Saturday, May 26, 2018

Youtube daily report May 26 2018

Wow . I am so moved


Daddy will be happy when he receive this birthday card

Mommy! It is so difficult

I will give a awesome paper plane to my daddy

Daddy! happy birthday and I love you so much

I am cooking for my daddy

I am so excited

How do you feel ?

I'm a little tense



My little angel

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Keep going

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear my dad

Happy birthday to you

Thank you so much

What is this?

My birthday card?

So pretty

I am moved

Look at this

You did all this ?


Riwon and Mommy did it together

I am so moved

Thank you

Who made this dishes ?

I did


I will eat the fried egg which is made my RIWON

I am wondering how does it taste


Better than mom ?

Almost equal

But my cooking is better right? Yes.

For more infomation >> Surprise birthday party for Daddy! Cooking. Kids. Family Fun. toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:14.


Desalineaciones músculo-esqueléticas de miembros inferiores - Duration: 12:33.


And welcome everyone

to our youtube program students in physiotherapy.

Today, new topic

and we will talk about

the musculoskeletal misalignments of the lower limbs

that can affect children.

We start with femoral anteversion.

This is a condition

where the femoral neck leans forward,

causing an internal rotation of the entire tip.

The causes can be multiple

such as a decrease in intrauterine space

an abnormal position of the fetus

muscle imbalance

or the presence of a condition called oligohydramnios.

It's a deficient volume of amniotic fluid

Epidemiologically, it affects girls more often than boys.

We continue

with the knee varum and the knee valgum.

The varum knee

is a deviation of the leg towards the outside

i.e. the knees deflect towards the outside.

It is physiological between 0 and 2 years old.

Therefore, a pathologic varum

may be caused by rickets or Blount's disease.

A valgum knee is almost the opposite,

the legs are deflected inward

the knees are inward.

It is physiological after the age of 2 years old.

A pathologic valgum may be caused by


kidney failure,

certain diseases such as Marfan syndrome,

the presence of a neurologic condition such as polio,

or the presence of a trauma such as a fracture.

In both cases,

no epidemiological data were found

because they are considered benign orthopedic conditions.

We continue

with internal tibial torsion.

It's a deviation into the tibial bone.

It can be caused by

a poor intrauterine position

or the presence of femoral anteversion.


it affects both boys and girls.

We finish with the adductus metatarsus

is a deformation of the metatarsal

characterized by a deformation

of the foot inwards.

It corresponds to the association of two deviations

which are the adduction and supination

of the forefoot relative to the hindfoot.

It can be caused by

the presence of oligohydramnios

or a poor intrauterine position.

Regarding epidemiology,

about 1/400 children are born with an adductus metatarsus.

We continue with Amanda

to talk about the signs and symptoms

We start with Ricardo,

Leonard's father,

who has the following question:

My son sits in a W,

and he sleeps upside down with the magpies inside.

Do I have to worry?

Ricardo, according to the description,

it appears to be a sign of femoral anteversion.

Compared to the prognosis,

there's nothing to worry about.

This is a normal variation in the child's development.

In most cases,

it will return to a normal position

without treatment being necessary.

However, in adulthood,

this could cause coxarthrosis.

Second question.

Araceli, Nina's mother, 1 year old

When Nina is standing or walking,

her knees separate and her ankles come closer.

That's normal ?


at this moment, there's nothing to worry about.

It's normal development,

it's a varum knee.

Now, there is no problem,

but if it gets worse or if it persists

after her two years,

you will have to consult.

With respect to prognosis,

as you can see on the article on the screen,

one of the consequences of a varum knee

is arthritis

in the medial compartment of the knee.

Next question from Jonathan.

My son has a very curved right foot.

like the shape of a banana

He is 4 years old

Do we have to worry ?


according to the description,

we can think of a metartarsus adductus.

As you can see from the article on the screen,

metartarsus adductus causes

an increase in plantar pressure on the lateral edges of the feet.

If I were you,

I'd go to the doctor,

even though it disappears as an adult.

The last question.

Manual, Tiago's mother, 17 months old

He started walking two months ago,

but it looks like his legs are turning in.

He walks with his feet inwards.

Is it something abnormal?


Tiago is still little,

according to what you said,

it would seem that it is an internal tibial torsion.

According to evolution

it is a physiological phenomenon

that corrects itself


before the age of 5 years.

I'd watch him, but I wouldn't worry.

For malformations in children,

There are not a lot of surgical indications

As you can see in the article,

it is only indicated if there are very serious deformities

and if the child is over 8 years old.

For femoral anteversion,

surgical treatment is indicated

if it causes functional or aesthetic problems

at the end of childhood

because spontaneous correction is no longer possible.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

a desrotation femoral splint,

paying attention to anterior iatrogenic hip dislocation

which may be caused by external rotational correction.

You can also use soles that improve internal rotation,

as indicated by the article on the screen.

For varum and valgum knees,

if they are physiological,

they do not require treatment

because they have no associated complications.

In case of rickets, in both cases,

vitamin D treatment is necessary.

In case of varum knee, due to Blount's disease,

treatment is essential,

orthopedic or, in severe cases, surgery.

In the case of a knee valgum caused by trauma,

no action is necessary.

Internal tibial torsion

is spontaneously corrected before the age of 5.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

the use of splints that can be beneficial.

Femoro-tibial if the disorder is unilateral

or Denis-Browne's if it is a bilateral disorder.

The correction of adductus metatarsus

is done with boots or plasters (between 0 and 6 years).

