art University

For more infomation >> Academy of Art University


Il peut être intéressant d'en savoir plus sur vous simplement en regardant votre main - Duration: 6:26.

For more infomation >> Il peut être intéressant d'en savoir plus sur vous simplement en regardant votre main - Duration: 6:26.


✅ Koh-Lanta 2018 : Pascal accuse Yassin d'être la taupe de Gilles Verdez - Duration: 2:24.

Pascal qui ne sera pas présent lors de la finale de « Koh-Lanta » sur TF1 ce soir, ne manque plus l'occasion de balancer non seulement sur Dylan, mais aussi sur Yassin, affirmant notamment que celui-ci est la taupe de TPMP sur C8

L'aventurier livrerait des informations confidentielles à Gilles Verdez, le complice de Cyril Hanouna sur C8

Cette accusation, Pascal la porte contre son partenaire sur « Twitter », où il est très présent ces temps

«Merci Gilles Verdez tu viens de nous dévoiler qui est la taupe dans les aventuriers quelle erreur de dévoiler ses sources mais tant de choses à dire encore

La faille est ouverte je vais l'agrandir», a-t-il lancé sur ce site de micro-blogging

Et d'aller ensuite de son tacle : «Yassin tu n'a pas été un homme dans le jeu essaye de l'être au moins dans la vie au lieu de pleurer chez Cyril Hanouna  »

Ce n'est pas la première fois que Pascal charge Yassin sur les réseaux sociaux. «Yassin m'a fait une proposition indécente avant son élimination

Pour quelqu'un qui jouait au mérite, ce n'était pas bien du tout. Je dirais tout après le Combat des héros

Yassin a laissé dire. A un moment donné tout sera dit. Hors de question que je me fasse salir

Les gens se cachent derrière les caméras. Pour certains, comme Yassin, ils changeaient, joué un rôle quand il y avait des caméras », avait-il lancé

For more infomation >> ✅ Koh-Lanta 2018 : Pascal accuse Yassin d'être la taupe de Gilles Verdez - Duration: 2:24.


Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Style Ext. / Int. Advantage Pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz A-Klasse A 180 d Style Ext. / Int. Advantage Pakket Automaat - Duration: 1:09.


L'ancien producteur Harvey Weinstein inculpé d'un viol et d'une agression sexuelle - Duration: 4:24.

For more infomation >> L'ancien producteur Harvey Weinstein inculpé d'un viol et d'une agression sexuelle - Duration: 4:24.


Books I'm taking to Norway [CC] - Duration: 2:46.

Hey guys it's Caz here aka Catsandcamera, and today I'm going to talk about the

books I'm taking with me to Norway. So I'm only going for four days, but I've

got I trained journey to London, I've got the stay overnight,

I've got the plane journey there, the plane journey back - so I'm taking two

books. I'm pretty sure I'm not actually gonna read much while I'm there because

I mean, I have an itinerary, that is how much I'm trying to get through! But yeah,

the travel there and back hopefully I'll get these read. So first of all I'm

taking Fjord Blue bye Nina Rossing. Yes, I'm literally just taking this because

it's set in Norway. I mean the photo opportunities, they're gonna be pretty

good. But yeah it'll be pretty cool if I actually read this in Norway, because it

is set in Norway. It's about this American teen that gets shipped off to

Norway after he crashes his dad's car. Then he has to go and work on a farm,

and then there some God's Own Country (movie) shiz going down. So yeah. This is a

short one. It's only 244 pages so I didn't want to

just take this in case I finish it like on the train journeys and aero plane

journeys there, then I'd have nothing on the way back. So I'm taking

another one as well, and that other one is The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed. Now

I had no plan on taking this, but randomly someone added me in a Goodreads

group, where this is the group read. So I thought 'You know what, I own that I might

as well take it with me on a holiday and read it' and actually talk about it in

the group, because any groups I'm in on Goodreads I never read the group book.

I thought I might as well actually do it once. So this is about a group of girls

that help out this other girl, who has accused a group of popular boys of gang

rape and then nothing's happened about it. So it's like revenge, take the power

back kind of thing, so hopefully this is good. I've heard good things so we shall

see. So yeah, just a quick video those are the

two books I'm taking with me to Norway. I'm also vlogging while I'm there so

hopefully you'll see some cool stuff in the coming weeks after that.