They are effective when they start early

(from the first month after birth)

as indicated in the article on the screen.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

strapping, rigid splints or insoles.

However, if conservative treatment fails,

surgery is indicated.

Hello, everyone, we are in Cristina's clinic.

Hello Cristina.

Hello Esteban.

You're physiotherapist in Valencia.

We will talk about the misalignments of the lower limb and its treatment.


Can you tell us about femoral anteversion treatment?

Of course.

Compared to femoral anteversion,

what is very important is to give advice, recommendations,

so that femoral anteversion does not evolve negatively,

so that it is a normal development in children.

In consultation,

we can start by working on active mobilizations,

external rotations of the hip,

for example by working the gluteus etc

Also, at night,

we can use a night splint to promote this position.

But what we must pay attention to is the anterior dislocation of the hip.

The physiotherapist, for femoral anteversion,

will have a particular role in prevention

to avoid bad positions

and all those that prevent proper hip alignment.

For example,

when a child does not have a good posture when sitting,

what is colloquially called "sitting in a W",

teach him to sit in the Indian position for example.

They are little things that come to help that.

And compared to varum knee or valgum knee,

what can you tell us about the treatment?

So, for varum knee and valgum knee,

despite any panel of techniques we have,

neither claims to correct these two cases,

only surgery with current knowledge can be proposed.

In both cases, if surgery is indicated,

a rehabilitation treatment consist of

progressive knee mobilization,

thermotherapy to relieve pain

and strengthening exercises for

the quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks.

For morphological disorders such as varum or valgum knee,

it seems that Postural Reconstruction

is beneficial for all the pain caused by this anomaly.

But, we lack studies for it,

as the article that appears on the screen says.

And, what about another misalignment

like internal tibial torsion?

So for internal tibial torsion,

no specific treatment was found.

What must be done is to monitor all positions

that prevent spontaneous correction

or those that exacerbate the problem.

Okay, well, and the last one

metatarsus adductus, what can you tell us?

For the metatarsus adductus,

the objectives consist in

a stretching of musculature,

the soft parts that are contracted.

And in fact by being contracted,

they bring the foot inwards.

After that,

decoaptation, abduction and pronation mobilizations

are also included.

Especially in children,

what it's very important

is the stimulation of reflexes and sensory afferences.

For example, with a toothbrush

we will stimulate the outer edge of the foot

and move up towards the musculature.

Okay, to conclude on

the musculoskeletal misalignments of the lower limbs

and as you can see in the article on the screen,

many alterations resolve spontaneously over time.

However, if it exist a deformity,

with medical supervision,

it usually does not cause major problems.

Thank you all very much,

we hope you enjoyed the video!

See you soon !

For more infomation >> Desalineaciones músculo-esqueléticas de miembros inferiores - Duration: 12:33.


你對新任國防部長了解到底有多少 為何一個進入牢獄幾十次的人還深受國民的愛戴 - Duration: 8:19.

For more infomation >> 你對新任國防部長了解到底有多少 為何一個進入牢獄幾十次的人還深受國民的愛戴 - Duration: 8:19.


✅ Eerst mondeling examen, dan pas aangesteld: politici eisen stemrecht over politieke benoemingen - Duration: 1:58.

Federaal parlementsleden Hendrik Bogaert (CD&V) en Dirk Van der Maelen (sp.a) eisen stemrecht over de politieke benoemingen van de regering

Nu heeft het parlement daar weinig over te zeggen. Dat schrijft De Morgen dinsdag

Aanleiding voor het voorstel is de omstreden benoeming van Cédric Frère in de Regentenraad van de Nationale Bank

Bogaert en Van der Maelen zijn het beu dat het parlement niets te zeggen heeft over zulke benoemingen

In een opiniestuk in De Morgen eisen ze dat belangrijke politieke aanstellingen bij overheidsbedrijven en -instellingen, waaronder de Nationale Bank, voortaan langs het parlement passeren

"De kandidaat zou dan voor de commissie verschijnen die bevoegd is voor de betreffende portefeuille", zegt Bogaert

"Daar kan een vragensessie plaatsvinden, waarna de commissie over de kandidatuur stemt

Daarna zet ook de plenaire vergadering het licht op groen."N-VA laat alles liever bij het oude

Volgens de Vlaams-nationalisten wordt een politieke benoeming niet minder politiek als ze van de regering overgeheveld wordt naar het parlement

For more infomation >> ✅ Eerst mondeling examen, dan pas aangesteld: politici eisen stemrecht over politieke benoemingen - Duration: 1:58.


Watch Beat Shazam Season ...

For more infomation >> Watch Beat Shazam Season ...


Suzuki S-Cross 1.4 HIGH EXECUTIVE Adapt. Cruise | Navi | Open dak - Duration: 1:09.

For more infomation >> Suzuki S-Cross 1.4 HIGH EXECUTIVE Adapt. Cruise | Navi | Open dak - Duration: 1:09.



For more infomation >> Opel Corsa 1.3 CDTI ECOFLEX S/S DESIGN EDITION AIRCO - CRUISE - ELEKTR PAKKET - LMV - - Duration: 1:11.


Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S CONNECT EDITION, Navi / 360 camera / Climate control / Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:12.

For more infomation >> Nissan Note 1.2 DIG-S CONNECT EDITION, Navi / 360 camera / Climate control / Lichtmetalen velgen - Duration: 1:12.


Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse 180 SPORT Urban Automaat Fin.Lease v.a 385,- per mnd Navigatie, Bi-xenon, s - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Mercedes-Benz GLA-Klasse 180 SPORT Urban Automaat Fin.Lease v.a 385,- per mnd Navigatie, Bi-xenon, s - Duration: 1:10.


Une recette simple et puissante pour éloigner le cancer de l'estomac | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Une recette simple et puissante pour éloigner le cancer de l'estomac | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:27.


Volkswagen Multivan T6 2.0 TDI 204 PK DSG Dub/Cab Highline | ACC | 5 pers. DYNAMIC DRIVE CONTROL | S - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Multivan T6 2.0 TDI 204 PK DSG Dub/Cab Highline | ACC | 5 pers. DYNAMIC DRIVE CONTROL | S - Duration: 1:07.


Ce que votre groupe sanguin dit de vous ! Ceux du groupe A seront surpris ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Ce que votre groupe sanguin dit de vous ! Ceux du groupe A seront surpris ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:05.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon |2 Eigenaren|Airco| - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon |2 Eigenaren|Airco| - Duration: 1:04.


Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI ACT HIGHLINE BUSINESS R - Duration: 1:07.

For more infomation >> Volkswagen Passat Variant 1.4 TSI ACT HIGHLINE BUSINESS R - Duration: 1:07.


ポルシェ初の電気自動車「ミッションE」最新情報!打倒テスラで発売日は2020年? - Duration: 13:20.

For more infomation >> ポルシェ初の電気自動車「ミッションE」最新情報!打倒テスラで発売日は2020年? - Duration: 13:20.


今日財庫大開,豪氣沖天,別人窮他們大發的6大生肖! - Duration: 6:35.

For more infomation >> 今日財庫大開,豪氣沖天,別人窮他們大發的6大生肖! - Duration: 6:35.


平時高冷,喜歡獨來獨往,不受束縛的3個星座 - Duration: 5:02.

For more infomation >> 平時高冷,喜歡獨來獨往,不受束縛的3個星座 - Duration: 5:02.


Surprise birthday party for Daddy! Cooking. Kids. Family Fun. toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:14.

Wow . I am so moved


Daddy will be happy when he receive this birthday card

Mommy! It is so difficult

I will give a awesome paper plane to my daddy

Daddy! happy birthday and I love you so much

I am cooking for my daddy

I am so excited

How do you feel ?

I'm a little tense



My little angel

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Keep going

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear my dad

Happy birthday to you

Thank you so much

What is this?

My birthday card?

So pretty

I am moved

Look at this

You did all this ?


Riwon and Mommy did it together

I am so moved

Thank you

Who made this dishes ?

I did


I will eat the fried egg which is made my RIWON

I am wondering how does it taste


Better than mom ?

Almost equal

But my cooking is better right? Yes.

For more infomation >> Surprise birthday party for Daddy! Cooking. Kids. Family Fun. toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:14.


賈乃亮、李小璐爆簽字離婚! 甜馨「愛心餐」洩撫養權網震怒 - Duration: 2:43.

For more infomation >> 賈乃亮、李小璐爆簽字離婚! 甜馨「愛心餐」洩撫養權網震怒 - Duration: 2:43.


Pies zambos - Duration: 9:08.

Hello and welcome, everyone, to our program for physiotherapy students.

Today we are going to talk about a theme that can affect children:

the club foot

What is it ?

The club foot, also known as equine varus foot,

is a congenital condition that affects the muscles and bones of the foot.

As you can see on the screen, instead of having the typical shape of a normal foot

the clubfoot faces down and turns inward.

There are three types of clubfoot

the idiopathic, the causes are unknown and it's the most common form

the positional, which is due to an abnormal in-utero position,

and the last, the teratological which can be the manifestation of a neuromuscular disorder

Compared to epidemiology, about 1 in 1,000 babies is born with clubfoot

Idiopathic clubfoot affects boys more frequently

and is bilateral in 50% of cases.

However, as you can see on the screen

there are studies that show that there is no gender predominance.

Let's continue there and talk about the signs and symptoms,

and for that, we will join our journalist, Amanda

who investigated the subject.

Let's keep going.

Hello Amanda

Hello, Céline

Can you tell us a little bit about the signs and symptoms of the clubfoot?

Of course.


clubfoot doesn't cause pain or discomfort until the baby or child starts to get up or walk.

It is identified on 4 typical deformations which are: equine, varus, adduct, cavus.

Okay, and at the motor level?

What can we find in club foot?

At motor level, the foot will be very rigid,

the joint doesn't allow normal movement.

This is what we see when the baby starts walking,

he'll have an unsteady gait.

If both feet are affected, he walks on his toes.

If the foot is very twisted, the child will walk on the edges of the feet.

Let's talk a bit about evolution and prognosis.

What is the medical prognosis?

The prognosis is generally favorable, if the treatment is early

but without treatment, the correction cannot be spontaneous.

Okay, what about the functional level?

At the functional level, it is the same thing, without treatment there is no spontaneous correction

and this will have repercussions on the independence of the patient.

Okay thank you so much

Treatment should begin immediately after birth.

For orthopedic treatment, the Ponseti method is often used.

Some studies have compared this method with another treatment

and have concluded that it is an effective method that reduces the number of surgical procedures.

Another study of twelve articles on this method concludes that it is an effective treatment to correct clubfoot.

Surgery is indicated

only if the normal position of the foot

has not been reached with the Ponseti method

or other conservative treatments before the age of three months.

The aim of the operation

is to obtain a total correction of the foot

when the child reaches walking age.