So tell me down below whether you are a holiday reader. If you take books on

holiday with you, or if you just kind of leave them at home and be like 'No, this is

my vacation I don't want to read, I just wanna chill!' Even though I'm not chillin'

on mine. I'm going to be going to all of the museums and all of the everything,

but yeah! Tell me down below. If this is your first

video by me and you enjoy it, then please check out some of my others, and if you

continue to enjoy them then please subscribe that'd be awesome.

Anyway guys, I'll see you in a few days with another video, bye.

some fluff on my camera, fluff on my camera

For more infomation >> Books I'm taking to Norway [CC] - Duration: 2:46.


The New Gel That Regrows Brains - Duration: 7:50.

A lot of us grew up hearing that you can't regrow brain cells -- usually after we bumped

our head on something.

Scientists still debate whether that's actually true, but one thing's for sure: brains aren't

nearly as good at replacing cells as other parts of the body.

And when the brain gets damaged by something like a stroke, that damage stays instead of

getting fixed.

But a new study in the journal Nature Materials suggests a way of reversing that destruction.

For the first time, by injecting a specially made gel into mice, scientists were able to

successfully coax the mice's brains into growing back cells and structures that were

destroyed by a stroke.

And with millions of people suffering from the long-term consequences of strokes, this

could be a first step toward repairing their brains, too.

Strokes happen when blood is blocked from certain parts of the brain, cutting off oxygen

and nutrients and eventually killing the starved cells.

And if those cells do something important, like control your hands or safeguard your

memories, that job stops being done — which is why people who have had strokes can have

long-term memory issues or muscle control problems.

While interventions like physical therapy can sometimes significantly improve people's

symptoms by teaching the brain to find ways around the stroke's scar, there's always

a scar.

And for a little while, before that scar forms, there's basically a hole where the cells

once were.

That's because brains aren't as good at replacing dead cells as other organs — many

scientists say they can't naturally do it at all — so new neurons don't grow in

to fill the gap.

Adult human brains basically wall off the wounded area after cells die, keeping new

blood vessels from bringing in nutrients and oxygen and preventing the hole from filling

with the body's structural goo that supports cell growth.

Scientists with UCLA and Duke University wondered if they could design a material that would

essentially take that goo's place and—with any luck—help the brain heal.

What they came up with was a special kind of water-based gel which provides structure

to the empty space left by the cells.

They tried a few formulations, pitting the plain gel against ones with added goodies.

Those goodies included molecules that stimulate blood vessel growth and reduce inflammation,

which helps bring down barriers between the gel and the rest of the brain and allow nutrients

in to feed any new cells.

They gave mice strokes, then injected a tiny amount of gel into the holes left behind five

days later, with several mice receiving each formulation or nothing, as a control.

Afterwards, they checked in on the mice for weeks, both by looking at their actual brains

and by having them do certain kinds of physical tasks.

And over time, one thing became clear: one of their formulations was very effective.

Whole new structures including neural networks formed in the place of the stroke-killed cells,

and the mice mastered tasks their untreated counterparts couldn't.

But, there were some limitations to the study.

A big one is that the mice they used were young.

They were given strokes when they were more like teens than adults, so the experiments

happened as they grew into young adults — which is a stage in life when both mouse and human

brains are thought to be better at regrowing brain tissue, and not the age when strokes

usually occur.

So more research will need to be conducted on adult mice to see if their brains are also

able to benefit from the gel.

There's also the always important caveat that mice aren't people.

Even adult rodent brains seem to be better at growing neurons than adult human brains,

so what works for them might not work for us.

And the scientists still aren't sure exactly how the gel works, so they want to study it

further to figure more of that out.

So there's a lot to do before anything even approaching a human trial.

But, the fact that any gel formulation worked at all, let alone so well, makes the study

an exciting proof-of-concept.

And it's certainly a step in the right direction for millions of people who become disabled

by strokes every year.

Unfortunately, it's not all good news this week.

Because a paper in last week's issue of the journal Nature reports that someone, somewhere

in the world, apparently decided that the ozone layer is overrated, and has been releasing

alarming amounts of ozone-damaging CFCs into the atmosphere for the last few years.

"CFC" is short for "chlorofluorocarbon" -- a huge class of molecules that, as the

name implies, contain chlorine, fluorine, and carbon.

They were invented in the 1920s.

And at first, they seemed perfectly inert, which made them ideal for applications where

you don't want chemical reactions: Firefighting, pressurizing hairspray, cooling refrigerators

— you name it.

But when CFCs reach the upper atmosphere, they're broken down by ultraviolet light,

creating super-reactive pieces.