After the procedure,

a cast is applied and once removed,

the child must wear soles

the child must wear special soles or shoes for at least one year.

The Ponseti method has proven to be very effective in clubfoot management.

So we go to France to visit a clubfoot specialist.

Come in!


Hello, nice to meet you Amanda.

Nice to meet you.

Sit down!

thank you very much

So we are in the clinic of Olivier

specialist of clubfoot

and we would like to have more information in relation to our investigation

and especially compared to the Ponseti method

So the Ponseti method is the "gold standard" of treatments for the club foot

it is the reference in the field.

It applies for idiopathic clubfoot

so the causes are unknown

these are clubfoot for which we have no explanation

It breaks down into three stages:

Okay, and what are these three steps?

The first step is a correction step

therefore of manual therapy of the club foot

to put it, in the physiological axis


We correct with gentle and precise foot mobilizations.

At the end of the session, we secure the foot with a cast,

who will fix the correction.

It should also be known that this technique applies during fourth at eight week


In some cases a tenotomy is performed, it's a section of the Achilles tendon

Compared to cast,

so here I have three casts at different stages.

So the first cast, at the primitive stage of the disease, we can see it well in inversion.

Second cast, in a neutral position which corresponds to a median stage of the disease,

more central.

And we must arrive normally, at the end of the treatment, almost in eversion.

We will have a cast in eversion, that is to say in external rotation, abduction and dorsal flexion.

So here for the casts, for the evolution of the treatment of the first stage

The second stage is organized around a splint of Denis-Browne,

it is a splint that fixes the correction to avoid recurrences,

in reverse position of the club foot.

And depending on the age, it will be put on a child at least two years,

for the splint to be effective,

as the article on the screen shows

Okay. And for the last step?

And the third step is a follow-up step,

so we have more or less finished the treatment,

We are in control monitoring.

So there, once or twice a year, the child will come to be controlled by a medical team.

The follow up is until the age of adolescence,

around 14 years old for girls

and 16 years old for boys.

Until the end of bone growth

After that, treatment following the Ponseti method is normally completed.

So after these indications, compared to the Ponseti method

I imagine there is a physiotherapy treatment adapted. Can you tell us about it?

Can you tell us about it?

Yes, of course

There exist a physiotherapy treatment,

which will take place in several exercises,

therefore passive mobilizations

in the opposite directions of the club foot

stretching to flexibilize the whole musculature,

strengthening of foot's everters muscles

and also contention

in the form of splints, plasters or bandages.

It should be known that this physio treatment can be very effective

and recent studies show that after one year of physiotherapy

we can have very satisfactory results.

Okay, so it's really encouraging anyway

And thank you for your participation Olivier.

thank you


Clubfoot is a common orthopedic deformity

There is no cure, however

with early management, appropriate treatment and regular follow-up,

the correction of the foot of the child will allow him to live like the others.

Thank you for your attention for this first video,

we hope you liked the video!

We are waiting you for the next !

For more infomation >> Pies zambos - Duration: 9:08.


Desalineaciones músculo-esqueléticas de miembros inferiores - Duration: 12:33.


And welcome everyone

to our youtube program students in physiotherapy.

Today, new topic

and we will talk about

the musculoskeletal misalignments of the lower limbs

that can affect children.

We start with femoral anteversion.

This is a condition

where the femoral neck leans forward,

causing an internal rotation of the entire tip.

The causes can be multiple

such as a decrease in intrauterine space

an abnormal position of the fetus

muscle imbalance

or the presence of a condition called oligohydramnios.

It's a deficient volume of amniotic fluid

Epidemiologically, it affects girls more often than boys.

We continue

with the knee varum and the knee valgum.

The varum knee

is a deviation of the leg towards the outside

i.e. the knees deflect towards the outside.

It is physiological between 0 and 2 years old.

Therefore, a pathologic varum

may be caused by rickets or Blount's disease.

A valgum knee is almost the opposite,

the legs are deflected inward

the knees are inward.

It is physiological after the age of 2 years old.

A pathologic valgum may be caused by


kidney failure,

certain diseases such as Marfan syndrome,

the presence of a neurologic condition such as polio,

or the presence of a trauma such as a fracture.

In both cases,

no epidemiological data were found

because they are considered benign orthopedic conditions.

We continue

with internal tibial torsion.

It's a deviation into the tibial bone.

It can be caused by

a poor intrauterine position

or the presence of femoral anteversion.


it affects both boys and girls.

We finish with the adductus metatarsus

is a deformation of the metatarsal

characterized by a deformation

of the foot inwards.

It corresponds to the association of two deviations

which are the adduction and supination

of the forefoot relative to the hindfoot.

It can be caused by

the presence of oligohydramnios

or a poor intrauterine position.

Regarding epidemiology,

about 1/400 children are born with an adductus metatarsus.

We continue with Amanda

to talk about the signs and symptoms

We start with Ricardo,

Leonard's father,

who has the following question:

My son sits in a W,

and he sleeps upside down with the magpies inside.

Do I have to worry?

Ricardo, according to the description,

it appears to be a sign of femoral anteversion.

Compared to the prognosis,

there's nothing to worry about.

This is a normal variation in the child's development.

In most cases,

it will return to a normal position

without treatment being necessary.

However, in adulthood,

this could cause coxarthrosis.

Second question.

Araceli, Nina's mother, 1 year old

When Nina is standing or walking,

her knees separate and her ankles come closer.

That's normal ?


at this moment, there's nothing to worry about.

It's normal development,

it's a varum knee.

Now, there is no problem,

but if it gets worse or if it persists

after her two years,

you will have to consult.

With respect to prognosis,

as you can see on the article on the screen,

one of the consequences of a varum knee

is arthritis

in the medial compartment of the knee.

Next question from Jonathan.

My son has a very curved right foot.

like the shape of a banana

He is 4 years old

Do we have to worry ?


according to the description,

we can think of a metartarsus adductus.

As you can see from the article on the screen,

metartarsus adductus causes

an increase in plantar pressure on the lateral edges of the feet.

If I were you,

I'd go to the doctor,

even though it disappears as an adult.

The last question.

Manual, Tiago's mother, 17 months old

He started walking two months ago,

but it looks like his legs are turning in.

He walks with his feet inwards.

Is it something abnormal?


Tiago is still little,

according to what you said,

it would seem that it is an internal tibial torsion.

According to evolution

it is a physiological phenomenon

that corrects itself


before the age of 5 years.

I'd watch him, but I wouldn't worry.

For malformations in children,

There are not a lot of surgical indications

As you can see in the article,

it is only indicated if there are very serious deformities

and if the child is over 8 years old.

For femoral anteversion,

surgical treatment is indicated

if it causes functional or aesthetic problems

at the end of childhood

because spontaneous correction is no longer possible.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

a desrotation femoral splint,

paying attention to anterior iatrogenic hip dislocation

which may be caused by external rotational correction.

You can also use soles that improve internal rotation,

as indicated by the article on the screen.

For varum and valgum knees,

if they are physiological,

they do not require treatment

because they have no associated complications.

In case of rickets, in both cases,

vitamin D treatment is necessary.

In case of varum knee, due to Blount's disease,

treatment is essential,

orthopedic or, in severe cases, surgery.

In the case of a knee valgum caused by trauma,

no action is necessary.

Internal tibial torsion

is spontaneously corrected before the age of 5.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

the use of splints that can be beneficial.

Femoro-tibial if the disorder is unilateral

or Denis-Browne's if it is a bilateral disorder.

The correction of adductus metatarsus

is done with boots or plasters (between 0 and 6 years).

They are effective when they start early

(from the first month after birth)

as indicated in the article on the screen.

Orthopaedic treatment includes

strapping, rigid splints or insoles.

However, if conservative treatment fails,

surgery is indicated.

Hello, everyone, we are in Cristina's clinic.

Hello Cristina.

Hello Esteban.

You're physiotherapist in Valencia.

We will talk about the misalignments of the lower limb and its treatment.


Can you tell us about femoral anteversion treatment?

Of course.

Compared to femoral anteversion,

what is very important is to give advice, recommendations,

so that femoral anteversion does not evolve negatively,

so that it is a normal development in children.

In consultation,

we can start by working on active mobilizations,

external rotations of the hip,

for example by working the gluteus etc

Also, at night,

we can use a night splint to promote this position.

But what we must pay attention to is the anterior dislocation of the hip.

The physiotherapist, for femoral anteversion,

will have a particular role in prevention

to avoid bad positions

and all those that prevent proper hip alignment.

For example,

when a child does not have a good posture when sitting,

what is colloquially called "sitting in a W",

teach him to sit in the Indian position for example.

They are little things that come to help that.

And compared to varum knee or valgum knee,

what can you tell us about the treatment?

So, for varum knee and valgum knee,

despite any panel of techniques we have,

neither claims to correct these two cases,

only surgery with current knowledge can be proposed.

In both cases, if surgery is indicated,

a rehabilitation treatment consist of

progressive knee mobilization,

thermotherapy to relieve pain

and strengthening exercises for

the quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks.

For morphological disorders such as varum or valgum knee,

it seems that Postural Reconstruction

is beneficial for all the pain caused by this anomaly.

But, we lack studies for it,

as the article that appears on the screen says.

And, what about another misalignment

like internal tibial torsion?

So for internal tibial torsion,

no specific treatment was found.

What must be done is to monitor all positions

that prevent spontaneous correction

or those that exacerbate the problem.

Okay, well, and the last one

metatarsus adductus, what can you tell us?

For the metatarsus adductus,

the objectives consist in

a stretching of musculature,

the soft parts that are contracted.

And in fact by being contracted,

they bring the foot inwards.

After that,

decoaptation, abduction and pronation mobilizations

are also included.

Especially in children,

what it's very important

is the stimulation of reflexes and sensory afferences.

For example, with a toothbrush

we will stimulate the outer edge of the foot

and move up towards the musculature.

Okay, to conclude on

the musculoskeletal misalignments of the lower limbs

and as you can see in the article on the screen,

many alterations resolve spontaneously over time.

However, if it exist a deformity,

with medical supervision,

it usually does not cause major problems.

Thank you all very much,

we hope you enjoyed the video!

See you soon !

For more infomation >> Desalineaciones músculo-esqueléticas de miembros inferiores - Duration: 12:33.


Bryson Tiller Type Beat 2018 ...

For more infomation >> Bryson Tiller Type Beat 2018 ...


BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Design Edition M-Sport | 7 Persoons | Shadow Line | Surround View - Duration: 1:14.

For more infomation >> BMW X5 3.0d xDrive High Executive Design Edition M-Sport | 7 Persoons | Shadow Line | Surround View - Duration: 1:14.


Volvo V50 1.6D 109pk Edition I ECC/LMV/Trekhaak/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:11.

For more infomation >> Volvo V50 1.6D 109pk Edition I ECC/LMV/Trekhaak/1e Eigenaar - Duration: 1:11.