And those pieces eat away at our ozone layer, which is bad because that layer blocks a lot

of harmful radiation before it reaches the ground and does terrible stuff like cause

cancer in people or harm crops.

CFCs are also powerful greenhouse gases that trap thousands of times more heat than carbon


So they're not something you want in your atmosphere.

Which is why, in 1987, countries worldwide signed the Montreal Protocol, promising to

phase out CFCs over time and switch to less-destructive molecules.

Since then, atmospheric CFC concentrations have gradually dropped while the ozone layer

has gradually recovered.

But a new paper published last week reports that since about 2012, scientists have detected

far more CFCs in the atmosphere than there should be—about 13 million kilograms more.

Concentrations are still dropping worldwide, but not as much as they should be, which is

significantly slowing the progress of the last few decades.

And, maybe unsurprisingly, no one is taking credit.

The paper's authors have been monitoring the amount of CFCs in the atmosphere for a

long time, mostly by catching a bunch of air every once in a while and seeing what kinds

of molecules react with what's in the air.

And they noticed that around 2012, the rate of decline of CFCs slowed, suggesting a 25%

increase in emissions.

They didn't just automatically accuse people of violating the Montreal Protocol, though.

They considered other potential CFC sources before concluding that someone is making them.

They wondered if, maybe, buildings with a lot of CFCs in them were being demolished,

or if the way CFCs leave the atmosphere had changed, or if CFCs were trapped in ice that's

melting because of climate change.

But there's so muchunexpected CFCs that demolished buildings can't explain things.

And also, none of the other possibilities they considered fit the observations, because

it isn't just that CFC emissions in general have increased.

All of the new emissions are a specific kind of CFC called CFC-11 or trichlorofluoromethane.

And we don't know anything other than human production that would single out a single

CFC like that.

So the scientists had to conclude that humans are making and releasing new CFCs again, in

defiance of the Montreal Protocol.

But air in the atmosphere is so thoroughly mixed that, right now, no one can say where

the CFC-11 is coming from.

There are strong hints that it might be from eastern Asia, based on when winds brought

the new CFCs toward an observatory in Hawaii.

But that's about all they can say.

Getting a better idea of the source might require something like measurements from planes,

or closer analysis of any other chemicals that have also been increasing in the same

way, which might provide clues as to who's to blame.

For now, all we can say confidently is that someone is making new CFCs again, despite

how harmful we know they are.

If you're watching...stop!

And if you're not releasing new CFCs into the atmosphere, thank you for that, and for

watching SciShow!

If you want to keep up to date on all the latest news in science, make sure to click

on that subscribe button and check out all of our news episodes that we post every single Friday.

Also, if you're curious about the full history of CFCs, you might want to watch the episode

we did last year over on SciShow Space that's all about that.

For more infomation >> The New Gel That Regrows Brains - Duration: 7:50.


Cobb officer shot Friday morning while helping serve warrant - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> Cobb officer shot Friday morning while helping serve warrant - Duration: 0:34.


Here & Now Friday May 25 2018 - Duration: 1:07:03.

For more infomation >> Here & Now Friday May 25 2018 - Duration: 1:07:03.


Schumer Attempts to BLOCK Nunes and Gowdy From Viewing Unredacted FBI Spy Docs - Duration: 11:00.

Schumer Attempts to BLOCK Nunes and Gowdy From Viewing Unredacted FBI Spy Docs

Chuck Schumer is pulling out all the stops to keep the FBI's dirty secrets hidden.

Schumer and other Democrat members of the House Intel Committee are now seeking to undermine

and prevent the upcoming meeting Devin Nunes and Trey Gowdy are having with the FBI to

view unredacted documents on the spying that took place in Trump's 2016 campaign.

From Washington Examiner

The White House announced Tuesday that only two Republican lawmakers — Nunes and House

Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. — would be briefed by the law enforcement

community because only they have been asking the Justice Department to see documents related

to how the special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation began.

Castro wasn't the only Democrat who has spoken out about members of his party attending

the meeting.

"This meeting is completely improper in its proposed form and would set a damaging

precedent for your institutions and the rule of law," wrote Senate Minority Leader Chuck

Schumer, D-N.Y., and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to the the Justice

Department and FBI on Thursday.

Like Schumer and Pelosi, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Adam

Schiff, D-Calif., demanded that the meeting be opened up to the so-called Gang of Eight,

which is comprised of the top four bipartisan leaders of the House and Senate as well as

the chair and ranking members of both the House and Senate Intelligence panels.

Later in the day Wednesday, the Justice Department said there would be a follow-up classified

briefing Thursday afternoon that would include members


the Gang of Eight.

For more infomation >> Schumer Attempts to BLOCK Nunes and Gowdy From Viewing Unredacted FBI Spy Docs - Duration: 11:00.


Name title animation | Royalty free after effect animation | Crazydivers - Duration: 0:33.

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For more infomation >> Name title animation | Royalty free after effect animation | Crazydivers - Duration: 0:33.


Les Anges 10 : l'hommage des candidats pour Johnny Hallyday critiqué sur Twitter, - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Les Anges 10 : l'hommage des candidats pour Johnny Hallyday critiqué sur Twitter, - Duration: 3:36.


Kia Carens 1.6 GDi First Edition nieuwe auto met 7jr. Garantie!!! - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Kia Carens 1.6 GDi First Edition nieuwe auto met 7jr. Garantie!!! - Duration: 1:07.


Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi Eco Dynamics 120PK GT-Line - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd 1.0 T-GDi Eco Dynamics 120PK GT-Line - Duration: 1:06.


We have a cat now that can climb walls! Help us name her. - Duration: 3:55.

Bryan: It wants to climb.

Angel: Look, look, look, look.

Angel: Well, hello there.

Bryan: Well, hello there.

Bryan: Gatito (Kitten in spanish)

Angel: Nooooo, we need to give it a real name.

Bryan: It's name is Gatito.

Bryan: It looks like Spiderman.

Angel: What?

Bryan: It looks like Spiderman.

Angel: He looks like Spiderman?

Bryan: Yeah!

Angel: He's spidercat.

Bryan: Lion. (In Spanish)

Angel: It looks like a Lion?

Bryan: Yeah.

Angel: Really?

Bryan: It looks like a Lion. (In Spanish)

Bryan: It looks like it can climb walls. (In Spanish)

For more infomation >> We have a cat now that can climb walls! Help us name her. - Duration: 3:55.


Harvey Wein­stein : que savait sa femme, Geor­gina Chap­man, des accu­sa­tions de viols... - Duration: 5:00.

For more infomation >> Harvey Wein­stein : que savait sa femme, Geor­gina Chap­man, des accu­sa­tions de viols... - Duration: 5:00.


🍏 I'm Looking For Love On a Dating Show!🍫Kailyn Lowry - Duration: 3:14.

Reality stars are often derided for their laziness and encouraged to "get a real job",

but it's hard to imagine anyone having more irons in the fire than Kailyn Lowry.

Kail is a mother of three (obvi), a reality star (also obvi), a bestselling author, a

podcast host, and a social media trendsetter.

And now it looks like she'll be killing two birds with one stone as she cashes in on yet

another lucrative gig while simultaneously looking for love.

"I'm going on a dating show next week," Kail revealed on a recent episode of her Coffee

Convos podcast.

She didn't go into specifics, but on Thursday, she tweeted that she'd touched down in Los


Naturally, fans are dying of curiosity:

Is this some sort of one-off thing, where Kail will appear in a single episode of celebrity

dating series?

Is this one of those VH1 deals where a bunch of stars live in a house and have casual sex

for three weeks?

(Unlikely, as that's not really Kail's style, and she probably wouldn't relish being away

from her kids for so long.)

Or is this an entirely new project that will focus completely on Kail's love life?

(Also unlikely, as such a show would probably film closer to Kail's home, and as we said,

the girl's already got quite a lot on her plate.)

Whatever the case, Kail fans are understandably psyched.

Not only will they get more of their favorite Teen Mom mom, but they've been rooting for

Kail to find the right man for at least the past two years, and they might finally get

to see her find love.

Interestingly, news of the dating show comes on the heels of Kail saying that she's done

with dating.

"More kids, yes. But more dads, no," Lowry told Radar Online in a recent interview.

She elaborated that she'd like to have at least one more child, but imagines she'll

do so via artificial insemination.

It's not hard to see why Kail might not be so big on the idea of romance.

Her relationship with Chris Lopez ended badly while she was still pregnant with her third

son, Lux.

And we don't need to tell you that it hasn't always been smooth sailing with Kail and her

ex-husband, Javi Marroquin.

Earlier this year, Kail and Javi reconciled briefly, but he abruptly called it quits to

get back together with Lauren Comeau .