Girl with 3-D printed right hand to throw out first pitch at Indians game - Duration: 2:41.

For more infomation >> Girl with 3-D printed right hand to throw out first pitch at Indians game - Duration: 2:41.


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For more infomation >> Assemblyman Denny Farrell Dies - Duration: 0:23.


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For more infomation >> Psychologie du pardon : le détachement de la rancune pour nous permettre d'avancer - Duration: 9:41.


Doki Doki Literature Club is NOT a masterpiece - Duration: 7:39.

For more infomation >> Doki Doki Literature Club is NOT a masterpiece - Duration: 7:39.


Coming Soon In North Vancouver - 702 Plymouth Drive - Duration: 2:07.

Hi, it's Craig Veroni with RE/MAX Masters Realty. I'm here to give you a sneak peek

of my newest listing coming very soon in North Vancouver.

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The home is situated on a corner view lot. The backyard is stunning with

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throughout the backyard creating unique zones where one can soak up the ambiance.

There's even a fire pit area, flowerbeds, vegetable gardens, everything to keep an

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Another amazing feature of this home, of course, is its location it's situated in

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Want to head over to the new North Woods Village and

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If you'd like to learn more about this terrific family home and be notified when it does hit the MLS

I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a great day and

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For more infomation >> Coming Soon In North Vancouver - 702 Plymouth Drive - Duration: 2:07.


Fate/Grand Order Guda Guda Meijin Ishin Chapter 7 [English Subbed] - Duration: 6:29.

----I've finally reached you.

Really, you've just been propagating the Nobus wantonly.

...I was no match for Sister after all.

Why am I so incompetent?

Man, I have to doubt if I share the same blood with my sister.

Why, it's just that. How do I put it, it's just how things were in those days. It was no one's fault, that was just how the era was.

I guess that's right....

But to place my fate in Sister's hands is my long-cherished desire. Now, please do it gently. I'm not good with pain.

---Yeah. Then, farewell, Nobukatsu.

Choice 1: Hold on! Choice 2: Nobu, stay!


Eh? Ehh?


Well, I'm pretty much lenient on my relatives, so I suppose you could call this my nature.

Choice: Nobu... I believed in you.

A-Aawaaau~! I...! I....! (Sob)

Eii, don't stick close to me, it's disgusting! The final boss is still around!

That's right... the corpse of the demon pillar, no, the Golden Demonic Taikou!

Translation by taiboo. Subs by me.

Farewell, My Beloved Gudaguda World

I am the Golden Demonic Taikou Hideyoshi... The one who gives eternal life!

Silence, you garbage can of a demon pillar! Eii, Chacha! Open your eyes now under that mask of yours!

It's disappointing that someone who shares the same blood as I can only do so much!


Chacha-san! ...Thank goodness, it looks like she hadn't been completely absorbed!

I-it's not that, Aunty, everything is Chacha's fault. His Highness, Sute, and Hiroi...

Everyone who protected the Toyotomi...

Chacha was blamed...., the woman who brought the Toyotomi to ruin... the woman of unprecedented wickedness...! The delusion of the Toyotomi gone mad...!

Inside Chacha's body it continues to burn... like that day... Forever, and ever!

Heh, did he come... that monkey.

Listen, Chacha. I know the monkey well. He can be happy-go-lucky yet calculative, emotionally fragile yet cruel without compare.

Although he is that double-faced, he regardless shines and sparkles, truly a man akin to the sun.

It is not strange that he took command of the world after me.

But, even for him there is one thing that he can't do. Chacha, you should know it well too.

He is---

"Someone who can't raise his head only in front of the woman he loves"!


Y-yes, that's right! His Highness was always gentle to Chacha alone! Only to Chacha!

Then, the voice that I hear from this pillar is...!?

Why... why do you reject... Toyotomi too... your children too... they will continue to exist forever.

The cat is out of the bag, or should I say the demon pillar is out?

Well, regardless, you cocky thing that tricked Chacha and captured her...

So what does it mean?

That is a genuine corpse of a demon pillar.

During that battle, it was probably one that became strongly aware of life as an individual.

And what happened after it became self-aware of life? Of course, it began to fear its own destruction.

While the other demon pillars remained behind on the battlefield with their respective questions about life,

thinking that "I don't want to die", it fled that sector. But it no longer had enough strength, and died here, leaving only its obsession behind.

Eh? Could it be that you've already grasped its true form? Yes, that is something formed by the residual thoughts of the demon pillar.

Even if it is a floating corpse, even if it has rotted, it is still a demon pillar. Its remains are a powerful cursed tool.

That demon pillar combined, fused with the wish that "I don't want to die", and manifested something akin to a Holy Grail.

It can be likened to a vile parasite. Without a Heroic Spirit's Saint Graph as its host, it would be unable to maintain its own existence.

I see, so if we separate Chacha from it, then that space should return to normal.

Choice 1: Da Vinci-chan! Choice 2: Thank you too, Mashu!

Then, let's finish this final task, Gudako!

Chacha, we'll peel you away from that garbage right now!

Choice: Just hang in there for a little longer!

Aunty, Gudako...!

Yeah! Chacha'll try her best!

Let~ me~ go!

Ah, fire is coming out of my hands and burning stuff!

------It seems that we're done talking.

In the end we just have to cut it up, then.

If that's the case, quickly go and do it...!

Hijikata-san, you're always all about that, aren't you...

Anyway, let's settle this quickly!

To be honest, my remaining HP is also a little...


Choice 1: Let's go, everyone! This is the final fight! Choice 2: The Oda shogunate and the Shinsengumi joining hands... the Oshin Alliance has been formed!

Umu, feel our power!

Demon Pillar Andras: I, I don't want to die... I don't want to die... I don't want to die here in a place like this...

Demon Pillar Andras: Please, let me find a world where I am alone... where I can continue to live...

Demon Pillar Andras: I don't need a purpose. I need neither ideals nor faith. Conquest, subjugation, exploration, development, friendship, farewells, none of these are needed.

Demon Pillar Andras: I... just want to experience for a while longer this "I" that has been obtained---

Hm? What is this place...?

Chacha was definitely engulfed by flames back then...

I see, so this is hell...

I don't want to die... I don't want to die...

What, what are you!? A-A demon pillar!? Don't get close to Chacha...!

Chacha...? The records say... Destroyed the Toyotomi...? I see, so you have been destroyed too...

As I am about to die, I am working hard to understand that emotion. Give me your hand... if this body assimilates with yours...

S-stop! The... the one who destroyed the Toyotomi wasn't Chacha...!

Chacha just wanted to save Hiroi...!

I see, it has been branded in history... the one who became the woman of destruction, would be fitting for my residence...

Those who refuse destruction, those who turn their eyes away from destruction are truly fitting to be my ally.

The princess of infernal hell, your strong regrets have become a lighthouse for I who have been adrift in this sea of death...!

That's wrong! Chacha isn't some woman of destruction...!

Chacha is... Chacha is...!

...Disappearing... disappearing... The woman who rejected destruction has not accepted eternal life.

...Humans are incomprehensible. Life is difficult, but...

Just one, clear answer was reached. Living without meaning is not a voyage, but merely drifting---

---I. I have made a mistake in the order, of the questions about life that I obtained.

I'm saved! Gudako!

Good work saving Chacha! Get your reward from my Aunty!

What are you saying...

This whole mess happened in the first place because you were captured by the demon pillar...

There there, all's well that ends well. Isn't it fine that everyone is alright?

It looks like it's about time to part, Sister....

Eh? Nobukatsu-san!? Why are you disappearing!?

Well, see, I'm a small fry so I'm not anything like a Heroic Spirit's vessel.

My Saint Graph was maintained only thanks to the demon pillar, it seems.

Even though you went out of your way to save me, it looks like I have to part with you all here.


Don't be like that, Sister. Nobukatsu isn't a younger brother who should be missed with such a death.

I'm a foolish little brother that was too jealous of his excellent sister and started a rebellion.

I see... that's right...

Well, take care.

No, no, I'm going to disappear so telling me to take care is a little...

Anyway, Sister, one last word.

What is it? No problem, let's hear it.

---I'll leave the rest to you, Sister.

...Leaving the rest to me, that idiot said. How could there be someone who'd leave behind the exact same dying words twice...?

Choice: Nobu....

I'm sorry for interrupting.

The demon pillar that created that space has disappeared. Wouldn't it be good to escape about now?

That's right, you better hurry, senpai! If not, it will be like that time again when the space...

Eh? It's not collapsing...

Huh? Really? Could there still be some fragments of the demon pillar left?

Eh? Is something strange still stuck to Chacha? Gudako! Take it off, take it off!

-----No, that's not it.

Hey, the Shinsengumi's...!

---Hm, that seems to be the case.

Eh? Hijikata...san...!?

For more infomation >> Fate/Grand Order Guda Guda Meijin Ishin Chapter 7 [English Subbed] - Duration: 6:29.


Surprise birthday party for Daddy! Cooking. Kids. Family Fun. toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:14.

Wow . I am so moved


Daddy will be happy when he receive this birthday card

Mommy! It is so difficult

I will give a awesome paper plane to my daddy

Daddy! happy birthday and I love you so much

I am cooking for my daddy

I am so excited

How do you feel ?

I'm a little tense



My little angel

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Keep going

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear my dad

Happy birthday to you

Thank you so much

What is this?

My birthday card?

So pretty

I am moved

Look at this

You did all this ?


Riwon and Mommy did it together

I am so moved

Thank you

Who made this dishes ?

I did


I will eat the fried egg which is made my RIWON

I am wondering how does it taste


Better than mom ?

Almost equal

But my cooking is better right? Yes.

For more infomation >> Surprise birthday party for Daddy! Cooking. Kids. Family Fun. toy. RIWORLD - Duration: 3:14.


Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon |2 Eigenaren|Airco| - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Kia cee'd Sporty Wagon |2 Eigenaren|Airco| - Duration: 1:04.


Les 10 bienfaits de l'eau de coco pour votre santé - Duration: 8:31.

For more infomation >> Les 10 bienfaits de l'eau de coco pour votre santé - Duration: 8:31.


Décou­vrez Live It Up, l'hymne offi­ciel de la Coupe du Monde par Will Smith et Nicky Jam - Duration: 3:36.

For more infomation >> Décou­vrez Live It Up, l'hymne offi­ciel de la Coupe du Monde par Will Smith et Nicky Jam - Duration: 3:36.


5 aliments anti-cancer que vous devez avoir dans votre assiette - Duration: 7:51.

For more infomation >> 5 aliments anti-cancer que vous devez avoir dans votre assiette - Duration: 7:51.


Ce que votre groupe sanguin dit de vous ! Ceux du groupe A seront surpris ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:05.

For more infomation >> Ce que votre groupe sanguin dit de vous ! Ceux du groupe A seront surpris ! | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 10:05.