But fortunately it looks like Kail's not giving up on love - and even better, she's taking

fans along on her search for Mr. Right.

Watch Teen Mom 2 online for more on the hectic life of Ms. Lowry.

Kailyn Lowry: I Want More Kids ... But No More Baby Daddies!

Start Gallery

For more infomation >> 🍏 I'm Looking For Love On a Dating Show!🍫Kailyn Lowry - Duration: 3:14.


Giro : Chris Froome invente le vélo LOL - Tour d'Italie, le 25 mai 2018 - Duration: 7:23.

For more infomation >> Giro : Chris Froome invente le vélo LOL - Tour d'Italie, le 25 mai 2018 - Duration: 7:23.


✅ Finale de Koh-Lanta : Denis Brogniart « attristé » par les disputes entre Pascal et les autres can - Duration: 2:03.

Depuis quelques semaines, Koh Lanta est le théâtre de clash entre les candi­dats sur les réseaux sociaux

Pascal, a même annoncé d'ores et déjà boycot­ter la soirée de finale qui aura lieu ce vendredi

Inter­rogé par TéléLoi­, Denis Brogniart regrette la situa­tion : « Bien sûr que ça m'attriste

La gangrène, pas seule­ment de Koh-Lanta, mais des rapports humains, ce sont les réseaux sociaux et leur utili­sa­tion par ceux qui n'ont ni l'expé­rience, ni l'intel­li­gence, ni la matu­rité de les maitri­ser

Et ça fait un mal de fou ! Ils se servent de ça et ne se rendent pas compte de la portée de la caisse de réso­nan­ce… » Il précise "Les gens sont bien meilleurs que ce qu'on dit d'eux aujourd'hui, dans un camp comme dans l'autre

Et je préfère rete­nir un Dylan qui, avec du recul, propose à tous de se retrou­ver

"Mais l'anima­teur phare de l'émis­sion de survie pondère sa critique des réseaux sociaux en rappe­lant qu'ils peuvent aussi être l'occa­sion de parta­ger du posi­tif : « À côté de ça, il y a de bonnes choses : en réponse demon message suite à l'annu­la­tion du tour­nage de la prochaine saison, vu plus d'un million de fois, je n'ai reçu quasi aucun commen­taire néga­tif

Alors que d'habi­tude il y a toujours des abru­tis pour commen­ter et dire des trucs néga­tifs… »Crédits photos : CYRIL MOREAU / BESTIMAGE

For more infomation >> ✅ Finale de Koh-Lanta : Denis Brogniart « attristé » par les disputes entre Pascal et les autres can - Duration: 2:03.


✅ Finale de Koh-Lanta All Stars : Clémence grande gagnante... de justesse ! - Duration: 2:43.

Après la course d'orientation puis l'épreuve des poteaux, Pascal et Clémence sont les deux finalistes de Koh-Lanta : Le Combat des héros (TF1) ! Leur sort est entre les mains du jury final composé de Clémentine, Candice, Dylan, Yassin, Alban, Cassandre, Nathalie, Javier et Jérémy

Conseil final Les aventuriers découvrent le premier éliminé, à savoir Javier. Ils sont tous fiers de son parcours

Yassin le remercie même de l'avoir fait rire tout le long de son aventure. Javier s'explique même sur son vote contre Cassandre

En bref, tout est oublié et Javier est accueilli les bras ouverts par ses camarades

Dans la foulée, ils découvrent Jérémy. Clémentine et Candice sont surprises et déçues de voir leur ami éliminé

Vient alors l'heure d'accueillir les deux finalistes, Clémence et Pascal. Yassin en profite pour régler ses comptes avec Pascal

Le sportif assume sa part de responsabilité dans l'affaire du faux collier et confie ne pas en vouloir à son ex-ami Pascal de l'avoir trahi dans le jeu

Cassandre prend à son tour la parole pour demander des explications à Clémence et Pascal

Nathalie s'en mêle et met en avant le fait que Clémence ne se soit jamais mouillé

Après les discours des deux finalistes, le jury vote pour celui qu'il estime le plus méritant

Dépouillement Contrairement aux années précédentes, Denis Brogniart procède au dépouillement seul, sans les neuf membres du jury final

Place au dernier dépouillement de la saison. Les votes ont extrêmement serrés. Mais avec 5 voix en sa faveur, c'est Clémence qui gagne Koh-Lanta et les 100 000 euros ! Une seconde victoire bien méritée, douze ans après avoir remporté le jeu

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