Une recette simple et puissante pour éloigner le cancer de l'estomac | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:27.

For more infomation >> Une recette simple et puissante pour éloigner le cancer de l'estomac | S.Jill Vargas - Duration: 9:27.


Pies zambos - Duration: 9:08.

Hello and welcome, everyone, to our program for physiotherapy students.

Today we are going to talk about a theme that can affect children:

the club foot

What is it ?

The club foot, also known as equine varus foot,

is a congenital condition that affects the muscles and bones of the foot.

As you can see on the screen, instead of having the typical shape of a normal foot

the clubfoot faces down and turns inward.

There are three types of clubfoot

the idiopathic, the causes are unknown and it's the most common form

the positional, which is due to an abnormal in-utero position,

and the last, the teratological which can be the manifestation of a neuromuscular disorder

Compared to epidemiology, about 1 in 1,000 babies is born with clubfoot

Idiopathic clubfoot affects boys more frequently

and is bilateral in 50% of cases.

However, as you can see on the screen

there are studies that show that there is no gender predominance.

Let's continue there and talk about the signs and symptoms,

and for that, we will join our journalist, Amanda

who investigated the subject.

Let's keep going.

Hello Amanda

Hello, Céline

Can you tell us a little bit about the signs and symptoms of the clubfoot?

Of course.


clubfoot doesn't cause pain or discomfort until the baby or child starts to get up or walk.

It is identified on 4 typical deformations which are: equine, varus, adduct, cavus.

Okay, and at the motor level?

What can we find in club foot?

At motor level, the foot will be very rigid,

the joint doesn't allow normal movement.

This is what we see when the baby starts walking,

he'll have an unsteady gait.

If both feet are affected, he walks on his toes.

If the foot is very twisted, the child will walk on the edges of the feet.

Let's talk a bit about evolution and prognosis.

What is the medical prognosis?

The prognosis is generally favorable, if the treatment is early

but without treatment, the correction cannot be spontaneous.

Okay, what about the functional level?

At the functional level, it is the same thing, without treatment there is no spontaneous correction

and this will have repercussions on the independence of the patient.

Okay thank you so much

Treatment should begin immediately after birth.

For orthopedic treatment, the Ponseti method is often used.

Some studies have compared this method with another treatment

and have concluded that it is an effective method that reduces the number of surgical procedures.

Another study of twelve articles on this method concludes that it is an effective treatment to correct clubfoot.

Surgery is indicated

only if the normal position of the foot

has not been reached with the Ponseti method

or other conservative treatments before the age of three months.

The aim of the operation

is to obtain a total correction of the foot

when the child reaches walking age.

After the procedure,

a cast is applied and once removed,

the child must wear soles

the child must wear special soles or shoes for at least one year.

The Ponseti method has proven to be very effective in clubfoot management.

So we go to France to visit a clubfoot specialist.

Come in!


Hello, nice to meet you Amanda.

Nice to meet you.

Sit down!

thank you very much

So we are in the clinic of Olivier

specialist of clubfoot

and we would like to have more information in relation to our investigation

and especially compared to the Ponseti method

So the Ponseti method is the "gold standard" of treatments for the club foot

it is the reference in the field.

It applies for idiopathic clubfoot

so the causes are unknown

these are clubfoot for which we have no explanation

It breaks down into three stages:

Okay, and what are these three steps?

The first step is a correction step

therefore of manual therapy of the club foot

to put it, in the physiological axis


We correct with gentle and precise foot mobilizations.

At the end of the session, we secure the foot with a cast,

who will fix the correction.

It should also be known that this technique applies during fourth at eight week


In some cases a tenotomy is performed, it's a section of the Achilles tendon

Compared to cast,

so here I have three casts at different stages.

So the first cast, at the primitive stage of the disease, we can see it well in inversion.

Second cast, in a neutral position which corresponds to a median stage of the disease,

more central.

And we must arrive normally, at the end of the treatment, almost in eversion.

We will have a cast in eversion, that is to say in external rotation, abduction and dorsal flexion.

So here for the casts, for the evolution of the treatment of the first stage

The second stage is organized around a splint of Denis-Browne,

it is a splint that fixes the correction to avoid recurrences,

in reverse position of the club foot.

And depending on the age, it will be put on a child at least two years,

for the splint to be effective,

as the article on the screen shows

Okay. And for the last step?

And the third step is a follow-up step,

so we have more or less finished the treatment,

We are in control monitoring.

So there, once or twice a year, the child will come to be controlled by a medical team.

The follow up is until the age of adolescence,

around 14 years old for girls

and 16 years old for boys.

Until the end of bone growth

After that, treatment following the Ponseti method is normally completed.

So after these indications, compared to the Ponseti method

I imagine there is a physiotherapy treatment adapted. Can you tell us about it?

Can you tell us about it?

Yes, of course

There exist a physiotherapy treatment,

which will take place in several exercises,

therefore passive mobilizations

in the opposite directions of the club foot

stretching to flexibilize the whole musculature,

strengthening of foot's everters muscles

and also contention

in the form of splints, plasters or bandages.

It should be known that this physio treatment can be very effective

and recent studies show that after one year of physiotherapy

we can have very satisfactory results.

Okay, so it's really encouraging anyway

And thank you for your participation Olivier.

thank you


Clubfoot is a common orthopedic deformity

There is no cure, however

with early management, appropriate treatment and regular follow-up,

the correction of the foot of the child will allow him to live like the others.

Thank you for your attention for this first video,

we hope you liked the video!

We are waiting you for the next !

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